Congressional Record—House H8067
November 13, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8067 Mr. Speaker, I want to commend all held no hearings or had any other process CONFERENCE REPORT ON H.R. 2330, the members of committee, the staff of with respect to whether granting the SEC AGRICULTURE, RURAL DEVELOP- our committee, both Republican and emergency powers to grant exemptions to MENT, FOOD AND DRUG ADMIN- Democrat, and the staff and members PUHCA was warranted or in the public inter- ISTRATION, AND RELATED of the SEC. I urge everyone to support est. Given the Commission’s rather shoddy AGENCIES APPROPRIATIONS this bill. record in recent years of administering the ACT, 2002 Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of Act, I am not comfortable with granting such Mr. BONILLA. Mr. Speaker, pursuant my time. an exemption today. I am particularly con- to the previous order of the House, I Mr. OXLEY. Mr. Speaker, I am cerned when I have seen no justification from call up the conference report on the awaiting the subcommittee chairman, the SEC or its staff for giving the SEC such bill (H.R. 2330) making appropriations the gentleman from Louisiana (Mr. authority, no analysis of the possible impact of for Agriculture, Rural Development, BAKER) who has indicated he would this on PUHCA or on our nation’s electricity or Food and Drug Administration, and come over to the floor. natural gas markets, and no indication that the Related Agencies programs for the fis- If I could inquire of the Chair as to lack of such authority has posed any problems cal year ending September 30, 2002, and how much time is remaining on this for PUHCA-companies post-September 11.
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