Body I: Beyond Words

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Body Language I: Beyond Words Page i of 16

Body Language I Beyond Words

Legal NiceNicetiestiestiesties The Video Copyright © 2008 Learning Seed. This video program is protected under U.S. copyright law. No part of this video may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, electronic or mechanical, without the written permission of the Publisher, except where permitted by law. This Teaching Guide Copyright © 2008 Learning Seed. This teaching guide is copyrighted according to the terms of the Creative Commons non-commercial license ( ). It may be reproduced, in its part or its entirety, for classroom use. No part of this guide may be reproduced for sale by any party. You are free: • to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work. • to make derivative works. Under the following conditions: • Attribution. You must attribute the work to Learning Seed. • Noncommercial. You may not use this work for commercial purposes. • For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. • Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder.

Credits The Video This Teaching Guide Compilation: Gabriel Mckee Writers: Kathleen O Ryan, Louise Schrank Copy Editor: Jennifer Smith Consultant: Dr. Thomas Wagner Narration: Anne Gallagher

Learning Seed Catalog and ISBN Numbers Our Guarantee VHS LS-1165-08-VHS ISBN 1-55740-523-9 Please contact us with any questions or concerns at:

DVD LS-1165-08-DVD ISBN 1-55740-524-7

Closed Captioning Learning Seed This program is closed-captioned. Suite 301 641 W. Lake St Chicago, IL 60661 800.634.4941 [email protected]

Body Language I: Beyond Words Page ii of 16

Body Language I Beyond Words

Table of Contents

TTTheThe ProgramProgram...... 1...... 111 Summary ...... 1 What Is Body Language?...... 2 Other Non-Verbal Signs...... 3 Posture And Personal Space...... 4 Review ...... 6

Interactive Elements ...... 7777 Questions For Discussion ...... 7 Suggested Activities...... 8

Evaluation/TestinEvaluation/Testingggg...... 9999 Fill-In-The-Blank ...... 9 Fill-In-The-Blank Answer Key ...... 10 Multiple Choice Worksheet...... 11 Multiple Choice Worksheet Answer Key ...... 12 Quiz...... 13 Quiz Answer Key ...... 14

Additional InformationInformation...... 15151515 Glossary...... 15 For More Information…...... 16

Body Language I: Beyond Words Page iii of 16

The Program Summary

Some of your students may be bilingual and some may have taken a course in Spanish, Latin, or Japanese. But are any of them fluent in ? Kinesics is the study of body language as a form of .

People engaged in a conversation may exchange 200 words per minute, but more than half of their communication is non-verbal. We often use , postures and without thinking twice about them, but these behaviors can communicate so much beyond the words that we use. The way we treat our personal space and that of others can send a message that is loud and clear, even if we never speak a word.

This program is an informative look into the fascinating world of non-verbal communication. Body Language I guides viewers through the land of space wars, eye contact cues, mirrored postures and the many layers that make up unspoken communication.

Key points:

• Learn the difference between a signal and a . • Understand congruent and incongruent body language. • Learn how eye contact guides and governs co