Missouri Directory of Radio Columbia Concordia Crestwood De

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Missouri Directory of Radio Columbia Concordia Crestwood De Missouri Directory of Radio ding, gen sls mgr; Kenny Treece, mus dir; Tim Lawson, News/talk, Americana. News staff one; news progmg 68 Dexter news dir; Charlie Branscomb, engrg dir. hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 -54: well educated, upwardly mo- bile. Spec prog: Blues 13 hrs, Black 10 hrs, AAA 10 hrs, KDEX -FM -July 17, 1969: 102.3 mhz; 6 kw. Ant 279 ft. KLRO(FM)-Oct 5, 1990:96.1 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 987 ft. Grateful Dead 6 hrs, jazz 4 hrs. gospel 3 hrs, bluegrass TL: N36 4718 W89 54 22. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Box 249, TL: N38 28 27 W93 30 28. Hrs opn: 24. Box 446, Suites 6 hrs, folk 2 hrs wkly. 20487 State Hwy. 114 (63841). (573) 624-3545; (573) 9 & 10, 702 E. Ohio (64735). (660) 885 -7517; (660) 885- 624 -3591. FAX: (573) 624 -9926. Licensee: Dexter FAX: 7510. (660) 885 -8318. Licensee: B & F Broadcast- KPLA(FM) -Feb 23, 1983:101.5 mhz; 42 kw. Ant 1,062 Broadcasting Inc. (acq 7- 15 -88). Net: ABC /D, AP; Prog ing Inc. Verner, Liipfert, McPherson Wash arty: Bernhard, ft. TL: N39 00 52 W9216 32. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24.503 Old Farm, Yancey Action. Wash ally: Fisher, Wayland, Coo- & Hand. Format: rock. News Classic staff one; news 63 N. (65201); 221 1/2 Madison St., Jefferson City per, Leader & Zaragoza. Format: Modern country. News progmg 3 hrs wkly. Target aud: 18 -50; young adults. (65101). (573) 442 -3116. FAX: (573) 449 -7770. Licen- staff 2; news progmg 5 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25-54. Nicole A. Blank, CEO; John M. Blank, chmn & engrg mgr; see: Columbia FM Inc. Format: Adult contemp. News staff Walter F. Turner, pres, gen mgr, gen sls mgr, rgnl sls mgr Dr. Bradley M. Townsend, pres; Ken Dillon, stn mgr &opns - 2; news progmg one hr wkly. Target aud: 25 -54. AI Ger & mktg dir; Barbara B. Turner, CFO, vp, stn mgr & natl sls mgr; Darla Dillon, prom dir; Barry Wilson, chief engr. mond, chmn; Dave Baugher, pres; John Ott, vp & gen mgr; Joeli Barbour, prom dir, mus dir & pub affrs dir; Tony mgr; Scott Boltz, gen sls mgr; Michael Perry, natl SIS mgr; James, progmg dir; Dave Obergoenner, chief engr. Shannon Phelps, prom dir; Jim Littrell, progmg dir; Brian Columbia Hauswirth, news dir; Sarah Hunter, pub affrs dir; Dave KDEX(AM) -Feb 1, 1956: 1590 khz; 620 w -D, 78 w -N. KBIA(FM) -1972: 91.3 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 610 ft. TL: N38 Taylor, engrg dir. TL: N36 47 20 W89 54 28. Hrs opn: 5 AM- midnight. Dups 15 48. FM 100%. (573) 624-3545; (573) 624 -3591; FAX: (573) 53 16 W92 Stereo. Univ. of Missouri, Columbia KTGR(AM) -Listing follows KCMQ(FM). Campus, 409 Jesse Hall (65211). (573) 882.3431. FAX: 624-9926. Barbara B. Turner, gen sls mgr. (573) 882 -2636. Licensee: Board of Curators, University *KW WC-FM-Feb 2, 1965: 90.5 mhz; 1.25 kw. Ant 131 of Missouri. Group owner: The Curators of the University ft. TL: N38 57 12 W921905. Stereo. Box 2114, Stephens Doniphan of Missouri. Net: NPR, PRI. Wash arty: Fisher, Wayland, College (65215). (573) 876 -7297; (573) 876 -7272. FAX: Cooper, Leader & Zaragoza. Format: News, class. News (573) 876 -7248. Licensee: Stephens College. Format: KDFN(AM) -Feb 4, 1963: 1500 khz; 2.5 kw-D, DA. TL: staff 3; news progmg 56 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25.64. Big band, jazz, rhythm & blues. News progmg 5 hrs wkly. N36 36 53 W90 49 23. Box 426 (63935). (573) 996 -3124. Michael Dunn, gen mgr; Roger Karwoski, stn mgr& chief Target aud: 25-60; college educated, professional or re- FAX: (573) 996 -5328. Licensee: Eagle Bluff Enterprises engr; John Bailey, dev dir; Robert Wells, gen sls mgr; tired with middle upper income. Spec prog: Progsv 18 (group owner; acq 9-8-99; grpsl). Net: ABC /E; Missour- Susan Cameron, prom mgr; Peter Whorl, progmg dir. hrs, info 5 hrs, Broadway 6 hrs, reggae 4 hrs wkly. Dr. Met. Format: C &W. News staff one. Target aud: General. Robert Badal, CEO & CFO: Dr. Marcia Kierscht, pres; Spec prog: Farm 5 hrs wkly. Steven Fuchs, pres; Gary KBXR(FM) -Nov 11, 1994: 102.3 mhz; 88 kw. Ant 420 Elizabeth Clark, gen mgr: John Blakemore, mktg dir; Max Lee, gen mgr, gen sls mgr & progmg dir; Dale Monroe, ft. TL: N38 57 21 W92 16 24. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24.503 Old Orneles, chief engr news dir; Raymond Hodo, chief engr. 63 N. (65201). (573) 443-1524. FAX: (573) 449-7770. Licensee: Ft. Smith FM Inc. (acq 8-5-97; $650,000 plus KOEA(FM) -Co -owned with KDFN(AM). Apr 11, 1975: assumption of notes). Wash atty: Leonard Joyce. Format: 97.5 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 577 ft. TL: N36 35 20 W90 49 10. Adult rock. News staff 3; news progmg one hr wkly. Target Concordia Stereo. Format: Country aud: 29 -59; educated professional/technical. Al Ger - KYRV(FM)-Not on air, target date unknown:88.1 mhz; mond, chmn; Dave Baugher, pres; John Ott, gen mgr; 1 kw. Ant 213 ff. TL: N38 5210 W93 32 58.712 Chaucer Scott Boltz, gen sls mgr; Mike Perry, natl sls mgr, vp Ln., Warrensburg (64093). (660) 747 -4155. Licensee: East Prairie progmg mus Phelps, & dir; Shannon prom mgr; Lana Full Smile Inc. Jim McCollum, gen mgr. KYMO(AM )-Nov 15, 1965: 1080 khz; 500 w -D. TL: N36 Trezise, progmg dir; Brian Hauswirth, news dir; Sarah 47 42 W89 21 17 (CP: TL: N36 47 49 W89 21 19). Box Hunter, pub affrs dir; Dave Taylor, engrg dir, 130 (63845). (573) 649 -3597. Licensee: Usher Broad- KCMO(FM) -Dec 3, 1967: 96.7 mhz; 18 kw. Ant 344 ft. Crestwood casting Inc. (acq 6. 1.69). Net: CNN. Format: Talk, sports. Barney L. Webster, pres & gen mgr; Michael Bennett, TL: N38 58 01 W92 18 39 (CP: 98 kw, ant 912 ft. TL: N38 KSHE(FM) -Feb 11,1961: 94.7 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 1,019 progmg dir. 41 30 W92 05 44). Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Suite 200, 3215 ft. TL: N38 34 24 W90 19 30. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. The (65201). LeMone Industrial (573) 875-1099. FAX: (573) Annex, Suite 101, 700 St. Louis Union Stn., St. Louis KYMO -FM -Aug 5, 1991: 105.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 207 ff. 875 -2439. Licensee: Zimmer Inc. Radio of Mid -Missouri (63103). (314) 621 -0095. FAX: (314) 621 -3428. Licen- TL: N36 47 49 W89 21 19. Format: Oldies. (acq 7- 15 -93; $625,000 with co- located AM; FTR 8 -9- see: Emmis FM License Corp. of St. Louis, a California 93). Net: ABC /FM. Format: Classic rock. News staff 2; Corp. Group owner: Emmis Communications Corp. (acq news progmg one hr wkly. Target aud: 25-54. Ron Cov- 3- 19 -84; grpsl; FTR 1- 30 -84). Rep: D & R Radio. Format: El Dorado Springs ert, gen mgr & sls dir; Jeff Studley, opns dir; Cynthia Classic rock, AOR. News staff one; news progmg one hr KESM(AM)-July 18,1961:1580 khz; 500 w -D. TL: N37 Schreen, gen sis mgr & adv dir; Raven Carr, prom dir; wkly. Target aud: 18-40. 0 Jeff Smulyan, CEO & chmn; 51 51 W94 Do 54. Stereo. 200 Radio Ln. (64744). (417) Jim Hunter, progmg dir; Mike St. James, mus dir; Mike Doyle Rose, pres; Howard Schrott, CFO; John R. Beck Mayfield, mgr. 876-2741;(417) 876 -2742. FAX: (417) B76-2743. Licen- engrg Jr. , vp; David Kelley, gen mgr; Lou Young, opns mgr; Dean see: Wildwood Communications Inc. (acq 12- 17.85). Mutter, sls dir; David Keiser, gen sls mgr; Rick Balif. KTGR(AM) -Co -owned with KCMQ(FM). 1955: 1580 Format: C &W, oldies. Target aud: General. Donald progmg dir; Al Hofer, mus dir; John Ulett, news dir; Gary khz; 250w -D, 19 w-N.TL: N38 58 01 W92 18 39. Format: Kohn, pres, gen mgr, news dir & engrg mgr; Susan Kohn, Bennett, chief engr. All sports. stn mgr & gen sls mgr. KCOU(FM) --Oct 31, 1973: 88.1 mhz; 435 w. Ant 110 ft. KESM-FM-June 1,1965:105.5 mhz; 6.0 kw. Ant 187 ff. TL: N38 56 23 W92 19 20. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. 101 -F Cuba TL: N37 51 51 W94 00 54. Stereo. Dups AM 100%. (Acq Pershing Hall, Univ. of Missouri (65201). (573) 882 -8262; 12- 17 -85; $200,000; FTR 11- 11 -85.) (573) 882 -7820. FAX: (573) 882-6262. Licensee: Mis- KFXE( FM)-Noton air, targetdateunknown:102.1 mhz; souri Students Association Inc. Format: Progsv, rock. 3 kw. Ant 236 ft. TL: N38 03 49 W91 24 37. Box 430, News progmg 5 hrs wkly. Target aud: 18 -22; students & Contemporary Broadcasting, Bowling Green (63334- Eldon community members. Spec prog: Black 4 hrs, country 3 0430). (573) 324-6030. Licensee: Lake Broadcasting Inc. KBMX(FM)-Licensed to Eldon. See Osage Beach. hrs, jazz 10 hrs, blues 2 hrs, reggae /African 2 hrs, Group owner: Contemporary Media Broadcasting punk/hardcore 2 hrs, industrial 2 hrs wkly. Sean Fuller, Group. Janet Cox, gen mgr. KLOZ(FM) -July 1, 1979: 92.7 mhz; 31 kw. Ant 620 ft. gen mgr; John Meyerriecks, progmg TL: N38 20 Hrs dir; Clayton KGNN -FM- Jan 26, 1997: 90.3 mhz; 6.30 kw. Ant 324 27 W923533. Stereo. opn: 24.209 E. 2nd Schacleford, chief engr. St. (65026). FAX: ft. TL: N38 0511 W91 18 30. Hrs opn: 24. Rebroadcasts (573) 392 -3793. (573) 392 -7617.
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