10 APPS THAT MADE INDIA ‘APPY IN 2017 Delve into the Universe of mobile applications and learn which ones made it to the list of 10 most popular apps of 2017 – Jagrati Rakheja
[email protected] ver wondered about the day when your its CEO shaming India by calling ‘poor india’ has got mobile applications became an integral part Snapchat incredible fame. Though, it was still amongst of your life? Or how the small icons on your the favorite mobile applications for youngsters. Its Esmartphone’s display started playing a crucial features like sharing private messages, sharing images, role in your everyday routine? clicking perfect selfies, re-watching stories, limited life Let us ponder over this thought. The applications on of messages, keeping up-to-date news about celebrity your phones are not just mere service providing tools but gossip, following celebrities and the list goes on has made immortal beings who don’t breathe. Checking phone for people crazy for snapchat. It is a must application for your whatsapp message, sending snap on snapchat, sharing phone. photographs over instagram or listening to music on several online applications has become an innate quality Instagram in today’s generation. Also, if we go by the 106-page report shared by Hootsuite and We Are Social, more than one-third of the world’s population has access to mobile applications. Smartphone applications have transformed the way we live. People spend majority time of their day on these apps. Now, without wasting further time, let us discuss about the 10 most popular apps that have created a spe- cial mark in people’s life in the year 2017.