Dirctors' .'O,E"".D ! · Oiicy Relegated to This End'atarecent' Meeting of the 'Newly , • ,>Fe~ ..,R »Femller ~I~
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.... Thursday. March 4, 19.71 .l:'al'e 'l'hrce Page Two THE JEWISH POST Thursday, MarclJ. 4, 1971 THE JEWISH, PQ8T , . -- The New Leader The Jewish Defense Leag&Be Folk Music As a Mirror, ofJewish. Histery Latest in 'F~shionWear By HARRY SCHACH~R, gettj¥g refugees out of Europe and getting the Erwin Jo~pe, the .De~ o~the . .....••. (/ ....... ' .. ". 'OnView at Mizrachi Show of the Conservatives President, Youth for, Israel tracks to the death camps bombed-they failed School of Fme Arts, Uruverslty of . .. , . During the las.t. -three ye~S t~e North Ame- utterly. .' .... Judaism in California will be the March 9th,at' 8:30. p.m . The election of Sidney . Spivak as leader of .rioan .Jewish community has "been confronted in There is a fundamentalc;hfference between next speaker in the Town Hall Se This year, fashions from' Ricki's the Manitoba Progressive Conservative Party a dramatic and painful waywith a.u«;w challenge. the objectives of the major organizat~ons and"~he ries on Sunday, March 7·th. at 8:30 will be shown, featuring the latest marks a return to power in 'that party of the re-. Jews are being forced to think agam about the objectives of the JDL. Tlle AmerIcan Jewsh p,m. at rthe Y,'MJIA. Dean Jospe in "hot pants", sui,ts, dresses, coats, form and progress-minded. gr.', oup t.hat D. uff ~.ob1in ..... raie they.wantto .play. in North A:m.,er~cans.ociety. ,Congress, B'nai B'rith, the CJC, a~d the ot~ers, is'" dynamic musician whose in_ ~d evening. wear. Modelling the h T Th 1 t f W I C want Jews to become successful, .integral parts first at~racted to t .e. orles: ... e e ec Ion 0 '. a- ... The~r comfortabl,e mIddle e1ass. eXIstence ~ an- of" th' I'S society. The JDL claims. that this is: im-, terests range widely through music ou.tfi·t s. will be girls from· the Aca ter WeIr over 'SterlIng Lyon 10 '1968 mar~ed.a ada .and the Umted States has ,been challenged and the performing arts. iHe has demy of Modelling, with Mrs. YicItie reaction by the Tory rank a;nd file and Spivak',s.· bYJhe. violent,. Pllblicity-seeking Jewish Defence possible' that at best Jews can only live uneasily conducted orchestra, chorus and Warner,' of"·the Academy, as co defeat of Enns means a return of the element in '. League. .. , . and apa~t. More than this, the JDL doesn't want ballet. at the Chicago Stadium and ordinator of, the show. Miss Miriam the party that brought· it to' power in 1958. But' These have been years o'ffi-sing nationalism, Jews to become part of the North American main International Amphitheatre before 'Baron will provide pianQ. accom Spivak's win was a squeaker,. and a large bl~c of' i.ncreasi~i violence and militancy, and areI)..ewed .stream, It wants Jews to retain a separate iden- audiences of 20,(01) with such ~lo palilinent. '11 f ~. t th d Id' . ' h Th J . h tity, and it wants them to fight ~nti-Semitism ,i ists as Richard Tucker. and Jan Tories stl. yearn or a .reuum '0 e goo .. 0." quest, for identity among t e young.. e·. eWlS with dramatic and, if necessary, :V.lolent means. , .F:/?llowing the show, a peerce. H!, has composed choral days, whatever that means. IfSpivll:k's win means Def~ncEl League ~s a manifestation of all these Thus it projects an image of Jews that frightens niUsica~ J,>riogrllm::feat~lrir,g IQCal a1'l anything, it is that theTorieshav.e managed to 'phenomena. It is a product of the climate of and.offends the establishment groups .. The' JDL works sung thrOughout the United Rachel Fink, States and the Score of Lewicks overcome a death wish,but just barely, . violence that swept urban North .America during has been franticanydenounce by the Iilajor or- Reflr~shmerlts will d "The Golem". iHe . lectures on 'Jew': Because Izzy Asper, 1;he rney.rLiberal leader" th~ la~e 60's., Its leader, the amhitious and im- . h h f th . , U ish music at American universities ERWIN JOSPE . , is Jewish, an extra compliCation was;added.:t;o tlie,s;agu:!?tIve .;M\;l)r.~!1ane':.'l?l~y:.e(l ?,~ ~he fears?f ganizations,. and t. e reasonshgob i « . ~\ ~r WI)rkiIig' : 'l~hind . the .s~nes are • and serves as music dire'etor of ',WI.' :N. Tory leadership···· carri.paio+..' .. :w:.. "o.lid.·two. J e. .·sh .' ... I,ow,. e. r hiidd.l. e'.:Cll¥~."s, "Je, wsin .. ew. c;Yo.rk fo.. r ·hIS than tactical -diffelielwes ovel1.t .e'es :yvay . e p 'I retl1rn he was enth~iastically" com- .y.u", .. ,,,. W0 lch, M ts..G Loffman, and "'.' B t h I b I' SoviefJewry. But among Jews who want to National Summer Institute of the mended by. the State Department H. Bogdonov. Co-chairing ao- party leaders be. too many? •.Appar~tly neither,mlbalbas~of.support., u . lsappea 1S 0 VIO\l;S Y establish an identity that is both Jewish'and anti- [, B'nai B'rith mllel. for not~ble ,contribution to inter- LEON BELL . ti.viti:es' 'U.:c.. 'p" v:"" tsk d , , of the .two.traditional Parties thoughts/) . bUt , mU<lh :broader than,.the New: YQ~k CommumtY'bourg'e6is, the JDL's mess. age has had great . ',' . , are ...... ~. """ ... ve y an , I what the electorate. will" think of. it . is' hard to· '. EspecIally among, the young-.·those horn after Dean Jospe is recogRi.zed on three cultural understanding. dek' Synagogue and the .Y:M.H,A. Mrs: H. Lakser. ';', , " forecast. It is enough t.o give an' anti-Semite: the ~ecqnd World War~there h~s, been a deep ,impact. cOiilfuents as pianist, Conductor and His 10pic at the Town Hall COmmunity' CeJitre. ' . '" . ··~::~~:~:o~ Proceeds from .this event w!l1 go ulcers. .' . emotlon~l res~on~e to. hlsJa;bot1Osky;,styl~ call The future of the JDL at this point is tirt~ o~ra' dire<itor. ire' is 'a sensitive gram is "Folk !Music as a Mirror . Deail" JOspe is' oneoi lliose rare ••. ' to schools and dorihltciries supt10rted Spivak has. his work cut out for him. To a .. fqr JeWIsh pride, t.o hIS mockery. of ..J;he dlst~nt cerbain. The news media are finally getting bored pianist imd a lucid speaker Posses Jewish History". This will . who carispeak' as well Sf The C(I\lJlcil of Mizrachi Women's by iMizrachi Wom,~;s .Organization. ,core NDP lie is' seen .as' :a rieactionary. To a . and. affluen~ esta~hshment o•• rgamza~lO;n~, "and of . with it, and Kahane himself is leaving for Isr~el. siiiga dEilighitfiil senSe of humor. In of a lecture an~ de~onstration by .iBe is ail 'eloquent lec-, ,Orgaruzatior{ ~ .holdmg' their 12th .. Tickets for .the show are $1.25, and . hard t h b log' n Never Agam Thel'e was a split recently in th~ group. BJlt th~re 1957 'llnd 1958 he was invited by the, " " hard core right winger he is progressive and thus course 0 . IS . aSlC .s a," ,. .is a' basic core of truth to what Kahane' has been Dean Jospe. The sponsors of the. b~gs a touch of ~~or fumuhl'fashion s4Ciw at the Skyview canb~ obkined,from. any Mizrachi "", t U.S. state Department to interpret , ',,', dangerous, as Roblin was. But the hard core '. Orga~Izabons III{e B nal B ~Ith and the Can- . .., . , , Town Hall Series include Bmiy and a uruque gift f?r cO!llm~lcatmg ~~~~o~f.~th~e:'·~M~'ar~lbo~·~ro~U~g:h~H~ote~lill~~' t.,-~'--.2'j'~' ~.:.-'-,;0' __-,; p. rightists have nowhere else to go but the Tories, ad~an JeWish 90~gress brave for years. struggled, saying that will unquestionably survive the JDL. Aln."riean Music in the Far East. Albraham S;yn:agogue, B'nai. B'rith the joy of music. to his audience,.... , and the hattleground' is for the uncommitted qUletlr and dlffI.dently,., to .fit Jews mto North It is do'ubtful whether the major Jewish organi- He gave 50 concerts and leciures in Adult Education, B'nai B'rith HureI; ·MYrna. LeVin; merilbei',of ·the '.' . , ." - i; · . voter in .the ,middle. Mr. Asper could find hhnself AmerIcan ph.trah~t SOCIety .. They have fought zations' should stop worrying. Lately they have Tokyo, H~.;.g Kong, iM3nila, . Singa Canadian 'Jewish Corigress, Feder- Town Hiill oOrnmittee will be .the Vital , .~ servo squeezed'rightouto{politics'before he ever gets·noble. ,battleg. agamst hate. hte~atu:e and quota become conncered about y~mng Jews drifting pore and at prmCipal uclversities ated Zionist Organization of Canada, chairman and Leon'Bell 'will in- ,'. .:,. ·• • .,. 10 I ;. into ,it. Th.e' biggestdangel' is >a completely systems.· They have tal}en pl"lde every Jew,' away from Judaism alld the Jewish community. , throughout South East Asia. On his , , elected or appointed to high offiCe. Now Kahane Among prominent Jewish leaders in recent years " . Rosh PinA Synagogue, Shaarey Ze': Dean Jospe.· ... ' . ,By R.e~cu~ l ~ , , , polarized Manitoba, split right and left. The best is saying that the. whole history' of these organi- only Meir -Kahane has managed to reach· youn~ I , ,.J safegtiard:J.gain~tthiil' aangeris. in 'the. person- .zations has, been a fraud, a cringing search for ,people. The men who run the CJC and B'nal .ality. and cast of. mind of ,the new' Conservative "respectability". When it came to a' real tes~ .