SEASON TWO (Episodes 6 – 10)

By Jackie Jones Copyright 2015 Jacqueline Jones All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in articles and interviews. This book includes some profanity, violence, and sexual references. It is not intended for readers under the age of thirteen. THE WARDENS SERIES SEASON TWO is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places, and incidents, are the product of the author’s imagination. Locations and any resemblance to events or actual persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.

For more information visit: Find Jackie on social media: @jackiejoneslive

*** Other Books Include: Fiction The Wardens Series Season One Scarbor Island Burning Chariot Secrets


Non-Fiction Don’t Be A Dumbass Writer Like I Was Monday Insights

Find books here: TABLE OF CONTENTS

Previously Episode 6: Home Episode 7: Blood & Stone Episode 8: Alliances Episode 9: Debt Episode 10: Cemetery Party To My Readers Review Promotion Persons of Interest & Supernaural Leaders Races Discovered Places Visited this Season Scarbor Island (excerpt) Author Bio Social Media Info

Previously in The Wardens Series . . . Things got crazy in The Wardens Series Season One, as wardens Erin and Zach took their supernatural hunting journey down to Kentucky, USA, where a soucouyant nest was making life a little bloody for the locals. After some downright dirty moves on both sides and an even messier clean-up, a mysterious man appeared sending them on their next mission to Toronto, Canada. It was there that Erin realised that her destiny had a lot more than the lycans and werewolves they were hunting, in the cards. She and Zach discovered an evolved werewolf, the first male to survive the change and that wasn’t all. Behind all this was a rogue lycan clan, unhappy with the rule of their leaders and with a dangerous weapon in tow – the third vodun priestess. There were seven of these dark magical badasses, who had just started Rising around the world. A few of the women were already aligned, while others remained lost in the wind. Not long after their run–in with the werewolves, Erin found out that she’s the fifth vodun priestess, which should have been a good thing, but the lies that went into covering it up, made her wary of trusting anyone. The strain put on her and Zach’s friendship made Erin put thousands of miles between them, though in the end it wasn’t an eat, pray, love vacation. Erin’s “sabbatical” to Hong Kong, China revealed the vampire Jacob, long-time lover in Erin’s past lives, and S.I.N (Succubi and Incubi Nation), sexy creatures with nothing to lose and every drop of human essence to gain. Meanwhile, Zach tried to get things back on track at their employer Praesidium’s headquarters in Middlesbrough, England, and succeeded only when he and Erin were paired up to find their deputy director’s missing dhampir daughter. In Capri, Italy, the wardens discovered the dhampir teen wasn’t really missing, but was staying with her father Nikolai, member of the Vampire High Council (VHC). Things heated up as Zach was almost killed by the bratty teen and Erin learned that not only had Nikolai hated her guts through the ages, but he couldn’t wait to be the one that eventually killed her. Amidst the travel, fighting and hunting down rogue supernaturals, Erin learnt lots more about her kind’s background, including the fact that in order for her to live on, she’d have to kill all the other priestesses. It was a piece of information that she wasn’t quite sure what to do with, until fate stepped in and made the decision for her. All roads led to the Gathering in Albania, the collective under Praesidium’s facilitation that included members from the VHC, S.I.N, lycan clans, shifters and demons. Everything was going well until the lycan clan that betrayed the others brought their priestess Bellona to the celebration. Tensions rose and feeling there was no other way out, Erin released a power even she had no clue was deep within her. After a hell of a fight, she managed to defeat Bellona and killed a host of other innocent bystanders in the process. The result? Not only did everyone want her head on a platter, but Praesidium thought it best to have her remanded to lockup. To date, Zach hasn’t seen her for months and Erin’s been slowly rotting away inside. Now, the continuation … Chapter 1 “This way!” Zach shouted, his arms pumping hard and legs hitting the concrete with loud thuds as he ran down a rogue demon. Next to him was Bruce, another warden and a man that was as fond of knives as Zach was of guns. Damian their handler tried to pass him off as a temporary replacement until Zach could be paired with a new partner, but he knew better. Bruce was there to watch him. Admin wanted to make sure that Zach was doing the job instead of focusing on ways to get Erin out of lockup, as he had been for the first month of the five she’d been sent away. Their chase took them around a sharp corner and Zach was glad for the sturdy combat boots he wore, as otherwise he would have skidded easily on the slick, wet road. “There,” Bruce said, pointing, and they both slowed, seeing the demon backing against a redbrick wall. His skin carried a charred texture and bright red lips spread around his wide grin, full of broken, yellowing teeth. His mouth spread further across his face as he snarled at the wardens, pushing himself even further against the wall. Zach drew his gun, aiming it at their target. “Don’t do anything stupid mate,” he said, inching closer. “Yea, we’d like to send you back to Athulla in one piece,” Bruce added, his baritone bouncing off the walls in the narrow space. “You’ll kill me anyway,” the demon shot back, his raspy tone emanating more like a hiss than speech. “Not our job,” Zach replied, “And even if we could, the new treaty says we have to send your ass back home.” The demon laughed, still pressing his body defensively against the wall. “I don’t believe a word of your treaties. Praesidium lies, your Gathering proved that,” he spat the words, eyeing them even more cagily than before. “Come on man, let’s just do this the easy—” “Shite, he’s gonna . . .” Bruce began, cutting Zach off, but he too was silenced as they watched the demon perform his next trick. The creature pushed his dark palms against the bricks, easing himself into it in vibrating movements. To the untrained eye it would appear to be rather slow going, but with their customised contacts, newly revamped with the increased number of rogue demons, the wardens could see what was actually happening. The demon was becoming one with the wall. Melting into it and merging with the structure, an ability that would allow him to eventually pass through the bricks to the other side. Zach rushed at him, knowing he had to act fast or lose their target. He fired at the demon, missing as the creature shivered and slid across the wall, avoiding his bullets easier than Zach liked. “Hold up there Zach, no use wasting good bullets.” Bruce sauntered up beside him, a look of pure smugness plastered across his face. Zach cringed, there was something about the guy that just rubbed him the wrong way. It’s cause he’s not Erin, an annoying voice in his head opined. “Can’t wait around for him to disappear mate,” Zach said, keeping his tone even. “Forgetting these?” Zach chanced a quick glance over at Bruce, whose open palm held six metal balls. Their smooth surface made them look like medium-sized grey marbles, but Zach knew they were much more. He turned to the demon, “Last chance mate, come out of there and let’s get you back home, no questions asked.” The demon, now all but one with the redbrick, peered out at them curiously, his eyes on Bruce’s new playthings. Finally he answered, “I’ll take my chances, Praesidium can no longer be trusted,” he called out, his voice unpleasant on Zach’s ears. Zach shook his head and turned to Bruce, “Can’t say we didn’t try.” Bruce’s face was creased with malice, “Wasted enough time as it is,” he threw the metal balls and took off at a run back the way they’d come, causing Zach to shout out. He turned his body, shielding himself from the first wave of destruction the nano-bombs caused, as sharp, magically spelled prongs exploded from them the moment they were released. Zach took off now, trying to get as far away from the pending explosion as he could, cursing Bruce – who was already some distance away - under his breath. “Why the hell didn’t you warn me?” Zach asked, eyes flashing angrily. Bruce pulled a pack of cigarettes from his jacket pocket and knocked the box against the heel of his palm, before removing one of the cylinders. “Couldn’t tip him off now could I?” He lit his cigarette, taking a deep drag. Zach shook his head, disgusted. “Don’t you ever put me in danger like that again,” he said, but Bruce only scoffed. “Call Unit 4 will you? I’ll take the tube back.” He sauntered away, as Zach looked after him with disbelief. He turned back to the disarray left behind, not looking forward to the bellyaching from containment when they realised they were being called in to clean up such a huge mess for one demon. He sighed, starting to dial, when he changed his mind and called Damian instead. “Hullo?” the older man sounded tired. “Hello sir, we’ve dealt with the little problem in Camden.” “Oi lad, sent ‘im back to Athulla with our regards?” Zach hesitated, “Tried to, but Bruce had other plans,” he replied. Damian sighed, “‘Ow many bloody times do I ‘ave to tell you idiots we can’t keep killing the bloody demons? Athulla made his demands clear and after what ‘appened last year, we’ve got to keep things in check. The new treaty’s barely ‘olding together as it is.” “I know, I know sir, but he just does whatever the fuck he wants, doesn’t matter who’s in his way or—” “Don’t want to hear it,” Damian interrupted. “Sir you don’t understand, I can’t work with him, he’s off his rocker.” “Some would have said that about your old partner too,” Damian said quietly. “Listen lad, I know Bruce has his ways, but admin wants him partnered with you for now, just tough it out and stop bloody complaining.” It was Zach’s turn to sigh, “Of course sir.” They hung up and Zach quickly dialled the number he should have the first time round. After a few minutes of containment red tape he hung up, trying not to push Bruce’s indiscretions out of his head. He propped against a wall and pocketed his phone, taking it out again soon after to dial a number he hadn’t for a while. “Hello mate,” he said when the recipient picked up, “Tired of the shit at work, meet up for drinks later?” Chapter 2 Zach dried his hands and pushed open the bathroom door. The rich sounds of cheerful conversations blended with nineties rock, greeted him as he made his way back over to the table he was sharing with friends. Thomas, Oliver and Brad were more like his brothers, as they’d all grown up in the system together. Even after Zach had been adopted by Praesidium and couldn’t contact them for a few years, he’d made it a point to do so the moment he could, and the four had been reacquainted as though he’d never left. “. . . that slag Karen?” Thomas was asking, before taking another gulp of beer. He placed the pint down with a heavy thud, his chunky tanned fist banging the surface as he tried to get the attention of a server. “Don’t be calling my future wife a slag you arrogant fucker,” Oliver retorted, laughing. His shaggy eyebrows seemed to move on their own and hooded deep-set brown eyes. “As if you’d ever settle down mate,” Zach said as he joined them, a cheeky smile on his lips. “Speaking of, where’s Pan?” He was referring to Brad, who’d married some years before and had been trying to recruit the others ever since. Their nicknames had been decided long before with Oliver labelled “Rev”, Thomas “Bit” and Zach “Rosie”. They didn’t allow anyone else to use these names for them and had sworn before they were ten to always keep the reasons for each one secret. “On his way, Jenny was late back,” Thomas replied. “Never get married mates,” Oliver said, adding his brand of wisdom to the proceedings. “Were you not saying two seconds ago how you were going to marry the sla- I mean her ladyship Karen Oxley?” Zach wanted to know. “Oi, oi! Shots lass?” Thomas called to the server. “You’ve wounded me Rosie, I thought you were on my side,” Zach laughed at Oliver’s feigned hurt. “You should know better Rev, I’m never on your side,” the three laughed but it wasn’t long before Zach sobered. Seeing his change in mood Thomas asked, concerned, “You called us here mate and ya never do that, so what’s the problem? Life in R & D getting ya down?” Zach’s friends believed he was a scientist in Research and Development for private firms. They never asked what he was researching or developing, the mystery surrounding his job title enough to keep them at bay. Plus they’d all learnt long ago that if one of them wanted the others to know something, they’d simply tell. “Yea, working with this new scientist who’s up his ass all the time, doing whatever he feels like, a damn nightmare to work with,” Zach replied as their brandy shots were brought to the table. “To sexy women giving me drinks,” Oliver offered, raising his glass to the server, whose vacant expression told them she didn’t care if she was working for tips or not. “What happened to the lass you were working with, the pretty one, or so you say,” Thomas asked with a smirk. Zach sighed, “She’s been . . . reassigned.” “Tough break mate, but can’t ya get them to get her back for ya? After all, ya have been there for five years now, ya deserve a bit of say doncha now?” Oliver asked, but Zach shook his head. “Doesn’t work like that for these kinds of firms. What they say goes and that’s that unfortunately.” “See, that’s why I like me gig at the post office. People come in, they ask about stamps, they rile up me supervisor and they go home. No worries, no stress.” “You do know the term ‘going postal’ the Americans like to use comes from somewhere right Rev?” “Don’t you get on me now,” Oliver retorted, laughing. “The point is, the rest of ya decided you were going to live the fancy life, ‘show me the money’ type shite and now, Pan’s buckled down with a wife and kids all the time, Rev’s got his sixteen hour days and work on Saturdays and you Rosie, you’re living at the bloody office. Me, the post office and good beer until I die,” he guffawed and the other two could not help but join him. Another voice interrupted them, “Rev celebrating mediocrity as always I see.” “Bloody hell Pan, it’s about time!” Oliver exclaimed as Brad joined them. “Thought you wouldn’t make it, again,” Thomas added knocking fists. “Mate, long time,” Zach said and stood for a quick embrace. He’d always felt closest to Brad, whose gentle ways had caused the others to guard him somewhat as they were growing up. “How’s Jenny and the kids?” “The kids you’ve never met?” Brad threw back with a knowing wink, “They’re well, Jen sends her love.” “I’m just glad she sent you mate,” Oliver chimed in with another raucous laugh, “Now give us a minute, I see a bird who’s eyeing all that the Rev’s got to give.” “So not much then?” Thomas retorted, quick on the draw. “Be back too mates, need the toilets.”

When they’d left Brad asked, “What you told me on the phone, they’ve not let her out yet then?” Shaking his head, Zach took a long drink of his beer. He’d only told Brad the truth about what he did and even so he’d shared the highlights, not wanting to draw his friend too deep into the real world and what went on within it. He fingered one of the water rings his glass had made, “No. It’s been months and nothing’s changed.” Brad put a comforting hand on his shoulder, “Sorry to hear it mate, truly. She sounds like a good girl, maybe someone for you to settle down with?” he asked hopefully, but Zach only laughed. “Even if I could, I wouldn’t want to. Think about what I do Pan, I couldn’t have what you have and do it, even with someone like me and especially not her.” Brad eyed him curiously, “Why’s that?” Zach was about to skirt the question when Oliver returned to the table. “Says she’s already got a boyfriend. As if a slag like that could . . .” Zach tuned out as his phone started to buzz in his pocket. “Gimme a minute lads,” he said, heading to a quieter place in the bar. “This is Zach,” he answered. “Laddie, you need to get your arse back to Middlesbrough right now.” Zach’s heart pounded in his chest, “What Damian, is she . . . ? What’s happened? Have they done something?” “Enough with the bloody questions lad, you want to see her or not?” Zach made for the bar’s exit. Chapter 3 Erin opened her eyes a crack. Squeezed them shut. She’d done this a total of four times so far and still blazing white light invaded her pupils as though they were under attack. She’d been in the dark for how long she didn’t know, had not been allowed visitors and no one had spoken to her since she’d been locked up. Her only interactions were with her assigned guard, a robust woman who used sharp jabs with a metal rod to get Erin to do as she wanted. Once a day she’d bring bathwater for her to wash and twice a day she’d return with food. Over time Erin found herself looking forward to these moments. It was then she could hear another’s breath and know that somehow she was not completely alone. Even though the darkness had taken away any chance of an image of the guard, Erin had become accustomed to things like her peppermint scent and the constant clicking of her tongue as she went about her duties. She tried opening her eyes again, shading them against the glare with a hand. “About time,” Alfonse, the guard who’d first put her away said gruffly and nodded to what Erin saw was an open door. She stood, crossing the floor gingerly and paused at the exit, “Dispelled?” she asked, her voice sounding strange on her ears. Alfonse sighed, “What do you expect?” Erin nodded, but still didn’t immediately step through the doorway. Four wardens had spelled her cage, each using a different magical language. She’d felt their energy as they’d done it and had been surprised that so many had. Usually only one or two wardens were required to spell the cages in lockup. Though Alfonse was telling her it was safe, Erin wondered if she’d take another step only to be pushed right back into her prison, or worse. Admin could be cruel when they wanted to be. She took a chance. Standing on the other side of the door she paused. Then, satisfied that she was not going to crumble to dust or some other awful end, breathed a sigh of relief. “Come on then,” Alfonse continued, impatiently. Erin followed him, still squinting as she went. Her eyes refused to adjust as quickly as she wanted and for the millionth time since she’d been imprisoned, she longed for her customised contacts. She’d tried to use her dark magic while locked up, but even conjuring a tiny flame to use as light, was blocked by the binding spells cast on her cell. When they had passed a row of cells and taken the two flights of stairs that led them back up to the main building, Alfonse turned to her. “Alright then, here’s where I leave you.” He reached under his wooden desk, “Take these,” he said, handing her a bundle of what smelt like fresh clothes then, “Get them on, quickly now.” Erin unbuttoned the blue jumpsuit she’d been made to wear and pushing it down, stepped out of it. Alfonse looked away, busying himself with the mess of papers on his desk. Heeding his word, Erin was hasty about dressing, not liking the scratchy V-neck T-shirt or the loose-fitting jeans. She was zipping the pants when Alfonse pointed to a pair of soft-soled black boots. “Put those on. When yer done, head on up to the Oval, Admin’s waiting for ya.” Erin pushed aside her apprehension. The last time she’d been in front of Praesidium’s administration, they’d sentenced her to an undetermined time in lockup. She’d accepted her fate, deciding that what she’d done at the Gathering had warranted their wrath. They’ve decided to get rid of me, she thought, willing her hands to stop shaking as she tied the thick laces. “Any idea what they want?” Alfonse just laughed, “Have ya been down here so long you don’t remember how things work? Admin doesn’t tell me their plans lassie.” Erin nodded, pushing the door that would lead her to the outer hallway open. “Good knowing ya,” she heard him call after her and sucked in a breath. She couldn’t let any of this get to her, no matter what was coming. Erin had made it halfway down the hall when she was met by two containment officers in full gear. The exoskeletons of their suits gleamed and they were indicating that she should follow them. She did, walking uncomfortably between them, acting more confident than she felt. “Was this really necessary guys?” she ventured, loathing that it was containment, not wardens, who were taking her to Admin’s offices. One of them scoffed before he answered, “Admin’s not taking any more chances, you wardens screwed up big time.” Erin cringed, “It wasn’t ‘you wardens’ dumbass, I did, me, don’t use this to feed your damn vendetta against us.” His partner glanced over at her and laughed, “Thinks she’s got a leg to stand on still. Let you in on a little secret, special or not, you don’t anymore.” Erin was about to retort, when a figure up ahead made her stop. “Damian,” she called in greeting, not able to hide her smile when she saw the familiar face. He didn’t return it. “I’ve got it from here boys,” he said and nodded to the containment officers, who took their leave. “Wouldn’t believe the nerve of those two, thinking they were above it all or something.” “You’re just out and still trying to get into bloody trouble?” Damian asked, glaring at her. “Damian I didn’t mean to, they were so—” “You never mean to anything, you do as you like and this time it was too bloody far, what’d you think would ‘appen? You almost ruined the bloody Gathering for good.” Erin listened as he ranted, her own anger building. “If any of you had the decency to tell me what the fuck I was, then maybe all of this would’ve been avoided. Ever thought of that?” she spat. Damian’s head looked almost bulbous as he reddened with rage, “Listen here,” he began, when a speaker from somewhere above them crackled to life. “Damian, Erin, come in.” Erin recognised the director’s voice and anything further that she or Damian might have said, was forgotten. They entered. Chapter 4 The first thing Erin noticed as she went in was that Jacob was there. He stood from his place across the aisle from the administration’s semi-circular table and his spring-green eyes roved over her as though checking for anything out of place. His ivory hair was pulled neatly back and the stylish mix of medieval and modern ensemble he wore, seemed more prim that usual. She took her place in the interrogation box as Damian sat next to Jacob. “Do you have any idea the international incident you created?” Anders began, his blue eyes boring into her. His deputy Lauren Monroe was in her usual place beside him and her gaze settled on Erin disdainfully. “Pretty certain you wouldn’t have locked me up if things weren’t bad Anders,” Erin replied. If they were going to sentence her to death or something, she wasn’t about to go down like a wimp. Anders cleared his throat. “Because of your actions, Praesidium has had to appease members of the Gathering from all factions. The demons do as they please, the shifters and lycans still haven’t brought their new terms to the table and the Vampire High Council’s been able to get access to the gargoyles. Do you know what that means?” “Shit’s really been going down,” was her steady reply. Lauren jumped in, her rage rising to the surface, “You listen here you ungrateful bitch. You’ve destroyed relations between us and the supernaturals that we’ve spent centuries forging . . .” “How’s Lisbet doing? Is she still with Nikolai?” Erin interrupted, smiling sweetly at Lauren. Lauren’s face turned crimson to the roots of her blonde hair and she opened her mouth to reply, when Anders held up his hand for silence. “Enough of this.” He turned to where Damian and Jacob sat, “Damian, she shows absolutely no remorse, that’s not what your latest report implied.” Damian stood, casting an annoyed glance in Erin’s direction. “The wardens assigned to her case indicated a shift in mood sir, they assured me that while Erin still feels guilt for what she’s done, the original anger and frustration has faded.” “You’ve been maging me this whole time?” Erin asked Damian accusingly. Mageology was the study of dark magic psychology, which allowed the wielder to gain insight into an individual’s psyche, without being in direct contact. It was most commonly used on those supernaturals that were a part of the Gathering, who the organisation believed could be released back into society after minor infractions. “I had no reason to doubt their findings sir,” Damian continued, ignoring Erin’s interjection. Anders nodded, considering what he’d said. “Do you remember what happened Erin?” Admin’s members looked over at her and Erin tried to fight the growing anxiety she felt. “Bits and pieces,” she said, her previous impudence fleeing her as flashes of the carnage at the Gathering returned to her thoughts. “It’s like watching a dream unfold, things that couldn’t have actually happened . . .” she let her words trail. She’d fought to remember all that had transpired while in lockup. Had mourned the loss of Zach, who she felt could not have survived, then hardened herself against these feelings, knowing weakness in the hole would mean her eventual demise. “Many died at your hand that night, those that witnessed and lived to tell the tale can assure you all you see in your head is far from a dream.” Anders stood, hands gripping the table in front of him as he glowered down at her, “Your unbridled power caused a scene that we are yet to recover from, yet you enter this hall flippantly, as though nothing has happened?” His shout echoed off the walls and Erin steeled herself against it. Then, replying in the only way she knew how to authority figures exhibiting displeasure towards her, “I get it, I fudged it all. If you’ve decided to have containment be rid of me so be it, I’m going to die one way or another when the other priestesses come after me, so what does it matter?” “None shall harm you.” Erin looked over at Jacob surprised. The vampire was standing again, looking only at her, his eyes drawing her in as they always did. “Listen to what your leaders say, do not be so quick to offer your life.” Erin was sure she saw something resembling a smile cross his face, but it passed too quickly and his expression seemed as stoic as before. “Thank you Jacob,” Anders grumbled. “Make no mistake Erin, we’re bloody angry, but we’re not going to kill you anytime soon, you’re way too valuable.” Erin held back her scoff. Saved by the vodun blood, she thought bitterly. “Then why am I here, I figured I’d be in lockup for good.” Lauren answered, “Since your dalliances caused such a disturbance in the supernatural world, we find it necessary to enlist the services of another vodun priestess.” Erin’s eyebrows crinkled, “I thought those that aren’t with other factions were in the wind. You’ve found the other two?” She didn’t miss the look that passed between Lauren and Anders, but the older woman went on, barely missing a beat. “Our sources indicate that there has been another Rising in the Caribbean, it’s been causing multiple disturbances there, more supernatural activity from creatures that are not a part of the Gathering. We’re sending you there to find out what you can and hopefully bring her in.” Erin paused, thinking, “Why me? I got the impression you didn’t ever want me going back,” she stopped, realising she’d almost said ‘home’. “The priestess is most likely to listen to another of her kind, you can show her the value of pledging allegiance to Praesidium and in return, we will allow you to roam free,” Anders replied. “Fair enough. Okay, when do I leave?” Anders glanced over at her handler, “Damian will give you all the details, then you and Zach will leave in the morning.” Zach? She’d been sure he’d died in the bloodbath she’d created and as no one had spoken to her for months, it hadn’t been difficult to hold onto this belief. “Zach’s alive?” she managed to croak out. It was Anders’ turn to look surprised. “Of course, who else could possibly rein you in?” Chapter 5 Zach knocked on the door of Erin’s Praesidium lodging. When she answered, wrapped in a large blue towel, honey-brown eyes looking at him uncertainly, it took all his self-control not to engulf her in a hug. He chose humour instead. “Always wondered if you were a natural redhead,” he began pointing at her hair. Not being able to dye it as she usually did revealed the light-brown roots of her natural curly hair. She touched it absently, still eyeing him with a strange look, “Nothing this awesome is natural, you should know that by now.” Zach smiled, running a hand through his dark hair. “Gonna let me in? Or should I stay out here in the hallway until you’re done?” Erin turned, allowing him entry and he followed her, trying to keep his nerves in check. “I tried to see you,” he said to her back. “I thought you were . . .” “I know,” Zach replied interrupting, “That’s why I tried to see you, I needed you to know I was okay.” Zach watched her as she turned to look at him, her gaze softening as though she was now truly believing he was actually with her. “Missed me?” she asked with a sly smirk. “As much as I’d miss any pain in the ass,” he answered, wondering for a moment why he didn’t just tell her how he really felt. That it’d been like a part of him had been ripped away when she’d been locked up. That he’d thought about her every day since. That he’d hated working without her. To his surprise, she didn’t deliver any of her usual quick-witted replies. “Damian send you to brief me?” “Yea, something urgent has come up at Containment Unit 4, so he won’t see us before we leave. Asked me to fill you in,” he replied, hiding his surprise at her lack of comeback material. Erin sat in one of the room’s club chairs, “Okay, so fill me in.” Zach nodded, unsure what the new look in her eyes meant. It was almost as though she was shutting him out. He sat across from her, deciding the best course of action was to launch into business mode. “We’re flying out of Gatwick to Barbados where we’ll be meeting with a liaison there.” “Barbados?” she asked, leaning back perplexed, “I thought they didn’t want me going there, I mean Anders said the Caribbean but I never thought . . .” “I wondered about that too,” Zach explained, “Admin confirmed that the last citing of Melia Gei, the fifth priestess of vodun, was in Barbados and that’s where they want us to go.” “Is it going to be okay me going there? What if someone knows me?” Zach gave her a reassuring smile. She seemed to be flitting all over the place emotionally and this anxious individual he saw before him, was not the Erin he knew. “Not possible. When we get there we’ll be with our liaison Detective Thornhill, who’ll brief us, then escort us to the holding units where they have a supernatural on lockdown.” He watched Erin soak this all in, seeing the precise moment when she reverted back to her original cool. She gave him a hard look, “I thought you were dead.” “I know, but I’m not, I wish I could have—” A knock interrupted him and before he could continue Erin had risen to answer the door. Zach swallowed his annoyance when he heard the smooth tone of the person behind it. “Bad timing?” Jacob asked as he entered, his gaze moving from Erin to Zach. “No,” Zach answered standing, then to Erin, “I can tell you the rest on the way, need to get our gear sorted anyway.” “See you in a few hours?” Erin asked as he exited. “Course.” Zach let the door close with a soft click behind him, fighting the urge to eavesdrop. Damn vampire would know I was there either way. Instead he chose to do as he’d said, making his way briskly down to the armoury. After Gorgon had given him the usual once over, Zach entered the weapons’ cages. It was mostly empty and the wardens he did pass were not those he knew. He pulled a large duffle from a supply rack, packing it with cases of spelled bullets. Then crossing the room, he tested the weight and grip of multiple spelled daggers, determining which Erin would like best, before choosing four options. When he’d tucked these securely into the bag and was wondering if he had enough bullets, Gorgon poked his head around the corner, his large glass eye gazing at nothingness, while his true eye saw more than Zach thought he probably ever could. “Arsenal you have there,” he said chortling. Though he didn’t feel like it, Zach delivered an affable smile to the leader of the Cyclops Nation, knowing it was always better to be on good terms with Gorgon. “Heading to Barbados,” he replied in passing, “Can’t be too careful.” With no containment units in the Caribbean, any captured supernaturals were dealt with in holding units found across the islands. Praesidium did not trust their liaisons with their specially crafted weapons and as such, Zach knew they’d have to come even better prepared than usual. They were going in blind, to a place that was rampant with malevolent supernaturals. “So tales of the priestess are true?” Zach masked his surprise. The organisation was careful about sharing details of its operations regarding the priestesses, even with sanctioned supernaturals. Gorgon nodded knowingly, “Be careful my friend, one priestess destroys the Gathering, two, well,” he said, his large palms opening to reveal rough callouses, “Who knows the damage of two?” He walked away and Zach turned back to the rows of boxed bullets. He threw a few more cases into the bag. Chapter 6 When Erin stepped off the plane at Grantley Adams International Airport, she immediately shed her leather jacket. Feeling more comfortable in the rush of heat in her customary black vest and fitted pants, she followed Zach who was up ahead. Her mind raced as she looked around, customised contacts taking in every detail of those around them as they crossed the tarmac. The wardens whizzed quickly through customs, as they’d only travelled with carry-on luggage. Erin had cast a cloaking spell on their things so anything magical was hidden, shielded from wondering eyes. The last thing they needed was to be locked up in a Barbadian prison. “That’s him,” Zach called over his shoulder when they’d been cleared and were once again in the sunshine. Her partner had also opted for lighter clothing and Erin found it strange to see him decked out in a white cotton shirt with rolled up sleeves and khaki slacks. It was way too relaxed for the uptight Zach she knew. Things change, a voice in her head said. It was something Jacob had told her when he’d disclosed more than she thought she could handle last night. He’d been adamant that she keep his revelations to herself and Erin wondered when the secrets would ever end. “Looks like a fun guy,” she replied, walking a little quicker to catch up to Zach. Before now, Erin had only seen Detective Thornhill in his file picture, now he stood waiting for them, with a stern look. When they reached him, Zach extended a hand in greeting, “Detective, I’m Zach, this is my partner Erin.” Detective Thornhill eyed them both almost suspiciously for a moment, before grasping Zach’s hand, then Erin’s. He was a stocky man, a few inches shorter than Zach and was dressed formally in tailored pants and shirt. “Glad you’re finally here, called this in over a week ago.” Hearing the familiar accent, Erin hid her nostalgia with a question. “Admin explained why we’re here right? We won’t be disposing of your prisoner, containment will follow-up and get that done.” Erin did not care for the condescending look the detective threw her way, “This is not my first time, I know what to expect. I’m parked over there.” Detective Thornhill turned before they could say anymore and crossed the street into the parking lot. Cars lined the lot and people rushed to and fro either departing or arriving. “Not very friendly is he,” she observed. “He was fine when I talked to him on the phone. Probably angry cause we took so long, you know how it goes.” Zach glanced at her, “How are you doing though?” “Fine. I’m back in a place I never thought I’d see again, so everything’s perfect.” “Dial back on the sarcasm Erin, I was just asking.” “I’ll take the backseat,” Erin said, snubbing Zach as they came up to the detective’s charcoal grey sedan. She didn’t want to deal with the myriad of feelings that were racing through her, and from what Jacob had said, she needed to keep them under control more than ever now. “So we’re dealing with a diablesse?” she asked when they’d pulled away from the airport and onto the busy highway. “Yes,” Detective Thornhill replied, glancing back at her. “From the Laja bloodline.” “Pretty bad seed unfortunately,” Zach added. Though he and Erin often dealt with unsanctioned supernaturals in their travels, they’d never gone up against a diablesse. She’d read as much as she could about the creature during their seven hour flight, brushing up on things she’d long forgotten from her days in training. “They’re like S.I.N more or less right? Taking through intimacy?” Detective Thornhill threw her another scathing look, “The Succubi and Incubi Nation are nothing like the diablesse. Yes, they take from pleasuring the victim, but they are not a part of the Gathering and when they kill, it’s brutal. The one we have in custody left bodies all up and down the gullies in the last ten months. Had people ‘bout here scared to go out.” “Serial killer on the loose in Barbados,” Zach said quietly, quoting one of the local stories they’d seen in Barbados Today, one of the island’s online news outlets. “Ever since we send for wardens or containment, or anybody to come and nothing. Once it ain’t the big cities Praesidium don’t care nothing about what going on otherwise.” Erin frowned, “Now hold on, that’s not true at all, Zach and I go to smaller countries all the time to bind supernaturals, don’t go talking about things—” “Talking foolishness,” Detective Thornhill said cutting her off, he continued, glancing back at her intermittently, “When is the last time you—” “What the fuck?” Zach exclaimed and Erin, her anger immediately dissipating at the sight of what was ahead, whispered a quick protection spell. The highway that had been ahead of them, with cars lining its lanes, was replaced by a cotton field. Playing children stopped, turning to look at them curiously. Detective Thornhill, shocked by the change in scenery was still driving forward at top speed the children in his direct path, yet they did not move. At the last minute he swerved. Chapter 7 Zach pushed his palms against the car’s ceiling as Detective Thornhill swerved to avoid the children. Before he could complete the action, it was as if the cotton field, playing children and all else disappeared, to be replaced by the Barbadian highway once again. Instead of avoiding children, soon the detective was trying his best to stay out of the way of oncoming traffic. It was too late. “Hold on!” the detective yelled. “We’re good,” Zach heard Erin add as the sedan spun out of control. He pushed harder against the ceiling, knowing it would better protect him should they collide. He didn’t have to wait long for that to happen. A truck in the opposite lane, unable to brake fast enough to avoid their vehicular attack, screeched towards them. Detective Thornhill’s hands seemed to freeze on the wheel and Zach could hear Erin reciting another protection spell for good measure. A terrible boom assaulted his ears as the car hit the truck head on. The three flew forward, barely protected by their seatbelts and with no airbags to prevent it, Zach crashed painfully into the dashboard. The din of screeching tyres rose to crescendo pitch, as vehicles along the highway tried to escape the metallic carnage. “Shit,” Zach shouted when he saw that momentum wasn’t done with them yet. The truck sent them sideways back into their lane, the sedan narrowly avoiding collision with another. Detective Thornhill, as though finding his bearings, yanked the car hard to the right, then back to the left to avoid a van, but that action had its own consequences. The sedan flipped, sending its occupants on a tumbling journey that ended in a low ditch beside the highway. As the car came to an abrupt stop, Zach’s head thudded against his rolled-up car window. He winced at the pain when it connected and tried to push himself up. Instead the weight of Detective Thornhill’s head and torso slumped against his shoulder and arm, making it difficult for him to move. Ignoring it, he inhaled deeply, relieved that he could not smell anything burning or escaping gas. “Erin?” he called, hearing her rustling about in the backseat. “Told you we were good,” she answered, “Arm’s killing me, spell was a bit weak,” she added. Zach had been thinking it but hadn’t wanted to say it. “You’ve been out of it for a while, might just need to recharge. Sit a minute, get yourself together.” “Nothing a little healing spell won’t fix. How’s the detective? I’m still stuck to my door at the moment, haven’t popped up to see how you’re getting on yet.” There was a slight chuckle behind her words and for a moment Zach was reminded of how often he’d had arguments with her for being too glib in serious situations. He pushed against the detective, not wanting to move him too much should he be hurt any worse than they were. “He’s having a nap courtesy of my shoulder,” he said, then pushed gently again. “Zach?” “Yea?” “You saw it right? I mean, you both did?” Zach didn’t answer her immediately. He knew what she meant – the cotton field and playing children that had so inconveniently appeared while they were driving. “I saw,” he said finally, “Not many strong enough to conjure an image that multiple people see simultaneously.” “And it was just meant for us, you saw that too right? No one else realised, it was us who made a mess of it and caused the accident. It’s got to be her, I mean what else could do that? The practitioners down here are gifted but not like this.” Zach considered what she’d said. Practitioners were in the business of the magical arts and were a band of obeah men and women who generated their magic from potions made from materials found in nature. He knew as well as Erin that this was not something they’d be capable of. He pushed at the detective again, hearing him groan this time. “Give me a hand?” he asked and Erin obliged, propping herself up. Pale blue light emanated from her palm as she touched Zach and he felt his headache slowly dissipate. He awkwardly righted himself, careful not to disturb or hurt the passed-out detective. When Detective Thornhill’s unconscious body was better supported by his shoulder, Zach pointed briefly at a small crowd gathering near the car. “We better let him rouse naturally, it’ll look better.” “Shit, it’s become a spectator sport,” Erin agreed and started to pull herself up further. “Okay, I’ll have the easier job getting out, then I’ll help you guys.” Zach wasn’t able to see Erin’s attempts to escape the car, but could hear her push forcefully against door opposite her. “Don’t hurt yourself,” he began, when he felt his head start to pound with new pain. He went to push Detective Thornhill off him, his only intent to do anything that would alleviate the pain, but the detective was no longer there. He felt as though he was suspended in thin air, caught in a black room where he could see nothing but teasing shadows. “Erin?” he called out, “Detective?” Yet all that answered him was the echo of his own voice. “What the fuck’s going on?” he yelled to the blackness, already starting to have a pretty good idea. A figure stepped from the inky black, sleek, thin frame, that curved and mellowed in all the right places. He couldn’t see the face, but Zach was already sure it was the vodun priestess they were hunting. “Melia Gei,” he said quietly, then, “How’re you doing this? Are the others . . .” she broke in with a hearty laugh. “Just you this time Zach,” she said, “Oh, surprised I know your name? I know everything about you.” “That’s not possible, we’ve never met.” She ignored his protest, “I’ve taken you to tell you this and only this, you and Praesidium must let her go, she withers in your care.” Zach shook his head, “If you know so much, you know we’re coming to take you in, why not just kill us and have that be that?” Melia, a cheeky silhouette, laughed again, “I don’t want your death on my hands, she won’t like that too much, still, she is not yours to have, no matter what your heart tells you it feels.” Her laughter irritated him and caught in her world of darkness and shapes, there was little he could say to redeem himself. “What do you want?” he asked pointedly, hoping she’d release him with an answer. “I have already told you Zach, deliver my vodun sister to me and tell no one of this deal we now strike, or face the consequences of your disobedience.” Zach tried to temper his building anger, “Obviously you’ve been watching us or something, somehow and you have to know I can’t make Erin do anything she doesn’t want.” “Oh, you will, or those boys you call your friends and all they hold dear, will vanish as easily as you do right now.” In moments Zach could feel the weight of Detective Thornhill on his shoulder once again and he gasped, returned to reality just as Melia had promised. Chapter 8 “You okay Zach?” Erin asked, hearing a loud gasp escape him. She was still fervently pushing against the car’s door, impatience beginning to consume her. “Yea,” she heard him answer, as she struggled to keep herself elevated. She’d unbuckled her seatbelt when she first realised they would crash and was now thankful for that, as it made it easier for her to get to the door. “You good detective?” she asked, as another groan came from his general direction. It seemed that he was waking and she was glad for that. Damian wouldn’t have liked hearing they’d been in Barbados for one day and had already put one of the organisation’s liaisons in hospital. “I’ve got him Erin, focus on what you’re doing.” She thought Zach’s tone sounded strained, but pushed that aside, fiddling with the door handle before pushing hard against it again. It didn’t give way and she tried once more, this time with additional force. When that didn’t work, she placed her palm on the door, allowing a burst of dark magical energy to pulse through it so that the door not only opened, but was separated from its hinges and fell to the grass. “Wait, you see tha’? Be careful getting out there so honey, that car like it ain’t stable.” Erin poked her head out before she grasped both sides of the hole she’d created and climbed up and out. She cringed at the small crowd of onlookers that had gathered. The one who had spoken, a short, dark-skinned man with greying hair, hurried to help her down from the wreckage and Erin did her best to appear grateful. “Appreciate it, I’m okay though, help the guys still inside,” she said, surveying the wreckage. Good thing we were under protection spells, she thought. The front of the car had been crushed like a tin can and the detective’s door had also taken a beating, though it was not as bad as Erin’s had been. It wasn’t long before Detective Thornhill was sitting in the grass collecting himself and Zach was standing with her, his expression grave. “You can’t be serious. You din’ looking part you was going?” The argumentative shout, peppered with heavy dialect, came from a burly man who charged towards the three. “Looka, let de police sort out all of this, they get hurt too,” the first man who’d spoken to Erin said, trying to calm him. “You don’t get in this, I coulda kill de three a wanna with my truck, good thing I got good brakes. You couldn’t see de damn road?” he shouted angrily at Detective Thornhill, who gave him a scathing look. The detective pulled his badge from his pocket. “You want me write you up for doing one-sixty on the highway? Cause I know you weren’t within the speed limit, not how you were coming at me.” This seemed to sober the driver, though Erin could see he was still very upset. “Better get him healed up Erin, we can’t let this escalate into more of a scene than it already is.” Erin nodded. Zach was right, cars were passing the scene slowly, drivers and their passengers trying to see what was going on. Their protection spell had kept them and those vehicles they’d encountered when the had car spun out of control safe, and they had been no serious injuries, but it wasn’t stopping inquisitive passers-by from taking pictures with cell phones as they went. The wardens tried to keep their backs turned to the road as much as possible, knowing the repercussions should their intent be questioned. Hearing sirens in the distance, Erin walked over to Detective Thornhill and knelt beside him. “Spiritus sanitatis,” she whispered, unable to use any of her stronger spells, as they would be visible to those gathered. “Hope that wasn’t no obeah you were working on me,” the detective said with a grimace that was apparently as close as he was going to come to saying ‘thank you’. “If I was going to detective, you’d know. Zach?” she called to her partner who was already coming over to join them. “I’m going to have to do a quick wipe, brief the detective on procedure.” “Sure you’re up for it Erin? You haven’t used magic in a while.” “Containment’s nowhere near and we can’t have this accident appear as anything other than it was. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.” She forced a smile and walked past him towards the small crowd. In the distance she saw what looked like insurance agents coming to join them and Erin moved quickly. Seldom did she need to use mind-cleansing spells as this was containment’s duty, but they had to cover their bases. Whispering a few quick words in Latin and English, Erin spoke to the truck driver first, keeping her tone even. “You really came out of nowhere,” she began, “Gotta be more careful, next time you could get someone killed.” She feigned distress and saw that though the truck driver was confused as he tried to piece together how he’d become responsible for the accident, her spell was working. The mind- cleanse spell was laced in all she said to him and those around them. Soon the story among spectators was focused on the truck driver, with even Erin’s ‘hero’ getting in on the act. “Wunna does drive too crazy man, always tryin’ to get places faster than necessary,” he scolded, then turning away from the truck driver, “You alright honey, you look real sweet ya know, you from bout here?” Erin forced a smile, “Need to check on my friends,” she said, “Thanks for your help.” She re- joined Zach and Detective Thornhill. “We’ll have another car in a few minutes and I’ll take you down to the holding unit. Hopefully we don’t have any more problems like this one.” “I don’t suspect we will,” Zach replied, but when Erin looked at him questioningly he was silent. As the detective went to answer another call she asked, “You never told me, do you think it’s Melia? Or maybe some other entity? Damian did say there was increased activity in the Caribbean recently.” Erin noted that Zach didn’t look at her, but was staring at the broken car as though he hadn’t heard. When he did reply, it sent chills down her spine. “It was her and I don’t think she’s like anything we’ve ever seen before.” Chapter 9 As afternoon turned into early evening, the group arrived at the holding unit. It was an underground bunker in St. Lucy, one of the country’s eleven parishes. The remote location was one of two Praesidium kept on the island, used to house supernaturals that got out of hand in Barbados, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and Antigua. The latter islands did not have holding units of their own and according to Detective Thornhill, liaisons in these three islands had been hard at work rounding up rogues and sending them via boat and small aircraft, over to Barbados. Locals did not question the suspicious drops that took place all hours of the night and early morning far off the island’s East Coast. Many assumed they were drug-related, a story the organisation kept solid by staging shoot-outs, and subsequent media coverage detailing made-up stories of drug busts gone bad and high-speed coast guard chases just off the coast. Zach took in the fresh air as they exited the dark blue Jeep that had replaced Detective Thornhill’s sedan. Using the detective’s many connections, they’d been able to quickly leave the scene after the first responders had arrived and had high-tailed it to the bunker. “Look out for centipedes in this grass,” Detective Thornhill warned as he led the way down a worn pathway. Both sides were enclosed by bush that reached Zach’s stomach and he treaded carefully, heeding their guide’s words. “How long was the bunker out here?” Erin asked. She strolled ahead as though not at all bothered by the detective’s concern. “Was here for years, since war times I think, but Praesidium bought out the land long before my time and used it for this. Here we are.” They paused by a concrete barrier that surrounded an iron, slanted door. Detective Thornhill pulled hard on one of the rusty handles and stepped up before disappearing underground. “Okay?” Zach asked his partner, seeing her hesitate. “Let’s just get this over with,” she replied and followed the Barbadian policeman. “Couldn’t agree more,” Zach said under his breath, descending, then used the handle on the other side to close the door behind them. As he went down into the brightly lit bunker, his eyes fell first on five others staring intently at monitors. The equipment contained within the bunker was state- of-the-art and Zach’s eyes fell on some that was uniquely Praesidium’s, right down to its dark magic infused roots. “Nice setup,” he said, before walking over to the monitors. “Hands off,” a surly young woman with piercing dark eyes bellowed as he came near. “I’m pretty sure we outrank you and either way, this is child’s play,” Erin said, stepping forward defiantly. “Doesn’t mean you two can come in here and touch my stuff.” “Look now Cathy, no need for all of that, these are the wardens that Praesidium finally sent, just give them what they need and call me when they’re finished.” The woman backed off sitting back down, while the others barely acknowledged the wardens’ presence. When Detective Thornhill left, Zach asked, “Which one is she?” He’d been trying to determine between the captured supernaturals. They were nine in all, but only three were obviously female. Cathy answered grudgingly, “Screen two,” then with a touch of scorn, “Can’t you tell? The diablesse is always the prettiest.” Looking at the creature before him on the monitor, Zach saw what she meant. With long, raven dark hair that fell to her waist, dark brooding eyes and a strong angular face complimented by mocha skin, the diablesse was stunning. “We’ll probably need a repulsion spell like what we use with S.I.N’s people,” Erin said. “If you’re sure? Worse comes to worse . . .” he patted his Glock which was loaded and ready should they have any problems. Unlike containment units, supernaturals brought to holding units had no chance at ever being released, even if they cooperated. There simply was not enough manpower in the islands to risk it. “Cathy is it? Open up this bitch’s cage when we get down there,” then to Zach, “I’ll take lead,” was Erin’s reply. They walked down a short hallway, then descended a winding slope that took them to the cells. Zach heard Erin’s whispered spell yet braced himself. Detective Thornhill had more or less told them they couldn’t deal with a diablesse as they did with S.I.N. When they reached the second cell, its iron door swung open noiselessly and the diablesse smiled at them prettily, while adjusting her long chiffon dress. “I was not expecting visitors,” she said warmly, with a thick Barbadian accent. “And you still don’t have any,” Erin replied. Zach stood in one of the room’s corners, watching for sudden movements. “Tell us what you know about Melia Gei,” his partner continued, facing the diablesse at eye- level. “About as much as you I would think, priestess of vodun.” Zach saw Erin’s registered surprised, which soon turned to annoyance when the diablesse chuckled. “I could sense your power long before you came here to me, feels like her, only she’s much stronger.” She leaned in conspiratorially as though about to tell a grand secret, “She’ll beat you.” Erin delivered a back-handed blow across the diablesse’s pretty face. “Erin . . . ” Zach warned. “Tell me what you know,” his partner ordered again through gritted teeth. Zach stepped forward, not liking the look in Erin’s eyes. He remembered it all too well, one that was accompanied by nothing but trouble in its wake. The diablesse touched her face where she’d been slapped, a slight smile on her lips. “The house of Laja serves at the will of the vodun priestesses whenever they rise. You know why that is?” Seeing Erin’s arm tense, Zach took another step. “Erin . . . ” “It’s because without the priestesses, we cease to exist. I kill to honour the seventh priestess of vodun, who allows my kind life. I would honour any other in the same way if, they choose to walk with her.” “Tell me what you know about Melia Gei, where is she?” Zach watched as an anger he had not known she was capable of took hold of Erin. She wrapped a hand around the diablesse’s neck, only the creature did not even flinch. Instead she croaked, “Bad choice.” Before he could do anything, the diablesse whipped her skirt up to reveal a withered left leg. “Erin.” He reached for his gun, but it was already too late. He watched as Erin’s hand started to quiver, slowly withering up just as the diablesse’s leg was. He watched powerless as she let go. Chapter 10 Erin tried to contain her horror as her supple flesh was replaced by blackened rot. She’d seen her mistake almost immediately and cursed her quick temper that had led her to foolishly grab the diablesse. Diablesse kept their afflicted limbs covered when reeling in their prey. It was only when their victims’ defenses were lowered, that they exposed the afflicted flesh, a potent killer when they were being touched by another. Erin flung her other arm out, pushing the diablesse back and away from her, causing the creature to slam hard against the reinforced concrete wall. The beautiful face that had looked at them so sweetly when they’d first begun to interrogate her twisted into a wicked grin. She stood with her leg still exposed to them, sturdier than one would imagine given its state of decay. “Are you okay?” Erin whispered a healing spell in answer to Zach. Her affected arm throbbed with pain but she couldn’t focus on that now. “You’re going to tell us what we want to know,” she said, annoyance creeping in and replacing fear, especially as her arm was gradually returning to its usual healthy dark caramel. It hung limply at her side now, sharp jabs of pain almost making her wince. “You’re choosing the wrong side,” the diablesse replied, keeping her distance. “There aren’t any sides. Haven’t you heard? We all kill each other in the end.” The diablesse laughed, it was a pretty, enticing sound and Erin whispered a protection spell. She remembered her last run-in with S.I.N and wasn’t about to be entranced by the creature. “There are sides all right, it’s us, against them.” On her last word she leapt at Zach, moving in a fluid motion, her dress like water gliding on air. Her movements weren’t fast enough and Erin saw Zach pump his trigger twice. “Quiescite mansei,” her shouted spell, a mixture of Latin and one of the magical languages, caused Zach’s bullets to pause in mid-air before falling, clattering to the floor. This interruption helped the diablesse who reached her hands out to grab hold of Zach, but Erin was quicker. She whipped her unaffected arm out, flinging the creature against the wall again, holding her in place this time. “What the hell was that?” Zach asked reddening, “I had her for fuck’s sake.” “You would’ve killed her before we found out what we need to and that’s not an option." “So you risk my life to save hers? Are you mental?” Erin grimaced. Keeping the diablesse trapped against the wall was draining her magical energy and the last thing she wanted was a shouting match with her partner. “You weren’t in any danger, I have her handled,” she paused, using her now fully healed arm to pull the diablesse towards her, “See?” Zach didn’t answer, training his gun on the diablesse. “Now, are you going to tell me what I want to know, or is my partner going to get his wish and end you?” Erin’s captive twisted her body, fighting to free herself from the priestess’ clutches. “I have nothing to say to you, betraying your own kind like a coward.” She had no soon finished giving her opinion, when the creature’s head snapped back and her eyes closed. “She’s got her,” Erin said shaking her head. She could feel the same energy that had encompassed them on the highway and looked around, almost expecting to see Melia step through the locked door. “You’ve got to let her go Erin, she could transfer something to you or . . .” Before Zach could finish, the diablesse’s eyes opened and she looked at Erin with the same sweet smile she’d worn before. “She wants to meet you. She says you’ll know where.” “Melia? How could I? I don’t even know what she looks like, how am I supposed to find her?” “She says you’ll know where,” the diablesse repeated. “It’s a trap,” Zach said, “Don’t listen to her.” “Where is she, how did she speak to you?” Erin asked more fervently, ignoring Zach’s warning. “You’ll find her where the—” A gunshot echoed across the room and Erin’s lips folded into a thin line as bloody residue of the diablesse’s brains splattered against the walls. She relinquished her magical hold, letting the creature’s corpse fall to the floor, then turned, glaring at Zach. “She was going to tell me where Melia Gei was,” she said, as calmly as she could. “You can’t listen to what they say Erin, you know better than that. Or have you forgotten all of your training since you’ve been locked up?” The insult stung, but for once Erin let it go. She had bigger fish to fry. She brushed past Zach, making her way back up to the control room. “You guys ruined that cell, damn,” said Cathy, “Who you think has to clean that shit up?” “Do you have a car?” Erin asked, unwilling to be drawn into the woman’s tirade. “Yes, why?” Cathy asked, suspicious. “I need your keys.” “Erin, where do you think you’re going?” Zach asked frowning. “Get a ride back with Detective Thornhill, Praesidium sent me to go after Melia and that’s what I’m going to do.” She turned back to Cathy, “Keys.” “You can’t just take my car, do you even know where you’re going?” Cathy fired back. Erin gave her a hard look, her expression crushing all stubbornness and Cathy took a set of keys from her desk and handed them over. “The garage’s underground, just go through there and I’ll open it up for you,” she mumbled. Erin nodded, about to follow her directions when Zach grabbed her arm, “We were sent Erin, you’re not in this thing alone and you can’t just head off in a strange country on your own. You know our procedures.” Erin looked down at his hand on her arm. She remembered when that hand had given her comfort, when those green eyes had made her feel safe, but too much had happened and she couldn’t see how Zach could understand. “That’s where you’re wrong Zach. I am on my own. The only reason I’m out is cause they want to use me, what do you think happens when this is all over?” She shook her head, “Get a ride back with the detective, I’m going.” His hand dropped and Erin left, never once looking back. Chapter 11 Zach turned the key to the Ocean Spray apartment where he and Erin were supposed to be staying. He dropped their bags on the floor and sat on the nearest bed, running a hand across his face. He’d hoped killing the diablesse would have deterred Erin from pursuing Melia into the unknown, but deep down he’d known better. Erin did as Erin wanted. He constantly tried to remember how young she was. She’d turned twenty-two while in lockup and he knew her impulsive nature could also be attributed to youth. “As if you’re so much older,” he scoffed, talking to himself. He was barely grazing twenty-six. He took out his phone and dialled her number, not expecting her to answer. “Yes?” “Hey, checking in, is everything all right?” He could hear the whir of her car window being rolled up before she answered. “On my way now.” He didn’t like her short responses, but pressed on, wanting things to be right between them. “On your way where Erin? She didn’t tell you where Melia was.” “I’ve got a pretty good idea,” she replied. “Care to let me in on it?” he asked, keeping his tone even. She didn’t respond right away and all he could hear was her steady breathing. “I’m going home Zach. Call you when I’m done.” She hung up and Zach pocketed his phone, trying hard to shake the myriad of negative emotions that were threatening to engulf him. He took it out quickly again, memories of all Melia had said to him in her conjured world, coming back to him like a frightening dream. One by one he checked in on his friends, leaving Brad for last. After they’d been chatting aimlessly for a while he said, “You’ve always wanted to take a trip with the family, how about you do that now?” Zach knew Melia’s reach had to be vast, how else would she know so much about him, but he didn’t think she could have eyes everywhere. Brad sighed, “I’d love to, but Jenny’s up for that promotion and the kids start school again in a few weeks. Not the best time really.” “You should go anyway, get away for a while,” Zach persisted. “Why the sudden interest in my family’s vacation get-away plans?” Brad asked with a chuckle. “Can’t tell you Pan, but it’s one of the ways I can try to protect you.” “What? What are you talking about? Are we in some kind of danger?” he lowered his voice, “Is everything okay with R&D?” It was Zach’s turn to release a heavy sigh and he ran a hand through his dark hair. “Listen, I can’t tell you and I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I know I couldn’t live with myself if anything happened to you, any of you. Take a vacation Pan.” He tried to lighten his tone, “The mates are going to Amsterdam on my dime, maybe you and the brood can join them eh?” Brad didn’t say anything and Zach knew he was thinking hard on what had been said. Finally he spoke, “Don’t know how I’ll get Jenny to agree, she’s a lot on her plate, but I’ll see Rosie. If it’s that important to you, I’ll see what I can wrangle.” Zach smiled, “Good, avoid the Caribbean and send your travel information to me when it’s sorted, I’ll make sure you’re looked after wherever you go.” “You be careful mate,” Brad said in closing. “I always am.” He hung up and dialled Erin again. No answer. Swearing, he pocketed his phone. “Nothing to do but wait.” He decided to try out the food from a roadside vedor he’d seen on his way back with the detective. It was within walking distance from the apartments and the crowd that had gathered around the establishment made him think it might be a good choice for his dinner. Plus Erin might be hungry when she gets back, he thought, mentally kicking himself that she was never too far away from his thoughts. He pushed their gear under one of the beds and checked his gun, ensuring it contained sufficient bullets. Satisfied, Zach left the room, walking briskly along the narrow path that housed a stretch of closed doors on one side and decorative foliage on the other. He hadn’t gone far before he could feel something was wrong. He touched the butt of his gun nonchalantly, ready should he need to use it. Zach rounded a corner, moving towards more room doors as opposed to the street that would take him to the small eatery. He quickened his steps, hearing them matched by another’s behind him. He rounded another corner, one that spilled onto an enclosed pasture and waited in the dark. As the figure came around the bend, Zach punched him hard in the stomach, moving quickly and gripping the man by the throat, pushing him against the wall. He pressed his gun against his temple. “What the fuck?” He released the assailant, realising soon after that it was Bruce, his former temporary partner. “What are you doing here? Are you following me?” Bruce grinned, pulling a cigarette from his leather jacket. “Good thing you let me go, could have gotten ugly.” He turned a bit so Zach could see one of his knives jutting from its leather sheath. “Answer the question.” “Calm down mate, let’s have a drag first.” Zach loathed the man’s goading and walking away from him, called Damian. “Sir, what’s going on? Why is that bastard Bruce here in Barbados. Caught him following me.” “He’s supposed to be on both of you, orders from Admin.” “They aren’t serious, we don’t need a babysitter.” “Don’t you? When were you going to tell me Erin’s gone off by ‘erself to God knows where then?” Zach had no answer to that and wasn’t about to lie. Bruce had obviously been feeding Admin information from the moment they’d arrived. “Nothing to say? Good. Glad you called either way, saved me a dial. You and Erin need to come back in as soon as possible, next stop, down under.” “I’m lost sir, aren’t we supposed to be on Melia bringing her in? We could be close, she could end up anywhere else if we lose her now.” “You have your orders lad, so do as you’re told. Get Erin on the phone, tell her to get her arse back from her bloody lone wolf parade and get her ‘ead in the game. It’s because of ‘er this is ‘appening too.” Zach was almost too anxious to ask. “What do you mean?” “Nikolai’s asked for her presence and since the fiasco at the Gathering, there are some things Admin just can’t say no to, not yet. Melia can wait, get back here now.” Zach looked over at Bruce who was eyeing him with a knowing look. “Got chewed out by the boss huh? See, no hard feelings, I’m just doing my job. Act like I’m not even here.” He grinned again and it was all Zach could do not to punch him in the face. Chapter 12 Erin pulled up to the boarded-up building that was once her home. The grounds had been overrun by bush and the pasture where she had spent many days alone, an outcast at the children’s home, was a tangled mess of weeds and wild flowers. Dusk crept across the horizon, casting shadows from the electrical poles and across the bush. Fireflies danced intermittently in this coming darkness, lending their light to nocturnal creatures ready for the hunt. Though she hadn’t been to the house since leaving Barbados, did not know the way and hadn’t even seen it on a map, she’d been drawn to the place. Deep down she knew this was where Melia wanted her to be and she’d been able to find the way without Zach’s usual brand of reconnaissance, confidently taking roads she didn’t quite remember, in order to make it there. She took a deep breath and climbed out of the car. Looking around briefly she took in familiar sights. A few chattel houses with their galvanised roofs stood side by side in the distance, and she was sure she could see the steeple of the church where she’d spent many Sundays, enduring services that at her young age had seemed to go on forever. The rusted hinges on the wooden gate seemed to barely want to hold on as she pushed it open and Erin remembered their caretaker Miss Clarke briefly. She’d been a tough woman, where no nonsense was allowed and children were expected to behave as such, even if to get those results meant they saw the bad side of her belt. She recalled little else from her time there though and even though she walked around the building, fighting to conjure memories that were long lost to her, Erin still could not remember how she’d gotten from the little children’s home in Barbados to become the organisation’s ward. She was just about to make another round of the building, when she felt her chest tightening. It was as though it was being gripped tightly from the inside and Erin grimaced, “Melia Gei,” she said turning. The woman’s dark magic was incomparable to anything Erin had felt before and she tried to hold onto breath as she stood in the presence of her vodun sister. The moon caressed Melia’s olive skin and her boyish hairstyle showed off strong features, the focal point her large dark eyes. “Finally we meet,” Melia said with a smile. Her accent was not Caribbean, yet Erin could not place it. It sounded ancient and reminded her of the members of the Vampire High Council. “I knew you’d find your way to me,” she continued and Erin composed herself. “You nearly killed us earlier,” she replied, but Melia shook her head. “You know you were never in danger and there is little time for small talk. Come, walk with me.” She held her hand out for Erin to take it, but the warden refused. If she felt this way just being in the seventh priestess’ presence, she wasn’t sure she wanted to know what it was like touching her. She watched Melia for a moment as she walked away. She was wearing a flowing summer dress, thin straps exposing strong shoulders and arms. She turned briefly to look at Erin, “Are you coming?” Erin nodded, not yet sure how to play this. She’d known she was going to see Melia, but hadn’t quite thought of a plan. For the first time since she’d set out on her own that evening, she wished Zach was with her. “Why did you want me here?” she asked, falling into step beside Melia. “Good, a better question. Yes Erin, I wanted you to come home, Praesidium thinks they knew of my Rising by accident, the fools.” “I’ve been sent to take you in, if I come back empty-handed.” “Well you will as I have no intention of helping them, they have cut you off at the knees so that you don’t even know what power lies within you, why would I lend mine to their cause?” “The organisation has lots of flaws, but what they do kept us safe, all of us, including you and you wouldn’t be the only supernatural who helps.” Melia nodded, giving her a sly smile, “Yes, I know, others like your vampire Jacob. Did you know it was he who ripped you from your home and gave you over to them? He who made sure they made you what you are? Weak.” Erin paused, “Jacob?” “Yes. If it wasn’t for him you would have grown up where you belonged and learnt to nurture your magic and be as strong as you should be.” You’re letting her get to you, the sensible voice in Erin’s head called out. “I’m not here to talk about Jacob or anyone else Melia, it’s not like life in Barbados was that great for me to begin with.” Her eyes narrowed to slits, “You got me here, what do you want? I’m going to take you in one way or another, my freedom depends on it.” Melia stopped, glaring at her, “This is the weakest you have ever been sister, it pains me to see you so.” Erin sneered, “What does any of that matter? Isn’t it better for you if I’m weak? Or is this some weird thing you do before you try to kill me.” To Erin’s surprise Melia looked genuinely hurt. “We were great friends once you and I, it is a pity you take so long to remember.” “You mean our past selves were friends, we don’t know each other.” Melia grabbed her shoulders tightly, “I can wait, others will not. They are coming for you sister and when they do you must be prepared,” she let her hands drop, “Answer your phone.” Erin almost jumped when on cue it began to buzz to life in her pocket. She pulled it out, “Yes?” she listened to Zach on the other end, a frown playing at her brows. “But I’m with her now, she’s right here, I have her.” Her face screwed up tighter as Zach’s account of their new orders sunk in. “Fine, I’ll be there soon.” Melia looked at her expectantly, and Erin strained past her frustration in favour of civility, “Looks like we’ll have to pick this up another time, but I am going to come back for you and take you in, doesn’t matter what you say.” Melia smiled, “I will look forward to it.”

Chapter 1 Erin peered out the window of the private jet she and Zach shared. They’d been in the air for over twelve hours, only stopping to fuel the jet in New Zealand, before they were headed again to the Auckland Islands. It was the home of Dundas Island, known more commonly as the Twelfth State in the supernatural realm. She was suspicious that Nikolai, one of the four members of the Vampire High Council and her self-proclaimed nemesis, had requested her presence, but could not shake the excitement that she was one of the few that would see gargoyles up close. “Okay so the Director and Damian have been on the ground for a few hours, the Council hasn’t arrived yet, but Jacob has.” Erin had been absently listening to Zach’s intense conversation with their handler, but now gave him her full attention as he updated her. “The wardens on the island have prepared quarters for everyone a little ways inland, they’re being careful not to disturb the wildlife too much.” Erin nodded, “The wards are already down then?” “Yea, the previous agreement was one day in and out, but after the Gathering, the VHC has free reign among the gargoyles for five. We have to make sure they stick to their side of the bargain and that they don’t overdo it, isn’t fair to the gargoyles otherwise.” Erin didn’t say anything, trying hard to push away the deep shame she felt each time she was reminded of the Gathering.

As if reading her thoughts Zach added, “It wasn’t your fault Erin, you didn’t know what you were doing. As for this, you know the VHC would’ve found some other way to get to the gargoyles for more time. They’re never satisfied, you know that.” “Maybe, but I sure made it easier.” She forced a smile, pulling her red hair away from her face and into a tight bun.

Seeing Zach peer at it with a grin, she raised an eyebrow, “What?” “Was wondering if you’d ever be a redhead again, he replied, “Now you look like yourself.” Erin chuckled lightly. She’d dyed her hair on their return from Barbados, needing to feel more like her old self and trying anything she could to make it happen quicker. It hadn’t worked, but she did prefer her hair now that it wasn’t its natural light brown hue. It made her feel like she had an identity outside of Erin the warden, or Erin the Praesidium witch woman from hell. “Did you find out if Bruce is still on Melia?” she inquired changing the subject. She didn’t feel quite ready to talk about things like the weather with Zach yet. She was already keeping secrets from him after she’d given him such a hard time for doing the same and after her experience in lockup, she wasn’t sure he could even understand anything that she was feeling. “Yea,” he said, running a hand through his hair, “He’s using the liaisons to track the supernatural activity and hopefully Melia’s progress while he’s there, but he’s been told not to engage.”

Erin sucked her teeth, a sound of annoyance that was true to her Barbadian roots. “I still can’t believe they were having us followed,” then thinking about what she’d said, “In fact, of course I can believe it, since when did Admin care how we felt about anything?” She laughed bitterly, then thought about how ardently she’d defended Praesidium to Melia. Nope, no idea why I do it. Zach bent over, adjusting the gun he kept strapped to his calf. He was as well put together as always, jeans, black leather jacket and white T-shirt, the staples of his wardrobe, much like her all black ensemble of a tank-top, jeans and leather jacket. As wardens, the latest fashion trend was never at the top of their list and most operatives preferred clothing that was easy to move around in, especially for high-speed chases and combat. The jet’s speaker system crackled to life and the smooth voice of their pilot came afterwards. “We’ll be arriving at the disembarkation point in ten minutes, please prepare yourselves to exit the plane.” “Here goes nothing,” Zach said grimacing and stood, pulling a large hiking issue backpack from the overhead compartment. Erin followed suit, taking the pack from him and strapping it to her back. Zach had taken another down and when they were both properly secured to their backs, the two made their way to one of the jet’s doors. “Opening exit door and releasing ladder,” the pilot’s voice came through again and the wardens braced themselves. As the door opened, a gust of wind hit them hard and Erin whispered a protection spell, before moving closer to the exit. The pilot had brought the plane ten feet from the ground and as they were on the coast, Erin could see seals and penguins rushing to get out of the way of these strangers. She took the first step onto the ladder, swaying slightly, but soon found her balance and climbed easily down. Zach came next, joining her on the soft dark sand and taking a small PC tablet from his pack. After consulting it he said, “Okay, we head two miles inland and the camp should be there, let’s go.” Erin followed, being careful to avoid making sudden movements, not wanting to terrify the local wildlife. They were on their turf and she wasn’t about to make them feel like they were being ousted by those that didn’t belong. “It would be awesome if we got a vacation . . . ever. I’d come somewhere like this,” she found herself saying. Zach glanced back at her and Erin saw the same look he got in his eyes when she’d first seen him after her time in lockup. “I’d come with you,” he said, adding, “Who else would keep you out of trouble?” Neither spoke for a few seconds, until Erin changed the subject. “Wonder where the gargoyles live?” She’d been scanning the horizon since they’d arrived, but couldn’t pinpoint where they would have made their community. “I’ll check my notes in a second, but look, there’s the camp.” Erin looked to where Zach was pointing. There were about twenty wardens and containment officers scurrying about the camp and Anders and Damian were in deep conversation over a makeshift table. She grimaced, not sure she was ready to face the Director again, yet took a step forward, following Zach, when she felt a hand on her shoulder. “Welcome to the Twelfth State my lovely Erin.” The familiar voice sent a chill through her, as she remembered what Melia had shared. Erin turned, her eyes meeting Jacob’s spring-greens. Chapter 2 “Trouble in paradise?” Zach asked as Erin joined him. He’d watched her bristled reaction to Jacob as the vampire tried to have a conversation and the almost angry strides as she’d walked away. Erin rolled her eyes, “We’re in paradise partner, what trouble could there possibly be?” “You know what I mean,” he shot back in answer to her sarcasm. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t glad that Jacob was in the dog house, even if it was just for now. He and Erin shared something that went back years, whether she remembered or not didn’t matter. Zach could see it drew her to him. “Tell you all about it later while we’re braiding each other’s hair,” she replied dryly. Zach sighed. They were walking towards Anders and Damian who were still conversing. Both were dressed considerably more casually than Zach had ever seen them, in dark-coloured slacks and cotton shirts. Damian looked especially uncomfortable as he towered over Anders, his ill-fitting shirt buttoned up to his large neck. “Mr. Kjaer, sir,” he said in greeting when they reached the two. Initially it was as if they hadn’t heard him, as their conversation continued, but a few seconds later Damian looked up. “Lad, lassie, good of you to finally join us.” His brown eyes looked just as watery as always and Zach wondered how badly he was craving a cigarette. Their handler was definitely out of place in this setting where the concrete jungle had been replaced by a wildlife monarchy. “We came as soon as we heard Damian, even though I was just about to bring Melia in.” “That’s not in the report Zach sent in,” Anders replied to Erin’s interjection. “Now how about we put that and your bad attitude behind us for now and focus on the task at hand?” He looked over at Damian, whose expression did not betray the annoyance Zach was sure he must feel. Their handler hated when any of his operatives made him look bad in front of Admin. He bent over the tablet that he and Anders had been looking at before. “See this area here?” Zach leaned in for a closer view of the map. “Yea, with all the trees, shrouded path?” “The gargoyles make their home right there, we figure it’s cause they use the soils and rock there to hide themselves during the day.”

Zach nodded, “Yea, it’s the most logical place,” he said, glancing briefly at Erin, “Everywhere else is either too exposed or overrun by animals or birds.” “You want us to go there then? Check it out?” Erin asked. “No not yet, one of the terms of our contract with the VHC is that one of their members go with you before we establish first contact. They want to make sure we hold up our end of the bargain or some such nonsense, as though we aren’t already going against everything my predecessors tried to avoid.” The hard edge to Anders’ tone concerned Zach. He’d heard of the tongue-lashing Erin had received when she’d first been released and hoped Anders wasn’t about to launch into part two.

In the end Damian stepped in, “We wrangled a bit though so Jacob’s going to go with you lot as our liaison, the Director here will be heading back to Middlesbrough after he’s met with the VHC and I have to stay here and maintain base operations. Jacob will be able to report back to us after it’s done. Helps to have a medium with these kinds of things.” “Doesn’t the VHC hate Jacob though?” Erin asked and Zach looked at her questioningly. It was the first time he was hearing of this. “Nikolai and Jacob have their . . . problems,” Anders replied, “However, in the grand scheme of things the VHC appears to prefer one of their elder vamps coordinating with us. The information Jacob could share with them at any given time is invaluable. It’s why we keep our secrets so close to chest.” Not close enough, Zach thought. He’d seen how quickly the supernatural world had gotten wind of Erin’s Rising and wondered if Jacob had anything to do with it. You’re just trying to think the worst, he realised and changed the subject with another question. “When do we leave then, when is the VHC supposed to arrive?” “We expect them any time now, last we checked in their private plane was halfway across the Indian Ocean.” “Anything else we should know before they get here?”

Erin followed-up. “Yea, what’s the procedure here?” Zach echoed. Anders looked at them gravely, “They are only to stay among the gargoyles, there is to be no touching, no intimate relations of any kind. Our agreement is that the VHC and their Most Devout get their fix for five days and afterwards we haul ass and the veil is secured once again.” “Let’s hope that’s what actually happens, vampires aren’t always the most trustworthy,” Zach added. “Humans don’t do such a great job either most times,” she said, not looking at him. “Sorry to interrupt, but sir, can I have a word?” Zach looked over at the containment officer who stood just outside their circle. He was dressed in full containment gear as was a requirement for missions like this and his suit gleamed despite the dull light of the late evening. “New reports in from Albany?” Anders asked. Before the officer could answer he turned to Damian, “You finish up here.” When he was out of earshot Damian became as crass as he always was with them. “What the bloody ‘ell’s going on with you lot? I know you well enough to know when something isn’t right and I’m telling you now, get your bloody shit together or I swear you won’t like what comes next.” “Looks like we won’t have a choice either way now,” Erin said and Zach followed her gaze up. Coming towards them, now no more than a paper airplane in the sky, was a craft descending slowly.

Zach adjusted his gun, which felt heavier to him all of a sudden. “They’re here.” Chapter 3 The closer the plane came towards them, the more apprehensive Erin felt. Containment officers and wardens alike gathered to watch its progress, prepared should the VHC have more than a friendly visit in mind. Her nerves were on edge and she could feel her magic pulsating through her. She hadn’t seen Nikolai since their last encounter many months before in Capri, but all he’d said to her had not been forgotten. “I, as I have always been, will be the one who sends you back to the depths of the world from whence you came.” Those words still made her lose sleep sometimes. Jacob’s latest confessions hadn’t helped much either and now, with Melia adding fuel to the fire, Erin was once again unsure who in the supernatural world it was less dangerous to trust. “Ready for this?” Erin nodded in response to Zach’s question. Damian wasn’t wrong, there was definitely something off between them and it had been since she’d been back, but this wasn’t the time to deal with it. She’d get through the next few days and then she’d try to bring Zach up to speed on all she was feeling, and the latest in the ‘vodun priestess weekly’. Right now she needed to focus. The plane hovered about twenty feet overhead, disregarding the havoc it wrought for the wildlife that scurried and took flight to avoid this latest intrusion. When its door popped open, Erin expected to see a steel ladder, much like the one they’d used to descend, follow along afterwards. Instead her eyes landed on Sekti, one of the four VHC members. The dark-skinned, blue-eyed vampire jumped from the plane, landing easily in a crouched position, some distance away from where the organisation’s contingent stood. “Hundred bucks says I could make that jump with a few tweaks to my boots,” a containment officer murmured and there was a titter of laughter among them, until Anders turned and gave the group a scathing look. Jumping from the plane next were two vampires that Erin assumed were Sekti’s Most Devout, both wrinkled and worn, turned late in their lives. Amelie was next, red hair billowing behind her. Her Most Devout came after, a woman that was almost identical to her in features, save her brown eyes where Amelie’s were green. Ragnor jumped, waves of blonde hair nearly as long as Amelie’s tumbling about his shoulders when he landed. His Most Devout held hands as they jumped and did not release each other even when they landed. The men who looked younger than Erin was, were mocha-skinned dreams that made even Jacob’s beauty pale in comparison. “Here we go,” Erin murmured, knowing it was only Nikolai that was left to disembark. “It’ll be okay, I’ve got your back,” Zach said reassuringly and for a moment she was comforted. Just for a moment. Nikolai jumped from the plane with the easy confidence all the VHC possessed. He was wearing a black trench coat that left his upper body exposed, jeans and boots. Erin almost groaned when she saw who he’d brought with him. Lisbet, her dark hair highlighted mauve instead of blonde, and decked out ‘Lara Croft’ style joined them next. Her brother Aleksander, looking more like he’d stepped out of some army recruitment magazine than a luxury plane, close behind her. “Welcome High Council,” Anders opened in greeting when their plane had again made its ascent and they’d all assembled. Erin caught Lisbet’s dark eyes and was rewarded with a smirk. “Almost a year later and the brat is still a brat,” she whispered to Zach, soon regretting her decision when she remembered that their supernatural guests would all have heard her. She cleared her throat nervously, tuning into what Anders was saying. “We’ve set up a base camp here on the island, so you can be very comfortable during your stay,” he waved his arm around at the organisation’s employees before continuing, “As you can see, we are all on hand to help you in any way you may require.” “You mean they are here to keep us in line, do you not dear Anders?” Amelie smiled prettily at the director, and the vampire she’d brought with her creepily mirrored the action, causing Erin to feel the same shiver she had when Jacob had touched her earlier. Anders replied diplomatically, “Our first duty is to protect the gargoyles of the Twelfth State at all costs, this is clearly stated in our contract. Not to mention our agreement with the New Zealand authorities prohibits any harmful actions against the ecosystem here on Dundas.” “Of course, of course, we wouldn’t dream of breaking our contract. We are more than happy with the arrangements you have made to ensure our comfort,” Sekti chimed in, but Erin could see that it was just words. Her wicked smile said something quite different. “It will be nightfall soon, if you choose to make first contact on this night, we will have to make our preparations now,” Jacob said, stepping forward. He still looked as though he’d stepped straight out of the sixteenth century, only his handmade dark brown leather boots betrayed the timeline. “This we can see betrayer, thou needn’t speak just so we might hear words.” Erin sighed. Nikolai was obviously not going to give Jacob a break this toss. Erin cringed as his dark-eyed gaze landed on her, “Though your woman of dark omens might be the one we thank for our good fortune, to lie amongst the ancients of stone and earth, and her presence means yours must be, I will hear no orders from your foul lips that speaketh little more than lies and deceit.” Erin could see Jacob’s back tense up as a heavy silence fell over the group.

When a few seconds of this awkwardness had passed Anders broke it, “How about I get the ball rolling then? Come, there’s much to be done and the gargoyles wake at sundown.” Chapter 4 It was well after night had fallen that the procession set off towards the gargoyles’ dwelling. A crescent moon was high in the sky amidst a smattering of stars and shed some light, but it was not nearly enough to rely on. With his contacts in place, Zach easily led the way through thick underbrush, towards the centre of the island. Anders had advised they travel with nothing but the bare essentials, as though the gargoyles met with members of the organisation at least once each decade, they were unaccustomed to modern technology and he did not want to scare them. Their gentle ways and unassuming disposition had made them easy targets when they roamed the Earth centuries before, and now it was up to Praesidium to keep them safe. It was a role Anders did not take lightly. Damian had told Zach as much before they’d set out, charging him to look out not only for the safety of the gargoyles, but Erin’s as well. Their handler hadn’t said much else, but Zach knew he hadn’t missed the unbridled hate that clouded Nikolai’s gaze whenever he looked at Erin. “It’s just up ahead, keep together, no one’s to wander off,” Zach called, feeling like he was leading a group of pre-schoolers. He might as well have been too, as behind him Lisbet and Aleksander were thick as thieves joking with each other as they went along and the VHC took little notice of his instructions, pausing whenever they pleased to look at this or that. He glanced back for the hundredth time, ensuring that the head count was the same as it had been when he’d set out. Satisfied that it was and that Erin was still bringing up the rear, Zach pressed on. They’d gone for another five minutes when he raised his hand for them to halt. “You have to wait here and let me speak with them first, they won’t show themselves otherwise,” he said, turning to his followers. “Why should you be the one who charges forward? Do you wish to take their power for yourself?” asked Ragnor.

Amelie answered for him, “He is nothing but human, the ancients are no good to him.” She laughed and Zach shook his head as her double joined in.

He went on, ignoring the jabs, “They trust Praesidium, not you. For all they know you could be lowlife vamps who’re just out to feed on their blood. I’m sure they don’t want a repeat of the Middle Ages.” Zach smiled affably as Amelie’s expression turned stoic. “You liken me to a vampire of peasant line?” she asked seething. “No. I’m just telling you how the gargoyles will see it. “Now then, Jacob? With me.” He didn’t like that he had to do this part with the vampire, still, Anders’ orders were clear. Jacob was to be present for all major interactions with the residents of the Twelfth State, no exceptions. “Erin, take over here.” When his partner was in place despite Nikolai’s protests, Zach and Jacob ventured further into the wooded area. “It’s just up ahead, stay close to me.” “I’m sure I can keep up.” Zach looked back annoyed. “Just the same,” he replied grumpily. His thoughts had been filled with things that had no bearing on their current circumstance, but as they pushed their way to the surface, Zach found himself spouting words he wouldn’t if it were anyone else. “I don’t know what’s up with the two of you, but if you hurt her . . .” he let the words hang, his meaning implied. “You are referring to my Erin?” “She doesn’t belong to you or anyone else,” Zach shot back. He shook his head and was about to move forward again when in a split second Jacob was standing in front of him. “If you wish to challenge me, do so directly.” Zach felt his gun hot at his side but calmed himself. The last thing he needed was to have to explain why he and the organisation’s favourite vampire had gotten into a brawl. “First, you need to get out of my way. Second, know that if you harm her, you’ll answer to me.” Jacob stared at him for a moment, green eyes brighter than Zach’s emeralds, seeming to consider the warden’s words.

He stepped aside, making way for Zach to pass. “I hope you know she will never love you. She cannot, it is not in her nature to love a mortal.” Zach folded his lips and he adjusted his backpack to avoid an attempt at punching Jacob. “Quiet,” he said instead, “We’re here.” He looked around, seeing nothing but displaced earth and rocks wherever his gaze fell. The soil here was damp and Zach could see evidence of footsteps, claws really, tracking across the ground. “Stay here, I need to call them out.” He walked to the centre of what to the untrained eye would look like a mass graveyard where every corpse had arisen, but from his research, Zach knew were actually burrows where the gargoyles slept and were protected during the day. “Ancient ones, alive before man scourged the planet, protectors of supernaturals of the seven continents, hear me, I come in peace.” He recited the words he’d learnt on the plane. They were the same words that had been said for decades and a simple code that let the gargoyles know it was safe to show themselves to the speaker. He tensed hearing movement from the trees some distance away from them, but then there was nothing. Zach looked around puzzled, wondering if he’d remembered the phrase wrong. Damian had told him even before they’d arrived on Dundas, that if just one word was out of place or mispronounced, the ancients would remain hidden. “Do you see anything?” he began, but stopped as from the shadows crept the gargoyles. First it was a handful and before long nearly fifty had made a tentative circle around him and Jacob. Their skin was onyx and reptilian, eyes large, round and gleaming amber as they peered at the two inquisitively. One stepped forward and though shorter than most of the others who were each at least six feet, Zach saw he was Kal, their leader. His feet, three burnished claws gripping assuredly at the earth, came to a halt in front of him and the gargoyle spoke. “Praesidium.” Zach nodded, relaxing at the recognition. The gargoyle leader looked over at Jacob suspiciously. “Child of blood,” he noted. “He’s with me,” Zach said quickly, “As are the others I’m sure you’ve seen since you woke up tonight. We’d like to stay among you, a few nights at the most, it is Praesidium’s wish.”

Kal nodded, looked around at his people thoughtfully, then answered Zach. “As Praesidium wishes.” Chapter 5 Erin’s feelings when she first laid eyes on the gargoyles were hard for her to decipher. She did not feel their strength in the way she had with Melia, instead it was as though a kind of vertigo washed over her and she needed to sit soon afterwards. Looking around, she saw that she was not the only one affected, as the vampires were more subdued than they had been since arriving on the island. Even the dhampir siblings were quiet, with Lisbet leaning her head contentedly against Aleksander’s shoulder. “Here, have some.” Erin looked up and took Zach’s offered soda. “You know me so well,” she said with a small smile, eyeing his nearly empty water bottle. It was the healthier choice especially after their hike, but Erin had been so deprived while in lockup, that she hadn’t drunk much else since being released. “So what’s it like? Feel like you could crush a small nation?” Zach asked, sitting on a boulder next to her and Erin giggled. “Honestly, it’s as if I’m high, or at least what I’d imagine being high would feel like,” she giggled again and took another sip. “You aren’t the only one,” Zach observed, inclining his head to their supernatural charges. Erin looked around at the group. The gargoyles moved noiselessly among them, going about their business as though they did not exist. They paused here or there as a vampire reached for a scaled hand, or in the case of Amelia and her Most Devout, jumped up to peer into one of the gargoyles large amber eyes, an unsettling action. The accosted ancient stood still, watching them just as intently, not seeming the least disturbed by their cocked heads and Cheshire cat grins. “At least it’s shut Nikolai up for a while,” Erin said laughing. Zach joined her, taking another swig of his water before he returned it to his pack. “It’s good to see you happy Erin,” he said. Erin turned her smile on him, liking the way his eyes seemed to be an even darker green in the moonlight, how his jaw softened when he smiled at her and lips moved over his words as he joked about her intoxicated state. Cicadas seemed to hum a new song and it played lightly on her ears, enveloping her body in warmth that spread from her head to her toes. Zach’s words played in her head, adding deep notes to the pleasant song of the insects and as she watched him, she felt her heart fill with something even more invigorating than the ancients’ power. Erin leaned in, feeling herself drawn to him in a way she hadn’t been before. Just when she was sure her lips would brush his, she was pulled back. “Now my love, you mustn’t let the ancients’ will become your own.” She turned to face Jacob who gripped her shoulders lightly. “I’m supposed to be mad at you,” she replied, allowing her body to meld into his instead. “I’ll go check on the others.” Zach’s abrupt departure was coupled with an angry edge to his tone, but Erin was too relaxed to worry about it. “Zach will be okay,” she told Jacob, though he hadn’t asked, almost childlike as she snuggled closer to him.

He wrapped his arms around her protectively, whispering in her ear, “Luckily the ancients’ effects will wear off in a day or so, then you’ll be back to yourself.”

Erin giggled again, finding a joke in what he’d said. “Well not quite myself, I’ll be stronger I hope,” she smiled, feeling dizzier with each passing moment.

Jacob sobered, “Stronger yes and your memories will start to return.” Erin vaguely remembered a similar conversation they’d had before she and Zach had left England for Barbados. She cocked her head to look at him, his androgynous features and smooth porcelain skin seeming even more exquisite. “How can you be so much prettier than I am?” she asked, touching his face. She traced the line along his jaw, hearing his breath quicken as she did. “Be careful my love, I don’t think you’re ready for what happens next.”

She peered at him, a mischievous smile curling at the corners of her mouth, “And what’s that? You’ve kissed me before, at the Gathering remember?”

Jacob sighed, “Yes, but now, now you’re under the influence of the ancients, you’re not yourself.”

Erin snaked her hand up to his throat, until it settled possessively at the back of his neck. “All the more reason to take advantage Jacob, I could remember just how angry I am at you at any moment.” She laughed again, momentarily closing her eyes. When she opened them, Jacob was looking at her so intently, that she trembled under his gaze. “When your anger returns, maybe this too will haunt your thoughts.” He leaned towards her and soon Erin could taste him on her lips, consuming her breaths and making her forget about all else as she escaped into his embrace. Chapter 6 “Yea sir, all accounted for, no issues to speak of yet.” Zach moved away from Lisbet’s tinkling laughter as he checked in with Damian. Though livelier than the previous night, the supernatural visitors were still as merry as ever. “How’s our girl? Any changes?” There was anxiety in Damian’s voice.

He walked further away from the group, lowering his. “She’s still a bit out-of-sorts, seems to be coming round, then just sits there smiling. She’s happier than I’ve ever seen her so that’s something.” Damian sighed with what sounded like relief. “Good, wasn’t sure ‘ow she’d ‘andle it. We recorded Jacob’s results years ago so we knew what to expect from the VHC, but Erin’s a whole other kettle-of-fish.” “Yea, I’d seen that in our dossier. This is just the first reaction being in their presence, then it’ll wear off right?” Zach couldn’t wait until it did. Erin had been fawning over Jacob for the better part of two nights, breaking only when the group had slept during the day. Zach on the other hand had injected himself with a modified amphetamine. In its original form, it allowed the user to stay awake for forty-eight hours, but with his adjustments, achieved using a minor spell, the timeline was tripled. He knew he would be smashed afterwards, but someone needed to oversee the group. “Course it does lad, should be over soon and then you need to watch them even more closely, don’t be afraid to use force if you have to.”

Zach frowned, “You think there’ll be trouble?” “Can’t be sure,” was all Damian said.

Zach tried again, “I don’t much trust the VHC, but I don’t think they’d make the mistake of harming the gargoyles, though I’m sure they’ll lobby to get on the island sometime again.” “You just keep your eyes open lad and check in tomorrow night with an update.” As usual Damian hung up before Zach could say anymore, but before he could pocket his phone it buzzed with a new call. “Zach.” “Hey mate, how’s it going?” Thomas asked on the other end, amidst waves of pumping noise. “Can’t really talk right now mate, everything alright over in Amsterdam?” “Bloody ‘ell mate, get us another!” Zach heard Oliver shout in the background. “All’s well here, might have to drag Rev out of another bar before the night’s over though.” Zach hid his smile. “Glad you’re having a time mate, will check in when I’m back in England,” he was about to say goodbye, when Thomas stopped him. “One more thing mate, cheers for the tickets and all, but wasn’t there supposed to be a fourth? Kids and the missus in tow?”

Zach’s stomach flopped, “Brad’s not with you?” “Haven’t heard from him in days mate, wouldn’t be surprised if Jenny dragged him off to France or something instead.” “Yea, probably,” Zach mumbled, then more firmly, “If I hear from him I’ll let you lads know. Later mate.” After he’d hung up, Zach scrolled through his phone history checking for any missed calls. He remembered Melia’s warning, but pushed its connotations aside. He’d taken every precaution necessary to protect his friends, Brad and his family had to be okay. “Wondered where you’d snuck off to.” She’d crept up so quietly that Zach hadn’t heard Erin come up behind him. At the moment she looked less like a drunken college girl and more like the Erin he knew. Her easy smile was all that gave her current state-of-mind away. “Talking to Damian, checking in,” he raised an eyebrow, “You ready to get back to work, or do you need more time alone with Jacob.” A flash of something resembling embarrassment crossed her face and for a moment Zach was sorry he’d said it, until another smile appeared. “Being a bit lush aren’t I?” she said, a faux British accent overpowering her Barbadian one. Zach sighed, she’s still under the influence. “Have you eaten anything today?” he asked, remembering that he hadn’t either. “None of us have, though you look rather tasty Mr. Warden.” Zach winced at Lisbet’s words. Her approach was casual, with the trademark provocative movement of her hips. Now eighteen, Lisbet was even more beautiful than she had been a year before in Capri. She pulled her dark hair over a shoulder. “What do you say? Just a little nibble?” she batted her eyelashes, edging closer to him.

He gave her a stern look, “Plenty of food in your packs,” he replied, moving out of her reach. He’d had enough of Lisbet to last a lifetime. The memory of their encounter where she’d tried to rip his insides out had seen to that. “Little Lisbet, daddy let you out to play?” Erin asked with a small laugh. Lisbet narrowed her eyes with a playful smile Zach and marvelled at the effects of this gargoyle-induced peace that made these two not want to tear each other apart. “Well, Aleksander and I are his Most Devout, of course we’re here. With my new strength, even you will have no choice but to kneel.” Zach resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Lisbet’s hubris was a page straight out of Nikolai’s book. His thoughts were interrupted by Erin’s raucous laughter.

She sobered as she answered the dhampir, “Oh, you’re serious? You couldn’t handle me before and I’m stronger too remember? What makes you think it’ll be any different?” She squared off with Lisbet and though their smiles were still pleasant enough, Zach could feel a shift in the air. “Erin . . .” he warned, as he had so many times before. “No, no Zach, I want to see what the baby of the family has to offer.” Lisbet didn’t immediately reply. Her grin widened and eyes darkened as they had in her personal garden at Nikolai’s Capri villa. He saw Erin stiffen. “Erin, don’t indulge . . .” “You want to see? Let me show you.” Lisbet attacked. Chapter 7 Erin was still as Lisbet ran towards her. The dhampir teen was still grinning, dark hair billowing behind her as she charged. The warden could feel her dark magic rushing through her, building up and moving through her veins like some kind of super-charged drug. Lisbet crashed into her head-on, her intent to push her back, but Erin repelled the attack, flinging her away with a blast of dark magical energy that sent Lisbet flying. “This is amazing!” she gushed to Zach, who returned her enthusiasm with a deep frown. “What do you think you’re doing? Aren’t you in enough trouble as it is?” Erin was about to retort when Lisbet answered for her. “Come now Mr. Warden,” she said with the same faux respectful tone she reserved for Praesidium staff, “We are merely playing.” With that she came again, faster than before, her supernatural speed making her appear a blur to the unenhanced eye, but Erin’s customised contacts made her movements easy to follow. She shot a wave of fire at Lisbet, who dodged the flames skilfully. They blasted the bush instead, igniting it easily and Erin could hear Zach cursing as he ran to extinguish them. Her attention shifted to her partner for less than seconds, but it was enough for Lisbet to land a hard kick to her stomach. Erin was pelted back, the force of the kick sending her tumbling into a tree. The hard surface knocked the wind from her and she doubled over, feeling anger replace the happy feelings she’d had before. “You were saying? Something about being—” Erin didn’t let her finish. She blasted Lisbet with more blue flames, running forward as she did. Pulling her daggers from her side, she flung them hard at the dhampir, who caught one, but was not fast enough for the other and it lodged itself in her shoulder. Lisbet screamed angrily, her eyes nearly black. The prettiness of her face dissolved into her true image and the ugly visage that replaced it, told Erin that she was ready for battle. “Time to run away little girl.” Lisbet’s anger drove her next hand and as she came at her, Erin held her in place. Her outstretched hand curled as though gripping Lisbet’s neck and the girl’s eyes widened as she became aware of what was happening. Erin tightened her phantom hold, liking this new power over her talents. Lisbet scratched at her neck, leaving her skin raw and unable to heal quickly enough, so that blood dripped down her chest. “Erin what the fuck, stop,” Zach yelled and then he was on her, pulling her back and away from Lisbet. Too caught up in the moment, Erin sent a pulse through her body, one that pushed Zach away, causing him to land in a crumpled heap some distance away. She was about to set her sights on Lisbet again, who was coughing and gagging for breath, when Jacob stood between them. “That’s enough my love,” he said, his tone gentle but firm. The happiness that had coursed through her in the last days being close to Jacob had waned considerably. She was starting to feel the old anger of his deceit and looked away. “I’m not your love,” she replied curtly, “But fine, I’ll leave her alone.” Erin turned to walk away, not wanting to look over to where Zach was standing, his expression screaming rage. She took a step, saw Jacob’s attempt to move to her side, but it was too late. Nikolai knocked her to the ground, standing over her with a fist pressed against her chest. Aleksander was beside him, kneeling, his expression just as fierce as his father’s. “Hear me when I speaketh these words woman of dark omens. Lay a hand on my daughter again and I will drive the life from within you before your time has cometh.” He pressed his fist against her chest painfully and Erin squeezed her eyes shut. Her first thought was of retaliation, but as his allies gathered and stood around them, she knew better. Zach was right, she’d been wrong to go after Lisbet and though she felt strong enough to take on Nikolai as well, she wasn’t sure how she’d handle the VHC and their Most Devout. “They were simply testing their new strengths Nikolai, there is no need for threats,” she heard Jacob say. “Yea, Lisbet’s fine and Erin wouldn’t have gone too far, so let’s chalk this up to the water in this place shall we?” Zach added. Erin spoke looking up at him, “What do you say Nikolai? Kill me later?” Nikolai glared at her, but removed his fist. He and the others returned to their makeshift camp site and Erin sat up, “Thanks, saved me that time,” she said, looking over at Zach. “Seems I have to do that way more often than I should.” “Look Zach,” she said as she got to her feet, “I’m sorry okay, you know I get carried away when my magic takes over, I don’t know how to control it yet, shoot me.” “For fucks sake Erin, that’s not an excuse anymore. You ruined the Gathering, do you get that? You alone ruined it. An institution that’s been in existence for hundreds of years, you single-handedly ruined and you’re still using lame as fuck excuses to make it okay.” She didn’t know what to say. She and her partner fought all the time, but he’d never spoken to her like this. For some reason the disappointment in his voice was worse than any time he’d been mad at her. “You must meet with the ancient’s leader now Erin.” Driven from her thoughts, she looked over to where Jacob stood. “You’re still here?” was her mean response. Jacob ignored it, “He can help you find what you seek and understand what you are, go to him when he wakes.” Erin looked up, she hadn’t noticed that dusk was starting to settle around them. Soon the gargoyles would be going about their nocturnal lives. She was glad they’d missed her and Lisbet’s tryst. “Why should I listen to you? All you’ve done is lie to me since I’ve known you,” she shot back, curious, but still not wanting to take advice from Jacob quite yet.

He didn’t flinch, “You weren’t prepared for the truth and still aren’t, that’s the only reason I didn’t share what Melia did. Everything else I’ve told you is the truth, I know you know this.”

Zach stepped forward, “What’s he talking about?” “My past,” Erin answered, still glaring at Jacob. “Okay, say I listen to you, why the ancients, why can’t someone else teach me whatever it is I need to know?” A quick breeze blew Jacob’s silky white hair across his shoulder and for a moment Erin wanted to run her hands through it.

He smiled at her question, “Because they were there .” Chapter 8 “Just come on, you’re acting like a child,” Zach said, urging Erin forward. She’d asked him to accompany her when she went to speak with Kal and though she wasn’t saying it, Zach could tell she was nervous. “I don’t see why I have to do it anyway, Jacob doesn’t know everything does he?”

Zach grimaced, “He knows way more than either of us, so just get on with it, at least you know Kal won’t be out to kill you.” He glanced back at her with a reassuring smile, his anger dissipated. She’d pulled her hair back from her face and her prettiness took centre stage as the moonlight touched its contours. “Much farther?” “Just up and over this hill, one of the others said he likes to hunt down here where the fish are plentiful.” They walked on in silence, the music of the night’s wildlife broken only by their footsteps treading through the underbrush. “I’m sorry about before Zach,” she said after a while. “We’ve both said that enough times in the last years, let’s just move on and forget about it.” And we’ll say it lots more before any of this is over, he thought. “There,” he said quietly, waiting for Erin to join him. They looked down to the beach where Kal was whispering something in a tongue he didn’t know. Beside him was a pile of fish, colourful creatures that wriggled and squirmed until life left them. He turned as though sensing their presence. “Praesidium,” he said in greeting, “You share my meal?” Kal gestured to the fish.

Zach grinned, “In the modern world, we call your dinner sushi, I wouldn’t mind a bite.” Zach did mind, he minded very much. He wasn’t a fan of raw fish, but knew if they consented it would increase their standing in Kal’s eyes. “Yes of course ancient, we’d love some, better than anything I’ve seen in those fancy New York restaurants.” Zach was pretty sure Erin had never been to any of them, but was glad she’d caught on and was playing along. Kal smiled, a friendly smile that reminded Zach of home and for a moment his thoughts turned to Brad and his family. He wondered if the others had heard from them yet.

When they were seated beside Kal and Zach had taken a few bites of the fish, he said, “We’ve come here for your wisdom ancient, you know who she is?” Kal looked over at Erin, a strange smile playing on his lips. “More than Praesidium. One of the mothers.” “Mother?” Erin scoffed, “Is that what the ancients call her kind?” Zach asked quickly, resisting the urge to tape his partner’s mouth shut.

Kal nodded, “Yes, mothers of peace or war, mothers of happiness or destruction. One of the mothers.” He threw a handful of medium-sized fish into his mouth, obviously not the least bit perturbed that they were still squirming.

Zach put his away. “Jacob of the vampires . . . the child of blood, he said you could help her, we’re just not sure how.” “Yea, he said you could help me control my powers or something,” Erin piped up, “I tend to get a little carried away when I’m angry,” she gave a nervous laugh. Kal nodded, then ate more fish before he stood. He held his hand out to Erin, who gripped it with some trepidation. Zach watched, not feeling the usual need to protect her. He could tell that Kal meant her no harm. As he held onto Erin, Zach saw her relax. Her eyes brightened as Kal looked into hers with his large amber ones. The dark-caramel of her skin seemed to glow and her hair was almost a fiery red. Zach stood in awe, not understanding what was happening and lost for words.

Kal spoke, “You possess the power of your fallen sister, of the elements and that which is deep within you.” He touched her forehead and Erin’s eyes closed. Kal held her face in his hands, his eyes appearing even rounder as he peered at her. “Only you can control the powers you possess. It is only you who can harness or unleash. Take this guidance and do as you will mother.” Kal’s hands dropped from Erin and Zach watched as the celestial glow drained from her. She looked at him as though dazed. “Are you okay?” he asked concerned. Erin nodded, turning to the gargoyle leader, “Thank you,” she said, then to Zach, “I feel different somehow, I can’t quite explain it, more at peace maybe?” “That’s something then,” he replied. Zach wasn’t sure hocus pocus was the answer to Erin’s control issues, but if the ancient could make her believe she could control her powers, he wasn’t about to dispute that fact. “I was also wondering why we feel, well, drugged when we’re around the ancients for the first time?” Erin asked. Kal laughed, then just as quickly stopped, turning his head to the ocean. From the shadows other ancients gathered, their eyes trained to the sea. “What’s going on?” Zach heard Erin ask, a question he’d been wondering himself. “Children of water, of blood, of moon, of stars.” Erin looked over at Zach confused and he shrugged. It was only when the VHC accompanied by Jacob joined them, their gazes to the sea just as focused, that he understood. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been to war,” Ragnor’s voice boomed from somewhere behind them. Chapter 9 Waves broke against gnarled rocks as Erin stared out to the sea. She was not yet sure what the others could feel coming, but could tell none of them were going to like it. “Run,” Kal shouted, above the roar of the breaking waves. They’d been calm just moments before and now crashed relentlessly against the rocks as though under duress. His people did not question his command, retreating even before they saw the enemy, but as they ran, claws scrambling quickly over jagged rocks, it was already too late. Erin saw the first kappa as their heads bobbed up from beneath the water’s surface. There were more than ten of the creatures, their small misshapen amphibious bodies, neither bird nor fish, slick with sea salt as they hopped up and over the rocks. She looked around and saw that others stood boxing the gargoyles in, surrounding them from all sides. “Fuck,” she heard Zach say under his breath. She’d never fought against the kappa, but knew them to be callous and tricky with their attacks. Erin glanced over at the VHC, already in battle positions. “We can’t let them attack the ancients. That’s our one mission right now,” she said. “We protect our kind first woman of dark omens,” was Nikolai’s reply.

Erin fumed, but it was Zach who answered for her, “This is not the fucking time for this bullshit. We’re all here as a courtesy and we both know the VHC will want to come back to Dundas, so how about we make sure there’s a reason to?” No arguing with that, Erin thought when he’d finished. Amelie stepped forward, her Most Devout at her side. Their red hair whipped about their bodies and their maniacal grins made Erin shiver involuntarily.

Amelie looked back at them, “Shall we begin?” With that she ran forward, her movements quick and precise. Erin was thrown for a moment by the sheer gracefulness of her attacks, emboldened by the new power that surged through her courtesy of the ancients. She looked over at Zach, “Ready?” Her partner already had his gun out and nodded, both turning to where kappa were approaching the terrified gargoyles menacingly. They leapt in unison, fifteen kappa jumping and attaching themselves to the gargoyles, as though they were a second skin. They ripped and clawed at the ancients’ thick flesh, dark-brown reptilian skin parting to reveal viscous black blood that poured like molasses from wounds, making its way to the sandy floor. “Damn it,” Erin shouted now, sending a pulsing wave in the direction of their attackers. “Out of the way Erin,” Zach called and she obliged, increasing her speed and running out of the path of his bullets. He fired four rounds, dislodging two kappas from their targets, leaving them to rot from the inside out, courtesy of his spelled bullets. Erin tried the same, looking for openings to help the gargoyles, but could not see how to do so without also harming the ancients. “Everything alright?” Zach asked standing beside her. He fired two more rounds, killing another kappa that was making a meal of a gargoyle’s leg. Erin smiled, an idea forming, “It is now.” Focusing her dark magical energy on Zach, she whispered, “Kitni verian letush.” She was a bit rusty with the magical language, but soon saw that the results were as she’d hoped. “Erin, what did you do?” Zach’s gun glowed briefly with blue light and he gripped his Glock uncertainly. “Just shoot.” He did as she said, turning and pointing his gun to the nearest kappa. The bullet pierced the creature’s flesh, making it fall from the gargoyle, then found its way to another, defying all rules of physics before it fell to the ground, spent. Zach looked over and grinned at her, “Well if I knew you could do that all along . . .” he fired again and Erin ran back towards the beach where the vampires were testing their improved powers on the kappa. The creatures though much smaller, were strong and fast, attaching themselves to a host quickly before viciously clawing at every available surface. Still the vampires were easily holding their own and Erin ran instead to Kal. She found him helping two of his wounded people towards their burrows. “More come,” he said when he saw her. “We can handle a few more kappa,” she answered reassuringly. “No. Children of blood, children of moon, children of stars.” Erin remembered what he’d said before the kappa appeared. If the kappa are water she mused, feeling her stomach sink, understanding of his repeated words hitting her. “You have to get the ancients to safety now,” she ordered. Kal nodded, hurrying up the hill, calling to those who could carry themselves to help others as he was. She ran back towards the others who’d grouped again on the beach. “We have to take cover, it’s not over yet.”

Nikolai scoffed, “We do not run from anything,” he said with scorn.

Lisbet chimed in, sweaty from the exertion of the fight, “Yes, maybe that’s what Praesidium teaches you to do, we prefer to face our battles head on.” Though her words annoyed Erin, she knew this was no time to argue with the girl.

She turned to Zach and Jacob, “Remember what Kal said Zach? The children of water are already here . . .” she gestured to the kappa body parts that riddled the beach. Jacob finished her thought, “A diversion, they were a diversion.” His eyes scanned the sea again and one by one Erin saw the VHC do the same, as they began to grasp what that meant.

Sehkti, quiet for most of the time they’d been on the island, spoke, “If not from the sea,” she turned, “You feel it brothers and sisters?” The VHC turned their attention to the south and Erin breathed a sigh of relief. If whatever was coming came from there, the gargoyles were safe, their burrows were in the other direction. “Father, it cannot be . . . ?” Aleksander asked. Ragnor spat, announcing the arrival of their enemies again, “They are here.” Chapter 10 The first thing Zach saw were lines of fire sparking in the darkness. On closer inspection, a man walked towards them, his dark skin radiant and bald head engraved with markings the warden was unfamiliar with. The runes glowed as though on fire and Zach shook his head. “Jinn,” he breathed and Erin nodded. “Children of stars,” she added. Beside him, creeping forward from the darkness as though beckoned, were two lycans standing tall in their primal forms and a vampire, her fangs bared. “Akash,” Nikolai said, “You trespass.” The fire in his skin dulled and the jinn laughed. “I’m surprised you remember me after all this time Nikolai of House Cornelia.” “I’ve long since abandoned such title, in it lies only slavery and torment.” Akash laughed again. “You will always be this to me.” His eyes wandered over to the rest of them and Zach tightened his grip on his gun. Jinn almost never showed themselves, preferring to skulk about pulling strings and doing favours that in the end benefitted no one but themselves. “As my brother has said, you trespass.” Amelie and her Most Devout stepped in front of Nikolai. Akash looked at them, a smile forming. His eyes, red like rich lava pools, regarded her with contempt. Amelie grabbed her head as though in pain, her Most Devout followed soon after, both falling to their knees. “My quarrel is not with you,” he said, “With any of you. I simply wish to share in the same good fortune that has given you the privilege of walking among the ancients, then I will be on my way.” “We can’t allow that,” Zach said, aiming his gun at the jinn. “Humans, always so tiresome.” Before Zach could respond, he was thrown back and away from the group. He landed on the rocks closest to the sea, sputtering as water flowed into his unwilling mouth. It wasn’t long before Erin was beside him, “Zach, are you okay?” she asked, gripping an arm to pull him up. She whispered a healing spell and the pain he’d been feeling faded quicker than it ever had before. Definitely stronger, he realised. “This is bad, we can’t let Akash or whatever his name is get close to the gargoyles, he’ll kill them,” she said, stating the obvious. It was no secret why Praesidium protected the ancients so ardently, but only few knew the whole truth. To kill a gargoyle, was to take its essence into one’s self, which gave a supernatural being even more power. “So what do we do? The wards don’t go up again until morning.” “Just stay back and out of the way, I don’t want you getting hurt.”

Zach cringed, “Stay back? Erin it’s my job to—” “Not this time.” Her look hushed him. They re-joined the group, his gun still level with Akash’s bare chest. “So what’s it going to be?” he was saying, smiling at them with rows of perfectly white teeth. Nikolai sped towards him in answer and Jacob came from the other side, both aiming for the jugular. Akash gave a quick nod and immediately the lycans and vampire that accompanied him went after Lisbet and Aleksander, ignoring the other VHC members. Nikolai’s attention averted, Akash struck, searing the vampire’s arm as his fist came towards his face. Zach fired in the direction of the other three, but saw that Erin was already there, her body blocking the dhampirs as she flung her arms out, throwing their attackers back towards Askash. Akash gave her an uncertain glance, which gave Jacob time to plunge his teeth into the jinn’s collarbone. Akash barely squirmed and Zach soon saw why he didn’t. Gripping Jacob’s neck he dug his fingernails in, hands igniting. Jacob shouted out and Akash dropped him to the ground. Zach chanced to look over at Erin. Her expression changed and Zach, knowing her next move before it happened tried to stop it. “Erin, don’t.” Chapter 11 Seeing Jacob in trouble triggered something in Erin. She moved forward, daggers at her side as the lycans attacked her again. Whispering a quick spell she threw the serrated blades, not stopping as they met their targets, digging deep into their flesh and imbedding themselves there, incapacitating them. She launched herself forward again, meeting the vampire head on. Glad that she was not nearly as strong as the council members, or even the dhampirs. Her attack was met with little resistance and Erin whispered a Latin-based spell that made the blade she used now sharper than before. She paused mid-step, using the vampire’s weakness to her advantage. As her fangs descended to meet Erin’s neck, she dragged her blade along the supernatural’s neck. She watched the vampire slide off the edge of the blade, guttural sounds escaping her as blood pooled where her head rested in the sand. “Erin stop it, he’s too strong, stop,” but Erin wasn’t listening to Zach. Jacob lay motionless. He was not healing as he should be and his hair, usually perfectly white, was singed, framing his head like a blanket of ash. “Erin,” she heard Zach shout again as she came closer to the jinn. Like Amelie, Nikolai and the other vampires had taken a knee to Akash’s power and Erin grimaced as she faced him. “No way you’re this powerful on your own,” she began, hoping to take his attention away from the fact that she was trying to focus her magic. “And what would you be?” he asked, though Erin could see he already knew the answer. “The question is, how’d you know to come here? Pretty sure the organisation took every precaution to keep the VHC’s presence in Dundas quiet.” Akash laughed, “Nothing is secret from the Deserters.”

Erin raised an eyebrow. “The what?”

Akash laughed again, “If you have not heard of us, maybe it is not you that I should be speaking to.” “How ‘bout you don’t speak at all? Gelida ventus.” Her spell released a blast of freezing cold wind and Akash was pushed back for a brief moment. He grinned, “If that’s all you have to offer, Catrine will have no trouble finishing you off. Maybe I will do it for her.” Erin dug her heels into the sand, keeping her stance firm. Akash’s eyes closed and his body lit up as the runes that covered his bare skin glowed bright with the fire from within him. He opened his eyes, red pools that dared her to defy him. Erin obliged. Levitating, she propelled herself forward. She could feel her dark magic pushing up and throughout her body, energizing her in a way she had never felt before. Her nerves tingled and skin felt hot as she fought to contain the power she felt welling up, willing her to let go, begging her to allow it to take over. Akash waited as she approached and Erin heard shots that could only be from Zach’s weapon. As his flames engulfed her, Erin was still. She lingered in mid-air, first feeling the sweeping pain of the flames, before it was washed away and replaced by a surge of power as Erin took them into herself. Her feet connected with the ground and she saw Zach beside her, looking at her with a shocked expression. “You cannot still be here.” Akash looked at her with wonder, his eyes roving over her as though searching for some trick. “Is that all?” Erin asked. A question familiar to her lips, though now it struck her as truer than ever before. She was aware of every pulse, every beat of her dark magic as it meandered, taking her over, though this time, not as completely as before. She remembered Kal’s words, focusing on keeping herself in check as she harnessed her power. Erin raised an arm, and pulled it towards her, dragging an unwilling Akash closer. He fought to escape, but Erin kept him in a vice grip. “I asked you if that was all?” “You may be strong priestess of vodun, still you are nothing compared to my mistress Catrine.” Erin looked over at Zach, who pointed his weapon uncertainly at Akash. “Hear that Zach? A new challenger,” she said with a small laugh. “We can take him in Erin, we’ve been trying to get intel on his gang for months.” The Deserters I presume, Erin realised, her gaze resting on Akash. “He won’t tell us anything so here’s what we’re going to do instead . . .” “Erin,” Zach said in warning. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to kill him.” She brought Akash closer to her, the scent of burning wood filling her nostrils. “You’re going to leave Dundas Island, go back to your mistress and let her know I’ll be seeing her soon.” She released him and he stood grinning at her as though nothing had happened. “This is your first mistake.” With that and in a magician’s trick of disappearing smoke, he was gone.

Zach approached Erin, an edge of annoyance in his tone, “We should have brought him in.” “He wouldn’t have talked,” she replied. With Akash gone the vampires were slowly coming to their senses. Amelie’s voice could be heard above the others, arguing shrilly, her embarrassment at being bested obvious. “Be right back,” Erin said, jogging over to Jacob who was sitting up. He rubbed his head, touching the burnt edges carefully. “Good, you’re healing again,” she said as she crouched beside him. “Your anger with me has fled?” Erin shook her head, “Not sure what I’m feeling Jacob, but when I saw you lying there, something happened. It was like I was somewhere else and I saw you tied up all bloody and even though it was just a flash, I felt terrified, like I needed to help you.”

Jacob held her hand, “I’m glad,” he said with a smile, “Not many can fight a jinn and survive.” “He was nothing,” she replied, embellishing the truth. She could tell that had she not been further empowered by the ancients, her meeting with Akash might have gone differently. “Bloody ‘ell, thought you lot were done for.” The familiar voice made Erin get up and join Zach who was already greeting Damian. With him were the majority of their Dundas team. Containment officers assessed the damage, getting to work almost immediately to remove any traces of supernatural activity on the island. “The gargoyles?” Zach asked. “Back in their burrows, good thing too, couldn’t explain another fuck up to the boys upstairs,” he glanced at Erin, “What about you lass, ‘ow’re you feeling?” “Never better Damian,” she said, then gave a quick account of what had occurred in the last hour. Damian listened with a grave expression, then looked to Zach for confirmation before speaking. “Someone on the inside then, giving away trade secrets and all that. No way the Deserters could know so much about our operations otherwise,” Zach agreed.

Erin shook her head, exasperated, “Could someone get me in the loop?” “Not our fault you’ve been away and living under a rock Erin,” Zach said dryly. “Don’t worry, I’ll fill you in on the way back to Middlesbrough.” “You lot aren’t going there.”

Erin raised an eyebrow at Damian’s interjection, “Where then? Back to Barbados?” “Negative. When admin hears you’ve got this kind of lead on the Deserters, they’re going to want you to follow-up. We last heard rumblings in Japan, that’s where you’re headed. Who knows, maybe you’ll be able to bring in this new priestess while you’re at it.” Erin held back her sigh. She’d had more than her fill of sister drama in the last month. She was about to say as much when Nikolai took her attention.

He came to stand beside Damian, ignoring the conversation they were having. “My children tell me you risked yourself to protect them from the lycans. Though it was unnecessary aid.” “You’re welcome,” she replied through gritted teeth. “You expect gratitude after all you have done to me in the past? I share wisdom in its stead,” Erin waited, sure that whatever Nikolai wanted to tell her wasn’t going to make her day. “Do not mistake a win for a win.”

She rolled her eyes, “What?” “It is your belief that Akash was bested by you. Just as it was his belief that I was bested by him. Think on these words woman of dark omens. They will save you so it is me who strikes the final blow.” “Nikolai, let’s make sure you, the VHC and your guests get back on your plane safely, wouldn’t want you within the barrier when it goes back up,” Damian interrupted with a forced laugh, trying to lighten the mood. He and the vampire walked off to join the others and Erin watched them, her gaze eventually landing on Jacob, who stood apart from the rest, his eyes resting on the ominous sea. “Don’t worry about what he said Erin, you’re way stronger, I could feel it when you healed me.”

She smiled, turning to look at him. “One day, I won’t be strong enough.”

Chapter 1 Artificial sunlight streamed through barely opened shutters and Erin groaned. It was her first time staying in Containment Unit 15’s residential quarters and already she could see that the rumours about it being different from any of the other units across the world were true. She and Zach had landed in Tokyo the day before and soon after had endured hours of Admin’s inquiry into what happened on Dundas Island. Looking at the time and realising she’d only slept for half an hour, she chided herself for not skipping a meal in favour of more sleep. Her phone buzzed to life, making her finally sit up. “Yea?” “Good you’re up.” “Just barely, that damn strobe light or whatever the heck it is made it kind of impossible to get any real rest.” Zach’s chuckle encouraged a smile from her, taking her back to a time not so long ago when everything hadn’t been so drastically changed. “Yea, they take their cover company’s background seriously, new technologies that they actually use in the building. Can’t say I’d want to see what their dungeon’s like then,” He laughed again and Erin agreed. Containment Unit 15 used the front of being a research-based tech company. Easier to sell than a faceless financial conglomerate as most containment units were, this cover allowed operatives easy access across Japan. “Heard from Damian?” Erin asked. “Not yet, but transport’s ready to take us downtown. There’s talk of an underground fight club or something that’s linked to the gang, we should start there. Damian will expect more than air when we talk to him anyway.” “Okay I’ll get ready then and Zach?” “Yes?” Erin didn’t answer immediately, her stomach churning as she briefly remembered some of what had happened on their last assignment. “Sorry I’ve been so tough to be around, there’s just a lot going on and I can get carried away.” “You don’t have to explain Erin. Sure you make me bloody mental sometimes, but I’m not sure what I’d be like if I had to handle half of what you do. Plus I’ve got my own problems, my partner’s a royal pain in the ass and I’m—”

Erin laughed, interrupting, “Okay, okay, that’s enough of you and that, meet you in the armoury in a few.” She shook her head, throwing her phone carelessly onto the bed and looked around for her clothing. She’d taken fresh clothes from her suitcase before turning in and now crossed the room to retrieve them. She considered a shower, but a quick sniff of her armpits assured her she could skip it. Erin found herself grinning thinking of how Zach would wrinkle his nose in disgust at her avoidance of a shower. She pulled her vest over her head and was just about to drag on jeans, when a melodious dinging signalling someone at the door, interrupted her. She assumed it was Zach deciding to meet her there instead. “Yes, I took a shower,” she lied. Using her room’s remote she pushed a button with the Japanese character for door, then turned away before it slid open, reaching for her pants again. “I’ll just be a minute, thought we were meeting in the armoury,” she said, sticking one leg in. When Zach didn’t say anything to Erin she turned to look at him.

Her expression hardened, “Stalking me now?” It was Jacob, not Zach, who’d graced her door. “I’d spend every moment at your side if I could, but no, like you I’ve come to Japan on official business.”

She raised an eyebrow, “Then why are you here? Shouldn’t you be pissing off some other ancient vampire somewhere?” She pulled her pants forcefully over her hips. “I wanted to see you before I left for Sweden, I’m not sure when next my eyes will find yours.” Erin tried to appear nonchalant, but felt something akin to disappointment at his words. “The organisation sending you?” “No,” was all he said. Seeing that he had no intention of explaining she replied cattily, “Well you’ve seen me so . . .” the speed at which Jacob crossed the room was dizzying. Without her contacts, she missed the movement almost completely and stumbled, surprised when he was suddenly so close to her. “What do you want from me Jacob?” she asked, her voice uncharacteristically raspy.

He touched her face, “You’re starting to remember, don’t be afraid by what you see.” Erin shook herself and took a step back. He was right of course. It had begun on the island among the gargoyles when she’d known as easily as she knew she must take breath that she had to save Jacob from the jinn. It was as if she’d done it before, as if history was repeating. Since then there had been snippets here or there, fleeting memories that she was unable to grab onto. “You can’t keep showing up whenever you want, I can’t keep doing this with you,” she said finally, changing the subject. “That will not be your worry for a while, as I said I’m going away, I will not return for some time.” Erin tried not to let curiosity get the better of her. It was obvious he didn’t want to tell her what his business entailed and she was not about to act like a lost puppy in his wake. “Whatever, anyway I have to meet Zach, so see you when I do,” she pointed at the door, but Jacob didn’t move. Erin pressed a hand against his chest, her intention to push him out of her way. She stopped, her hand resting against him, emotions haphazardly ripping through her, causing her to gasp. Recovering, she realised that Jacob was holding onto her now, looking down at her with concern. “It’s happened again? What did you see?” Erin’s honey-browns regarded him as though they were seeing him for the first time. “I-I didn’t see, I felt.” She pulled him to her, possessing his lips, unsure of what she was doing, but knowing in that moment she needed him more than anything else. Jacob responded in kind, his hands exploring her skin, undressing her with ease and taking her as he had so many times before. Chapter 2 The streets of Tokyo were a dense boiling pot of bodies in various stages of activity. Zach traversed the throng behind his partner, noting that despite the sheer numbers, he and Erin still stood out like sore thumbs. At his six foot two frame and line-backer’s build, and Erin with her rich caramel-coloured skin, it wasn’t hard to see that they were not native to the oriental gem. “Wait,” Zach called in Portuguese, a necessity for their covers. Admin had been clear that like the other wardens already monitoring the Deserters’ movements, they were simply to observe and gather information. As such, the two were undercover as Brazilian thrill-seekers looking for a new high. “You are so slow,” Erin shouted back to him, with a convincing laugh. They’d made it a point to make their conversation easy to overhear since they’d been dropped off by their transport, knowing that it would further sell their cover. Tourists were only cloak and dagger when there was something to hide and the wardens were making sure they showcased their exuberance to the public. “Next street, take the corner to the left, act as though you’ve gotten us lost.” Zach spoke that only Erin could hear, reverting to English. Their earpieces allowed them to communicate in case they were somehow separated. He’d memorised the infrastructure near their assignment the night before and as his mind pulled up information, he intermittently relayed it to his partner. Erin did as she was told, stringing words together fluently in the foreign language, throwing her hands in the air as Zach listened, feigning the role of the doting boyfriend. When she finally let him get a word in he took her hand, kissing it as though they’d made up. The two continued in this way, holding hands in comfortable silence, every bit the young couple in love. “Black door with unusual markings, check,” he whispered as they approached their destination. The crowds had thinned out considerably when they’d turned onto the last street, and Zach soon saw that only those seeking entry or exiting the ominous black doorway, were there. “Be careful, there’s some kind of dark magic here, I can feel it.” As was the case whenever they were about to be thrown into some danger, Zach felt the need to reach for his customised Glock. He didn’t though as their role was to observe and their orders clear -- no weapons. He felt naked without either of them, but was heartened by the heavy protection spell Erin had placed on them before they’d set out. Since she’d begun using the magical languages more often, these kinds of spells now had a longer lasting effect. “Ready,” he asked and reached to push the door, when it opened and three locals spilled out. Their clothes reeked of saké and something else that Zach could not place. He stepped aside quickly to avoid them crashing into him, but they were so engrossed in excited drunken conversation, that none of them seemed to notice him or Erin. “Kids,” he heard his partner mutter with a scoff. “Yea, because you’re so over the hill,” he replied, before stepping into the well-lit passageway. Almost immediately two Japanese women, dolled up provocatively as German barmaids, greeted them. Wooden trays full of drinks and snacks for sale hung around their necks and they wore perfectly plastic smiles. He watched as Erin examined their wares, pretending to make a fuss over what they should get, before deciding to keep it simple with traditional saké. As they went on, they were met by more eager servers and people from all walks of life lined the passage, propping against the establishment’s red walls. Zach assessed its patrons, filing information away for future use. After they’d gone on for what seemed like a long time, the red walls gave way to huge two-way mirrors and patrons stood in rapt attention watching the live shows available for their enjoyment. Zach felt Erin’s hand snake around his waist and she buried her head in his back murmuring, “They have no idea.” Zach grinned as though she’d said somethin