JUGOIMPORT-SDPR broj 22, decembar 2006.



o d Bulevar umetnosti2 i Stupar, PredragMilićević,BojanaĐokić, o t g o e U h Z A o l d oa ei,MlćJuoi,VesnaD. Zoran Jelić,MilićJauković, a Odeljenje zaprevodilačkeposlove t r e d v t e L g f m P f I p Slobodan Jolkić,VesnaI.Stupar o r a i e o đ z o k r e r e v : k e - n v i o n s v n / r s Translation departmentof o m p a 222 44 222 4400 222 4599 222 4577 i o YUGOIMPORT-SDPR F Svetlana Šujak-Marković v š a i / : : k r r n n o g

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s e i e r v a n E (381-11) t s a t l c l E r e i B O - – . o t O B t d – E c o E n o D i o r D t f d o a f m i i T r r t c o - d P e i r n - TERROR IN GLOBALWARAGAINST INDUSTRY OFFER SERBIAN DEFENSE TIV TERORIZMA U GLOBALNOMRATUPRO- ODBRAMBENE INDUSTRIJE PONUDA SRPSKE jati. mizam ipregalaštvoćenamuveknedosta- tovanog prijatelja.Njegovatoplina,opti- smirenog iumerenogčoveka,dobrogpoš- jaka, neumornogiodgovornogradnika, Svetu Šutićapamtićemokaovelikogstručn- stručne radoveizovihoblasti. Jugoimport-SDPR. Objaviojebrojne tema isistemakontrolekvalitetau uvođenja integralnoginformacionogsis- narodni marketing,poznavalacizagovornik Svetozar Šutićbiojestručnjakzameđu- ruski. Beograda.Govorio jeengleski,nemačkii preduzeće EVCONSGroupiz 2005. godinekadaprelaziu odgovorne dužnostidomaja preduzeću jeobavljaobrojne junu 1986.godine.Unašem Sad odakleprelaziuSDPR je uTVTitogradiNovi Profesionalnu karijeruzapočeo SDPR uzemljiisvetu. afirmaciji ugledaJugoimport- Sadu)., daojeznačajdoprinos (Ekonomski fakultetuNovom tet uBeogradu)iekonomista (Tehnološko-metalurški fakul- Svetozar Šutić AND COMBATSYSTEMSIN 38 NAORUŽANJE UUSLOVI- SHIPBORNE EQUIPMENT ASYMMETRIC THREAT MA ASIMETRIČNOG BRODSKI SISTEMII ENVIRONMENT , inženjer RATOVANJA 6 IN MEMORIAM DEFENSE INDUSTRY Svetozar Šutić (1945 -2006) EVROATLANTSKIM INTEGRACIJAMA SERBIA ANDITS SRBIJA INJENA ODBRAMBENA INDUSTRIJA U 50 FOR THEWHOLEWORLD EDEPRO –LOCALKNOWLEDGE CEO SVET EDEPRO- DOMAĆEZNANJEZA ANTI-TANK MISSILESYSTEM and hardworking. We shallalwaysmisshiswormth,optimism reasonable man,goodandrespectedfriend. rator, skilledandcapableexecutive,calm, as exceptionalexpert,dedicatedcollabo- We shallalwaysrememberSvetozarŠutić into Yugoimport-SDPR. mation systemandqualitycontrol porter ofimplementationintegralinfor- tional marketing,connoisseurandsup- Svetozar Šutićwasanexpertininterna- German andRussian. Belgrade. HespokefluentlyEnglish, when hemovedtoEVCONSGroupin VOĐENE RAKETEBUMBAR PROTIVOKLOPNI SISTEM 23 BUMBAR (BUMBLE-BEE) number ofdutiesuntilMay2005 1986, hewasresponsiblefora arrival toYugoimport-SDPRin in PodgoricaandNoviSad.On professional careerinTVstudio Svetozar Šutićcommencedhis country andworldwide. of ourcompanybothin contribution totheaffirmation in NoviSad),gaveexceptional economist (FacultyofEconomy metalurgy inBelgrade)and (Faculty ofTechnologyand Svetozar Šutić IN EURO-ATLANTIC 16 INTEGRATIONS , engeneer

U OVOM BROJU - CONTENTS . UVODNIK - EDITORIAL tv oas souuuVjc rie e iuproizvodnu širu i već Srbije, Vojsci isporučuju se koja stava enlšinv rseobabn industrije. odbrambene srpske tehničko- nivo podiže i tehnološki kapaciteti upošljavaju se čime koopraciju, sred- proizvodnji u kooperaciju samo obuhvata To ne projektima. tim učešće pre- u učešće industrije istovremeno odbrambene uz srpske duzeća uvoza, iz sredstvima NVO ma ij peaj oseSbj ioooitcrnmsredstvi- visokosofisticiranim Srbije Vojske opremanja cilju olveitgaiespk drmeeidsrj avisoko- sa industrije odbrambene za srpske puteva integracije poslovne pronalaženju u učestvuje JUGOIM- aktivno PORT-SDPR to Sve integracija. evroatlanskih procesa 4 avjnmzmjm aan voeiSD r vg u svega pre SAD, i Evrope Zapadne zemljama razvijenim višegodišnjih krug prvi je zatvorilo mir» za «Partnerstvo Srbije. Republike vlasništvu Preduzeće Javno u postao je JUGOIMPORT-SDPR Gora, Crna godina. posled- njih napore ove velike U ulaže JUGOIMPORT-SDPR NVO. aktivnosti sredstva modernizacije programa proizvo- odnosno i atraktivnih da, ulaganju tržišno o razvoju odluke u donošenje učešću neposrednom i ponude usmeravanje neophodna za kupaca, konkretnih je Analiza i konkurencije. kao oštre uopšte, uslovima tržišta potreba u plas- usluga mogućnosti i otvara robe samo Ono mana uspeh. samo za nije dovoljno svakako, sebi dugotra- tržištu, po svetskom i na ulaganja Prisustvo značajna napore. zahteva jne planirati da mora tj. NVO staze», «duge tržišištu na globalnom na napredak se da JUGOIMPORT- SDPR. partnera odbrambene strateškog srpske osnovnog izvoza kao industrije povećanja te doveli ugovora, i novih kontakte do uspostvljene ranije part- učvrstili krug i su produbili proširili nera, tržištima, ciljnim višegodišnjih na nastavak nastupa kroz aktivnosti i kao (Singapur, Francuska), NVO Jordan, izložbama međunarodnim na učešće kroz svet... se dosegnuti koji sloganom: ciljeva sublimirati zadatih ostvarenja mogu i opreme tržištu vojne globalnom i naoružanja na industrije odbrambene srpske snage integrišuće kao JUGOIMPORT-SDPR kontin- prisustva ostvarivanja ualnog cilju izuzetnih u nastavka preduzeća znaku napora u je marketinških prošla 2006. Godina prethod- godinu. na odnosu nu u ugovaranja porast značajan ostvarujući ean rsuaj eulk rieprogramu Srbije Republike pristupanje Nedavno i Srbija zajednice Državne postojanja prestanka Nakon zapažanje istaknuto ranije dokazuje jednom još se Time sveta, regionima svim praktično u prisustvo Naglašeno UOMOTSP araaioupson godinu poslovnu ovu i završava JUGOIMPORT-SDPR DOSEGNUTI ea Miloradović Nenad SVET... Piše ea Miloradović Nenad By ntepr fJGIPR-DRi eetyears. recent in JUGOIMPORT-SDPR efforts of major part of the subject the on were activities equipment These and service. in weapons of market-attractive upgrading of including development products, in invest deci- to and particular making quotations of sion of needs directing specific for required of are and customers general Analyses in market. market competitive the highly sales a of for in venues services the and opens goods only of market It world success. the warrant in not does itself and presence investing The significant efforts. entails enduring it that i.e. long- planning, requires markets term equipment defense and arms global strate- key the JUGOIMPORT-SDPR. being of industry partner gic defense Serbian export the increased of and sales contracts new of concluding to contacts, leading partners, established our previously of strengthened roster years and the deepened many expanded of have activity markets continued target in as well as ) (Singapore, Jordan, exhibitions arms international in participation world… summa- the be reaching may slogan: that the goals with rized designated achieve mar- to equipment and defense and kets arms global Serbian in the of industry defense of presence force the integrating retain as to contin- JUGOIMPORT-SDPR efforts by marked marketing was intensive 2006 ued Year com- year. deals preceding contracted to of increase pared significant more once ing OL … WORLD THE REACHING hstsiist led mhszdve htpors in progress that view emphasized already to testifies This world, the in regions all practically in presence Pronounced show- year business this end will JUGOIMPORT-SDPR Saglasno procesima evroatlantskih integracija, strateški ciljevi srpske odbrambene industrije obuhvataju i integraciju After the demise of the State Union of Serbia and njenih istraživačko-razvojnih i proizvodnih kapaciteta u odgo- Montenegro, JUGOIMPORT-SDPR has become a Public varajuće evroatlantske programe razvoja i proizvodnje sred- Enterprise owned by the Republic of Serbia. stava NVO. Istraživačko–razvojni opitni, remontni i proizvod- ni kapaciteti vojnotehničkog instituta, tehničkog opitnog cen- Recent joining by the Republic of Serbia of the tra, tehničkih remontnih zavoda, kao i preduzeća odbram- “Partnership for Peace” completed the first round of the bene industrije sa svojom laboratorijskom, proizvodnom i process of Euro-Atlantic integrations that lasted several years. kadrovskom bazom, sa zaokruženim ciklusima razvoja i Throughout that period JUGOIMPORT-SDPR was active proizvodnje složenih sredstva NVO, značajno višedecenijsko in seeking the ways and means for business integration of iskustvo u samostalnom razvoju i proizvodnji širokog dijapa- the Serbian defense industry with its counterparts in high- zona sredstava NVO razvijenih na osnovu zapadnih i istočnih ly developed countries of Western Europe and the USA, pri- standarda i koncepcija, kao i integracijom zapadnih i istočnih marily by equipping with imported sophisti- koncepcija, predstavljaju značajne komparativne prednosti cated arms and equipment with simultaneous involvement srpske odbrambene industrije i dobru osnovu za navedene of Serbian defense equipment companies in these projects. UVODNIK - EDITORIAL tehničko-tehnloške integracije. Poslednjih godina JUGOIM- Such participation includes not only co production of equip- PORT-SDPR ostvario je nekoliko projekata koji pridaju nave- ment supplied to Serbian Army, but broader industrial coop- denom domenu. eration as well, leading to higher employment of domestic capacities and technical-technological advancement of S druge strane, posebno značajan doprinos srpske odbram- Serbian defense industry. bene industrije razvoju sistema globalne bezbednosti i inte- grisanju srpske odbrambene industrije u pomenuti sistem, In keeping with the processes of Euro-Atlantic integra- presdstavlja aktivno i intenzivno učešće u programima opre- tions, strategic objectives of Serbian defense industry also manja oružanih snaga i snaga bezbednosti zemalja koje se include integration of domestic research & development and suočavaju sa narastalim problemom savremenog terorizma. manufacturing capacities in relevant Euro-Atlantic arms & Poslednjih godina, JUGOIMPORT-SDPR je ostvario znača- equipment development and production programs. Available jne rezultate u ovoj oblasti bazirajući svoju ponudu na R&D, test, overhaul and production capacities of the Military- visokom kvalitetu i pouzdanosti proizvoda srpske odbram- Technical Institute, Technical Test Center, overhaul depots bene industrije, kao i na svom intenzivnom prisustvu na tržiš- and defense industry factories with their laboratories, man- tu i ulaganjem u razvoj tržišno atraktivnih proizvoda. ufacturing facilities and human resources, with completed cycles of development and production of complex weapon Završavajući još jednu uspešnu poslovnu godinu, svim systems, significant experience of several decades in indige- partnerima i prijateljima iz zemlje i inostranstva JUGOIM- nous development and manufacturing of broad variety of PORT-SDPR želi uspešnu Novu 2007. godinu, sa željom da arms and equipment developed against Western and Eastern zajedno dosegnemo svet... standards and concepts, including integration of Western and Eastern concepts – all these factors repre- sent significant comparative advantage of Serbian defense industry and solid foundation for above stated technical-technological inte- grations. In recent years JUGOIMPORT-SDPR has achieved several projects within that area.

On the other hand, particularly significant con- tribution by Serbian defense industry to glob- al security and its integration in that system comprises active and intensive participation in outfitting the armed and security forces of the countries faced with increasing threats of mod- ern terrorism. In recent years JUGOIMPORT- SDPR has achieved prominent results in this field, basing its offers on high quality and reli- ability of Serbian defense products, as well as relying upon its intensive presence on the mar- ket and investing in commercially attractive products.

In closing another successful business year, JUGOIMPORT-SDPR wishes to all partners and friends from our country and abroad a pros- perous New Year 2007, wishing our joint reach- ing the world.. 5 PONUDA SRPSKE SERBIAN DEFENSE ODBRAMBENE INDUSTRY OFFER INDUSTRIJE U IN GLOBAL WAR GLOBALNOM AGAINST TERROR RATU PROTIV TERORIZMA

Piše By Aleksandar Lijaković Aleksandar Lijaković

Do pre dvadesetak godina, pod pojmovima “anti-teroris- Until about twenty years ago, the terms “anti-terrorist tičke jedinice”, “anti-teroristička dejstva”, kao i “sredstva units”, “anti-terrorist operations” and “arms & equipment AKTUELNOSTI - TOPICAL ISSUE naoružanja i vojne opreme (NVO) namenjena anti-teroris- designed for anti-terrorist units” comprised relatively strict- tičkim jedninicama” podrazumevane su relativno usko speci- ly specialized specially selected, trained and equipped mil- jalizovane, specijalno odabrane, obučene i opremljene for- itary and police formations, their operations and specific macije vojske i policije, njihova dejstva i odgovarajuća sred- weapons and equipment which, in their concept and tech- stva NVO koja su, po svojoj osnovnoj koncepciji i primen- nical solutions were specially adapted for typical tactical sit- jenim tehničkim rešenjima, posebno prilagođena upotrebi uations of anti-terrorist combat. This approach resulted u rešavanju tipičnih taktičkih situacija antiterorističke borbe. from general factors of global security which considered ter- Takav pristup bio je diktiran opštim faktorima globalne rorist challenges as relatively limited specific terrorist threats bezbednosti koji su podrazumevali izazove terorizma kao in comparison to massive terrorist groups and organizations relativno uske, specifične i, pre svega, ograničene pretnje sa and execution of their terrorist activities. Subsequent changes stanovišta masovnosti terorističkih grupa i organizacija, te i in global security situation are characterized by revised realizovanih terorističkih dejstava. Promene globalne bezbed- approach to anti-terrorist operations since the threats were nosti koje su usledile karakteriše značajna revizija pristupa now combined with armed rebellions embracing larger ter- pojmu antiterorističkih dejstava koja postaju znatno masovni- ritories. These events became more prominent in populat- ja i počinju da se kombinuju sa oružanim pobunama zah- ed areas that comprise key areas where present day conflicts vatajući prostorno širi deo teritorije. To je postalo posebno are waged. Converting of complete cities and other settle- značajno u naseljenim područjima koja postaju praktično ments into area, uniformly spread “epicenter” of combat ključna područja vođenja savremenih oružanih sukoba. operations of that nature, has escalated the sensitive issue Pretvaranje čitavih gradova i širih naseljenih područja u pros- of protection of civilian population. torni, ravnomerno uspostavljeni “epicentar” borbenih dejs- tava navedene kategorije dovelo je do eskalacije posebno Serbian defense industry focuses special attention on devel- osetljivog problema zaštite civilnog stanovništva. opment of weapons and equipment which, in their concept and tactical-technical characteristics are adapted and suit- Razvoju sredstava NVO koja su po osnovnim koncepci- ed for use in anti-terrorist, anti-guerilla, counter-rebel and jskim i taktičko-tehničkim karakteristikama prilagođena, peace-keeping and other operations. Reasons for this are odnosno posebno pogodna za upotrebu u aktuelnim uslovi- significant experiences gained by our security and military ma protivterorističkih, odnosno protivgerilskih / pro- forces since 1980-ies in waging anti-terrorist and anti-gueril- tivpobunjeničkih operacija, mirovnih i drugih operacija, la operations in Kosovo, where Serbian police forces and posvećuje se pažnja u odbrambenoj industriji Srbije, te i u armed forces of FR were faced with many aspects obe prethodne Jugoslavije. Razlozi za to leže u značajnom similar to currently proclaimed global war against terrorism. iskustvu snaga bezbednosti i oružanih snaga Republike Srbije Also, there is marked similarity of present-day anti-terror- počev od kraja 80-ih godina prošlog veka u izvođenju ist and counter-rebel operations with the doctrine of devel- antiterorističkih i antigerilskih operacija na Kosovu gde su opment of the former Yugoslav Army, characterized by inten- se snage bezbednosti Republike Srbije, kao i OS SR sive development of small arms, combat systems for infantry Jugoslavije suočile su se sa mnogim aspektima aktuelnim u and counter-infantry operations and of combat anti-armor današnjem globalno proklamovanom ratu protiv terorizma systems. upravo u navedanim sukobima, kao i izvesna bliskost nave- denih uslova savremenih antiteroristočkih / antipobunjeničkih Bearing in mind the need for integration of Serbian defense dejstava sa doktrinom prisutnom u razvoju OS prethodne industry and of the country’s defense and security structures Jugoslavije, koja je podrazumevala intenzivan razvoj pešadi- into global security system, for a number of years intensive jskog naoružanja borbenog sistema pešadijske i efforts were made to develop modern surveillance and area 6 protivpešadijske borbe, i borbenog sistema protioklopne control equipment and provide its spatial integration with borbe. the command-information and fire control systems at the Imajući u vidu potrebu za integracijama odbrambene level of infantry anti-terrorist units, combat vehicIes and fire industrije Republike Srbije, kao i odbrambeno-bezbednos- support systems. Development of such systems rounds-up tnih struktura zemlje u celini u sistem globalne bezbednosti, the capability of Serbian defense industry in this field. Serbian već više godina se intenzivno radi na razvoju savremenih sis- defense industry enterprises and Serbian military and police tema za osmatranje, kontolu teritorije, odnosno na njihovom establishments – Military-Technical Institute, Technical prostornom integrisanju sa komandnoinformacionim sis- Test Center, Institute of Security, Belgrade, Zastava Oružje temima i sistemima za upravljanje vatrom na nivou pešadi- of , Prvi Partizan of Užice, Sloboda of Čačak, jskih antiterorističkih jednica, borbenih vozila i sistema Krušik of Valjevo, Milan Blagojević Lučani, Prva Iskra Barič, vatrene podrške. Razvojem ovakvih sistema upotpunjena je Trajal and 14 Oktobar of Kruševac, TRZ Čačak, Lola sis- i zaokružena celina ponude srpske odbrambene industrije tem of Železnik, IRITEL and IMTEL of Belgrade and oth- u ovoj oblasti. Preduzeća odbrambene industrije i ustanove er defense industry enterprises are involved in arms and MO i MUP Republike Srbije – Vojnotehnički institut , equipment modification, modernization and conversion pro- Tehnički opiti centar i Institut bezbednosti iz Beograda, grams the concept of which is specially adapted for use in Zastava Oružje iz Kragujevca, Prvi Partizan iz Užica, Sloboda anti-terrorist operations in general. Main families of weapons iz Čačka, Krušik iz Valjeva, Milan Blagojević Lučani, Prva and equipment involved include: Iskra Barič, Trajal i 14 Oktobar iz Kruševca, TRZ Čačak, Lola sistem iz Železnika, IRITEL i IMTEL iz Beograda, kao 1. Small arms, infantry close fire support

i druga preduzeća odbrambene industrije uključeni su u weapons, anti-armor and anti-fortifications AKTUELNOSTI - TOPICAL ISSUE programe razvoja i proizvodnje, kao i programe modifikaci- weapons, ammunition and personal ja, modernizacija i konverzije u oblasti sredstva NVO koja protection equipment su po konceptu posebno prilagođena izvođenju antiteroris- tičkih operacija u širem smislu. Osnovne kategorije tih sred- • Advanced combat issue pistols, family CZ 999 9mm and stava NVO i usluga iz ponude šire odbrambene industrije .40 S&W, also combat-sporting pistols family TOP XX, SCG su sledeće: intended for competition marksmanship under IPSC orga- nization, events where members of Serbian police force regularly achieve excellent results; pistols of family CZ 999 manifest highest reli- ability, previously achieved by family CZ 99, including barrel life of 200,000 cartridges. • Official shotgun cal. 12 • Family of automatic weapons in calibers 7.62x39 mm, 7.62 x 51 mm and 5.56 x45 mm, that includes the reliable standard assault rifle M70 AB2, distributed in 500,000 units, assault rifle M77 in NATO caliber 7.62x51 mm which again is the favored caliber for anti-terrorist operations; he latest family of assault rifles M21 /M21S/M21K of cal. 5.56x45 mm NATO, already in use by the police in security risk areas; family of automatic rifles made in Serbia based on Kalashnikov design and recognized around the world for their high reliability, product quality and for its techni- cal solutions. • Sniper rifles, including tactical high-preci- sion rifle cal. 7.62 x 51 mm and semi-auto- matic sniper rifle M91 cal. 7.62x 54 mm • Long-range rifle in calibers 12.7x107 mm and 12.7 x 99 mm capable of engaging differ- ent categories of targets in anti-terrorist combat, at ranges 1. Streljačko naoružanje, sredstva of up to 2000 m; characterized by high accuracy, powerful pešadijske bliske vatrene podrške, protivok- gas brake and spring absorber, resulting in recoil compara- lopno/protivfortifikacijsko naoružanje, ble to recoil of medium hunting carbine, high reliability municija i lična zaštitna oprema owing to oversized Mauser mechanism. • GP machine gun/machine gun M84, cal. 7.62 x 54 mm • savremeni borbeni pištolji kalibra familije CZ 999 9 mm is one of the most popular products of Serbian defense indus- i .40 S&W, kao i borbeno-sportski pištolji familije TOP XX try (not only among small arms), with its technological solu- namenjene prestižnim takmičenjima u praktičnom gađan- tions it surpasses other weapons of that category in respect ju u organizaciji IPSC, u kojima pripadnici jedinica bezbed- of reliability and endurance – barrel life is 20,000 rounds 7 AKTUELNOSTI - TOPICAL ISSUE ae uoaseisaprk uk i puške snajperske i automatske mate, asr rmlnkhmn ois mon- se koji mina tromblonskih i lanseri granata ručnih/lansirnih lanseri municije; prigušene odgovarajuće 8 zaklonima poljskim i urban- im drugim i zgrada uglovima jeno m, 400 do daljinama na ciljeve na tačkaste dejstvo precizno omogućava koji m, m 2000 do daljina do aktivnosti, terorističko-pobunjeničkih zona ičnih visokoriz- zaštitu za sredstvo efikasno izuzetno predstavlja puškama snajper- skim i kom- M84 u mitraljezom i sa nišanom binaciji optičkim osnovu je na opremljen je iskustava, razvijen aktuelnih mitraljez pešadi- teški na Pešadijski montiranu postolje; varijantu, jeko pešadijsku objekte, i plovne uključuje druge koja i i čamce borbena patrolne lake u vozila, ugradnju terenska za namenjenih NSV, mitzraljeza bazi bez opremljen nišanom rafalu optičkim standardno neprekidnom je jednom mitraljez može u funkcije; oružje narušavanja a metaka metaka, 500 000 do ispali 20 da iznosi i cevi funkcije vek pouzdanosti - oblasti izdržljivosti u kategorije te oružja prevazilazi druga rešenjima naoruđan- tehnološkim strelječkog primenjenim domenu sredstvo ja; u samo ne odbram- industrije, srpske bene proizvoda najznačajnih tržišno od jedan jeste Mauzer uvećanog primenjenog sistema pouzdanost srednjeg visoka trzaja i nivo karabina na lovačkog i dovode kočnica trzaj gasna koji moćna amortizer, opružni i kao sredstvo preciznost, m; visoka 2000 karaketriše od daljina u do ciljeva borbi kategorija protivterorističkoj različitih gađanje omogućava koja mm, mm 54 snajper- 7.62x poluautomatsku kalibra i M91 mm pušku 51 sku x 7.62 kalibru u ciznosti rešenja. pouzdanosti, tehničkih nivo primenjenih visok i prepoznatljiv proizvodnje kvalieteta dugo već karakter- svetu Kalašnjikov u sistema iše bazi na Srbiji oružja u automatskog proizvedene familije bezbed- područjima; snage kriznim koriste u već koju nosti NATO mm /M21S/M21K M21 5.56x45 pušaka kalibru jurišnih u familiju najnoviju i operaci- kao antiterorističkih ja, uslove kalibar savremene privlačniji za sve oružja mm jurišnog ponovo 7.62x51 postaje kalibru u M77 koji pušku NATO količi- primeraka, u 000 distribuirana 500 je od pouz- koja stndardnu ni AB2 uključuju M70 koje pušku mm, jurišnu x45 5.56 danu i mm 51 x 7.62 metaka. 000 200 uključujući od 99, cevi vek CZ životni familije modela pouz- kod visoka dostignuta dokazana svega, danost pre karakteriše, pištolji 999 rezultzate; CZ familije izizetne postižu Srbije Republike nosti jdtouluuuiilusv zaklon- ljudstvo i raspoređeno uključujući prostorni ljudstvo na m 1700 do a 1700 do dometa M93, ABG mm 30 bru ocvibcč rnt 0mm, 40 granata bacači Podcevni • auto- pištolje, za pucnja Prigušivači • uoasibcčgaaaukali- u granata bacač Automatski • na razvijenih mm, 107 x 12.7 mitraljeza teških Famillija • mm 54 x 7.62 kalibru u M84, Mitraljez/puškomitraljez • 99 x 12.7 i mm 12.7x107 kalibrima u puška dalekometna • pre- visoke pušku taktičku uključujući puške, snajperske • mm, 7.62x39 kalibrima u oružja automatskog familje • 12 kalibra sačmara službena • 0 ,aantae agt pt 70m nldn person- including m, 1700 to to up up targets targets area spot against of m, engaging 400 precision enables m, 1700 to distance. m 2000 terrorist to up against incursions, system rifles defense sniper formidable and represents M84 it type In gun sight. machine optical with with outfitted combination and experience considera- actual with of developed tion was gun stand. machine on heavy mounted Infantry version infantry and includes boats it patrol on vessels, light other mounting on for vehicles, intended cross-country design, and combat NSV the on based oped with standard. provided as is sight gun optical with- machine burst functioning; continuous its in affecting fired out be can rounds 500 whereby uoai rnd anhrcl 0m B 9,range M93, ABG mm 30 cal. launcher grenade Automatic • devel- mm, 107 x 12.7 cal. guns machine heavy of Family • tiraju na standardne nel masked by building jurišne puške i odgo- corners and other varajuća municija 40 urban and field mm ruskog i NATO defilades. standarda, ručne i • Silencers for pistols, ručnolansire granate submachine guns, i tromblonske mine automatic and sniper - razornog, osvetl- rifles and appropriate javajućeg, dimnog low-noise ammunition. dejstva • Underslung grenade • Nesmrtonosna launchers cal. 40 mm, municija na bazi šok- hand grenade and fleš efekta i hemi- grenade launchers, jskih sredstava za rifle grenade launchers privremeno ones- fitted on standard posobljavanje assault rifles; appro- raspoloživa u vidu priate ammunition 40 ručnih i ručno-lan- mm of Russian and sirnih granata, NATO standard, hand

granata 40 mm, and launcher fired AKTUELNOSTI - TOPICAL ISSUE tromblonskih mina grenades and rifle grenades – high explosive, illuminating, • Prenosni minobacač tipa «commando» 60 mm dometa smoke types. 1700 m • Disabling ammunition based on shock-flash effect and • Laki minobacači velikog dometa u kalibru 60 mm, 81 chemical agent for temporary disabling of hostile manpow- mm i 120 mm velikog dometa sa odgovarajućom razornom, er, delivered as hand and hand launcher fired grenades, cal. osvetljavajućom i dimnom municijom; minobacače karak- 40 mm grenades and rifle grenades. terišu srtazmerno male mase za nivo ostvarenih dometa, – • Portable mortar cal. 60 mm “commando”, range to 1700 5200 za kalibar 60 mm, 6800 za kalibar 81 mm i 9500 m u m. kalibru 120 mm, kao i visoka brzina gađanja; • Light mortars of increased range, cal. 60mm, 81mm and • Protivoklopna sredstva u kalibrima 64 mm, 90 mm, 120 120mm, extended ranges with HE, illuminating and smoke mm, sa bojnim glavama kumulativnog dejstva i bojnim glava- charges; mortars are characterized by relatively low weight ma termobaričkog dejstva, trenutno rapoloživom u kalibru compared to firing ranges: 5200 m for cal. 60mm, 6800 m 90 mm posebno prilagođenim za dejstvo na ciljeve u pro- for cal. 81mm, 9500 m for cal. 120mm and by high rate of tivterorističkim i specijalniom dejstvima; Raketni lanser OSA fire. u kalibru 90 mm, originalno namenjen za dejstvo protiv bor- • Anti-armor launchers cal. 64 mm, 90 mm, 120 mm, with benih vozila, u uslovima posebno je pogodan za dejstvo na shaped charge warheads and thermo baric warheads present- utvrđene objekte, posebno malorazmerne ciljeve na daljina- ly available as cal. 90 mm, specially adapted for anti-terror- ma do 600m, ukljujčujući objekte poljske i urbane forti- ist and special targets; rocket launcher OSA cal. 90 mm orig- fikacije inally developed for armor defeating, suitable for fortified • BUMBAR prenosni sistem vođene protivolopne rakete buildings and small dimension targets at ranges to 600m dometa do 1000 m omogućava takođe anitrorističkim jedini- including field and urban fortifications. cama samostalno efikasno dejstvo protiv posebno značajnih • BUMBAR (Bumble bee) portable guided anti-armor otpornih tačaka; sistem sa stanovišta upotrebe u razmatra- missile of range to 1000m, suitable for autonomous use by noj kategoriji oružanih sukoba karakteriše visoka prenosivost anti-terrorist units against important hardened targets; in i borbena autonomija, – tim od dva borca može da za rela- respect of application in stated operations its characteris- tivno kratko vreme dejstvuje na pet ciljeva, mogućnost dejst- tics are high portability and combat autonomy – team of two va iz zatvorenog prostora, malo demaskiranje strelca, viso- fighters can engage five targets within short time, suitable ka efiakasnost na cilju i visoka verovatnoća pogađanja, čime for firing in enclosed area, low signature to unmask opera- se takođe smanjuje mogućnost neželjenog dejstva protiv tor, high target effectiveness and high hit probability, there- civilnog stanovništva. fore reduced possibility to hit civilians. • Sredstva lične balističke zaštite, uniforme i druga lična • Personal ballistic protection equipment, uniforms and oprema - taktički prsluci, maskirna oprema i dr. prilagođe- other personal gear – tactical vests, camouflage equipment, na različitim klimatskim, geografskim i taktičkim uslovima etc. adapted for different climatic, geographic and tactical upotrebe jedinica vojske i policije; Osnovni parametri kon- uses by the military and police. Basic concept parameters: cepcije - nivo balističke zaštite i površina tela koja se štiti level of ballistic protection and body parts protected by pro- zaštitnim prslukom i balističkim pločama mogu se varirati tective vest and ballistic plates may vary, depending on prema konkretnik zahtevima /uslovima korisnika; u proizvod- requirements of users. Protective vests in current produc- nji se nalaze prsluci zaštite nivoa IIIA i ploče do nivoa zaštite tion offer level of protection IIIA, plates up to level IV, includ- IV, uključujući i ploče anatomski oblikovane u trodimen- ing anatomically shaped plates in 3-dimensional technolo- zionalanoj tehnologiji. Osnovni materijali koji se koriste za gy. Chief materials used to produce vests are aramide and proizvodnju prsluka jesu aramidna i polietilenska vlakna polyethylene fibers - (Kevlar and Dyneema), whereas plates 9 (Kevlar i Dyneema), dok se ploče rade u najčešće od poli- are made of polyethylene fiber for protection level III and etilenskih vlakana do nivoa III i u kombinaciji ovih matrijala combined with ceramics for protection level III+ and IV. sa keramikom za nivoe III + i IV. Šlemovi balistički se Ballistic helmets are made of fibers and offer level of pro- proizvode od Vlakana i obezbeđuju nivo zaštite V50 do 550 tection V50 for velocities up to 550 m/s. m/s. • Air drop and special parachutes. • Desantni i specijalni padobrani; 2. Combat and utility vehicles, armaments, 2. Borbena i neborbena vozila, naoružanje, modification, modernization and conversion programi modifikacija, modernizacija i kon- programs verzije • Programs for modernization of the T-55 family of tanks, • Programi modernizacije tenkova familije T-55, uključu- including their Chinese derivates, as well as of the T-72 fam- jući kineske derivative tog tenka, kao i tenkova familije T-72 ily of tanks enable effective use of these vehicle in anti-ter- omogućavaju uspešno korišćenje tij tenkova u navedenim rorist operations due to improved ballistic protection by fit- dejstvima, pre svega imajući u vidu povećanje balističke ting of explosive and reactive armor and other solutions, by zaštite primenom eksplozivnmog reaktivnog oklopa i drugih integration of commander’s panoramic sight/ranger with rešenja, kao i integraciju panoramske osmatračko-merne command/information system which significantly enhances sprave komandira i komandno-informacionoig sistema, čime fire control and exchange of information with other elements se izrazito poboljšava upravljanje vatrom i razmena podata- of battle order in real time. ka sa drugim elementima borbenog poretka u realnom vre- • Family of heavy armored personnel carriers, based on AKTUELNOSTI - TOPICAL ISSUE menu converted T-55 chassis. First developed vehicle MUNJA pro- • Familija teških oklopnih transporterea, razvijena na bazi vides combat support to combat engineers. It is a very eco- konverzije tenka T-55; prvi realizovani član familije pred- nomical transient solution for resolving of numerous tacti- stavlja borbeno vozilo za podršku borbenih inženjeraca cal situations in urban battlefield. The vehicle carries 8 per- MUNJA. Vozilo predstavlja ekonomski izuzetno prihvatljivo sons including 3 crew members: driver commander and gun- prelazno rešenje za resavanje niza taktičkih situacija u savre- ner. Self defense offers protection from rocket launchers, menom urbanom ratištu; Sredstvo omogućava prevoz ode- higher than protection offered by most current infantry fight- lenja od 8 ljudi uključujući i tri stalna člana posade'vozača, ing vehicles, being protected by reactive armor (in perspec- komandira i nišandžiju. Koncept zaštite omogućava, uz dos- tive, modular armor) and other passive protection devices. tizanje zaštite od dejstva ručnih PO sredstava višeg nivoa It provides solid mobility and it is powered by modular pow- nego što je nivo dostignut kod većine savremenih borbenih er pack (developed for T-55 tank modernization program). vozila pešadije primenom reaktivnog oklopa i modularnog The concept also offers fitting of remotely controlled weapons oklopa (u perspektivi), kao i drugih elemenata pasivne zaštite, station. a uz značajan nivo pokretljivosti, posebno uz primenu mod- • Modification (conversion) programs for combat and util- ularne pogonske grupe razvijene za modernizaciju tenka T- ity vehicles include fitting of armor protection, mounting of 55. Koncept takođe omogućava ugradnju daljinski upravl- firearms – automatic grenade launchers 30 mm, machine jane oružne stanice. guns cal. 7.62 x 54 mm or 12.7 x 107 mm, cannons cal. 20 • programi modifikacije / konverzije / modernizacije bor- mm, mounted in cupolas, lifting platforms, turrets or remote- benih i neborbenih vozila, uključujući izradu oklopne zaštite ly controlled cupolas for combat and utility vehicles, designed i ugradnju naoružanja - automatskih bacača granata 30 mm, to transport the vehicle to engagement area and for direct mitraljeza kalibra 7.62 x 54 mm i 12.7 x 107 mm i topova 20 fire support to special units. mm u vidu turela, podižućih platformi, kupola ili daljisnki • Conversion of armored car BRDM-2 into combat vehi- upravljanih turela na borbena i neborbena vozila, a u cilju cle for support of special forces, named VUK, is another eco- transporta do reona dejstva i neposredne vatrene podrške nomically acceptable solution of contemporary vehicle with dejstava specijlnih jedinica; solid performance, adapted to specific conditions. Conversion • Konverzija oklopnog automobila BRDM-2 u borbeno is performed during general overhaul and, generally, cov- vozilo za podršku specijalnih snaga VUK takođe predstval- ers improvement of vehicle performance (fitting of higher ja primer ekonomski prihvatljivog rešenja savremenog vozi- power diesel engine), enhancing of fire power (mounting of la prilagođenih aktuelnim uslovima i omogućava postizanje slaved, sniper type machine gun cal. 7.62 mm and automat- značajnih performansi. Konverzija se obavlja u okviru gen- ic grenade launcher cal. 30 mm), improved ballistic protec- eralnog remonta vozila, i obuhvata u osnovi poboljsanje tion 14.5 mm at front and 12.5 mm on sides, reconstruction pokretljivosti (ugradnjom dizel motora povecane snage), of the interior to accommodate 8 persons complete with spe- poboljsanje vatrene moci (ugradnjom spregnutog mitraljeza cial equipment and personal arms, installation of GPS and snajperskog tipa 7,62 mm i automatskog bacaca granata kali- satellite navigation units, fitting of optoelectronic panoram- bra 30mm), poboljsanje balisticke zastite do 14,5mm sa ceone ic surveillance system, fitting of smoke charge launchers strane i 12,5mm sa bocnih strana, rekonstrukciju unutrasnjeg with hydraulic and electro-pneumatic installations, etc. prostora za smestaj 8 clanova posade sa kompletom speci- • Family of wheeled armored personnel carriers 6x6: In jalnom opremom i licnim naoruzanjem, ugradnju uredjaja basic version, they are armored troop carriers; by recon- za globalno pozicioniranje (GPS) i satelitsku navigaciju, struction they can be developed in combat vehicles for dif- ugradnju panoramskog optoelektronskog sistema za osma- ferent applications, vehicle capacity is section of 8 infantry- tranje, ugradnju bacaca dimnih kutijasa hidrauličnom i elek- men, concept of armor protection may vary by mounting of add-on panels arranged to meet expected tactical situations. 10 tropneumatskom instalacijom, itd. The concept also provides fitting of smoke • Familija oklopnih transportera-točkaša formule 6x6: u charge launchers in portholes to provide osnovnoj verziji vozilo predstavlja oklopni transporter, dok self-protection within the circle of about se na osnovu nadgradnje osnovne verzije može dobiti famil- 360o – very important for urban combat. ija borbenih vozila različite namene; vozilo omogućava It is also possible to equip the transport odelenja pešadije sastava do 8 boraca, a kon- vehicle with GPS and satellite cept oklopne zaštite omogućava variranje nivoa oklop- navigation units, with ne zaštite montiranjem panela mod- panoramic surveillance, ula dodatnog oklopa u zavisnosti od coordinate measuring and očekivanih taktičkih situacija. Koncept target tracking system, predviđa ugradnju bacača dimnih command-information puškarnica čime se omogućava system, radar detection samoodbrana vozila u krugu od prib- system, fitting of smoke ližno 360 stepeni, što je posebno znača- charge launchers with jno za borbu u naseljenom mestu. Takođe, hydraulic and electro-pneu- moguća je ugradnja uredjaja za globalno pozi- matic installations, etc. cioniranje (GPS) i satelitsku navigaciju, ugrad- Reconnaissance version of the vehi- nju panoramskog sistema za osmatranje, meren- cle may be outfitted with panoramic je koordinata i praćenje cilja, uređaja za detekciju surveillance and measuring system.

radarskog zračenja i komandno-informacionog sistema, kao Under development is a family of uni- AKTUELNOSTI - TOPICAL ISSUE i ugradnju bacača dimnih kutija sa hidraulicnom i elektro- versal remotely controlled weapons stations. pneumatskom instalacijom, itd. U varijanti izviđačkog vozi- • Cupola M86/06 was developed from cupola M86, orig- la, vozilo se može opremiti panoramskim sistemom za osma- inally produced for combat vehicle of military police VPB tranje i merenje. U razvoju se nalazi familija univerzalnih M86; the M86/06 cupola offers added ballistic protection for daljinski upravljanih oružnih stanica. gunner’s back and modular weapons mount that enables • turela M86/06 razvijena je na bazi turele M86, original- quick change of weapon in field conditions. Cupola can no razvijene za borbeno vozilo vojne policije VPB M86; ture- mount the original M86 machine gun cal. 7.62, or infantry lu M86/06 karakteriše dodatna leđna balistička zaštita strel- machine gun M84 cal. 7.62, NSV machine gun cal. 12.7 mm ca, kao i modularna koncepcija postolja za naoružanje, koja with reflex sight or grenade launcher ABG M93 30 mm. omogućava brzu zamenu oružja u poljskim uslovima; u ture- • Cupola developed for arming of heavy armored person- lu se, osim originalno ugrađenog mitraljeza M86 7.62 mm, nel carrier / support vehicle for combat engineers MUNJA u zavisnosti od očekivane taktičke situacije, mogu montirati contains automatic grenade launcher M93 cal. 30 mm and pešadijski mitraljez M84 7.62 mm, mitraljez 12.7 mm NSV infantry machine gun M4 7.62 mm. The same cupola was sa refleksim nišanom i bacač granata ABG M93 30 mm. originally developed for combat vehicle of special forces VUK, • Turela razvijena kao naoružanje teškog oklopnog trans- developed by conversion of armored car BRDM2. portera/vozila za podršku borbenih inženjeraca MUNJA, • Universal weapons platform with hydraulic lift cylinder naoružana je automatskim bacačem granata M93 30 mm i (in traveling position platform is lowered, in combat posi- pešadijskim mitraljezom M84 7.62 mm. Ista turela origi- tion it is raised) may be armed alternately with dual grenade nalno je predviđena i za ugradnju u borbeno vozilo za podršku launcher cal. 30 mm, recoilless gun cal. 82 mm, rocket specijalnih snaga VUK, razvijenog na bazi konverzije launchers cal. 128 mm or cal 57 mm, or machine gun cal. oklopnog automobila BRDM2 12.7 mm. This platform is mounted on cross-country trucks • Univerzalna oružna platforma ugrađena na podižući withcargoplatformandcanbeexecutedwithorwithoutbal- hidraulični cilindar (u transportnom položaju platforma je listic protection. spuštena, u borbnom podignuta), na koju se opciono mogu • Family of turrets M91 for installation on armored per- montirati dvostruki bacač granata 30 mm, bestrzajni top 82 sonnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles. Originally mm, raketni lanseri kalibra 128 mm ili 57 mm ili mitralez developed for upgraded IFV type BVP M80 A1, it is a ready- 12.7 mm. Platforma se ugrađuje na terenska vozila sa zad- made solution suitable for outfitting different armored per- njom platformom, koja mogu biti ralizovana sa ili bez balis- sonnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles, tracked or tičke zaštite. wheeled. So far, it was fitted to APC type BTD-50 of a for- • Familija kupola M91 za ugradnju u oklopne transportere eign client, thus converting this ageing armored car into (OT) i borbena vozila pešadije (BVP); Originalno razvoje- amphibious assault vehicle. Its turret is armed with M86 na za modernizovano borbeno vozilo pešadije BVP M80 A1, gun, developed in Serbia, using ammunition for AK-230 the predstavlja rešenje pogovo za ugradnju različite OT i BVP, ballistics of which are highly effective against urban an field guseničare i točkaše. Do sada je za potrebe ino-kupca kupo- fortified objects; other armament includes later F version of la ugrađena u oklopni transporter BTR-50, čime je ovaj stari Malutka missile with thermo baric warhead, effective against OT praktično konvertovan u amfibijsko jurišno borbeno vozi- fortified targets. That system is effective against hardened lo. targets up to 3000 m away, it has very high hit probability Kupola je naoružana topom M86 razvojenom u Srbiji na and offers strong fire support in anti-terrorist operations bazi metka za top AK-230, čija balistika omogućava izuzetno with minimum collateral damage. Main gun has slaved visoku efikasnost protiv utvrđenih objekata urbanog i poljskog machine gun cal. 7.62 mm while development is under way tipa, lasnirnim sistemom sa modernizovanim raketama of a remotely controlled automatic grenade launcher cal. 30 11 AKTUELNOSTI - TOPICAL ISSUE 12 i keramike aluminijuma). ili od (kompozita izrađenim materijala moduli- drugih oklopa sa dodatnog kombinaciji ) u (panelima postići ma mogu dok zaštite ploča, nivoi čeličnih viši korišćene se uz projek- jezgrom sa olovnim mm sa 7.62 tilom municije streljačke balis- protiv nivoa zaštite do na tičke oklopljavanja iskustav postupci posle godina, su 90’ih Razvijeni sredine aktuel- Kosovu. od bio zemlji danas, našoj do u godine 2003. na od globalno Iraka prisutan iz već iskustava kamiona, posle oklopljavanja trend nagla- je Treba da siti municijom. strelječkom sluča- dejstava u zasednih ljudstva ukrcanog ju I zaštitu VSCG omogućavaju inventara koji iz policije, proizvodnje terenskih strane oklopljavanje I domaće i kamiona kao vozila, policijskih patrol- vojnih terenskih nih klasičnih navedenih gore zaštite izradu oklopne su obuhvatili i oklopljavanja bornenih Programi naoružavanja vozila. neborbenih i niz zaštite je oklopne razvila izrade SCG programa industrija odbrambena Kosovu, na operaci- protivterorističkim jama u policijskih Srbije i Republike VSCG MUP iskustava navedeih snaga bazi na - vozila benih mestu. naseljenom u dejstava uslovi- zasednih u posebno ma vozila, samoodbranu veoma osim za predstavlja razvijena, sredstvo značajno CS-kompozicijom, je sa koji granata za i dimne, sistem, Ovaj borbenih vozila. tela neborbenih ili i kupole na konceptima različitim u ugrađivati namenjen protivnika vatrom, na mm dejstvu upravljanje 30 za sustemom granata i u bacač razvoju integsisan automatski u je dok upravljan mm, 7.62 daljinski mitralejzom sa spregnut je štete. Top kolateralne minimizaciju pro- uz visokom podrška dejdtvima vatrena tivterorističkim vrlo pruža sa se m čime 3000 pogađanja, verovatnoćom do daljinama gađati na mogu tačke se otporne Sistemom objekata. efi- utvrđenih glavu, protiv bojnu termobaričnu aksnu ima F varijanta čija Maljutka, rgaiolpjvnatrnkhitasoti nebor- transportnih i terenskih oklopljavanja Programi • se može mm 82 kalibru u kutija zaklonima. dimnih drugim bacača i Sistem rovovima • zgrada, uglovima je koji swl sdsrbto ftre aavacommand-informa- via data target vehicle) of the distribution board as (on well as weapons integrated con- locally fire with coordinates, trol of observation, measuring terrain and system tracking cam- automatic The imaging rangefinder. thermal laser view, and of angle era wide cam- and TV narrow on vessels of eras based and sub-system vehicles surveillance on comprises fitting and for designed is lift- platform electro-hydraulic on ing mounted is equipment tracking get in,dyadnight, and day tions, fcrmc rohrmtras(opsts aluminium). (composites, materials other or made ceramics (panels) of modules be add-on can with protection combination higher in whereas achieved plates, projec- steel core using lead by mm tiles 7.62 to against protection developed armor were provide Procedures 90- experience. middle Kosovo since after our matter in pressing ies 2003; a of was war it Iraqi however, the country; of since plating pursued armor globally that is noted trucks to be fire may ambush It arms aimed manpower. embarked small police, from the protection and providing military at the with man- service of foreign in fitting and domestic ufacture as of well trucks as cross-country vehicles, on armor patrol police and cross-coun- military conventional on try pro- armor Armor of industry. fitting defense included tection our by and combat armor vehicles for of non-combat programs number fitting a weapons in and resulted protection has anti-terrorist Kosovo in in forces operations police Serbian by and acquired Army experience on Yugoslav based development – vehicles ity environment. urban in ambushes in espe- system, cially self-defense CS-composition important and represents smoke and util- charges uses and system combat This various vehicles. of hull ity of turret on either installed defilades. other and trenches in build- for behind ings, designed sheltered and manpower hostile system of neutralization control fire with integrated mm, insse (KIS). system tion rcigi l ete condi- weather all in tracking aoai uvilne oriae esrn n tar- and measuring coordinates surveillance, Panoramic • systems area control and reconnaissance Observation, 3. aiyo R51 rudosrainradars observation ground IR-5/15 of Family • ro rtcinfrcoscutytasotadutil- and transport cross-country for protection Armor • be may mm 82 cal. system launching charge Smoke • nbe etn nobteyo observation of battery into netting enables aascpbeo eetn,lctn and locating detecting, of capable radars oit n,itrae ihcommand-infor- with interfaced and, rorists ainsse,i ilalwatmtcdetec- automatic allow will it system, mation inadrcgiino agt n distrib- and targets of recognition and tion to fifraint nitroitunits anti-terrorist to information of ution rfr oto systems. control fire or h ytmi bet eetcaln ter- crawling detect to able is system The ihcnrlcmue rcommand-infor- or computer central with qimn sn esi sensors seismic using Equipment • eet oeeto uas tinterfaces it humans; of movement detects eest ubro ioeesdeep. kilometers of number a to meters ihipratojcs eea hundred several objects, important with errs ciiis ep zone a resp. activities, terrorist ihnazn fexpected of zone a within 3. Sistemi za osmatranje, izviđanje, kontrolu teritorije • Panoramski uređaj za osmatranje, merenje koordinata i praćenje cilja, smeštan na elektrohidrauličkoj podižućoj plat- formi, namenjem ugradnji u vozila i plovne objekte, opreml- jem osmtaračkim podsistemom na bazi TV kamera uskog i širokog vidnog polja, termovizijskom kamerom i laserskim daljinomerom, omogućava osmatranje terena, automatsko praćenje i merenje koordinata cilja, upravljanje vatrom lokalno- integrisaniom naoružanjem (na istom vozilu) kao i distribu- ciju podataka o ciljevima preko komandno-informacionog sis- tema (KIS). • Familija radara IR-5/15 za osmtaranje zemljišta sa mogućnošću umrežavanja u bateriju osmatračkih radara omogućava otkrivanje, lociranje i praćenje u svim meteo uslovi- ma, danju i noću zone očekivanih aktivnosti terorista, odnos- no zone značajnih objekata do dubine od nekoliko stotina metara do više kilometara, iuključujući otkrivanje terorista kokji mation system and provides area protection in all meteo con- se kreću puzeći; umreženi sa komandno-informacionim sis- ditions, day and night, relevant target information are auto-

temom, omogućavaju automatski režim rada sa otkrivanjem, matically relayed to anti-terrorist units or weapons systems. AKTUELNOSTI - TOPICAL ISSUE prepoznavanjem ciljeva i distribucijom podataka prema • Sound measuring equipment for reconnaissance of mor- antiterorističkim jedinicama ili sistemima za upravljenje vatrom. tar and sniper positions is a variant of artillery sound mea- • Uređaj na bazi seizmičkih senzora za otkrivanje kretanja suring equipment, specially adapted for detection of terror- ljudstva umreženih sa centarlnim računarom ili komandno- ist threats. Its main functions are: fire adjustment of own informacioniom sistemom omogućava kontrolu teritorije koja artillery based on analysis of acoustic signals from own se štiti u svim meteo–uslovima, danju i noću, sa automatskim artillery and rocket projectiles; evaluation of 3D coordinates prenosom podataka o ciljevima prema anti-terorističkim jedini- of firing position and burst position, detection, pinpointing cama ili oružnim sistemima. (assessed coordinates) and identification of hostile artillery, • Sistem za zvukometrijsko izviđanje položaja minobacačke rocket launchers, mortars and snipers, particularly in urban i snajperske vatre predstavlja varijantu sistema za zvukometri- areas. Technical concept utilizes spatial-frequency location jsko artiljerijsko izviđanje, posebno prilagođenu osnovnim pret- of sound source employing MUSIC methods; for spatial njama u antiterorističkim operacijama. Osnovna funkcije sis- selection wide-band “beam forming” is used, location is by tema jesu: korekcija vatre sopstvene artiljerije, bazirana na means of triangulation. Derivative system for detection of analizi akustičkih signala generisanih eksplozijom artiljerijskih sniper and other small arms fire and mortar positions con- i raketnih projektila; procena 3D koordinata vatrenog položa- sists of a number of units spread as network covering a set- ja i mesta eksplozije projektila; detekcija, lociranje (procena tlement of area observed, with one unit (system of sensors, koordinata) i identifikacija neprijateljske artiljerije, raketnih computer and modem) placed per unit of area. Information sistema, minobacača i snajpera, posebno u naselejnim područji- on the class and position of hostile fire (with an error of sev- ma. Tehnički koncept sistema se zasniva na: prostorno-frekven- eral meters) are transmitted to command cijskom lociranju akustičkih izvora korišćenjem MUSIC center. metode; za prostornu selekciju se koristi širokopojasni «beam forming»; lociranje se vrši metodom triangulacije. Derivativ 4. Electronic warfare sistema posebno prilagođen otkrivanju položaja snajperske i equipment druge streljačke vatre, kao I mobacačke vatre sastoji se od niza uređaja koji se postavljaju u vidu mreže, pokrivajući naseljeno • Mobile communications automatic ili drugi zaštićeno područje postavljanjem jednog uređaja (sis- control system 7G (12G) serves for tem senzora sa računarom i modemom) na jednici površine. control of mobile communications Podaci o klasi i položaju neprijateljekog delovanja sa greškom within designated area, in the frequen- reda veličine do nekoliko metara stiču se u komandi centar. cy range of 9 kHz and 7(12) GHz; system for automatic control and jamming of mobile 4. Sredstva elektronskog ratovanja telephony has the following specifications: detection NMT450i, AMPS/DAMP, • Sistem za automatsku kontrolu mobilnih komunikacija GSM800/1800, CDMA, DECT of mobile 7G (12G) koristi se kontrolu mobilnih komunikacija na defin- phones and evaluation of their parameters, isanom prostoru, u frekventnom opsegu između 9 kHz i 7(12) such as type of standard, number of chan- GHz; Sistem za automatsku kontrolu i ometanje mobilnih tele- nels, signal level, jamming of base station fona ima sledeće karaketristike: detekcija NMT450i, signal when information is transmitted AMPS/DAMP, GSM800/1800, CDMA, DECT mobilnih tele- to selected user, jamming zone: 30 m fona i procena njihovih parametara, kao što su vrsta standar- in enclosed space, 1 km in the open, da, broj kanala, nivo signala; ometanje signala bazne stanice total jamming period 4.8 ms. kada se informacija šalje izabranom korisniku; zona ometan- Mobile communications jam- 13 ja: u zatvorenom prostoru 30m, napolju 1 km; ukupno vreme ming system Jammini is intended for installation at institu- ometanja 4,8 ms. Sistem za ometanje mobilne komunikacije tions such as offices, theaters, concert halls, hospitals, pris- Jammini je namenjen za postavljanje u institucijama kao što ons, churches; within 300 microseconds Jammini will detect su: kancelarije, pozorišta, koncertne hale, bolnice, zatvori, crkve; the presence of mobile phone, determine the number of fre- u roku od 300 mikrosekundi Jammini detektuje prisustvo quency channels, jamming interval is 0.8 to 1 second; the mobilnog telefona, određuje broj frekventnih kanala; interval system can operate entire day and it is fully adapted to fre- ometanja traje od 0.8 do 1 sekunde; sistem može da radi ceo quency hopping. dan i u potpunosti je adaptiran za frekventno skakanje; • Radio jammers against remotely controlled improvised • Radio ometači protiv daljinski upravljanih improvizovanih explosive devices are primarily intended for protection of eksplozivnih sredstava namenjeni su pre svega za zaštitu kon- convoys and for VIP protection, as well as for protection dur- voja i VIP zaštitu, kao i za zadatke zaštite pri patrolnim i udarn- ing patrolling and assault missions in anti-terrorist opera- im zadacima u okviru anti-terorističkih dejstva i kontroli pros- tions and area control. Possible equipment configurations: tora. Moguće konfiguracije: samo širokopojasni ometač; ometač wideband jammer only, jammer and surveillance receiver, i osmatrački prijemnik; automatizovani prijemnik-ometač sa automated jammer-receiver with software package for intel- softverskim paketom za brzo frekventno inteligentno pre- ligent spectrum scanning and jamming. Equipment for RF traživanje spektra i ometanje. Oprema za radioelektronsku protection against improvised remote controlled explosive zaštitu protiv radio-kontrolisanih improvizovanih eksplozivnih devices is essentially a noise jammer which can also protect sredstava jeste u osnovi generator šuma, namenjen za zaštitu information received by radio. Both mobile and stationary protiv radio-kontrolisanih improvizovanih eksplozivnih sred- version of this equipment are available which can be mount-

stava kao i za zaštitu podataka koji se dobijaju radio putem. ed on any vehicle. Jamming is effective up to 60 m distance. AKTUELNOSTI - TOPICAL ISSUE Raspoložive su i prenosna i stacionarna varijanta. Može se mon- Data protection is provided from several kinds of intercep- tirati na bilo koji tip vozila. Ometanje se može vršiti na mak- tion. Power range: GVS-BOMBJAM-6U/64 W; GVS-BOM- simalnom deomtu do 60 m. Obezbeđena je zaštita podataka BJAM-7A/75 W. Frequency ranges: 20-250 MHz; 250-500 od više tipova prisluškivanja. Raspon snage: GVS-BOMBJAM- MHz; 500-750 MHz; 750-1000 MHz; (GVS-jammer-7A) 6U/64 W; GVS-BOMBJAM-7A/75 W. Frekventni opsezi: 20- 1000-1400 MHz; (GVS-jammer-7A) 1400-2000 MHz. 250 MHz; 250-500 MHz; 500-750 MHz; 750-1000 MHz; • Radio direction finder RGK 2/3, of container type, intend- (GVS-ometač -7A) 1000-1400 MHz; (GVS-ometač -7A) 1400- ed for mounting on a jeep, enables reconnaissance, detec- 2000 MHz tion, location, classification and interception of radio sets in • Radio-goniometar RGK 2/3, kontejnerskog tipa, namen- the frequency range of 20-500 MHz. jen ugradnji u terensko vozilo, omogućava izviđanje, otkrivan- je, određivanje položaja, klasifikaciju i prisluškivanje radio-ure- 5. Navy equipment đaja u frekfentnom opsegu 20-500 MHz • Fast patrol boats, displacement range 3 to 250 tons, built 5. Sredstva ratne mornarice: of aluminium and composite materials in Serbian shipyards, represent superior platforms for outfitting with varied sur- • Brzi patrolni čamci dijapazona deplasmana od 3 do 250 veillance, fire control and weapons systems (also developed tona, izrađeni od aluminijuma i kompozitnih materijala proizve- in Serbia, mostly as derivatives of described systems). These deni u srpskim brodogradilištima predstvaljaju vrlo pogodne boats are very effective in performing of varied security-relat- platforme za integraciju različitih sistema za osmatranje, upravl- ed missions - anti-terrorist, anti-piracy and protection of janje vatrom i oružnih sistema (takođe razvojenim u Srbiji, pre rivers, lakes and coastal sea zones. svega u vidu derivativa opisanih sistema). Takvi čamci, čime postaju efiaksna sredstva za obavljanje niza zadataka iz dom- A ll types of equipment described above are eminently suit- ena bezbednosti - antiterorističkih, antipiratskih dejstva i zaštite ed for arming and equipping of armed forces of the countries zona i sl. na rekama, jezerima i priobalju. faced with increasing terrorist threats. By helping to equip such countries, Serbian defense industry will contribute to Opisana sredstva posebno su pogodna za naoružavanje i the development and more efficient functioning of global secu- opremanje OS zemalja koje se poslednjih godina suočavaju sa rity and enhance combat effectiveness of armed forces and rastućim problemom terorizma. Opremanjem ovih zemalja srp- internal security of the countries involved, against economi- ska odbrambena industrija doprinosi razvoju i boljem cally acceptable expenditures conforming to outlined experi- funkcionisanju sistema globalne bezbednosti, povećavajući ences and development approaches adopted for the equip- unkupnuborbenuefikasnost oružanih snaga i snaga unutrašn- ment described. Once more, comparative advantages of je bezbednosti tih zemalja, a uz ekonomski prihvatljive izdatke, Serbian defense industry need to be pointed out: familiarity saglasno navedenimiskustvima i pristupu razvoju sredstva with both Western and Eastern standards, application of high NVO navedenih kategorija. Tutreba naglasiti još jednomznača- technological standards in manufacturing of arms & defense jne komparativne prednosti srpske odbrambene industrije u equipment of Eastern standards, which is of great importance smislu poznavanja zapadnih i istočnih standarda, kao i pri- to those partners who in development of their armed forces to menu visokih tehnologija u proizvodnji sredstva NVO itočnog date have relied upon those standards. This approach will standartda, što je posebno značajno za partnere koji su u enable our partners to achieve rapid and qualitative capa- dosadašnjemrazvoju oružanih snaga bili okrenuti timstan- bility for autonomous and effective response to the threats of dardima. Na taj način postiže se kvalitetno i brzo opremanje i present-day terrorism. osposobljavanje partnera za što samostalniji i efikasniji odgov- or na izazove savremenog terorizma. 15 AKTUELNOSTI - TOPICAL ISSUE 16 i kadar. stručni kvalite- su i tan tu kapaciteti a proizvodni porekla, i zapadnog istraživačkorazvojni značajni i ruskog) NVO svega proizvodnje (pre i istočnog razvoja standardima tu sa ostalog, familijarnost Između prednosti. je komparativnih niz ima indus- tu odbrambena trija Naša Alijanse. članica zemalja industrije odbrambene kompanijama vodećim multinacionalnim sa i nacionalnim zemlje naše industrije odbrambene inte- tehnoloških gracija i kooperacije članicama industrijske državama odnosno NATO, Srbiji i u naoružanja proizvedenog prodaje opreme bolje smislu vojne u NATO zemljama sa nje tribunalom. Haškim sa zemlje naše probleme saradnju poznate za vezane dobro o uz pregovori napreduju dok EU Beogradu, pridruživanju u odbrane NATO Ministarstva sa zgradi vezu za u kancelarija programu je u otvorena CEFTA Takođe, sporazuma pristupanjem Bukureštu. potpisivanjem i mir« njenim za »Partnerstvo Srbije integacija Republike evroatlantskih krug« je »prvi meseci zatvoren proteklih uspešno aktivnosti, intenzivnih godina više osle EVROATLANTSKIM ont ed m o eid d5-hd 0i godina 80-ih do 50-ih od periodu u još smo da je Poznato sarad- intenziviranje značajno i se očekuje tome Shodno INTEGRACIJAMA RIAINJENA I SRBIJA ODBRAMBENA NUTIAU INDUSTRIJA vtaaŠjkMarković Šujak Svetlana lkadrLijaković Aleksandar Piše A fcuigcpcte n kle ua resources. human skilled man- and and capacities R&D ufacturing significant possesses it Western and additionally Russian) origin, (primarily Eastern defense both and of arms equipment for devel- standards with manufacturing familiar and is opment it com- others, of Among number advantages. a parative presents industry Alliance defense the Our of countries. corporations multinational and lead- with national industry ing defense and our cooperation of industrial integrations as technological to well Serbia as in states, produced member equipment NATO stronger defense of and respect arms in of sales expected be may countries NATO with Tribunal. country our Hague of the well- cooperation by to shadowed related proceed problems EU known while Belgrade the in joining building for Defense negotiations was of office Ministry liaison the NATO at opened a Also, CEFTA Bucharest. of in signing the agreement and joining program its by Peace’ Serbia for of ‘Partnership Republic the for in months recent completed successfully was integrations Euro-Atlantic INTEGRATIONS EURO-ATLANTIC IN INDUSTRY DEFENSE ITS AND SERBIA vtaaŠjkMarković Šujak Svetlana Lijaković Aleksandar By hrfr,sgiiatitniyn fcoeainwith cooperation of intensifying significant Therefore, trmn er fitnieatvte,“is on”of round” “first activities, intensive of years many fter akv,dvlpetpoeto nwcom- “new of project in development Žarkovo, tunnel wind supersonic of construction Boeing, to components of turboengine “Viper” supply include cooperation of Other examples offset. in sets of component helicopter number large supplied which our in country produced were “Partisan”) as (known locally helicopters Gazelle 200 over partner when strategic as Aerospatial the French with production in also collaboration can recall We industry. defense our lagging behind technologically were time, the which, and at practical) treaty NATO but of Wing Southern informal (an rep- resented Yugoslavia then Turkey, with and which countries Greece of forces ammunition armed artillery for mm 155 cal. and of 105mm production intensive and 50-ies in the program “off-shore” the remember Just countries. NATO with cooperation sig- nificant enjoyed country our circumstances, ical military-polit- global time different the completely of at between namely period 1980-ies, the and in that 1950-ies fact known a is It prošlog veka, dakle u vreme sasvim drugačije globalne voj- nopolitičke slike, ostvarivali značajnu saradnju sa članicama NATO. Setimo se »off-shore« programa iz 50-tih godina, koji je obuhvatao proizvodnju u našim fabrikama municije po američkoj dokumentaciji, uključujući kalibre 105 mm i 155 mm, za potrebe američkih snaga u Evropi, kao i oružanih snaga Grčke i Turske, zemalja koje su zajedno sa tadašn- jom Jugoslavijom (neformalno, ali praktično) činile južno krilo NATO pakta. Setimo se zatim proizvodne kooperaci- je tokom koje smo, u strateškom partnerstvu sa francuskom firmom Aerospatial, kod nas proizveli preko 200 helikoptera Gazela (kod nas poznat i pod nazivom »Partizan«), a u kon- traisporukama isporučili partneru delove za proizvodnju velikog broja tih helikoptera. Tu je i proizvodnja delova tur- bomlaznog motora »Viper«, zatim proizvodnja hidrauličkih komponenata i elemenata konstrukcije vazuhoplova za kom- paniju Boeing, izgradnja supersoničnog aerotunela u Žarkovu, razvoj »Novog aviona«, prenos tehnologija Olin- bat aircraft”, technology transfer of spherical powder from Winchester za proizvodnju sferičnog baruta u Lučanima, Olin-Winchester to Lučani, production of combat uniforms

proizvodnja borbenih uniformi za oružane snage zemalja for NATO members countries, to name but few. AKTUELNOSTI - TOPICAL ISSUE članica NATO, da pomenemo samo neke programe. The prospects of more intensive cooperation between Mogućnosti za intenzivnu saradnju Republike Srbije i Serbia and members of Partnership for peace are very real- zemalja članica programa Partnerstvo za mir danas su vrlo istic today, keeping in mind the potential of our defense realne, imajući u vidu potencijale odbrambene industrije industry. Integration of R&D and manufacturing capacities naše zemlje. Integracija istraživačkorazvojih i proizvodnih of Serbian defense industry in current international devel- kapaciteta srpske odbrambene industrije u aktuelne među- opment programs involving complex weapon systems with- narodne programe razvoja složenih sredstava NVO svakako out doubt represents one of significant strategic objectives jeste značajan i jedan od strateških ciljeva naše odbrambene for our defense industry. industrije. Is it realistic to expect more intensive cooperation man- Da li to znači da je realno očekivati i intenziviranje sarad- ifested by volume sales of arms to armed services of Western

17 nje na planu kvantitativno značajnijih isporuka sredstava countries? For instance, is it realistic to expect massive NVO za potrebe OS zapadnih zemalja? Na primer, da li je deliveries of our assault rifles to Western armies? This is realno očekivati realizaciju masovnijih isporuka naših not a simple matter since military rifle represents a hall- automatskih pušaka za potrebe OS zemalja zapada? Svakako mark of national defense industry, respectively of its mili- da to nije jednostavno, budući da standardna vojnička puš- tary-political integrations. Referring to that issue, we can ka predstavlja jedan od najznačajnijih nacionalnih simbola cite some marketing experiences of our own. A MOD rep- odbrambene industrije određene zemlje, odnosno njenih resentative from one of most powerful European NATO vojnopolitičkih integracija. countries, while visiting the Jugoimport-SDPR chalet at S tim uvezi, želimo da iznesemo neka naša marketinška IDEX 2005 exhibition in Abu Dhabi and viewing promotion iskustva. Predstavnik ministrarstva odbrane jedne od naj- tape showing the test procedure for the M-21 rifle at our moćnijih evropskih država članica NATO je, tokom posete test facility in Nikinci, commented that those test proce- štandu Jugoimport-SDPR na izložbi IDEX 2005 u Abu dures could not be performed with military rifle made in Dabiju, videvši neke postupke ispitivanja puške M-21 u his country. Tehničkom opitnom centru u Nikincima, prikazane na pro- Also, a representative of that particular rifle manufactur- motivnom filmu, izjavio da sa puškom njihovog proizvođača erthatbelongstotheinnercircleofmostimportantinter- taj postupak nije moguće izvesti. Takođe, predstavnik national companies, while visiting another arms exhibition proizvođača upravo tog streljačkog naoružanja, koji pripada and taking in his hands our carbine M21K that features inte- krugu od nekoliko najznačajnijh svetskih kompanija u toj grated “Picatini” rail on breech cover and underslung oblasti, rekao je sledeće na jednoj drugoj izložbi, uzevši u grenade launcher, stated that “we could sell this rifle to

ruke karabin M21K sa integrisanom »pikatini« šinom na pok- NATO”. AKTUELNOSTI - TOPICAL ISSUE lopcu sanduka i podcevnim bacačem granata: »Vi ovu pušku Entering of Serbia into NATO program Partnership for možete da prodajete NATO-u.« peace opens up possibilities for reestablishing of coopera- Ulaskom Srbije u NATO program Partnerstvo za mir tion between our defense industry and defense industries otvara mogućnost za ponovno uspostavljanje saradnje domaće of other countries worldwide. Establishment of business odbrambene industrije sa vojnim industrijama drugih zemal- cooperation with famous companies from the countries ja sveta. Uspostavljanje poslovne saradnje sa renomiranim members of NATO will provide for our defense industry kompanijama iz zemalja članica NATO omogućiće fabrika- possibility to extend their production programs, modern- ma odbrambene industrije naše zemlje da prošire svoje ize applied technologies and their production equipment, proizvodne asortimane, modernizuju tehnologiju i proizvod- and hopefully substantial opening of working places for qual- nu opremu, a nadamo se i dovesti do osetnijeg zapošljavan- ified manpower. ja stručne radne snage. On the other hand, foreign partners will find in S druge strane, partneri iz inostranstva imaće u Yugoimport-SDPR, the integrator of Serbian defense indus- Jugoimport-SDPR, inetgratoru razvoja domaće odbrambene try and the exporter of its products, as well as in all facto- industrije i izvozniku njenih proizvoda, kao i u svim fab- ries of our defense industry, reliable supplier of parts, com- rikama naše odbrambene industrije, sigurne isporučioce ponents, ready-made products and complex defense sys- delova, komponenti, gotovih proizvoda pa i složenih sistema tems. NVO. We hope that in changing environment of both the Balkans Nadamo se da će srpska odbrambena industrija u izmen- and worldwide, Serbian defense industry will again become jenim okolnostima na Balkanu i u svetu, ponovo postati respectable factor on the international market thus restor- respektabilan faktor na međunarodnom tržištu NVO i time ing its status as one of Serbian major export brands as the povratiti status jednog od značajnijih državnih izvoznih bren- defense industry of SFRY used to be before the nineties of dova kakav je bila vojna industrija SFRJ pre 90-tih godina the last century. prošlog veka.

19 KVALITET - QUALITY 20 U eulk rie a e jngacoo plana,konkretno akcionog njenog deo kao Srbije, Republike evro- sa skladu u standardima. pskim društva modernog i savremene privrede izgradnju nacionalne za preduslov zemlje osnovni naše je strategije obezbeđen razvojne u (IKT) tehnologija godine. cionih ove informaciono-komunika- oktobra Uključivanjem Vlada 5. uniju. strategiju pomenutu je usvojila Evropsku Srbije Republike u inte- ka putu graciji svom na korak značajan učini- la je zemlja naša društva rmacionog DRI DOMENA IZ SDPR KOMUNIKACIONIH kiuSrtgj avj nomcoo društva informacionog razvoja Strategije okviru U vjne taeierzoainfo- razvoja Strategije svajanjem INFORMACIONO- AKTIVNOSTIMA JUGOIMPORT- TEHNOLOGIJA OIEU NOVINE lbdnKrstić Slobodan ilt Kalanj Violeta Pišu TECHNOLOGIES COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION AREA OF THE IN FDSP YUGOIMPORT- OF ACTIVITIES THE CONCERNING NEWS u onr a aeamjrse owr niswytowards way its on forward step major a made has country our fcmeecs n iefae aebe specifically been have frames action time its and of spheres competences, part objectives, of a initiatives, as priorities, Serbia, strategic of the plan, Republic the of Society IT the with line in standards. society European modern mo- and a economy of national building for dern precondition our basic of the strategies ensures country development the in (ICT) Technologies ilt Kalanj Violeta Krstić Slobodan By yaotn h taeyo eeomn fI Society, IT of Development of Strategy the adopting By ihntefaeoko h taeyo eeomn of Development of Strategy the of framework the Within h oeneto h eulco Serbia of Republic the of Government Union. The European the with integration the o h oit sawoe seryas early As whole. a as society and the itself for company the for both tance impor- particular their noticed quickly system, modern business organized process-oriented highly a as has, the Yugoimport-FDSP Serbia, of of Society Republic of IT Strategy of the Development in defined ini- tiatives and priorities the assessing While society. IT changing ever the of conditions in competitive remain skills, and knowledge conti- their by of to, improvement nuous them enable to activi- and daily ties their in the computers in of citizens use the train to is this initiative of objective The License). Computer Driving (European ECDL with compatible are which com- literacy, of standards puter the with line ICT in skills, basic covering citizens educa- of the tion to related is initiative The well. as E-education including defined, hsya.Icroaino the Communication of and Incorporation Information year. this 5 October on Strategy above the adopted su definisani strateški prioriteti, inicijative, ciljevi, nadležno- September 15, 2006, through accreditation by the Unique sti i rokovi koji uključuju i E-obrazovanje. Inicijativa se odnosi IT Association of Serbia, Yugoimport-FDSP was registered na obrazovanje građana za osnovne IKT veštine, u skladu sa as the official international ECDL Test Center. nacionalnim standardima kompjuterske pismenosti koji su By our certification in compliance with the requirements kompatibilni sa ECDL (European Computer Driving of ISO Standards 9001 : 2000 in the beginning of 2005, by Licence). Cilj ove inicijative je opismeniti građane da koriste designing the original process-oriented IT system in accor- kompjutere u svojim svakodnevnim aktivnostima i omogući- dance with the requirements of the quality management sys- ti im da, kroz stalno usavršavanje svojih znanja i sposobnosti, tem and by its implementation in intranet based on highly ostanu konkurentni u uslovima stalno promenjivog info- sophisticated, advanced, security-wise and functionally reli- rmacionog društva. able ICT resources, Yugoimport-FDSP has considerably Evropska Unija (EU), a potom i UNESCO prihvatili su improved the efficiency of its business operations, which has ECDL standard naveden u Strategiji razvoja informacionog been directly reflected on the increase of profit and the over- društva Republike Srbije kao osnovni standard informatičke all values of the company. By certification of its employees KVALITET - QUALITY pismenosti. Nosilac nacionalne ECDL licence za Srbiju je according to the ECDL standard, the generally adopted sta- JISA - Jedinstveni informatički Savez Srbije. Definisanje ndard of IT literacy in Europe and worldwide, Yugoimport- ECDL standarda kao osnove budućeg informaciono-komu- FDSP will additionally improve the efficiency of its business nikacionog znanja u Srbiji predstavlja jednu od strateških operations and increase its overall value. prekretnica za brže uključenje našeg društva u savremene Yugoimport-FDSP held a conference on October svetske tokove. 25, 2006, at which it promoted the adopted Strategy of Ceneći prioritete i inicijative definisane u Strategiji razvo- Development of IT Society of the Republic of Serbia. Thereby ja informacionog društva Republike Srbije, Jugoimport-SDPR Yugoimport-FDSP provided maximum support to all the je, kao visoko organizovan savremeni procesno orijentisan defined priorities and initiatives and, at the same time, pro- poslovni sistem, brzo uočio njihovu veliku važnost kako za moted its own newly opened ECDL Test Center. Apart from samo preduzeće, tako i za društvo u celini. Već 15. septe- Stevan Nikcevic, the General Manager of Yugoimport-FDSP, mbra 2006.godine, akreditacijom od strane Jedinstvenog and Slobodan Krstic, the Head of the Independent IT & informatičkog saveza Srbije, Jugoimport-SDPR je registrovan Quality Department and, at the same time, the Coordinator kao zvanični međunarodni ECDL test centar. of ECDL Test Center of Yugoimport-FDSP and a member Sertifikacijom po zahtevima ISO 9001:2000 standarda of the jury awarding the DISKOBOLOS award, the Professor početkom 2005. godine, projektovanjem originalnog pro- Dr Marijana Vidas Bubanja, the Chairperson of the initia- cesno orijentisanog informacionog sistema u skladu sa zahte- tive the Electronic Southeast Europe of the Stability Pact of vima sistema menadžmenta kvalitetom i njegovom imple- Southeast Europe and the Coordinator of the Working Group mentacijom u intranet baziran na visoko sofisticiranim, mo- for drafting of the National Strategy for the Development of dernim, bezbednosno i funkcionalno pouzdanim IKT resu- IT Society, Zoran Savic, one of the participants in the cre- rsima, Jugoimport-SDPR je znatno unapredio efikasnost ation and drafting of the Strategy, Djordje Djukic, the svog poslovanja što se neposredno odrazilo na povećanje President of the Unique IT Association of Serbia, Djordje profita i sveukupne vrednosti preduzeća. Sertifikacijom Ilic, the Director of the Certification Sector of SGS Belgrade, zaposlenih po ECDL standardu, opšte prihvaćenom sta- as well as the members of the jury granting the annual award ndardu informatičke pismenosti u Evropi i svetu, Jugoimport- DISKOBOLOS, which is awarded for the highest-quality SDPR će dodatno unaprediti efikasnost svog poslovanja i implementation in the area of ICT in Serbia, were also pre- povećati svoju sveukupnu vrednost. sent at the above press conference. Jugoimport-SDPR je održao konferencija za novinare 25. After having undertaken ECDL testing of its own employ- oktobra 2006. godine na kojoj je promovisana usvojena ees, ECDL Test Center of Yugoimport-FDSP will Strategija razvoja informacionog društva Republike Srbije. Time je Jugoimport-SDPR maksimalno podržao sve definisane prioritete i inicijative, a ujedno i promovisao svoj novootvoreni ECDL test centar. Pored Stevana Nikčevića, ge- neralnog direktora Jugoimport-SDPR i Slobodana Krstića, rukovodioca Samostalnog odeljenja za informatiku i kvalitet, ujedno i koordinatora ECDL test centra Jugoimport-SDPR i člana ži- rija za dodelu nagrade DISKOBOLOS, pomenu- toj konferenciji za novinare prisustvovali su Profesor Dr Marijana Vidas Bubanja, predse- davajući inicijative Elektronska jugoistočna Evropa pakta za stabilnost jugoistočne Evrope i koordi- nator radne grupe za izradu Nacionalne strategi- je razvoja informacionog društva, Zoran Savić, jedan od učesnika u kreiranju i izradi strategije, Đorđe Dukić, predsednik Jedinstvenog info- rmatičkog saveza Srbije, Đorđe Ilić, direktor se- ktora sertifikacije SGS Beograd, kao i članovi 21 KVALITET - QUALITY privreda. 22 ekonomi- globalnu u u integriše potpuno dalje se krene da da i Srbiji razvoja pravcu omogući da treba društva cionog naša organizovana je koji na način strukturu čitavu preoblikuje promeni i brzo društva da potencijalom s ‚praga’, tehnologi- karakteristike je ima informacionog Ona razvoja Srbije. Strategija Republike i društva ističe što čemu, mnogo po novog kreator stvarni i okruženja. već ekonomskog tržištu društveno na da učesnik težnje samo i ne bude uslovima ekonomskim i tržišnim prilagodljivosti njegove savremenim je dokaz organizovanosti, dosadašnje i uspešnosti svoje osnovu na programima, profitabilnim profit. IKT obezbede da svim mogu na koja nastupa partnerskog tržištima zajedničkog domaćem cilju na u aktere tržištu ključne IKT sve integriše da pokušati periodu, narednom i u će, privrede Jugoimport-SDPR nacionalne konkurentnost. na globalnu uticaj sveopšti imaju i mogućnosti partnerima. ulivaju budućim i našim kredibilitetu, poverenje čvrstom i ste- poverenja visokom obostranog na penu su zasnovani partnerima, sa stranim odnosi i domaćim poslovni dosadašnji Uspostavljeni pojedi- tržišta. i načna regione određene za karakterističnim specifičnim i faktorima, okruženjem uslo- ekonomskim programa, i vrsti privrednim vljenih shodno tržišta različita na poslovanje standardima. svetskim sa kvalite- skladu menadžmenta u tom sistema oblasti u usluga domena konsalting i znanja info- domena i iz tehnologija partnerima rmaciono-komunikacionih stranim aspe- i sve domaćim na ponuda odnosi se kte koji poslovanja svog orijen- segmenta profitno tisanog novog otvaranje i sistema, planira Jugoimport-SDPR poslovnih savremenih bitnih organizaciju oblasti efikasnu ostalih za i kvalitetom menadžmenta sistema ja, tehnologi- informaciono-komunikacionih akumulirano oblastima i u znanje sistem poslovni fleksi- orijentisan i procesno organizovan dobro bilan inostranstvu, i zemlji cenjenih u i partnera oblasti pouzdanih u broj posedujemo veliki koje prometa, spoljnotrgovinskog iskustvo ogromno i kao Republike društva Srbije informacionog razvoja Strategiji u nisane dru- informacionog razvoja štva. oprede- pogledu strateškim u u države doprinos naše ljenjima daje kojim korak prvi samo dogovoru u i zahtevima licima. sa zainteresovanim skladu sa u testiranja name- i ostalih obuka mogućnost nskih i kao gru- kandidata, i obuku samostalnu ECDL pnu za CD audio-vizuelne obuku, literaturu, ECDL ECDL kvalitetnu i testiranja nudi ECDL tržištu Osim Jugoimport-SDPR građanstva. i lica kandidata pravnih zainteresovanih drugih svih testiranje ECDL prijemom za sa prijava početi će Jugoimport-SDPR centar test ECDL u IKT oblasti Srbiji. u se implementacije koja najkvalitetnije DISKOBOLOS, za dodeljuje nagrade godišnje dodelu za žirija umoobž eokršejmbl oeduetehnologi- druge koje bilo je. korišćenjem nego brže mnogo ju ncjtv eaaz rmcj npeej informa- unapređenje i promociju za vezana Inicijativa nomcookmnkcoathooiaj jedinstvena je tehnologija Informaciono-komunikaciona novim razvoj upotpuni da Jugoimport-SDPR Spremnost velike pružaju tehnologije Informaciono-komunikacione svoje usmerava da tome po poznat je Jugoimport-SDPR defi- inicijative i prioritete važne ostale vidu u Imajući učinio je Jugoimport-SDPR centra test ECDL Otvaranjem zaposlenih, svojih testiranja ECDL sprovedenog Posle ymc atrta yuigayohrtechnology. other any using econo- by global than the faster in much with integrate my further fully proceed to to and development Serbia the enable should society IT of orga- is economy our which in the way nized. of the structure reshape entire to the and society change rapidly with to technologies, potential threshold the They the Serbia. of of characteristics Republic the the Strategy have of the Society in IT stressed of also Development is of which aspects, many in unique envi- economic and social new but a market ronment. of the creator in actual participant the a be also and to conditions only not economic endeavors adapt- and the its market of modern the evidence to the so- ability it its organization, of and basis the success on far programs, profitable new with pment markets profit. the ICT all ensure in can the that appearance for partnership market joint ICT of domestic the purpose in stakeholders integrate to key endeavor the period, all forthcoming the in Yugoimport- will, FDSP competition. the global on and influence economies overall national an have and opportunities great inspire partners. credibility, future solid our and to trust mutual confidence of based degree partners, high foreign a and on domestic the with busi- established relations so-far ness The markets. certain individual for and regions characteristic factors, envi- specific economic and and the ronment industrial of the type by the conditioned to subject program, markets various to operations ness the with compliance in standards. field international system the management in quality services the consulting of of area the and in technologies and know-how communication and the in information partners of the international area of and aspects domestic all the to to its proposals related of is segment which profit-oriented operations, new business a open to is planning Yugoimport-FDSP also systems, organiza- business efficient advanced for of importance tion of areas other and sys- tem, management quality and the information technologies, of areas communication the in knowledge system, accumulated and business well process-oriented abroad, flexible reliable and and of country the number organized in large both a partners we trade, esteemed experience foreign and huge of the area as the well in Society as have IT Serbia of of Development Republic of the of Strategy the in defined tives the to respect society. with IT to of state contributing development our is of it commitments which with strategic step the first the only made has parties. interested the require- with the agreement with upon compliance and special-pu- ments in other testing of and possibility training the rpose as training well ECDL as group candidates, of and individual for literature, CDs ECDL audio-visual training, ECDL to high-quality offering market also the is Apart Yugoimport-FDSP citizens. testing, the ECDL and from entities legal ca- other interested from all of ndidates testing ECDL for applications receiving h ntaierltdt h rmto n improvement and promotion the to related initiative The are technologies communication and information The develo- its complete to Yugoimport-FDSP of Readiness offer technologies communication and information The busi- its streamlining for renowned is Yugoimport-FDSP initia- and priorities important other the mind in Bearing Yugoimport-FDSP Center, Test ECDL the opening By PROTIVOKLOPNI BUMBAR SISTEM (BUMBLE BEE) VOĐENE RAKETE ANTI-TANK BUMBAR MISSILE SYSTEM

Piše By Aleksandar Lijaković Aleksandar Lijaković

Osnovna namena i koncept sredstva Weapon application and main concept

Protivoklopni sistem vođene rakete BUMBAR je lako Anti-armor guided missile system BUMBAR is a light- prenosno protivoklopno sredstvo za napadna i odbrambena weight portable offensive and defensive anti-armor weapon dejstva na malim daljinama. BUMBAR mogu koristiti najniže for close ranges. BUMBAR may be operated by the lowest taktičke jedinice pešadije u svim borbenim situacijama uz infantry tactical units in all combat situations, by making use sve prednosti zaklanjanja koje omogućava konfiguracija ter- of cover afforded by terrain configuration, fortified objects ena, fortifikacijski objekti i urbana sredina. Mogućnost lan- and urban environment. Capability of launching in enclosed siranja iz zatvorenog prostora daje BUMBARU atribut pravog spaces earns BUMBAR the attribute of a truly defensive odbrambenog oružja. Domet do 600 m uz mogućnost weapon. Its range of 600 meters, with possible increase to povećanja do 1000 m, odlično je prilagođen zoni neposredne 1000 meters, is perfectly suited for infantry close range anti- protivoklopne odbrane pešadije. tank defenses. U poređenju sa ručnim bacačima raketa maksimalni domet Compared to hand-held rocket launchers, maximum range rakete BUMBAR je dvostruko ili čak trostruko veći, uz ukup- of BUMBAR missile is two to three times greater, its total nu masu i ukupnu fleksibilnost taktičke upotrebe koja je mass and overall flexibility in tactical use are comparable to uporediva sa ručnim lanserima nevođenih raketa i uz efikas- unguided rocket launchers and its target effectiveness is nost na cilju koja je uporediva sa teškim sistemima vođenih comparable to large, long-range guided missile systems. raketa velikog dometa. Domet sistema BUMBAR praktično Effective range of the system BUMBAR practically covers pokriva minimalni domet protivoklopnih raketa za velike the minimum range of long-range anti-armor missiles, when daljine na kome je verovatnoća pogađanja cilja ovih sistema their target hit probability is comparatively poor. srazmerno mala. BUMBAR is primarily an anti-armor system, its proper- BUMBAR je prvenstveno protivoklopni sistem, ali njegove ties, however, allow engaging within a much broader spec- osobine omogućavaju izvršenje mnogo šireg spektra bor- trum of combat missions. Multi-purposness of the system ODBRAMBENE TEHNOLOGIJE - DEFENCE TECHNOLOGIES benih zadataka. Višenamenska upotreba sistema ostvarena is achieved by application of alternative warheads designed je primenom alternativnih bojevih glava za uništavanje nepri- for annihilation of hostile bunkers, points of resistance, for- jateljskih bunkera, otpornih tačaka, utvrđenih objekata i tified objects and infantry in field covers. Highly portable pešadije u poljskim zaklonima. Borbena autonomija i laka and autonomous in combat, flexible for use in various tac- prenosivost, zajedno sa fleksibilnošću taktičke upotrebe, tical situations, able to fire in enclosed spaces and provided mogućnost dejstva iz zatvorenog prostora, uz visoku efikas- with highly effective warheads, system BUMBAR is also well nost primenjenih bojnih glava, čini BUMBAR pogodnim za suited for anti-terrorist operations, particularly in urban areas. Two additional tactical advantages, not related to conventional anti-armor combat, deserve special mention as particularly promi- nent in urban anti-terrorist engagements. These are: minimum effective range of only 60 m at which missile can be effectively guided to target and high probability of hitting fast, rela- tively small targets (light combat vehicles, armed and armored jeep-type vehicles) at short ranges (up to 200 m). Principle of direct guidance along the line of sight to target, comprises heavy war- head (of comparatively greater mass than war- heads of so-called controllable anti-armor mis- siles that impact the armor from upper hemi- sphere) and provides greater effectiveness against fortified objects, an important factor for anti-terrorist operations. 23 primenu u antiterorističkim operacijama, posebno u urban- From the point of cost-effectiveness, the concept applied im sredinama. Treba naglasiti još dve taktičke prednosti enables considerably lower price of the BUMBAR miss com- BUMBARA koje, osim u klasičnoj protivoklopnoj borbi, pared to prices of controllable missile systems of similar posebno dolaze do izražaja u savremenim antiterorističkim range. AT systems of 3rd generation, equipped with hom- dejstvima u urbanim sredinama. To su kratak minimalni ing heads are, in turn, significantly more expensive than con- domet (60 m) na kome se raketa može efikasno voditi do cil- trollable missile systems. ja, kao i velika verovatnoća pogađanja brzih relativno malih ciljeva (laka borbena vozila, naoružana i oklopljena terens- Tactical use ka vozila) na kratkim dometima (do 200 m); Princip direk- tnog vođenja do cilja po nišanskoj liniji, koji podrazumeva One soldier of the two-member antitank team operates primenu teške bojne glave (srazmerno veće mase nego u the weapon BUMBAR. The other team member carries, slučaju bojnih glava PO raketnih sistema razvijenih na bazi depending on tactical situation, one, two or three spare mis- takozvanih upravljivih raketa, kod kojih se primenjuju lakše siles in their transporting/launching tubes. At combat ranges bojne glave koje dejstvuju na oklop iz gornje polusfere) to 300 m, missile may be shoulder launched, for distances omogućava veću efikasnost protiv utvrđenih objkata, poseb- exceeding 300 m launching is from the stand. Missile is no značajnu u antiterorističkoj borbi. shoulder launched in standing or kneeling position when Sa stanovišta odnosa cena - efiaksnost, primenjeni kon- operator uses available natural support or, if in a settlement, cept omogućava da cena BUMBARA bude znatno niža od he takes support of a window, wall opening, etc. The ability cene sistema baziranih na upravljivim raketama iste kate- of shoulder launching considerably expands flexibility of tac- gorije dometa, a uz veću verovatnoću pogađanja koju tical uses, reduces firing time and contributes to higher com- omogućava vođenje rakete. Sistemi 3. generacije, kod kojih bat dynamics. In line with the dynamics of BUMBAR engage- su primenjene glave za samonavođenje, značajno su skuplji ment is short time needed to replace the launching tube with od sistema baziranih na upravljivim raketama. a new tube with missile. Shoulder launching enables effective missile guidance up Taktička upotreba to 300 m in range, conditioned by stability of the line of sight and limitations of operator. The use of stand will stabilize Oružjem BUMBAR rukuje jedan vojnik iz dvočlanog pro- the line of sight up to 600 m (resp. to 1000 m for the latest tivoklopnog tima. Drugi vojnik nosi, u zavisnosti od taktičke version of the missile). Application of bipod or tripod stand situacije, jednu, dve ili tri rezervne rakete u transportno- and mechanism for target tracking in azimuth and elevation lansirnim cevima. Na ciljeve do borbenih daljina od 300 m allows effectiveness at maximum range without use any nat- raketa se može lansirati sa ramena strelca, a preko 300 m sa ural of other support, by firing in sitting, kneeling or prone postolja ili oslonca. Raketa se lansira sa ramena, u stojećem position. ili klečećem položaju, u kojima strelac koristi raspoloživi The missile is guided to target by means of guidance and prirodni oslonac ili, u slučaju urbane sredine, prozor, otvor launching mechanism. This device in traveling position is u zidu ili slično. Mogućnost lansiranja sa ramena znatno carried by operator, together with bipod/tripod stand, in spe- proširuje fleksibilnost taktičke upotrebe BUMBARA, skraću- cial knapsack. Depending on tactical situation, missile oper- ODBRAMBENE TEHNOLOGIJE - DEFENCE TECHNOLOGIES je vreme dejstva, te doprinosi dinamici borbenog dejstva. U ator can carry one or two extra missiles, in addition to the saglasnosti sa dinamikom dejstva jeste i kratko vreme zamene knapsack. Thus a two-man team carries up to 5 missiles in lansirne cevi posle lansiranja sa novom raketom u lansirnoj combat, achieving high combat autonomy. Before firing, cevi. operator attaches the guidance and launching unit to the tube with missile. In respect of the BUMBAR flexibility of tactical use, significant quality is introduced by image projection from guidance/launching unit’s TV camera on opera- tor’s eyepiece, located on his helmet. Image is transferred by cable, permitting the operator to assume comfortable position of his head and bet- ter view of combat situation immediately prior to missile firing, to make better selection of avail- able supports or covers, including cover from direct small arms fire. Together with minor dis- closing of firing position and capability to fire in enclosed area, all these factors increase the prob- ability of survival of missile operator. Sub-title:

Description of BUMBAR system

The BUMBAR system is based on improved semiautomatic command guidance system (SAC- LOS). After launching, operator only needs to keep reticle of the sight aligned with the target 24 Lansiranje sa ramena omogućava efikasno vođenje rakete do daljina od 300m, što je uslovljeno stabnilnošću nišanske linije, odnosno ograničenjima operatora. Korišćenjem oslon- ca nišanska linija se stabilizuje i daljina dejstva se povećava na maksimalnih 600 m (odnosno 1000 kod nove varijante rakete). Primena lansirnog postolja sa dvonošcem ili tronošcem, sa mehanizmom za praćenje cilja po azimutu i elevaciji omogućava ostvarivanje dejstva na maksimalnoj dalji- ni u uslovima nepostojanja prirodnih ili drugih oslonaca iz sedećeg/klečećeg ili ležećeg položaja. Raketa se do cilja vodi pomoću uređaja za vođenje i lan- and the missile will fly along the line of sight until impact siranje. Ovaj uređaj u marševskom položaju prenosi strelac on target. By guidance method, BUMBAR belongs to sys- zajedno sa dvonožnim/tronožnim postonjem, u posebnom tems of 2nd generation, however it possesses two property rancu. U zavisnosti od taktičke situacije strelac, pored ran- features available to 3rd generation anti-armor missile sys- ca, može da nosi jednu do dve rakete, tako da borbeni dvočlani tems. These are “soft” launching with low muzzle velocity tim u borbi prenosi do 5 raketa, čime se postiže visoka bor- that enables missile launching in closed area and minor bena autonomija. Kada strelac želi da gađa cilj, on postavl- unmasking effect of the firing position, as well as guid- ja uređaj za vođenje i lasiranje na raketu u lansirnoj cevi. Sa ance/launching locator protection from jamming achieved stanovišta fleksibilnosti taktičke upotrebe BUMBARA, znača- with the use of CCD matrix sensors, fast image processing jan kvalitet unosi rešenje projektovanja slike sa TV kamere computer and robust missile tracer recognition algorithm. uređaja za vođenje i lansiranje na monitor na okularu strel- Application of appropriate software for signal processing in ca smešten na borbenom šlemu. Prenos slike izvodi se guidance and launching unit and tracer computer deter- kablom i omogućava udobniji položaj glave strelca, bolji pre- mines missile’s position while rejecting jamming. TV cam- gled borbene situacije neposredno pre izvođenja gađanja i era operation is synchronized with the guidance and tracer širu mogućnost korišćenja raspoloživih oslonaca, odnosno system by hybrid electrical circuit in the missile during two zaklona, uključujući i zaklon od neposredne streljačke vatre. second prior to missile launch. Micro-cable for guidance Zajedno sa malim demaskiranjem i mogućnosti lansiranja commands to the missile has been retained for effective pro- iz zatvorenog prostora, ova osobina doprinosi povećanju tection from jamming and lower cost of the missile. verovatnoće preživljavanja strelca. Anti-armor guided missile system BUMBAR uses tandem shaped charge warhead. Warheads are spaced by four cal- ODBRAMBENE TEHNOLOGIJE - DEFENCE TECHNOLOGIES

25 ODBRAMBENE TEHNOLOGIJE - DEFENCE TECHNOLOGIES ašvk oo epl ot aeadjto trngmoto- startnog dejstvom raketa pošto pali se motor Marševski epgd ij rđjz oej aiaj deueputan- određuje laniranje i vođenje raketa za dok Uređaj končanice, cilj. centru pogodi u ne vreme pritisne sve da cilj treba držeći okidač strelac sistema, nišanskog končanice tar lansera. od metra 3 približno od leta). rastojanju pređe m ra 100 prvih u puta osam manji poluprečnik je generacije putanje druge rakete krivine poznate na odnosu (u ma potiska vektorom upravljanje za sistema rakete. rešenje težišta blizini Novo u smeštenim motora marševskog potiska glave. ras- na vođenja bojne tunel u rakete Uvođenje kumulativne dem mgćv aeid oto aerš r ai brzina- malim pri i manevriše „oštro" da raketi omogućava vektorom upravljanje snažnim za je sistemom ostvareno m 60 od tojanju tan- dejstva od bezbednosti operatora zonom je određena 60m od gađanja motora. raketnog marševskog iza glave bojne osnovne postavljanjem je između postignuto glava, bojnih kalibra četiri od Rastojanje glavu. bojnu kumulativnu tandem ima BUMBAR, sistema raketa i rakete. ometanja cene smanjenja od zaštite efikasne zbog zadržan je za raketu na komandi prenos Mikrokabl dve rakete. od lansiranja pre trajanju sekunde u vrši se trasera i lansiranje i je vođen- za uređaja kamera TV rada Sinhronizacija smetnji. odbacivanje uz rakete položaj se određuje trasera i za lasiranje i vođenje uređaja računaru rakete. u signala obradu za softvera trasera odgovarajućeg Primenom je prepoznavan- za algoritma robustnog i slike obradu za računara brzog senzora matričnih CCD primenom je ostvarena za ometanja uređaja od rakete zaštita lasiranje i i kao vođenje položaju, vatrenom demaski- na mali efekat i prostorije rajući zatvorene iz brzinom dejstvo početnom omogućava koji malom rakete su lansiranja To način generacije. „meki" treće poseduje sistema ali protivoklopnih generacije, osobine dve druge vođenja, sisteme načinu u Prema spada oko ciljem. BUMBAR leti sa raketa susreta dok do linije cilja, nišanske tački željenoj nišan- na končanicu uređaja drži samo skog strelac da je potrebno Nakon lansiranja (SACLOS). vođenja sistema komandnog automatskog 26 ot epain sei rđ otvjne ij cen- u cilja postavljanjem oruđe usmerio pravilno je Pošto iian daljina Minimalna vođena Protivoklopna polu- usavršenog primeni na je zasnovan BUMBAR Sistem BUMBAR sistema Opis etwt pr ol n cesre,tann i n pack- and kit training accessories, ing. and tools spare with ment missile. with tube new to it attaching launch- tube, ing from mechanism guidance/launching opera- pri- removes guidance, of tor missile jet completing charge Upon shaped warhead. by mary armor main effec- of enabling penetration armor, reactive tive tank warhead neutralize Secondary to designed warhead. is primary the of then warhead, ftr segttmstgtrdrn h is 0 fflight). of m 100 first the during tighter times eight radius is trajectory turn missiles, of (com- generation speeds 2nd low familiar thrust to at the pared even of maneuvers control sharp by enables of guidance vector center of missile’s solution to Novel close gravity. situated motor, sustainer the vec- of thrust from controlling tor m system 60 guidance at powerful tunnel by muzzle guidance war- the charge enters shaped tandem Missile of head. effects from operator for tor sustainer motor. behind rocket positioned warhead primary with ibers, h UBRsse ossso h epn etequip- test weapon, the of consists system BUMBAR The iiu rnerneo 0 sdtrie ysft fac- safety by determined is 60m of range fringe Minimum d is ciaigtefz fsecondary of fuze the short-circuit- activating first is ed, tip missile at cap con- impact, tact On viewing. target of line the from deviations missile minimum beprosensures periods able motor vari- during jets exhaust sustainer in motor. interceptors of Activation sustainer of nozzle every for inter- ceptors of pair a by trolled con- is Missile missile. to attached cable micro via sent trajectory, the corrects that signal trol con- generate will ment equip- line, viewing from deviate missile Should target. on weapon the aiming while operator by set line viewing to pared com- are trajectory sile mis- on Information rear. missile the at mounted tracer by emitted energy IR detected from jectory tra- the determines nism mecha- launching and Guidance impact. until missile center the in get tar- the keeps and trigger the depresses operator reticle, device of sighting center the in target with aiming, proper After ejection distance motor. by the reached tube, about3mfromlaunch at fires motor Sustainer Significant advanced technical features ju na osnovu detektovane IC energije koju emituje traser developed and incorporated on BUMBAR smešten na zadnjem delu rakete. Podaci o putanji rakete system porede se sa linijom viziranja koju određuje strelac usmeravanjem oružja prema cilju. Ukoliko rake- - Tandem shaped charge warhead ta odstupa od linije viziranja (cen- capable of destroying modern tanks trar slike), uređaj generiše upravl- and tanks equipped with ex plo- jačke signale za korekciju putanje sive-reactive armor koji se šalju mikrokablom prema - Optoelectronic digital missile TV raketi. Raketom se upravlja sa jed- coordinator comprising specially nim parom interceptora na svakom developed computers and missile od mlaznika marševskog motora. guidance and control software Unošenjem interceptora u izdu- - Coordinator protected from IR vne mlazeve marševskog motora u flare jamming by application of različitim trajanjima obezbeđuje robust algorithms for frequency, se minimalno odstupanje rakete amplitude, position and differen- od linije viziranja cilja. Pri udaru tial discrimination of jamming, u cilj kontaktna kapa rakete se operating in synchronization with kratko spoji i aktivira upaljač prvo missile IR tracer pomoćne, a zatim osnovne bojne glave. Pomoćna bojna gla- - A dvanced missile electronics circuitry using micro- va treba da neutrališe eksplozivni reaktivni oklop tenka i time processors and specially developed missile to launch tube omogućava efikasno dejstvo kumulativnog mlaza osnovne interface connectors bojne glave rakete na osnovni oklop tenka. Kada je završeno - Novel solution of sighting telescope with CCD TV camera vođenje rakete, strelac skida uređaj za vođenje i lansiranje and LCD eliminates ergonomic problems and facilitates sa lansirne cevi i postavlja ga na cev sa novom raketom. its manufacturing technology Sistem BUMBAR sastoji se od oružja, merno-ispitne - Highly efficient missile thrust vector control system con- opreme sa rezervnim alatom i priborom, opreme za obuku verting 25% of thrust axial component into lateral missile i opreme za pakovanje control force - Robust solution of missile propulsion resistant to varia- Značajna tehnička dostignuća razvijena i tions of ambient temperatures, operations within the range primenjena na sistemu BUMBAR" of -3O°C to 50°C - Novel solution of free gyro spinning under pressure from - Tandemkumulativna bojna glava za uništenje savre- gas generator, suitable for AT missiles with time of flight menih tenkova i tenkova sa ERO up to 10 s - Optoelektronski digitalni TV koordinator rakete za koji - New micro cable of high tensile strength, made of carbon su razvijeni novi računari i softver za vođenje i upravljanje fibers, suitable for subsonic speeds to 300 m/s raketom - A dvanced launching tube and accessories made of light- ODBRAMBENE TEHNOLOGIJE - DEFENCE TECHNOLOGIES - Zaštita koordinatora od ometanja IC mamcima primenom weight materials tube also serves for missile storing and robustnih algoritama za frekventnu, amplitudsku, položa- transport jnu i diferencijalnu diskriminaciju smetnji, koji rade u sinhro- nizaciji sa IC traserom rakete - Savremena rešenja bloka elektronike rakete, primenom mikroprocesora i namenski razvijenih konektora interfejsa rakete i lansirne cevi

- Novo rešenje nišanskog durbina sa CCD TV kamerom i LCD čime su otklonjeni ergonomski problemi i olakšana tehnologija njegove izrade - Visoko efikasan sistem za upravljanje vektorom potiska rakete koji 25% aksijalne komponente potiska pretvara u bočnu upravljačku silu rakete - Robustno rešenje pogonske grupe rakete otporno na tem- peraturske varijacije ambijenta u operativnom temper- aturskom području od -30°S do 50°S - Novo rešenje slobodnog žiroskopa koji se zaleće energi- jom gasa pod pritiskom iz gasogeneratora, za PO rakete čiji let traje do 10s

- Novi mikrokabl visoke prekidne čvrstoće, od ugljeničnih vlakana, za dozvučne brzine rakete do 300 m/s - Savremeno rešenje lansirne cevi i njoj pripadajućih ele- 27 ODBRAMBENE TEHNOLOGIJE - DEFENCE TECHNOLOGIES kaitneitasotrakete transport i skladištenje ...... vć d95% od veća ...... komandi prenos za ablom durbina ij oao rđj avđneilansiranje i vođenje za uređaja lokator u praćenjem automatskim cilja sa končanice pokretne objek- utvrđene uvođenje na te; dejstvo termobaričke za - glava namenjene bojnih probojno-rušeće, novih i razvoj m; 1000 na dometa 28 materijala lakih od menata io 0 ...... aj d5s 5 od manje ...... m 600 od ni on lv admkumulativna tandem kg glava 12 kg bojna 14 - ...... rakete masa cevi - transportno-lasnirnoj u rakete masa - noću gađanja mogućnost prostorije - zatvorene iz gađanja položaju mogućnost vatrenom - na efekat demaskirajući dva mali - ...... 1164mm poslužilaca ...... kg broj položaju 18 - marševskom u ... oruđa položaju dužina vatrenom - na sistema lansirnog 1000mm masa preko - ...... glave bojne probojnost - ciljeva s pokretnih 4.6 i nepokretnih m...... pogađanja 600 verovatnoća na m) - cilja 1000 do razvoju leta u vreme ( - 600m domet...... maksimalni 60m - ...... domet minimalni 136mm - puta ...... 3 rakete kalibar - sistema 12 mikrok- sa generacije druge raketa vođena karakteristike komandno - tehničke Taktičko- 1,2 kamera TV CCD durbina nišanskog uvećanje - 10 durbina nišanskog polje vidno - nišanskog osom mikrometara sa 0.7-1.1 paralelna 6' objektiva uskougaonog osa - objektiva uskougaonog polje vidno objektiva - širokougaonog ose nadvišenja ugao - objektiva širokougaonog polje sledeće vidno - ima područje spektralno - senzor lansiranje IC - i vođenje za Uređaj aa1. Faza sistema: usavršavanja Predstojeća aa2. Faza asmlabzn aee...... 250m/s ...... rakete 55mm brzina maksimalna ...... - glave bojeve 136mm pomoćne kalibar ...... - glave bojeve osnovne kalibar - rm dpvaej kdč opgđnaclan dalji- na cilja pogađanja do okidača povlačenja od vreme - 18m/s rakete brzina početna - aatooc ...... 4kg 4 ...... tronošca masa - gondiej s C...... 10 LC...... ose nadvišenja ugao kg - 2 cevi...... kg lansirne 4 masa ...... - vođenje za uređaja masa - BUMBAR karakteristike: nercj lv asamonavođenje za glave Integracija nercj emvzjk aee povećanje kamere; termovizijske Integracija oaj jdoikneee za kontejener i ujedno je koja 0 al o rnfrof transfer for cable …...... esta s 5 than less .…...... 0.95 than ...... greater ihatmtctre rcigfrlctro isl guid- missile of locator unit. ance/launching for tracking target reticle automatic moving with of introduction fortifications; ther- for – designed warheads warheads new new concrete-piercing-demolition; of and development mobaric m; 1000 to range ed hs 1: Phase upgrading: system Follow-on atcltcnclseiiain fthe of specifications Tactical-technical 3 12 magnification...... x telescope ...... Sighting view - of axis field telescope telescope sighting Sighting to parallel - axis lens ...... 1,2 angle view Narrow of - field lens angle 6' Narrow angle...... - superelavation lens ...... 10 angle view Wide of - field lens the angle Wide - of micrometers range...... 0.7-1.1 camera Spectrum TV - CCD ...... equipment sensor IR - launching and Guidance omn udnemsieo n eeainwt micro with generation 2nd of missile guidance Command - Cai ueeeainage...... 10|O ...... angle superelevation kg axis 2 LC ...... - tube launching kg of 4 Mass ...... - mechanism guidance/launching kg of 4 Mass - ...... tripod of Mass 600m - at target on impact to depressing trigger from Time - velocity...... 18m/s muzzle Missile ...... 250m/s - velocity maximum Missile 55mm - caliber...... 136mm warhead Secondary - ...... caliber warhead Primary - charge shaped ...... tandem, Warhead kg - 12 kg ...... 14 mass tube.. Missile transporting/launching - in missile of Mass - capability firing spaces Night closed - in firing of position Capable firing - at signature disclosing Low - two 1164mm operators...... kg of ...... 18 Number position - traveling in ...... length position Weapon firing - in mass system Launching - 1000mm ...... over targets penetration Warhead s moving - 4.6 and stationary for ………...... … m probability 600 Hit at development) target under - to m flight (1000 of Time 600m - rang...... Maximum - 60m …...... range Minimum - 136mm ...... caliber Missile - hs 2.: Phase UBRsystem BUMBAR specifications: following commands nerto ftemliaigcmr,extend- camera, imaging thermal of Integration nerto fhmn edo r e.missile gen. 3rd of head homing of Integration IZBOR COMPUTER-AIDED RADASKOG SELECTION OF POLOŽAJA RADAR POST POMOĆU MODERNIZATION RAČUNARA PROGRAMME

Piše By puk. Jolkić Slobodan, dipl. ing. Col. Slobodan Jolkic, B.Sc

Savremeni borbeni uslovi sistema protivvazdušne odbrane The current combat conditions of air-defense systems (PVO) nameću izuzetno složene opšte i posebne zahteve, (ADSs) impose particularly complex overall and special posebno podsistemi vazdušnog osmatranja i javljanja (VOJ). requirements, particularly for the subsystems of air surveil- Jedan od osnovnih zadataka projektovanja sistema protiv- lance and reporting (AS&R). One of the basic tasks when vazdušne odbrane jeste projektovanje mreže radaskih položa- designing an air-defense system is to design the system of ja za borbeni raspored jedinica VOJ. Zadatak postaje izuzetno a net of radar posts for combat deployment of AS&R units. složen ako se postave strogi taktičko-tehnički zahtevi pod- This task becomes particularly complex if strict tactical and sistemu za vazdušno osmatranje i navođenje ( VOJIN). Jedan technical requirements are set for the subsystem of air sur- od najstrožih zahteva jeste otkrivanje u realnom vremenu i veillance and guidance (AS&G). One of the strictest require- neprekidno praćenje ciljeva malih refleksnih površina, na ments is the detection in real time and continuous tracking izuzetno malim visinama, na daljinama koje omogućavaju of targets of small radar cross-sections, on particularly low optimalnu reakciju sistema PVO. Zadatak postaje još složeni- altitudes, at ranges that enable optimal response of ADS sys- ji ako se zna da je osnovni uslov za preživljavanje sistema tems. This task becomes even more complex if it is known VOJ u ratnim dejstvima manevar jedinica VOJ pokretom. that the basic condition for survival of an AS&R system in Ovaj zahtev višestruko povećava broj radaskih položaja(RP), military actions is the maneuver of AS&R units by move- odnosno usložava potrebnu mrežu radarskih položaja za date ment. This requirement multiply increases the number of uslove osmatranja i praćenja. radar posts (RP), i.e. makes more complex the required net of radar posts for the given conditions of surveillance and Projektovanje mreže radarskih položaja tracking. ODBRAMBENE TEHNOLOGIJE - DEFENCE TECHNOLOGIES

Primarni parametri koji diktiraju projektovanje mreže su Designing the Net of Radar Posts zakrivljenost zemljine površine, profil reljefa, refleksna površi- na cilja i tipovi raspoloživih antenskih sistema radara. The primary parameters that dictate designing of the net Sekundarni parametri su trenutno stanje ispravnosti are the curvature of the earth’s surface, the cross-section of radarskih sistema i stanje atmosfere. Od ovih parametara the relief, radar cross-section of the target, and types of the neposredno zavisi broj radarskih položaja i radara za zadate available radar antenna systems. The secondary parameters taktičko-tehničke zahteve. Zakrivljenost zemljine površine are the current proper operating state of the radar systems kao parametar koji određuje mrežu radarskih položaja utiče and the state of the atmosphere. The number of radar posts tako da se ciljevi ispod radarskog horizonta ne mogu osma- and radars directly depends on the above parameters for the trati. Iz formule za pad zemljine krivine može se izračunati set tactical and technical requirements. The curvature of da se na daljini od 100 km ne mogu videti ciljevi visine ispod the earth’s surface as the parameter, which defines the net 800 m, odnosno 591 m, ako se u obzir uzima povijanje ele- of radar posts, has such an influence that the targets below ktromagnetnih talasa (radaski horizont ). Ako pretpostavi- the radar horizon cannot be surveilled. From the formula mo da je zona za koju se projektuje mreža radarskih položa- for the decline of the earth’s curvature, it is possible to cal- ja idealno ravničarska, vidimo da već prvi parmetar traži više culate that, at a range of 100 km, targets at an altitude below radskih položaja ako je zahtevana visina otkrivanja mala, a 800 m, or 591m, cannot be seen if bending of the electro- daljina otkrivanja relativno velika. magnetic waves it taken into account (radar horizon). If we Kako se taj odnos kreće pokazaćemo na sledećim prime- assume that the zone for which the net of radar posts is rima. Neka je površina zahtevane zone otkrivanja na visina- designed is ideally lowland, we see that already the first para- ma 600 m recimo 90000 km2 (300 km x 300 km), površina meter requires more radar posts if the required altitude of koju jedan radar pokriva za tu visinu je krug prečnika 200 detection is low, and the detection range is relatively long. km i površine 31400 km2. U taktici VOJ se umanjuje na 2,6 We shall demonstrate how this relationship works on the zbog potrebe preklapanja radarskog polja, pa je površina za following examples: Let us assume that the square area of 29 ODBRAMBENE TEHNOLOGIJE - DEFENCE TECHNOLOGIES lsčo eoo oazheadgtan računanje dugotrajno analizirale zahteva koja i metodom projektovale klasičnom mrežu radarsku i položaja zahteve. taktičko-tehničke osmatranja skromne zoni relativno zadatoj za u položaja radarskih relativno broj odrediti veliki potrebno pokretom, manevar vrši ne ortmičso auaaj rž arnmdejstvi- vatrenim mreže manevra narušavanja čestog dinamike i izuzetne pokretom zbog agresije, otkrivanja. toku dijagrama U horizontalnih crtanje obimno i uvećava. se višestruko projektovanja mreže posao radarske zahteve, strožije li Uključimo rkiaj,bzrzrn asemeeimeekoja mreže i mreže jednostruko radske za rezervne je bez dozvol- da prekrivanje, reljef zaključiti nam možemo gde Stoga tamo java. već gde, može- bilo ne postaviti zračenja mo dijagrama formiranje za površinu tla refleksnu okolnog koriste koji sisteme Antenske položaja. radarskih na broj utiče takođe radara biti km. 65 cilj na će otkriven onda m2, 5 samo je površina Ako refleksna km. 125 na daljini otkriven biti će m on m2, 1000 površine15-20 visini refleksne na cilj ako leti da vidi se 2. slike slici Sa na je dat zračenja cilja. površina refleksna kao uzima se parametar gde jednačine promenljivi radarske možemo osnovu pro- se na zračenja to računatog dijagrama U vertikalnog mreži. analizom u uveriti utiče položaja značajno radarskih takođe broj daljini, na optimalnoj na otkriva- prate površina i refleksnih ju malih ciljevi 16. se oko da taktičko-tehnički iznosi zahtev odnosno sada cilja, primeru, površina našem Refleksna u što, reljefa, utica- ja zbog 20-25% za se va uveća- teren, ravničarski na odnosu u položaja radarskih 1). broj zbog (Slika maski radara, radarskih stvaranja broja jem povećan- položaja mreže radarskih složenost na utiče takođe parametar, marni pri- drugi kao reljef odnosno nam bi trebalo zonu istu za radara. slučaju 13 tom otkrivanja u visina pouz- m, da za 147 bio radara bude zahtev bi 4 Ako odnosno broj prekrivanje. 3, potreban dano slučaju se ovom dobija U pokriva radara. radar koju površine i 30 km 26000 stvari u radar jedan aiksvm oad eiiaVJseei miru. u stečenim VOJ jedinica baziralo Komandi se iskustvima uglavnom na ratu Uspostavljanje u mreže rezultate. radarske slabe narušene vrlo dala položaja je radarskih praktično određivanja klasičnog metoda ma, osoos oadejdnc O rž radarskih mrežu VOJ jedinice komandne su skoro Do i nesi sistema antenskih Tip dijagram Proračunat broj VOJ, taktici U terena, Konfiguracija 2 zons oriazone površina odnosa Iz . lk rj1 broj Slika lk rj2 broj Slika h nlec fterle,wihi o rud1 nour in 16 around now is which of relief, because the 20-25% of by influence increased the is terrain, lowland the to of 1). creation No. of (Figure because zones radars, dead posts radar of radar number of the net increasing the of by complexity the influences also meter, radar one for coincide area to square need the the therefore, and, of field because radar 2.6 the to reduced of is diameter π a of tactics, circle cov- a area is square altitude that 200kmandofanarea(P=r2π)of31,400km2.InAS&R the for km), radar 300 is, one x 600m by ered (300 of km2 altitudes 90,000 the say, at let’s detection of zone required the n nlzdtento aa ot n aa ewr by long-time network a requires radar that and method posts conventional radar the applying of net the analyzed and multiply is net radar a increased. designing of stricter job include the we requirements, If tac- requirements. modest technical relatively and for zone tical radar surveillance of given is number the it large in movement, posts relatively by a maneuvering determine not to is necessary that net radar the standby and a con- without net may coverage, we single-layer Therefore, for so. that do clude to there us only permits but relief anywhere, the where put the be form cannot to diagram ground use surrounding coverage that the systems of antenna surfaces The reflexive posts. the radar of number the on km. dis- the 65 be If of will km. range target 125 a the at of then m2, covered range 5 a only at is cross-section detected cross-section radar radar be a will has target it and a 15-20m2, m, if 1,000 of that of shows altitude Figure an The at 2. flies Figure in given is gram nA& atc,tenme frdrpsswt respect with posts radar of number the tactics, AS&R In ni eety h omn nt fA& a designed had AS&R of units command the recently, Until influence has also systems antenna radar the of type The eifa h eodpiaypara- primary second the as relief the or configuration, terrain The for zone. radars same the 13 need a would such we in case, m, 147 were detection altitude of the for requirement coverage. the reliable If for radars case, 4 or this 3 In radar. the area by the and covered zone the of area square the is between ratio The the radars from obtained of km2. number 26,000 required actually is h acltdcvrg dia- coverage calculated The variable parameter. a as taken is section cross- radar target the in equation which radar a of basis the on calculated vertical diagram coverage the of analysis the this by ascertain can We net. the within posts radar of number the on a influence has significant also range, optimal an at tracked and detected be to tions cross-sec- radar small of gets tar- the for requirement nical tech- and tactical the or section, cross- radar target The case. Klasična metoda određivanja radarskog položaja calculation and extensive drawing of horizontal coverage dia- grams. In the course of an aggression, because of the par- ticular speed of the maneuver by movement and frequent Klasična metoda određivanja radarskog položaja zasniva disruption of the net by fire actions, the method of conven- se na određenim geografskim tional determination of radar merenjima na karti i terenu na posts has yielded practically osnovu kojih se računaju i iscr- very poor results. Recovery of a tavaju horizontalni dijagrami disrupted radar net in war was otkrivanja za date visine. Sam predominantly based on the proces započinje grubom pro- experiences of the commands cenom reljefa zone i izviđanji- of the AS&R units acquired in ma na terenu radi određivanja peacetime. potencijalnih radarskih položa- ja. Nakon donošenja odluke o Conventional Method lokaciji položaja, komanda pris- of Determining a Radar tupa izradi horizontalnih dija- Post grama mogućnosti otkrivanja za najmanje četri do pet visina. Pri The conventional method of tom, horizontalni dijagrami Slika broj 3 determining a radar post is otkrivanja vrše se za dva do tri based on certain geographic tipa radara. Dijagrami se rade tako što se na svakih 2 do 4 measurements on the map and in the field on the basis of stepena u krugu od 3600 na geografskoj karti snima vertikalni which the horizontal coverage diagrams are calculated and presek reljefa. Očitani podaci unose se na dijagram radarskog drawn for the given altitudes. The very process starts with horizanta na kome se iscrtava rough assessment of the relief vertikalni presek reljefa. Da bi of the zone and reconnaissance se dobili podaci vertikalnog pre- in the field for the purpose of seka reljefa za 3600 potrebno je determining the potential radar gornji postupak ponoviti naj- posts. After brining the deci- manje 72 puta ako se snimanje sion on the location of the post, vrši na svakih 50. the command proceeds with the elaboration of the horizon- Na iscrtani vertikalni presek tal probability coverage dia- reljefa, u određenom azimutu, grams for minimum four to postavlja se vertikalni dijagram five altitudes. Thereby, the zračenja crtan na paus papiru horizontal coverage diagrams (Slika 6) za određeni tip radara are done for two to three types i zadatu rafleksnu površinu cil- of radars. The diagrams are ODBRAMBENE TEHNOLOGIJE - DEFENCE TECHNOLOGIES ja. Pomoću ovih podataka crta madeinsuchawaythatat se horizontalni dijagram every 2 to 4 degrees within the mogućnosti otkrivanja radara sa circle of 360o on the geograph- određenog radarskog položaja ic map, the vertical cross-sec- (Slika 7). tion of the relief is recorded. Slika broj 4 The readout data are entered Iz izloženog postupka može in the diagram of radar hori- se oceniti obim posla koji komande zon in which the vertical cross-section jedinica VOJ treba da urade da bi se of the relief is drawn. In order to obtain došlo do dijagrama mogućnosti otkri- the data of the vertical cross-section vanja jedne radaraske mreže koris- of the relief for 360o, it is necessary to teći klasičnu metodu (Slika 5). repeat the above procedure minimum 72 times if recording is done at every Takođe se može naslutiti obim 5o. posla kada jedinice vrše manevar pokretom, ili se isključuju iz rada iz The vertical coverage diagram drawn bilo kojih razloga. U tom slučaju, pos- on tracing paper (Figure 6) for a cer- tupci se moraju ponovljati i iscrtavati tain type of radar and the given target novi dijagrami na osnovu kojih radar cross-section is superimposed komandant donosi odluke. on the drawn vertical cross-section of the relief, at a certain azimuth. With the help of those data, the horizontal probability coverage diagram of radar from a certain radar post (Figure 7) is Slika broj 5 drawn 31 ODBRAMBENE TEHNOLOGIJE - DEFENCE TECHNOLOGIES aasemeeusuauneo auaaj.Praktično, narušavanja. njenog definisane slučaju otkrivanja u mogućnostima mreže sa radarske dešava odgovori se da šta brzo to vrlo na može podataka. korisnik bazi dijaloga u ovih čuvaju Pomoću se kojim pod nazivom jedin- stvenim definišu se položaji Radarski različitim prilikama. u atmosferskim mreže), (radarske radara uticaj otkrivanja njen mogućnost na proračunava program atmosfere, Na stanja površinom. osnovu refleksnom Ciljevi efektivnom i mreža. tipom radarska karakterišu formira se se kojih od radara, teristika prikaz. dvodimenzion- alni i otkrivanja za slojeva definisanje horizontalnog dijagrama, izračunavanje položaj, radarski definisani radara postavljanje na položaja, radarskih izbor atmosfere, modelo- vanje ciljeva, modelovanje radara, modelovanje dijaloge: TTZ. mreže postavljenih radarske okviru optimizacije u interakti- radi i sistema rezultata korisnika dobijenih rad van vizualizaciju 3D i terena; 2D modela vernu trodimenzionalnog i atmosfere karakteristike stanja radara, cilja, modela osnovu na predikciju vidljivosti radarske ostvariti vidljivosti; radarske predikciju pre- ciznu izvrši da sposobnog virtualnog sistema geografsko-informacionog modela koncepciju definisati sledeće: variti vremenu. realnom upravlj- u za mrežom podataka anje i mreže radarske relevantnih mogućnosti svih o osma- podataka dobijanje mrežu brzo radarsku omogućava kreira Softver efikasno i tranja. brzo vrlo oficiru da alat VOJ je roda obezbeđen (IORP). IORP položaja paketa radarskih softverskog Izradom ocene izvrša- i za izbora paketa zadatka softverskog vanje izradi su pristupi bila se uslova da dva dovoljna Ova ograničenja. tematskih vre- ili prostornih, menskih bez karata topografskih interaktivnih trodimenzion- alnih pravljenje omogućili infor- su geografski koji i sistemi se macioni su razvijali sa tehnike računarske Paralelno mreže. razvojem radarske kreiranje za računara primene 32 oeoaj aaapesaladfnsnethikhkarak- tehničkih definisanje predstavlja radara Modelovanje sledeće kroz korisnikom sa komunicira paket Softverski ost- je trebalo IORP paketa softverskog Projektovanjem mogućnost se otvorila tehnike računarske Razvojem pomoću metoda računara - IORP paket Softverski lk rj6 broj Slika h aa e ihntesttcia n ehia require- technical and tactical set of ments. the optimization within of net purpose the radar for the users interactive system and the results of obtained work the 2D of authentic visualization terrain; 3D and and the atmosphere of the model of model, three-dimensional state radar the the target, of the basis pre- of the a characteristics on achieve visibility to radar visibility; of radar diction of prediction of precise mak- a model of capable ing the system of information concept and the geographical virtual define to achieved: been have real in management net for data poten- the the time. and on net data radar relevant of the tials all software radar of The obtaining create fast efficiently. to enables and service quickly of very arm net AS&R provid- surveillance from been officer has an tool for a (IORP). ed package, posts software radar IORP of making assessment and By selection performance of for task package the software of a of elaboration proceed the to with sufficient were lim- preconditions thematic two or These time itations. spatial, without interac- maps three-dimensional topographic tive of making enabled developing, have also which were (GIS) geo- systems the information techniques, computer par- graphical of In net. development radar the create with to allel computers apply to possibility the edanbsdo hc h omne rnshsdeci- his brings commander the sions. which must on diagrams based new drawn and case, be repeated a such be In must whatsoever. procedures reason switch the any or for movement operation by the maneuver the off do units the when work 5). radar (Figure of method diagram conventional coverage the probability using the should to net units get AS&R to order the in of commands do the that work of volume rmo egahcmpi eemndb layers. by determined is map geographic a on gram time. real in net which radar tool, the efficient of an management the enables has that units means AS&R this of Practically, disruption. commanding its radar of defined case by what in detection to net of as answer probabilities an the these give with of quickly happens help very the can With user database. the the dialogues, in under stored name are unique they a which by defined atmospheric are different posts in Radar conditions. net), of (radar probability radars the by on atmosphere, detection influence the its of calculates state program the the radar of effective basis the and formed. On type is cross-section. by net characterized radar are the targets which The of radars, the of acteristics presentation. detec- two-dimensional for the layers and hor- the tion the of of definition calculation diagram, posts, coverage radar izontal defined the on deployment radars posts, of radar of modeling, selection target modeling, atmosphere modeling, radar dialogues: following the h rpia rsnaino h oiotlcvrg dia- coverage horizontal the of presentation graphical The char- technical of definition the represents modeling Radar through user the with communicates package software The should following the package, software IORO designing By up opened has techniques computer of development The Computer-Aided Method – Package Software IORP ti lopsil ohv rsnieto h oueof volume the of presentiment a have to possible also is It the assess to possible is it procedure, presented the From to znači da komandovanje jedinicama VOJ raspolaže efikas- The layers may contain one or more radars or the com- nim alatom koji mu omogućava upravljanje radarskom plete radar net. The parameters of a layer are the altitudes mrežom u realnom vremenu. for which the horizontal diagram is calculated, the atmos- Grafiči prikaz horizontalnog dijagrama otkrivanja radara phere, and the target, as well as the style of drawing (color, na geografskoj karti određen je slojevima. Slojevi mogu type of hatching, line thickness). sadržati jedan ili više radara, odnosno, kompletnu radarsku The process of calculation starts with the selection of the mrežu. Parametri sloja su visine za koje se proračunava hor- desired number of the deployed radars within the net and izontalni dijagram, atmosfera i cilj, kao i stil iscrtavanja (boja, selection of the option of calculation. The option of calcu- tip šrafure, debljina linije). lation implies the definition of the resolution cell by range Proces izračunavanja započinje selekcijom željenog broja and azimuth. For rough assessment of probability, wider postavljenih radara u mreži i selekcijom opcije izračunavanja. resolution cells are set and the program operates very quick- Opcija izračunavanja podrzumeva definisanje rezulucione ly (for a few seconds). For a calculation of great accuracy, ćelije po daljini i azimutu. Za grube procene mogućnosti narrow resolution cells are set by range and azimuth and the zadaju se šire rezolucijone ćelije i program se izvršava veo- calculation lasts longer (around one minute). The calculat- ma brzo (za par sekundi). Za proračunavanje velike tačnos- ed zone of detection can be presented in two or three dimen- ti zadaju se uske rezolucione ćelije po azimutu i daljini i pro- sions. The view of the horizontal coverage diagram of a radar račun traje duže (oko minut). Izračunata zona otkrivanja for a number of altitudes is given in Figure 6, and of a radar može biti prikazana u dve i tri dimenzije. horizon- net for one altitude in Figure 7. talnog dijagrama otkrivanja jednog radara za više visina dat je na slici 6, a radarske mreže za jednu visinu na slici 7. It is possible to print all the obtained results on paper, which is usually the actual ultimate result of designing radar Sve dobijene rezultate moguće je štampati na papiru, što nets. Naturally, the results obtained through the standard je obično i krajnji rezultat projektovanja radarskih mreža. procedures of the user of a computer can be sent to anoth- Naravno, standardnim postupcima korisnika računara dobi- er user electronically if the computers are networked. jeni rezultati mogu se poslati nekom drugom korisniku elek- After the calculation of the horizontal coverage diagram, tronskim putem, ako su računari umreženi. the program enables three-dimensional analysis of the Nakon izračunavanja horizontalnog dijagrama otkrivanja, obtained results. This analysis enables obtaining of the hor- program omogućava trodimenzionalnu analizu dobijenih izontal and vertical cross-section of the probability of detec- rezultata. Ova analiza omogućava dobijanje horizontalnih i tion of individual radars and causes for occurrence of radar vertikalnih preseka mogućnosti otkrivanja pojedinačnih dead zones. radara i uzroka nastalih radskih maski. By careful reading and comparison of the conventional Pažljivim čitanjem i upoređivanjem klasične metode pro- method of radar net designing and the computer-aided jektovanja radarske mreže i metode pomoću računara, može method, it can be concluded that a powerful computer tool se zaključiti da je realizovan jedan moćan računarski alat za has been created for radar net designing. This computer projektovanje radarskih mreža. Ovaj računarski program program enables management of radar nets in the most com- omogućava upravljanje radarskim mrežama u najsloženim plex operational and tactical situations, in real time. ODBRAMBENE TEHNOLOGIJE - DEFENCE TECHNOLOGIES operativno-taktičkim situacijama, u realnom vremenu. Pored Additionally, this program can be used for determination of toga, ovaj program može se koristiti za određivanje zona the zones of radar visibility of “blue” under the condition radarske vidljivosti «plavog» pod uslovom da se iz obavešta- that the exact locations of radar posts and type of radar blue jnih izvora dobiju tačne lokacije radarskih položaja i tipovi are obtained from the intelligence sources. radara plavog. The produced program represents a good basis for cre- Realizovani program predstavlja dobru osnovu za real- ation of multi-purpose expert programs that can be integral izaciju ekspertskih programa višestruke namene koji mogu parts of the program of C4I system. Such programs exist in biti sastavni delovi programa sistema C4I. Ovakvi programi the world and by comparing their capabilities and the capa- postoje u svetu i upoređenjem njihovih mogućnosti i bilities of this program, it can be seen that IORP program mogućnosti ovog programa vidi se da je program IORP u is among the very top ones. samom vrhu.

Izradi programa prethodio je doktorski rad docenta Making of the program was preceded by the doctoral the- Elektronskog fakulteta mr. dipl. ing. Rančić Dejana. Program sis of the Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Electronics, je realizovala ekipa programera sa Elektronskog fakulteta iz Dejan Rancic, M,Sc. The program was made by a team of Niša.U izradi zahteva i definisanju matematičkih modela programmers from the Faculty of Electronics in Nis. The učestvovao je docent elektrotehničkog fakulteta u Beogradu Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, pukovnik dr. Aleksandar Kostić puk.Lipovac Lazar dip. ing. Colonel Dr Aleksandar Kostic, Colonel Lazar Lipovac, B.Sc. spec.i puk. Jolkić Slobodan dipl. ing. spec., and Colonel Slobodan Jolkic, B.Sc., participated in the elaboration of the requirements and definition of the math- ematical models. 33 ODBRAMBENE TEHNOLOGIJE - DEFENCE TECHNOLOGIES otž 000rdi časova. radnih 10.000 dostiže ev otzod .0 anhčasova. radnih 5.000 do dostizao jedva maksimalno cevi predajnih ovih trajanja Vek opreme. ove proizvođači svetski vodeći samo su raspolagali tehnologijom Tom tehnologiji. specijalnoj u denih izve- cevi snažnih elektronskih predajnih bazi na realizovana uglavnom su Sredstva vremena. tog dostignućima sa tehnološkim skladu u su realizovana 1980 - 1960 periodu u proizvedena vaz- kontrole sistema prostora. dopuna kao dušnog koriste se artiljerijsko-raket- koji sastava jedinica iz nih radara akvijziciskih treba broj radara i broju dodati obradu Ovom automatsku centrima. za operativnim sistema u podataka tri do radarskim jednog na i razvijenim instaliranih radara položajima srednje 20-40 u od i U se mali miru. kreće zemljama nije u broj PVO ovaj sistema slučaju, dežurnog svakom i ratu u odbrane protivvaz- od dušne organizaciji svega u pre zemlje faktora, opredeljenja niza strategijskog od zavisi radara obuke. broj sistem i Angažovani PVO rade sistem sredstva dežurni radarska obezbeđujući neprekidno miru U dometa. radarsko-računarskih velikog mreža sredstva osmatračka čini miru i ratu 34 O e ežvtivkoi eiu cevi uslovima ovih eksploatacionim vek našim životni je jer nerealan časova radnih je broj ovaj da pokazala su iskustva Naša ieetosislpv aiain enjthooiisložene tehnologiji cevnoj na bazirani specijal- sklopovi su elektronski ni upotrebljavani pri- uređaja U radarskih svetu. delu u proizvođača jemnom broj određeni samo ih proizvodi eiorđngvk rjnačj eanj aealia a zanemarljiva, nije cena čija CFA, trajanja elektronske veka koristile određenog se USD, su cevi takođe skretnicu antensku 120.000,00 modulatorski i sklop za predajnicima - radaskim u TWISTRON), 60.000,00 magnetroni, aasorčnrk sredstva Radarsko-računarska oe kphpeanhcv 1.0,0-2.0,0USD 20.000,00 - (10.000,00 cevi predajnih skupih Pored nv vkgsseaz otouvzungpotr u prostora vazdušnog kontrolu za sistema svakog snovu MODERNIZACIJE RAČUNARSKIH ITM PVO SISTEMA RADARSKO- TENDENCIJE SREDSTAVA u.Jli lbdn il ing. dipl. Slobodan, Jolkić puk. TNEI STANJE Piše T eti ie h rc fwihwsntisgiiateither, insignificant not was which a of of price tubes the electronic CFA, life, employed certain also 120,000, switch antenna USD and assem- modulator bly the – transmitters, radar in 60,000 TWISTRON), magnetrons, 20,000 could exploitation hours. of operating conditions 5,000 our reach the barely in since tubes unrealistic, such is of estimate life life this that shown experiences our have However, hours. operating 10,000 maximum should radars target-acquisition of number and A command one centers. in and control systems sites, radar data-processing at automatic installed three number radars, to this 40 country, to middle-income 20 number from a ranges this in and case, small, any not In is alert. peace- on the system and air-defense wartime orga- time in the system regarding air-defense country its a of of nization concept above strategic factors, the many on The on all training. depends of deployed providing radars air of for number the and for alert, on information system the defense feeding clock, the oper- around are radars ated peacetime, In long-range systems. of radar computerized network surveillance the represents peace, AA SYSTEMS RADAR AIR-DEFENSE OF MODERNIZATION IN TRENDS AND STATUS CURRENT THE o.Sooa okć BSc.Eng. Jolkić, Slobodan Col. By eie h xesv rnmtigtbs(S 000– 10,000 (USD tubes transmitting expensive the Besides ebsso vr i pc oto ytm ohi a and war in both system, control space air every of basis he rnmtigtbscudbe could tubes transmitting those of life The equipment. this of producers leading the to only available was technology This technology. special a using made tubes, transmitting tronic elec- powerful the on mostly based were units The period. that of achievements logical techno- with line in were developed 1980, to 1960 from period the in produced units, cessing data-pro- automatic and Radar system. control space air the sup- plement to used are which rocket units, artillery in number, deployed above the to added be tehnološke izvedbe. Ove elektronske komponente takođe and which were produced by a limited number of produc- pripadaju klasi komponenata koje su mogli proizvesti ili još ers in the world. Radar receivers employed special electronic uvek proizvode samo specijalizovani proizvođači. Stoga se assemblies, which were based on tube technology of com- može zaključiti da su održavanje i opravka plex workmanship. Those electronic components also radarskih uređaja proizvedenih u periodu belong to the class of components, which 1960 - 1980 bili, a i danas su visoko zav- could be produced, or which are still isni od izvornih proizvođača. produced only by specialized manu- Proizvođači radaskih uređaja facturers. Therefore, it can be con- savremene tehnologije napustili su cluded that the maintenance and repair proizvodnju rezervnih delova za radare of radars, manufactured in period stare tehnologije, što dodatno optereću- between 1960 and 1980, were, and still je sistem održavanja ovih radara. Iz ovih are, heavily dependent on their original razloga skoro sve armije koje su bile producers. opremljene radarima stare tehnologije, The producers of modern technology opredelile su se za sukcesivnu nabavku radars have ceased to produce spare novih ili modernizaciju starih radara. Međutim, nabavka parts for the radars of old technology, which puts an addi- novih radara ograničena je cenom i određenim vrstama tional strain on the system of maintenance of those radars. zabrane koje diktiraju politički faktori. Obzirom da je pro- For this reason, almost all the armed forces, which were ces zanavljanja radarskih sredstava dugotrajan (od pet do equipped with the radars of old technology, have decided deset godina), ove zemlje imaju stalnu potrebu za mo-dern- either to successively acquire new radars, or to modernize izacijom radara u okviru redovnog remonta, pogotovo ako na the old ones. However, the acquisition of new radars is ham- tržištu ne mogu da nabave rezervne delove. pered by their price and by certain sorts of a ban, which is Opredeljenju za modernizaciju radarskih sistema dopri- imposed by political factors. Taking into account that the neo je nagli razvoj računarske tehnologije dostupne na svet- process of replenishment of radar assets is a long one (from skom tržištu, a naročito upotreba i dostupnost digitalnih sig- five to ten years), these countries have a permanent need for nal procesora. Pored toga, razvojem poluprovodničkih preda- radar modernization, within the framework of regular over- jnika modularnog tipa sa kompresijom impulsa, održavanje hauls, especially if they cannot obtain spare parts in the mar- radarskih sistema postalo je višestruko jeftinije jer nema ket. potrošnje katode i nužne zamene predajnih cevi posle Determination to modernize radar systems was given a određenog broja radnih časova. Ova činjenica predstavlja boost by an unprecedented development of computer tech- dodatni razlog za modernizaciju postojećih radarskih si- nologies available in the international market, and especial- stema. ly the usage and the availability of digital signal processors. Naša zemlja se opredelila za modernizaciju radarskih sred- Additionally, by development of modular semi-conductor stava zbog cene novih radara i mogućnosti da sopstvenim transmitters, featuring pulse compression, the maintenance snagama modernzuje postojeće radare. Da bi neko mogao of radar systems has become much cheaper, since there is da konstruiše ili modernizuje ovako složene elektronske ure- consumption of cathode-ray tubes, and no need for replace- đaje dovoljno je da raspolaže odgovarajućim softverskim ment of transmitting tubes after a certain number of oper- ODBRAMBENE TEHNOLOGIJE - DEFENCE TECHNOLOGIES kapacitetima te da, nabavkom hardvera i izradom sopstvenog ating hours. This fact represents another reason in favor of softvera, uspešno reši ove zadatke i ravnopravno konkuriše modernization of the existing radar systems. ostalim proizvođačima na svetskom tržištu. Upravo u ovoj Our country has opted for the modernization of radars due činjenici leži naša šansa jer raspolažemo respektivnim to the price of the new radars and because of its ability to kapacitetima za realizaciju vrlo složenih softverskih prozvo- modernize the existing radars by its own means. In order to da. be able to design or modernize such complex electronic U periodu 1990 - 2004 Vojska je razvila elektronske ure- devices, it is sufficient to have adequate software capacities đaje (prikazane na slikama) na bazi digitalnih signal proce- and, after procuring the necessary hardware and developing sora koji u potpunosti mogu da zamene sledeće tehnološki of indigenous software, to successfully complete these tasks, zastarele radarske uređaje: and to compete in the world market with other manufac- - radarske prijemnike cevne tehologije i neke prijemnike turers on equal footing. Exactly here lies our chance, since izvedene u diskretnoj poluprovodničkoj tehnologiji, we have respectable capacities for development of very com- - radarske pokazivače na bazi katodnih cevi visoke perzis- plex software packages. tencije, In the period from 1990 to 2004, the Armed Forces devel- - radarske ekstraktore primarnih i sekundarnih eho sig- oped the electronic systems (shown on the pictures) based nala izvedenih u diskretnoj poluprovodničkoj tehnologiji, on digital signal processors, which can completely replace - kompletne procesore za obradu radarskih signala i zašti- the following, technologically obsolete, radar equipment: tu radara od elektronskog ometanja, - Radar receivers, based on tube technology, and certain - konzolne pokazivače u operativnim centrima na bazi receivers, made using the discrete semi-conductor tech- katodnih cevi, nology, - uređaje za automatsko slanje i prikazivanje radarskih - Radar indicators based on high-persistence cathode-ray podataka korisnicima, tubes, - softverske pakete centralnih računara za automatsku - Radar extractors of primary and secondary echo signals, obradu radarskih podataka u operativnim centrima, made using the discrete semi-conductor technology, - Complete processors for analysis of radar signals and 35 ODBRAMBENE TEHNOLOGIJE - DEFENCE TECHNOLOGIES rdtv euekojdnteitim; jedinstveni kao deluje radskih modernizacije sredstava sistema kompletnog integraciji u da celinu; jedinstvenu u uređaja elektronskih ovih proizvođača uređaja; radarskih razvijenih već robusiranje i integraciju ea oiusb,mžm endt aćm bz produžiti ubrzo ćemo pro- da svaki nadati koji se možemo rizik sebi, smanjimo u i nosi procenimo jekat način taj na da i projekta. realizaciji u učesnika svakog kupcu; stranom proizvoda prodaju i vojske naše manja kupcima; jalnim pet- do deset narednih u godina. trend naest i uzlazni traženi imati uveliko tražnja su će koji čija proizvodima sa tržištu svetskom pojave na ravnopravno proizvodnim se našim da šansa uređaja i elektronskih kapacitetima istovremeno je To nivo. na najviši podigne sistema tehnološ- radarsko-računarskih sredstva) postojećih materijalna nivo obezbede (nared- ki se roku ako kratkom godina vrlo 5 u nih se da sre- očekivati razvijenim je već realno dstvima, sa kombinaciji u razvoja sopstvenog iz predajnika poluprovodničkog Dobijanjem izvornog od proizvođača. tehnologije cevne tehnike potpunu radarske nezavisnost omogućiti i predajnike magnetronske zameniti i frekvencije operativnim u centrima, podataka radarskih obradu automatsku za centara, operativnih iz PVO mom 36 apjdnčezdtesmsan a aen eiiaa jedinica zasebna kao samostalno zadatke pojedinačne va a aćm iun iiknuetin tao tržištu. stranom na konkurentni biti sigurno godina, ćemo 15 da narednih i za kao tehnike radarske naše upotrebe vek k m tnud aoran dooen v pitanja ova na odgovore realne damo da stanju u smo Ako doprinos pojedinačan procenimo da realno li možemo - kapacitete postojeće objedinimo da stanju u smo li da - finalizaciju, za sredstvima finansijskim li raspolažemo - opre- realizaciju na uticati mogu faktori politički koji potenci- - dajemo koju cenom sa konkurentni sledeća: smo su li postaviti da mogu - ovde se koja pitanja Glavna će koji predajnik poluprovodnički razvoju u je Trenutno opremu. modemsku zastarelu - pretvarače- rotacione snage, različite simulaciju, elektroagregate za - opremu i opremu test - računara centralnih memorije doboš elektromehaničke - siste- upravljanje i komandovanje za pakete softverske - al m tnud raiueod v eiaizvrša- celina ova da organizujemo da stanju u smo li da - ela htw ilcranyb opttv ntewrdmar- world the in competitive as be years, certainly ket. 15 will following we the the that for extend as systems will well radar we soon our that of incorporat- life hope is can useful which we risk, project, the every in lower ed and assess thus and ly, project. this of implementation the in participant every com- the systems; radar of of integration modernization the of during system pool plete a units, as separate operate to as and independently tasks individual out carry manufacturers; electronics of ties systems; radar developed already the ruggedize and our of sales buyers; and foreign Forces to Armed equipment our of equipping of process buyers; tial ones: ing years,. 15 to 10 next the demand, in huge of trend a upward is an there have foot- which will equal which for on products market the world with the elec- ing in of appear producers to the our for devices At opportunity tronic level. an highest is the this to time, same elevated com- be and will radar pro- systems existing is the puter funding of adequate level if technological a the years, in vided), (5 that, period expect time to short realistic very is it systems, developed with already combination in transmitter, indigenous- semiconductor the developed obtaining ly By manufacturer. supplied original the previously become by technology to tube systems the radar from the enable independent turn, in transmit- will, magnetron which ters, the replace will which development, and converters, frequency command the in centers, data control radar and of processing automatic for ers centers, control and command the from assets defense cen- control and command the ters, in data radar of processing users, the to data tubes, cathode-ray on based jamming, electronic against protection radar fw r aal faseigteeqetosrealistical- questions these answering of capable are of we contribution If the of estimate realistic a make we Can - to manufacturers of pool this organize to capable we capaci- Are - production existing the pool to capable we Are - integrate, finalize, to resources financial the have we Do - the influence might which factors, political the are poten- What the - to offer we price the with competitive we Are follow- - the are here raised be could that issues main The under is transmitter semiconductor the moment, the At equipment modem Obsolete - rotational output, various of generators power Electric - equipment, simulation and Testing - comput- central of memories drum Electromechanical - air of control and command for packages Software - automatic for computers central for packages Software - of presentation and transmission automatic for Units - centers, control and command the in indicators Console -

ODBRAMBENE TEHNOLOGIJE - DEFENCE TECHNOLOGIES htgvči rdv sius ai ričminaoružani čamci brzi mali, se ističu brodova trgovačkih ih anjmt epžn,krseiornčnaosmatračkih ograničenja koristeći neopaženo, potenci- meti približe jalnoj se da sposobni naoružanjem streljačkim a t ukmnn et,suaorm l oaa cilju u posada, ili mestima, oprema skupa ranjivim mesto, po komandno vatru su otvore što kao da i brodu na sredstava 38 A tčeognzcj iai prcjm rtvrti velik- i ratnih protiv operacijama u pirati, i organizacije stičke alarmantne poprimio je piratstva pomorskog problem okeana, svetskog regijama pojedinim U naoružanjem. se streljačkim služeći prvenstveno brodove, trgovačke veće mno- na go napada od prezaju drskim ne prepadima u koji krijumčara, i pirata («gusara») pretnja narastuća i daje mornarica ratovanje. asimetrično dstavlja pre- mornarici američkoj pretnju najveću da Klarka Vernona admirala mornarice američke glavnokomanujućeg odlazećeg izjava i vori go- čemu o dominaciju, naruši im da može sila koja pretnje nove svesna pomorskih današnjice veli- kih većina je da je utisak Opšti na neprijatelja. jenog opreml- dobro jednako rata protiv moru otvorenom uslove za projektovanim dstvima sre- opremljenim cama, najvećih od mornari- jednu modernim kao pretnji moru na prepo- ratovanje asimetrično praksa znaje Savremena brodove namene. ratne i na deplasmana napad različitog za sredstava i nekonve- taktike korišćenje ncionalne podrazumeva se kojim pod asimetričnog ratovanja, pretnju narastajuću ističu analitičari moru, niseisnausemornarice. patrole singapurske zajedničke i su indijske realizovane brodove, trgovačke na ma lzn rlz aaa nč ontgp etmnapadi- čestim po poznatog inače Malaka, Aziji prolaza Jugoistočnoj blizini u mera u ovakvih sprovođenja cilju kriminala. u vida Upravo ovog smanjenja ciljem s međudržavna saradnja inicirana je da tako razmere euonvasetakjm rbgvj an terori- razne pribegavaju kojima srestva osnovna Među oudmniuolkvnumodernih oblikovanju dimenziju Novu RDK SISTEMI BRODSKI INAORUŽANJEU aiiauisveeetedv obnhoeaiana operacija borbenih trendove savremene nalizirajući ASIMETRIČNOG RATOVANJA USLOVIMA rda Milićević Predrag Piše rda Milićević Predrag By ENVIRONMENT THREAT ASYMMETRIC IN SYSTEMS COMBAT AND EQUIPMENT SHIPBORNE osi siie isos hnfle ihepoiethey explosive with filled dange- when equally missions, are “suicide” boats in of rous type This perform mission. to combat ship of its incapacitation permanent aim or basic temporary with of command crew, as and equipment such compex-expensive spots vulnerable post, most for and aiming system, fire open surveillance shipborne in using limitations target, potential certain are to which approach un-noticeable arms of small capable with are armed ships, boats merchant maneuverable and warships fast, on attacks their in pirates, patrols. and joint Indian launched attacks, have navies piracy Singaporean frequent for known is which A asiso ifrn ipaeetadproe Modern purpose. and displacement attack different to of means and warships tactics co- non-conventional which of warfare, use mprises asymmetric of threat emerging shows mn anast sdb errs raiain and organizations terrorist by used assets main Among ayi fcretted ncma prtosa sea, at operations combat in trends current of nalysis otes sa hr nteae fMlcaStrait Malacca of area the in where Asia, Southeast yeo rmnlatvt.Oesc xml is example such One activity. criminal of type eaini re ordc rsneo this of presence reduce to order in peration lre onre,wihhv ntae coo- initiated have which countries, alarmed ein fWrdSa iaypolmhas problem piracy Sea, World of regions eto omrCifo aa Operations Naval of Chief former of ment fU ayAm ennCakwosaid who Clark Vernon Adm. Navy US of ennve omn u oeegn pira- emerging to mo- due to forming added navies dern been has dimension new A was warfare. Navy asymmetric US by the represented to threat biggest the that yadsugigtra,wihaecapa- are which threat, smuggling and cy afgtn hoyrcgie asymmetric recognizes theory warfighting es sn rmrl ml rs nsome In arms. small primarily using ners, l fitretn ag omrilli- commercial large intercepting of ble afr tsaa n ftemost the of one as sea at warfare agru het omodern to threats dangerous sta atmjrt ftoday’s of majority vast that is desr.Gnrlimpression General adversary. ovninlyequipped conventionally prtosa pnsaagainst sea open at operations rmrl ocnutcombat conduct to primarily ais hc r equipped are which navies, aa oesi elaaeof aware well is powers naval rbrtdb state- by rroborated hetwihmight which threat ain hc sco- is which nation, aprterdomi- their hamper privremenog ili trajnog onesposobljavanja broda da vrši svo- approach potential target at high speed, and are capable of ju funkciju. Ovi čamci su opasna pretnja brodovima i u inflicting significant damage even to major surface comba- samoubilačkim misijama, kada se «filovani» eksplozivom pri- tants. This tactic is exemplified by the attack on USN bližavaju meti velikom brzinom, i u stanju su da nanesu destroyer Cole, of Arleigh Burke class, with full displace- ozbiljne štete i brodovima velikog deplasmana. Tipičan ment of over 9000 tons which was anchored in the port of primer ovakve pretnje je napad na američki razarač Cole, Aden. That was undoubtedly one of the most effective attacks klase Arleigh Burke, deplasmana preko 9000 tona usidren u on US Navy in post Cold War global environment. adenskoj luci, nesumnjivo jedan od najozbiljnijih napada na Threat in asymmetric warfare is posed also by aircraft, američku mornaricu u post hladnoratovskom periodu. Pretnju either light commercial or agricultural airplanes, or even u uslovima asimetričnog ratovanja predstavljaju i letelice, unmanned aerial vehicles which are capable of flying below koje mogu biti laki putnički/poljoprivredni avioni ili bespi- shipborne surveillance system field of view, by using opti- lotne letelice koje su u stanju da se karakterističnim pro- mized flight profile, and attack the most vulnerable areas of filom leta «provuku» ispod brodskih osmatračkih sredstava the ship. Although modern history doesn’t report such high i nanesu udar po najvažnijim mestima na brodu. Iako mod- profile attacks, the events of 9-11 deserve due attention to erna istorija ne beleži pokušaje ovakvog tipa u cilju uništen- this type of threat. ja brodova velikog deplasmana, iskustvo 11. septe-mbra čini Bearing in mind that most of the navies have developed da se i ovakvom tipu pretnji posveti dužna pažnja. their shipborne equipment and combat systems in accor- Imajući u vidu da je većina mornarica svoja sredstva i dance with the requirements of combat at open sea, in co- oružne sisteme razvijala prema uslovima ratovanja na nventional type armed conflict, new systems had to be deve- otvorenom moru, suprotstavljajući se konvencionalnoj pret- loped which would assume the role of ship’s last line of nji, da bi se na efikasan način pariralo novoj pretnji razvijeni defence against both conventional and non-conventional i.e. su sistemi koji pretenduju da postanu pouzdana poslednja asymmetric threat. linija odbrane broda kako od konvencionalnih tako i od neko- Analysis of systems for ship close protection in modern nvencionalnih sredstava. threat environment, following trends in development are Analizirajući sisteme za blisku zaštitu brodova u novim easily recognizable: uslovima, uočavaju se sledeći trendovi razvoja: - defence from fast, maneuverable targets, both surface - odbrana od brzih i manevrišućih ciljeva, kako vazdušnih and airborne, is based on medium caliber automatic guns, tako i površinskih, prvenstveno se oslanja na automatske with rapid firing capability, where many designers have ado- topove srednjih kalibara sa velikom brzinom gađanja, pri pted modular approach which will enable free choice of čemu se većina proizvođača oslanja na modularan koncept, weapon caliber; koji korisnika ne ograničava u izboru kalibra oruđa; - in order to increase system’s overall efficiency, guns are - u cilju povećanja preciznosti topovi se sprežu sa sofisti- connected with sophisticated optoelectronic sensor systems, ciranim optoelektronskim senzorskim sistemima koji which will provide reliable detection, identification and tra- obezbeđuju pouzdanu detekciju, identifikaciju i praćenje cking of both airborne and surface based targets, day, night kako vazdušnih tako i površinskih ciljeva danju, noću i u and under adverse weather conditions. Operation at night, uslovimasmanjenevidljivosti.Radnoćuiuuslovimasma- and in adverse weather conditions is performed by use of njene vidljivosti realizuje se korišćenjem termkovizijske thermal imaging camera, operating in 8-14 microns band; ODBRAMBENE TEHNOLOGIJE - DEFENCE TECHNOLOGIES kamere, koje uglavnom funkcionišu na talsnim dužinama od - radars are rarely use as the ship’s surveillance system 8 do 14 mikrona; -uočljivojedaseradari ne koriste tako često kao deo osmatračkog sistema za odbranu on nekonve- ncionalnih pretnji, što se može objasniti izvesnim tehničkim nedostacima radara pri osmatranju akvatorije pri malim ele- vacijama, što odgovara taktičkim uslovima asimetričnog ratovanja, ali i potrebom za kompa- ktnošću sistema za upravljanje vatrom s ci- ljem što manje potrošnje energije i smeštaja na ograničenu zapreminu, što predstavlja jedan od imperativa kada se razmatra ugradnja brod- skih sistema; 39 ODBRAMBENE TEHNOLOGIJE - DEFENCE TECHNOLOGIES ezliogvrn ovninleinknecoan pre- nekonvencionalne tnje. i uni- konvencionalne kao na koncepta odgovor verzalni različita tri nudi korisnicima ncijalnim i konvencionalnih pripadaju od napada. a asimetričnih brodova razvoja zaštitu fazi blisku u za nalaze sredstvima se koji projekata nekih i dejstva. zone proširenja efikasnosti i povećanja sistema cilju u samonavođenjem, pasivnim dometa sa kratkog rakete dometa protvvazdušne kratkog bilo rakete protivoklopne bilo vođene dodati ovim mogu korisnika, se zahtev sistemima na Takođe, re- režima. kao radnog topa zervnog kontrole «manuelne» lokalne mogućnost va broda; zaštite bliske povezan sistemom je koji lokalni sa vatrom, upravljanje na za se sistem oslanjajući vrši multisenzorski gađanje kontrolu se i kada komandovanje individualna za ili sistema brodskog od gađa- dobija komandu nja automatsku broda zaštite bliske sistem kada zaštite; značajno ukupne i nivoa unapređenje troškove je logističke broj da redukovane smanjen uz i samo poslužilaca je ne već upravljanje, čime daljinsko broda, obezbeđeno unutrašnjosti u smešten neminovnost; predstavlja i gađanja stabilizacijom linije za i nišanske zahtev va- skretanje, beleži i koji propinjanje brod ljanje, je kakav platforme pokretne uslovima 40 rdk o ieiu,pza o zao GDM-008. oznakom pod nudi i ptica) poznat protiv Milenijum, znači top latinskog sa brodski prevodu u što aves, ntra rjki pelei rmnkmuajčmkj epro- se koji upaljačem vremenskim opremljenim podrazumeva AHEAD projektil Koncept komerci- komapnije. najjačih ove od aduta jalnih jednim AHEAD, tipa generacije nove itm aurvjnevto aonv aaeaakre- parametara osnovu na okviru vatrom u upravljanje određeno za upaljača aktiviranja sistema vreme je čemu navo- pri induktivnog trostepenog ja, putem cevi, ustima na gramira municijom sa optimizovanog mm, 35 kalibra topu o se Radi rdaeitgaiutp ieiu aoptoelektronskim sa Milenijum topa Contraves integraciju Oerlikon varijanti, predlaže brodskoj dejstvu U pri ciljeve. efekat vazdušne maksimalan na grama postignut 3.3 je mase čime cilindra ivica, oštrih volframska 152 prefragme- sa je tipa, projektila Košuljica ntisanog topa. balistike i cilja tanja eak nutisaguaiaRenealDTcpote- Rheinmetall-DeTec grupacija industrijska Nemačka kao rešenja, realizovanih nekih pregled dat je nastavku U zadrža- korisnika većina iskustava, operativnih osnovu na - centralizovana ili biti može gađanja samog realizacija - je uglavnom broda zaštitu blisku za sistema operator - u cilja, pogađanja verovatnoća visoka obezbedila se bi da - vjasafljl,Orio otae Cnrvsiico- ili (Contraves Contraves Oerlikon filijala, Švajcarska aySaab. com- Swedish pany by with developed conjunction system in heli- electro-optic above CEROS200 function other will and which bow hangar, the on copter one Absalon each, new two with vessels integration class for guns of four Command, acquired Material buyer Naval which Danish First was gun system. naval Millennium protection creates gun close-in naval mm 35 efficient with its conjunction i.e. in characteristics that capability system’s of favorably periscope, speaks submarine of as which capable such was targets system tracking and MSP500 detecting coast, Sea Pacific vessel off experimental on just 2002. Slice, in cites performed Company tests warfare. in that asymmetric maneu- in fast, used as boats such targets verable tracking be and to detecting environment, of capable operational several real in simulated itself which proved tests has which optoelec- MSP500, with system gun tronic naval Millennium pro- of Contraves integration Oerlikon poses version, shipborne aer- In against targets. effect maximum ial pellets with tungsten each, 152 grams with 3.3 weighting type, ballistics. pre-fragmented gun of and is features Shell motion control target fire on within based calculated inductive is system activation stage of three time of where use coil by muzzle, fuze, the time at with com- fitted programmed this projectile of entails products concept viable AHEAD pany. commercially most the concept, of AHEAD opti- one of gun, ammunition naval generation mm new 35 with a mized known is also It GDM-008. gun, designation naval under stands Millennium latin offers in birds) against which for aves contra from derived (Contraves, asymmetric and conventional threats. both to protection answer close universal of as concepts different three customers tial phase system. development protection in close-in are to belong which and projects as well as follow, envelope kill and efficiency will which enlargement. system’s defence of air increase or in anti-tank either result km) mis- 10 range to medium (up of siles integration close- oper- by of to systems enhancement protection fails of option in mode is operating there primary Also, that correctly. ate case resort- in operation, it of to mode manual ing or local relinquish to ing system; protection close-in to tied surveillance is which multisensor system, local on is relying firing when solely individual performed or issued system command management firing combat by automatic on relies system tection level; of protection improvement significant overall and costs support requirement, logistic manning lower reduced but control, remote only mandatory; not are fire of stabilization line yaw, and and sight roll of pitch, line of in moves which motion at also; consumption struc- energy compact low for with need the ture but warfare, asymmetric characteris- of tactical tics to low corresponds at which aquatory angles, scanning while elevation drawbacks certain explained by be only not can which threats, non-conventional against t ws usday elknCnrvscompany Contraves Oerlikon subsidiary, Swiss Its poten- offers Rheinmetall-DeTec group industrial German will market the on available solutions several of Overview unwill- are users most experience, operational on based - pro- close-in when centralized, be can sequence firing - enabling thus hull, the within placed is operator system - platform the from probability, kill high attain to order in - sistemom MSP500, koji je u više German company Mauser has ini- testiranja koji su simulirali realne tiated in mid-90s development of uslove pokazao sposobnost da otkri- MLG27 (Mauser Light Gun) sys- va i pouzdano prati ciljeve kao što su tem, based on analysis of German mali, brzi čamci kakvi se koriste u Navy, which is built around four- uslovima asimetričnog ratovanja. chamber revolver type automatic Proizvođač, čak navodi, da je u okviru gun identical to those built into testiranja 2002. godine u pacifičkom combat aircraft Typhoon and priobalju na eksperimentalnom Tornado. plovilu Sea Slice, elektrooptički si- Within relatively lightweight turret, stem MSP500 bio u stanju da otkri- of around 850 kg mass, gun and va i prati cilj kakav je podmornički optoelectronic system, supplied by periskop, što govori o respektivnim german company Atlas Elektronik, karakteristikama ovog sistema koji u are installed. Optoelectronic system sprezi sa topom 35 mm predstavlja has day channel, night channel, laser efikasan sistem za blisku odbranu rangefinder and target tracking sys- broda. Prvi kupac topa Milenijum je tem. danska mornarica, koja planira da na oba nova broda klase Gun is remotely operated, from within the cabin, with Absalon ugradi po dva topa, i to jedan na pramcu a drugi u optional automatic or manual target tracking. Field of action krmenom delu na helikopterskom hangaru, koji će covers 340 degrees in azimuth, and from -15 to +60 degrees funkcionisati u sprezi sa elektrooptičkim sistemom CEROS in elevation, ensuring respective kill envelope. Maximum 200 koji je razvila švedska kompanija Saab. effective range against light surface targets and aerial ta- Nemačka kompanija Mauser je sredinom 90-tih godina, rgets is 2500 m, while coastal targets can be engaged at ranges na osnovu analiza nemačke mornarice o budućim potreba- up to 4000 m. Combat load of 90 rounds enables eight ma, započela razvoj sistema MLG27 (Mauser Light Gun) engagements with ripples of 8 rounds. Mauser company pre- koja kao osnovu koristi automatski top 27 mm, revolverskog sents MLG27 as main armament on smaller displacement tipa, kakav se ugrađuje u avione Tornado i Tajfun boats such as patrol boats, while on vessels such as corvettes (Eurofajter). and frigates it serves as auxiliary armament with self-defence U okviru kupole relativno male mase, oko 850 kg, ugrađen as main function. The only buyer, so far, is German Navy je top i optoelektronski sistem, nemačke kompanije Atlas which has ordered 83 systems for installation on boats of di- Elektronik, sa dnevnim i noćnim kanalom, laserskim dalji- fferent types, such as frigates F123 and F124 as well as new nomerom i uređajem za praćenje ciljeva. corvette K130. Topom se daljinski upravlja, iz unutrašnjosti kabine, sa Next step in development, presented to potential cu- mogućnošću ručnog ili automatskog praćenja. Obezbeđeno stomers at the beginning of 2005, is MLG25 system, with je dejstvo po azimutu od 340 stepeni, dok je polje dejstva po double-feed 25 mm Bushmaster I automatic gun and co- elevaciji ograničeno između -15 i +60 stepeni, čime je osi- mbat load of 220 rounds, coupled with optoelectronic sys- gurano respektivno polje dejstva po ciljevima u vazdušnom tem mounted above the gun. ODBRAMBENE TEHNOLOGIJE - DEFENCE TECHNOLOGIES prostoru. Efikasno dejstvo protiv lakih brodova i vazdušnih Third solution, offered by Rheinmetall-DeTec is Astrapi ciljeva je 2500 m, dok je dejstvo protiv obalskih ciljeva efika- concept, envisaging integration of different types of sensors sno na dometima do 4000 m. Municijski komplet od 90 meta- with “effectors” which comprise artillery and missile sys- ka omogućava osam zahvata ciljeva sa rafalima od jedanaest tems, which is according to manufacturer capable of effi- metaka. Kompanija Mauser rešenje MLG27 reklamira kao cient engagement of different targets, including non-con- osnovno naoružanje na brodovima manjeg deplasmana kao ventional i.e. terrorist targets. što su patrolni brodovi, dok je na većem brodovima kao što Comprehensive family for close-in protection of naval ve- su korvete i fregate služi kao pomoćno naoružanje, prve- ssels, by the name of Typhoon which development was ini- nstveno namenjeno za samoodbranu. Jedini kupac za sada tiated in mid 90-s with the use of certain solutions from over- je nemačka mornarica, koja je naručila 83 komada za ugra- head weapon station OWS25 developed for armoured fight- dnju na brodove različitog tipa, između ostalog fregate F123 ing vehicles, is offered by Israeli company Rafael. Typhoon i F124 kao i na novu korvetu K130. Sledeći korak u razvoju, debuted in 1995, integrated on Super Dvora fast patrol boat koji kompanija Mauser nudi potencijalnim korisnicima je of Israeli Navy, when its operation was tested in conjunction top MLG25 predstavljen početkom 2005. godine, sa topom with El-Op’s optoelectronic system MSIS. Up to now, 25 mm Bushmaster I sa dvostrukim hranjenjem i munici- Typhoon featured several types of guns such as: 20 mm jskim kompletom od 220 metaka, spregnut sa optoelektron- GIAT M621, M693, 30 mm Oerlikon KCB, 30 mm skim senzorskim sistemom koji je postavljen iznad oruđa. Bushmaster Mk44, Mauser Mk30 Model F as well as triple Treće rešenje, koje nudi grupacija Rheinmetall-DeTec barreled 12.7 heavy machine gun GAU-19/A. Rafael also predstavlja koncept Astrapi, u okviru koga se predlaže inte- offers integration of anti-armour missile with maximum gracija širokog spektra senzora i «efektora» pod kojima se effective range up to 8 km of NT-D type (Neged Tank podrazumeva artiljerijsko i raketno naoružanje, koje je pre- Dandy, anti-tank Dandy) which was recently labeled with ma navodima proizvođača sposobno da odgovori strogim official designation Spike-ER. Also, Typhoon can be inte- zahtevima korisnika u pogledu efikasne borbe protiv nekon- grated with short range air defence missiles, of “fire-and- vencionalnih-«terorističkih» ciljeva. forget” type such as Stinger, Strela, Igla. All necessary ca- lculations are performed by ballistic computer installed on 41 ODBRAMBENE TEHNOLOGIJE - DEFENCE TECHNOLOGIES iasjkmornčniabr oan konfiguraciju konačnu bira i ograničenjima tehničkim finansijskim taktičkim, sa i skladu kao u opredeljenjima korisnik doktrinarnim kojem po koncepta, modularnog nosti otvjngn ao ou o en ovd sveprisut- o potvrda jedna Još topu. samom sistema na postavljenog senzorskog osnovu elektrooptičkog na od upravljanja dobijenih do podataka sve pa kontrolu za i sistema komandovanje centralizovanog od na dobijenih upravljanja podataka daljinskog osnovu od počevši podržava režima, Sistem radnih metaka. više 200 na povećan komplet borbeni ooia2 mOrio B l T uhatrM242 Bushmaster ATK ili KBA Oerlikon mm 25 topovima e o 8 ie urzouueauozrmoasavre- mnoga obzir u uzeta sis- razvoju su pozanti čijem malo u tada 584 do 76 Mod na tem topa oslanja i liniji ESSM poslednjoj sistema u mm, raketnog pored zamišljena se broda, višeslojna, Odbrana kao brodova. zaštitu sis- blisku je za posvećena temu pažnja bezbednost posebna svoju sredstva, za značajna da spremnosti izdvoji njegove američk- i velikih kao pravcu brodova, ih u mali zaletali se neuspešno su čamci kada iranski godina 80-tih Zaliva sredinom regionu još u zabeleženom ratovanja, asimetričnog pretnjom sa Dabiju Abu licenci. u francuskoj borodgradilištu prema grade u se koji Emirata, Ujedinjenih moranirice Arapskih Baynunah klase korveta novih sis- tema borbenog sa arhitekture upoznata razmatranja detaljnije tokom je sistemom ovim javnost Stručna 584. nosi Mod koji sistema oznaku artiljerijsko-raketnog hibridnog formi rešen- u nudi je ratnim ratovanje, pretnje asimetrično moderne i uključujući na brodovima odgovor kao iskustvo, tradi- i višedecenijsku na ciju se oslanjajući Melara, Oto mm. kompanija 23 kalibra plat- top kao ruski je izabrala koja Tajfun Lanka sistem Šri za formu i Australija što Singapur, kao Indija, naoružanja izraelskog su korisnici tradicionalni ubra- i Tajfuna se korisnike jaju među sistema, je ovog koja razvoj finansirala mornarice Prema izraelske formi. pored radarskoj podacima, u raspoloživim bilo sis- optoelektronskoj osmatrački brodski u na bilo se tem, postavljenog oslanjajući sistema ili preko topu ili samom na vršiti osma- može se praćenje dok i topu, tranje samom bal- na izvodi postavljen proračun kompjuter neophodne istički Sve Stinger. klase ili samonavođenjem Igla IC Strela, pasivnim sa dometa rake- kratkog protivvazdušnih ta i kao sada Spike-ER, koji oznaku Dandy), zvaničnu ima protivtenkovski, klase – km Tank 8 (Neged do NT-D dometa raketa inte- protivoklopnih i topom nudi sa Rafael graciju trocevni Kompanija i GAU-19/A. kao mm F, KCB, 12.7 mitraljez Model Oerlikon Mk30 mm Mauser 30 Mk44, M693, Bushmaster M621, GIAT što mm kao 20 topova tipova su: različitih sa više danas, integrisano Do je Tajfunom El-Op. kompanije optoelek- MSIS sa sistemom sprezi tronskim u testirano funkcionisanje I kada njegovo Dvora, Bushmaster Super je mornarice mm izraelske 25 brodu topom patrolnom na sa varijanti 1995. u je doživeo Tajfun premijeru, godine Svoju vozila. borbena ugradnju oklopna za na namenjene rešenje OWS25, na kupole se upravljane daljinski oslanjajući razvoj godina je 90-tih čiji sredinom Rafael, započeo kompanija izraelska i nudi Typhoon, 42 ooauklbu3 m oMue k0iATK sa varijanti i u je Mk30 dok metaka, Mauser 140 od to UAE) kompletom mornarica borbenim i izabrala sa je mm, koju (varijanta 30 Mk44 Bushmaster kalibru varijante dva u koristi da topova može 584 Mod za brodova sistem zaštitu blisku podacima, raspoloživim Prema iskustva. mena uuid erd oink oij en taesuočen strane jedne s je koji korisniku o radi se da Budući italijanska topova, brodskih proizovđač svetski Poznati brodova, zaštitu blisku za sistema familiju Respektivnu eec islsi re oipoefrpwradincrease and envelope. firepower improve air kill class to MANPADS order this mount in of to missiles option defence systems the other has with con- user As remotely the class, hull. is the gun within The 200 from fire. and trolled, of m, rate 2500 minute to per up rounds range efficient purpose with general gun, mm 7.62 machine mounted coaxially mm has 30 which is gun, armament NRWS Main as Station). known Weapon system Remote (Naval offered local has license, Kinetics French ST under company Singapore in class, built Formidable are of frigates which pro- generation Within new missiles. equipping cruise of as ject success- such with targets with credited coping are ful has which Navy missiles, Igla-S UAE for defence. opted of addi- line thus last missiles, strengthening defence tionally air class MANPADS for launch- installing ers by improvement manufactures firepower The additional offers tests. acceptance and prototyping by succeeded rapid requirements, customer’s design with “virtual” accordance enabling in packages primar- software owing advanced level to armament ily and aircraft, subsystem as: to such tank platforms ship, bigger from migrating slowly is approach modular developmental final This, choose configuration. will system constraints financial tech- and tactical, and requirements approach nical doctrinary its user with where yet accordance approach, in as modular seen ubiquitous be of can proof another This slew- system. gun gun-mounted electro-optic using to up ing right com- system, centralized control from and supplied mand data gun on with based mm starting control remote modes, 25 operation rounds. several 200 while supports of rounds, System load combat 140 permits M242 of Bushmaster Navy) load UAE by Mauser combat (chosen guns with Mk44 mm Bushmaster 30 ATK of and types Mk30 two use arma- can artillery Mod584 As ment, environment. combat modern from of stemming Mod584 analysis solutions, on advanced relies many defence embodies mm of which 76 layer and last system gun caliber missile medium ESSM besides where multi-lay- one, as contemplated ered protection been close-in has ship defence to Ship’s system. paid forces been armed has signi- its attention of earmarking development special of into capable money is of UAE amount ficant that ships fact US the larger also on unsuc- attacks and craft suicide Iranian perform small to when tried cessfully 80’s in mid reported in been region has Gulf which warfare asymmetric of threat shipyard Musaffah in ADSB license. by French under built UAE be by will ordered which class, Baynunah Navy, of corvettes archi- new system of combat tecture regarding in discussions public the the during to presented detail was desig- system the This carries Mod584. form nation which the system in artillery-missile navies hybrid, modern facing of up threats come for has solution experience a and with tradition its on relying Typhoon. Melara, for platform a as which mm Lanka, 23 Sri gun Russian and used Australia weaponry Singapore, Israeli India, of as users such traditional Typhoon amongst of found be customers can other the system, financed this which of navy development Israeli besides data, available According shipborne optoelectronic. to on or relying radar or either system, gun surveillance the by on executed either be mounted can tracking system and surveillance while gun, the ern nmn htteue,UENv,i ae with faced is Navy, UAE user, the that mind in Bearing Oto company Italian manufacturer, gun renowned A sistema, koji se sa velikih sistema kao što su avion, brod, tenk Of other systems, available on the world market, one should polako «seli» na nivo podsistema opreme i naoružanja zah- mention NARWHAL (Naval Remote Weapon Highly valjujući pre svega softverskim paketima koji omogućavaju Accurate, Lightweight) concept developed by French com- «virtuelno» projektovanje u skladu sa zahtevima korisnika, pany GIAT, providing integration of 20, 25 and 30 mm guns, na osnovu čega se u relativno kratkom roku izrađuje prototip mounted on light pedestal thus enabling integration with koji kreće u testiranje i konačno proizvodnju. Proizvođač small displacement ships. nudi dodatno povećanje vatrene moći ugradnjom lansera za protivvazdušne rakete klase «ispali i zaboravi», čime se dodat- Yugoimport-SDPR offer no ojačava poslednja linija odbrane. Mornarica UAE je na svojim oruđima ugradila po četiri lansera za ruske rakete Baring in mind emerging threat of asymmetric warfare at Igla-S, koje se od ranijih verzija odlikuju sposobnošću da se sea, Yugoimport-SDPR in uspešno nose sa ciljevima kakve su krstareće rakete. cooperation with local scientific-research, development, U sklopu opremanja fregata nove generacije klase design and production capacities is actively analyzing vari- Formidable, koje se u Singapuru grade prema francuskoj ous options of equipping and arming ships of various dis- licenci, lokalna kompanija ST Engg odnosno njena filijala placement in order to achieve maximum possible reaction ST Kinetics je singapurskoj mornarici kao konkurenciju to this modern threat. izraelskom sistemu Tajfun, u ulozi poslednje linije odbrane Modern considerations regarding asymmetric warfare at broda kako od konvencionalnih tako i od asimetričnih pret- sea name sensor fusion as prerequisite for successful target nji, ponudila rešenje pod oznakom NRWS (Naval Remote engagement, namely to create unified situational awareness Weapon Station). Kao osnovno naoružanje usvojen je top picture based upon which further decisions on actual target kalibra 30 mm, sa kojim se može spregnuti koaksijalni mitral- engagement using weapon platforms, be they aerial, land jez 7.62 mm, sa efikasnim dometom do 2500 m, i brzinom based, surface or sub-surface, will be made. In order to have gađanja do 200 metaka u minutu. Topom se upravlja daljin- reliable source for detecting and tracking movements of ene- ski, iz unutrašnjosti broda. Kao i na drugim rešenjima, i ovde my surface targets as well as low flying aerial targets, Serbian je korisniku ostavljena mogućnost da sa topom spregne pro- defence industry has developed MOMS surveillance-sight- tivvazdušne rakete klase «ispali i zaboravi», čime bi se znača- ing system which embodies wide and narrow field of view jno unparedila vatrena moć i povećala zona dejstva. CCD daylight cameras, thermal imaging camera (operating Od ostalih rešenja ovog tipa, prisutnih na svetskom tržiš- at 8-14 microns wavelength) and laser rangefinder. Owing tu, izdvaja se i koncept francuske komapnije GIAT promo- to compact design and low weight, MOMS can be integrat- visan pod oznakom NARWHAL (Naval Remote Weapon Highly Accurate, Lightweight) koji omogućava ugradnju topova 20, 25 ili 30 mm, integrisanih sa lakim postoljem koji omogućava ugradnju i na brodove manjeg deplasmana.

Ponuda Jugoimport-SDPR

Imajući u vidu narastajuću pretnju asimteričnog ratovan- ODBRAMBENE TEHNOLOGIJE - DEFENCE TECHNOLOGIES ja na moru, Jugoimport-SDPR u oslanjajući se na domaće naučno-istraživačke, razvojne i proizvodne resurse, razma- tra različite mogućnosti opremanja i naoružavanja brodova različitog deplasmana u cilju pružanja adekvatnog odgovo- ra na ovu savremenu pretnju. Aktuelna razmatranja vezana za asimterično ratovanje na moru kao jedan od preduslova za uspešnu borbu ističu potre- bu za senzorskom fuzijom, u cilju formiranja jednoznačne slike bojišta-akvatorije, na osnovu čega se donose odluke o eventualnom daljem angažovanju borbenih platformi, koje mogu biti smeštene u vazduhu, na kopnu, na ili ispod površine mora. S tim u vezi, domaća odbrambena industri- ja kao pouzdan izvor podataka o kretanju neprijateljskih plovi- la različitog deplasmana (kao i eventualnih niskoletećih cil- jeva) nudi osmatračko-nišanski sistem MOMS koji u sebi objedinjuje CCD kamere za širokougaono i uskougaono osmatranje, termovizijsku kameru (koja funkcioniše na talas- noj dužini od 8 do 14 mikrona) kao i laserski daljinomer koji se koristi za određivanje dometa. Zahvaljujući kompaktnom dizajnu i maloj masi MOMS se može instalirati na širokom spektru plovila, počevši od malih, brzih patrolnih čamaca gde predstavlja jedini izvor informacija pa sve do brodova većeg deplasmana (korvete, fregate) gde ovaj uređaj funkcioniše u sprezi sa radarima većeg dometa, čime se dobi- ja integrisano osmatračko rešenje spremno da se koristi i u 43 ODBRAMBENE TEHNOLOGIJE - DEFENCE TECHNOLOGIES 44 učestvovati. češće sve mornarice svetske savremene će kojima u misijama u odnosno krijumčara, i pirata protiv borbu za oružja» rtonosnog «nesm- red možemo u svrstati ovo rešenje Stoga tereta. spašavanja i jumčara kri- hapšenja akciju policijsku dalju za preduslove stvarajući i kretanje dalje hovo nji- način taj na ovih jući onemoguću- čamaca, sredstvo propelere ovo među koju mreža zaplete se da nosi raznih ciljem i osnovim ljudi sa krijumčarenje roba, za vrsta koriste se bor- koji u čamcima koristi sa sredstvo bi ovakvo morskim se sa danas borbi Međutim, u podseća nemanima. čoveka upotrebe oružje načinu tradicionalno i harpun, izgledu svom na po koje svrsta- sredstvo se i može moru ti na ratovanja asimteričnog protiv borbe pretnju. bezbednosnu globalnu novu odgovora na adekvatnog na mogućnost pružena borbama moru u otvorenom angažovani brodovima prvenstveno velikim tradicionalo ovim su i koji je većeg čime brodove fregata, tipa na deplasmana, 12.7mm mitraljeza teških kon- ugradnje i istaći cept valja pristup ratovanja inovativan asimetričnog Kao problema rešavanju raketu. drugom u na se komande dok prenose smeru, smeru jednom sa u slika samonavođenje prenosi za panel operatorov glave na se kojim kabla optičkog korišćenjem realizovanom upravljanja ALAS, speci- sistemu tipa zahvaljujući preciznosti, fičnom rakete nivo vođene visok koristiti izuzetno se imaju koje mogu km dome- 60 na do ciljeva protiv gađanje tima razmera Za širih kopnu. operacija na sklopu snaga u neprijateljskih i koriste jedinicama se sopstvenim da mogu podrške vatrene nepri- i gađanja plovila pored koji jateljskih 128mm više- kalibra raketa i bacače 30mm cevne granate bacače teške automatske 7.62mm, 12.7mm, mitraljeze mitraljeze ističemo: kojima sred- među spektra stava, širokog ugradnju ponudi da može partnerima sopstvenih korišćenja snaga. efekta maksimizacije cilju u sistema, hard- korišćenjem kopnu), komandno-informacionog na infrastrukture versko-softverske bilo brodu (smeštene drugom nivoa na višeg bilo komandom sa MOMS sistema osmatračko-nišan- integracija skog se nameće dalje korak Kao prirodan borbom. protivelektronskom i ometanjem intenzivnim karakterisanim operacijama konvencionalnim modernim, enlz pteiungrjkjplcj aaiakont- zadacima u policiji nigerijskoj u upotrebi u nalazi se oeoan oepoi rjmaaipirata i krijumčara protiv zone obalne role e oi eej oeJgipr-DRnd cilju u nudi Jugoimport-SDPR koje rešenja novih red U svojim Jugoimport-SDPR sredstava, oružnih domenu U am oaln rž ekmmtaleo m koji mm, 7 . 2 1 ljezom mitra teškim n oruža na l Kora c ma Ča epni sdt obtsalbaswihaeue by used are which boats small this combat Nowadays, to sea. used at is beasts various weapon fight to man traditional of weapon harpoon, and resembles appearance closely its operandi by modus which system mention also should securi- modern challenge. to ty respond “blue adequately or to water” operations “green in water” big engaged these primarily enabling are thus which ships combatant, sized frigate on machine heavy guns 12.7mm by of offered installation warfare, is inno- Yugoimport-SDPR, asymmetric One tackle missile. to the solution to vative commands homing guidance by and seen in image two- transmits using head which system link, guidance novel optic with fiber km, way 60 to up ranges effective at system, missile ALAS engagements, offer range can longer Yugoimport-SDPR support For fire ashore. and troops sea embarked at for operations maritime missions standard warfare asymmetric in in but only not can used which effectively launchers be rocket multiple grenade 128mm automatic and 30mm launchers guns, machine heavy machine 12.7mm purpose gun, general of 7.62mm range are: wide which of among systems installation customers potential its offer of use maximize to troops. allied order in of system, infrastructure management hardware-software combat of or use shipborne by (either based) command land level higher with integration MOMS be could of development in counte- phase electronic Next rmeasures. and jamming intensive with operations, modern credited inte- in creating effective thus solution radars surveillance range grated medium and conjunc- long in with operates tion device vessels this displacement where frigates) target greater (corvettes, of to source up sole right represents information it small, where from craft ranging patrol vessels, surface fast of spectrum wide with ed u,i s ihNgra oiei isosaantsmugglers against missions in police Nigerian with use in gun, n pirates and oa ih arlba re ih1. mev machine mmheavy 12.7 with armed boat patrol light Koral mn e ytm fee yYgipr-DR we Yugoimport-SDPR, by offered systems new Among can Yugoimport-SDPR platforms, weapon of area the In oeadmore engaged. and be more will navies bal glo- modern which in missions inals, of crim- and smugglers types various fighting to approach “non-lethal” resents rep- solution This ly. effective- it stopping thus “jam” to vessel pellerofsmuggling pro- cause will to which web dense is deploy “weapon” this of purpose Main trafficking. human and goods illegal of types various of gling smug- in criminals VIZIJA A VISION OF USPEŠNOG SUCCESSFUL RAZVOJA DEVELOPMENT

Piše By Bojana Đokić Bojana Đokić

Kraj svake poslovne godine pravi je The end of each business year is the trenutak za sumiranje rezultata ost- right time to sum up the results varenih u proteklom periodu. Za accomplished in the period that is gospodina Bogoljuba Vasiljevića, behind us. For Mr. Bogoljub diplomiranog mašinskog inženjera i Vasiljevic, a mechanical engineer and, doskorašnjeg direktora Sektora za until recently, Director of the razvoj, inženjering i tehničku podršku Development, Engineering and u Jugoimport-SDPR, kraj 2006. Technical Support Division in godine trenutak je i za sumiranje Yugoimport-SDPR, the end of 2006 rezultata bogate profesionalne kari- is the right time to sum up the results jere duge skoro četrdeset godina. of a rich and almost forty-year long Svoje školovanje i radno angažo- career. vanje Bogoljub Vasiljević vezao je za Bogoljub Vasiljevic has been tied to

vojnu industriju naše zemlje i the defense industry of this country LIČNA ISKUSTVA - PERSONAL EXPERIENCE dokazao da je upornim radom, since his schooldays and the begin- velikim trudom i strpljenjem moguće ning of his career, and has shown that ostvariti rezultate kojima želimo da persistant work, great effort and dosegnemo maksimum. Gospodin patience can lead to top results. Mr. Vasiljević – Bube kako ga saradnici Vasiljevic – or Bube, as his associates draže oslovljavaju, bio je spreman da like to call him - was willing to pre- za naš kompanijski časopis iznese sent his impressions and share his utiske i podeli iskustva nastala tokom experience with the readers of our svoje bogate karijere, da nam iznese svoju viziju i per- company magazine, as well as to present his vision and spektive razvoja naše kompanije. Nadamo se da će nakon prospects of our company. odlaska u penziju, sredinom iduće godine, gospodin It was a great honor to have Mr. Vasiljevic in our ranks Vasiljević i dalje učestvovati u aktivnostima Jugoimport- and we hope that his retirement in the coming year will not SDPR jer je bila čast imati ga u svojim redovima. prevent him from taking part in the business activities of Yugoimport-SDPR. Gospodine Vasiljeviću, pripadate prvim generacijama koje su svoje srednje, a kasnije i fakultetsko obrazovanje veza- Mr. Vasiljevic, you belong to those first generations which le za potrebe vojne industrije nekadašnje Jugoslavije. Ako have been tied to the former Yugoslav defense industry Jugoimport-SDPR predstavimo kao deo vojno-privrednog since their high-school and university days. Considering sektora, onda ste praktično ceo radni vek proveli u okviru that Yugoimport-SDPR is a part of military-economic sec- vojne industrije. tor, we can say that you have spent all your active life in defense industry. Da, tako je. Završio sam Srednju tehničku školu u Kragujevcu, koja je bila pod nadležnošću tadašnjeg Yes, you are right. I finished the Technical High School Državnog sekretarijata narodne odbrane (DSNO). Tu školu (THS) in Kragujevac, which at the time came within the su pohađala deca iz svih krajeva bivše Jugoslavije, tačnije competence of the State Secretariat of National Defense sa lokaliteta Bosne i Hercegovine, Hrvatske i Srbije gde su (DSNO). This school was attended by students from all se tada podizala ili obnavljala preduzeća vojne industrije. over former Yugoslavia, or to be more precise, from those Mogu reći da su ljudi koji su završili STŠ u Kragujevcu bili areas of Bosnia and Herzegowina, Croatia and Serbia where nosioci razvoja i organizovanja proizvodnje u fabrikama defense companies were being built or restored. I can say vojne industrije. Dobar deo moje generacije nastavio je that the graduates from the THS in Kragujevac were the studije na mašinskom fakultetu u Beogradu, odsek vojno champions of development and production in defense mašinstvo, kao stipendisti DSNO. Daleke školske 1962/63. industry factories. A large part of my class proceeded with godine, sa profesorom Acom Stamatovićem, prvi put sam the studies at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in posetio Centralni poligon za ispitivanje NVO u Nikincima. Belgrade, Military Engineering Department, as DSNO 45 Kako sam imao obavezu da, kao vojni stipendista, radim 16 scholarship holders. Far back in the schoolyear 1962/63 I godina u preduzećima Vojne industrije i da se aktiviram u visited, with professor Aca Stamatovic, the military Central čin poručnika JNA, prvi problem je nastao u određivanju Test Ground in Nikinci for the first time. As a military preduzeća gde ću raditi. DSNO mi je ponudio mogućnost scholar, I was obliged to commit 16 years of my career to izbora između preduzeća “Marko Orešković“ iz Ličkog the defense industry companies and to come into active Osika i “Slavko Rodić“ iz Bugojna što sam a priori odbio. service with the Yugoslav National Army (JNA) as a lieu- Posle dužeg razmatranja dogovoreno je da svoj profesion- tenant. So, the first difficulty for me was to decide on the alni put započnem u “Prvom partizanu“, Užice (PPU), gde company where I would start my work. DSNO offered me sam radio prvih deset godina svog radnog veka. to choose from the “Marko Oreskovic“ company from Licki Osik and the “Slavko Rodic“ company from Bugojno, which U početku vašeg profesionalnog angažovanja vojna indus- I a priori refused. After considerable thought, it was decid- trija tadašnje Jugoslavije imala je dosta problema. Na koji ed that I should start my professional life with “Prvi parti- način ste se kao mlad inženjer suočili sa situacijom koja vas zan“ in Uzice (PPU), where I worked for the first ten years je zatekla u ’’Prvom partizanu’’ i na kojim poslovima ste of my career. sticali prva radna iskustva? At the beginning of your professional life, the Yugoslav Početak rada nije bio nimalo ružičast. Na istoj sednici military industry of the time met with many problems. What Radničkog saveta kada sam primljen u radni odnos, okto- was it like to come into grips with the state of affairs you bra 1967. godine, doneta je odluka o otpuštanju 250 radni- found at ’’Prvi partizan’? What were the projects in which ka zbog smanjenja obima posla. Kako je tada fabrika you gained your first working experience? „Igman“ iz Konjica sa istim proizvodnim programom i kapacitetom tri puta većim od kapaciteta PPU imala pri- The beginning of my career was not optimistic pink at mat u proizvodnji za potrebe JNA i popunjavanja stokova, all. In October 1967, at the same Workers' Council session “Prvom partizanu“ je saopšteno da mora tražiti nove pro- when I was employed, a decision was reached to lay off 250 grame ako želi da opstane, i to vlastitim snagama, bez finan- workers due to reduced volume of production. Having the sijske pomoći države. Za ’’Prvi partizan’’ je to bio podsti- same manufacturing program and a three times bigger caj da uđe u osvajanje proizvodnje manevarske municije sa capacity than the PPU, the „Igman“ factory from Konjic LIČNA ISKUSTVA - PERSONAL EXPERIENCE čeličnom čaurom, prvo sa plastičnim zrnom, a potom bez had a lead in production for the needs of the JNA, so “Prvi zrna, koja i danas egzistira. Ovaj novo osvojeni proizvodni partizan“ was told to look for new programs to survive, program spasao je od gašenja „Prvi partizan“ - namensku applying its own strength, without financial support of the proizvodnju. Tada su osvojeni osnovni kalibri 7,62x39mm State. This encouraged ’’Prvi partizan’’ to start mastering M68, 7,9x57mm M69, 7,62x51mm i 7,62x54mm, a kasnije production of blank ammunition with steel cartridge cas- i ostali kalibri u skladu sa zahtevima tržišta. Uporedo smo es, first with the plastic bullets and then without the bullets. This newly acquired production program, which is still extant, saved „Prvi partizan“ from being closed down. This is when the production of basic calibers such as 7.62x39mm M68, 7.9x57mm M69, 7.62x51mm and 7.62x54mm was also mastered, followed later by other cal- ibers dictated by the market. We had a parallel production of service ammu- nition. As a young engineer with a three-year working experience, I was appointed a technical manager of Defense Production Division where I took over technology-oriented activi- ties i.e. production facility modern- ization, as well as the mentioned ammunition development and design programs. When it was decided to dis- locate the production, as the head of a working team I was entrusted with the task of defining the Technological Project on the basis of which infra- structure facilities were to be designed. The experience I gained with these capital investment projects at that time was very useful for my future career. 46 radili i bojevu municiju. Kao mlad inženjer sa trogodišn- At the end of 1977 you moved to the Federal Directorate jim radnim iskustvom, postavljen sam za tehničkog direk- of Supply and Procurement (SDPR). Being engaged in tora Namenske proizvodnje gde sam, pored poslova na planning the defense industry development you were giv- razvoju i konstrukciji municije, preuzeo i poslove tehnologi- en an opportunity to apply your knowledge and abilities in je, odnosno modernizacije proizvodnog pogona. Kada je Algeria, Uzbekistan and other countries we had good busi- doneta odluka o izmeštanju proizvodnje, meni je poveren ness relations with. Which projects were you engaged in? zadatak vođenja radnog tima za definisanje Tehnološkog projekta, što je bila osnova za projektovanje infrastrukturnih At the proposal of the Military Economic Division of the objekata. Iskustvo koje sam tada stekao u investicionim SSNO (Federal Secretariat of National Defense) my career poslovima veoma mi je koristilo u daljem radu. was continued with the Federal Directorate of Supply and Procurement, which sent me immediately to Algeria as part Krajem 1977. godine prelazite u Saveznu direkciju za of the Technical Assistance Program to the Algerian promet i rezerve proizvoda sa posebnom namenom (SDPR). Defense Industry Directorate. I spent three years there. Radeći na poslovima planiranja razvoja vojne industrije Based on my personal experience, I proposed setting up of imali ste priliku da svoja znanja i mogućnosti realizujete u the prototype processing line for small caliber ammuni- Alžiru, Uzbekistanu i drugim zemljama sa kojima smo imali tion, as the first stage of the future ammunition factory in dobru poslovnu saradnju. Na kojim ste projektima bili Algeria. However, this proposal was not accepted by SDPR, angažovani? which preferred to erect a high-capacity ammunition fac- tory right away, based on its experience from Iraq, where Na predlog Vojno privrednog sektora SSNO moje radno our capital investment works were in full swing. angažovanje nastavlja se u Saveznoj direkciji za promet i Unfortunately, the Algerians then approached the FN com- rezerve proizvoda sa posebnom namenom, odakle sam pany from Liege and accomplished their own plan. odmah upućen u Alžir u okviru Tehničke pomoći Direkciji vojne industrije Alžira. Tamo sam proveo tri godine. Na I returned to SDPR in 1980 and was assigned to the osnovu ličnog iskustva predložio sam formiranje prototipske Engineering Division, Department for contracting of engi- proizvodne linije za malu municiju, kao prvu fazu izgrad- neering projects. From 1980 to mid 1996 I was involved in nje buduće fabrike municije u Alžiru. Medjutm, ovaj pred- preparing various offers and contracts in the field of trans-

log nije podržan od strane SDPR koji je preferirao da se fer of technology for armaments and defense equipment, LIČNA ISKUSTVA - PERSONAL EXPERIENCE odmah ide na izgradnju fabrike municije velikog kapacite- as well as in offers and contracts for erection and furnish- ta, polazeći od iskustva iz Iraka, gde smo tada bili u zamahu ing of different factories, on «turn-key basis“. Most of the sa investicionim radovima. Nažalost, alžirci su se tada offers were for the employers in Iraq, Libya, Iran, Angola obratili firmi FN iz Liježa i realizovali zamisao. and Ethiopia, as well as in South Asian and Far East coun- tries. In mid 1996 I was sent to Himproject in Uzbekistan, U SDPR sam se vratio 1980. godine i bio sam raspoređen our joint-venture company established together with the u Sektor inženjeringa, Odeljenje za pripremu i ugovaran- state Institute for Chemical Engineering with the aim of je inženjering poslova. U periodu od 1980. do sredine 1996. promoting our technologies. For lack of funds on both sides, godine radio sam na mnogim ponudama i zaključenju ugov- this joint-venture did not survive. After coming back from ora iz domena transfera tehnologije za proizvodnju sred- Uzbekistan in 1998, I joined the K-30 project for a Chinese stava NVO, kao i na ponudama i ugovorima za izgradnju i partner which covered the transfer of technology for opremanje fabrika po principu „ključ u ruke“. Najveći deo 30x165mm ammunition for 2A42, 2A72 and Gš301 guns. ponuda odnosio se na investitore iz Iraka, Libije, Irana, Our co-contractors in this project were: “Sloboda“ from Angole, Etiopije, zemalja Južne Azije i Dalekog istoka. Cacak, „Milan Blagojevic“ from Lucani, “Krusik“ from Sredinom 1996. godine upućen sam u Uzbekistan u zajed- Valjevo and “Zastava“ from Kragujevac. This project took ničko preduzeće „Himprojekt“, koje je formirano sa državn- place during the sanctions and the bombing of Yugoslavia im Institutom za hemijsko inženjerstvo, sa ciljem prodora in 1999, which created real difficulties for us. However, we na to tržište sa našim tehnologijama.Zbog oskudice finan- managed to overcome all the obstacles and finilize the con- sijskih sredstava kod obe strane ova zajednička firma nije tract, collecting all the payment to the mutual satisfaction opstala. Po povratku iz Uzbekistana, 1998. godine, odmah of our side and the Chinese employer. I have to mention sam se uključio u projekat K-30, transfer tehnologije muni- that colonel Anastas Paligoric had an active part in this pro- cije 30x165mm za topove 2A42, 2A72 i Gš301, za kineskog ject. partnera. Saugovorači na ovom projektu su bili: “Sloboda“ iz Čačka, „Milan Blagojević“ iz Lučana, “Krušik“ iz Valjeva You spent your final years in Yugoimport-SDPR as the i “Zastava“ iz Kragujevca. Realizacija ovog projekta se odvi- Director of Development, Engineering and Technical jala za vreme sankcija i bombardovanja Jugoslavije 1999. Support Division. This was the time when our company godine što je dovelo do posebnih problema. Ipak, prevaz- spared no effort trying to mitigate the well-known effects išli smo sve i ugovor je, na naše i zadovoljstvo kineskog of the nineties of the last century. Now it is safe to say that investitora, potpuno završen i naplaćen. Na ovom projektu our ambitions, good organization and, most of al,l the range aktivno je učestvovao i puk. Anastas Paligorić. of products we can offer, paved our way for returning to the global market as a serious, competative and reliable part- Poslednje godine rada u Jugoimport-SDPR proveli ste na ner. In your opinion, which projects can now be marked as mestu Direktora Sektora za razvoj, inženjering i tehničku especially important? podršku. To je period kada je naše preduzeće ulagalo velike 47 LIČNA ISKUSTVA - PERSONAL EXPERIENCE pea a aidlepmge rm orb zahte- i potrebi prema SDPR. pomognem vu dalje i da sam spreman sens olvnaJgipr-DRas vj strane svoje sa a Jugoimport-SDPR poslovanja uspešnost a aieooingpsoaj firme. korek- poslovanja biti ekonomičnog mora radi koji tan preduzeću u radnika neproizvodnih i a aordj apsoeuifatutr preduzeća. mis- infrastrukturu Ovo postojeću . na bolje nadogradnju za kao nada lim je što poslova, raznovrsnih je r o,ue emr un rtt do rivdi i proizvodnih odnos pratiti budno mora se uvek tom, Pri eotaiiprpkiumgćot rhaaj realizaci- i prihvatanja mogućnosti perspektivu ostvariti je aj oprcj andsaui enlgjm moguće tehnologijama nedostajućim sa kooperacije organizo- vanja umešnošću i opremljenošću samostalnom Samo enlgj etpeueaobabn nutieSrbije. industrije odbrambene preduzeća šest tehnologije n aorđn rdtv V,n lzć osnovne u ulazeći ne NVO, sredstava određena za ona 48 dop- pre pog- što proizvodno-remontnog treba jednog mišljenju, organizovanjem mom uniti razvo- po za koje, odeljenje aktivnosti oformi jne se da postavl- Jugoimport-SDPR orijentacija u rešenje jena Stoga ispravno usluge. potpuno izvršiti je će i da robu koje mislim isporučiti zemlje firme vreme van domaće na naći zemlji i lako u kvalitetno malo naći ni i Nije poslova složen. dovoljno i otežan veo- se preduzeća je našeg da ma rad pretenzije poslovima, ima ovim odbrane bavi Ministarstvo samostalno da kraju, usluge i na proizvode dobila i svoje industrije ponude vojne samostalno preduzeća da su mogućnost poslovima, da ovim činjenicu bavljenje i za licencu kao stoti- ima da Srbiji činjenicu u vidu firmi u nak imajući a NVO, prometa govinskog karijeru? zavra- profesionalnu vi dugogodišnju gde mesta uspešnu sa svoju nastavljaju vate koji je one šta za i poruka budućnosti vaša u Jugoimport-SDPR perspektive vate zahtevima. izvući sličnim se na mogu rad projekta dalji ovog za iz pouke vremenski slučaju, bila svakom proizvodnja U bi kraća. da organizaci- i verujem upravljanju proizvodnje, u ji ingerencija većih imali saugovorača. smo aktivnosti Da proizvodnih kontrole procesima i u planiranja Jugoimport-SDPR angažovanju u upornost veliku istrajnost je i ser- zahtevao u projekat ušla Ovaj je proizvodnju. koja ijsku NORA B-52 samo- 155mm isporuku top-haubice za hodne ugovora realizaciji sam na godine angažovan dve aktivno Poslednje očeku- saradnje. i nastavak partizanu“ uspešan jemo “Prvom municiju u za proizvedenu opremu kalibara mar- plasiramo malih dugog da posle uspeli smo, rada, Najzad ketinškog vezane Amerike. aktivnosti Južne ugovorne tržište i za marketinške i baruta, bih sferičnog Pomenuo proizvodnju i za isporuke tehnologije ponudi transfera na njihovim Indonezijom sa (saradnja centrom), Libijom Razvojnim sa ugovora setu na aktivnosti ponudi? poslovnoj našoj ima- u da značaj mišljenju poseban vašem ju po i projekti konkurentan Koji svet- ozbiljan, partner. na pouzdan kao se pojavimo da ponovo osnove tržištu dobre skom da stvorimo možemo da koji uspeli programom ponudimo, svega, orga- pre dobrom sig- ambicijama, i, velikim sa nizovanošću smo se da Sada reći razloga. može poznatih urnošću dobro godina iz devedesetih veka nastale prošlog posledice ublaži da napore ee i akaud sanmd srn eue dalju u verujem iskreno da istaknem da kraju na bih Želeo bio apoeeulv aoalaj spoljnotr- obavljanje za uslova promene na obzirom S sagleda- kako kraju na mi recite Vasiljeviću, Gospodine poslovne velike smo imali godina desetak Poslednjih sfrm,Ia ed n iln oofrm epi and if help my offer to willing and ready needed. am when I me, for future. As successful Yugoimport-SDPR's in believe honestly opera- company's the make cost-effective. to most as tions so kept bal- be a workers always that non-production should think and I production this, from between Apart ance future. our better is a This for projects. hope con- various the the of with create implementation cooperation to for possible a ditions be up would set it to technologies enough missing independent, skilled and as equipped well fully as if com- Only industry Serbia. defense six in the panies of technologies basic touch- the without for ing equipment, facility defense overhaul and and armaments production certain my a in added should, be which opinion, think estab- department, I decision development why good a is a lishing This made time. has due Yugoimport-SDPR high- in that supply services abroad can or projects which goods find companies quality to indigenous easy find not to is or It complex. extreme- and is company hard our ly of has position Defense the of aspirations, Ministry services similar the and that products finally are their and companies sell independently, industry to defense opportunity the the as that given work, fact of line the oth- this as hundred for well a licensed about are that companies fact Serbian the er mind in We have changed. also have should equipment defense and armaments this up end you when career? work, fruitful to your long, message resume your will be who would those what and Yugoimport-SDPR, simi- with projects future some requirements. les- for lar a project draw this should we from Anyway, son time. less production taken that have production believe would on I influence organization, greater and for management we chance Had a activities. given production been con- co-contractor's and our planning the of in trol Yugoimport-SDPR, of part persistance the and on determination stage. great production required mass project the This reached B-52 now 155mm has Howitzer which gun NORA, signed self-propelled contracts of of I supply implementation the years for in two part past active the an In took successfully. contin- cooperation to expect this we ue and partizan“, ammunition, “Prvi caliber by small manufactured sell for to equipment managed processing finally our we After activities, America. marketing South extenisve and to marketing related our mention pursuits of to contracting transfer like also pertaining would the I and technology. powders regard- ball - of Indonesia delivery with ing with and (cooperation Center) Libya with Development contracts their of set a regarding ty nteed ol iet on u ut lal htI that clearly quite out point to like would I end, the In of trade foreign the out carrying for circumstances The of prospects the see you do how Vasiljevic, Mr. activi- business significant had we years ten past the In EDePro- EDePro – LOCAL DOMAĆE ZNANJE KNOWLEDGE FOR ZA CEO SVET THE WHOLE WORLD

Piše By Goran Memon, dipl.ing. Goran Memon, B.Sc. Eng.

Istorijat History

Preduzeće EDePro (Engine Development and Production) The Company EdePro (Engine Development and ima dugogodišnju tradiciju u razvoju, projektovanju i Production) has a long tradition in the development, design, proizvodnji turbomlaznih i raketnih motora. Koreni pre- and production of turbojet and rocket engines. The foun- duzeća sežu trideset godina unazad, kada je osnovana dations of the Company were laid thirty years ago, when the Laboratorija za mlaznu propulziju Mašinskog fakulteta Laboratory for Jet Propulsion was founded at the Faculty of PREDSTAVLJAMO - PRESENTATION Univerziteta u Beogradu. Danas je preduzeće EDePro pre- Mechanical Engineering of the University in Belgrade. Today, raslo u uspešnu, međunarodno priznatu firmu koja se bavi EdePro has grown into a successful, internationally renowned istraživanjem, razvojem, proizvodnjom i prometom novih, Company, which is engaged in the research, development, modernizacijom postojećih sredstava naoružanja i vojne production, and trade in the new, and modernization of the opreme (NVO), kao i primenom visokotehnoloških rešenja existing munitions and defense equipment, as well as in the u protivgradnoj zaštiti i drugim civilnim namenama. application of high-tech solutions in hailstorm defense, as well as in other civilian applications. Profil kompanije Company Profile Preduzeće EDePro je godinama među vodećim organi- zacijama u projektovanju i proizvodnji turbomlaznih i raket- The EdePro Company has been, for years, among the lead- nih propulzivnih sistema različitih tipova i namena. ing organizations engaged in the design and production of Fleksibilnost u projektovanju omogućila je postizanje viso- turbojet and rocket propulsion systems of different types kih performansi realizovanih rešenja, a s druge strane and applications. The flexibility in the design has enabled obezbedila je mogućnost brze realizacije projekata i aktivnos- the accomplishment of high performances of the realized ti u odbrambenoj i srodnim industrijama. Težište delova- solutions, and, on the other hand, it has enabled the possi- nja preduzeća je stalno oslanjanje na vrhunski stručni kadar bility of fast realization of projects and activities in the defense

49 u aktuelnim oblastima, i filozofiju sopstvenog, originalnog and related industries. The Company’s main effort is to per- razvoja, što rezultuje visokim nivoom efikasnosti u radu i manently rely on the top-notch experts in the topical areas, kvalitetom realizovanih projekata. U preduzeću danas rade and to pursue the philosophy of its own, original develo- predstavnici nekoliko generacija stručnjaka i specijalista, pment, which results in a high level of efficiency in work and tako da EDePro zapošljava više doktora nauka, magistara i the quality of realized projects. Today, the Company employs specijalista u tehničkim delatnostima značajnim za njegov the representatives of few generations of experts and spe- rad. Pored toga, određeni broj stručnjaka preduzeća je cialists and, hence EdePro employs a substantial number of angažovan u izvođenju redovne nastave na Mašinskom fakul- PhDs, masters of science, and specialists in fields, which tetu Univerziteta u Beogradu, kaoiuokviruizvođenjadok- are important for its operations. Besides, a certain number torskih i magistarskih studija. Direktor EDePro, redovni of Company’s experts are teaching at the Faculty of profesor dr Branislav Jojić, ujedno je i šef katedre za va- Mechanical Engineering of the University in Belgrade, as zduhoplostvo Mašinskog fakulteta u Beogradu. well as within the postgraduate studies. The Director of EdePro, the full-time Professor Branislav Jojić, PhD, is also Strateška opredeljenja preduzeća EDePro su: the head of the Department of Aeronautics at the Faculty of • Istraživanje i razvoj u oblasti sistema mlazne propulzi- Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade. je na bazi tečnih i čvrstih pogonskih materija, • Projektovanje i proizvodnja turbomlaznih motora male The strategic commitments of EdePro are: snage i potiska namenjenih za pogon bespilotnih letelica, - Research and development in the field of jet propulsion, jedrilica, helikoptera i maketa letelica, based on liquid and solid fuels; • Razvoj, projektovanje i proizvodnja bespilotnih letelica - Design and production of low-output and thrust turbojet različitih namena, engines intended for UAV, motor glider, helicopter, and mock- • Razvoj, projektovanje i proizvodnja savremenih sre- up power plants; dstava i sistema naoružanja i vojne opreme (NVO). - Development, design, and production of unmanned aer- PREDSTAVLJAMO - PRESENTATION • Remont i modernizacija postojećih sredstava i sistema ial vehicles for different applications; NV,. - Development, design, and production of modern muni- • Realizacija edukativnih programa, stručnih, specijal- tions and weapon systems and defense equipment; ističkih i naučnih kurseva iz oblasti delatnosti preduzeća i - Overhaul and modernization of the existing munitions transfer različitih tehnologija. and weapon systems; - Various training programs, expert, specialist, and scien- Poslovna preduzeća EDePro definiše aktivnosti u tific courses in the areas of the Company’s expertise and trans- proizvodnom, edukativnom i razvojnom sektoru delatnosti. fer of different technologies. Proizvodni program preduzeća predstavljaju realizovani projekti: proizvodnja kompozitnih raketnih goriva, proje- The business policy of EdePro Company defines the acti- ktovanje i proizvodnja sklopova i podsklopova više tipova pro- vities in the production, educational, and development sec- tivgradnih raketa, projektovanje i proizvodnja gasogenera- tors. tora (base-bleed jedinica) za artiljerijske projektile, remont raketnih motora i gasogeneratora raketa tipa vazduh-vazduh The product range of the Company is represented by real- i zemlja-vazduh, proizvodnja raketnih motora za artiljerijske ized projects: production of composite rocket fuels, design and rakete različitih kalibara. production of assemblies and subassemblies for a number of Razvojni programi obuhvataju aktuelne istraživačke pro- types of anti-hailstorm rockets, design and production of gas jekte: turbomlazni motor TMM-040 MONGOOSE malih generators (base bleed units) for artillery ammunition, over- dimenzija i klase potiska 40 daN, sistem višenamenskog haul of missile engines and gas generators for air-to-air and navođenog projektila ALAS, žirostabilisana artiljerijska rake- surface-to-air missiles, production of rocket motors for artillery ta R-107 kalibra 107mm za višecevni bacač raketa (VBR) rockets of different calibers. dometa 11 km, hibridni artiljerijski projektil kalibra 155 mm RA/BB sa raketnim motorom i jedinicom gasogeneratora, The development program includes our current research raketa R-400 dometa 140 km. projects: small TMM-040 MONGOOSE turbojet engine of the thrust class of 40 daN, multi-purpose ALAS guided mi- Edukativni programi predstavljaju aktivnosti usaglašene ssile system, gyro-stabilized artillery rocket R-107 of 107mm sa obrazovnim planom Mašinskog fakulteta u Beogradu, a caliber for multi-barreled rocket launchers with the maxi- usmereni su ka obrazovanju i usvršavanju kadrova iz oblasti mum range of 11 kilometers, hybrid artillery ammunition of mlazne propulzije. Korišćenjem naprednih CAD/CAM pro- 155 mm caliber RA/BB with rocket motor and gas genera- jektnih metoda polaznicima kurseva se prezentiraju najsavre- tor unit, R-400 ballistic missile of the maximum range of menije metode projektovanja i sve to kroz praktičan rad na 140 km. realnim konstrukcijama i razvojnim programima. Takođe, The educational programs are represented by activities, polaznicima se omogućava da interaktivno učestvuju u inple- which are harmonized with the curriculum of the Faculty of mentaciji novih tehnologija i sadržaja u procesu projekto- Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade, and they are intend- vanja. Na osnovu bogatog iskustva formiranog školovanjem ed for education and specialization of research staff in the više generacija inostranih studenata iz različitih zemalja, field of jet propulsion. By using the advanced CAD/CAM preduzeće EDePro garantuje visok nivo kvaliteta stečenog design methods, the course attendants are presented with znanja kod svih polaznika. the latest design methods, and everything is done through practical work on real designs and development programs. 51

Preduzeće EDePro poseduje tehnološki savremene labo- Also, the course attendants are enabled to interactively pa- ratorije za ispitivanje karakteristika turbomlaznih i raketnih rticipate in the implementation of new technologies and co- motora, čvrstih raketnih goriva kao vazduhoplovnih materi- ntents in the design process. Based on a rich experience, jala. Laboratorija za ispitivanje turbomlaznih motora pose- gained by educating multiple generations of foreign students duje naprednu platformu za ispitivanje turbomlaznih moto- from different countries, EdePro guarantees a high level of ra u realnim eksploatacionim uslovima. Savremena quality of the knowledge acquired by all course attendants. akviziciona i merna oprema omogućava merenje i zapisivanje velikog broja parametara u realnom vremenu. Stoga su la- EdePro Company has technologically advanced laborato- boratorije ove namene preduzeća EDePro, među malobro- ries for testing of the characteristics of turbojet engines and jnim laboratorijama u ovom delu Evrope. rocket motors, solid rocket fuels as well as the materials used in aircraft construction. Turbojet engine testing lab has an Proizvodni programi advanced platform for testing of turbojet engines in reali- stic operational conditions. The modern acquisition and Najveći deo proizvodnog i razvojnog programa preduzeća measuring equipment enables measuring and recording of EDePro oslonjen je na proizvodnju termoplastičnog ko- a large number of parameters in real time. Therefore, these mpozitnog raketnog goriva razvijenog po sopstvenoj, origi- laboratories of EdePro Company are among the rare ones of nalnoj tehnologiji. Postojeća proizvodna linija obezbeđuje this kind in this part of Europe. visokoserijsku proizvodnju različitih tipova pogonskih pu- njenja raketnih motora i generatora gasa. Ovi proizvodi kara- Production Programs kterišu se visokim specifičnim impulsima, odličnim mehaničkim osobinama, visokom pouzdanošću i dugotrajn- The largest part of EdePro’s production and development im vekom upotrebe. Najnovija istraživanja usmerena su ka program is relying on the production of thermoplastic, co- osvajanju segmentnih pogonskih punjenja (relativno ma- mposite rocket fuel, developed based on its own, original PREDSTAVLJAMO - PRESENTATION njih dimenzija), čime bi bilo omogućeno formiranje veliko- tec-hnology. The existing production line enables a large- gabaritnih, modularno građenih punjenja raketnih motora. volume production of different types of fuels for rocket Takav pristup obezbeđuje procentualno manja ulaganja i motors and gas generators. These products are character- manje složeno proizvodno okruženje. Projektovanje, razvoj ized by high specific impulses, excellent mechanical prop- i proizvodnja savremenih raketnih motora, pored ostalog, erties, high reliability and long service life. The latest research uslovljeni su dobrim poznavanjem materijala i tehnologija is aimed at mastering of the production of segmented solid izrade delova, čija je osnovna funkcija termička zaštita nosećih propellants (of relatively smaller dimensions), which would konstrukcija. Posebnost ovakvih tehničkih rešenja i pose- enable making of high-volume, modular built propellants of dovanje iskustva u realizaciji usmerili su preduzeće u pravcu rocket motors. Such an approach ensures smaller invest- ments percentage-wise and a less complex production envi- ronment. The design, development, and production of mod- ern rocket motors are, among other things, conditioned by a good knowledge of the materials and parts making tech- nologies, whose basic function is thermal protection of the bearing structures. The special feature of such engineering solutions and the experience in realization have oriented the Company towards its own design, development of an indige- nous technology for production of parts and sub-assemblies made out of thermo-protecting, composite polymer mate- rials, which fulfill their function through the process of abla- tion. At the same time, the existing technological line is also compatible with the technology for production of elastomer elements for defense industries. Such a concept enables the implementation of all above programs within the framework of a single production unit.

122 mm Artillery Rocket “GRAD”

One of the most important products of EdePro is the rock- et motor for 122 mm artillery rockets, GM and G-2000, intended for use from multiple rocket launcher systems BM- 21 “GRAD”. The GM rocket is a modified original rocket M-21 OF, in which the original charge and chamber of the rocket motor were replaced, which increase of the maximum range by 40%. The G-2000 rocket represents a unique solu- tion in the range of 122 mm caliber rockets, with the range exceeding 40 kilometers (increase of the maximum range in comparison with the original rocket is 100%). 53 PREDSTAVLJAMO - PRESENTATION m oj efras doriginalnog. od performanse bolje ima rivdn eiptuonv ujnegnrtr aakoje gasa generatora punjenje novo toga, potpuno Pored i R60MK. je i proizvedeno R-60K raketu za odgovara zahtevima potpunosti tehničkim u performansama svojim koji EDePro preduzeća motorom raketnim novoproizvedenim motora osnovi, U R60MK. i raketa R-60K remontu generacije uspešnom druge vazduh-vazduh u učešćem je ostvaren rezultat eotoi aeassoa euzmn otjćgraketnog postojećeg zameni u se sastojao raketa ovih remont Zapažen pogona. raketnog domenu u složenih naročito postojećih NVO, sistema modernizacije i remonta realizaciju za ebdot)oerkt vkmdnmovjj oatrži- nova planete. osvajaju širom šta danom svakim rakete i po- ove pouzdanosti i bezbednosti) (performansi, jednostavna kvaliteta upotreba svojih je Zbog čija protivgra- uzdana. A-8) tipa i dva (A-6 Postoje raketa inostranstvu. dnih u i zaštite zemlji protivgradne našoj redovne u okviru u koriste uspešno deceni- se jama proizvodi prozvo- Realizovani za sistema. Evropi protivgradnih jugoistočnoj dnju u organizacija vodeća je ma, originalnu 100%). je na raketu odnosu km 40 u preko dometa dometa maksimalnog mm (povećanje 122 kalibru u predstavlja rešenje G-2000 Raketa jedinstveno 40%. poveća- od uz dometa motora, maksimalnog nje raketnog komora zamenjeno i je punjenje kojoj pogonsko OF M-21 modi- raketa je originalna GM fikovana Raketa „GRAD“. la- BM-21 raketnim sistemima višecevnim u nsirnim GM upotrebu mm za 122 namenjene kalibra G-2000 rakete i artiljerijske za motor raketni vlja 54 jedinstvene celine. okviru u proizvodne programa navedenih svih omoguća- realizaciju koncept va Ovakav industriju. ele- namensku elastomernih za menata specijalnih proizvodnje tehnologiju i omoguća- linija va tehnološka postavljena Paralelno, pro- ablacije. kroz ces ostvaruju funkciju svoju kompozitnih koji materijala termozaštitnih, polimernih od podsklopova i delova proizvodnje tehnologije razvoja projektovanja, sopstvenog epeo4,0 ujnan oine nivou. godišnjem na punjenja preduzeća 40,000 kapacitet preko proizvodni Trenutni je mm. 155 kalibara i projektile mm 105 za proizvedene su gasogeneratora Najveće serije gasogene- proizvođača. sa svetskih nego drugih jedinicama veći ratorskim je gasogeneratorima pro- ovim domet sa Maksimalni jektila stoprocentna. je gasogen- putanji na rada arti- eratora i klasičan pripaljivanja na Pouzdanost odnosu projektil. u ljerijski 30% od više dometa omogućavaju Performanse povećanje i mm. vrhunske 155 su do gasogeneratora mm proizvedenih 76 kalibra od projektile jske rdzć DPoj arvk enlšiopremljeno tehnološki i kadrovski je EDePro Preduzeće eotimdriaiapsoei itm NVO sistema postojećih modernizacija i Remont rdzć DPo oprcj apsonmpartneri- poslovnim sa kooperaciji u EDePro, Preduzeće rakete Protivgradne predsta- EDePro firme proizvoda najznačajnih od Jedan “GRAD“ mm 122 kalibra raketa Artiljerijska rdzć DPopozoigsgnrtr aartiljeri- za gasogeneratore proizvodi EDePro Preduzeće projektile artiljerijske za jedinica) (base-bleed Gasogenerator e akt vr a,truhu h planet. the throughout day, every finding markets are (per- rockets new qualities these their reliability), of and Because safety, reliable. formances, and which use A-8), to and easy (A-6 are There rockets anti-hailstorm abroad. of and types country two our are hail- in against both protection decades, regular for the storms for used been prod- have realized The ucts for systems. Europe anti-hailstorm South-Eastern of in production the company leading the is ners, h urn rdcincpct forCmayi over is annum. Company per charges our 40,000 of capacity calibers. production 155mm current and The 105mm been of have ammunition generators for gas produced manu- of world series other biggest of The those of facturers. these than with longer ammunition is the generators gas of is range trajectory maximum the The on generators 100%. of gas reliability of The operation with shell. and 30% ignition artillery over of conventional range a in to increase respect an provide supe- they are and generators rior gas produced mm. the 155 of to performances 76mm The from ranging calibers with ammunition, dPoCmay ncoeainwt t uiespart- business its with cooperation in Company, EdePro Rockets Anti-Hailstorm rilr Ammunition for Artillery Unit) (Base-Bleed Generator Gas dPoCmaypoue a eeaosfrartillery for generators gas produces Company EdePro Razvojni programi Overhaul and Modernization of the Existing Munitions and Defense Equipment U svojoj poslovnoj orijentaciji preduzeće EDePro znača- jan deo resursa usmerava ka istraživačkim i razvojnim pro- EdePro Company has the adequate manpower and tech- gramima koji su danas nužni uslov opstanka na sve zahtevni- nologies to conduct overhaul and modernization of the exist- jem i izbirljivijem tržištu. U tom cilju preduzeće je usmer- ing complex munitions and defense equipment, especially ilo delatnost u dva prioritetna pravca. Prvi pravac je dalji in the field of rocket propulsion. The noted result was razvoj raketnih motora na bazi čvrste i tečne pogonske mate- achieved during participation in the successful overhaul of rije, kao i razvoj novih, čvrstih kompozitnih raketnih goriva the second-generation air-to-air missiles R-60K and visokih energetskih performansi. Drugi pravac je razvoj tur- R-60MK. Basically, the overhaul of these missiles consist- bomlaznih motora prvenstveno za sisteme bespilotnih lete- ed of the replacement of the existing missile engine with the lica. Pored ova dva osnovna pravca preduzeće EDePro para- new missile engine, produced by EdePro, whose perfo- lelno razvija integalne sisteme bespilotnih letelica, vođene rmances meet all the technical criteria for missiles R-60K mete različitih namena, kao i lake i ultralake letelice and R-60MK. Additionally, a brand new gas generator charge (helikoptere i avione). was produced, which has better performances than the ori- ginal one. Raketa R400 Programs under Development Značajan razvojni program predstavlja balistička raketa dometa 140 km u kalibru 400 mm. Pogon rakete je raketni In its business orientation, EdePro Company devotes a motor sa čvrstim pogonskim punjenjem modularnog tipa. significant part of its resources towards research and deve- Ova raketa je jedinstveno rešenje u klasi taktičkih raketa lopment programs, which are nowadays the necessary pre- velikog dometa i predstavlja savremeno sredstvo za podršku condition for survival in an ever more demanding and sele- kopnenih snaga. ctive market. This is why the Company has focused its core PREDSTAVLJAMO - PRESENTATION business on two priorities. The first one is further develo- Turbomlazni motori pment of rocket motors based on solid and liquid fuels, as well as the development of new, solid composite rocket fuels, Posebno odeljenje preduzeća EDePro bavi se istraživa- of high power performance. The second priority is the deve- njem, razvojem, projektovanjem i proizvodnjom turbom- lopment of turbojet engines, above all for unmanned aerial laznih motora različite konstrukcije i namene. Za potrebu vehicle systems. Apart from these two priorities, EdePro zamene postojećeg agregata na tenku T-72 (M-84) razvijen Company develops, in parallel the integral unmanned aeri- je turbomotor snage TM-40 snage 40kW. Ovaj turbo motor al vehicle systems, guided targets for different purposes, as koristi ravnopravno više vrsta goriva (benzin, kerozin, dizel well as light and ultra-light aircraft (aircraft and helicopters). gorivo). Osim za navedenu primenu, ovaj turbomotor može se koristiti kao pogonska jednica za različite tipove APU Missile R-400 (Auxiliary Power Unit). Preduzeće razvija i turbomlazni motor TMM-040 MONGOOSE potiska 40 daN, prvenstveno An important development program is the ballistic mi- namenjen za pogon bespilotnih letelica. Ovaj turbomlazni ssile, of the range of 140 kilometers, in 400 mm caliber. The motor razvija se u low cost tehnologiji izrade čime se postiže missile is powered by a modular solid fuel missile engine. konkurentna tržišna cena. Takođe, na ovom motoru prove- This missile is a unique solution within the class of tactical rava se koncept gradnje jednovratilnog turbomlaznog moto- long-range ballistic missiles, and it represents a modern ra sa trostepenim aksijalnim kompresorom i jednostepenom asset for ground combat support. turbinom potiska do 500 daN. Turbojet Engines

A special department of EdePro Company is working on the research, development, design, and production of turbojet engines of different designs and purposes. For replacement of the existing generator on M- 84 (T-72) tanks, a turbo engine TM-40 was developed, of an output of 40 kW. This tur- bo engine can equally use several types of fuels (standard fuel, kerosene, diesel fuel). Apart from the above applica- tion, this tu-rbo engine can be used as a propulsion unit for different types of APUs (Auxiliary Power Units). The Company is also developing TMM-040 MUN- GOOSE turbojet engine of the thrust of 40 daN, which is primarily designed to power unmanned aerial vehicles. This turbojet engine is being developed by using the low- cost manufacturing technology, which will contribute to its 55 Raketni sistem ALAS competitive market price. Also, this engine is being used to test the concept of a single-shaft turbojet engine, with three- Projekat razvoja protivoklopnog sistema poslednje ge- stage axial compressor and a single stage turbine, with the neracije-ALAS u potpunosti je realizovalo preduzeće EDePro thrust of up to 500 daN. na osnovu sopstvenog višegodišnjeg istraživanja na planu razvoja mlazne pogonske grupe (razvoj turbomlaznog moto- ALAS Missile System ra TMM-040 MONGOOSE), velikog inženjerskog iskustva u projektovanju vazduhoplovnih i raketnih sistema, kao i The project of the development of the last-generation praćenja savremenih svetskih trendova razvoja bespilotnih antitank system ALAS is realized completely by EdePro sistema različitih namena. Sam sistem ALAS kategorizovan Company, based on its own several-years long research je kao taktički sistem za podršku dejstva pešadije čije je in the field of development of jet propulsion group (devel- osnovno sredstvo savremeni navođeni projektil sa sopstve- opment of the TMM-040 MUNGOOSE turbojet engine), nim propulzivnim pogonom. Sistem ALAS namenjen je za long engineering experience in the design of aeronauti- izolaciju bojišta i protivoklopnu borbu na srednjim i velikim cal and rocket systems, as well as on the following of the daljinama (do 25km), kao i za dejstva po važnim tačkastim latest world trends in the field of the unmanned systems ciljevima u dubini teritorije protivnika.Takođe, sistem ALAS for different applications. The ALAS system itself is cat- poseduje mogućnost funkcionisanja u više modova rada. egorized as a tactical infantry support system, whose main Autonomno navođenje na fiksne ciljeve, aktivno navođenje component is the modern guided missile with its own na izabrani cilj i slobodno pretraživanje terena sa izborom propulsion. The ALAS system is intended for battlefield željenog cilja.Višenamenska funkcija ovog sistema ogleda se isolation and for combat against armored vehicles on u mogućnosti menjanja prioritetnih ciljeva tokom same mi- medium and long ranges (up to 25 km), as well as for sije (na bazi odluke operatera) i mogućnosti manevrisanja engagement of important spot targets in the depth of the

PREDSTAVLJAMO - PRESENTATION u zoni dejstva, izmene vrste i tipa bojne glave prema vrsti enemy territory. Additionally, the ALAS system is a mul- cilja na osnovu visoke modularnosti sekcije korisnog tereta, timodal system. Autonomous guidance on fixed targets, kao i mogućnosti izbora programirane putanje na osnovu active guidance on selected targets, and the free search unošenja podataka poznatog cilja i parametara putanje of the field, with the selection of the desired target. The unošenjem podataka u memoriju on-board računara leta pre multimode function of this system is reflected in the pos- početka same misije. Sistem ALAS poseduje savremeni TV sibility to change the priority targets in the course of the podsistem za pretraživanje, zahvat ciljeva i navođenje na cilj, mission (based on the decision of the operator), and the dok se komandni signali sa zemlje kao i slika sa TV podsi- possibility of maneuvering in the zone of action, of change stema sa rakete prenose putem optičkog kabla do zemaljske of the kind and type of the warhead, depending on the stanice. Sistem ALAS je koncipiran da može da funkcioniše type of the target, which is based on a high level of mod- kao nezavistan odbrambeno-napadački sistem: za protivo- ularity of warhead section, as well as on the possibility to klopnu borbu, za protivbrodsku borbu kao i za dejstva po choose the programmed trajectory, based on input of the nepokrenim ciljevima. Sistem ALAS se lako integriše u veće data on the known target, and trajectory parameters, by formacijske jedinice i punu snagu i efikasnost pokazuje u inputting data into the memory of the on-board flight sadejstvu sa uvezanim sistemima za izviđanje, od kojih dobi- computer before the execution of the mission. The ALAS ja potrebne informacije o lokaciji ciljeva. system possesses a modern TV subsystem for search, tar- get acquisition and guidance, while the command signals from the ground, as well as the TV subsystem picture from the missile, are trans- mitted through an optic cable to the ground station. The ALAS system is envisaged to be able to operate as an inde- pendent defensive/offensive system: in anti-armor com- bat, anti-ship combat, as well as against static targets. The ALAS system is easy to inte- grate into larger units, and it shows its full strength and efficiency in coordinated action with networked recon- naissance systems, which feed it with the necessary data on target locations. MODERNA MODERN FABRIKA FACTORY WITH ŠIROKOG WIDE PROIZVODNOG MANUFACTURING PROGRAMA PROGRAM I VELIKIH AND GREAT MOGUĆNOSTI CAPABILITIES INDUSTRIJA HIDRAULIKE I PNEUMATIKE HYDRAULICS AND PNEUMATICS INDUSTRY „PRVA PETOLETKA“ – TRSTENIK „PRVA PETOLETKA“ – TRSTENIK PPT – NAMENSKA a.d. PPT – NAMENSKA A.D.

Piše By Ana Vasilev Ana Vasilev Milenko Beloica Milenko Beloica PREDSTAVLJAMO - PRESENTATION

PPT-Namenska je akcionarsko društvo u sastavu PPT-Namenska is a shareholding company within the Holding kompanije Industrija hidraulike i pneumatike Holding Company Hydraulics and Pneumatics «Prva „Prva Petoletka“-Trstenik. Osnovana je 23.marta 1949. Petoletka» - Trstenik. It was founded on March 23, 1949 godine kao državno preduzeće za proizvodnju borbenih as a state enterprise built to manufacture combat and aviona i aviona za obuku. Nakon formiranja, doneta je trainer aircraft. Upon its forming, the government decid- odluka da se avioni proizvode u Mostaru („SOKO“), a ed that aircraft would be produced in („SOKO“) Petoletki je povere- and PPT was na proizvodnja entrusted with hidroinstalacija i manufacture of air- stajnih trapova za craft hydraulic avione. Da bi se installations and uposlili svi landing gear. In proizvodni ordertoemployall kapaciteti, fabrika its production je proizvodila i dru- capacities, the fac- gi proizvodi za tory undertook pro- potrebe JNA kao duction of a variety što su: leđni pla- of products for the menobacači, needs of the mitraljeska posto- Yugoslav lja, bacači bombi, People's Army, računari za artilje- such as back- rijska oruđa itd. pack flame Petoletka je jačala throwers, službe istraživanja machine gun i razvoja i značajno stands, grenade proširila program launchers, cal- proizvodnje. Pored culators for proizvodnje za potrebe JNA širila je proizvodnju za civilne artillery weapons, etc. namene, razvijajući hidrauličke i pneumatske uređaje i si- Petoletka engaged to strengthen its research and devel- steme za drumska i šinska vozila, poljoprivredne, opment services and broaden its manufacturing range. In građevinske, rudarske i druge mašine i procese. addition to producing for the YPA needs, it expanded its Na temelju tehnološke opremljenosti i stečenih znanja u production for civil markets by developing hydraulic and projektovanju i proizvodnji stajnih trapova i hidraulike za pneumatic equipment for road vehicles and railways, for vojnu primenu, razvijenu su novi programi za civilno tržište. agricultural, civil engineering, mining machinery and Tako su formirane posebne fabrike u okviru Prve Petoletke processes. 57 PREDSTAVLJAMO - PRESENTATION arzieis otpihoiaj,nkoaj,cinkovanja, niklovanja, hromiranja, prevla- postupci galvanskih su oblasti razvijeni ka U standarda. svetskih zahteve i najstrožije ispunjava domaćih oprema bori- Postojeća i prahu. postupku u Tenifer ranje po dugo- nitriranje i nitriranje, kratkotrajno gasno trajno gasu, u karbonitriranje kaljenje, i indukciono cementacija vakuumu, i gasu sonom zaštitnom u kupatilu, kaljenje meko poboljšanje, primeni žarenje, u normalizacijsko su Tako i uspešno PPT-Namenska. vrlo u se razvija godinama i već koristi oblasti tehno- ove savremenih iz deo postupaka lo-ških Najveći zaštite. termičke galvanske postupaka i odgovarajućih obrade bez moguća bila bi ne se- ispitivanje i montaža rvorazvodnika. uparivanje, bušenje, i i lepovanje glodanje i honovanje CNC brušenje, brušenje, kopirno i i bušenje okruglo uslovi- koordinatno ravno, takvim precizno u se redu, izvodi prvom U ma 20°C. na pribo- stalno i održavati alata ra komada, radnog temperaturu sredstva, moguće rashladnog mašine, je kojima specijalno u u prostorima radi opremljenim PPT-Namenskoj u mašina toga broj Zbog jedan uslovima. se klimatizovanim ukoliko u samo odvija se proizvodnja ostvaruje delova pojedinih visoka kod Ekstremno tačnost tačnošću. velikom sa delova rpusnih mašine. CNC i NC broj veći su dok konvencionalnog mašine tipa, jedan univerzalne Samo precizne td. su i deo manji elektroeroziju trenja), pomoću i elek- trolučno (autogeno, zavarivanje sačmarenje, kali- rolovanje, provlačenje, brisanje, honovanje, lepovanje, brušenje, kopirno ravno okruglo, i proširivanje, bušenje, mašina glodanje, izbor struganje, širok za je raspolaganju i na hidraulički uređaji, pneumatički savremeni svaku zahtevaju Za koju svetu. obradu u tehnološku tehnike stanju pa- aktuelnom mašinskog prema i rka radnika stručnih obrazovanih visoko spoj tržište. civilno i vojno za sistema i uređaja proizvodnju za najsloženijih laboratorije metrološke i ispitne opremljene 58 rivdj iruikhipemtči rđj sistema i uređaja pneumatičkih i hidrauličkih Proizvodnja ko- obradu za se koriste tipova različitih centri Obradni skladan predstavlja PPT-Namenska u obrada Mašinska dobro park, mašinski savremen poseduje PPT-Namenska MOGUĆNOSTI TEHNOLOŠKE I OPREMLJENOST TEHNOLOŠKA omn spiaiyue o lt on n oyprecision copy and round flat, for envi- used This primarily 20oC. is of ronment temperature accessories kept and constantly tools in operate piece, work where liquid, rooms cooling equipped PPT- machine, specially at in machines located of are number Namenska a reason air-conditioned this clean For in rooms. only achievable certain is of accuracy components Extreme precision. high with casings machines. CNC and NC equip- of of consists most equipment, ment production of portion comprise small only tools machine machines. universal etc. precision etching, Conventional chemical friction), arc, weld- (gas, pelting, ing rolling, lap- calibrating, grinding, broaching, copy honing, and ping, flat round, turning, boring, varied drilling, milling, available are there and tech- equipment, hydraulic every For pneumatic advanced world. for the requisite in operation art the nological of machines, state and with workers keeping in skilled highly of interface matched for built markets. systems commercial and and defense equipment complex most produce test to needed and labs metrology and laboratories equipped oetcbtpeoiatyfritrainlmarkets. the international for for products predominantly high-quality but and domestic our machines turns 400 it over workers; area, 810 business disposal of its m2 at 49,000 has about Petoletka' 'Prva Company Holding within companies the shareholding 18 force. of machines, work one skilled PTT-Namenska, with employing equipped facilities, well other factory and laboratories a is it presently that (1988). Leposavić in factory a (1983) to Polje joints Bijelo articulated in and spe- factory (1981), a Pazar to Novi components in cial-purpose factory a (1964), to Aleksandrovac components hydraulic in Factory Implements imple- to (1964-1967), Priština ments in absorbers Factory' shock Absorbers hydraulic 'Shock (1964), to hydraulic Belgrade tractor of (1964), IMT Bečej to pumps Novi in (1964), 'Fadip' Kragujevac to in October' piping '21 hydraulic to (1963), automobiles Luka for Banja brakes of (1963), Univerzal Brus to in Factory lifts Parts hydraulic and Equipment super-finishers to and granted were gear indus- reduction example, for cleaners, So, vacuum them. trial facto- produce new to even erected factories; were ries other by production for granted for sales export products. significant achieve its to Company continues the and and to quality used world-class Prva the of attained products Petoletka The to workers. provided of was numbers employment increasing and built range, were manufacturing facilities the of new expansion With and products. joints other articulated electronics, industrial com- tools, sealing ponents, actuators, and power industrial pneumatics, hydraulics, system braking of production within for established Petoletka were Prva plants Special well. were as markets commercial developed for for hydraulics programs and new gear aircraft, landing military of manufacture ad design in ifrn ye fpoesn etr r sdt machine to used are centers processing of types Different well- a comprise PPT-Namenska at processes Machining well- and machines modern possess PPT-Namenska CAPABILITIES CAL TECHNOLOGI- AND OUTFIT TECHNOLOGICAL P-aesahsepne t auatrn ag so range manufacturing its expanded has PPT-Namenska were Petoletka Prva at developed products Numerous acquired expertise and dedication technological on Based PREDSTAVLJAMO - PRESENTATION bruniranja fosfatiranja. Kontrola kvaliteta i u ovoj oblasti milling, for CNC grinding and drilling, honing, lapping and ostvaruje se na najsavremenijim aparatima u toku odvija- pairing, for assembling and testing of servo actuators. nja i po završenom procesu. Production of hydraulic and pneumatic equipment is not Prostorije za montažu uređaja su posebno obezbeđene possible without appropriate heat and surface protection tako da omogućuju besprekorno održavanje čistoće. Pojedina treatments. Majority of modern technological processes have odeljenja za montažu specifičnih uređaja, kao što su oni za been successfully used by PPT-Namenska for many years. vazduhoplovstvo, imaju potpuno kontrolisanu i klimatizo- Thus used are soft and normalization glowing, improving, vanu atmosferu. salt bath, protective gas and vacuum hardening, induction PPT-Namenska ima opremu za ispitivanje i kontrolu hardening, gas cementing and carbonating, short and long- proizvedenih uređaja i sistema u fazi razvoja (homologaci- term gas nitrating, Tenifer process nitrating and powder je) i serijske proizvodnje u skladu sa MIL standardima, kao boring. The equipment in use meets the strictest domestic što su: probni stolovi za funkcionalna ispitivanja hidrauli- and international standards. Galvanic coating processes čkih, pneumatskih i gorivnih uređaja i sistema; probni stolovi include chromium, nickel and zinc plating, blueing and phos- za ispitivanje stajnih trapova (bacanja, udari, zamor i tra- phating. Quality control is assured with most modern devices, jnost); laboratorija za ispitivanje kočnica, guma i točkova applied during and after completed processes. aviona; probni stolovi za ispitivanje na udare, vibracije, Equipment assembly rooms are specially protected for ubrzanje. faultless cleanliness. Certain departments where critical Pored klasične kontrolne opreme, PPT-Namenska ima i units, such as aircraft equipment, are assembled are pro- laserski merni sistem, trokoordinatne merne mašine, pro- vided with clean air and air conditioning. filprojektore, konturografe, mikroskope. PPT-Namenska possesses test and control equipment for PPT-Namenska poseduje metrološku laboratoriju za finished products and systems, for homologation in devel- proveru kontrolne opreme, za pritisak i dužinu, kao i ko- opment and control during production run, according to ntrolnu opremu za proveru strukture materijala, hemijskog MIL standards, including test benches for functional test- sastava i mehaničkih karakteristika i laboratoriju za proveru ing of hydraulic, pneumatic and fuel supply equipment and čistoće ulja prema standardima ISO, MIL i DIN. systems; landing gear test stand (drop, jolt, fatigue, endurance); aircraft brake, wheel and tire testing rig; test PROIZVODNI PROGRAM benches for jolt, vibration and acceleration testing. In additional to conventional control equipment PPT- PPT-Namenska projektuje, konstruiše, proizvodi, ispitu- Namenska also employs laser measuring system, 3-coodi- je, servisira i remontuje uređaje i sisteme iz oblasti nate measuring machines, profile projectors, contour graphs hidraulike, pneumatike, procesne tehnike i servotehnike za and microscopes. potrebe vojske i civilnog tržišta, vrši usluge proizvodnje ure- PPT-Namenska owns metrological laboratory for inspec- đaja i sistema, po zahtevima domaćih i stranih kupaca. tion of control equipment in respect of pressure and length, Proizvodni program PPT-Namenska obuhvata proizvode as well as control equipment for structure of materials, chem- za potrebe vojske, proizvode za procesnu tehniku, proizvode ical composition and mechanical properties, and fuel test- iz oblasti servotehnike i ostale proizvode. ing laboratory according to ISO, MIL and DIN specifica- tions. 59 PREDSTAVLJAMO - PRESENTATION et abooeP-7 B,P,VPBR. PČ, DBM, PN-27, brodove za nente lvto O mornaricu. i KOV plovstvo, vazduho- za proizvodnju vataju 60 itm arkt Go,REHS). (Grom, rakete za elektrohidraulički i sistemi elektropneumatski itd.; dizalice i agregati hidraulički instalacije, i sistemi pneumatski priključci, rezervoari, spojnice, slavine, cilindri, mulatori, hidroaku- filteri, ventili, razvodnici, leta, komande sekundarne i marne pri- za servopokretači hidromotori, gorivne), i (hidraulične brave, pumpe hidrauličke kočnice amortiz- eri, glavni), i (nosni avione za amdriaiiirzounvhminobacača. novih radi razvoju i i proizvodi modernizaciji PPT-Namenska na toga, 82mm Pored MB 120mm. 60mm; MB MB minobacače i i kao „Košava“, i „Orkan“ lansere raketne za pneumatike pravcu, i i hidraulike elektro- elevaciji sistem po kompletan to vatrom i upravljanje Bofors) za i sistem hidraulički (Galileo top protivavionski za proizvodnju delova još obuhvata program pneumatski Tenkovski ventil, servouređa. odušni točkova, cilin- pomoćnih kočni cilindar razvodnici, dri, cilindri, gorivo, za komponente hlađen- za je, sistema komponente amortizer, va- hidraulički zduha, sabijenog sistem pneumatski za motora, sistem podmazivanje hidraulički menjača, trans- pumpe podmazivanje hidrauličke i misije, tenkom hidraulič- upravljanjem pravcu, za i sistem elevaciji ki po vatrom upravljanje za stem si- elektrohidraulički BOV): BVP-M80A; vozila:BRDM-2; oai n omria eotsseaiduekompo- druge i sistema remont podmornica, ino sistema i domaćih hidrauličkih komponente „Krma“), (sistem rake- lanser ta za sistem elektrohidrauličk kormilarenja, sistem Mornarica: KOV: Vazduhoplovstvo: obuh- vojske potrebe za Proizvodi ekvk rga tn -4T7) ekT-55; tenk M-84(T-72); (tenk program Tenkovski P aesapozoielektrohidraulički proizvodi Namenska PPT tjitrapovi Stajni yrui ytm o okt Go,REHS). (Grom, electro rockets and for electro-pneumatic systems hydraulic etc.; lifts, and hydraulic generators installations, and systems tanks, pneumatic couplings, connectors, cocks, cylinders, valves, accumulators, distributors, hydro filters, controls, flight for secondary actuators and servo primary motors, hydraulic fuel), pumps and brakes, (hydraulic lock hydraulic brakes, absorbers, shock r yrui iecnrlsse neeainadazimuth, and elevation in system control fire elec- hydraulic BOV): BVP-M80A; tro (BRDM-2; vehicles armored tank; fdfeetcpcte,a ela ol o lsisinjecting plastics for tools extruding. as and well as machines capacities, different other of numerous and palletizers, machines foil, inspection thermo bottle shrinking in boxes, packing cardboard for of machines closing and forming transporting, for and machines packing labeling, caps, bottle screwed for with machines bottles for mul- machines and closing single etc.; tihead detergents, oils, liquid cooking water, and mineral beer, mineral for machines filling machines, uto o i oc,Ln ocsadNavy. and Forces Land Force, Air for duction products. other and equipment actuated power asM 0m B8m n B10m naddition, new develops mortars. In and 120mm. MB upgrades and manufactures, PPT-Namenska 82mm MB 60mm, mor- MB for hydraulics tars «Košava»; and mobile «Orkan» for launchers systems missile pneumatic and hydraulic sys- complete electro-hydraulic tems; azimuth and Bofors), elevation (Galileo, for specifically guns anti-aircraft of for production parts includes replacement also program Tank unit. pneumatic valve, servo venting cylinder, wheel cylin- compensating ders, braking distributors, cylinders, fuel components, components, system system cooling engine hydraulic absorber, system, shock pneumatic air compressed lubricat- system, engine ing hydraulic pumps, hydraulic lubrica- gearbox transmission tion, and system steering hydraulic tank ahnsfrijce lsi rdcs oterinsing bottle products, plastic containers, injected plastic for blown machines of production for machines VPBR. and PČ, DBM, PN-27, compo- type various ships for makes nents and overhaul, for submarines, foreign- and built domestic for launchers components rocket hydraulic („Krma“), for system hydraulic electro systems, i Force Air Navy: Forces: Land rdcsfrpoesn nutisicuetefollowing: the include industries processing for Products rdcsitne o iiayapiain nld pro- include applications military for intended Products P aesapoue lcr yrui rudder hydraulic electro produces Namenska PPT icatlnigga bt oeadmain), and nose (both gear landing Aircraft : akporm(-4T7 ak) T-55 tanks); (M-84/T-72 program Tank h iiay rcsigequipment, processing military, the for products comprises Namenska PPT- of program Manufacturing customers. foreign and domestic of specifications against systems and equipment of manufacturing offers also it applications, general and military for designed systems and equipment servo and cessing pro- pneumatic, hydraulic, hauls over- and services tests, produces, builds, designs, PPT-Namenska PROGRAM MANUFACTURING Proizvodi za procesnu tehniku obuhvataju sledeće S ervo technique products: Development of servo distrib- proizvode: mašine za proizvodnju duvane plastične amba- utors was initiated at PPT-Namenska thirty years ago. Since laže, mašine za brizganje proizvoda od plastike, mašine za then, valuable experience in this field has been gained so ispiranje flaša, punilice za mineralna i jestiva ulja, pivo, kiselu that PPT-Namenska currently produces several types and vodu, tečne deterdžente itd., zatim zatvaračice za navojne versions of servo distributors, of different dimensions and zatvarače sa jednom i više glava, etiketirke, upakivače, connector sizes and of different static and dynamic perfor- usmerivače boca, mašine za formiranje i zatvaranje karton- mance. Manufacturing range includes single-step, two-step skih kutija, mašine za pakovanje u termo skupljajuću foliju, and three-step servo distributors such as, for example, elec- paletizere, mašine za kontrolu ispravnosti boca i druge tro hydraulic servo distributors for flow regulation (series mašine u više veličina i varijanti, kao i alate za duvanu i bri- A, B, B31, D, G, H, E), electro hydraulic servo distributors zganu plastiku i ekstrudere. for pressure regulation (series PA, PD), three-step electro Proizvodi iz oblasti servotehnike: Razvoj servorazvodni- hydraulic servo distributors, hydraulic and electro hydraulic ka u PPT-Namenska otpočeo je servo starters and position, speed pre tridesetak godina. Od tada do and force regulating servo sys- danas stečeno je značajno iskust- tems. vo u ovoj oblasti tehnike zahvalju- With this vast experience of PPT- jući čemu PPT-Namenska Namenska engineers and proizvodi više tipova i varijanti ser- achieved advanced level of eth- vorazvodnika, međusobno različi- nology, time needed to develop tih po gabaritnim i priključnim and place in production new types merama i po statičkim i of servo distributors has been dinamičkim karakteristikama. U reduced to several months only. proizvodnom programu nalaze se Upon request from customers, it PREDSTAVLJAMO - PRESENTATION jednostepeni, dvostepeni i troste- is possible to develop, in very short peni servorazvodnici kao, na time, special servo distributors primer, elektrohidraulički servo- with one or more specification razvodnici za regulaciju protoka parameters different from stan- (serija A, B, B31, D, G, H, E), dard values. elektrohidraulički se-rvorazvodnici za regulaciju pritiska (serija PA, PD), trostepeni elektrohidraulički servorazvod- Among other products, the Company has acquired pro- nici, hidraulički i ele-ktrohidraulički servopokretači i ser- duction of miniature servo distributor series A which is tech- vosistemi za regulaciju položaja, brzine i sile. nologically one of the most complex items in the field and Obzirom na iskustvo stručnjaka PPT-Namenska i na which is used in the system of primary flight controls on postignut nivo tehnološkog razvoja, vreme potrebno za osva- combat aircraft. Dimensions and connectors, dynamic and janje proizvodnje novih tipova servorazvodnika svedeno je static specifications of this product are according to SAE na svega nekoliko meseci. Na zahtev kupca za vrlo kratko ARP 490 E. The quality and reliability of these products was vreme se mogu osvojiti i specijalni tipovi servorazvodnika proven in homologation and in actual service. kod kojih jedna ili više karakteristika odstupa od standa- Development is under way to acquire the next generation rdnih vrednosti. of servo distributors. The product in question is a directly Izmedju ostalih osvojena je proizvodnja minijaturnog se- controlled single step servo distributor with four motor-con- rvorazvodnika serije A koji tehnološki predstavlja jedan od trolled edges (DDV) and directly controlled single-step ser- najsloženijih proizvoda iz ove oblasti, a koristi se kod pri- vo distributor with eight motor-controlled edges (DDV). marnih komandi leta borbenih aviona. Gabaritne i priključne mere , kao i dinamičke i statičke karakteristike su u skladu Other products: In last decade, sa standardom SAE ARP 490 E. Njegov kvalitet i pouzdanost PPT-Namenska had directed con- u radu već su dokazani prvo kroz homologaciju, a zatim i u siderable efforts to develop and realnim uslovima rada. manufacture air rifles and Napravljeni su i određeni koraci u osvajanju nove gen- sporting rifles for foreign mar- eracije servorazvodnika. Radi se o direktno upravl- kets. A number of types and versions of these arms janom jednostepenom servorazvodniku sa četiri were developed and are in series production, fea- upravljačke ivice motorom (DDV) i direktno turing different characteristics and design. In addi- upravljanom jednostepenom servorazvodniku tion to multi-purpose police rifle (XCRG-MSRG) sa osam upravljačkih ivica (DDV). which is in series production, development is under way of new rifle for the same application that should offer Ostali proizvodi: U poslednjih improved performance characteristics. desetak godina u PPT-Namenska Production run at PPT-Namenska also includes air rifles poklanja se velika pažnja razvo- (S-16; S-16x; AGS, BR1), multi-purpose police rifle MSRG- ju i proizvodnji vazdušnih 38 (firing tear as, rubber bullets and flares), components sportsko-lovačkih pušaka za and sub-assemblies for printing industry (printing of cur- strano tržište. Razvijeno je i ser- rency bills and newspapers), clamping and accessory tools ijski se proizvodi više tipova i var- for machine tools, destined for domestic and foreign mar- ijanti ovih pušaka raznih karakteris- kets. 61 PREDSTAVLJAMO - PRESENTATION euain at 5paiaas a20.godinu. 2007. za su planirana 95 Lasta aviona letu u ispitivanja Prva standardima. MIL i Srbije vojske 23, standardima FAR vojnim standardima sa skladu u vo, Žarko- institutom, sa Vojno-tehničkim saradnji u su Projektovani glavnoj nozi. i nosnoj na amortizerima im uljn- gasno sa su poluge-klackalice tipa letelice kom ove trapovi bilo Stajni na avionu. obuku naprednu prelaz lak na i obuke nivo visok da omogući razvijen obuku, osnovnu i početnu na ugradnju letelice. za prototipske dve komplete proizvela i rešenja homologovala 95, Lasta aviona kom- hidroinstalacije i ponente upornice brave, trap, stajni razvila stranom i tržištu. domaćem na tražnju imaju postojeći koji usavršavaju i proizvodi novi razvi- jaju sa se stalno saradnju kupaca, uz službama stručnim a razvoja, i oblasti istraživanja u kadra stručnog potencijale ti, 62 tržište. strano i domaće za alati alatke pomoćni mašine i stezni za šta- publikacija), (za novinskih mašine i grafičke novca mpanje za podsklopovi i svetleće delovi metke, rakete), gumene višena- suzavac, policiju, (za za MSRG-38 puške menske BR1), AGS, S-16x; (S-16; puške karak- boljih bude da trebala nove bi teristika. razvoju koja na ali se namene, radi iste puške proizvodi, serijski (XCRG- se policiju koja za puške MSRG) višenamenske Pored dizajna. i tika at 5j vo oegnrcj za generacije nove avion je 95 Lasta je Namenska PPT 2006 – 2000 periodu U mogućnos- tehnološke postojeće Koristeći PROJEKTI RAZVOJNI I PROIZVODI AKTUELNI eiso rivdj P-aesas o vazdušne još su PPT-Namenska proizvodnji serijskoj U igsedo 00rpm n pcfcfo aeo 13 – 6 of rare flow specific and cm3/o. r.p.m. 8000 spin- of maximum speed r.p.m., ning 0,8±0,3 of speed stable minimum Standards Military Serbian standards, 23 FAR of application com- installation hydraulic and struts locks, gear, landing for- and domestic the in demand markets. eign in are of that upgrading and lines products existing new of development result customers constant of in services development specialist and with research cooperation of and field the in potential resources' e,nwatmtclae opiigpoetl edand feed projectile comprising bar- loader new automatic breach, new and rel, breechblock (upgraded 155mm NORA-B52 cal. gun-howitzer self-propelled etc.), lift- camera device, absorbers, ing shock upgraded systems, compo- and pneumatic nents and hydraulic M84 upgraded tank (featuring 120mm), AB1 82mm, and 81mm, construction calibers lightweight range, of extended 60mm systems, (cal. and modern- mortars equipment as, of such new of field development the and in ization Jugimport-SDPR of teams expert preci- and friction low functioning. execution, sion of quality charac- high are by units These terized performance. distrib- dynamic servo high electro-hydraulic of and utor rod piston speed its and/or com- in sensor position units inductive compact linear integrated as prising designed rock- are and actuators aircraft These benches, ets. test in hydraulics actuators, for servo designed electro-hydraulic of types several oped P-aesaejy infcn,bodcoeainwith cooperation broad significant, enjoys PPT-Namenska devel- were there customers, from requests special Upon developed had PPT-Namenska 2006, – 2000 period the In human of base, technological available of Utilization PROJECTS DEVELOPMENT AND PRODUCTS CURRENT ihArTcnclIsiue akv with Žarkovo Institute, Air-Technical cooperation wheels. with in designed main was gear and Landing nose shock for gas/oil absorbers with struts con- rocker aircraft of this for sists gear in aircraft Landing any service. on training trans- advanced easy to and fer skills piloting of level ensure to high developed ini- training, for basic aircraft and generation tial new a is 95 Lasta proto- aircraft types. two manu- in were fitting sets for factured and homologation passed which the aircraft, 95 Lasta for ponents sapso-xa yrui oo with motor hydraulic well piston-axial as a bar; as 210 of pressure rated its for of dimensions and compact cm3/o extremely 2.4 of flow specific r.p.m.), (4000-7000 speed higher of pump piston-axial a and acteristics; char- improved of pumps motors hydraulic hydraulic production aircraft series in has and oped devel- had PPT-Namenska cus- tomer, foreign a from request Upon 2007. year for planned of are tests 95 Lasta flight First specs. MIL and nim stabilnim brojem obrtaja 0,8±0,3 o/min, maksimalnim international standards (MIL, ARP, GOST, etc.) that assure brojem obrataja od 8000o/min i specifičnim protokom 6 do quality standards on par with the most reputed world man- 13 cm3/o. ufacturers. This is testified by the products, currently man- ufactured at PPT-Namenska for foreign buyers, which ful- Po specijalnim zahtevima kupca razvijeno je više tipova ly meet the above stated world standards. elektrohidrauličkih servoaktuatora sa primenom u Owing to the attained level of quality of its products, PPT- hidrauličkim sistemima probnih stolova, aviona i raketa. Ovi Namenska enjoys cooperation with several leading compa- aktuatori su konstruktivno rešeni kao kompaktne jedinice nies of the world aviation industry. PPT-Namenska is cer- sa integrisanim linearnim induktivnim davačem položaja i/ili tified supplier for Boeing Aircraft Co. for the supply of com- brzine u klipnjači i elektrohidrauličkim servorazvodnikom ponents and equipment for fitting in civil airliners accord- visokih dinamičkih mogućnosti. Odlikuju se visokim kvalite- ing to specifications and standards of that manufacturer. tom izrade, malim trenjem i preciznom funkcionalnošću. In addition to Boeing, PPT-Namenska has achieved sig- PPT-Namenska ima značajnu i veoma dobru saradnju sa nificant cooperation with several other important aviation stručnim ekipama Jugimport-SDPR u oblasti modernizaci- companies, including MOOG (USA), Aviostar, je i razvoja novih uređaja i sistema kao što su, na primer, Motostroitelj, IL (Russia) , SHL – IAI (Israel), Messier – minobacači (60mm lake konstrukcije, produženog dometa, Hispano and Lucas (France). 81mm, 82mm, 120mm), tenk M84 AB1 (modernizacija hidrauličkih i pneumatskih uredjaja i sistema, amortizera, Expertise of its human resources and appropriate level of sistema za podizanje kamere i dr.) i NORA-B52 – samo- its technical outfitting recommend PPT-Namenska for reli- hodna top-haubica kalibra 155mm (modernizovan zadnjak able partners in cooperation in all above described areas. i zatvarač, nova cev, sistem za automatsko punjenje sasta- vljen od donosača projektila i donosača barutnog punjenja, PREDSTAVLJAMO - PRESENTATION mehanizam za opaljenje i dr.), SH3 – Modernizovana haubi- ca 105mm (izrada modernizacionog seta: zadnjak, zatvarač, cevi, gasna kočnica i ostalih pratećih elemenata).U PPT- Namenskoj proizvode se i razvijaju najsloženiji uređaji i sis- temi sa veoma strogim tehničkim zahtevima, što zahteva vrlo kvalitetne materijale i uske tolerancije izrade. Svi proizvodi se detaljno ispituju i homologuju prema zahtevima svetskih standarda (MIL, ARP, GOST i td.) što govori da su proizvo- di razvijeni u PPT-Namenska nivoa i kvaliteta poznatih svet- skih proizvođača. Ovo se potvrđuje i proizvodima koje PPT- Namenska trenutno realizuje za strane kupce, a koji u sve- mu odgovaraju navedenim svetskim standardima.

Zahvaljujući dostignutom nivou kvaliteta svojih proizvo- da, PPT-Namenska je ostvarila saradnju sa nekoliko vodećih svetskih firmi iz oblasti avioindustrije. PPT-Namenska je dobila sertifikat firme BOEING za proizvodnju i isporuku delova i uredjaja za ugradnju u civilne avione prema njihovim zahtevima i standardima. Pored američke firme BOEING, PPT-Namenska je ost- varila značajnu saradnju sa još nekoliko značajnih vaz- duhoplovnih firmi i to MOOG (SAD), Aviostar, Motostroitelj, IL (Rusija), SHL – IAI (Izrael), Messier – Hispano i Lucas (Francuska).

Stručni kadar i dobra tehnološka opremljenost PPT Namensku preporučuju kao pouzdanog partnera za sarad- nju u svim navedenim oblastima.

63 PREDSTAVLJAMO - PRESENTATION 64 inli rivd sua l as aenm tržištu nametnemo se da i ali usluga, i proizvoda cionalnih prio- najznačajniji poslovanja, predstavlja ekonomičnost i efikasnost povećanu uz usluga, i proizvoda Kvalitet nizacije. orga- performansi i poboljšanja usluga korisnika i kupaca va unapređenju zahte- ispunjavanja radi kvaliteta stalnom i obezbeđenju ka aktivnosti politikom svoje usmeravati Zavoda, poslovnom sa saglasnosti u će, Zavod Remontni kaže Tehnički sledeće: se kojoj u kvaliteta ci politi- o Deklaraciji u nalazi vanje. održa- njihovo realizuje i predlaže do rezultata dobijenih osnovu na a lansere, vrsta, cevne više- za raketa svih nevođenih mina lično kalibara, svih municije rijske za artilje- preko naoružanje municije od nadzor UbS, se uskladištenih kvaliteta vrši baruta stabilnosti ispitiva- hemijske i nja ispitivanja kontrolna održa- Kroz sistem UbS. zaokružen vanja ima SFRJ, i nekada Srbije, teritoriji a potrebe na jedini za TRZK snaga. (UbS) oružanih sredstava ubojnih održa- tehničkom vanju i generalnom na od rada 56.godina iskustvom i tehnologijom sa razvijenom Srbije, visoko Republike odbrane Ministarstva sastavu u ustanova vojna opremljena savremeno specijalizovana, oi o ojm tnadkaieaJSIO90:01i 9001:2001 ISO JUS kvaliteta Standard boljim. još i novim da Želimo strategije. naše suština je to i izvrsnosti poslovne Zavoda. ritet etfkcoo eaMnsasv drn etr amate- za Sektora Odbrane Ministarstva akreditovanog tela sertifikacionog strane od sistem (QMS) sertifikovan kvalitetom i godine menadžmenta 2005. je uveden 9010:2005 SNO tradi- naših kvalitetu i pouzdanosti po znaju dalje i nas ian eus paez drmeethooie Stalan tehnologije. odbrambene za Uprave resurse rijalne soapson politike poslovne Osnova mtaod enčnd eutm seovjt proces osvojiti uspe tome u se da način je da Smatramo enčiRmnn ao Kragujevac Zavod Remontni Tehnički REMONTNI TEHNIČKI aktn Tehničkog Marketing ZAVOD eoto Zavoda Remontnog TZ)je (TRZK) Pišu KRAGUJEVAC FACILITY REPAIR TECHNICAL THE eore etr(R)o h ees Technologies Defense the Material of the (MRS) Defense, Sector Quality of Resources Ministry the the accredited of the and body by certification certified 2005 was (QMS) in System Management introduced SNO and were 9001:2001 ISO better 9010:2005 JUS even standards and quality new The with to ones. market also the but upon services, and ourselves and reliability impose products for traditional renowned our be of to strat- quality continue our to of core want the We is egy. that and excellence business of process Facility. the of first priority the increased represents with efficiency, services, business and and cost-effectiveness organi- products the of of quality performances The the zation. of users upgrading and and clients services the the of of for requirements quality the the meeting of improve activi- purpose continuously its and streamline ensure Facility, to the ties of policy business the with earFacility Repair Technical the of Marketing By ede httemto oscedi hsi omse the master to it this in succeed to method the that deem We h ehia earFclt Kragujevac Facility Repair Technical The pcaie iiayfclt ihu-odt equipment up-to-date with facility military specialized a n ahnr ihntecmlmn fteMinistry the of complement the within machinery and FY n a nitgae ytmo Omainte- LO of system integrated an has and SFRY, fDfneo h eulco eba ihhighly with Serbia, of Republic the of Defense of eba swsoc ntetrioyo h former the of territory the in once was as Serbia, eeoe ehooyad5 er feprec in experience of years 56 and technology developed prtoso eea earadtcnclmainte- technical and repair general on operations ac flv rnne(O o h requirements the for (LO) ordnance live of nance famdfre.TF suiu ntetrioyof territory the in unique is TRFK forces. armed of earFclt hl,i line in shall, Facility Technical Repair the following: the stipulates which Policy, Quality the the on in Declaration contained is policy business our of rationale The realized. and results proposed is the maintenance their of obtained, basis the on and, launchers rocket tiple mul- for rockets unguided to kinds, all of mines/grenades calibers, all of ammunition artillery through arms small for ammunition the from ing rang- monitored, is LO stored of quality the powder, of bility sta- chemical of testing and tests control Through nance. TF)is (TRFK) napor menadžmenta usmeren je ka tome Department. Permanent efforts of the ma- da se Poslovnik o kvalitetu i Deklaracija nagement are concentrated on having the o politici kvaliteta shvate kao neopho- Quality Rulebook and the Declaration on dna suština poslovnog ponašanja svih the Quality Policy understood as the indis- zaposlenih. pensable essence of the business conduct VOJNI program: Vremenom UbS gube of all the employees. svoje početne karakteristike usled hemi- DEFENSE program: In time, LO looses jskih i mehaničkih oštećenja, ili zastare- the initial characteristics due to the chem- vaju usled pojave i uvođenja savremeni- ical and mechanical damages, or becomes jih UbS. obsolete due to emergence and launching TRZK realizuje aktivnosti iz domena of more advanced LO. održavanja UbS, praćenja stanja, labo- TRFK is engaged in the activities from the ratorijska ispitivanja hemijske stabilnosti area of LO maintenance, monitoring of the baruta i raketnih goriva, poligonskih ba- state, laboratory testing of chemical stabil- lističkih ispitivanja, tehničkog održavanja ityofpowderandrocketfuels,rangebal- (Tehnički pregled UbS, čišćenje i zašti- listic tests (Technical inspection of LO, ta, kompletiranje i prepakivanje, delab- cleaning and conservation, reassembly, and oracija, uništavanje UbS i njihovih ele- repacking, deactivation, destruction of LO menata, obuka za tehničko održavanje...), and their elements, training in technical generalno održavanje UbS. maintenance, etc.), general overhaul of LO. Takođe, TRZK izrađuje UbS Additionally, TRFK manufactures LO for pomoćne namene: vežbovna, maneva- secondary purposes: drill, blank, practice, rska, školska, opitna. Ova UbS su test ammunition. These types of LO are PREDSTAVLJAMO - PRESENTATION namenjena za vežbanje, obuku i izvođen- intended for exercises, training, and carry- je pojedinih vrsta ispitivanja UbS ili nje- ing out of certain types of tests of LO or govih elemenata, oružja, oruđa, lansera elements thereof, weapons, artillery pieces, i drugih sistema. launchers, and other systems. Održavanje UbS na lokaciji naručio- LO Maintenance at the client’s site/insta- ca: Opremljeni smo specijalnim prenos- llation: We are equipped with special nim alatima i pokretnom radionicom za portable tools and with a mobile workshop remont municije. Po zahtevu, naše for overhaul of ammunition. At request, our specijalizovane ekipe izvršiće tehnički specialized teams will perform technical pregled, analizirati, obraditi podatke o inspection, analyze, process the data on the stanju UbS i otkloniti neispravnosti. state of LO and eliminate the deficiencies. Remont UbS instaliranjem pokretnih Overhaul of LO by setting up mobile work- radionica: Radionica pokretna RK-M85 predstavlja savre- shops: The mobile workshop RK-M85 represents an advanced meno rešenje sistema za kvalitetno održavanje klasičnih UbS solution of the system for quality maintenance of convention- na terenu i poljskim uslovima. Zbog svoje fleksibilnosti i vrlo al LO on the site and in field conditions. Due to its flexibility velike mogućnosti prilagođavanja, od najjednostavnijih do and particularly large adaptability to the requirements of LO najsloženijih zahteva remonta UbS, radionica omogućava repair, from the simplest to the most complex ones, the work- ekonomičnije održavanje UbS. shop enables us to maintain LO cost-effectively. S anacija mesta masovnih eksplozija: U slučaju nesreća i Clearing of places of mass explosions: In case of accidents masovnih eksplozija u skladištima UbS kada, po pravilu, and large-scale explosions in LO stores which, as a rule, cause dolazi do ozbiljnije kontaminacije neeksplodiranim UbS, serious contamination with UXO, we offer the services of co- nudimo uslugu potpune sanacije zemljišnog prostora. mplete clearing of the land. We have a large long-term expe- Posedujemo veliko dugogodišnje iskustvo u obavljanju ovih rience in carrying out such extremely complex and risky ope- krajnje složenih i rizičnih operacija. rations. Izrada elemenata UbS i alata i uređaja za održavanje UbS: Manufacture of LO elements and tools and equipment for U saradnji sa VTI osvojili smo izradu niza elemenata UbS LO maintenance: In cooperation with the Military Technical od kojih ističemo: generator gasa za metak 130 mm i 155 Institute, we have mastered the manufacture of a series of LO mm, izradu elemenata bombe ručne, detonatorske pojačnike elements of which we would point to: gas generators for 130 za mine 82 mm i 120 mm (od TNT i flegmatizovanog he- mm and 155 mm rounds, manufacture of the elements of hand ksogena), izradu ambalaže za mikro pakovanja (upaljač, bo- bomb, detonator boosters for 82 mm and 120 mm grenades mba detonator). Ističemo da su skoro svi alati i uređaji koji (of TNT and phlegmatized hexogen), manufacture of se koriste u procesu održavanja UbS naš proizvod. packaging for micro packing (fuse, bomb, detonator). We point Inženjering u delatnosti održavanja UbS. Za potrebe out that almost all the tools and equipment used in the process naručioca vršimo projektovanje i izradu alata i uređaja za of LO maintenance are our own products. održavanje UbS, kompletnih tehnoloških linija, kao i prenos Engineering in the activity of LO maintenance. For the tehnologije, stručnu pomoć i nadzor. requirements of the customer, we design and manufacture tools and equipment for LO maintenance, complete produc- tion lines, as well as transfer the technology, provide techni- cal assistance and supervision. 65 PREDSTAVLJAMO - PRESENTATION zaupozoausrjkjipjdnčo rivdj stru- proizvodnji pojedinačnoj i i serijskoj kao u procesa, proizvoda izradu tehnoloških odvijanje za potrebnih opreme inženjering drveta, plastomera. od prerade–brizganja proizvoda oblasti iz i drveta prerade oblasti inženjering metala, u prerade oblasti u potencijalnog inženjering naručioca; zahtevu prema a prilagođene resursima, raspoloživim dokumentacije nstruktivno-tehnološke pro- proizvodnim gramima. dopunskim navedenim usme- dole i ka je ravanje prouzrokovao Srbije, Republike za posla Vojske obima potrebe smanjenje planu, ekonomskom i političkom a ajmrd uiosrdj suesrčepomoći stručne usluge nadzora. i saradnju i naručio- nudimo lokaciji radu na daljem i U kao ca. obuku TRZK, i u literature naručioca druge kadra stručnog i monti- tehnološke i izradu izradu opreme, vršimo ranje tehnologije tehnološke prenosa i sklopu uređaje U alate, uz linije. dobiti mogu se odgovarajućih koja tehnologija primenom se realizuje UbS održavanje UbS. održavanje za mašina i uređaja alata, izradu i ktovanje vlttnižneiguoo tunjoblasti. stručnoj ovoj ponuditi u možemo inženjering specifične kvalitetan da ove su za omogućili namenjeni procese, su tehnološke koji uređaja i i projektovanje alata za kapaciteti izradu razvijeni i kao UbS, održavanja 66 rlšezkoe uiez s. rg proizvode. druge pse.i za kućice zaklone, mete- orološke dokumentaciji, tehničkoj sopstvenoj “DB”, košnice prema enterijer, “LR”,“AŽ” i nameštaj broj kancelarijski (proizvođački 016-01), dimenzija JZP i i oblika oblika svih svih palete dimenzija, ambalaže drvene izradu vršimo mašinama uiaz ai,saaaz iorn,člči gimnastičkih čeličnih kišobrane, za stalaka nakit, za kutija unhtgv rgi predmeta. druggih i tegova ručnih pepeljara, vaza, ukrasnih veličina, i oblika raznih satova ka, izradu (termoplasta), debljine, plastomera mm brizganje 2 za do alata lima savijanje izradu i štancovanje za alata izradu bušenjem, koordinatnim brušenjem, glodanjem, ganjem kanhidkrtvi rdeao eig (“Radijus”). mesinga od predmeta dekorativnih i ukrasnih aj UbS: vanje rga baemtl bhaaird lt,ueaai uređaja alata, izradu obuhvata metala obrade Program ko- izradu podrazumeva konstrukcija i Projektovanje rnsthooie tun oo azr Tehničko nadzor: i pomoć stručna tehnologije, Prenos rgaord drveta: Programobrade program: DOPUNSKI održa- za mašina i uređaja alata, izrada i Projektovanje nivoa svih realizaciji u ima TRZK koje iskustvo Veliko rga Rdjs bhaaird eignhsvećnja- mesinganih izradu obuhvata “Radijus” Program arvk m opn sooleiz proje- za osposobljeni potpuno smo Kadrovski tcjgoanhpoean makro na promena globalnih Uticaj avsk rdkinmstolarskim produktivnim visoko na evcso ehia sitneadsupervision. and assistance technical of services ssraecaigo odnadmtlpout ihalkinds all with products paints. metal of and wooden well of as coating (Pentolat), surface worms as against surfaces protection wooden for of agents protection using surface apply also We baking. lacquer passivation, including of lacquering procedures and galvanization, the phosphatizing, applying protection by surfaces, surfaces metal metal from of corrosion of products removal the chemical of and mechanical of procedures the applying products. other elements, and the kennels, from shelters documentation, our technical to own according “LR”,“AŽ” interior “DB”, and bee-houses furniture decoration, office dimensions 016-01), and JZP forms No. all (manufacturer of palettes all dimensions, of and packaging forms wooden manufacture we machines, working s stas ee oe,ubel tns te y rphand objects. grip other gym and steel weights, stands, vas- umbrella decorative boxes, sizes, jewel ashtrays, and es, forms various of clocks ndlesticks, (“Radijus”). brass of jet dec- objects plastomer and orative for ornamental tools of the manufacture of (thermoplast), manufacture met- molding thick, sheet mm of 2 bending to and up pressing al for tools ma- the drilling, of jig nufacture grinding, series milling, in turning, products by of individually manufacture and the for technological as the well as for processes, required equipment and units, tools, mold- processing–jet plastomer. of of field ing wood- the of in production engineering and products, woodworking en of engi- area working, the metal in of neering area the in poten- engineering the customer; of tial requirements the with available accordance in the resources, to adapted documentation engineering and programs. production towards supplementary orientation specified our below caused the also of has Forces Serbia, Armed of the Republic of the requirements vol- the the for of workload decrease of the ume level, economic macro and political on oe’ ie nfrhroeain,w fe oprto and cooperation cus- offer the we at operations, as further well In as site. TRFK, tomer’s within per- customer skilled the the of train sonnel and documentation, engi- other the and elaborate neering equipment, the transfer, install technology and manufacture the we Within lines. equip- tools, production the and with rel- ment, provided applying be by can out that technologies carried evant is LO of maintenance Technical and maintenance. equipment, LO tools, for of machines manufacture and design for ed int fe ihqaiyegneigi hsae fexpertise. of area this in posi- engineering a high-quality in offer be to to tion us these enabled for have intended processes, engineering equipment specific and tools design for of capacities manufacture developed and the as well as maintenance, LO o Omaintenance: LO for ehooytase,tcnclassac n supervision: and assistance technical transfer, Technology ufc rtcinicue rtcino ea products metal of protection includes protection Surface SUPPLEMENTARYprogram: machines and equipment, tools, of manufacture and Design rga fwoodworking: of Program Rdjs rga nldstemnfcueo rs ca- brass of manufacture the includes program “Radijus” of manufacture the includes working metal of program The design the of elaboration includes construction and Design h ag xeineTF a ncryn u l eesof levels all out carrying in has TRFK experience large The ehv l h kle esne need- personnel skilled the all have We ntehgl fiin wood- efficient highly the on h fet fgoa changes global of effects The Površinska zaštita obuhvata zaštitu metalnih proizvoda Storage and transport: we have a storage facility specifically postupcima mehaničkog i hemijskog odstranjivanja pro- constructed for storage of explosive materials in compliance dukata korozije sa metalnih površina, zaštitu metalnih površi- with the statutory regulations and we offer the same to the na postupcima pasivizacije, fosfatiranja, cinkovanja, lako- potential leasees. Along with the leasing the storage space, it vanja sa pečenjem laka. Takođe vršimo površinsku zaštitu is possible to rent vehicles for transport of explosive materi- drvenih površina sredstvima za zaštitu od napada štetočina als. (Pentolat), kao i površinsku zaštitu drvenih i metalnih TRFK VISION has been conceived in accordance with our proizvoda svim vrstama boja. analyses and the requirements of the MOD MRS Defense Skladištenjei prevoz: raspolažemo sa skladišnim pro- Technologies Department and the assumed market require- storom namenski izgrađenim za čuvanje eksplozivnih mate- ments with maximum utilization of our own resources. The rijala u skladu sa zakonskim propisima i isti možemo ponu- priority is the transformation in line with the requirements of diti potencijalnim zakupcima. U sklopu skladištenja moguće the Armed Forces of Serbia while taking into account the ma- je angažovanje vozila za prevoz eksplozivnih materijala. rket needs, utilization of all available capacities, winning new VIZIJA TRZK koncipirana je u saglasnosti sa našim ana- markets including foreign ones, restructuring of a part of the lizama i zahtevima MO SMR Uprave za odbrambene military production capacities by converting the military pro- tehnologije i pretpostavljenih potreba tržišta uz maksima- gram into a civilian one, protection of the interest of the emp- lno iskorišćenje vlastitih resursa. Prioritet je transformaci- lo-yees, mastery of a new technology of overhaul. Such a con- ja prema potrebama Vojske Srbije uz uvažavanja i potreba cept of our vision incorporates our decades-long history, busi- tržišta, iskorišćenje svih raspoloživih kapaciteta, osvojanje ness reputation, and the main trends of development. novih tržišta uključujući i inostrana, prestruktuiranje dela When bringing business decisions, the management of kapaciteta iz vojnog u civilni program, zaštitita interesa TRFK bears in mind the achieved level of safety of the life and zaposlenih, osvajanje nove tehnologije remonta. Ovakav kon- health of the employees and the environment protection in cept vizije sadrži našu višedecenijsku tradiciju, poslovni ugled compliance with the law and other legal documents governing PREDSTAVLJAMO - PRESENTATION i glavne pravce razvoja. this area, SNO and JUS related to the operations with explo- Prilikom donošenja poslovnih odluka rukovodstvo TRZK sives and other hazardous matters, and orders from the MOD ima u vidu postignut nivo bezbednosti života i zdravlja MRS Defense Technologies Department (DTD), as well as zaposlenih i zaštitu životne sredine u skladu sa zakonom i the requirements of the customers and availability of the ostalim pravnim aktima koji regulišu ovu oblast, SNO i JUS required material and technical assets. koji se odnose na rad sa eksplozivom i drugim opasnim Market analyses have already given rise to the changes in materijama i naređenja iz MO SMR Uprave za odbrambene our business policy, joining in the market competition with tehnologije, kao i zahteve kupca i raspoloživost potrebnih the traditional defense program, but also with the offer of new, materijalno tehničkih sredstava. civilian programs interesting for the market, including win- Analize tržišta već su uslovile promene u poslovnoj politi- ning of foreign markets. One of our objectives is to become ci, uključivanje u tržišnu utakmicu sa tradicionalnim vo-jnim the main regional center for demilitarization of written-off, programom, ali i sa ponudom novih, za tržište interesantnih obsolete or prohibited LO and mines and explosive devices. civilnih programa, uključujući i osvajanje inostranog trži- The analyses of our experts, as well as those of MOD MRD šta. Jedan od naših ciljeva jeste da postanemo glavni regio- DTT, indicate that, in the arsenals the neighboring armies, nalni centar za demilitarizaciju rashodovanih, neperspe- there are much larger quantities of LO than it is envisaged by ktivnih ili zabranjenih UbS i minsko-eksplozivnih sredsta- the Euro-Atlantic security strategy. Additionally, the govern- va. Analize naših eksperata, takođe i MO SMR UOT, pokazu- ment-to-government conventions impose the obligation to ju da u naoružanju okolnih armija ima mnogo više UbS nego destroy certain types of mines and explosive devices (e.g. anti- što predviđa strategija evro-atlantske bezbednosti. Takođe, personnel mines), and the quantity of obsolete, written-off and međudržavne konvencije obavezuju na uništenje pojedinih very-hazardous-to-keep LO is also considerable. vrsta minsko-eksplozivnih sredstava (npr. protiv-pešadijske A very realistic and inspirational is the idea, instead of mine), a značajna je i količina zastarelih, rashodovanih i za destructing by blasting, burning or sinking in the sea, to return čuvanje vrlo opasnih UbS. a part of LO, after deactivation, to the industries in the form Vrlo je inspirativna i realna ideja da se umesto uništava- of secondary materials (brass, aluminum, steel, plastics, explo- nja eksplozijama, spaljivanjem ili potapanjem u more, deo sive, etc.) for the manufacture of new products and, at the same UbS, posle delaboracije, vrati privredi u vidu sekundarnih time, to protect the environment. This idea has become real- sirovina (mesing, aluminijum, čelik, plastika, eksploziv...) ity. TRFK has been engaged to, for NATO NAMSA Agency, za izradu novih proizvoda, a istovremeno i zaštiti životna sre- demilitarize the anti-personnel mines. The contract was award- dina. Ova ideja je postala stvarnost. TRZK je angažovan da ed to us because of the best terms and conditions we had za NATO agenciju “NAMSA” demilitarizuje protivpešadi- offered compared to the international market. The millionth jske mine. Posao je dobijen zbog najboljih uslova koje smo deactivation, celebrated with the high-ranking government ponudili u odnosu na međunarodno tržište. Milionita dela- and foreign guests, was the opportunity to announce future boracija, proslavljena uz visoke državne i strane goste, bila cooperation as well because of the overall satisfaction of the je prilika da se zbog ukupne satisfakcije zainteresovanih interested parties. strana najavi i buduća saradnja.

67 PREDSTAVLJAMO - PRESENTATION v saousd rmvš amđnrdo planu“. međunarodnom na i promoviše sada ustanovu ovu ovim Srbija regionu. se celom da u bezbednost način bolja je uspostavi ovo pro- Istovremeno, rešavanju razmera. u svetskih odgovornost blema podeli preuzela njima hrabro sa je da Srbija a obavezu država, ko- 151 Otavsku potpisala značajan. je izuzetno nvenciju mnogo projekat i ovaj ljudi je Zato nedužnih pro- dece. milione godine ubile 1975. su „Od mine sledeće: tivpešadijske je izjavio prilikom istom ovim da nastavimo.“ Očekujem vašoj Balkana. i u čitavog putem kako prostoru bezbednost, na veća i postigne tako se zemlji odnosi, da naši je unapređuju najvećo cilj sada se krajnji do a Njime je Srbiji. Ovo u odlično. NATO je obavili ga projekat To ste količine. vi pro- ukupne i od posao milion veliki posto je 73 uništeno ili dana mina, tivpešadijskih godinu samo javnog „Za mine: protivpešadijske sredstvima milionite datu uništenja prilikom Migensa, informisanja di štaba Majkla glavnog naoružanja NATO, kontrolu za izjavu Odeljenja je i Navodimo direktora što sredine“. okolinu, prirodne u očuvanje ispušteno za značajno nije gasova mil- štetnih stotine otvorenom, litara na iona detonacije izbegnute proizvode. su civilne što različite Time nus za drugih iskorišćeno tona biti 100 mogu može od proizvoda se više kojih a od cevi, plastike kanalizacione napraviti tona proi- 60 industrijsku preko različitu Takođe, za zvodnju. gvožđa Dobijeno otpadnog svrhe. tona komercijalne 750 u eksplozi- je iskorišćen tona biti 110 može je koji mina va „Milion izjavila: protivpeša- je demilitarizacije mine dijskih milionite povodom TRZK svečanos- na u 2006.god., ti 09. 14. „NAMSA“, agencije NATO 68 bvopvrn upso ijMnsasv drn eda je odbrane Ministarstva Cilj dobro posao. nego mu više povereni je zavod obavio remontni Tehnički integraci- kragujevački evro-atlantske a za je, spremna je da pokazuje putem vmkjči rcsm rstnvsksee opasnosti stepen visok prisutan procesima ključnim svim u soiaukjm epsooala eecj ar esta- je kadra Selekcija obavlja. posao se kojima u posla uslovima zahtevima i sa karateristika ličnih njihovih usklađenosti zdravlju i oba- psiho-fizičkom za njihovom radnika poslova, osposobljenosti odredjenih vljanje i stručnosti na insistira usmerenju se i izboru selekciji, radnika, zdravlje i život po n rcskj eovj r rjm,ouaaj,praktičnoj obučavanju, prijemu, pri odvija se koji proces lni Striktno značaj. i važnost posebna se pridaje TRZK u kadrova bio aseiin eans RKičneiud je da činjenicu i TRZK delatnost specifičnu na obzirom S Obradović Zvonko Srbije Odbrane Ministarstva Sekretar direktor i vojske američke kontraadmiral Bird, “Linde nito h rfsinlsil n riigo okr in workers of training and skills professional strictly We the manpower. on the insist of training selec- recruitment, specialized the and atten- to tion, special attributed TRFK, is in importance are hazard, and employees of tion of degree health high and a life to the exposed processes, key the all in well“. promote as now market to international is the Defense in well. of facility than this Ministry more the them of to objective entrusted The job the from Euro- did Facility for Repair Kragujevac ready Technical is the it and region. that integrations, entire demonstrating Atlantic the is in Serbia security way, this improved this In establish time, to same way the a At scale. is resolving international in on responsibility problem this the of them the with undertaken share courageously to has obligation Serbia and par- states, signed is been 151 has by project Convention this Ottawa why The is important. ticularly That children. innocent many of and millions people killed have „Since mines following: anti-personnel the stated 1975, occasion, same the on Obradović, pro- to us expect lines.“ I same Balkans. the entire along country the ceed your of in territory both the ulti- security, in the higher and and achieve improve, to relations is our goal in it, mate you project With and NATO now. job biggest to big the up is Serbia a This is excellently. That it quantity. done have total or the destroyed, of were percent mines 73 anti-personnel of one million only of a „In occasion mine: year, the anti-personnel on millionth media the mass of destruction to given Migens, de Headquarters, NATO Michale the of Department Control Armaments environment.“ for the important is of not which preservation have environment, gases the noxious into of discharged liters been of detona- millions vari- outdoor of for avoided hundreds used tions, having be By can products. byproducts pipes civilian other sewer ous of of tons manufacture 100 to over used and be of can tons which 60 over plastics, obtained Moreover, been productions. co- have industrial for iron various waste for used of be tons may 750 that purposes. mmercial explosive mines of million tons A 110 demili- stated: represents millionth mines the anti-personnel of of the occasion tarization at the 2006, on 14, TRFK September in ceremony on Agency, NAMSA NATO of nve fteseii ciiyo RKadtefc that, fact the and TRFK of activity specific the of view In Zvonko Serbia of Defense of Ministry the of Secretary The the of Director the of statement the quote also We Director the and Navy US of Admiral Rear Bird, Linda proveri osposobljenosti, raspoređivanju, pa sve do upućivanja carrying out certain operations, their psychological and phys- na školovanje i poslediplomsko usavršavanje. Unapređenje ical health and matching of their individual characteristics kvaliteta kadrova podržava se stalnom obukom i obrazova- with the requirements of the job and the conditions in which njem, čime se postiže da svi zaposleni svoje zadatke obavl- a job is carried out. Manpower selection is a continuous jaju kvalitetno i na najbolji način. process, which takes place when recruiting, training, hands- Većina poslova u TRZ ima karakter timskog rada jer su on qualification testing, deployment, all the way to their radne operacije sledljive, a konačni proizvod - usluga je rezu- referral to schools and postgraduate studies. Upgrading of ltat zatvorenog ciklusa većeg broja uzajamno povezanih the quality of the personnel is supported by continuous operacija, odnosno direktnog učešća većeg broja izvršilaca. training and education, whereby it is achieved that all the Iako se timskim radom ostvaruje kolektivni učinak, dopri- employees carry out their assignments properly and in the nos svakog pojedinca u timu je merljiv i vrednovan u skladu best way. sa utvrđenim kriterijumima čime se postiže usklađivanje individualnih i timskih ambicija sa ciljevima TRZK kao orga- TRFK is aware that, for the success on micro or macro nizacije. Zavisno od postavljenog cilja za ostvarivanje poslovne level, it is indispensable to have a complementary team of politike organizovan je i timski rad u formi odbora, radnih people who, at the same time, differ from one another and grupa, timova, komisija i ekipa u koje su uključeni zaposleni complement one another. The employees, who have indi- različitog profila zanimanja iz različitih organizacionih celi- vidually functioned well, learn the skills of efficient team na. work as a method of problem solving. Modern business operations force us to be specific, different from our com- TRZK shvata da je za uspeh na mikro ili makro planu petition, to continuously develop new and better-quality neophodan komplementaran tim ljudi koji se u isto vreme products or services. razlikuju i međusobno dopunjuju. Zaposleni koji su poje- In view of the stressed role of the market in the new con- dinačno dobro funkcionisali uče veštine efikasnog timskog cept of our business policy and, also, in order to best respond PREDSTAVLJAMO - PRESENTATION rada kao metoda rešavanja. Moderno poslovanje nalaže da to the long-term and short-term demands and challenges budemo različiti, drugačiji od konkurencije, da stalno razvi- of the interested parties, the management of TRFK has jamo novi i kvalitetniji proizvod ili uslugu. adopted, as the strategy of the enterprise, mastering of the S obzirom na podvučenu ulogu tržišta u novoj koncepciji processes of business excellence through implementation poslovne politike, a i da bi se najpovoljnije odgovorilo of the quality policy the basic content of which is the estab- dugoročnim i kratkoročnim zahtevima i izazovima zai- lished quality management system (QMS). nteresovanih strana, rukovodstvo TRZK je kao strategiju As an element of the overall business policy resulting from preduzeća usvojilo osvajanje procesa poslovne izvrsnosti kroz the needs and expectations of the customers and other inter- primenu politike kvaliteta čiji je osnovni sadržaj usposta- ested parties, TRFK, headed by its director, has established vljeni sistem menadžmenta kvalitetom (QMS). the quality policy, which defines the basic objectives relat- Kao element ukupne poslovne politike proistekle iz potrebe ed to the quality of products and services, as well as the i očekivanja kupaca i drugih zainteresovanih strana, TRZK obligations of all the employees in their performance and na čelu sa direktorom utvrdio je politiku kvaliteta kojom su continuous improvement. In the process of QMS review, definisani osnovni ciljevi u vezi sa the Quality Policy is simultaneously kvalitetom proizvoda i usluga, kao i reviewed for the purpose of achiev- obaveze svih zaposlenih u njihovom ing its adequacy and in order to use ostvarivanju i stalnom unapređenju. it as a permanent framework for set- U postupku preispitivanja QMS ting and reviewing the quality objec- istovremeno se preispituje i Politika tives. kvaliteta radi postizanja njene ade- We hereby stress that, on November kvatnosti i da bi služila kao stalni 9, 2006, in the Chamber of okvir za utvrđivanje i preispitivanje Commerce of Serbia in Belgrade, the ciljeva kvaliteta. Technical Repair Facility Kragujevac Napominjemo da je 9. novembra was awarded the Quality Oscar in the 2006. godine, u Privrednoj komori category of big organizations for the Srbije u Beogradu Tehnički area of Policy and Strategy and Remontni Zavod Kragujevac dobio Human Resources, at the competi- Oskar Kvaliteta u kategoriji velikih tion for the National Award for organizacija za oblast Politika i strate- Business Excellence of Serbia from gija i Ljudski resursi, na konkursu the Fund for Quality Culture and za Nacionalnu nagradu za poslovnu Excellence (FQCE) Belgrade. TRFK izvrsnost Srbije od Fonda za kultu- is the first and, for the time being, ru kvaliteta i izvrsnost (FQCE) the only institution of the Armed Beograd. TRZK je prvi i za sada jedi- Forces of Serbia or defense indus- ni od ustanova Vojske Srbije ili pre- try enterprises with the prestigious duzeća namenske proizvodnje sa FQCE award. prestižnom nagradom FQCE.

69 PREDSTAVLJAMO - PRESENTATION ENČI AK FN,2.arl 94 oie Danas godine. 1974. aprila 22. (FTN), NAUKA TEHNIČKIH 70 R khnuauNvmSd eunjavjnj visokoškolske najrazvijenije među Sadu Novom tehni- u Fakultet nauka čkih obra- svrstava 69 fizionomija sa Ovakva struka profila. devet zovnih iz studije organizuju Fakultetu na se FAKULTET u Fakulteta naziva izmenu je uslovilo godine, godine. 28.juna1960. Univerziteta Sadu, sastav Novom u u ulazi faku- Fakultet šest Vojvodine, još područja sa sa u lteta Zajedno Sadu Beogradu. Novom u u Univerziteta fakultet sastavu Mašinski kao godine 1960. maja. impresivni. su proistekli toga iz su koji Rezultati Fakulteta. ovog delatnosti celinu čini rada istraživaškog procesa obra- i procesa pored zovnog koja du, privre- u znanja transfera delatnost je razvijana njegovom ka, nau- tehničkih na Fakultetu na Sadu, Novom potrebu u Univerzitetu takvu Sledeći zemljama. malim u dominantan je ali jim, najrazvijeni- u i prisutan je problem Taj strijom. indu- sa školstva visokog povezanost čvrsta neopho- dna je to za Ali ma. zemlja- malim u visnosti neza- tehnološke stepen izvestan ostvariti moguće To je Vojsci. da u znači i strane tako druge s industriji u kako sistema rea- složenih mogućnosti lizacije stanovišta pruža sa tehnologije zemljama Nivo siro- takvim Srbija. šansu i veliku je malim što u kao oštri zemljama naročito mašnim su izazovi Ti sveta. zemljama nttcj eliiregionu. i zemlji u institucije ea gaan 0002 a73zpseaipeo9.000 preko i zaposlena 703 sa 30.000m2, na zgrada je sedam Lociran u preduzeća. malih devet devet službi, i stručnih centara naučno-stručnih šest departmana, 13 od sastavljena aooo920sueaa aitiao50 otrk di- doktorsku a 520, magistriralo studenata, diplomi- 9.200 nauka oko tehničkih ralo Fakultetu na je danas Do studenata. etcj drnl 2 kandidata. 223 odbranilo sertaciju toijnesuiaeetoigaeisesrk,1971. struke, građevinske i elektro studija Otpočinjanje auttthikhnua(w.t.sa.u soa e18. je osnovan (www.ftn.ns.ac.yu) nauka tehničkih Fakultet auttthikhnuaj ačoorzvainstitucija naučno-obrazovna je nauka tehničkih Fakultet zo enlgj oe ed anvsi zzv svim u izazova raznovrsnih do je doveo tehnologija azvoj AK SLUŽBI U NAUKA AUTTTHIKHNUAUIEZTT U UNIVERZITETA NAUKA TEHNIČKIH FAKULTET DOSTIGNUĆA PRAKTIČNIH OO SADU NOVOM ioaTeslić Nikola Piše ioaTeslić Nikola By ACCOMPLISHMENTS PRACTICAL OF SERVICE IN SCIENCE eino ot atEurope. East South and of with Serbia in region side institution by educational side higher Science developed most Technical This of profiles. Faculty educational the 69 brings with pe- fields Faculty 9 the in Today, studies rforms Sciences. into Technical grew of Engineering Faculty Mechanical the of Faculty the April 1974, from 22, Therefore engineering. civil and engineering cal Sad. Novi inte- of an University became the it of 1960., part 28, gral June Autonomous on the Vojvodina of territory Together Province from Belgrade. faculties of other University six the of with Novi part in the Engineering as Mechanical and of Sad, Faculty the as 1960, 18, function. are and impressive. processes described organization through Faculties results Accomplished pri- the main three of are nciples work research with and together process activities educational These industry. the into knowledge mili- and industrial for systems cou- complex such develop to to chance big ntries gives Serbia. level as technological such in Increase countries underdeveloped and severe small especially in are challenges These world-wide. llenges D d.o.o. RT – IRAM – SCIENCES TECHNICAL OF FACULTY THE ic 91 h aut salse h tde nelectri- in studies the established Faculty the 1971, Since May on established was Sciences Technical of Faculty The vlpeto ehooyhsbogtvreyo cha- of variety brought has technology of evelopment ofse h rnfrof transfer the foster the to developed are activities Sad at Novi of University the Sciences on Technical of Faculty need, this Following countries. developed under in ling prevai- is it but ntries cou- developed in nent imma- is problem This essential. is and industry education high between connection tight this, do To ntries. cou- small in ndence indepe- technological of to degree some possible make is it that means it hand, other the On applications. tary Delatnost Fakulteta je orijentisana u tri područja: obra- The Faculty of Technical Studies is the educational and zovna, naučnoistraživački rad i razvoj i primena istraživanja scientific institution comprising 13 institutes – departments, upraksi. 6 scientific centers, 6 administration offices and 9 small com- Obrazovanje se ostvaruje kroz trostepeni ciklus školova- panies. The Faculty is located in 7 buildings on the area of nja: prvi nivo čine osnovne akademske studije koje (u zavi- 30.000m2, with 703 employees and more then 9,000 stu- snosti od struke) traju 3, 3,5 i 4 godine (180 – 240 ESPB dents. Until now, approximately 9.200 students graduated bodova); drugi nivo su diplomske akademske studije – mas- from the Faculty, 520 obtained MSc degree and 223 candi- ter, koje zajedno sa osnovnim akademskim studijama traju dates obtained PhD degree. pet godina na svim departmanima (300 ESPB). Treći nivo Activity on the Faculty is focused in tree fields: educa- čine doktorske studije koje traju tri godine (180 ESPB). tional, scientific-research work and development & appli- Uz ove studije organizuju se specijalističke studije i, ance research in practice. u saradnji sa renomiranim evropskim univerzitetima, među- Education on the Faculty is organize in tree level cycle: narodne MBA ( Master of Business Administration). 1st level is base academic studies which (in dependence from Fakultet tehničkih nauka na osnovnim studijama izvodi occupation) take 3, 3.5 or 4 years (180 – 240 ESPB points); nastavu iz sledećih oblasti visokog obrazovanja: 2nd level is master academic studies, which together with • MAŠINSTVO: Proizvodno mašinstvo, Mehanizacija i base academic studies takes five years on all department konstrukciono mašinstvo, Energetika i procesna tehnika, (300 ESPB). 3rd level is Doctoral studies that take three Tehnička mehanika years (180 ESPB). • ELEKTROTEHNIKA I RAČUNARSTVO: Energetika, The Faculty also offers programs for a specialist studies elektronika i telekomunikacije, Računarstvo i automatika in cooperation with reputable European University's of the • INDUSTRIJSKO INŽENJERSTVO I MENA- international MBA (Master of Business Administration). DŽMENT: Industrijsko inženjerstvo, Inženjerski menadž- The Faculty of Technical Science organizes studies at the ment undergraduate level from following fields: PREDSTAVLJAMO - PRESENTATION • GRAĐEVINARSTVO • SAOBRAĆAJ • MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND PRODUC- • ARHITEKTURA TION ENGINEERING: Production Engineering, • GRAFIČKO INŽENJERSTVO I DIZAJN Mechanization and Construction Engineering, Energy and • INŽENJERSTVO ZAŠTITE ŽIVOTNE SREDINE Process Engineering, Technical Mechanics • MEHATRONIKA • ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING: Naučnoistraživačka delatnost Fakulteta tehničkih nauka Power, Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering, je usmerena na realizaciju naučnoistraživačkih projekata Computing and Automatics odnosno podprojekata iz područja osnovnih istraživanja, ino- • INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGE- vacionih projekata, projekata tehnološkog razvoja, projeka- MENT: Industrial Engineering, Engineering Management ta programa energetske efikasnosti kao i istraživačkih pro- • CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT jekata po zahtevu privrednih preduzeća. • TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Fakultet nudi svoje usluge u rešavanju aktuelnih proble- • ARCHITECTURE ma privrede u područjima koja pokriva. Profesori fakulteta • GRAPHICAL ENGINEERING AND DESIGN drže predavanja, po pozivu, na mnogim Univerzitetima u • ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING najrazvijenijim zemljama sveta. Značajni rezultati su ost- • MECHATRONICS vareni u međunarodnoj saradnji o čemu svedoči veliki broj realizovanih međunarodnih projekata. Research activities of The Faculty of Technical Sciences Biblioteka Fakulteta raspolaže fondom od preko 160.000 is aimed at realization of scientific research projects as to bibliotečkih jedinica. Za potrebe svojih korisnika biblioteka realization of subprojects in field of basic research, inve- koristi veoma razvijenu službu međubibliotečke razmene sa ntion projects, projects of technological development, pro- drugim bibliotekama u zemlji i inostranstvu. jects of energy efficiency program as research projects Veliki broj studentskih organizacija brine o interesima stu- demanded by industry. denata ne samo iz domena studija već i o kulturnom i The Faculty offers its services in solving actual problems zabavnom životu. Razmene studenata i stručne prakse orga- in industry in fields that treats. nizuju brojne međunarodne studentske organizacije koje Faculty’s professors lecture on many universities in di- postoje na Fakultetu. fferent countries. Fakultet je sertifikovao sistem kvaliteta po međunarodnim Significant results are achieved in international coopera- standardima EN ISO 9001:2001 kod Saveznog zavoda za sta- tion that is seen in large number of realized international ndardizaciju i međunarodne sertifikacione organizacije projects. RWTÜV iz Esena. Fakultet, odnosno njegovi departmani Library of the Faculty disposes with fund of over 160.000 organizuju sedam stalnih konferencija u zemlji i inostranstvu units. For its users needing library uses very developed se- i izdaju tri međunarodna časopisa na Engleskom jeziku. rvice of interchange with other libraries in country and Specifičnost Fakulteta su devet malih i srednjih firmi koje abroad. funkcionišu u okviru Naučno-tehnološkog parka, jedinstvenog High number of student’s organizations cares on student’s na našim prostorima. interests as in domain of studies as in domain of cultural life Ideja o saradnji sa industrijom je u okviru FTN jedna od and entertainment. Student’s exchange and practical work tri potpuno ravnopravne komponente pored naučnog i obra- are organized by number of student’s organizations on the zovnog rada. Devedesetih godina prošlog veka u okviru FTN Faculty. 71 PREDSTAVLJAMO - PRESENTATION nutisi rđj aoiz aese-vjeuređaje. vojne - namenske klase za za i kako tako to uređaja industrijskih i prozvodnje masovne kompati- pouzdane elektromagnetne bilnosti, kriterijume sve zadovolje da ba RMR j aer aRčnrk enk oit FPGA koristi Tehniku Računarsku za Katedra FTN- tj. IRAM-RT (FPGA). mreža sekvencijalnih programabilnih bazi tre- koji uređaja najsloženijih projektovanje oso- za hardvera je u posobljen projektovanje ploča za različitih Tim broj periodu. veliki prethodnom razvila razvojnoi- je ovo koja je firma da staživačka vidu u imajući komponenti, ktronsih proizvodnju. namensku za (v) kapaciteti i proizvodni robotika (iv) signala, obradu digitalnu za 72 softvera i algoritama sistema, (iii) projekovanje FPGA, bazi na (ii) sistema projektovanje hardvera, projektovanje (i) su: va pokri- preduzeće od koje oblasti neke osovnih komunikacija, narskih raču- i tehnike računarske narstva, raču- oblasti iz uređaja pro- jektovanje i razvoj su danas IRAM-RT sl. i Nemačka LONIIS-Rusija, STROM-Češka, ino- u stranstvu: a DžITI, domaće IRITEL, DKTS, proizvode industrije: u ugrađeni soft- su Ovi moduli X.25. verski V5.2, V5.1, siga- DSS1, sledeće SSNo7, za nlizacije: softvera biblioteke su Primera razvijene telekomunikacije. radi, za proje- softvera oblasti i u hardvera i ktovanja mesto svoje pronašao Palanke. je Bačke FTN-IRAM-RT iz za SINTELON linija obloga automatizaciji podnih u proizvodnju rezultati a zavidni i Vojvodine, su ostavareni mreže gasovodne jom automatizaci- rezultovale su koje projekata nizu u nosilac bilo i ušestvovalo je duzeće pre- godina devedesitih Početkom računaru. na vani zasno- Sistemi naziva savremenoj nauci u se što ono ili komunikacija narskih raču- i vremenu u realnom softvera hardvera, nje projekova- je to a katedri, samoj na izučavaju se koje delatnostima bavi osnivanja Vojskom. sa i tako industrijom sa saradnje kako doprinos zanačajan je koje jednako a komunikacije, Računarske i Računarsku tehniku za katedre FTN-IRAM-RT sa je proisteklo bilo preduzeće d.o.o., godina 15 pre Nauka Tehničkih Sadu Novom pre- u aktivnosti duzeća. u istraživačkih naučno rezultata visoke i tehnologije pretakanje Univerziteta za okvir je (http://www.nosic.ns.ac.yu) park Naučno Sadu. Tehnološki Novom naučno- u okvir Univerziteta u parka pretočen tehnogloškog kasnije je radom. okvir naučnoistraživačkim sa Napravljeni sa proistekla vezana su blisko koja a preduzeća Fakulteta otvaraju se da počela su T-RMR ejdno ee avćhptoaaele- potrošača najvećih deset od jedan je FTN-IRAM-RT ou rdzć FTN- preduzeća Fokus od se FTN-IRAM-RT Fakulteta okviru u osnovanih preduzeća prvih od Jedno en dvži opnnij rjkoaj itm na sistema projektovanje je komponenti važnih od Jedna oiSd(oiSdInvto Centre Innovation Sad (Novi tech- high streaming for frame Sad is ) http://www.nosic.ns.ac.yu Novi aighv endvlpd So,DS,V.,V.,X.25. V5.2, V5.1, DSS1, SSNo7, sig- developed: of been types have following naling for bibliothecas software telecommunication. example, For for software of and area hardware in place projecting its founded FTN-IRAM-RT SINTELON Palanka. production Backa panel’s in floor achieved of are line results flow automation high pipeline some gas that, of Besides service pro- network. automation of are series in results sys- participated which based company jects Computer the science, 90's modern the in In tems. called is it as or ie nEgihlanguage. maga- English international in three zines publish and abroad, and country from Germany. Essen, RWTÜV Organization at Certificate and International Standardization for the Bureau ISO Federal standards the international at 9001:2001 the to according system ity eatet fFclyognz ee ofrne in conferences seven organize Faculty of Departments qual- its certificated has Sciences Technical of Faculty The ooyadrslso cetfcrsac ciiyt co- to activity research scientific of results and nology mpanies. cetfctcnlgclPr fteUiest in University the of Park Scientific-technological opn T-RMR .. sfuddwith- founded is d.o.o FTN-IRAM-RT Company nteFclyo ehia cecs 5years 15 Sciences, Technical of Faculty the in g.Ti opn,drvdfo h hi for Chair the from derived company, This ago. hr r iesaladmdu im act- firms medium and small nine are There optn niern and Engineering Computing n sapr fScientific-technological of part a as ing nvriyi oiSad Novi in University ak nqei u region. our in unique Park, h dao oprto fthe of cooperation of idea The aut fTcnclSciences Technical of Faculty tre odvlp hs com- These develop. to started aisaecoeycnetdto connected closely are panies cetfcrsac activities. research scientific ihidsr soeo three of one is industry with hsmdli ae sdas used later is model This hooia ako the of Park chnological Scientific-te- within model anFclisatvte side activities Faculties main aut eefuddand founded were Faculty omnctos ie sig- gives Communications, ysd iheuainland educational with side by n Communications. and optn Engineering Computing tde nteCarfor Chair the on studied cetfcwr.I the In work. scientific once ihthe with connected ciei ra htare that areas in active t onaini 91is 1991 in foundation its ae eltm software real-time ware, hard- are areas These T-RMR since FTN-IRAM-RT 0s is companies first 90’s, ihteArmy. the with nutya elas well as industry iiatcontribution nificant ncoeainwith cooperation in integrisana kola za rešavanje niza izuzetno složenih proble- These software modules are built in domestic industry ma digitalne obrade video signala, zaštite signala (kripto- products: DKTS, IRITEL, GT and abroad: STROM-Check vanje), komunikacionih problema, složenih problema u di- Republic, LONIIS- Russia, Germany etc. gitalnoj obradi video signala. Isto tako, ova tehnologija i int- Today, focus of company FTN-IRAM-RT is developing enizivno obrazovanje kadra u preduzeću stvorili su okruže- of appliances in area of computing and computer sciences. nje stručnjaka i odgovarajuće softverske pakete za projekto- Some of basic areas are: (i) hardware designing, (ii) design- vanje integrisanih kola. Ono što je trend u posednjih neko- ing systems on FPGA bases, (iii) designing systems, algo- liko godina je verifikacija integrisanih kola na FPGA pla- rithms and software for digital signal processing, (iv) robo- tformama u čemu FTN-IRAM-RT postiže zapažene rezu- tics and (v) manufacturing capacity for dedicated produc- ltate. tion. Digitalna obrada signala je nezamenljiv deo savremenih With its experience and developed net of components sup- računarskih sistema, FTN-IRAM-RT je svih 15 godina prisu- pliers, FTN-IRAM-RT is one of the biggest domestic cu- tan u ovoj oblasti i može se pohvaliti rezultatima u oblasti- stomers of electronic components. Hardware designing ma primene ovih tehnologija: Audio obrada signala, Obrada team is trained for projecting the most complicated devices video signala, Obrada govornih signala i Komunikacije. that must fulfill the most rigorous criteria’s of electromag- Audio obrada signala odlikuje se nizom implementiranih netic compatibility, trustful mass production, all that for audio standarda za kompresiju i dekompresiju, poboljšanje industrial devices and dedicated military devices. audio signala, kao i višekanalne kodere-dekodere. Neki od One of the significant components is designing systems pomenutih tandarda implementirani su na razne pla- on based on FPGA. FTN-IRAM-RT, i.e. The Chair for tforme (MP3, AAC, AC3, DPL, Virtulizer, WMA Computing Engineering and Communications uses FPGA itd.). Pored implementacije algoritma na RISC integrated circuits for solving highly complicated problems arhitekture, tim inženjera okupljenih u okviru in: video signal digital processing, signal security (crypto- FTN-IRAM-RT osposbljen je da pruži podršku protection), computer communication problems. This tech- PREDSTAVLJAMO - PRESENTATION u atestiranju portovanih rešenja kod sertika- nology and intense education in company created enviro- cionih tela. nment: experts + software packages for integrated circuits Obrada video signala je jedna od najza- designing. Trend in the last few years is verification of inte- htevnijih oblasti obrade signal s obzirom na grated circuits on FPGA platforms where FTN-IRAM-RT količinu podataka koja treba da se obradi u has attained distinguished results. realnom vremenu. Najčešće se obrada video Digital signal processing is irreplaceable part of modern signal radi uz pomoć FPGA integrisanih kola, computer systems. Since its foundation FTN-IRAM-RT ali moguće su i određene obrade na namenskim has been present in this area and it can be very proud with DSP programabilnim platformama. Reference results in these applications: Audio signal process, Video u ovoj oblasti su algoritmi za skaliranje, ko- signal process, Speech signal process and Communications. nverziju brzine ispisa slike, redukciju šuma Audio signal processing is based on series of implement- itd. U saradnji sa Vojnotehničkim istitutom ed audio standards for compression and decompression, Vojske Srbije razvoj FTN-IRAM-RT radi na improving audio signals and multi-channel coders-decoders. problemima detekcije pozicije eksplozije Some standards are implemented on different i tipa oružja koje ju je izazvalo. platforms: MP3, AAC, AC3, DPL, Virtulizer, U govornim tehnologijama WMA etc. Besides of algorithm imple- svi relevatnih standardi za mentation on RISC architectures, kodovanje-dekodovanje govo- engineer teams assembled in ra su implementirani na FTN-IRAM-RT are qualified to različite DSP-RISC arhitekture give costumers support in (ITU-T G.726, ITU-T G.728, attest according to ce- ITU-T G.729, ITU-T rtificate organizations. G.723.1). Na osnovu Video signal processing dobijenih rezultata razvije- is the most demanded area na je namenska tehnologija in signal processing due to amount za kodovanje govora na of data that should be processed in real izuzetno niskim bitskim brzinama time. Mainly, video signal pro- 2400 bit/sč. Digitalnu obradu cessing is made with FPGA signala u komunikacija karatkeriše integrated circuits. There is niz modulacionih tehnologija koje su possibility of some process- razvijene za: iznajmljene linije ing in dedicated DSP plat- (dvožično/ četvorožično), komutirane forms. References in this linije (PSTN/ISDN) ili HF i UHF/VHF radio area are: scaling algorithms, vezom. Navedeni modemi su realizovani po algorithms for picture standardima ITU-T V.23, ITU-T V.26, ITU-T speed change conversion, V.22bis, ITU-T V.32, MIL-STD-188-110B, noise reduction etc. As part STANAG 4285, MIL-STD-188-181A. of its own development and Jedan od interesantnih pravaca predstavlja istraži- in cooperation with the vanje sopstvenog autonomnog robota koje obuhvata Military Technical Institute, there are results in solving 73 PREDSTAVLJAMO - PRESENTATION bat oenzcj osoei en otonhuređa- ja). kontrolnih merno po-stojećih (u modernizacije oblasti (http://www.voc.vj.yu/) VS ce-ntar optini Vazduhoplovni sivnarziei r-saaz oaeisrn tržište), strano i domaće za sre-dstava oblasti razvijenih (u ispitvanja (http://www.toc.vj.yu/) VS KOV centrom Tehničkim sistema), opitnim složenih i razvoja zvuka projekata obrade drugih niza modema, – komunikacije sredstava menih 74 VS insititutom tehničkim Vojno Srbije: Vojske insitucijama naučnoistraživačkim vojnim tržistu. svet- skom na atraktivni cenom isto su u vreme a EMC, za zahteve zahteve, klimo-mehaničke stroge voljavaju zado- proizvode se koji Uređaji pouzdanosti. stepenom i kvaliteta visokim izlanog sa tržišta namenska za proizvoidi u su pitanju da naglaskom osnovnim sa ja, seri- srednjih i malih proizvodnju sistema. postojećeg unutar postoje koji elementima sa proizvoda nih final- razvoj za tehnologija) (skup osnovu polaznu predstavlja forma plat- Razvijena system). tracking (head- govornika praćenje šuma, ambijetalnog redukciju za jima poboljšan- odeđenim sa podataka, prenos audio-video dvosmerni inu, mikrosred- za rešava pro-bleme određene samostalno robot u rada kojima režime poluautomatske i roboti kao je, upravljan- Projektovani i ko-ntrolu udaljenu upravljanje. obezbeđuju i sig- obrada nala video signala, obrada FTN-IRAM-RT: audio hardver, bavi se kojima oblasti sve ht:/w.t.o.o.u)( bat rjkoaj savre- projektovanja oblasti (u (http://www.vti.mod.gov.yu/) rb aoeuiidggdšj aanusa saradnju dugogodišnju i napomenuti Treba na fokusira se FTNI-IRAM-RT nae fmdriigmtrcnrligdevices. meter-controlling modernizing of area in ser- market. to global possible makes vice competence teams and mar- Trimness foreign ket. and domestic for appliances developed testing development. system complex in sound projects modems, other – and systems process communication modern of area in mentioned: be rhtcue.Freape T- .2,IUTG.728, ITU-T G.726, ITU-T example: For DSP-RISC architectures. different on implemented are coding-decoding arms. of rdcswt lmnsfo xsigsystem. existing from elements with products MIL-STD-188-181A. .2i,IUTV3,MLSD1810,SAA 4285, STANAG MIL-STD-188-110B, V.32, ITU-T V.22bis, T- .2,IUTG731 sn hs eut tis it results these Using G.723.1. ITU-T G.729, ITU-T ogeaino ehoois–frdvlpnto final of developmnet for – technologies of congregation – edtakn ytm eeoe ltomcrepn base correspond platform Developed system. head-tracking fFNIA-T nldn nfnlrsl:hrwr,audio hardware, result: final in including FTN-IRAM-RT, of fonatnmu oo.Ti eerhcnan l areas all contains research This robot. autonomous own of rnmt ihsm mrvmnsi os euto and reduction noise in improvements some with transmit, oospoiermt oto n udne ssemi-auto- as guidance, and control remote Projected provide controlling. robots process, signal video process, signal eeoe eiae ehooyfrsec oigo very on coding speech for technology dedicated developed elzdb tnad:IUTV2,IUTV2,ITU-T V.26, ITU-T V.23, ITU-T standards: by realized rbesfrmcoevrnet a ui-ie data audio-video way 2 environment, solves micro independently for robot problems which in regime work matic rH n H/H ai ik.Frgigmdm are modems Foregoing links. (PSTN/ISDN) radio lines UHF/VHF switched and wires), HF or 4 or wires (2 lines o i ae f20 bps. 2400 of rates bit low h i oc lgtTs ete(http://www.voc.vj.yu/): Centre Test Flight Force Air The of area in (http://www.toc.vj.yu/): Center Test Technical (http://www.vti.mod.gov.yu/): Institute Technical Military nsec ehooisalrlvn tnad o speech for standards relevant all technologies speech In T-RMR oue nmnfcuigsaland small manufacturing on focuses FTN-IRAM-RT n fteitrsigcus nrsac sdevelopment is research in course interesting the of One iia inlpoesn n omncto character- communication and processing signal Digital z eiso ouaintcnlge eeoe o leased for developed technologies modulation of series ize rbe fepoindtcinaddtcino sdtype used of detection and detection explosion of problem crsac ntttoso eba re ocsshould Forces Armed Serbian of institutions research ic eimsre,wt teso rdcsfrdedicat- for products on stress with series, medium oprto hog er ihmltr scientif- military with years through Cooperation dmre ihhg ult n eiblt degree. reliability and quality high with market ed eie hc r rdcdflilsevere fulfill produced are which Devices ete-ehncldemands, weather-mechanical M demands. EMC hs rdcsare products These loattrac- also market. iewith tive nglobal on t price its