The Lumber Industry of Washington and the Pacific Northwest: Including
THE LUMBERINDUSTRY OFWASH1 andthe PACIFICNORTHWEST Including Logging, Sawmills, Shingle Mills,Plywood, Pulp and Paper,Specialties,Distribution NATIONAL YOUTHADMINISTRAT IONOF WASHINGTON Indust'j&1 Study No. 1 by WM. RAY MELTON Vocational SupervisorinCharge of Research JOHN H. BINNS,STATE ADMINISTRATOR WashingtonBuilding Tacoma,Washington "Lumber Capitalof Anierica" N'r I First EditionOctober 19,38 SecondEdition February1939 Third EditionMay l9LO CONTENTS Page FOREWORD (By James Stevens) . , , , . III PREFACE (By John H, Binn&). I S * IV Chapter I INTRODUCTION Wood and Civilization.....Compos-ition & Properties of Wood 13 Multiplicity of Uses ..... 41.5 Historical Highlights of Lumber Industry..-Nat'l*..eIn the Northwest 61.8 Economic Significance....To .knerica....To We at Coa toi.'sTO Washington.. 9...1O Big 4, Commercially, West Coast Tree s...i.Leaders on "East Side" ll.-15 Washington Forest Resources .. 16...22 What Conservation Now Mean....Sustained Yield..,,.......... 22.24 Modern Meaning of Fore stry, Organizations and Occupations Theretn. 24-35 Topics for Discussion..,... 36 Chapter 1i DIVISIONS OF T LIMBER INDUSTRY - Divisions in General......,, . 37 Ownership of Timber--The Timber Cruiser ........... 38 Logging (Step by Step in Washington Forests) .......... 3845 Sawmills & Lumber Manufacture (How Lumber is Made in Washington)..46-53 Red Cedar Shingle Making (From Start to Finish)...........e...u..b 54.057 Plywood & Veneer (What They Are & Exactly How They Are Made)...,..58-68 Pulp & Paper Industry (Various Pulp Processes-Through A Mill From Chips to Pulp Sheets (PapeMaking-Rayon Processes)..,..,.., 684 ReManufacture of Lumber Into Wooden Goods (Specialties1 Furnim. ture, Sash & Door, Cooperage, Boxes, Christmas Trees1 and Fuel.... 8586 Distributionir..Wholesa].e & Retail,.d.,,.
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