
Sign up to give back with everyday shopping

This month we are highlighting all the ways you can give back to SMES with your regular shopping habits. All you have to do is sign up, clip, or click and money will go back to the school through a variety of community rebate programs that we participate in.

These programs aren’t just for parents and teachers! Spread the word to grandparents, family members and friends. They’ll be happy to help if you just ask.

Have you noticed the place to enter a phone number on the payment keypad at Publix grocery stores? Register online for the Publix Partners program, then enter your phone number every Publix time you shop before you insert your card. Automatically, a percentage of purchases will go back Partners to the school. Go to http://corporate.publix.com/community/corporate-campaigns/publix- partners and click the link to sign up for a Publix.com account. Once you have the account, go to the “My Publix Partner” section and select “St Martin's Episcopal School - , GA” as your partner. Once you do, just remember to enter your phone number at check-out, and money will start going to SMES with every purchase. ties its rewards program to your Kroger Plus card. (Ask for a Kroger Plus card in store if you Kroger don’t have one.) All you need to do is link your Kroger Plus card online to our school to start Community earning rewards for SMES when you shop for groceries. Go to Rewards https://www.kroger.com/signin?redirectUrl=/account/communityrewards, then click the “I’m a customer” button. Then either sign In to your account or create an account if you need one, being sure to enter your Kroger Plus card were prompted so it is linked. Once logged in, you can search for our school. We are listed as “St. Martins Episcopal School” or you can search by our organization number, which is XJ120. Now, when you use your Kroger Plus card at Kroger, a percentage of purchases will come back to SMES. If you shop on , there’s an easy way to give back to SMES with every purchase. You just Amazon Smile need to log into a different url, which is https://smile.amazon.com/. Once there, log in as you normally would, and select St. Martin’s Episcopal School as your charity. Then, every time you shop Amazon, go back to the Smile url above, and a percentage of purchases will go back to SMES. Your Prime benefits will transfer over also. St. Martin’s has a new shopping site that was launched last fall, which not only offers deals for hundreds of major retailers, but also gives back a percentage of sales to the school. Just go to Shop 4 Good http://stores.shop4good.org/smespto/ and click through to your favorite retailers to start

shopping. Also, if you use Google Chrome, you can download a shopping extension so you don’t have to go back to the Shop 4 Good site each time. Otherwise, just start at the link above each time and your purchases will generate money for SMES. Box Tops for Look for the Box Tops for Education logo on everyday products from General Mills, Nestle, Ziploc, Education Kleenex, Annie’s, Hefty, Yoplait and more! Clip them out, save them, and send them to school in a baggie or envelope. There is a collection basket behind the main reception desk. These are sent into the Box Tops program regularly and the school receives money in return.

Please take a few minutes to sign up today to start giving back to SMES. Questions? Contact one of the PTO Community Rebates Co-Chairs, Jennifer House ([email protected]) or Christina Westmoreland ([email protected]).