
By: Allison Coney

Imagine that you are walking along a hot desert with the burning sand going right over your sandal souls, and through your toes. A huge walks right up to you. You turn around and see an antelope standing there right behind you. You are surrounded by animals, tons of them. The desert is home to many animals. There are different types of animals. These animals rely on different types of food along with many strategies to survive.

Desert Animals There are many different of animals in the desert. One type of is the Desert Peccary, also known as the Javelina. A Peccary is a -like animal with a large head and a long snout. Peccaries have a very good sense of hearing. They also have three toes on each hind foot. According to an article written by The Editors of Encyclopædia Brittanica, "Peccaries are the New World counterparts of swine (family ) and differ The peccary has a very tough mouth and a from true in certain skeletal and special digestive system that allows it to chomp dental features." ( This on and digest the prickly pear pads. quote is important because many people do not know that Peccaries are in the same family as pigs but they are not pigs. when they are disturbed they chatter their teeth. Although they can be very aggressive when harassed, they are sometimes tamed by American Indians. They sleep in burrows, usually under tree . They can be found in the Southern United States in Saguaro deserts, semi- desert canyons, cliffs, or waterholes. Another animal is the camel.

Food in the Desert Animals rely on many different foods to keep them from starving. Many animals, such as the Coyote, hunt by feeling vibrations made by small animals, like rodents, rabbits, fish, and frogs, underground and then uncover them and enjoy their "tasty" snack. Of course, pretty much every animal in the desert needs water. Large and desert birds like to get their water from waterholes. The camel, can survive a long period of time before getting another drink. When animals from the dog and cat family pant, they lose heat and moisture, so they have to live by a permanent Almost all desert animals need water to survive. source of water. Many of these animals rely on water holes.

Adaptations for Survival Animals use many different strategies to survive, whether it's for getting food or water, protecting themselves from predators, or just ways they adapt to their surroundings. Small animals stay underground during the heat of the day and hunt at night when it is cool. Animals such as the store water and fat in their humps. Their feet are flat and cushiony, making it easy for them to walk in the desert. In conclusion, the desert is a home to a lot of animals. When we move into a new house we have to adapt to our surroundings. Right? So do animals! They have to adapt to their surroundings and they have many ways of doing just that. They also need to eat. All living things have to eat! The way desert animals live are just like the way people live.