UAM rescinds Jerry Webb becomes second AD off er perfect Professor Pigskin 1C 4C ADVANCE-MONTICELLONIAN 75¢ WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2018 SERVING DREW COUNTY SINCECE 18701870 City Council Williams endures hears plans for airport as DC’s ‘champion’ BY ASHLEY FOREMAN news last week. “Mr. BY ASHLEY FOREMAN
[email protected] Williams also had
[email protected] strong ties to the Mon- ticello School District. With two council members ab- “When I think about He will be remembered sent, the Monticello City Coun- the word ‘champion,’ as a dedicated educa- cil meeting was called to order I think about Mr. Bil- tor who possessed the by Mayor David Anderson at ly Williams,” Melissa heart of a teacher and 6 p.m. Tuesday night. Bever- Vincent, the Drew Cen- Billy Williams the love for all chil- ly Hudson, Ward 4, and Cedric tral High School princi- dren. Leonard, Ward 1, were absent pal, said Monday. “Because he mentored many from the meeting. Williams passed away sud- new superintendents, his influ- Bennie Ryburn III addressed denly on Sept. 18 while working ence has had a positive impact the council members about up- on his family farm. He was in on other Arkansas districts. He dating the fuel system at the his sixth year as superintendent will be greatly missed by us all.” Monticello airport. He told the at the Drew Central School Dis- But none more in education council that the Airport Com- trict. than his co-workers in ‘Pirate mission had applied for and re- He began his educational ca- Nation,” as he loved to call ceived a grant from State Aero- reer in 1975 as a graduate assis- DCSD.