Review MECAS V° 17/ N° 2/ June 2021

Promoting local tourist destination in , what are the obstacles according to the tourism agencies?- Studying a sample of tourism agencies in the province of -

Lagha soumia1 Assistant professor/Ferhat Abbas University Setif -1- [email protected].

Received date : 30-09-2020 / Accepted date : 29-04-2021

Abstract :

The aim of this study was to highlight the obstacles that face the tourism agencies to promote the local tourist destination in the province of Setif, based on a questionnaire that was designed and distributed to a random sample of (60) tourism agencies that organize domestic trips, where the response rate was 86% (52 tourism agencies). We used Statistical methods to describe, and analyze the main hypothesis of our study. The results showed that the administrative difficulties, deficiencies that characterize the local tourist destination, the lack of awareness and tourism culture among the Algerian tourists, as well as the high prices of tourism services are mainly the reasons that prevent the tourism agencies under study to promote and provide trips toward tourist destinations in Algeria. Keywords: promoting tourist destination, tourist destination’s obstacles, tourism agencies, province of Setif. Jel Classification Codes : M31, M37

Introduction: According to the annual report of the Word Tourism Organization (WTO), there were 1.5 billion international tourist arrivals globally in 2019, up 4% from the previous year, and all regions show an increase in international arrivals. This growth confirms the driving role of tourism as an economic sector (WTO, 2019). And in front of the great changes of globalization that imposed different circumstances on all countries around the world to change their strategies in all economic sectors, governments are looking for new financial sources to rouse their local development projects, and evade the traditional ones that have inhibited their development path, moving towards sustainable sources of wealth outside the non-renewable energy sectors.

1 Corresponding Author: Lagha Soumia.E-Mail : . [email protected].


Review MECAS V° 17/ N° 2/ June 2021

Algeria is one of these countries that take the hydrocarbon sector as a strategic sector in providing revenues and financing the rest of the other sectors. The tourism sector in our country is considered a river of gold, inexhaustible oil, and an effective alternative comparing the hydrocarbon sector, due to the natural tourism qualifications we possess, the cultural and historical heritage that is well known throughout many Algerian regions. These regions as a tourist destinations in Algeria are just a raw materials, whether they are distinguished by natural and cultural characteristics, heritage and historical, economic and political, or by unique infrastructures in the world. However, it requires a serious policy and an integrated strategic plan, mobilizing all public and private actors to communicate, promote, and distinct Algeria as a tourist destination on the international level. When we talk about promoting tourist destination, it must be determine who are the actors the government depends on? And what are the precise methods must these actors follow? Tourism agencies are among the most important private actors in promoting tourist destinations, due to the mediating role it plays between tour operators (hotels, restaurants, fitness places, mineral baths, deserts areas, cultural and sportive events, archeology sites, etc) as suppliers and tourists as demander in the tourism market, Where they collect many services to provide them in one package as a tourist offer, searching to satisfy all circumstances and conditions foreign and local tourists want during their tourism residences and trips. In Algeria too, tourism agencies carry out to win their clients by offering Algerian destinations, through delivering informations about it, promoting it as a local destinations, communicating potential visitors, harmonizing, reformulating, and configuring tourism product in proportion to the needs and desires of customers, having the ability to negotiate the quality and prices of tourism products and all its related services, with both local and foreign tourists. The fact that we can’t evade that the number of foreign tourists has not exceeded three thousand annually over the past twenty years in Algeria, and the number of foreign tourists coming to Algeria through travel agencies in 2018 did not exceed two thousand tourists, according to Said Boukhlifa (the President of the National Union of Travel Agencies in Algeria). And according to the world economic forum, Algeria has ranked in the 116th comparing the other country. Depending on what represented above, our study aims to answer the main question which is: what are the obstacles that prevent promoting local tourist destinations in Algeria, according to the opinions of tourism agencies? This study aims to demonstrate and clarify the real background of obstacles that prevent focusing on offers of local tourist destinations in the tourism agencies, among the offers they provide towards foreign destinations. 1-LITERATURE REVIEW: It is complex to define tourist destination because it is composed of several elements, and each destination has its own attractiveness; it can be a village, a city, a country, a cultural site like a museum, or natural like a natural reserve, a hotel, a fitness center (BENHADDOU, 2017, p. 79). It can be also an object, person, or even a concept that visitors put in their mind as a future destination, so that destination is a unique place where visitors spend at least one night (WTO, 2019). It is different from the place of the permanent residence of a tourist, where he actively is implemented, and tourist products are consumed (hanef, 2017, p. 46). The composite nature of the tourism product is unique destination because it is an amalgam of tangible and


Review MECAS V° 17/ N° 2/ June 2021

intangible factors that encompass the tourist experience (from core to peripheral products and services) (Berendien A, Douglas, Fairer-Wessels, Kruger, Geldenhuys, & Francis, 2013, p. 3). Each destination offers a variety of tourism products and services to attract visitors, and each tourist has an opportunity to choose from a set of destinations (Crompton, 1992, p. 428). 1.1.Algeria as a tourist destination Tourism resources and qualifications in Algeria are distinguished between what is natural, cultural, and historical heritage on one hand, and what is related to infrastructure and basic structures on the other hand. 1.1.1. Natural qualifications: Algeria is rich in many natural resources that qualify it to occupy the first rank in the Mediterranean. It is various between mountains, coastal strip, and desert as follow(Harouat, 2012, p. 114): •Coastline: Algeria is located on the equivalent of 1200 km2 as a coastal strip overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, and is distinguished by its height and rocky composition. It consists of several tourist destinations, such as El Kala, , , Tennis, and Beni Saf… •Mountain Ranges: The Atlas Mountains, which extend along the coast, about 1500 km from the northeast to the northwest of the country. In addition to the Atlas Desert Range, which consists of three mountain ranges that extend from the southwest to the northeast, about 700 km parallel to the axis of the Atlas Mountains. Among the most famous mountain ranges in Algeria are the mountains of Jarjara, Al-Khashna, El-Titri, Al-Dhahra, the Al-Baladi Atlas, Aloncharis, Beni Shakran... •Desert Areas: The Algerian Sahara is one of the largest in the world. It covers of 84% of Algerian area. It is divided into five large regions: Adrar, Illizi, M'zab Valley, Tamangest and Tindouf. It is considered one of the main assets in the field of tourism because it is the first destination for foreign tourists, and it is famous by the Hoggar and Tassli Nagar barns in the states of Tamanrasset and Elysee, which are famous for historical drawings that reaches to the Stone Age, and its volcanic mountains.The Algerian Sahara characterizes by the most beautiful sunrises and sunsets in the world, according to UNESCO. The “Mezab” region in the state of Ghardaia is rich in its ancient culture and history, and despite the ruggedness of the region, it includes in addition to the regions of Timimoun and Bani Abbas, the largest and most beautiful oases in the world. The Algerian desert is famous for its many animals, such as antelope, gazelles, and fennec… •Febrile Areas: Algeria has a large number of spas and hot baths officially registered with 202 natural sources, concentrated in the north of the country. The most important well-known resorts are; Hammam Riga (Ain Defla), Hammam Bouhanifa (Maskara), Hammam Gargour (Setif), Hammam El Salheen (), and Hammam Dabbagh (Guelma). •Nature reserves: Algeria includes many picturesque nature barns, including many types of birds in various seasons, it is classified internationally as a high natural heritage, including(UNESCO, 2020): •The National Park of El kala: It occupies 78,000 hectares, located in northern Algeria, bordering the Mediterranean Sea, and includes 3 beaches and 3 reserves containing 50 species of birds and other types of animals.


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•DJardjara barn: it sits on about 500 hectares, and is located in the heart of Atlas El Tal, 50 km from , in which snow settles for a period of three months (December, January, February). •The cedar forest barn "Thaniyat al-Hadd": It is located on about 616 hectares, 3 km away from the city of Thaniyat al-Hadd. It is located at the edge of the Al- Winchris range and in the heart of Atlas Al-Tal. •The Tassili Nagar Park: It is spread over 100,000 hectares and includes an archaeological character. It is characterized by various rock drawings, and it is classified as a world heritage. 1.1.2. Cultural, and historical heritage Algeria possesses many heritages that is classified by UNESCO as a rare world heritage in the world, as well as (SDAT Livre 01, 2008): •The Kasbah of Algiers; •M'zab Valley; •Roman cities: Timgad in Batna, Tipasa, and Djemila in Setif; Tassili: Contains more than 1500 paintings that reflect climate change, animal migration and the evolution of human life in the desert, from 6000 to 8000 years BC; •Bani Hammad Castle: It is located near the state of Messila, and was formed in 1007 as the capital of the Hammadid state. •Algerian cuisine:This is characterized by wealth derived from land and marine production. It is a North African Mediterranean cuisine based on Amazigh cuisine. The cultural interaction between Berbers, Arabs, Turks, Andalusia, French, Spanish and others contributed to the emergence of many culinary specialties. This contributes toattract tourists and introduces the Algerian culture in the field of cooking, and allows foreigners, especially, to taste international dishes in Algeria. The Algerian Couscous has recently tended to be classified from the traditional international cuisine. •Traditional dress and jewelry: Algeria is very rich in many traditional costumes and ornaments that distinguish every region of the national territory, and this is what attracts tourists across the world to discover the identity and culture of the host country, which activates the manufacture of this type of heritage. 1.1.3. Base structures and infrastructures The density of land, sea and air routes in Algeria is an important factor in encouraging tourism development in these areas. This network is considered the largest in the Maghreb(loi de finances complémentaire, 2009): •Road network: the length of the road network in Algeria is more than109.452 km, and it is concentrated in the northern part of the country, including the national roads (28,275 km). County roads (23.926 km), and secondary roads (57.251 km). •Airlines network: The infrastructure of air transport in Algeria has witnessed a remarkable development, which has been achieved through 53 airports across the country. It should also be noted that 13 of them are international airports, 8 national airports, 14 regional airports, and 19 airports with limited use, including 04 airports for research and exploitation in the field of mining and hydrocarbons. The national airline, "Algerian Aviation", covers 37 stations all over Europe, Africa and the Middle East, and also serves "the most important cities in the interior as well as tourist destination in Algeria."


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•Seaways network: The maritime activity concerns 13 multi-purpose ports, a large number of small fishing ports, and recreational harbors. It should be noted that international trade in Algeria depends mainly on the sea routes. The marine activities are carried out by five companies specialized in navigation and tourism, cargo transportation, oil transportation... •Communications network: The telephone network covers most of the national territory, which amounts to 96%, and the telephone line / population ratio is 3.9 / 1000. The sector is currently undergoing an extension and modernization process with the popularization of digital technology. •Energy: The country's electricity coverage rate is 94%, and it consists of 160,000 km of lines. In addition to covering domestic needs, Algeria also maintains the largest natural gas reserves in the world. 1.2. Promoting the Tourist destination Destination marketing is essentially promoting a destination to attract new and repeat visitors. As well, promotion of destination, on a regional, national or even international scale, has become necessary to support economic and tourist development (Dominique, 2012, p. 37). It used to create demand for a service or product, attract attention, create interest or desire, and generate action in order to sell that service/product; (Bustam & Stein, 2017, p. 3). It fills the perceptual and informational gaps that exist between suppliers and the tourists (Esu & Ebitu, 2010, p. 23). Promotion tools are devices, activities, or methods used by marketing managers to convey the desired message to the market in order to achieve any desired promotion objectives (Esu & Ebitu, 2010, p. 24). the communication channels such as advertising, sales promotion, brochures, personal selling, and public relation are the promotional factors that could influence intentions. To make decisions to purchase (Hennessey, Yun, & MacDonald, 2016, p. 2). Advertising as well is impersonal, paid communication method followed by profit-making organizations with the intention of providing informations of goods, services and ideas to the target audience (Kotler & Armstrong, principles of marketing, 2006, p. 427). It is a well- known technique of informing, influencing, stimulating tourists intentions to a particular destination (Hennessey, Yun, & MacDonald, 2016, p. 4); via different media such as television, newspapers, radio etc. it can be printed, audio, and audio-visual. But, Publicity in contrast, secures editorial space in media for promotion purposes, and does not identify a sponsor ( Eisend & Küster, 2011, p. 3). One important factor to consider in publicity is your target audience” ( APUKE, 2018, p. 32). Public relation is planned and continuous efforts to establish and maintain goodwill and understanding between an organization and its target audience (Gilaninia, Taleghani, & Mohammadi, 2013, p. 47). It fulfills to win confidence of its publics by building a good reputation and taking responsibility towards members of its community (Joly, 2009, p. 124). Sales promotion is a temporary advantage that aims to have a direct impact on the tourists decisions, it is almost always combined with some type of communication ( BLATTBERG & BRIESCH, 2010, p. 2). Many technics is used to stimulate and promote their sales, such as gifts provided by tourism agencies, temporary cuts in certain seasons, competitions that the tourism organization organizes, and rewards winners, the publicity divisions that they are placed in newspapers and magazines that allow certain discounts. Personal selling is a direct effective spoken contact, because it permits a direct two-way communication between buyer and seller ( Adewale, Adeniran, & Oluyinka, 2019, p. 21). Its activity is


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based on an interaction between the seller and the buyer. Direct marketing: according to (Smith & Taylor, 2003, p. 363) direct marketing is a “theoretical shopping”, without intending commercial stores. It depends on a data base that enables the organization to contact its customers where the interaction and response is immediate via the Internet, (Desmet, 2005, p. 14). Which is used mail, phone, fax, e-mail to communicate directly with existing and potential customers and urge them to respond directly (Kotler, Marketing Management, 1997, p. 605). 2- RESEARCH METHOD AND DATA COLLECTION 2.1. The model of the experimental study: We developed the following model depending on the literature reviews, which will help readers to more understand the experimental part of our study

Figure 1. Model of the study: types of obstacles Why does not promote the local

Administration difficulties Tourist destinations?

Destination shortcomings Travel Agency Difficulties related to tourists

Prices difficulties Source:By researcher based on the literature reviews. 2.2. Population and Sample of the Study: The population of the study consists of the agencies in the province of Setif which includes (132) tourism agencies active in various tourism activities. We visited (66) travel and tourism agencies looking for those that organize domestic trips,among which (60) Questionnaires were distributed, of which (52) were recovered. Table 1. Sample of the study Distributed surveys Returned surveys Response percentage 60 52 86% Source:by researcher 2.3. Data collection: We depended on the previous literature review to develop the questionnaire, and it based on the points of view of travel and tourism agencies in the province of Setif about the obstacles and difficulties they face to promote the local tourist destination. The questionnaire consisted of (13) items based on Likert three point scale, in which three points was given for items with high degree of agreement, less degree of agreement was given two points and high degree of disagreement was given only one point. 2.4. Statistical Methods: The researcher used the statistical package of the social sciences (SPSS.V.20) to analyze the data. The statistics technique used include; Cronbach Alpha to assess the reliability/validity, Mean and Standard Deviation for descriptive analysis. One Sample T-Test was used too, in order to test our hypotheses, so that the null hypothesis is rejected if the mean exceeds the cut point (2), or when sig is less than 0.05. Thus the alternative hypothesis is accepted.


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2.5. Reliability/validity Analysis of items: The Cronbach Alpha coefficient was used to calibrate the reliability of items that measure the study variables, which include four groups:Administration’s difficulties, Destination’s shortcomings, Difficulties related to tourists, Prices’ difficulties. The results are listed in table (2), where it was found the value of Cronbach Alpha(0.784) which is acceptable. And the value of square root of (√ ) Cronbach Alpha used to measure the validity. It was (0.885), and statistically it is significant, which suggests the stability and validity of the items in the questionnaire to measure the study form. Table 2.Rreliability/ Validity test Reliability(Cronbach Alpha) Element number 0.784 13 Validity√ (Square Root of Cronbach Element number Alpha) 0.885 13 Source: By researcher from SPSS output 3- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1. Descriptive analysis: The descriptive statistics for each variable and its items, as mean and standard deviation, beside the level of importance has been illustrated in this section. To analyze the questionnaire paragraphs and interpret the results accurately, we defined the analysis scale categories of agreement as follows: - Strongly agree 3-2.34: High Degree; - Less agree 2.33-1.67: Mid-Degree; - Strongly disagree 1.66-1: Low Degree. 3.1.1. Descriptive analysis of the first axis: Table 3. results of “Administration difficulties” of the sample Items Mean S.D Degree Difficulties in obtaining visas for foreign tourists wishing to 2.92 0.26 high visit Algeria; Administrative procedures are complicated in Algeria. 2.82 0.38 high Total 2.87 0.27 high Source: By Researcher from Spss output The table above represents the level of agreement according to the points of view of this sample, whereas we notice that the mean is (2.92)and Sdt.Dv is (0.26) for the first item, this reflects that these agencies strongly agree about difficulties in obtaining visas for foreign tourists who wish visiting Algerian’s tourist destinations. The results of the second item comes in the same context, as these agencies were highly agree that administrative procedures are complicated in Algeria, with mean (2.82) and Std.Dv(0.38). In general we can infer that our sample of the study largely agree that there are some administration obstacles in Algeria, that show in the total mean (2.87) and std.dv (0.27) which is located in the high degree of importance. 3.1.2. Descriptive analysis of the second axis: Table 4. Results of “Destination shortcoming” of the sample Items Mean S.D Degree Most of tourist destinations in Algeria are not equipped to 3 0.00 high accommodate the large number of tourists;


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Neglecting of the local tourist destination by the official 2.92 0.26 high authorities in Algeria; Deterioration of reception structures in the local destination; 2.82 0.38 high Shortage of tourist guides, in terms of quantity and quality; 2.58 0.69 high The problem of security in isolated archaeological areas. 2.19 0.74 mid Total 2.72 0.20 high Source: By Researcher from Spss output As shown in the table above, the agencies under study were totally agree that tourist destination in Algeria are not equipped to accommodate the large number of tourist (mean 3 and Std.Dv 0.00), while the items from (2 to 4) were largely approved (with a mean 2.92, 2.82, 2.58 &Std.Dv 026, 038, 0.69), respectively. This means that these agencies were highly agreedthat tourist destination is neglected, in which deterioration of reception structures, and shortage of tourist guides. While the problem of security in the last item was approved only averagely, (mean 2.19 &std.dv 0.74), which is situated in the mid-degree of importance. Generally these agencies were highly agree that Algerian destinations have many shortcoming, that reflect in the total (mean 2.72 &std.dv 0.20), which is taken place in the high degree of importance. 3.1.3. Descriptive analysis of the third axis: Table 5. results of “Difficulties related to tourists” of the sample Items Mean S.D Degree Lack of knowledge about Algerian tourist destination; 3 0.00 high Searching for quality tourist destination abroad; 3 0.00 high The inappropriateness of tourism services to what the local 3 0.00 high tourist wants. Lack of domestic tourism culture among Algerian tourists; 2.90 0.29 high Total 2.97 0.07 high Source: By Researcher from Spss output We can notice in the table above that the three first items (from 1 to 3) have been fully approved by the agencies under study, and this is indicated by their (mean 3 &std.dv 0.00), which include the lack of knowledge about Algerian destination, the inappropriateness of tourism services, and searching for quality abroad. The last item has been highly approved too, but to a slightly lesser degree than the previous ones (mean 2.90 & std.dv 0.29). Briefly,the sample of our study was strongly agree about the difficulties related to tourists (with total mean 2.97 & std.dv 007), which is located in high degree of agreement.

3.1.4. Descriptive analysis of the fourth axis: Table 6. results of “prices difficulties” of the sample Items Mean S.D Degree The high prices of various services in local tourist 2.92 0.33 high destination, such as catering, hotels, fitness, entertainment…ect; Difficulty in negotiating prices with tourism service 2.98 0.13 high providers. Total 2.95 0.20 high Source: By Researcher from Spss output


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The table above represents results about high prices of Algerian destination, we can notice that both first and second item have been strongly approved by the agencies under our study (mean 2.92, 2.98 & std.dv 0.33, 0.13), respectively. It comes to the high prices of services in various local tourist destinations, and the difficulties in negotiation prices with the services providers. In general our sample was highly agreed about elevate of the services prices in the Algerian tourist destinations (mean 2.95 &std.dv 0.20). 3.2. Testing hypotheses In this part of our study, we will test four hypotheses, in which we emphasis or deny what we predicate as null (H0)/ alternative (H1) hypothesis. 3.2.1. Hypothesis 01: In order to test the first hypothesis “the administrative difficulties restrainttourism agencies to promote the local tourist destination in Algeria” we formed it as follow: H0:the administrativedifficulties do not hold back tourism agencies to promote the local tourist destination; H1:the administrative difficulties hold back tourism agencies to promote the local tourist destination. Table 7. Results of t-test for the first hypothesis of the study Dependent Variable Mean Std. Dev. T Value Sig Hypothesis 01 2.87 0.27 74.61 0.00 Source: By Researcher from Spss output The table above shows us what is concerned the first hypothesis, where the value of T-test was (74.61), with a sig level of (0.00), which is statistically significant if it is compared at (α ≤ 0.05), in the same time the mean in the table (2.87) exceeds the cut point (2), which indicates that the mean is statistically significant. Based on these results, the first null hypothesis is rejected, and the alternative hypothesis is accepted, which emphasize that “Tourism agencies of our studyfaces some administrative difficulties that restraints them to promote the local tourist destination”. 3.2.2. Hypothesis 02: In order to test the second hypothesis “the shortcomings in the local tourist destination in Algeria restraint tourism agencies to promote it” we formed it as follow: H0:shortcomings in the local tourist destination do not hold back tourism agencies to promote it; H1:shortcomings in the local tourist destination hold back tourism agencies to promote it.

Table 8. Results of t-test for the second hypothesis of the study Dependent Variable Mean Std. Dev. T Value Sig Hypothesis 02 2.72 0.20 94.25 0.00 Source: By Researcher from Spss output The results above shows us what is concerned the second hypothesis, where the value of T-test was (94.25), with a sig level of (0.00), which is statistically significant compared to (α ≤ 0.05).In the same time the mean in the table (2.72) exceeds the cut point (2), which indicates that the mean is statistically significant.


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Based on this, the first null hypothesis is rejected, and the alternative hypothesis is accepted, which emphasize that “Algerian Tourist destination has some shortcoming, that restraints tourism agencies to promote it”. 3.2.3. Hypothesis 03: In order to test the third hypothesis “there are difficulties regarding the domestic tourists restraint tourism agencies in Algeria to promote the local tourist destination.” we formed it as follow: H0: thedifficulties regarding domestic tourists do not hold back tourism agencies to promote local tourist destination; H1:thedifficulties regarding domestic tourists hold back tourism agencies to promote local tourist destination. Table 9. results of t-test for the third hypothesis of the study Dependent Variable Mean Std. Dev. T Value Sig Hypothesis 03 2.97 0.07 288.36 0.00 Source: By Researcher from Spss output The results of the third hypothesis appear on the table above the value of T-test, which was (288.36), with a sig level of (0.00), which is statistically significant at (α ≤ 0.05). In the same context, the mean in the table (2.97) exceeds the cut point (2), which indicates that the mean is statistically significant. Depended on this, the first null hypothesis is rejected, and the alternative hypothesis is accepted, which emphasize that “the difficulties regarding domestic tourists restraint tourism agencies of our study to promote local tourist destination”. 3.2.4. Hypothesis 04: In order to test the fourth hypothesis “the problem of high prices restraints tourism agencies to promote the local tourist destination in Algeria” we formed it as follow: H0:high pricesdo not hold back tourism agencies to promote the local tourist destination; H1:high prices hold back tourism agencies to promote the local tourist destination. Table 10. results of t-test for the fourth hypothesis of the study Dependent Variable Mean Std. Dev. T Value Sig Hypothesis 04 2.95 0.20 104.16 0.00 Source: By Researcher from Spss output The results of the fourth hypothesis appear on the table above the value of T-test, which was (104.16), with a sig level of (0.00), which is statistically significant at (α ≤ 0.05). In the same context, the mean in the table (2.97) exceeds the cut point (2), which indicates that the mean is statistically significant. Depended on this, the first null hypothesis is rejected, and the alternative hypothesis is accepted, which emphasize that “the problem of high prices restraints tourism agencies in our study to promote the local tourist destination in Algeria”. 4- Conclusion: The administrative obstacles are considered a constraint for foreign tourists who want to discover what Algeria has in abundance, while the high prices of tourism services are among the obstacles that haunt most tourism agencies given that their offers are closely related to the prices of services in tourist attractions by the providers. Add to that the lack of tourism awareness and knowledge towards domestic tourism, which represents a great challenge to encourage tourism in these areas.The local tourist destination is often characterized by many shortcomings, mainly related to insufficient accommodation in front of peak tourism seasons, and


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the deterioration of tourism infra structures. Local Tourist destination also suffers from a shortage of tour guides and historians in archaeological regions. These obstacles and others are among the reasons why organizing an internal tourist trip, or promoting a tourist destination in Algeria prevents most tourism agencies to undertaking such an experience. This study led us to conclude many recommendations according to the opinions of the tourism agencies westudied; the most important are the following:  Opening the door to tourism investments Provided that the privacy of each region is respected, with this would reduce the prices of services and improve quality, which in turn would lead to increasing tourism demand;  Sensitizing and convincing the Algerian citizens to what Algeria possesses in order to make the adventure of local tourism;  Coordinate all efforts of tourism sector to reduce service prices;  Contribute media, national press, and Tourism ministry in introducing Algeria as a tourist destination at local and international level;  Giving the opportunity to competencies and specialists to run and develop a purposeful national strategy for the long term;  Working to provide security and improving destination services.  Seeking to reduceairline fares towards the south;  Adopting specialized guides during trips to introduce the local heritage and traditions of each region in Algeria. References : Books : Desmet, P. (2005). Marketing direct. ParisFrance, Paris: DUNOD. Dominique, M. (2012). La communication publique et territoriale. Paris, : DUNOD. Joly, B. (2009). Le marketing. Bruxelles: Groupe de Boeck. Kotler, P. (1997). Marketing Management (éd. 9). New Jersey: prentice hall. Kotler, P., & Armstrong, G. (2006). Principles of marketing (éd. 11). New Jersey, New Jersey: Prentice-Hell. Smith, P., & Taylor, J. (2003). Marketing Communications, An integrated approach (éd. 3). London, London: Kogan page limited. Journal articles: Esu, B. B., & Ebitu, E. (2010, January). Promoting an Emerging Tourism Destination Vol. 10 Issue 1 (Ver 1.0),. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 10, pp. 21-28. Gilaninia, S., Taleghani, M., & Mohammadi, M. E. (2013). The role of public relations in organization. Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review (Nigerian Chapter), 1(10), pp. 47-51. Crompton, J. L. (1992). Structure of Vacation Destination Choice Sets., Vol. 19, p408. Annals of Tourism Research, 19(3), pp. 420-434. Eisend , M., & Küster, F. (2011, December). The effectiveness of publicity versus advertising: a meta-analytic investigation of its moderators. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, pp. 1- 45. Adewale, A. G., Adeniran, A. J., & Oluyinka, S. A. (2019, January ). The effect of personal selling and marketing on firm sales growth (a study of pz and dangote nigeria plc), ijrdo . Journal of Business Management, pp. 19-35. APUKE, O. D. (2018). understanding the concept of publicity in public relations: a synoptic review. Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review (Kuwait Chapter), 7(2), pp. 32-34. Articles published in the congress proceedings: Berendien A, L., Douglas, A., Fairer-Wessels, F., Kruger, E., Geldenhuys, E., & Francis, C. (2013). Matching Tourism Supply and Demand: an analysis of how tourism products meet the needs of emerging domestic market segments in selected regions in south africa. TTRA International Conference (pp. 1-14).


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