Appendix 1 Submissions, form letters, tabled documents, additional information, correspondence and answers to questions taken on notice


1 Professor Neville Nicholls 2 Dr Andrew Glikson 3 Adjunct Professor Alan Pears AM 4 Mr David Gould 5 Dr Anthony Kiem 6 Asia Pacific Strategy 7 Dandenong Ranges Renewable Energy Association Inc 8 Dr Michael Eburn 9 Risk Frontiers 10 Locals Into 's Environment (LIVE) and David Spratt 11 Mr Loch Wilson 12 Ms Amy-Rose West 13 Latrobe Valley Sustainability Group 14 Mr David Tones 15 Insurance Council of 16 Mr Sam Marginson 17 Bushwalking Victoria 18 Mr Phil Browne 19 Ms Kath Freihaut 20 Australian Nursing Federation (Victorian Branch) 21 Mr Colin Gibson


22 Australian Psychological Society 23 Ms Eileen Ray 24 Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists 25 Mr David Cummings 26 Wodonga Albury Towards Climate Health 27 Ararat Greenhouse Action Group 28 Dr Adrian Barnett 29 Master Builders Australia 30 Mr Daryl Sherger 31 Sustainable Business Group of Australia 32 Townsville City Council 33 Environment Victoria 34 Tasmanian Arboretum 35 Ms Amy McMahon, Dr Kiah Smith, Ms Jane Muller, Mr Paul Belesky and Professor Geoffrey Lawrence 36 Australian Conservation Foundation 37 Australian Forest Products Association 38 Australasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council (AFAC) 39 The Australian Greens Victoria 40 National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF) 41 Australian Stable Population Party 42 VCOSS 43 Mr Brent Walker 44 Dr Seth Westra, Dr Michael Leonard, Dr Mark Thyer and Professor Martin Lambert (University of ) 45 Ms Rachel Anne Carter 46 450 Parts Per Million 47 Northern Alliance for Greenhouse Action


48 Healesville Environment Watch Inc. and C4 49 Dr Sandra Schuster 50 Climate Future 51 Mr Gavin E Cerini 52 Climate and Health Alliance 53 Professor John Dodson 54 Green Building Council of Australia 55 Professor Rodney Keenan 56 Centre for Policy Development 57 ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science 58 Griffith Centre for Coastal Management 59 Centre for Risk and Community Safety 60 Dr Trevor Kerr 61 Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities 62 Floodplain Management Association 63 The City of 64 Attorney-General's Department 65 Bureau of Meteorology 66 Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy 67 Actuaries Institute 68 Local Government Association of Queensland 69 Surf Life Saving Australia 70 Australian Risk Policy Institute 71 Bushfire CRC 72 Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society 73 Mr Charlie Arnott


74 Friends of the Earth 75 Climate and Health Alliance 76 Water Services Association of Australia 77 Suncorp 78 Dr Marion Carey 79 Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association 80 Dr Rowan O'Hagan 81 Mr Yasir Assam 82 Professor David King, Centre for Disaster Studies, James Cook University 83 Mr Jean Dind 84 Mr Stuart Burns 85 Ryde Environment Group 86 Mr Ian Dunlop 87 Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material (AICCM), Victorian Division 88 Ms Catherine Moore 89 Mr Jon Graham 90 Mrs Penelope Graydon 91 Western Australian Local Government Association 92 Climate Action Network Australia 93 CSIRO 94 Ms Angela Rats 95 Mr John Loty 96 Mr Ramashi Mitra 97 The Hon Jan Barham MLC 98 Ms Fran Thompson 99 Mr John Anselmi


100 Conservation Council of Western Australia 101 Tablelands Regional Council 102 Professor Stewart W Franks 103 Oxfam Australia 104 Australian Medical Association 105 The Climate Institute 106 Dr Ian Wilson 107 Australian Network of Environmental Defender's Offices (ANEDO) 108 Doctors for the Environment Australia 109 Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining, University of Queensland 110 Australian National Retailers' Association 111 Save the Children Austra