PIA MYRVOLD Født 1960 I Stavanger
PIA MYRVOLD Født 1960 i Stavanger. UTDANNELSE: Autodidakt. Studieopphold i Paris, New York, Roma, Tyskland, California. INNKJØPT AV: Nasjonalgalleriet. Drammen Kunstmuseum. Rogaland Kunstmuseum. Trondheim Kommune. Norsk Kulturråd. Vestlandske Kunstindustrimuseum. Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum. Haugesund Billedgalleri. Statoils Kunstsamlinger. UTSTILLINGER: Separatutstillinger (utvalg): 2015 ANX, Northern Studio, WANDS - first generation smart sculptures, Oslo Pia MYrvoLD- WANDs, first generation smart sculptures, MYworLD, Paris Galleri IUC, Coloss- Island- Shields, Bryne Galleri BiZ, Coloss- Island, Kristiansand Galleri Svae, Travel of the Eye- grafikk, maleri, video, Gjøvik Galleri Amare, Travel of the Eye- grafikk, maleri, video, Stavanger 2014 Pia MYrvoLD-Art Avatar, Centre Pompidou, Paris Studio 13/16, Curator Boris Tissot The Metamorphoses of the Virtual III Google Culture Institute, Paris 2013 Movements — Now and Then, Galleri S.E, Bergen, Norway 2012 WORKS IN MOTION, The Stenersen Museum- Oslo, Norway WORKS IN MOTION, LACDA, Los Angeles, USA 2011 FLOW — a work in Motion, Zattere 417, Venice, Italy FLOW — a work in Motion, The Stenersen Museum, Oslo, Norway 2008 In-formation, Stavanger Kunst Museum, Norway 2007 Interfaces, Norsk Form, Oslo, Norway 2004 ONS-artist, Galleri Sult, Stavanger Norway 2002 The Bridge, Fellisimo Design House, New York, USA 2000 Bergen Identity, Bergen Art Museum; European Capital of Culture 1992 Urban Upwind, ephemeral architecture, Parc de la Villette, Paris 1990 Slow Emotion, Oslo Kunstforening,
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