Analysis of Transportation and Logistics Processes for Soybeans in Brazil
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Analysis of transportation and logistics processes for soybeans in Brazil A case study of selected production regions Olivia Fliehr Thünen Working Paper 4 Olivia Fliehr Thünen Institute of Farm Economics Bundesallee 50 38116 Braunschweig Germany Contact person in the institute: Stefan Ellsiepen Thünen Institute of Farm Economics Bundesallee 50 38116 Braunschweig Germany E-Mail: [email protected] Fon: +49-531-596-5144 Fax: +49-531-596-5199 Thünen Working Paper 4 Braunschweig/Germany, July 2013 Acknowledgments i Acknowledgments My grateful thanks are given to Cash Crop that provided funding and assistance for this research work. Particularly, I would like to express my very great appreciation to Dipl.-Ing. agr. Stefan Ellsiepen, my research supervisor at the THÜNEN INSTITUTE OF FARM ECONOMICS (Brunswick, Germany), for his patient guidance, great encouragement, valuable inputs and useful critiques of this research work. I would like to express my gratitude to Prof. Dr. Harald Grethe, who was willing to supervise my thesis on the part of the UNIVERSITY OF HOHENHEIM, and to Dr. Yelto Zimmer from the THÜNEN INSTITUTE OF FARM ECONOMICS, who initiated and guided this thesis. Professional advice given by my supervisor Dipl.-Ing. agr. Stefan Ellsiepen and other members of the THÜNEN INSTITUTE OF FARM ECONOMICS was of great assistance for the overall research progress. Many thanks to Dr. rer. nat. André Gützloe from the UNIVERSITY OF HOHENHEIM, who provided helpful technical support as regards CO2 accounting. I would like to thank the Brazilian institutions ABIOVE, APROSOJA, CEPEA, ESALQ-LOG, IMEA for their assis- tance with the collection of my data and their help to connect me to experts from the soybean logis- tics sector. My grateful thanks are extended to the experts, who agreed to the interview and shared with me the important information and data on which this thesis is based. Thank you for your willing- ness and valuable time spent for our discussion. I am particularly grateful for the assistance given by my sister Judith as my proofreader and her great dedication. I wish to offer special thanks to my mother, my sister, my great family and my friends for giving me power and strengthening my perseverance throughout the whole period of researching and thesis writing. M. Sc. Olivia Fliehr Summary/Zusammenfassung iii Summary This study examines the relevance of Brazilian domestic transportation and logistics processes for agricultural bulk exports in terms of costs and CO2 emissions between farm gate and seaport, using the example of soybeans. To estimate the impact of logistics and transportation on the competitiveness of soybeans in a national comparison, export processes starting in four selected regions within the Sorriso-Santos corridor and travelling to the principal seaport for soybean ex- ports in Santos-SP are evaluated. The analysis is based on agricultural statistics and data from field research as well as on information from expert interviews. Experts belong to the transporta- tion and logistics sector, to the sector of agricultural production as well as to relating associations and research institutions. The results provide insight into the development and status quo of the domestic soybean market and infrastructure for transportation and storage of bulk materials. Structure and actors involved in the domestic supply chain are presented in a market analysis. A cost analysis elucidates a clear correlation of the export price (fob Santos) with the producer price (at the local spot market). The prices differ basically by the freight rates for domestic trans- portation. An impact assessment of CO2 emissions shows that rail transportation is in the specific cases not more efficient in terms of CO2 emissions than road transportation. This is due to a low utilization of the transport capacity on the train’s return trips. The survey results also show the current bottlenecks and the potential and trends for the future development of the Brazilian lo- gistics and transport sector for agricultural bulk products. The importance of efficient logistics and transportation processes for the competitiveness of soybeans on the international market is increasing with the relocation of the major soybean production areas into remote rural areas with underdeveloped infrastructure. The nationwide deficient network of transportation and storage infrastructure as well as of transshipment terminals leads to increased costs and capacity constraints. Monopoly-like structures and insufficient capacities in the regional rail system also exacerbate the problem of high freight rates. Recent public and private initiatives to improve the national infrastructure, particularly in the ports in northern Brazil, could lead to large improve- ments in the soybean logistics. JEL: Q13, Q17, Q50 Keywords: Brazil, soybeans, infrastructure, logistics, transport, logistics costs, transportation costs, CO2-emissions Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Studie erfolgt eine Analyse der brasilianischen Logistik und des Inlandstrans- ports für agrarische Schüttgüter am Beispiel von Sojabohnen. Um den Einfluss von Transport und Logistik auf die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Sojaproduktion in Brasilien zu ermitteln, wurde eine Markt- und Kostenanalyse für vier Anbaugebiete im Sorriso-Santos-Korridor mit abnehmenden Transportdistanzen zum Hauptexporthafen von Soja in Santos-SP durchgeführt. Hierfür wurden agrarstatistische Daten sowie Ergebnisse von Befragungen unter Experten aus dem Transport- und Logistiksektor, aus der landwirtschaftlichen Produktion sowie aus Verbänden und der Wis- senschaft ausgewertet. Die Ergebnisse geben dabei Aufschluss über Entwicklung und Status quo des Sojamarktes und der inländischen Infrastruktur für Transport und Lagerung von Schüttgütern. iv Summary/Zusammenfassung In einer Marktanalyse werden Struktur und beteiligte Akteure der inländischen Lieferkette darge- stellt. Eine Kostenanalyse verdeutlicht, dass ein klarer Zusammenhang von Hafenpreis (fob San- tos) und Produzentenpreis (am lokalen Spotmarkt) besteht. Die Preise unterscheiden sich im We- sentlichen nur durch die Frachtraten. Eine CO2-Bilanzierung verdeutlicht, dass der Schienentrans- port aufgrund geringer Auslastungen der Transportkapazitäten auf den Rückfahrten gegenüber dem Straßentransport nicht emissionseffizienter ist. Die Umfrageergebnisse zeigen darüber hin- aus die aktuellen Engpässe sowie weitere Potenziale und Tendenzen zur künftigen Entwicklung des brasilianischen Logistik- und Transportsektors für Agrarerzeugnisse auf. Als zweitgrößter Ex- porteur auf dem Weltmarkt gehört Brasilien zu den Hauptversorgern der weltweiten Sojanach- frage. Der Einfluss von Logistik und Transport auf die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von Sojabohnen auf dem internationalen Markt nimmt durch die Verlagerung der Hauptanbaugebiete in küstenferne und infrastrukturarme ländliche Räume zu. Die allgemein defizitäre Infrastruktur von Transport- netz, Lager und Verladeterminals führt zu erhöhten Kosten und Kapazitätsengpässen. Monopol- ähnliche Strukturen und unzureichende Kapazitäten im regionalen Eisenbahnbetrieb verschärfen zudem das Problem hoher Frachtpreise. Investitionen in den Ausbau der Infrastruktur, besonders in den Häfen im nördlichen Brasilien, mit privaten und öffentlichen Mitteln versprechen eine deutliche Optimierung der Logistik. JEL: Q13, Q17, Q50 Schlüsselwörter: Brasilien, Soja, Infrastruktur, Logistik, Transport, Logistikkosten, Transportkosten, CO2-Emissionen Table of Contents I Table of contents Acknowledgments i Summary/Zusammenfassung iii 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Statement of the problem 1 1.2 Research objectives 2 1.3 Conceptual framework 3 2 The Brazilian soybean market 5 2.1 Production development, trade and outlook 5 2.2 Selected regions relevant for the export 11 2.2.1 Sorriso-MT 13 2.2.2 Rondonópolis-MT 15 2.2.3 Rio Verde-GO 16 2.2.4 Barretos-SP 17 2.2.5 Santos port 19 2.3 Characteristics of soybean logistics and transportation in Brazil 21 2.3.1 Road transportation 23 2.3.2 Rail transportation 25 2.3.3 Water transportation 27 2.3.4 Storage 28 2.3.5 Policy and investments 30 2.3.6 Climatic impact of soybean transportation 31 3 Methodology 35 3.1 Own research approach 35 3.2 Market analysis 35 3.3 Case studies 36 3.4 Semi-structured interview 37 3.5 Cost reporting 38 3.6 Greenhouse gas inventory 41 4 Analysis of the Brazilian soybean export value chain 45 4.1 Market analysis 46 4.1.1 Agents 46 II Table of Contents 4.1.2 Logistics processes 48 Grain origination 48 Warehousing 49 Transportation 50 Port 54 4.1.3 Soybean season 55 4.2 Cost analysis for four production regions 56 4.2.1 Cost positions and cost structure 56 4.2.2 Cost reporting 61 Total logistics costs 62 Cost of truck transport 64 Sensitivity analysis 68 4.3 Impact assessment of soybean transports on climate change and interpretation 70 5 Bottlenecks and potential developments 75 5.1 Road transportation 75 5.2 Rail transportation 76 5.3 Water transportation 77 5.4 Storage capacities 77 5.5 Port system 78 5.6 Truck drivers law 79 6 Discussion of results 83 7 Summary 87 8 References 91 Personal contact 107 Appendices A1-A47 List of Tables III List of Tables Table 2.1: Major soybean producing states in Brazil (2011) 8 Table 2.2: Sorriso - soybean production and exports (2006-2011) 14 Table 2.3: Rondonópolis - soybean production and exports (2006-2011) 15 Table 2.4: Rio Verde - soybean production and exports (2006-2011) 17 Table 2.5: Barretos - soybean production