E1576 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 9, 2011

two Bronze Star Medals with Valor, Purple minds of 9/11—Khalid Sheikh Muhammad and Mr. Speaker, please join Mr. CARDOZA and Heart Medal, Defense Meritorious Service Osama bin Laden. me in honoring Modesto Chamber of Com- Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Commenda- Ultimately, it is America’s courage and merce on 50 years of sponsoring the Harvest tion Medal, Joint Service Achievement Medal, America’s values that defeated the terrorists. Luncheon so scholarships for agriculture re- two Navy and Marine Corps Achievement As British Prime Minister Tony Blair said in an lated majors can continue to be awarded. The Medals, Combat Action Ribbon, Presidential address to Congress, ‘‘We are so much more luncheon is a valuable asset to the community Unit Citation, two Afghanistan Campaign Med- powerful in all conventional ways than the ter- and should be celebrated. als, Iraq Campaign Medal, Global War on Ter- rorists. In the end, it is not our power alone f rorism Expeditionary Medal, Global War on that will defeat this evil. Our ultimate weapon Service Medal, and numerous other is not our guns, but our beliefs.’’ This anniver- MEMORIAL TRIBUTE FOR CHIEF personal and unit decorations. sary is but one marker along the way to build- PETTY OFFICER SPECIAL WAR- Chief Tumilson is survived by his loving ing on the dream that is our democratic Na- FARE OPERATOR AARON CARSON family, friends, and teammates. tion—the land of the free and the home of the VAUGHN His nation owes Chief Tumilson an enor- brave. mous debt of gratitude. We are honored to f HON. KAY GRANGER have had such an exemplary American fight- OF TEXAS 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF MODESTO ing for his country. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I wish to extend my condolences to Chief CHAMBER OF COMMERCE’S HAR- Friday, September 9, 2011 Tumilson’s family, friends, and teammates and VEST LUNCHEON hope they continue to find solace in his lasting Ms. GRANGER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to impact on his grateful nation. Our thoughts HON. JEFF DENHAM honor Chief Petty Officer Special Warfare Op- and prayers are with them. OF CALIFORNIA erator Aaron Carson Vaughn who died August f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 6th in Wardak Province, Afghanistan. Chief Petty Officer Vaughn was a patriot and a hero Friday, September 9, 2011 IN HONOR OF THE TENTH ANNI- who made the ultimate sacrifice ensuring the VERSARY OF SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 Mr. DENHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today with security of our nation. He will be greatly my colleague, Mr. CARDOZA, to acknowledge missed. HON. JIM MATHESON and honor the 50th Anniversary of Modesto Chief Vaughn was a highly decorated com- OF UTAH Chamber of Commerce’s Harvest Luncheon. bat veteran with numerous awards, including IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The first luncheon dates back to 1956 when the Bronze Star Medal with Valor, Purple a Modesto Junior College Scholarship was Heart Medal, Defense Meritorious Service Friday, September 9, 2011 generated from a lunch honoring the richness Medal, Joint Service Commendation Medal Mr. MATHESON. Mr. Speaker, this anniver- of Stanislaus County’s agriculture. with Valor, Navy and Marine Corps Achieve- sary is first, last and always a day of remem- In 1961, the Modesto Chamber of Com- ment Medal with Valor, two Navy and Marine brance. The shock and horror of that day has merce officially became the sponsor of the Corps Achievement Medals, Combat Action receded. But all of us remember where we Harvest Luncheon; Ribbon, Presidential Unit Citation, two Afghan- were on that morning when passenger jets be- In 1961, Stanislaus County’s agricultural istan Campaign Medals, Iraq Campaign came missiles, striking the twin towers of the production was $142,031,000; Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service World Trade Center. The mountains of debris The luncheon was originally established to Medal, and numerous other personal and unit left when they collapsed are gone. The Pen- showcase local growers and producers and to decorations. tagon has long since been restored. The field demonstrate the impact of agriculture in Chief Vaughn is survived by his loving fam- near Shanksville, Pennsylvania is a burial Stanislaus County; ily, friends, and teammates. ground still, where contemplation by those In 1980, Bill Lyons, Sr. offered to donate the His nation owes Chief Vaughn an enormous who return is reverent and sorrowful. Two beef and ‘‘charge’’ for the luncheon to in- debt of gratitude. We are honored to have had Utahns were aboard one of the hijacked crease the scholarship dollars for Modesto Jr. such an exemplary American fighting for his planes that struck the first tower; another College students with agricultural related ma- country. Utahn died at his job in the Pentagon when a jors; I wish to extend my condolences to Chief third jet crashed into it. In 1996, the Harvest Luncheon Scholarship Vaughn’s family, friends, and teammates and The passing days brought much heartache. was renamed to honor two giants in hope they continue to find solace in his lasting Not all Americans lost family members during Stanislaus County agriculture, Henry Voss, impact on his grateful nation. Our thoughts the terrorist attacks, yet it felt as though we former Secretary and Claire Berryhilll, past Di- and prayers are with them. did. In the aftermath, many of us lit candles, rector, of the California Department of Food f mailed donations, flew our flag, and hugged and Agriculture; our children more tightly at night as we tucked In 2002, Del Monte Foods became a private 9/11 COMMEMORATION CEREMONY them into bed. The heroes of 9/11—members partnership leader and has since generously REMEMBRANCE CEREMONY of the New York and Port Authority police de- donated $10,000 annually to the Modesto partments and the firefighters— Chamber of Commerce Voss/Berryhill Mo- HON. KENNY MARCHANT quickly replaced the frightening images of the desto Junior College Ag Scholarship Program, OF TEXAS hijackers. From across this country, ordinary significantly increasing the amount of scholar- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES people put comfortable lives on hold in order ship dollars awarded; to join the rescue and recovery effort. Later With the exception of 1961 and 1963 Friday, September 9, 2011 on, thousands of men and women from all through 1965, 456 students have been award- Mr. MARCHANT. Mr. Speaker, September walks of life stepped forward, donned our ed in excess of $300,000 in scholarships in 11, 2001, is a day forever etched into the country’s uniform and took the fight to those the past 50 years; memory of the American people. On that day who plotted against America. Terrorists tried to In 2011, Stanislaus County’s agricultural 10 years ago, over 3,000 innocent people, in- break America apart; instead, their actions production was $2,572,434,000; cluding nine Texans, died during the attacks brought Americans together. The luncheon is made possible through the on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and The September 11th attacks triggered generous donations of agribusiness and agri- aboard Flight 93. We gather now at the American resilience. We worked hard to return cultural producers and processors from Carrollton Remembrance Service to honor to normal—a new kind of normal. As a Nation, throughout Stanislaus County. both their memory and the sacrifices of their we have made ourselves safer and more vigi- The Harvest Lunch/Ag Aware Committee families. We also renew our commitment to lant—at airports, on trains, on subways, at consists of 33 dedicated individuals plus innu- honoring the sacrifice and service of the citi- ports and in cyberspace. We strengthened in- merable volunteers who plan for six months zens who risked their lives to help all those telligence and information sharing, we traced and serve in excess of 800 attendees in fif- impacted on that terrible day. Firefighters, po- the money and shut down terrorist bank ac- teen minutes. lice officers, and first responders saved thou- counts, and we foiled al Qaeda. The U.S. and The tradition of giving thanks for Stanislaus sands of victims, and nearly 350 rescue per- its allies have hunted down, captured or killed County’s bountiful harvest of over 350 agricul- sonnel gave their lives in the service of others. over 600 U.S. targets, including the master- tural commodities continues to this day. It is because of their bravery that many of us

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:37 Sep 10, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K09SE8.003 E09SEPT1 pwalker on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS September 9, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1577 knew 9/11 would not be the downfall of our This Sunday our nation will commemorate to help the African nations reach their full po- great nation, despite what those who attacked the 10th Anniversary of the terrorist attacks tential, he focused on creating a common pur- us intended. that took place on September 11, 2001. It was pose to help the world’s most vulnerable—the While 9/11 is a day of great solemnity, it is a day that changed the way we live and view hungry, the poor, women and children; those also a moment of pride. Our reaction as a the world. without education, food, water or dignified country to those events—both during the It was a difficult time for all of us, but most work. events and afterward—reveals much about us difficult for the families, friends, relatives and I often reflect on how well we as Americans as a people. Our enemies thought they could communities who lost loved ones on that day. and the international community have re- break our spirit and crush our will, but they In the Boston Public Garden is a memorial sponded to that challenge. I look at the famine failed to realize our resolve and resilience. As to those in and New England in the Horn of Africa, and I can see where we President George Bush said only days later, who were lost on that day. At the entrance to have reached out to Ethiopians and Kenyans ‘‘America today is on bended knee, in prayer the memorial is a simple plaque that reads: and helped them become stronger and more for the people whose lives were lost here, for ‘‘September 11, 2001: The people of Massa- resilient to the shocks brought on by natural the workers who work here, for the families chusetts will always remember our families, disasters and long-term droughts. These in- that mourn.’’ They sought to divide us, but our husbands, wives, sons, daughters, moth- vestments have kept millions from falling into they mistook the strength of our convictions ers, fathers, sisters, brothers, grandparents, famine, but there’s still more to do. for the inability to act and the wisdom of liberty grandchildren, companions, friends and neigh- for frailty of arms. And they certainly failed to bors.’’ Right next door, in Somalia, a nation torn by understand the breadth of our unity and the Among the 207 names enshrined in the decades of war and instability, tens of millions depth of our commitment to freedom both here Public Garden 9/11 Memorial are six from my are facing famine, hardest hit are the children. and around the world. district in Massachusetts: Lynn Goodchild from We need to do more. As we look back on the 10 years since the Attleboro; Christopher Zarba, Jr., from I look next door in my own cities and towns, attacks, we are reminded that the United Hopkinton; Linda George and Robin Kaplan and I find families struggling to put food on the States still faces enemies who spread fear from Westborough; Dianne Snyder from West- table, as we look at a period of extended un- and hate through terrorism and brutality. Con- port; and Tara Creamer from Worcester. employment and attacks against state and gress, the Presidency, and the federal govern- Today my thoughts and sympathies remain federal safety-net programs. We need to do ment have an obligation and duty to protect with their families, friends and loved ones. more—and we need to do better. our nation. With the Grace of God we have Many had children, some who are scarcely On the first Sunday following the 9/11 at- made great strides since that day, but with more than a decade old, others who are now tacks, I was at an ecumenical service in much left to be done we ask Him to continue teenagers or entering college. Each had vi- Worcester, Massachusetts. I said then that ‘‘as to guide us on the path to national recovery. brant lives and futures. We carry their memory our faith teaches us: Love is stronger than f in our hearts and our thoughts. hate.’’ H. RES. 391, RESOLUTION COM- I would like to insert the names of all the I still believe that. Massachusetts residents who perished on 9/ MEMORATING THE 10TH ANNI- I still believe that peace-making—an end to VERSARY OF SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 11. I think about the future we are called upon poverty and oppression—is a vital part of any to create and build in the next decade, before global effort to end terrorism once and for all. HON. JAMES P. McGOVERN we reach the 20th Anniversary of 9/11. In the I still believe that respecting the basic rights OF MASSACHUSETTS days following the attacks, then British Prime and dignity of all people is the best expression IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Minister Tony Blair called upon the world to of who we are as America. Friday, September 9, 2011 use the sense of unity and human sympathy And I still believe that this is the future we Mr. McGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today engendered by the attacks to create a ‘‘com- must recommit ourselves to creating and be- in support of this resolution. munity for good.’’ While referencing the need coming a reality. MASSACHUSETTS VICTIMS OF 9/11

RESIDENTS Victim Name City/Town State Location on 9/11/01

Jeffrey W. Coombs ...... Abington ...... MA AA Flight 11 Philip M. Rosenzweig ...... Acton ...... MA AA Flight 11 Madeline Sweeney ...... Acton ...... MA AA Flight 11 Robert Jay Hayes ...... Amesbury ...... MA AA Flight 11 Mildred Naiman ...... Andover ...... MA AA Flight 11 Betty Ann Ong ...... Andover ...... MA AA Flight 11 Joseph Mathai ...... Arlington ...... MA World Trade Center Lynn Catherine Goodchild ...... Attleboro ...... MA UA Flight 175 Brian D. Sweeney ...... Barnstable ...... MA UA Flight 175 Charles E. Jones ...... Bedford ...... MA AA Flight 11 Carlos Alberto Montoya ...... Bellmont ...... MA AA Flight 11 Paul Friedman ...... Belmont ...... MA AA Flight 11 Edward (Ted) R. Hennessy Jr...... Belmont ...... MA AA Flight 11 Jessica Leigh Sachs ...... Billerica ...... MA AA Flight 11 Graham Andrew Berkeley ...... Boston ...... MA UA Flight 175 Eric Samadikan Hartono ...... Boston ...... MA UA Flight 175 Todd Russell Hill ...... Boston ...... MA World Trade Center Christopher D. Mello ...... Boston ...... MA AA Flight 11 Rahma Salie ...... Boston ...... MA AA Flight 11 Heather Lee Smith ...... Boston ...... MA AA Flight 11 Michael Theodoridis ...... Boston ...... MA AA Flight 11 Christine Barbuto ...... Brookline ...... MA AA Flight 11 Kelly Ann Booms ...... Brookline ...... MA AA Flight 11 Karleton D.B. Fyfe ...... Brookline ...... MA AA Flight 11 Daniel C. Lewin ...... Brookline ...... MA AA Flight 11 Maile Rachel Hale ...... Cambridge ...... MA World Trade Center John Charles Jenkins ...... Cambridge ...... MA AA Flight 11 Myra Joy Aronson ...... Charlestown ...... MA AA Flight 11 Christopher M. Morrison ...... Charlestown ...... MA World Trade Center Dave Bernard ...... Chelmsford ...... MA World Trade Center Alexander Milan Filipov ...... Concord ...... MA AA Flight 11 Karen A. Martin ...... Danvers ...... MA AA Flight 11 Deborah Medwig ...... Dedham ...... MA World Trade Center Sonia Morales Puopolo ...... Dover ...... MA AA Flight 11 John Ogonowski ...... Dracut ...... MA AA Flight 11 Antonio Jesus Montoya Valdes ...... East Boston ...... MA AA Flight 11 James Anthony Trentini ...... Everett ...... MA AA Flight 11 Mary Barbara Trentini ...... Everett ...... MA AA Flight 11 Michael Gregory McGinty ...... Foxboro ...... MA World