Open Archive TOULOUSE Archive Ouverte ( OATAO ) OATAO is an open access repository that collects the work of Toulouse researchers and makes it freely available over the web where possible. This is an author-deposited version published in : Eprints ID : 16232 To link to this article : DOI : doi:10.1016/bs.aecr.2016.08.006 URL : To cite this version : Chauvet, Eric and Ferreira, Véronica and Giller Paul S. and Mc Kie, Brendan G. and Tiegs, Scott D. and Woodward, Guy and Elosegi, Arturo and Dobson, Michael and Fleituch, Tadeusz and Graça, Manuel AS. and Gulis, V. and Hladyz, Sally and Lacoursière, Jean O. and Lecerf, Antoine and Pozo, Jesus and Preda, Elena and Riipinen, Miira and Rîsnoveanu, Geta and Vadineanu, Angheluta and Vought, Lena B.M. and Gessner, Marc O." Litter decomposition as an indicator of stream ecosystem functioning at local-to-continental scales: insihgts from the European RivFunction Project. (2016) Advances in Ecological Research, vol.55, pp. 99-182. ISSN 0065-2504 Any correspondence concerning this service should be sent to the repository administrator:
[email protected] Litter Decomposition as an Indicator of Stream Ecosystem Functioning at Local-to- Continental Scales: Insights from the European RivFunction Project E. Chauvet*,1, V. Ferreira†, P.S. Giller{, B.G. McKie§, S.D. Tiegs¶, # †† † G. Woodwardk, A. Elosegi , M. Dobson**, T. Fleituch , M.A.S. Grac¸a , V. Gulis{{, S. Hladyz§§, J.O. Lacoursière¶¶, A. Lecerf*, J. Pozo#, ## E. Predakk, M. Riipinen , G.