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Las Vegas Daily Optic, 1896-1907 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

7-20-1911 Las Vegas Optic, 07-20-1911 The Optic Publishing Co.

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Local Showers To- j A Fool And night or Fri- Ills Money Are Soon " day OPT Started EXCLU8IVB AB8QCIATED PREbQ I EASED WIRE TELEGRAPH SERVICE


and cheerful and affords TO PAY practically PLAN FIREMEN LORD ELGIN CENTENARY the same comforts similar in 20. GUARDSMEN PUT at any Montpelier, VL, July Montpelier London, Jnly 20. Some of the Lon stitution in midst a NORTH COAST REVOLUTION IN the of large city, which Is believed to be the largest don newspapers recalled JOHN F, PARSONS The today the hospitals are divided into units city in the United States still retain- fact that this is the one hundredth each of - capable caring for twelve men, ing the volunteer fire department. anniversary- of the birth of the Earl THROUGH THEIR Each HAYTI additional tent constitutes LIMITED IS has called a special city meeting for PROVES of Elgin, who was one of the most FATHER OF THE unit. The front tent Is used by the tomorrow to decide upon a proposal to successful diplomats in British his an surgeons as office. It contains adopt the modern system of a paid tory. At governor general of Cana medical HELD UP PACESJODAY aimy chests, army surgical department The business interests SUCCESSFUL da lor eight years from 1846, the SUGAR detachment TRUST chests, medical cheats are overwhelmingly In favor of the quiet success of his policy In meeting and detachment surgical chests and as the city's fire loss an sensitive REGIMENTAL DRILL PARTICIPAT-E- THREE MASKED BANDITS MADE change, during unusually condition. combination medieaj and surgical the last nine months has been over uUvtnNMENT FORCES ROUTED marked him for a man of administra- FORMER COUNSEL FOR AMERI IN THIS MORNING BY HAUL OF 9500 ON NORTHERN chests. There Is a sterilizer for In $100,000. AT FORT LIBERTE AND CAPE tive ability amounting to genius. He CAN REFINING REGIMENT COMPANY OR- ENTIRE struments. Major Mllliken told a PACIFIC was but tbirty-fou- r old rep HAYTIEN years when GANIZED IT resentative of The Optic this morn RAILWAY FOREMEN TO MEET appointed governor general, but he ing that the Instruments belonging to Chicago, July 20. had already several years of THE SOLDIERS DO SPLENDIDLY Preparations experi the hospital am ESCAPED IN AN AUTOMOBILE have been lor ence as governor of Jamaica equipment sufficient, completed the enter PRESIDENT SJMON FLEES Long TELLS HOUSEJOMMITTEE in number and variety to give emer- tainment of the Internatinal Railway before his term of service expired he was the most OFFICERS PLEASED WITH MILI- gency treatment even In the most se ENGINEER SHOT WHEN HE RE Ceneral ,. Foremen's association, popular man in Cana rious cases. which will meet In annual WITH LAST OF HIS SOLDIERS HE da, and had carried out a WILLING TO SHARE ALL THE TARY MANNER IN WHICH IT Relatives of guardsmen, FUSED TO STOP AND LET convention policy that cculd they take but one Into in this city during three days next EMBARKS UNDER SHOWER was bo universally satisfactory that BLAME, !F THERE IS ANY, FOR IS EXECUTED glance ROBBERS OFF the hospital cf the First Regiment and week. The meeting will be attend- OF LEAD when he returned to England he was DOING SO talk to the' competent surgeons in ed by representatives of many of raised to the British peerage, his former title MANY VISITORS TO CAMP MILLS charge, would never worry about their PASSENGERS ARE TERRORIZED the leading railroads of the United having been a Scottish Canada and Mexico. VICTORS ARE one. Lord death in DELIEVES soldier boys while away at encamp- States, PILLAGING CITY Elgin's occurred INJOMDINATIONS ments. 18G3, while he was serving as gov TOWNSPEOPLE THRONGED THE The MEN SHOT, . UP OBSERVATION SEVERE FIGHTING IN PORTUGAL ernor general of India. hospital equipment includes TAKE REFUGE THEY ARE ALL RIGHT, HE SAYS, GROUNDS LAST NIGHT AND bath CAR AND PULLMANS Lisbon, July 20. Advices from tubs, commodes a gas lighting TO; IN FOREIGN WHEN BENEFICIAL Quimaraes state that several con- CONSULATES PRESIDENT TO SPEAK AND NOT MANY WENT OUT TODAY outfit and every provision for the AWAKEN THEM flicts have occurred there TO ESCAPE 20. ILLEGAL comfort of the sick and injured. Each between Washington, July President Taf t the Inhabitants and the Or- has cot is with a Grand S. D., 20. Train troops. arranged for a trip to Mannassas, Regimental drill was participated provided mattress, sheets Forks, July der was retsored only after serious Port Au Prince, 20. Va., tomorrow to take part in the big New York, July 20. John F. Par In this morning by the national piilow and blankets and a pair of pa No. 2, the east bound North Coast July The rev fighting during which many people olutionists celebration of the Blue and the Gray, sons, former counsel for the Ameri guardsmen at Camp Mills, Colonel jamas. Chests containing food suit Limited on the Northern Pacific rail- occupied Cape Haytieji were wounded. The near the battlefield of Bull . can Sugar Refining company, E. C. Abbott commanding. The move- able for the use of invalids are also way, was held up by three masked last night enemy also attack today ed told the congressional committee In- ments were well exe provided. robbers near Buffalo, N. D., about 10 Fort Liberie, as President Simon exceptionally vestigating the o'clock last The robbers se- and his troops withdrew. sugar trust, cuted and were greatly admired by Major Mllliken showed The Optic's night.' HOLD-UP- S OPERATE The laBt of his version of the formation of tho a large number of townspeople who representative the equipment of the cured about $500 in cash by going the government's bat POLICE CUT SHORT talions sugar combine. had Journeyed to the camp to witness hospital corps. Each man carries a through the passengers of the obser- embarked under a shower of lead. The mysterious resolution which the drill. This is the first regimen pouch containing splints for broken vation car and the two rear sleepers, IN BROAD DAYLIGHT The greater part of the defeat ELOPEMENT ed federals now OF GIRL . u. Havemeyer tal drill In which the First Regiment bones, bandages and other articles and s'hot Engineer S. P. Olson of are scattered put through the the north. This .board of directors of the American iiad participated since the encamp to be used in "first aid to the in- Fargo, in order to make him stop the through city and TWO MEN ROB KANSAS CITY the southern districts are Sugar Refining company In 1981, ap- ment at Atascadero, Calif., last sum jured" emergencies. The orderlies train. The bandits, made a successful quiet. PEDRA COBLEY DEPARTED WITH proving "applications made po- mer and the soldierly manner in of the hospital corps carry bags con- escape in an automobile which they JEWELRY STORE, STEALING UNKNOWN by MAN ARRESTED litical parties," Is lost. The which the 'movements were executed taining more elaborate equipment. had them the scene o $4,500 IN DIAMONDS Cape Haytlen Being Pillaged strangely awaiting near AT ALBUQUERQUE committee Instructed was a source of to the offi Instruments for Cape Haytien, Hayti, July 20. Tho Secretary Free- pleasure Simpler surgical the the robbery. man of cers. of city Is at the mercy of the revolu- the company to produce that tying arteries and stopping of When the train stopped at the high Kansas City, 20. July Two men tionists and is All resolution, but Freeman today opea-e- Captain Phillip E. Dessauer of the flow of blood, and some medi men being pillaged. i&'iyiaen ending was bridge at Valley City, the three entered the store of the Franklin brought by the proceedings his Las was officer cines are included. , Major Milliken the generals opposing the revolution banta Fe Officer Wells and Al by saying Company A., Cruces, boarded it and went into the obser Jewelry company, near Ninth and the search for the had saw as is have found refuge in the foreign con- to Important paper of the day, and Lieutenant Fernsley hospital equipment such vation car. Heavily armed and shoot Main streets, In the heart of this buquerque police the attempted been a failure. E. of Santa Fe, possessed by the First Regiment in sulates. The French consul was elopement of Pedra a Wiley Company F; ing recklessly in order to intimidate city at 9 o'clock this morning, held Cobley, young "I am willing to take the blame for was of the Colonel use at Tia Juana. He says it meets slightly wounded while offering pro- native with a man officer guard. the passengers, first lined the up B. J. Franklin at the of a girl, whose name the Idea of ' they point to . originating consolidating Abbott announced today that an en- every emergency. He says no other tection the local authorites. is not known here. The couple left train crew up at one end of the car revolver, grabbed a tray of diamonds American in the sugar Interests Into the big com- tire company will go on guard each National Guard, and he has visited An yacht anchored Las Vegas last evening on Santa Fe and then proceeded to search the pas- and ran down an alley. When pur- pany In 1887," said Mr. Parsons. with mount many, has so complete a hospital the harbor of the town offers refuge train No.' 9. the arrival of the day, beginning guard sengers. The first car was sued Franklin fired at Upon Mr. Parsons went further and said B of loutfit The sleeping by they him, to American and other foreign wom- this evening when Company hospital corps partici train in AiDuquerque they were comoSno-tio- n, ' that this was In entered and in order to awaken the dangerously wounding B. A. Seitz, en children the arrival the first big Carlsbad will begin guard duty. pates litter drill every day at and pending placed under arrest. , Sheriff Secund- 01' berths shot was fired a bystander, am a even proceeding , the Standard Charles Church will be offi- 10:30 o'clock. Major Milliken and otxupknts a Vet.lthy mining of a United States warship. The Ger- ino Komero left this afterno6n for Captain down the center of the narrow engineer. One of the robbers was Oil, and Representative Madison of cer of the day and First Lieutenant Colonel Smart would he glad to wel aisle, man consul as well as the French Albuqerque, where he will take the ly missing the head of one of the pas- captured five minutes later in a de- local Kansas remarked: "Ah, so it is the .Henry F. Christian will be officer of come any Las Vegas physicalns who consul are giving the govern couple in charge and bring them sengers and Itself in the partment store three blocks from the real father of the trusts?" the for tonight and tomorrow. would like to visit the hospital. imbedding ment representatives such protection back to this city. guard woodwork. scene of the "robbery. He gave his "There had been many makers of This afternoon between the hours The health of the camp has been as Is possible. The enemy occupied MIbs Cobley is an of the name as John Brown. The other employe sugar prices to 1887," continued Mr. was so far. But few After searching the occupants of the city late yesterday afternoon, Model restaurant on of 2:30 and 3:30 officers' school remarkably good robber with the Railroad ave Parsons. "I was counsel for the sleepers they climbed out of the escaped diamonds, when the populace practically de- nue. many of conducted for flie first time by First cases have been treated In the hos Yesterday evening lust as train them. I was diner over the and valued at $4,500. clared for the revolutionists. . Since counsel for H. O. Have Lieutenant F. S, Young, U. S. A. Mat- pital and these have been minor ones. baggage express No. 9 pulled In, she told the cook to cars to the that then, the situation has grown steadily meyer, Theodore A. Havemeyer of ters of administration were discussed. One case of measles was discovered engine, reaching part wait upon one of the customers who and of the train when near Buffalo. more Havemeyer Elder, and John E. in the and They -TRAGED- graye. had not yet received his The field exercises for tomorrow wer camp yesterday the suf Y ON evening Searles." Lasv ordered Engineer Olson to stop the meal. The announced at the close of the s?8.1on. ferer, a member of Company H of girl disappeared up "Who suggested to you the Idea of train so they could get oft and when ROYALTY LEAVE EDINBURGH the sairs, she would be I!168 wlU consist of a march to' Vegas, was sent to his home in an saying gone bringing Ithese independent compa he refused to comply with their wish- COLFAX COUNTY RANCH Edinburgh, July 20. The royal visit but amoment. She did not return. front nine companies of the ambulance. I' nies In 1887 into the sugar refineries the by ed Jhey shot him twice, badly wound to Scotland ended today with the de After the departure of the train a ending with h The soldiers are all high in their company?" was asked. the First Regiment, '; him. - - of the king and queen, the search was made but the could ing parture girl camp praise of the food that Is given them "Well, I think it was In all their halt for the night, establishing J. and Princess be found. A In rail-toa- d Engineer Olson then stopped the L CREASY MORTALLY WOUNDS PrinY?? or iWales Mary, pot man the minds. I'm the man, who and throwing out outposts. The regi- at the regular mess calls. The cooks though, train and the robbers jumped off and J. P. FUDGE, WHO IS IN TURN for London, Ah great crowd asuem yards said he had seen her or blame ment will leave camp at 7 o'clock and are all competent. They are instruct- deserves the credit the for disappeared. Posses were out fifteen SHOT FATALLY bled at tie Caledonian railroad" station carrying a suit case and walking to will not return until noon. Visitors ed each day at a cook's school. Gen actually forming that company, minutes after the robbery was report and gave their majesties an enthu ward the passenger station. Inquiry under because to the camp will not find the soldiers eral Brookes says the day is coming which, reorganization f. disclosed the ed and every town for miles around 4 4 4 4 4. siastic send-of- of the ticket agent of the Sherman anti-tru- law, be- present between those hours. The soon when the guardsmen will eaf 4 trace N. 20. f - girl had purchased a ticket to Aus has been notified, but so far no f . Raton, M., July shoot- 4 came the present American Sugar movements of tomorrow are called bread made by their own cooks. a tin Tex. It was discovered also that of the robbers has been found. 4 ing. affray that no C.ouht will re- - 4 MEDICAL DIRECTOR RETIRED Refining company. I thoroughly be field exercises and are distinguished she had boarded the train with a It Is believed one of the bandits 4 suit in the death of both princi- - 4 Washington, July 20. After a long lieve in the combination of capital, from maneuvers by the fact that the RAIL MERGER EFFECTIVE man. V was wounded by Pullman Conductor 4 pals, occurred this morning in 4 cereer of efficient service, Medical of labor and other Interests for the enemy Is purely Imaginary. Maneu- 20. The The father, Atanacio Cobley, Chicago, July merger of who shot at them twice. 35 of H. Dickson was girl's benefit of those interested when It Is vers is name to move- Westgard, 4 Pinon Canyon, miles east 4 Director Samuel plac the applied the and Eastern and gave a description or tne gin ana Chicago Railroad 4 Raton when J. L. CreaBy shot and ed on the navy retired list today on legal," said the witness. t ments of the troops when there are f her companion to Officer Wellswho the Evansville and Terre Haute rail- 4 wounded J. P. Fudge. 4 account o age. opposing forces. mortally immedaltely telegraphed the conduc- road became effective in ac GOVERNMENT FILES 4 Creasy was in turn shot and fat-- 4 Adjutant General A. S. Brookes said today tor and Inquired if such a couple was BARRA MARKED of 4 ally wounded by Robert Fudge, 4 was In the DE LA this morning that there are over 500 cordance with the recent action the on the train. The reply 4 son of the elder Fudge. 4 RECEIVERSHIP FOR wired the Al- enlisted men In tile camp. This is the stockholders of the two companies. SUIT affirmative and Wells $2,500,000 f Today's tragedy dates back to 4 to the militiamen that buquerque police arrest FOR ASSASSINATION largest number of V winter when the men had a 4 of s last couple upon their arrival in the Duke has fever attended an encampment AND RE- uuoiiniiT miiCLn AMERICAN SMELTING f dispute over a right of way fence. 4 LEWISJWERTIES City. "Kew Mexico troops. FOR FINING COMPANY SUED 4 Bad feeling had existed since 4 Miss Cobley is 19 years of age and DETECTIVES DISCOVER PLOT TO Abbott other of- BIG DAMAGES When Colonel and 4 that time. According to the 4 HIS SCHEMES LIKENED TO MIS pretty. The man with whom she KILL MEXICO'S PROVISIONAL examined the rifle range they here of a ficers 4 meager details received f SISSIPPI BUBBLE BY FEDER- eloped had been in Las Vegas only PRESIDENT discovered that a number of repairs A FATAL WiECH Denver, July 20 Suit was filed in the this morn-- 4 few He made her acquaint- 4 shooting, Creasy AL JUDGE days. were necessary to the telephone sys- the federal court this afternoon by f ing drove over to the Fudge 4 ance, it is believed, at the restau- Mexico 20. The tem, wires having been stolen and Special Assistant United States At- 4 ranch, in company with his wife, 4 rant. He is thought to have beeB City, July police St. 20. The petition have received information of an al- butts torn up. Colonel Abbott at COLORADO AND SOUTHERN EN torney General D. B. Townsend against 4 and renewed the quarrel with 4 Louis, July employed by the Santa Fe, though of 233 creditors for a blanket receiv- plot to assassinate President once set men at work repairing the GINE AND TENDER PLUNGED the American Smelting and Refining 4 Fudge. After the exchange of a 4 it is not known in what capacity. leged for for for ership of the property, companies Miss father says he will De La Barra. The president' discred- range. Competition shooting . THROUGH TRESTLE company $2,500,000 damages, 4 few hot words, Creasy is alleged f Cobley's r and of E. G. Lewis was detectives are in- New Mexico rifle team and fraud in acquir-inc- a from enterprises prosecute the man who ran away its the report but places on the alleged conspiracy f to have grabbed shotgun 4 court 2.41 5 In the granted in the United Stater with his though the nature vestigating. According to the police will tomorrow morning. acres of coal lands 4 the bottom of a buckboard in 4 ' daughter begin here and De La Barra was to rrmiaaa, joio.. JUy flelds of tne Pueblo and fired 4 today by Judges Dwyer of the charge he will prefer against information, The camp is already a model of 4 which he was riding of killed and five seriously Injured late - McPherson. him has not been made public. have been killed on the occasion and cleanliness but General land district. point blank at Fudge, who recelv- f order last night when the engine and tend The court's decision will take the the exercises last Tuesday on the an- will The suit is brought in law for dam- ed two wounds, one In the f Brookes says a big Improvement er of Colorado and Southern passen- f gaping property out of the hands of the re niversary of the death of Benito Pab- before tomorrow! ayes and not in equity to set aside 4 left breast and another in his left 4 have, been effected ger train No. 2, southbound, crashed organization syndicate, which has lo Juarez, but the opportunity did is the patents of the lands so that the 4 shoulder. . ' 4 LEWIS STRANG IS The fatigue call tomorrow morning through a culvert three miles south been in charge of it for nearly three not present itself to the conspirators. innocent of the land may the Robert 4 expected to complete the cleaning up of Beshoar Junction, and fifteen purchasers 4 Hearing shooting, months. The St. Louis Union Trust not suffer. It is recited that the lands the process. A large incinerator Is being miles south of this city. 4 Fudge, who was in house, 4 company is made receiver. KILLED ACCIDENT ANNIVERSARY MASS were acquired by means of sixteen built. In this all the refuse from the The Dead. 4 grabbed his father's Winchester 4 In his opinion Judge McPherson JN 20. The anniver-sar-y fil- Rome, July eighth , dummy entrymen, the lands being When he will be burned, being collected F. Kirchg-raber- engineer. 4 and rushed outside. 4 compared the Lewis schemes to the of death of Leo XIII camp Joseph com- the Pope ed upon in July, 1902, and the saw is said DARE-DEVI- daily from numerous garbage cans, Trinidad. 4 what had happened, it 4 Mississippi bubble and other historic CAR DRIVEN BY AUTO was observed today with a requiem plaint alleges that Samuel E. Richie, at declared which are stationed In convenient Louis Stevens,' cook, Okiri, Okla. 4 he levelled the Winchester 4 projects and DRIVER PLUNGES OVER mass which waa celebrated at the of with - the closets is : Denver, furnished the money 4 and shot him twice, in- 4 If a fraction of the allegations places. The offal from The Injured. Creasy that EMBANKMENT Sacred College In the presence of oil Trinidad. which the lands were bought- 4 wounds. 4 in the petition covered with crude and burned E. C. Starr, fireman, flicting mortal made receivership high dignitaries of the church and a Mr. Richie was cashier of the was tele-- were the Lewis affairs consti- dally. This destroys flies and other W. Q. Jackstadt, Brooklyn. 4 Word of the tragedy 4 true, a number of Invited guests. American and com frauds 20. insects and is a safeguard for the Harry Dyse, Chicago. Smelting Refining 4 phoned here and Sheriff Abe 4 tuted one of the most gigantic Milwaukee, 'July Lewis Strang was under slow pany at the time. of health of the soldiers. The train running 4 Hixenhaugh and deputies left at 4 the century. of Racine, Wis., probably the best DIAZ RETURNS TO PARIS orders because of heavy rains. Ml 4 noon in an automobile for the 4 : General Brooke's and the other of- known automobile racer in Wiscon- Paris, July 20. General PorfiriO Injured will recover. Klrehgrab-e- r There has already, been a notice- 4 scene. Both in the 4 ficers of the regiment are justly the principals VETO BILL PASSED sin, was killed at Blue River, Wis., Diaz, former president of Mexico.- re- was one of the oldest engineers in able of somewhat faces - - proud of the regimental hospital. tanning paled 4 traeedy were well known ranch- 4 London, July 20. The veto bill turned here and visited the mu- had to retire this afternoon, when the Case car which today This is in of Colonel Robert the service and planned and the major portion of the guards 4 men and. In this sec-:- 4 on its third reading without seum In Hotel des charge after two passed the Invalldes, to his ranch in Oklahoma men will be brown as berries by the 4 tion. in house of lords this he was driving in the state reliability Smart, surgeon general, and Major ' v Kl 4 division the where he was received with military 4- -- ; more trips. , time return to civilian 4 an embankment. . S. A. Mllliken. The hospital Is clean they duty. 4 4 4 4' 4'i4. 4 ,4 ,4 evening. , ,;- tour, jumped honors. . LAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC, THURSDAY, JULY 20, 191 1.

but his signature to the overnight con- Publicity had him In its relentless fession took all the starch out of him, clutches. and he went all over it again, with a At two in the afternoon the car stenographer taking it down type--J stopped before the building on Nas- But a Few More These Last DaysBring written deposition all that sort of sau street in which Warburton bad Days thing. ... offices. Coast alighted, sick with fear "Meanwhile my friend the detective of recognition. The sidewalk throng or i a Powerful Array had ransacked Dundas' lodging some passed him with blank looks, the ele- nis oensauonai cheap room just off the Bowery and vator boy had a copy of the blatant found a bundle of letters from Black-stoc- k sheet and a stare for Mr. Warbur- Price Reduction Sale. of Matchless VoJues, 5&IX)UI$ JOSEPH VANCE mostly written during the trial, ton's client In Warburton's private BY when they didn't dare be seen together room there was business to distract IlUSTRAXIONS TfyyWr hints and orders as to the evidence him; papers to be signed, details to be Dundas was to give. That settled it arranged, letters and telegrams of Dundas was rushed before a magis- of So this bold undersell sale will be as SYNOPSIS. He had heard nothing of or from congratulation, already coming in by Late buyers here it money saving news that trate and jailed and the grand jury the score, to be and read. He her since his conviction; before that, opened its attractions on the a note or two of halt- was asked to indict him for perjury. was called on the telephone Warbur- stirring importance. For the final days of this compelling in money saving CHAPTER L a, little enough; Garrett Coast, younc con- ton himself as the Business man of New York City, meets ing sympathy, tinctured by a fully satisfying to weilded as it was on the day. we have Black-stoc- most remarkable event we have the price last opening su acquaintance named Douglas k, straint he had been afraid to analyze. caller's Identity before turning the day who Invites him to a card party In receiver over to His was lots and hammered with aome friends. He accept the invi- Whether It had been due to belief Coast hope knife without consideration for value, desirability brought forward many new tation, although he dislikes Blackstock, his guilt, or to a thing more dreadful nipped with disappointment; it was the reason being that both are in love never Truax offer his fe- lower than seasonable, desirable With Katherine Thaxter. Coast attempts In his understanding, he had merely calling to or cost of the goods. We set out, in the very begin- prices down to convince her that Blackstock Is not found the courage to debate, not even licitations and demand Coast's pres- worthy of her friendship but does not of to it a MASTER STROKE HAVE EVER BEEN SOLD FOR. Never, succeed. In the longest watches of the hope- ence at "a little dinner at the club ning this sale, make goods - wa- a few of of less nights- when he had lain In just us, all friends yours;" of. have ever been able to CHAPTER II. At the party with Black-toc- k. to the seven Mechan- OF MERCHANDISING and we shall leave no as fat as we know you Coast meets two friends named king torment In his cell, listening hour, that night Coast off. stone unturned that hinder from ex- pundaa and Van Tyne. The play runs some miserable condemned wretch ically promised and rang might us carrying stretch the buying power of your dollar to the fitch, there Is a quarrel, weapons are a door or two He was unable to In his heart drawn and Blackstock shoots Van Tyne moaning in his sleep refuse; out our determined dead. He then makes a movement as if down the row. he knew that he would be unable to purpose. tent this sale makes possible, to commit to ... suicide. Coast struggles His had the go. Late and those who have be-o- re wrest the weapon from him, and thus thoughts swung fujl buyers, bought individual will be and circle. think "What about rooms?" he economically inclined the police discover them. Blackstock He ceased to coherently. mf asked, as will find final of this Every Dundas accuse Coast of killing Van Tyne In time Warburton touched Coast's suddenly. well, here, in the days and ha la arrested for murder. bound to realize the extraordinary saving oppor- arm with a gentle band. "Lunch?" he Warburton beamed. "They're wait- sale the very greatest possible opportunity to buy almost ing for you, JuBt as you THE queried, plaintive. everything needed desirable NEVER BEFORE tunities of these sacrifice prices. REMEMBER (Continued from Yesterday.) To see Coast smile once more was a left it. I kept track of both your old merchandise keen delight. . . . servants; they're there, too. Just MATCHED FOR PRICE LOWNESS. SALE WILL LAST ONLY 3 MORE DAYS. had re- walk in and hang your hat" CHAPTER III. When they finished, Coast, up freshed and strengthened, diverted Coast meditated. "That's like you, net- Dick," he said. Warburton bad and enlivened, boldly grasped the forgotten nothing. tle. An office boy entered. "Reporter Coast walked out of Sing Sing to en- from the Jolnal wants to see Mister con- "Well?" he asked with a eteady ter bla own car, his departure so ; glance of courage. Coast." trived and timed that he was con- his "I've left." said Coast YOUR. LAST OPPORTUNITY scious neither of a face nor a Warburton pounced nimbly upon strange He thought for a curious stare. The of the chance. "It's exoneration," he began, soberly, frowning occupant the word moment. "That puts my place out of To Silk and Dresses, driver's seat to be the mechan- and unconsciously hit upon buy the newest and best in Women's Tailored Suits, Marquisette proved himself He Found the of the question; swarm there." ician who had driven for him to so squarely that he caught up Appalling Thought they'll prior with a easo at Coast's of "Yes," agreed Warburton. Wash Wash Children's Women's and bis and his "Good-mornin- reception It It Suits, Dresses, Lingerie Waists, Millinery, Headwear, trial conviction; "I'll put up at some hotel tonight." Mr. It's a to "Why?" he cried, alarmed, "yduTe as soon Coast; pleasure I said exon- The poor fool was scared silly, "Made up your mind which?" Children's Wash or so white as a sheet, man! de- Parasols and Summer Goods, all in good desirable styles, only see you looking well, sir," conveyed as he realized what he had done "No; I'll call you up when I'm set- of eration full and clear!" precisely the right degree respect- clared Blackstock .would get him tled. . . . You'd better me ful In Coast Coast reassured him with a gesture. give congratulation; this, too, sooner or later. So he saved him the some money." the hand of his "It's just Joy," he explained simply. recognized lawyer. trouble killed himself in his cell half Warburton's pudgy features con- HALF PR.ICE He was for the hamp- He put his head back against the had grateful, further, a an hour after being committed torted themselves to express chagrin. er containing an excellent cold lunch, cushions, closed his eyes and drew a of secreted in his breath. "How was I to guess phial morphia "The one thiag I forgot!" And in department will find the best of the season's productions at astonish-ngl- y a well as for the fact, which Warbur- long . . ." out every you how all this had been brought about? clothing "Then send somebody for It." ton presently disclosed, that the affair After a pause Coast said slowly: "How much?" Warburton drew a low No his release had been eo I was afraid to ask, afraid to surmise, prices. matter what you may want buy it now and you'll save money, of managed Blackstock did him all! cheque-boo- k him. hun- even. Tell me, "So 'get' after toward "A swiftly and quietly that only the please." makes two at least two we dred?" came like thunder out of a That lates editions of that day's evening pa- "It know of." A Coast's esti- clear none more amazed long pause prefaced pers would contain the news. sky, Garrett; "Yes," Warburton assented uneasily, mate. "Five thousand." THIS SALE CLOSES SATURDAY. "We tried to give you as much time than I." Warburton reverted to the hard charac- worried by the expression that The lawyer whistled. "The devil as we could," Warburton told him. habit of clipped phrases that lined Coast's "looked that What want with all terized his moments of excitement mouth; at you say! d'you "Whatever your plans are, you'll be . . . we called that?" know seen the way, yes. Well, your glad not to be mobbed before you get "I suppose you you've trial into consultation the dis- "How can I tell?" to 'em across." judge a chance put papers?" trict and I and between the With a sigh and a shrug Warburton I . . . was attorney Coast's swift smile was . reward "Only infrequently. three of us drew up a for your drew the check and rang for his head I petition enough for the little man. He snug- a bit cowardly about them, pre- the district attorney the clerk.. That person brought with him sume." pardon, being FOR FOR gled comfortably Into his corner of first to sign. I got off to Albany by the information that representatives the tonneau, the broad eccentric "Then you hadn't heard about the first train. There wasn't the of the Times, the Sun and the Herald jfczfL J head. J curves of his plump face and figure Blackstock?" Coast shook his slightest trouble; the governor grant- had foregathered with the Journal re- went on him radiating pride of conquest In addi- "Well, his eyes back ed the pardon without a murmur. porter in the outer office, and would CASH If cash tion to the honest delight he felt be- were failing during the trial. you'll . . . And here we are." not be denied. cause of his client's deliverance. remember. I heard he'd Injured them "And here we are," Coast repeated "Get the money," said Warburton. To his client and friend the world somehow with his wireless experi- in a whlsner. He was aulet for a time "I'll tend to the rest." ONLY rocked in a sea of emotions rediscov- ments, you know. He went nearly . . . "You know I can't thank you, He made a sortie into the reception Mtjdort1S6& ESTABDSHED ered. The sense of freedom, of space, blind and took himself out of the old man," he said at length, rousfng. room and returned crestfallen. "I've of motion, the soft buffeting' in his country to Germany, the papers said, Warburton's fat little hand rested a lied like a trooper," he confessed, face of the clean, sweet, unpent air, to consult a Berlin specialist, perhaps moment lightly upon his shoulder. "but they won't budge. You were seen new-bor- n to an operation." the recognition of a world undergo "You don't have to. I feel too good to enter; you haven't been seen to with color vernal green, Inef- "One moment." Coast took a deep about it myself. Always knew it leave." fable empyrean blue, flooding gold of breath. "Did he go alone?" would come out all right Never lost "Then," said Coast, "I'll stop here sunlight played upon his heart a "So far as I know. Why?" faith in you, not for a second, Gar- tonight." muted melody. "No matter. Call it idle curiosity." rett." Warburton shook his head in cheer- Again he thanked his Ood his father "Well, so much for Blackstock He rattled on, Coast listening by ful dissent. "Not in the least neces- and mother had not lived to know the until the police get wind of him, at all fits and snatches. He heard a little sary. I'll fix you up all You crasi - to him right day of his arrest . "T T"'"'- events. They're trying locate of this matter and that, beard less of can slip out into the hall by this door TOi of heard of I He experienced a curious freak by cable now; haven't any more. He replied at times abstract- I'll make sure the coast's clear, first memory, very suddenly seeing be-ee- n success that way however. Naturally edly, rounds into the Liberty street . . . a Dundas codge hlra and the glorious world a But fe days ago -- .Catherine Thaxter? Had she heard? corrlJ6f",'"SnQtak the elevator there. of his exceed- came to the surface?- - fragment a scene, trial, AALS9??VJJ-9utjL4pBss- upon You're hardly liable to be recognized ingly vivid; Blackstock groping a slow this: he must see or the if i her. TT""; either the subway L, witness his dark "Um-mm- ; full N toward the way stand, confession, exculpat- There came a pause, made awkward you re careful. Malce your own selec- n. eye-shad- his face the darker for an ing you, incriminating Blackstock. by a constraint in Warburton's man- tion of a hotel and call me up at the yes masked sinlsterly with smoked Cjorroborglve detajls: letters rom ner. Coast him club time five. Meanwhile " - " glanced at inquiring- any after Soldiers Visitors Las "lasse' . ail sorT 'of thing"? .2j5j--r-- Blackstock that ly. The little lawyer licked his lips I'll send a boy to your rooms for what- Vegans. old Van . us Poor Tuyll Furthermore, Dundas told why nervously, ever you want, and he'll bring every- His nerves crawled with apprehen- Blackstock feared Van Tuyl: Van "There's one thing," he Bald, "you thing to you at any hour you name." The mem- some Las Optic will the sions Inspired by the city toward knew something dirty business won't like, perhaps." Coast smiled agreement. "That's a Vegas give which the car was bearing him; the Blackstock had cooked up in the west. Coast smiled. "I'm not in a mood wonderful head you wear, Dick, but I bers of the First of New city of his birth and banishment; the Immaterial now; tell you later. Also for fault-findin- What is it?" doubt if your scheme will work; it's Regiment Infantry, argus-eye- us to city Inexorable, insatiable, Dundas took the shop where "Of course, you know It's desirable too simple . . ." Mexico a rav- sales- National Guard, ball peopled with Its staring millions, Blackstock bought that gun to get Blackstock." Its very simplicity made it practica- grand military whose re- ening with curiosity, appetite man recalled the transaction. You "Well?" ble, however; and a little after four at the Duncan Opera House on the of should long since have been glutted member how we failed to prove the "You won't be fully cleared, in the Coast made his escape precisely as evening of He found with details his disgrace. gun his?" public mind at least, until he's con- Warburton had planned. at m. of "Of Go on Dundas." 25, 9 p. appalling the thought reentering it, course. about victed in your stead." His journey uptown in the subway July life In was do- of trying to take up his former "Well ... it Truax's "That's true enough." which he accomplished without misad- of one The dance will be in honor of the Its easy, ordered groove, coming ing; nailed Dundas on the street "So we're keeping it quiet, for the venture, shielding "himself behind a visiting and going in the company of those day, somewhere east of Third avenue. time being the reasons for your re- was his first taste of un- 1 newspaper, in brow would for- ever " soldiers, and Las is cordi- In whose eyeB his be The man had been in hiding lease, I mean." restricted freedom and by that token everybody Vegas of Cain-y- es, cleared was ever branded with the mark since Blackstock out; he "Why? What's the sense of that?" a delight without alloy. invited to attend and even though he were exoner- in a pretty bad way, broke and seedy; Coast demanded, excitedly. "You said ally help entertain the ated of the crime of which he had claimed Blackstock hadn't sent him a 'exoneration!' . . ." which ho had been he So Dun- been accused, for dollar since disappeared. "So it is, so it will be. But we don't (To Ee Continued Tomorrow.) guardsmen. placed on trial, convicted and sen- das, thrown back upon his pen for a want to scare Blackstock. If he hears The tenced. Would they ever learn to be means of livelihood, went all to that Dundas has confessed, he'll never Optic gave its first Military ball two lieve him guiltless, even though the pieces; couldn't work had forgotten, be found. If we permit him to think, on ; of en- truth were published broadcast, the trick or wouldn't drank up all a3 the public will think, that years ago the occasion the territorial Would certainly trumpeted from the housetops? he could raise by pawning things. you are pardoned principally because the . i . him meal This will be second he not remain to them always Truax staked to a of your social Standing and 'pull' campment. its appearance questionable hero of a sensational and drinks, plenty of drinks; and all . . . then he won't be so wary. You him in the role of and to make murder trial, whose escape from the that on an empty stomach made see? So we're withholding the real host, the occasion a MO on had been due maudlin. Confessed he was a In of electric chair simply keeping reason. Be patient; it will only be No youner woman, the Joy co-operati- and solely to the exertions of his in- conscience remorse gnawing at his for a little while. And in the end It coming motherhood, should neglect tremendous social success, the of . vitals whatever those are every- fluential friends? . . will be exoneration, absolute and un- to prepare lier system for the phys- Then Truax bundled citizens is desired. Exoneration! thing like that. questionable. Will you stand for ical ordeal she is to undergo. The the especially The word was sweeter to him than him into a taxi and brought him to this?" health of both she and her coiriing rooms. was near the name of Freedom had been to his my It midnight Coast nodded somberly at the dull child depends largely upon the care ' No tickets will be sold, or 1861. He dared me out of I a cold. subscriptions forebears in 1776 and got bed; caught haze hanging over the sweltering city she bestows upon herself during the not breathe It yet; he dared not hops However . . I I own it without toward which raced. "I waiting months. Mother's Friend solicited. It is to be The ball and worked they presume Optic's the for it nor even question whether or compunction, we the poor I must," he said "but it's prepares the expectant mother's sys- sim- wearily; bill. not It had been made his. devil through the third degree; hard thundering hard. I had tem for the coming event, and its use Optic will foot the and him un- ... What If his release had been solely ply browbeat bullyragged hoped . . ." makes her comfortable during all the due to the offices of his friends, to til I was ashamed of myself. But the "I know, old Warburton's term. It works with and for nature, oozed out with boy." The Date pressure brought to bear upon the truth finally, along hand touched his "But it's for and by gradually expanding all tis- tears tears. We hadn't again. state executive? ... He felt that whisky the best for your best interests, be- sues, muscles and tendons, involved, to discover such to be toe case would stinted the bottle. ... lieve me." and keeping the breasts in ood con- TUESDAY JULY insufferable. Death Itself were "As I say, in the end Dundas owned Coast's chin sank dition, brings the woman to the crisis EVENING, 25. prove to whole as despondently upon to life without vindication up the filthy affair, just his breast "I must go for a in splendid physical condition. The preferable told it about away of the charge that had been laid you whimpered selling time," he said, or, rather muttered, baby too is more apt to be perfect and The Place him. . . his eoul to Blackstock, price not de- his accents so soft that Warburton strong where the mother has thus against We made him a brief con- So terribly he feared to learn the posed. sign failed to distinguish them "clear out prepared herself for nature's supreme fession, but I knew that wouldn't be for a time. function. No better advice could be DUNCAN truth. ... and was then too late and OPERA HOUSE. who stood him, sufficient it They passed..."a cprner news stand given a young expectant mother than His friends, those by Dundas too to do more with those who far gone where a man stood with a paper out- that she use Mother's Friend ; it is a those who had been silent, So I called in a central office what would be their him. spread before him, the width of its medicine that has proven its vajue in The Time liad denied him; man I to and turned of now? He conned the happened know, front sheet occupied by headlines In thousands of reception him DunVas over to him to be taken to names of a dozen of the dearest; did huge black type, heralding the sensa- cases. Mother's a Turkish bath and licked into shape; tion of hour. Friend is sold at 9 O'CLOCK P. fl. they believe in him, even now, in the Mothers ever and It did the trick, with a hearty They who rode read: stores. their secret hearts? Had they of coffee might drug breakfast and plenty black GARRETT COAST Write for free lhad absolute faith In his innocence, ' was PARDONED! Host The Las V.'ould for a chaser. He pretty shaky AT THE ELEVENTH book for expect Friend Vegas Optic, Assisted by1 the despite their protestations? I him Into HOUR!!! se- next morning, but coaxed ant mothers which contains much lie himself ever cease to doubt them at- Coast shivered as If chilled and a taxi and had him at the district valuable and sug- of Las sank dis-jna- information, many People Vegas. cretly? office before he knew what back, crouching, faint with L .... torney's of a nature. Kaiherlna Thaxter . . .3 in his corner of the tonneau. gestions helpful whs un. There he wanted to hedge. BRADF1ELD REGULATOR CO., Adata, Co. IAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC, THURSDAY, JULY 20, 191 1.

. and Detroit In 1909 and CONVENTION OF GIDEONS the Sox went to for five 20. from FRIENDSHIPS IN Philadelphia WAR MANEUVERS Milwaukee, July Delegates ' games the wise ones said, "Look out 4-- PLAYS AND PLAYERS many parts of the country arrived in SalaJ C .1 : 1 for a lay-dow- to knock Milwaukee for tne annual na the Tigers today II BASEBALL END out of the lead." It would have ex- ON THE OCEAN tional convention of Gideons, an or- Gst Viss cn Glsves cited no comment if the Sox had lost Elsie Leslie Is to be George Arliss' ganization of Christian traveling men Yoa know it's nonrt to bar ctwtD irtovta. in "Disraeli.'' has been Ttitjr tmh through with Meua, water mad oil --hivr- the series; they were far down in the leading lady which during the past year Ocn alter wetting 4oa t protect your tuna. new Thomas tlh to!'" r.LnM an th moat araaocnteal race and none too welL But The play by Augustus instrumental in over 80,000 - DURING going placing They r Inareat and feel beat. Kiaett- GAME THIS FALL beart the name "The Devil to mth'g Celebrated Horaehidc naed in thetn it the Chlcagoans played to the limit and Pay." Bibles In the hotels of the United ( Beerbohm Tree has took four out of five desperates bat- Sir Herbert States and Canada. The sessions of a called ''The God tles from their friends, clinch-Ir- g play by Zangwell the convention will begin tomorrow BARRING ACCIDENTS NO CLUB thereby t"Asbostol" Glove the lead for Detroit. AERIAL CRAFT, SUBMARINES of War." and will conclude Sunday with spe IS EVER "HANDED" ANYTHING Marie is a Men The year before, the Browns, who AND GIANT BATTLESHIPS Tempest making big cial meetings to be held in forty Mil For Railroad success in London in a revival of araprrfn www Ifcev nfffea frw wetting or WHILE, PLAYING had a chance for a while and then WILL CONTESY waukee churches. ahnvri (tom hat Witk A tm with Mp ud wtucr. They of r eutfl aja uiibW se- "The Mawiage Kitty." tVw4 vtfli llaea Ihria4 lock atttefcea1 A- V, lost it, met Cleveland in the final 4tiy ' Mai4 Iht tnraia. " They art Fifty midgets are to be brought oni sect uw outer grave mu Monday the tail- - ries in which, had the Naps won three Washington, 20. War dejected Browns, July strictly from for A. H. Wood's pro- SBEST0D Aak f tmt 4eWr tm the renvln Europe Who the would have been to date Is to be off Children Ar. ! W euders of the American made games, pennant up played the Sickly if. itrlt nam : League, duction of "Little Nemo." wa ama ar utmiicd and i no and in Sea Mothers who value their own com mi the champion Athletics go fourteen theirs, matter .what Chicago Chesapeake capes September. lime. Tetrazzinl will fill an oper EISENDRATH S ' " Detroit In But the of the class will' be fort and the welfare of their children, hectic 'rounds to win. did their series. fighters giant atic engagement In this country and CELEBRATED Elttni'r.lh film Ct. should never be without a box of ' There is more of of Browns, with no more interest In It matched against the pigmies of a concert tour. HORSE HIDE the real spirit then will make - than In Athle- science with results that will be Mother- Gray's Sweet Powders for baseball In a contest like that than ap- they had fighting the William Harvey's farce, "Dear Old tics won watched with Interest by every man Children, for use throughut the sea pears on the surface. That particular Monday, whirled in and the Hilly," is by a writer w(hose name Is first two whose occupation Is war. The game son. They Dreak up colds, relieve game meant practically nothing to the games and Cleveland's chance Risque. But; the farce isn't will be for a of twenty-on- e of feverlshness, was gone. fleet E. DIxey has been en- constipation, teething Browns, aready safely ensconsed as Henry just trou- FOR SALE BY no- the battleships to ward off disorders, headache and stomach "tellar champs" for the season. Of It Is a motto worth repeating, largest gaged for the leading role in "Gypsy Is simultaneous attacks from torpedo bles. Used by mothers for 22 years course, It meant a god deal to the Ath- body "handed" anything in baseball. Love," In which Marguerite Sylva boats operating on the surface of THESE POWDERS NEVER FAIL letics, just now fighting to the limit to will star. low the surface of the water and is season Sold by all drugstores, 25c. Don't ac cfctch the But St. Louis Helen Ware to begin her flying Tigers. aeroplanes dropping destruction from cept any substitute. Sample mailed for in her new play, entitled "The fought that game just as hard as the clouds. FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted. BASEBALL NOTES Prince," in Boston early in Septem- did the Mackmen; shifting batters, will at Le N. WHOLESALERS OP Blank torpedoes be fired ber. Roy, changing batteries; using j all the the battleships while the in ships George V. Hobart intends to extend Clothing, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, & Gloves means that reserve forces supplied and return will fire solid shot Caps at the his sketch "Everywife" into a play, experience dictated to win that Philadelphia Is first in batting and 45 VEGAS, NEW MEXICO. single targets representing the enemy. The which is to be called "Rhyme and ORDINANCE NO. 355 and to them valueless contest. second in fielding In the National An ordinance mimic battle will decide how a hos- Reason." assessing the cost of The Browns a league. constructing a sewer within a certain put up great battle tile fleet would fare against the joint E. Graham will the Pitcher McAdams of the Robert sing portion or district of the City of Las because that was what they were there Dallas, attack of vessels and used inx"Pina-fore- " aeroplanes role of Sir Joseph Porter Vegas, New Mexico, upon the lota and for. And that Is the sort of Texas, league team, has joined the for coast defense. is considered thing It in place of Henry E. DIxey. pieces of land within said portion or St Louis Cardinals. of that makes baseball what it Is the likely that several the battleships Mr. Graham sang the role years ago. district, and providing for the issu i Scout Fred Lake of the SL Louis " n certainty that any club, no matter will be theoretically destroyed or Doctor Ordered," the ance of "sewer certificates." Mach Browns is over in "What the ery Headquarters. how far down la the col- looking the talent disabled. The battle will aid .greatly which is to WHEREAS, by resolution entered percentage comedy by A. E. Thomas Oi the New England league. In the of tor- record, the City Council of the City umn, will put up a desperate resist- determining efficiency follow "Seven Days" at the Asto of Las New The New Haven owners of the a which has Vegas, Mexico, has declar ance to any other club and. If that pedo attack, problem theater, in New York, will then go ed it to be necessary and proper, in Connecticut league club are after a the work club chance to be the league leader, been much discussed since to Boston. the opinion of the said City- - Council, franchise in the Eastern league. of in the Russian-Japanes- e to the resistance probably will be just torpedo craft Gordon is to go starring next havo constructed and maintained a The New York Highlanders have Kitty sewer in a of the said of that much more stubborn. war. season in "The Enchantress," a new portion City Grain Binders, Deere Plows, five and the Giants two men better The overhead attack on the fleet Las Vegas, which Is described as fol- Barring accidents, no club is "hand-ed- " musical piece by Victor Herbert, lows: than the .300 mark in batting. will be conducted by aeroplanes in de flowing Machines, Farm Wagons, anything in baseball. It may be Henry B. Smith and Mme. Fred The main lino of the Atchison, To-- Poor conditions of the crops and the form of flown from Temembered that when the White Sox kites, ships Gresac. peka and Santa Fe railway company Hay Rakes, Spring Wagons, the lid on Sunday baseball have put within the range of the guns. The on the Lincoln avenue to of 1906 were on their way to the top Lucy Weston Is booked to play the east; Tenth Bean Threshers, Buggies, the league out of busi- rifles and fire from small arms street on the South; on the west by with marvelous win- title role of "The Quaker Girl" when of the heap their ness. must hit the kites before a line from the center of the inter- Grain Threshers, Binder Twine, of actually B. Harris makes the American ning streak nineteen consecutive Henry section of Tenth street and Lincoln E-M- Joe Ward of Rochester and Tim they get too close or the score will in Bean -F Autos. - tail-en- d of the musical play Harvesters, games, it was the humble- Jordan of Toronto are mer- production aenue, thence north to Columbia ave- having a count against the fleet. The assump- thence "Washington team that broke the spell October. nue; along Columbia avenue ry battle for the batting honors in tion will be that the aeroplanes are Girl of the east to thence north After Fielder Jones's club had taken The composer of "The Eighth street; the Eastern league. engaged in scouting and in carrying dedicated his work-t- to Raynolds avenue: thence east a series from every Golden West" straight nearly The have not Important messages for the enemy. who sent on Raynolds avenue to Sixth street; And Queen Mother Alexandra, tihence to other club in the league. that been going any too well, and will be As are not obliged to get too south Baca avenue; thence they a letter of thanks and a Jeweled east Baca avenue Fourth same Washington bunch, year after lucky to get anything near an even close out the along to to carry tnis plan, to Puccini. thence in a line be- has a Nemesis for De- break the eastern to a present street; midway year, proved during- trip. range of the guns must carry tween Baca and Washington avenues Cherries Ilfeld troit and Philadelphia, beating them St. Paul has placed a price of $25,-00- 0 considerable distance in scoring the from Fourth street to Grand avenue; Laa Vegas. New Mexico.Company, again and again, just when they need- on O'Toole and Kelly, their star hits. NOTICE thence on Garfield avenue to the said ed games the most. oatteryj. Charley1, Comiskey, owner The torpedo boat destroyers will Territory of New Mexico, main line of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe on the Back in 1908, when the Cubs were of the White Sox, is dickering for tow and endeavor to of San Miguel. Railway company targets get County east, for the lead in the fin- the pair. close to the fleet to fire tor- In the District Court. B58B5B racing tightest enough WHEREAS, the said City Council ish ever staged in the National The Cubs' pitchers are doing great pedoes with accuracy and effect. Catarina Bare'la do Chavez, has elected that the whole of the league, they hooked up with Cincin- work. Mclntyre, Cole, Reulbach and Meanwhile the battleships will train Plaintiff. cost of said construction shall be as- ' Y Ct nati one day. Orvie Overall was pitch- Richie are among the first ten their fire at tbe targets in tow. vs. No. 7294 sessed against the lots and pieces of tlELL GO land situate in said of the GROSS, ing for the Cubs, and it looked as if pitchers in the stand Should a broadside from the fleet i;andldo Chavez, portion or in said sewer abut--i . (Incoporated) ing. riddle one of the targets, this would city district and they had to win that game or lose Defendant. on the line of said sewer, or so First base seems to be the hoodoo from de- ting their last chance for the pennant. The prevent further firing the The said defendant, Candido Cha- near thereto as to be. in the opinion for the Boston Red Sox this season. as in the game meant nothing to the Reds, hope- stroyer towing it, reality vez is hereby notified that a com of the said City Council, benefited WHOLESALE GROCERS Williams, Myers, and broadside of the the construction lessly out of it, but they were putting Carrlgan, Engle would, course, put plaint has been filed against him in by thereof; amd Dealer in Janvrln have all had a try at the bag smaller vessel out of commission. of NOW THEREFORE,. BE IT OR- nip a characteristically stubborn battle the district court for the county DAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL wtih poor results. The underwater attack, conducted WOOL. HIDES antl PELTS and the contest was close. San Miguel, territory of New Mexico, OF THE CITY OF LAS VEGAS, NEW The St. Louis Cardinals, the Den- proVe the Now, Overall never had a warmer by the submarines, may territory aforesaid, that being the MEXICO: ver and Omaha clubs are base- most difficult for the fleet to deal 1. friend that Hans Lobert, now with lucky court in which said case is pending, Sec. That each of the following ball teams. The three have will fire at lots of land on BAIN WAGONS VEHICLES-Kl- eo1 Lo- outfits with. The battleships Catarina Barela de and pieces abuts the RACINE Philadelphia, then with Cincinnati. by said plaintiff, of sewer construct- been in railroad disasters this season floating target parescopes, represent- ac line the said to be bert thought the world of "Big Jeff" Chavez, the general object of said ed in said or district of when a number of passengers were the submarines submerged. the portion and, was crazy to see him and the ing tion being a divorce upon the grounds the City of Las Vegas, New Mexico, killed, but not a ball player was seri- First shots will be exchanged Cubs win the pennant. And yet Lob- of abandonment and failure to sup- or is so near to the line of the said SEVEN HOUSES ously injured. about one hundred miles out in the sewer as to be, In the of the ert came to bat late in the game and port, for costs and general relief as opinion With a combined population of Gulf stream off the Chesapeake capes. said City Council, benefited by the East Las Vegas, N. M., N. N. M scored run for Cincinnati will more fully appear by reference Albuquerque, M., Tucumcari, the winning minutes construction thereof, and each and N. M-- , 500,000 inhabitants, Minneapolis and The fight may last several, filed in said cause, Corona, Rowe, N. M., Pecos, N. M., with a smashing double that nearly to devel to the complaint every one thereof is therefore hereby St. Paul believe they can support a or several hours, according Trinidad, Colorado , broke Overall's heart and his own as and that unless you enter your ap assessed the amount hereinafter de- , major league team in the Twin Cities, opments. such amount well. "I had to do it," he told pearance in said cause on or before signated, being the pro- just and would like a franchise in either Gunners will have a new problem frontfoot share of each of the 4th of September, 1911, judg portionate Overall later. And Orvie knew exactly the American or the National league. to contend with when they have to day such lots and pieces of land of the ment will be rendered you in liow It was. face hostile fire while engaged in against total cost of constructing the said De- cause default The White Sox never have loved their work. This element always has said by sewer within the portion or district Plaintiff's attorney's address is of the said city above described. troit at sll, and they always have been Rucker and Bergen has been the been lacking in battle or target prac- Louis C. Ilfeld, Esq., Las Vegas N. M, Sec 2. The lots and pieces of Uoticc to Subscribers very friendly with the Athletics. So winning battery for the Brooklyj tice. The gunners and gun pointers ZIon I have hereun land in the Lopez or Hill addi when the race, was close between so far this season. have made their records unmolested In Witness whereof, tion are assessed as follows: of said court counter action from the targets. to set my hand and seal Block 13 A; lots J, 2, 3, 4, owned reader of who t by 3rd Any The Optic contemplates leaving: But in this case each target will be at Las Vegas, New Mexico, this by Belden & Mills, $20 each; lot 5, owned Mrs. B. lot the city during the summer months may have The Optic a live wire offensive. A battleship, day of July, A. D. 1911. by Danzlger, $20; ' 20 owned Mrs. Minnie midst of WILLIAM B. STAPP, by Clay, $20; sent to any address outside of Las Vegas by leaving word 1 !!! i Ei for instance, may be in the (Seal) the west 12 feet of lot 21, owned i " Clerk. by at the business office. The address can be as a fine record when the umpires will Mrs. Minnie E. Clay, $9.60; lots 21, changed cease 22, 23, 24, owned Chris- often as desired. Subscribers should the old address it 11 it r ..ju suddenly call upon it to firing, by American give and declare the ship crippled or de- tian Missionary society, $20 each. when asking to have the paper sent to a new location. stroyed, because It has been theoreti- blown to pieces by torpedo at- CHICHESTER S PILLS (Continued on Page Seven) cally BRAND. C A tack. Ladleal Aak your vnrrM lot a Diamond 11 randX 1'llla In Red and Hold metallic boxes, sealed with Blue Ribbon. . Sa&SSSZSKS Take no other Buy of your f Druavlxt. AskforCIII.CinC8.TERS' DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for 85! known as Best, safest. Always Kename THE BOXERS 4 years WITH SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE tJ w Bill Papke wants aliform limit raised to 160 pounds. - A Welcome Ned Donnelly, one of England s oia- Change tlme scrappers, died the other day at Smoke curling up fromthe farmhouse the age of 70 years. Los Angeles or San Diego, Fare for the round trip $4560 in Owen Moran declares that Welsh, Painting chimney as the men are coming from the would of McFarland or "K. O." Brown San Francisco, Fare for the round trip . $50.00 fields, gives pretty suggestion a good sup- have no chance to defeat Wolgast and and comfortable home. But it also Tom O'Rourke believes that Al a rs per white Tickets on sale daily, good for stop-ove- at any paint in either direction, within final limit means a hot, tired woman, working hard over Palzer is the best of the, hopes, and has challenged Jim Flynn Paper October 31, 1911. a blazing fire. . to box Palzer. Your wife can this with a New Hanging escape To make your trip complete do not fail to visit the Perfection Oil Cook-stov- e. Kiniurv diseases ARE CURABLE undo rorfaln Th right kitchen cooler First class work A New Perfection keept a many degrees than any medicine must be taken before the do. It of ma- other range, yet it doc$ aO a coal or wood range can saves time, disease has progressed too far. Mr. and best GRAND CANYON of ARIZONA' labor and fuel. No wood to cut ; no coal to carry 5 no ashes ; no soot Perry A. Pitman, "Dale, Tex., Bays: terials is my With the New Perfection oven it is the best cooking device you can 'T was down in bed for four months Esti- with bladder trouble and motto. the worlds greatest scenic wonder. find anywhere. kidney and Kail stones. One bottle of mates cheerful' Made with t, 2 and 3 borner,, with loot, foieys Haao-eoeae- cured me well and tarquowa bln enameled chimneym. lr Kldnev Remedy Side from Williams, Arizona . . . &auhed throughout. The 2 and sound." Ask for it. O. G. Schaerer ly given. Trip $6.50 More, can be had with or withanta and Red Cross Co. on cabinet lop. which M fitted with drop ahelfea, Drug towel radu, etc. information regarding these and other will be at the ticket office. Dealer, t or write (or deecria Any trips cheerfully given everywhere summer n children al- tire circular to the oearerf agency of the For diarrhoea H. T. Davis ilXfcolfcBtove Continental Oil ways give Chamberlain's Colic. Chol- D. Company era and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor Phono Main 357. L BATCIIELOR, Agent. (Incorporated) oil. and a speedy cure Is certain. For sale by all. druggists,, 4 LAS VEGAS DAlLf 0PT1G .THURSDAY, JULY 20, 191:.

- - ' as ne American sporting '"gent -- ' . , : ; l)c gcrihj Optic would greet another la a foreign NEW MEXICO IN rp ESTABLISHED 1879 land. But the courteous and haughty ABSORB ilETS NEWS Jeffries would have none. 6f the TODAY'S COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL PUBLISHED BT "smoke." He turned his back, and Senator Bally,' apropJs pt Indepen- THE OPTIC PUBLISHING CO. In a few minutes Johnson "beat it" HUGE PHONE dence Day (told at a ; dinner in mOOKPOHlTIO On own a j war. BOARD OF TRADE Jeffries' testimony th Gainesville; story of 'the Civil NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE rwiCAGO smoke" behaved most credit "Once during-- , tola he said, KANSAS CITY LIVE STOCK 20. Frost alleged to M. M. PADGETT EDITOR big wpr," New York, July 20. Excited trad- rhirnL'o. July What he should have done .was MERGER "Senator Wlgfall, a member of the Kansas 20. CaUle Re In the Canadian north ably. ing in local traction stocks upset the City. July h occurred to take the Jeffries the Confederate from Texas, . to 10 wheat market to- Insulting by congress stock market this morning and was ceipts 3,000. Market steady west hardened the M-7- of the neck and throw him into fell in with a of Union soldiers. cents ateers 5 was also re nape party largely, responsible for a general higher. Native , day.' A bullish impulse the street That Johnson could have BELL COMPANIES TO COMBINE "The senator, well disguised, being weakening of prices throughout the 8.55; southern steers J3.505.25; ceived from the fact that uverpooi Post done this (ew Americans will doubt WITH VIEW TO REDUCING conversed with the Union- 2.50 Entered at the office at East freely list London prices for American southern cows and heifers f showed no response to the previoui Las Vegas, New Mexico, (or transmis- But Johnson did obvious them other the thing. OPERATING EXPENSES ists, asking among things stocks also were unsetled before the 4.00; native cows and heifers $2.25 decline on this side. sion through the United States Malls He chatted a moment with Jeffries' 'what they'd do with old 'Wlgfall If as second class matter. opening here, a (actor which "exer- 6.60; stockers and 'eeders $3.00 The improved cash demand acted friends while the one-tim- e bruiser they caught him.' Denver, July 20. Denver is to be cised a depressing influence. 5.00; bulls $2.5004.50; calves $4.00 as an important factor against the TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION had his back turned, and then "beat "We'd string him up,' the soldiers $4.256-.25- ; the headquarters of a great telephone After some irregularity the list 6.75; western steers bears. September wheat started at . DAILY BY CARRIER it" There is nothing to show that unswered promptly. , s 8t era which will capitalize at 0 grew gradually stronger and by noon western cows $2.504.50. 874 then 87V4 . a gain of to Per Copy 05 he left because he was afraid of Jef- "'Serve him right, too," said Sena and whose lines will embrace most of the active stocks were slight- Hogs Receipts 8,000. Market Vi and rose to One Week IS fries. He just naturally overlooked tor Wigfall. a'nd, by gum, if I were 87S. One 65 Colorado, Wyoming, Arizo- ly above yesterday's close. The steady. Bulk of Bales $6.3506.60; Corn receipts were light and there Month one for trouble and al Montana, there I'd be pulling on one end of the Oi,e Year $7.60 opportunity securites and Canadian heavy packers and but- current that the lowed Jeffries to him and na, New Mexico, Oklahoma and parts Star. $6.506.65; was an estimate J'snub" get rope myself.'" Washington continued 236,-000,0- DAILY BY MAIL of Idaho aud Utah. The Colo Pacific however, heavy. chers lights $6.356.55; states would yield away with It. The more one sees and Texas, - $6.406.60; seven surplus One Year .$6.00 The general bond market was steady. Sheep 1,000. Market less than rado which oper . Receipts bushels suggested by hears of Jeffries, the easier It Is to Telephone company Mr. Smith had been' reading and 69 Six Months 3.00 in New Mexico as well as in this Amalgamated Copper steady. Muttons lambs from Washington. to , outcome of ates $3.504.30; the latest figures become reconciled the Halking nothing but "reciprocity," American Beet 119, " Sugar fed wethers and to In 4, state, is the nucleus of the merger and his $C.006.90; year September opened higher WEEKLY OPTIC AND STOCK that fistic fiasco Reno, July daughter, Elsie, .: ., 113 Colo- Atchison lings fed western ewes GROWER 1910. and E. B. Field, president of the learned the word and appeared to $3.00500; at 63 to 63. ' '....136 ; .. Great Northern, pfd but rallied : o rado company will be the executive take a great deal of interest in the 52.503.85. Oats were weak early One 7ear ...$2.00 New York Central ,...108 Six Months 1.00 head of the new company. conversation. The morning after with other grain. September started , . . r f. Jfc - Northern Pacific 133 , CIIOLKHA IN NEW YOItK All the companies which will be the event Mr. Smith greeted the fam- NEW YORK MONEY M to off at 41 to 41 and recover- (Cash in Advance for Mail Reading 157 taken in are parts of the Bell Tele- ily with the announcement, "Well, New 20. Call money 2Vt ed to Subscriptions.) Southern Pacific 123 York, July 4242. Remit check or money phone system, controlled through reciprocity passed the house yester- New 20. Call money24 Provisions., though dull, held firm. by draft, N.ew York has a "cholera scare" Union Pacific 189 York, July order. If sent otherwise we will not stock ownership, by the American day." 2 Prime Initial sales varied from a shade low- almost every summer and the whole United States Steel 79 percent. paper 44 oe (or loss. "Oh, cried . 5 with responsible "panic-stricke- n. Telephone and Telegraph company, papa," Elsie, "why Mexican dollars 45. er to cents advance January on city becomes This United States 181 Specimen copies (ree application. which also owns control of the West didn't you tell me so's I could've had Steel, pfd at for lard and $8.00 fear is usually communicated to the delivery $8.20 DISCONTINUED AT Re a look at it." Maga- was done in ALL PAPERS rest of the country and as a result ern Union Telegraph company. Metropolitan for ribs. Little pork. THE EXPIRATION OF TIME zine. LIVERPOOL COTTON "Tough luck about young Sophtelgh," various healtli officers make an en- cent inventions have made it possi- Final quotations were: PAID FOR. 20. Cotton said the man on the car. ergetic show of activity until the dan ble for the simultaneous use by these Liverpool, July Close; Wheat, Sept. 88; Dec. 91 . VWhat want to do," said the in fair 13 "What's the matter with him?" we Advertisers are guaranteed the ger is past Just now the metrop electric agencies of the same wire you spot demand; prices points Corn, Sept. Dec. 62. circulation "Is to take more exercise." American mldd inquired, solicitously.' We like young 64; largest dally and weekly olis is in a high state of excitement and these inventions have been de physician, lower. fair 8.01; good Oats, Sept. 42; Dec. 44. o( any newspaper In Northeastern "In that case I think I'll go fish- mldd mldd low mldd Sophtelgh, even if he is what people over the discovery of several cases ol veloped by the American Telephone 7.67; 7.45; 7.25; Pork, Sept. $16.20; Jan. $15.42. New Mexico. say he Is. Asiatic cholera among ' passengers and Telegraph company to such a ing." good ordinary 6.99; ordinary 6.74. Lard, Sept. Jan. $8.25. "No. What you want is physical "The doctor says that he has brain $8.27; JULY 20, 1911. coming from Italian ports, and hun point that great savings have been Ribs, Sept. Jan. $3.00. THURSDAY, exercise; not exercise of the imagin- trouble." ' $8.5052: dreds of men, women and children made in the transmission of messages. ST. LOUIS WOOL In ation." Washington Star. "Can't he find any cure for it?" are being detained at the quarantine The first step taken the present ' St. Louis, July 20. Wool Market "CAN" THE OUOUCII "Not The physician says it station until they can be given a merger was the acquisition by the slow. Territory and western me yet CHICAGO LIVE STOCK "The number of men and women would he to rid of clean bill of health. Colorado Telephone company at a diums fino mediums easy enough get 20. Cattle who don't know what are talk- 1719; 1617&: to lo- Chicago, July Receipts There is no place for the man who would be indeed if chol- on Tri- - they the disease, but it is impossible It strange meeting held Monday of the fine 1114. 4,000. Market strong. Beeves $4.75 is of hard times and ing about Is increasing in the United cate the brain." Cleveland Plain always talking era were not brought into this coun- State Telegraph and Telephone com Texas steers the lack of and who tells States." Dealer. 6.90; $4.505.85; business, try when the lax laws and careless- pany which operates lines in New Mex- NEW YORK METAL "Where do you get your informa- stockers and feeders $3.005.15; everybody what a poor town he lives ness of the officials charged with concern New 20. ico, Texas and Arizona. This tion from?" York, July Lead, steady, cows and heifers $2. 15 5. 75; calves in, and is always a prophet of evil. If guarding our are considered. FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR COM- ports has been a subsidiary of the Colorado census Life. $4.454.55; Standard copper quiet; ho doesn't like the town he lives In It has been known for months that "From the report." POUND $5.007.50. company in the New Mexican field, spot and September $12.1012.25. 20,000. Market slow. he should out If times are not was in Is effective for coughs and colds in Hogs Receipts get the scourge raging southern and has been under the management Silver No he should where are Wigwag The secret of happy mar- 52. either children or grown persons. Lights $6.456.90; mixed $6.45 good go they Europe and whole Italian cities have of same com- In the the officials as the local ried life Is to marry one's opposite." opiates, no harmful drugs. 6.95; heavy $6.206.90; rough $6.30 better, at least quit talking about been centers of infection. . Yet we yellow Refuse substitutes. pany. Another step toward the con- "CynicuBYes, I have frequently NEW YORK COTTON package. good to chice heavy $6.45 it, and do something to make them have allowed immigrants to" come O. G. Schae'er and Rel Cross Dru 6.45; solidation took place recently when remarked that wife was a most New York, 20. Cotton, bulk of sales better. The croaker should have no from those cities and land on Ameri- your July spot Co. 6.90; pigs $o.656.50; the Bell company in Salt Lake took woman. Philadelphia Rec- closed quiet 25 points lower. Mldd- - place in a community of business can soil with practically little effort charming $6.556.80. over the independent company which ord. 13.45; midd 13.70. Sales men; he has no place in a live town. to ascertain whether any of them uplands gulf Never leave home on a SheepReceipts 16,000. Market had been in a receiver's hands for 262 Journey If Is It Is bales.. Co- business really poor profr were afflicted with the disease or ilot. without a bottle of Chamberlain's steady to 10 cents lower. Native $2.60 some months. Long-face- d Individual I tell you, It ably his own fault and for him to It was only after several deaths had lic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. While all the details of the are almost to be needed and 4.65; western $3.004.70; yearlings continually talk about it is to con occurred in New the alarm merger young man, you going straight ST. LOUIS SPELTER. is certain York that cannot obtained when on board west- fess his' own have not been completed It is under- to hell. Louis, 20. firm be $4.305.50; lambs $4.007.35; Inefficiency. was raised which has now brought St July Spelter the ears or For sale by stood that the stock of the company Young Man All ri old chap! See steamships. The man who is continually harp- terror to so many thousands of the 5.57. all druggists. ern $4.507.35. which will be known as the Mountain you later. Boston Transcript. ing about "poor business" and pre- city's population. .; States will ex- dicting calamities for the future is Although cholera is a virulent dis- Telephone company be . i tJa 1 for that of the con Singleton Do you believe in the ease, it is not believed by those best changed merged iui uauisjujuui.un.ujj.k.11 l com and that old adage about marrying in haste leper spot in the industrial and posted that it could ever prove par- cerns, the balance will be re in to and repenting at leisure? mercial world, for he contaminates ticularly severe in this country. gained the treasury provide for Wedderly No, I don't. After a man others and discourages them with Cholera is a disease , ot future needs in the way of extensions primarily marries he has no": lelsiure. Smart his whining. The world loves a man filth. It breeds in the dirty cities of and the like, and also will be exchang- who looks .on the bright side, and little ed for outstanding bonds of the merg- Set Southern Europe, where very - tii" ; a who is continually trying to make attention is paid to sanitation. There ed lines or to provide for their retire "Did say the fishing around bright side, and it is such men who was a time when cholera spread an- ment. you here was interesting?" prosper not the croaker. Success over most of the continent of It Is the policy of the American nually "Yen." replied Farmer Corntassel. never yet came to a pessimist, and the large cities Telephone and Telegraph to Europe, devastating company "The feller that catches one fish those towns are the most successful and extending with marvelous rapid- combine companies operating in con- and breaks the record." Washingtou and show the greatest growth ity from one center of population ko tiguous territory as a means of econ citizens refuse Star. prosperity, where the another. But with the modernizing omical administration. Only & few or commer- to recognize industrial of the cities and the esablishment weeks ago the lines In and men Michigan "I hear one of the guests got pto cial stagnation. Half a dozen of quarantine regulations, the section about adequate Chicago were merg maine at your wedding." with a grguch will kill any town, or most countries have poisoning European ed, and that the same plan will be fur "I hired a man to simulate the CONTINUES on the bum. . of at least put it ceased to have any special dread ther adopted is indicated in the an o symptoms. It's a good way to dam the scourge. , I nual of report the president of the ardor of g JACK our nationalf,,; lax pen the WHEN JEFF MET Were it not for company, Theodore N. Vail, who stat- own best guests." ity and disregard forour ed that "corporate organization and It will be remembered that some- interests all Immigration from south combination are the necessary and Gladys The at the Friv more than a ago a sickly ern cholera epidemics thing year Europe during logical solution of the of car- in Until problem ol selected twenty chorus girls 2nd. named Jeffries confronted There is ni ty old sport would be suspended."" ing for the wonderful August development twenty minutes. a dusky and husky prize fighter in good reason why we should keep our which has been going on in .this Totty My word! Isn't he quick in Reno, with the result that a certain gates open continuously for the.BCura country in the recent past." Variety Life. J championship title is now proudly and filth of Italy to come into our figures? worn by Jack Johnson. That is an- country.- - To the better class of Ital Hudson Do you treat your cook cient and pathetic history and might ians there is no objection. There ROSY AS A GIRL like one of the family? Our is . be forgoten in due course of events should be quarantine' nol only Summit. N. C In a letter received Policy to close out every piece of Goods each Season re- Judson No, indeed; we treat her were It not for the reappearance of against cholera but against the kind from this place, Mr. J. W. Church, the like three of the family. Harper' gardless of the loss of all profit. By request of a number of our this same sickly sport from time to of immigrants that carry it These notary public, sajrs: "My wife had Bazar. time to chatter in garrulous imbecil- immigrants swarm to our shores at been ailing for nearly 12 years, from patrons who were previously unable to take advantage of the big about his prowess. For Jeffries all seasons and are practically unre female ailments, and at times, was ity bargains this sale offers, we have decided to continue the greatest now runs a ealoon in Los Angeles strained. It would be better if we unable to leave the house. She suf- A where he holds court to the gaping closed our gates permanently against fered agony with her side and back. stock reducing sale of the year. We know thatevery intellegent from other parts. Italian immigration than that this We tried physicians for years, with- TIZ-F- or pilgrims realizes a live to-da- y low-grad- e person that merchant must reduce his stock The other day "Jeff" told about vile stream of foreigners out relief. After these treatments all moral as well how he had "snubbed" Johnson in should come with their failed, she took Cardui, and gained in at this time of the year. , r London. To hear him dilate upon it as their physical infection. weight at once. Now she ia red and Tender Feet one might infer thajt the black cham- rosy as a school girl." Cardui, as a he was scared to death when tonio for women, has remark- f 1- -5 1- pion brought TO -2 OFF t on for- mi-eer- saw his erstwhile antagonist able results. It relieves pain and y eign soil. But let Jeffries himself WT3f and ia the Ideal tonic for young tell about it. inn vim and old. Try it. At druggists. . IN ALL DEPARTMENTS "The night I seen the big smoke," ft says Jeffries, "was at Romano's in Drum music dnr Tint rrtma a tlm London. You ought to been there. pound, although church music can be Hi re. The emoke comes in: with his gold the-qui- and other ill, due to an inactive condi bought by teeth all shining. ATT Blacks" are tion of die Liver, Stomach and BoweU, wiite to them English, and right we heard from all sides, ma U obtid pyg pTeManuy kni We sell fiheinerEEandisewe have a clean" aay of Fift cool "fhflre's Jack bully old boy.' Some- mot promptly by tuing Syrup ;vhich 1 and Elixir of Stoma. fMr"B0tr new Sore-- body tQMJthe smoke that was pres- I REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS 1 Draws Out ill' inflammation and j store and plenty of good tcompetent You saw and he came and untried remedy, but (uad by help. are ent, or else he me, j j nesa. iit,U?u ii - ,i:,iO nA Ol over to the table where millions of familie through- walking right This remarkable foot bath remedy invited' to us a call. the "Virginia Judge,' the world to cleanto and aweeten Warranty Deeds give Walter Kelly, out Plaster or was Just before he Placlta Ranch company ' to Ten is Superior to Powder, and me sitting. and strengthen the system whenever, to cure The Lakes Land June 26, 1911, Salve and la guaranteed got tere I turned my back. laxative remedy is needed. company, 1 meant and 270 acres, Las Consid- Corns, Callouses, Bunions, Frostbites smoke knew Just what When buying not tfco fuB sake Vegas grant. He eration $500. Chilblains, Ingrowing Nails, Tired, he didn't linger. beat it"' of the Compsny California. Fif) Sysip One can shuit his eyes and picture Board of Trustees, Las Vegrg Aching, Swollen, Nervous, Sweaty, "THE STb R EuOF on of 515-51- QUALITY" Co., printed every fc. Bad feet 7 this vivid ecene as described by the pxia grtnt, to Mary L, Carpenter. June Smelling Opposite genuine. j 171.8 section 35, town- Smaller Shoes Can Be Worn by W! mmmm rormer cnamyiuu. n.e 30, 1911, acres, Railroad m n o'i"6 Regular BO hot one site only. and I with his friend at a table when in prica per ship 16, range. 16. using TIZ, because it puts keeps n'W'n 7 msianeaa For sale aO Avenue S WC by leading dnurgiitaJ condition. .. : comes the "smoke." How terror-- Cleofes Romero to Arabella B. Ro- the feat in perfect Hotel all" 25 stricken- - "smoke" was mero, June 22, 1911, land In pet 3, .TIZ is for sale at druggists, the grew c-- vi - Las ! If wish E. Vegas,. ; shown v the fact that he walked ; n. cents per box or direct you N.Mf Celes-tln- g from Walter Luther & Co., right! over, to Jeffries wltfi the osten Las Vegas Grant Board to Dodge , - sible of hands with Garcia, June 30, 1911, 120 acres, Chicago, III. For sale by all- purpose shaking ! his former rival and greeting him A. I V. grant. LAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC. THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1911.

SALOON CONTEST MAROONS LINE- - OPTOMA KE SUPREME The PfescfipllGnist PERSONALS . IN TEXAS HAS STRENGTHENED EFFORT TO GET William AlcCann of Albuq.uerg.ue U in the city on a brief business visit. The man who does the E. R. Sinclair, who has been here MATERIALLY T weighing, the tor .some time, left last night for his BEENBJITER ENDOW measuring ' the man who knows how home la Pierre, S. D. and J. J. Curran arrived from why the man on yesterday1 CN SATURDAY VOTERS OF LONE COMPLETE REORGANIZATION EF MONTEZUMA COLLEGE PROPOSI whom his home In St. Louis, Mo. He is everything depends. STAR STATE WILL BALLOT FECTEDSEVERAL NEW PLAY- TION AT HOT SPRINGS MAY Our responsibility is never here for his health and will remain ' SIGNED YET MATERIALIZE lost sight of for a moment some time.' ON PROHIBITION ERS In prescription filling. Every Judge Clarence J. Roberts arrived Is looks ' prescription leaving our this morning from his home In Raton Austin, Tex., July 20. Texas The new lineup of the Maroons One. final and supreme, effort to tore is faultless from any and will spend the remainder of the about to go to one of the stiffest tests mighty good on paper and it is be- raise the required endowment fund standpoint that you may week hearing cases in chambers. made anywhere in the country be lieved it will appear equally well in for the proposed Montezuma college take. You may feel safe Antonio Guavara, formerly of the tween the liquor itnerests and the an action In the games with the Raton will be made before the proposition and sure if we fill your Albuquerque police force, but now a forces. The state campaign Grays Saturday and Sunday. The line-u-; Is abandoned. A meeting of the resi- prescription. Santa Fe special officer at Raton, which has been waged with a bitter will be as follows: Martin, c; dent members of the board of trus- was here today on his way to Albu- ness that has seemed to increase daily Smith and Barr, p; Place, lb; Wilson, tees of the college, which was held querque on railroad business. for the past three months will close 2b; Perkins, bs; Fisher, 3b; Lockhart, yesterday in the office of George A. so decided. Dr. John R. To Be and on WINTERS DRUG CO. Sheriff Andres Gandert of Mora tomorrow and on Saturday the voters l; Ellis, cf; Arter, rf; Angel, Schoeny Fleming, Supreme Top county and his deputy, E. H. Biern-- will decide whether or not an amend- and Montano substitutes. This Is a Gass, synodiral missionary for the on business. bunch Presbyterian synod of New Mexico owe Pluue Main 3 baum, were here today ment providing for statewide prohibi- hitting, fielding and It should in any department of human effort must They drove to Las Vegas by way of tion shall be added to the constitution able to take at least one of the and Arizona and president of the board of of the BETTER than has been Wagon Mound. Mr. Biernbaum says of Texas. tumes in Raton. trustees college, was produce something pro- Mora present at the come the wheat and oats crops in Reports from all directions indicate . Place will arrive tonight from his meeting, having duced before. This the of here from for the explains supremacy county are looking better than for that this is by far the most bitter po home in Michigan. Arter will come Albuquerque pur- will pose of a report upon his several years and that the yield litical struggle which ever has occur in tomorrow. The fans know what making JOKE PLAYED ON two to the east In an effort to Old ibe Immense. red in the Lone Star state. Today Arter can do and there is little likeli- trips "The Reliable" Is a raise jthe endowment fund. J. N. Haynes of Greeley, Colo., and tomorrow the fight will be brought hood but that he will make good from Dr. Gass said that many PARTY business visitor in this city. to a whirlwind finish with mass meet the start. Place has a reputation at wealthy OF CAMPERS Mrs. A. who had eastern people are interested In the Mr. and P. Linn, ings in every nook and corner of the least a column In length and If he with Mr. and Mrs. new school and assured him of their been visiting here commonwealth, from the Panhandle to performs In the way the newspapers Mrs. Stoner of El support However, they desire a H. C. Smith and the Gulf, and from El Paso to the in Michigan say he does, he will prove WHEN SEVERAL WENT FOR A for more tangible ipronositon in order Dorado hotel, left this afternoon forests of east Texas. t be the real goods. Fisher Is a fast TWILIGHT EN- Mex. that they may know more about the STROLL, THEY tneir home In Aguascalientes, seems to .forecast the Inflelder. Last year he with Quality and have made it the King of All It Impossible played Institution in which ' they have been Purity COUNTERED "GHOSTS" Their son, Lawrence, will remain here election with any in the Kansas State Beers. Saazer its result of the special Martin league. asked to Invest. .' Dr. Gass told the Bottled The exclusive use of Hops, and attend school during the coming From the head he has been with degree of certainty. This year, playing trustees yesterday that he would mildness and low of alcohol makes it the Next time Miss Rose winter. of and is said to be a percentage Lesh, Miss quarters both the prohibitionists Raton. Fisher heavy prepare a printed statement of all Anna Mlsa Anna D. A. Camfield, president of the are as a favorite Kiss, Sauer and Leo the emanating hitter as well classy fielder. facts concerning Montezuma college. everywhere. Camfleld company, which Al- Iloltz go out for a stroll In the moun- Development reports indicating that both sides view Perkins, who was acquired from the amount of money needed and the tains will to is the a " they be sure go armed building big irrigation project the outlook with equal confidence. buquerque, is also good ball player. conditions to be complied with in or- Bottled only with corkt or crown cop) at tl ' for ghosts. This resolve was made on the mesa, arrived this afternoon Some onlookers see in the results He' has been working at short during der to secure the donation of the them a In Denver and will b Anheuser-Busc- h by following rather harrow- from his home of the last democratic primary an In the regular workouts of the team and handsome Montezuma hotel property Brewery C. D. sea I ing experience last night near Trout here several days. Gibson, dication of the vote In the coming elec- is fielding the ball cleanly and hitting from the Santa Fe. yf , . SL LOUS, MO. Springs, where a party of townspeo- retary and treasurer of the company, tion. To the majority, however, the well at batting practice. Lockhart, With this statement Dr. Gass in ple are encamped. and Charles Tew,' its attorney, both results of the recent primary only Montano and Arter will make a fast tends to return to the east and make B. F. McGUIRE Soon the hard-hittin- i after supper Misses Lesh, residents of Denver, will arrive tomor- serve to make the present', situation ard g outfield. an effort to raise the required Distributor Sauer and Mr. Holtz went for Kiss, row. Mr. Camfleld says the project the more puzzling. In the primary One of the strong points about the amount of money. His trip will be Las Vegas N. M. walk In the des- - a mountains, their is progressing satisfactorily. His vis- an overwhelming vote for Railroad present lineup is the ability of the of necessity an expensive one. Dr. tination Will Stedman's farm being It is for the purpose of straightening Commissioner Oscar B. Colquitt, the players to practice daily. Every man Gass expects to remain in the eastern house not far from distant the camp. up some legal formalities. candidate for gov will be In a uniform each afternoon states at least eight or nine months. On the way back, while admiring the ernor, was polled, but at the same a working to perfect the organization of The board of trustees empowered Btars, etc., etc., Holtz almost had great demand for the submission of the team. Schoeny and Angel, who are him to raise in New Mexico and Ari- leart failure, so the girls, who were ALDRICH the prohibition question was voted. as classy a pair of ball players as can zona a sufflcent amount of money to with him claim, when he saw an ob- In democratic Texas, nomination in be found outside of professional ranks, defray the expenses of his trip. Before You Start on Your Vacation Trip, We Would Like ject in white flitting from tree to once a LIAK a democratic primary Is equivalent to are obliged to miss the majority of Dr. Gass will begin at tour tree directly in the path ahead. The BRANDS IIINES to Show You of Vacation such election, and although Mr. Colquitt the workouts. As a result of the twin territories, working in Our Line Articles, as girls saw the object almost at the regular they was assured of of governor, have not been able to do themselves behalf of the college. He will, ex- same time. To increase their fright, thepost ' plain what Is needed and the hopes a second made DENIES THAT HE ASKED THE he was obliged by the votes of the justice. They probably will be taken gnostly object its ap- entertained the Presbyterians for Sets, LORI-MER- vote by Drinking 'S people to submit to a the on all the road as Traveling Flasks, Cups, pearance, playing tag with the first LUMBERMAN TO URGE trips, however, they a question of prohiibtlon. are valuable men, as has been building up big The woods were soon ringing with CANDIDACY already school that will be a credit to Cases, Match Boxes, Throughout the campaign both sides demonstrated. Cigarette the ,screams and screeches of the both New Mexico and Arizona. He and the have maintained headquarters in a Boxes, etc. frightened young women, Washington, July 20. Former Uni will ask also for donations to pay his Stamp .loud of Holtz. Those In number of the leading cities ofth yelling ted States Senator Nelson W. Aldrlch expenses on his trip to the eastern could hear them and knew the state. From these headquarters tons ONE FARE OFFERED camp of Rhode Island, flatly contradicted states. trick had worked. of literature have been mailed and at at today's Lorimer Investigation hear Dr. Gass told the trutsees that he It was but a few seconds until the hundreds of speakers have been sent ing the story told by Edward Hines FOR RATONEXCURSION had met with words of encourage terrified strollers came running Into forth to stump the country from end of Chicago, ' that Aldrich had asked ment for the college In both terri- Holtz was the first to arrive, to en4. Governor Colquitt himself camp. him to urge Lorimer to become a sen tories. J. "W. Murphy of the Phoenix ladies has 'led the force of antl TAUPERT'S the young following. atorial candidate and had. sent word speakers. IF 75 GO SUNDAY, SANTA FE WILL Trust company, Phoenix, Ariz., made On the side former prohibition Gover RUN A a donation of $150 toward the fund Jeweler Optician to Governor Deneen , that President SPECIAL TRAIN TO nor Campbell has been one of the used in the endowment. Taft had K the belief that to be raising expressed most active workers. The GATE CITY Lorimer could be elected and was the newspa As the college Is to be the Joint pos- Y. M. C. A. and man. pers, the churches, the session and pride of New Mexico and most available Director E. T. Plowman of the Ma-rcon- numerous other organizations have was proper that - BASE BALL Instead of telling Hines that he was informed Arizona, it thought RETAIL PRICES- - line up on one side or the other in yesterday by San funds needed In en- and the president were anxious to the raising the the and Instances are ta Fe officials that the road would run lbs!' Del 10 de- campaign many dowment and making the institution "2,000 or More, Each Ivsry 20o per lbs. have Lorimer elected, Mr. Aldrlch a to on ga3S cited where even families are split special train Raton Sunday an assured fact should be procured 1,000 lbs. to 2,000 lbs. Each Delivery 25c per 100 lbs. YESTERDAY'S GAMES clared that he said Lorimer's candi- account of "' over the Issue. the baseball game between in both territories rather than In Las 200 lbs. to 1,000 lbs Each Delivery SOo per 100 lbs. dacy was "not objectionable." When Las and " The only feature of the struggle Vegas the Gate City If a total Vegas or entirely In New Mexico. 60 lbs. to 200 lb Each Delivery 40o per 100 lbs. for Lorimer, on e National League attorneys which stands out with unmistakable of seventy-fiv- round trip tickets could Less Than 60 Each Delivery SOo per 100 lbs. 4 tried to show that the former lb, ; Philadelphia 6. , Ins, sold. Pittsburg clearness Is the fact that the public-- HAY FEVER ANP 8UMMER COLDS IV St. Louis 2. senator might have said "acceptable," 4; Brooklyn (First generally is desirous that the saloon The road will offer a rate of one fare Must be relieved and u R A M A Mr. Aldrlch said that he said "not ob- quickly Foley's rglDlA p GO P NY game.) question be definitely settled once and for the round trip or 4.45. The base- Honey and Tar Compound will do It. Louis 8; Brooklyn 5. (Second jectionable" and that he meant that E. M. 10C4 Wolfram Chi- St for all, for it has long been a bugbear ball association cannot arrange for the Stewart, St., Harvesters, Storers and Distributors of Natural Ice, the Purity word and nothing more. He added cago, writes: "I have been greatly game.) In Texas politics. But whether they train until It has been assured that and Lasting Qualities of Which Have Made Las Vegas 3. "he YhewHines would use the In- troubled during the hot summer ' Chicago 5; Boston that seventy-fiv-e , . Famous Office 701 Avenue. want to vote out the saloon at the people will take the trip. months with hay fever and find that Douglas Cincinnati New York 4. formation given him at Springfield. Com-oun- 2; same time is a question that can be Every fan who will go to Raton is urg by using Foley's Honey and Tar d Mr. Aldrlch also denied that he told answered only by a count of the votes ed to notify Mr. Plowman or some I get great relief." Many others American Hines that he considered Lorimer the who suffer similarly will be glad to League day-afte- tomorrow. other member of the baseball associa- Boston 10; Cleveland 2. only man who could be eleoted. He benefit by Mr. Stewart's experience tion at once. O. G. Schaefer and Red Cross one in said he did not ask Senator Penrose Drug Winners Classified Ads. (Only game played league NOT A DAY IN BED On their trip to Raton the Maroons Co. Optic to Hines to consult with him In yesterday.) bring Gramllng, S. C In a letter from may arrange to journey northward to to the , Illinois' election, and regard Gramllng, Mrs. Lula Walden says: "1 Trinidad for games Monday and Tues- added that he did not believe Senator was so weak before I began taking day. Negotiations to that end are now Penrose Hines to his room. Freckles Gone brought Cardul, that it tired me to walk lust pending. The Trinidad bunch is a The of the com- regular procedure a little. Since aklng it, I do all the strong one and the Maroons are anxi- mittee was to allow Mr. "Simple Remedy From my Druggist's Interrupted housework for my family of nine, and ous to try with them. to stand. He shook strength Removed Them," Says Society Aidrlch take the have not been in bed a day. Cardul hands with members of the commit- is the for on Lady greatest remedy women, Those Who Take Bank Pills San uelNational tee, taking particular pains to greet earth." Weak women Foley Kidney "The best skin told me need Cardul, ror meir ali- specialists who listened to his Rianey and bladder Mg Senator Lorimer, Ideal woman's Ir- that nothing would remove my freck- It is the tonic, because ments, and for annoying urinary testimony " It Is especially adapted for women's regularities are alwnva irratofnl hnth les and that I would carry them to for needs. It relieves head the quick and permanent relief M. said a well known society backache, J. CUNNINOflAM, Praldaat, i my grave," success has at- cuey arrow, and for their tonic and OmpHml Pmldlri JSurttlam a The uniform that ache, dragging feelings, and other fe FRANK SPRINOER, Vlc PrMldcat, , woman, "but I fooled them all with tended the use of Chamberiam's Colic strengthening effeot as well. Try male misery. Try Cardul. A few Kidnev n. cm, a Dt T. HOSKINS, new drug, othine double strength, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has Foley Ptlla n Afar $100,000.00 Cathlcr, 080,000.00 can doses will show you what it can do and Red Cross Dnrg Co. thut I at my wh'.cb made it a favorite everywhere. It "" bought druggist's -- ' -- always- - be depended uponr For sale for beJustTwhat yon cleared skin and gave me a fine tout It'may htm ad) to ch my by all druggists. want. ,Wi3 SM9 ,ini i . complexion." Interest Paid tTirhe' The action of othine is really re- bn Deposits

for. wheM at III markable, appflled night, ilstc 1 it . - nfjuy of the freckles disappear e,n- foM9 THE PARISIAN r. v I DEPOSITORS tifely by morning., and the, rest t hay Szzio 1 'onto DRY begun to fade. An ounce is usually CLEANERS Keep on to this bank of be-cau- Modern seven room home on Seventh St. All ill (KM coming sayings all that is needed, even for the worst mm rl improvements, both inside and out, in w they know they getja square deal here case. ran best condition. Three lots, good lawn and ofJinterest-STh- Be sure to ask for the will clean and that we pay best Jrates e your druggist trees - and press all Men's double strength othine, as this Is sold $4500 and Woman's officials of this a of back If It Will Sell on Small Cash Balance Garments, under guarantee money Payment, Laces, Lace Curtains, Kid fails to remove the freckles. , Monthly at. 8 oent Interest. SAVINGS BANK per Gloves and Slippers, Neck- Here a- - chance-t- o a house on the same is get practically ties; Clean and Bleach Straw terms as rent. We have other houses for sale, larger and and Panama ,u k where loans and discounts are arraneedrfor. smaller, all prices and terms. See us when you think of invest- Hats; Clean and Block Felt ; ' r ' v ' - Frank Revell, ing: in ' Hats. We call "J Accounts subject to daily check. t for and deliver the goods. f CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Hcai Ectaia ,. LAS VEGAS SflVlflGSB&lX Furnished on All Kind of The Investment and Agency Corporation 523 Sixth Estimates J St; Phone Main 35. I .A Building Work Specialty. Phone Main 40. GEORGE A. FLEMING, Manner. Phone Main 38. . Oppoilt OpUo. a


Advertisement more. We will Eitray year we will spend Notice la hereby given to whom It ITUE LOBBY RESTAURANT AND CAFE not begin to make our budget plana ANTRADER may concern that the following de- ANIND AND REGULAR DINNERS RIVAL RAILROAD until October, so I am not able to scribed estray animal taken up by SHORT ORDERS T5he John. iu HANDLED out anything on our plan for J. A, Martin, Socorro, N. M. THE BEST GOODS OBTAINABLE give To-wl- alwakj Optic t: the future." BRIDE One black bald faced OFFICIALS ON STEALS pony, about 7 years old, 7003. CALIFORNIA GLEE CLUB Branded of On left SOCIETY AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY Berlin, July 20. The University OF ANOTHER hip M FISHING TRIP California dee Club, which Is making Ear marks a tour, of Europe, has arrived In Ber welcome to the &a.iri V . , . . . i . LODGE NO. 2, A. F. & brothers always will a mm Oniina! uu&uuwo to CHAPMAN lin and tomorrow night give utiujj cilia SENSATIONAL ELOPEMENT AT ioard, unless claimed by owner on or A. M. com- wigwam. W. O. Wood, sachem; MUDGE OF ROCK ISLAND AND concert under the auspices of the before Regular FARMINGTON DESERTED Aug. 1, mi, said date being 10 and David Flint, chief of records and SANTA FE SO American Woman's club. The concert COLUMN munication first STOREY OF days after last appearance of this ad- A ' ballroom of the PURSUIT third Thursday in each collector of wampum. xJOURNING ON PECOS will be held in the vertisement, said tstiay will be sola club- li- this month. Visiting broth- magnificent new Bruderverein for the benefit of the KWetiQ3( owiior wbtQ found. invited. B. P. in Kurfuersten Strasse. N. M., July 20. Flee- ers cordially O. ELKS Meets second and Kan.. 20. H. U house the Farmington, CATTLE SANITARY Tnnpka. July re- BOAUl). Wllliam H. W. M.; Chas. H. on two horses across the Indian " Stapp, fourth Tuesday evening of each of the Rock Island lines, be- ing Albuquerque, N. M. Nudge servation for the fastnesses of the Gal-lir- a first pub. July 12, last Sporleder, Secretary. month at O. R. C. halL lieves In hia railroad and is a hard pub. July 22, '11 Visiting mountains southeast of Farming-to- Brothers G. on competition, but when h DIAMOND DICK'S LAS VEGA3 COMMANDERY, NO. 2, are cordially invited. nan are Mount a wealthy Nava- Estray Advertisement fishints he takes the Butler, H. Exalted D-- wants to eo Notice KNIGHTS TEMPLAR Hunker, Ruler; W. Indian trader, and the is hereby given to whom 11 Santa Fe. jo conclave second Condon, Secretary POPULARITY WANES bride of W. O. Turner, a fruit grow- may concern that the de At any rate he did this summer, following in each month at Ma- - er near this Armed to the teeth Ii6 scribed estray animal was taken day With W. D. Storey, Jr., vice president city. up by sonlo at 7:30 m. C. D. F. O. E. Meets first and third Tues- fleet-foote- d A. J. Temple p. President Sludge and also mounted on mMm Byrne, Des Moines, N. M. Santa Fe, Re of the To-wi- Boucher, S. Chas, Tamme. day each Fra- LOCAL DEALER SAYS DEMAND are Turner and a number of Optic' Number, Main 2. One sorrel pony, 10 C; evenings month, at came to Topeka Monday' morning mounts years corder. "DIME" NOVEL HAS old. ternal Brotherhood hall. and left the same afternoon for FOR his friends, who are in close pursuit Visiting early FALLEN OFF RATES FOR CLASSIFIED ADVER- Branded Brothers mountains near Santa Fe, New of Butler and Mrs. Turner. Before cordially invited to attend. the TISEMENTS On left LAS VEGAS CHAPTER NO. 3, Here without the worries leaving his ranch, Turner declared hip B. F. MeGulre, President; E. 0, IMexico. the are Said ROYAL ARCH MASONS Regular clerks and secretaries and "I wonder where boys that he would kill Butler On sight. Five cents per line each Insertion ammal being unknown to this Ward, of chief 'blood and convocation first Secretary. of the troublesom who used to read the Butler and Mrs. Turner laid their Estimate elx ordinary words to a Boaid, unless claimed by owner on or Monday without the flare Ma- a Las Vegas news- ilne. No ad to less than before 1, in each month at these two railroad thunder' novel," plans for fleeing together with con- occupy space Aug. 1911, said date being 10 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, COUNCIL pink telegrams as owe sonic at 7:30 p. and down the dealer said yesterday afternoon, skill it is said", had lines. All advertisement charg- days after last appearance of this ad Temple, NO. 804 heads will tramp up summate and, they H-P- lleets second and fourth of his weekly or-d- ed will m. J. A. Rutledge, only for the he received a part assistance and counsel of Butler's be booked at space actually vertisement, said estray will be sold In O. mountain streams taring the H-- Thursday it. C. hali, Pioneer from the nublishers. The order set, without regard to number of by this Board for the benefit Chas. i Sporleder, BDarkline trout and the fact that year-old foster son and a nephew. of the building. Visiting members are cor. contained only three copies of the ord. Cash in advance preferred. owner when found. secretary. leak might break out in their hip When pretty Miss Diamond came dlaUy Invited. W. R. Tipton. O. K.; nickel adventure novels. Several CATTLE boots. here about a year ago to marry Turner SANITARY BOARD, E. P. Mackel, F. S. few ago the same order called for O. E. Of course they had to stop a years who is more than twice her age, it Albuquerque, N. M. RANSFORD CHAPTER NO. 2, Mr. First moments in Topeka, Whenever nearly fifty. was romance was Wanted pub. July 12, last pub. July 22, '11 S. Meets first and third Fri- I. O. O. F., LAS VEGAS which held a rumored that the LODGE NO. or Mr. Storey come west they Windows formerly 1. Meet Mudge form of the result of a courtship conducted days In Masonic Temple. Mrs. every Monday evening at i, fur. Tnrvpka. figuring on at big display of the "yellow" WANTED Operator to copy Asso Advertisement v" " ' Eitray their hall on Sixth "lsit-in- g luano ' are now filled with better through a matrimonial bureau. Agnes M. Tripp, Worthy Matron; street. All nine holes in golf at the Coun magazines ciated Press report over The Optic's Notice is hereby given to whom it brethren least After a few months .of wedded hap B. cordially invited to at- lunched with grades of the magazine literature. leased wire, dally except Sunday, may concern that the de- Thomas Bowen, Worthy Patron; trv club. Monday they Mrs. following tend. Carl Carl Wertz, N. G.; A. offlr The way can account for piness, Turner, quite suaaeniy, 11:30 to 2:30. on editor. Mrs. Minerva A. Santa Fe and Rock Island only I, Call city scribed estray animal was taken up by Howell, Secretary. T. Rogers, V. M few in demand is the decided to return to her home for a G.; T. Elwood. General Manager the great drop the Gregorlo Garcia, Gregos, N. M. Phone Main 721 Fourth street. cers Including visit. She returned 231, Secretary; W. E 'Crltes, treasurer; who made protracted only To-wi- t: Gen- fact that the boys formerly WANTED An- C- - Bweet of the Rock Island and Men and boys in Los Two sorrel horses, 2 years V. Hedgoock. of these novels recently. Some time ago Butler dis cemetery trustee. Kouns of the Santa Fe. the sale profitable geles. Small pay but can learn old, star in forehead. NO eral Manager his Indian business EL DORADO LODGE 1, was raining and are busy doing "stunts" they former- posed of trading trade of Branded The fact that it automobiles, electricity, p KNIGHT8 OF PYTHIAS Meets LAS VEGAS CAMP NO. 13779 wor- five cents to read about. In and with his young son came to Far- MOD- spoiled their golf chances didn't ly paid plumbing, bricklaying on actual con- On left hlr ' has He soon became Monday eve ERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA railroad men they the last few years this country mington. acquainted 300 Said every ry the tract Jobs. students last year. animal being unknown to this Meets the what this rain gone 'athletic mad.' The doings of with Mrs. Turner and the attentions ning in Castle hall. second and fourth Fri- thought more about Catalogue free. United Traide Board, unless claimed bv owner on or of mean to the reve- th 'MArriwell Brothers' are put to he showed the pretty young matron are days each month in the W. O. In Kansas would School Contracting Co., Los An before Aug. 1, 1911, said date being 10 Viafting Knights W. corn was shame the feats now accomplish caused much gossip in Farmington. hull, at 8 p. m. Chnstophet nues of tho road when the by geles. dry s after last appearance of this ad- cordially Invited. ed Now a boy doesn't was absent from home Clay, Venerable Consul; In September. by the hoys. While Turner said Chas. E. Liebach-nier- , George gathered mar- vertisement, estray will be sold Laemmle, z. W. e to read about the athletic last Butler Clerk; Montague, For twenty-fiv- years President have evening, suddenly appeared this Board for in. Sale by the benefit of the Chancellor assistant fished on hi3 place In vels his heroes uBed to delight In at the fruit ranch with a buggy, and for deputy. Visiting Neigh- Mudge has owner when found. Commander. Harry bors are owns a mountain stead he does them. in less time than it takes to tell it, cordially Invited. New Mexico. He FOR SALE Three fresh cows, good CATTLE SANITARY BOARD, Martin, Keeper of and every "From the time a boy reaches the he had assisted Mrs. Turner to roost out In that country jump ones. S. Powers. Albuquerque, N. M. Records and Seal. t. n. of in school he is AM.U - lareew nart fifth grade training into the vehicle and the couple drov Jf Cal sjsv. First pub. July 12, last pub. July 22, '11 I) titfTISTS. his summers there attempting to rob daily in the hurdles, pole vaulting rapidly away. The departure of But- BALDY LODGE and FOR SALE Cheap, ticket to Chica NO. 77, FRATERNAL Inhabitants. and working out "on the sprints Mrs. Turner was observed " F. R. LORD the streams of their ler and by go; Address Box Estray Advertisement UNION OF AMERICA Meets first have been hav- long distances. Then he goes to high "What success you neighbors, who notified the woman's 291, Notice is nereby given to whom It school and has a physical director to city. and third Wednesdays of each DENTiST ing?" he was asked. husbarid. Turner secured his rifle, concern the de- of the may that following month Brotherhood Office Pioneer "Well, tell you," beamed the big train him. He begins reading mounted a horse and started in pur at Fraternal Building FOR SALE 100 Plymouth Rock scribed estray animal was taken up by Rooms 3 as he Btood on the station records of athletes in the different on hall. A. E. Hayward, F. M.; W. A. and 4 president suit. He had friends guard at the hens at 76c each. . MRS. M. E. Selso Chavez Jarales, N. M. Office ten million dol-la- f universities and colleges of the coun Qivens, Secretary. Visiting mem- Phone Main 57 platform allowing the river to watch for the heeing To-wl- t: 9 bridge STEVENS Humboldt, Kan. One red horse about Residence 4 to trickle from his straw try. bers cordially invited. Phone Main IS rain couple, but Butler's nephew heard of years, 600 pounds, 4 feet. broad shoulders. "For As a result he lacks the time to hat to his this move and when his uncle and Mrs. FOR SALE White Wyandotte hens, Branded e fishing read the novels that used to capti- FRATERNAL BROTHERHOOD, NO. DR. E. L. twenty-fiv- years. I have been he them $8 and $10 HAMMOND He's Turner appeared provided per doz., according to On left shoulder 102 those streams and It seems that vate him for hours every week. Meets every Monday night at DENTIST 'i with two fleet horses, on which they quality. Mrs. M E. Johnson, Hum uranaea F"'"1 the fish get more plentiful every busy reading, what time he has, their hall in the Schmidt building, meets in folded the river at an unguarded spot boldt, Kan. On left hip . Suite 4, Crockett Building. Has phones ear. I haven't phazed the supply." books on athletics, of track l J west of Fountain Square, at eight and started across the Indian reserva Said animal being unknown to this at office and residence. "But this the newspapers or planning a sum o'clock. Visiting members are cor- year" tion. It was hours before Turner and ?OR SALE Ijegal blanks of all de- Board, unless claimed by owner on or "'This year I am going to try a new mer outing with swimming, fishing dially welcome. E. E. Gehring, presi cases out his friends discovered they had been scriptions Notary teals and rec- before Aug. 1, 1911, said date being 10 Mrs. D. scheme," he said. "Mr. Storey and I and boating. And in nine dent; Emma Burks, Secre ATTORNEYS outwitted. Butler's son ords at The ofCce. last of ad- two weeks in those moun- of ten it's doing him a lot of good. temporarily Optic days after appearance this tary; C. Pally, Treasurer. will spend his1 not father and Mrs. Tur said estray will be sold - tains. We are going to combine our He's creating adventure and accompanied vertisement, Geo. H- Hunker Chester A. Hunker tales he has ner. PHONO GRAPH Bargain, almost by this Board for the benefit of the efforts in ridding these streams of reading exaggerated . E. ROSENWALD LODGE NO. 645. new; latest improved machine; owner wben found. HUNKER & HUNKER fish. We will be alone all that time learned are Impossible." very cheap. Inquire 414 CATTLE SANITARY BOARD, I. O. of B. B. Meets every first Tues Attorneys at Law I am for a surprise And that's what all of the dealers INTERNATIONAL HIGHWAY and looking N. M. day of the month in the vestry In New Mexi decide if you ask them about 20. Albuquerque, Las Vegas New Mexico among the finny tribes finally Plattsburg, N. Y., July Official rooms of Montefiore at 8 it. The number of athletic First pub. July 12, last pub. July 22, '11 Temple co." large representatives of the states of New o'clock m. brothers are to talk meets and the contests that are be FOR SALE The former Harris Bros. p. Visiting It was a hard matter trying York and Vermont and the Province invited. Isaac Appel, MASSAGE Vice the work of dairy, Justnorth of the city limits cordially business to the two officials. ing staged Regularly, of Quebec assembled today at Rouses Estray Advertisement on Eighth street; 8 acres of President; Charles Greenclay, Sec President was altogether too the oBy Scouts, the outings given on international Notice is hereby given to whom it Storey Point, situated the 5 in retary. MRS. OLT.IE in rain that the Y. M. C. A., and athletic ground, acres alfalfa; orchard de- SHEARER Interested in paddling the by boundary line near the foot of Lake may concern that the following to and clubs, and the good outing and ath and small fruits, all under ditch; was taken Masseuse and Midwife would mean so much the crops Champlain, and joined in a celebration scribed estray animal up by letic that have taken the house with bath and city RED MEN Meet Broth Residence Phone .'.Main 308 president Mudge could talk nothing magazines to mark the commencement of work John S. A. Martin,. Socorro, N. M. in Fraternal water; two houses, 2 75 ond "vacation" in of the old nickel adventure large poultry To-wl- erhood hall the of the fourth Massage Parlor Phone Vegas ,,.( ftv the place on international high- One black bald faced pony, sleep educated the the proposed large barns; especially suited for In Las New Mexico. novels have gradually 10 or 12 years old, 700 pounds. Thursday of each month, eighth Vegas Thursdays, Fridays way to connect Montreal and New and Will be On being questioned concerning the American boy in his choice of dairy poultry raising. run, thirtieth breath. Visiting and Saturdays. , York City. sold See A. H. Branded Y showing that would be made by the very cheap. Harris, n Santa Fe in tho fiscal year report, 612 Lincoln avenue. On left hip 'lce President Storey said he did not LI Said animal being unknown to this know of the posslbilltes. . For Rent Board, unless claimed by owner on or "We have not compiled our annual before Aug. 1, 1911, said date being 10 report and I am not acquainted with FOR RENT Furnished house or days after last appearance of this ad what showing we will make," he said. rooms for housekeeping. Apply 1013 vertisement, said estray will be sold ' don't look for any startling report Tilden. this Board for the benefit of the and on the other hand I am not ex. by owner when found. a loss." A woman never considers her pho jading CATTLE SANITARY BOARD, the rumor that the Hair tograph a good likeness unless It Concerning Grows Albuquerque, N. M. Pure Distilled Water Santa Fe would make the Topeka and we can looks as she would like to look. First pub. July 12, last pub. July 22, '11 a freight car building institu shops busiest season when Vice President Storey said Right in your MAIN tion, tne teasi ume 10 spare PHONE 227 V have more PROVE IT! you have "The Topeka shops are-mos- t take diarrhoea you likely to HONEST MEDICINES VERSUS car repair work than they ANDERINE is to the hair what fresh shower and lose several nays' time, unless freight, nl ruin and Aunshine are to It FAKES an handle now' and I know that vegetation. you have Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera sots riah' to the roots, invigorates and and Taft's to atemptcon-ttructio- and Diarrhea Remedy at hand President recent message there will be no effort them. exhilarating, stimulating and or a ru strengthens Its, take a dose on the first appearance suggesting an amendment to the Pure work here. This is properties cause the hair to grow all the disease. For sale by druggists, Food and law in its relation to nor that has not reached my ears I abundantly lone, siron a and beautiful. It at Drugs and vel medicines, does not refer to know of no foundation for it." once imparts a sparkling brilliancy It's suspense that kills people, es prepared softness to the hair, and a few weeks as over the vetv who such standard medicines Foley's R.OUND Mr. Storey was optimistic - will hair all over the pecially those are hanged. TRIP mm use cause new to sprout Honey and Tar Compound and Foley new outlook for crop conditions. The scalp. Use it every day for a short time, three week will Kidney Pills, both of which are true recent dry weather has caused all after which two or time a DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED SUMMER EXCURSIONS be sufficient to complete whatever growth as cannot medicines compounded of western railway officails to worry by local applications, they carefully you desire. oi we ear. whose medicinal 17 over for crop reach the diseased portion Ingredients qualities the prospect i one to cure clear There onlv way are recognized by the medical pro- nn But the rains A lady from St. Paul writes is subatsno. ments this fall. heavy ness, and that Is by constitutional southwest in the tollowit causea an fession itself as the best known reme Pueblo, $11.90 that have visited the f'ivj "When I began oalng Pandertne my balr remedies. Deafness is Dy revived the would notcouie to tuy ahouldersaud no inflamed condition of the mucous lin dial agents for the disease they are COLORADO POINTS Colorado last week have spirits. Is below w Springs, $13.70 It sway hlpn." Eustachian Tube. When Intended to counteract For over was in his usual Another torn Newark. N. J. ine of the Denver, $16.60 President Mudge this tube Is inflamed you have a rum does not record a " I bare been mtstt Danderlne regularly. three decades Foley's Honey and Tar spirits history When I first started to une it I bad very lit- sound or imperfect hearing, ana tle balr.cow I bare the most beautffuuoDa; bling Compound has been a standard rem on the Mudge horizon. have.7' when is ciosea, nearness u cloudy day and thick balr anyone would want to it entirely colds affections "Our fiscal year report is not quit Hill the result, and unless the inflamma. edy fon coughs, and taken out and this tune chest and for chll St. Louis, Mo $40.30 St. finished but ye have an idea what it I NOW at all druggists in three tion can be of the throat, lungs Paul, Hinn., $46.30 he "it is neitner a 50c restored to its normal condition, dren and for grown persons, and it 111., will show," said, sizes 25c, and $1.00 hearinsr will be forever; Chicago, $46.30 but bottle destroyed retains today its above good showing nor a poor showing per nine cases out of ten are caused by sale kind. Fol- we are satisfied considering what we Danderlne enjoys greater thai which Is nothing but an "in al lother preparations of its other one of kind catarrh, to contend with. any preparation regardless flamed condition of the mucous sur ey Kidney Pills are equally effective tavq had or brand, and it has a much sale than Tickets .on 1 greater - sale dally June to September 30, 1911, Rock Is- all of the hair the. faces. and meritorious. O. G. Schaefer and recent rains in the other preparations in first-la- "The wTli One Hundred Dollars are ss stop-ove- rs a world combined. We give Red Cross Drug Co. and good for in either direction, land states has given promise for for case of deafness (caused by any final limit October 31, 1911 - If it it up cured good crop yield. keeps FREE To Bnow l,ow quickly OaadsrlnsJ catarrh) that cannot be by like this the Kansas farmers will be acts, we will send a large sam-- i Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for cir Sprains require careful treatment, Cut pie free by return mail to anyone who keen quiet and apply Chamberlain's set of men. sends tnis free coupon to the culars, free. a happy CHENEY & Co., Q Liniment freely. Tt will remove the KNOWUOH DAKDERWE CHICAGO, F. J. Toledo, "The Rock Island is spending con- Out CO., ILL, Sold bv Duetrlsts. 75c. soreness and quickly restore the narts D. L. in with their name and address and 10c BATCHELOR, Agent. siderable money in Kansas now in silver or stamps to pay postage. Take Hall's Family Pills for constV to a healthy condition. For sale by all Improvements on track work. Next patlon. druggists. LAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC, THURSDAY, JULY 20, 191 1. (Continued From. Page Thive) north 50 feet oa Fifth Mrs. Lou $20 9. A. fronting street, Butler. each; lots 15, 16, $20 each; lot A. Sena, $20; lot Block B; lots C fronting 42.5 Frank Helen C. Koeble BO G. feet, Peppard, $30; lota 21. 22. 23. A piece of land at a Llock $40; middle feet Joseph Brown, $20 each. 10, Mra, A. A. Sena, $20; lot 11, Mrs. Mra. Mattle lot 1, front- bediming 14. lota 1. 2, owned by A. A. of same lota Green, $34; Mrs. L. D. Coleman Russell. $20 each 119.3 feet from ti:e southwest ) fronting on Fifth Block 34; lots 11. 12, L K. Lewis, S. $20; lots 12, point Jones, $2-- a street, LUy Hodson, 13, 14, ing 50 feet, Mra Mattle Green, $10; Block 44. each; piece of land on O. Hereford south 60 feet of $20 lot 13, SMloti Colored 19, 20, lots 6, 7, Mrs. R. Flint, corner of National avenue and ElgUa the west $40; each; Bap 16, x. 17, IS, 21, J. S. Kaynolda lota 2, 3, 4, Mateo Lujan $20 each; $20 each side of Seventh be- same lots 8, 9, 10. 11. H. G. Coors street ( and thence west 43 street, kits, fronting on Fifth street, tist church, $20; lot 14, DnKnown, $20 each. lots 6, A. C. fronting 5, Erb, $20 each; lots $20 Ad-lc- ginning at the alley between Main $10. W. each; lots 12, 13, 14, Emma feet oa aouth. side of National avenue, tehx Strauss, $20; lots 15, 16, Chas. Allen. $20 7. The lots and pieces of land 7, 8, C. B. Fitch. $20 lots 9, 10, und Douglas avenues and 44 Block each; $20 each; the west 84 feet of lots fronting 22. lot 5. Heirs of II. P. each; lota 17. 18, 19, 20, 21, S. D. May, in the Thirty Six Building lota addi- 11, 13, 14, 15, Henry Goke, $32. feet oa Seventh street 12, 16, 17, Mary C. 15. 16, 17, 18, 84 feet on A land a owned by Mrs Browne, $20; lota 6, 7, lira. Johanna $20 each; lot 22, Ignacio Valdez, $20. tion are assessed as follows: $20 50 44 fronting piece of beginning at point Emma 4.' Dunlap, each; lot fronting Washington avenue, D. T. 159.3 Raywood. $35,20; lota 3. . Vollmer. $20 each: lot 8. Mrs. L. J, Sec 4. The lots and of land lota 17, Mra. C. Hosklns, feet from the southwest corner owned pieces lilock 24A; 18, Hulda feet, Mary Dunlap, $35.20; lot 51. 60 b F. IL Pierce, $20 each; lots Perrlne, and W. lot in Laa Town Co'a addition; tne east feet of lots 15, 16, of "National avenue and Eiehth street 5. Jno, Jones, $20; the Vegas Rosentnal, $20 each; lota 19, 2u, zi, fronting 44 feet, Marion Winters, IT, 18, 6, owned by D. T. Hoskins. $20 9. Mrs. Fermella T. $20: are assessed as follows: fronting 60 feet on Washing- and fronting thence west 37. 2 feet on Bromagen. 32. J. C. Schlott, $20 each; lots 22, 23, $25.20; lot IS, Marlon Winters, $20; ton C. H. each; lota 7, 8. owned by Mra, Paul- the north 25 Block G. avenue, Schlrmer, $48; lots the south side of National avenue. feet of lot 10, fronting 8; the east part of lot 1, 23. 30. head of W. and Clara Koog lots 19, 20, 21, 22, E. D. $20 22, 23, ine Graaf, $20 lota 2d Raynolds, Chas. Greenclay, $20 each. Laa each; 9, 10. owned feet, Charlotte Grost, $20; the south fronting 25 feet on Railroad avenue ler. $20 eacn; lota 24. 25, 26, 31. Mrs. lota 23. 24, 25, 26, Vegas Savings bank, $29.76. M. - each; Hallet Ray- Block 45. lots of by Earl Herzoz. i?n Bh- of lot 10, 23 from corner of 6, 7, 8, 62H feet A piece of land beginning at a part fronting feet the Railroad avenue L. p. Coleman Russell, $20 each; lots nolds, $20 each; lots 27, 28, 29, 30, in. poiit owned Dy on un- 'OA 9t! Oft Vfflfii T Oft AonVi ureenDerger, $50; im of lot 6, W 196.5 feet from southwest corner .'o ' ' ' Mrs. R. Main avenue, George H. H and Douglaa avenue, Mrs. Hulda Ro- 91 ww, . Umwn Mrs. Bena $20 lota the III, i, vu, avotu f WUli Ilfeld, each; 31, 32, r. lota - $20 lota - sler, $10; 9, 10, Jno. Rob- of NaUonahavenue ilint, each; 15, 16, owned by kw, $20: lot 11. D. WInternit and senthal, $20; the east part of lota 2, 3, Block 25, lota I, 2, Mra. F. W. Bring- and north half of 33, Simon Baehar- and Eighth street Dins, $20 each; lots 11, 12. 13. 14. o uciiueai & Agency corporation $20 Charles Ilfeld, $20; lot 12. D. Win fronting 50 feet on Railroad avenue. $20 each; lot 3. 5, 6, F. J. Geh- ach and H. C. and fronting thence ewst 37.9 feet lota hurst, Ilfeld, $50; aouth half oacuaracn, $20 lots each; 17, 18. Iheira of 25 Mrs. W, W. $40; the lot 4, Mrs. Emma of lot 33 each; 15, 16, the south side of National avenue, Augusta ternltz, $20; rear feet of lot 12, Rawlina, ring, $20 each; Tanv and all of 34, 35, 36, Simon 17, 18, fronting 150 on Crane. $20 lot - feet Wash Ins. Mrs. E. E. La each; 19, Adeline Smith 25 feet on Seventh $20 west part of lota 1. 2, 3, fronting 25 me, $20; lota 7, 8, Mrs. Annie Hart- Baeharach, $70 lot D, N. one Marten, $30.32. lota fronting street, ; half, ton avenue, H. G. Coors, $120; lots A of land $20; 20. 21. Mra. Ida M. Jones, Mrs. 15. feet on avenue from the al man. $20 iota 9, 10, 13, 14. Wai Simon S. piece beginning at a point Adele Ilfeld, $20; lots 13, 14, Douglas each; Baeharach, $7.40; one half 19, 20, 21, Frank 234.4 $20 each;, lot 22. Alice R. Long, $20; ley between Railroad and Grand ave do C. Twttchell, $20 eacn; lota 11. 12 Dove Wilson and Esther Peppard, $20 each; feet from the southwest corner lot Charles C. Robblns, $20. each; lots 16, Robblns, lots 22, 23, Sarah E. $20 each. of 23, Montgomery Bell, $20; lot 24, nues, John Shank, $20; lot 4, Mrs. 15. 16. R. E. Twltchell, $20 each. $7.40. Atkins, National avenue and Eighth street Mrs. 17, 18, 19, Mrs. Hulda Rosenthal. $20 wiock 48, lots 6, 7, A, A. $20 and Olivia January and Mrs. Lockie Lydia M. McNair, $20; lot 5. M. W. Sec 8. The lota and of land Block 1; lota 1. 2. 3. E. D. Ravnolds. Jones, fronting thence west 34.4 feet on each; lots 20, 21, 22, A. D. Higgins, pieces eaoh; lota 8, 9, W. H. $20 aouth titter. $20. Browne, $20; lots 6, 7. Janet Ross, Hill Site Town Co'a addition $20 lots 4, 5, Florence Shaffer, side of National avenue, Anna $20 each; lots 23, 24, Mrs. Julia A. ia the each; Lehmann each; lota 10, and 20 feet of lot 11 Block "15; lota 1. 2, 3, 4, Jefferson $20 each; lota 8, 9, 10, Baeharach are assessed as follows: $20 lot 6 and south half of lot Yoakum, $27.52. Gregory, $20 each; lots 25, 26, heirs each; on north side. Investment & Agency A of Raynolda. $20 each: lota E. e. I. w a Brothers, $20 lot 11, D. C. Duel Block 34; lots 1. 2, F. E. $2 7, D. J. $30; north half of lot piece land beginning at a W. of H. P. Brown, $20 each; the north each; Olney, Leahy, corporation, $36; 5 feet on south side 268.8 H. Rapp, $20 each; undivided one- - $20; lots 12. 14, 15, 16. 17. O. L lota 3, 4 ,5, unknown, $20 each 7 and all of lot 8, Mrs. Rosanna Roth- - point feet from the southwest part of lots 1, 2, 3, 4, fronting 107 feet each; of lot 11 and all of lot 12. M. corner of National inira or lot 7, heirs of Clara Koogler, Houghton and Frank $20 lot 6, and 6 feet 3 Inches of the north geb, $30; lota 9, 10, 11, Vincent Truder Lydia avenue and Eighth, on of H. Springer, McNair. $24; the 100-fee- t two-thlrd- a Sixth street, heirs P. Browne, east one half of lots street and $6.67; undivided of lot 7, each; lot 13, Erb & Westerman, $20; of lot 7, Lubie Gilstrap, $25; aouth IS $20 each; lots 12, 13. 14. 15. A. M. fronting thence west C. V. $85.60; the south part of lots 1, 2, 3, 4, id, 14, rrontin?r 75 feet on Waahlnr- - on the south side of National ave- Hedgoock, $13.34; loU 8. 9, 10. part of lota 18, 19, 20, fronting feet 9 inches of lot 7 and north one Adler, $20 each; lota 16. 17. Roblna ton F. fronting 43 feet on Sixth street, First avenue, E. Olney, $60; the west nue, Henry Goke, $88. uougiaa Avenue Building company, - 75 feet on the north, side of Lincoln half of lot 8, Southwestern J. Smith $20 lots 60, Baptist church $35.40.- Building Pontioua, each; one half of lots 13, 14, fronting 75 A of $20 each; lota 11. 12, San Miguel Na- avenue front the between Rail- & Loan $25; lots 9, 10 61, 52, 53, 112.5 feet Cecillo piece land fronting on nortb Block 23; lota 1, 2, M. A. Otero, alley association, fronting feet on Washington. $60; the east 50 side of tional bank, $20 each; lots A, B, C, road and Grand avenues, Sarah E. At and one Jialf of 8, Eugenio B. Galle- Rosenald, $90; lota 54, 55, 56, front rt. or Douglas avenue, beginning at $20 each; lots 3, 4, 6, 6, 7, Investment lots 15,16,17,18 fronting 50 feet a 128 feet from cor- unariea ureiu, $20 each; lota D. E. kins $G0; of lota 18, 19, 20, gos, $50; lota 23, 24, Bessie Jaffa, $20 ing 92 feet, W. J. Pochel, $73.60; lot point northwest & Agency corporation, $20 each; lots part on Washington avenue, Mrs. ner of avenue . boutnwestern Realty Co.. $20 each; fronting 25 feet on the north aide each; lota 25, 26, 27, B. F. 18; Emeline Rosenthal ,$20; lota 19. EmmaD. Douglas' and Eighth 8, 9, Mrs. Harriett Whltmore, $20 Forsythe, $40; the center 50 feet lota street and 2S lot 15, heirs of Sallle Rosenthal. $20: of Lincoln avenue at a $20 each; the south 16 feet and 9 in 20, W. N. Rosenthal, $20 lots eutks, of runlng thence west each; lota 10, 11, 12, Jas. H. Hunter beginning each; 15, 16, 17, 18, 50 feet on feet, Mrs. S. B. lota 16, 17, 18, F. H. Pierce and F. S. point 100 feet from the between ches of lot 28, B. F. $13.40 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, A. H. Harris. $2C fronting Davis, $22.40. $20 each; lot 13 and west half of 14, alley Forsythe, Washington avenue, C. H. A of land Brush, $20 each; lota 19, 20, 21, Jas. Railroad and Grand avenues and run the north 8 feet 3 Inches of lot 28, ail each; lota 26, 27. H. G. Coors, $20 Stewart, piece fronting on north heirs of Betsy J. Sebra, $30; east, half u; tne west 50 feet of lots 15, 16, side of Douglaa avenue S. Duncan. $20 each; lota 22, 23, 24, ning thence west 25 feet, Kate Wright, of lot 29, and the south 8 feet of lot each; lots 28. 29, Mrs. Lena Teltle- - beginning at of lot 14 and all of lot 15, A. J. Pep- 11, 50 feet on a 156 feet west from J. w. wesner, $20 each. $20; part of lota 18, 19, 20, 30, Mary S. Marsh, $32.98; the south bflum, $20 each; lots 30, 31. A. O. is, ironting Washing point northwest pard, $30; lots 16, 17, 18, 19, the First ton avenue, Chas. $40; lot 19, corner of avenue Block 16; lots 7, 8, 9, the Las Vegas fronting 25 feet on the north side of 16 feet of lot 30 and all of lots 31, 32, Wheeler, $20 each; lots 32, 33, front- Ilfeld, Douglas and Eighth Methodist church, $20 each; Chas. $20; lota 20, A. A. and 4 Masonic Episcopal Lincoln avenue at a Mrs. $52.80, ing 69 feet 5 D. Ilfeld, 21, street, running thence west Building association, $20 lots 20, 21, 22, W. G. $20 beginning paint Emma Benedict, inches, Wdntemltz, Oele, each; - Jones, $20 each; lota 22, 23, E. L. E. V. and Alice R. each; lots 10, 11, 12, Jas. S. Duncan, 125 feet west of the alley between Block 35; lots 1, 2, Chas. H. Spor- $55.60. feet; Long. $36.80. lets 23, 24, 25, 26 C. W. Wesner, $20 Hammond, $20 each. A of land on north $20 each; lota 19, 20 ,21, 22, M. Jeffer- Railroad and Grand avenues and run- leder $20 each; lota 3; 4, A. H. West, Block 2; lot 2. Mrs. Hulda Rosen piece fronting each. Block 47; lots 6, 7, Ride of Douglas avenue son, $20 each; lot8 23 ,24, Mrs. aMrle ning thence west for 25 feet, Crom $20 each; lots 5, 6, Eugene and P D, thal $20; lota 3, 4. Isidor Gallegos. and north half beginning hi Block 26; lota 1, 2, 3, Mrs. Harriet of lot 8 Jno. a zua reet west of north Hayward, $20 each; .lots 13, 14, 15, well estate, $20; part of 18, 19, 20, Town Co. $20 each; lots 9, 10, 11, 12 $20 each; lot 5, A. A. Jones, $20; lots Elliott, $50; south half point the Whltmore, $20 each; lota 4, 5, J. S. of lot 8 and all of lota 10. west corner of avenue and 16, 17, fronting 75 feet on Sixth street, fronting 25 feet on north side of 13, 14, fronting 75 feet on Grand ave 6. 7, B. p. Forsythe, $20 each: lots 9, Andrew Douglaa Reynolds, $20 each; lots 6, 7, Mrs. lota 13. 14. Eighth street and thence west Uty of Las Vegas, $60; rear of lots Lincoln from 'Corner of Grand and Lin- nue Hill Site Town Co., $60; lots 15, 16 8, 9, 13, 14, Browne & Manzanares, $20 Devine, $50; 11, 12, Rich running Helen C. Dresser, $20 each; lota 8, 9, ard $20 lota 42 feet, W. G. Ogle, $33.60. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 75 feet on coln avenues running east, Frances Ed. C. Ward, $20 each ; lotB 17, 18, Mrs each; lota 10, 11, Mra. J. J. Gllcbrltf. Davidson, each; 15, 16, 17, fronting 10, Sarah E. Atkins, $20 each; lot 12, H. C. A piece of land frontine on north Sixth street, Young Men's Christian H. Olney and Mrs. E. B. Shaw. $20; Katherine Rathrock, $20 each; lots 19, $20 each; lot ,12, R. W. Hall, $20; 1R, smith, $20 each; lota 19, Mra. Anna Ward, $20; lota 13, 14, Colo zo, qeo. P. $20 side of Douglaa avenue, beginning at association, $60; lot 18, City of Laa lots 25, 26, Mrs. S. A. Stoner, $20 20, 21, 22, G. J. Qulnn, $20 each; iota 15, 16. S. A. Brewer. $20 each: zi, Hile, each: lots rado Telephone Co., $20 each; lota 15, 22. 23. J. C. Rex, $20 east boundary of school Vegas; $20; lota 4, 5, 6, Annie M. and each; lots 21, 22, Thos. Foster, $20 lots 23, 24, 25, 26, Hill Site Town Co. lot 7. Adolph Teitlebaum, $20; lots each. public grounds 16, 17, 18, 19, Trustees of the proper- and running thence east 41 Mrs. S. P. and Mm R, $20 each; lots 23, 24, Dunlap, $20 $20 lots 27, 28, Paul B. Black- - 50, 61, 52, 53, 54, 137.5 feet Block 48; lota 6, 7, H. D. Reinken. feet, Flint, each; ty of the Protestant Episcopal church Mary a each; fronting a: Kiston, $32.80. subdivision of lota 1, 3, lot 27, D. C. Duel, $20; lot 28, each. Mary C. and R. D. $110: lots $20 each; lots 8, 9, 10. Mary Casey, 2, 4, fronting In the district of New Mexico, $120; each; shear, $20 Dunlap, A piece of land fronting on north 33 feet west side of Grand avenue be- sTme ! $20; lots 29 30 Mr. S Block lots 1, 2, Wm. - 55,' 56, 57, fronting 87.5 feet, A. P. $20 each;, lota 11, 12, 13, 14, S. D, Jhe frcniln 15 Tfeet on 36; Shilling- side of Douglas avenue, beginning at ginning at a point 87 feet from the iWrtghtA. Carpenter, $20 each; lot 31, C. A law, $20 each; lota 3, 4, E. B. Wheel Watson, $70; lota 58, 69, B. H. New-le- e, May, $20 each; lots 15, 16, 17, Chas, a avenue; lots 20, 21, 22, R. L. &NiMyrtle . n n am n , , r c a point 285 feet west from northwest ave- . j. ..a. ix mm. n. 6, $20 60. L. F. ""Adams. M. Dougherty, $20 eaoh; lots 18, 19, alley between Douglas and Main ton 1, ni ok-- . 101s oo, er, $20 each; lots 5, F. V. Bryant, each; lot. tt oes3, V. o, corner of Douglas avenue and Eighth nues, Mra R, Flint, $26.40; subdivi- nuuui.uu, cu, ltT, ,,, VT,lr,ir $20 each; lots 7, 8, C. W. Wesner, $20 $20; lots 18, 19, Margaret Grainey. Mrs. Minnie Detterick, $20 each; lots 26, Trustees of the property of the ntMaA Chas. street and running thence west 202 sion of lota 1, 2, 3, 4, fronting 24 feet In 25 feet on the south side of Douglas each; lots 9. 10, Southwestern Realty $20 each ; lots 20, 21, George A, Flem- - 20, 21, 22, 23, Ilfeld, $20 each. Protestant church the -- feet. Board of Education of the CItv be- Episcopal avenue at a 25 feet ug, $20 lots 22, 25, Mrs. Block 49, Iot8 6, 7, J. J. Laubach, ou the west Bide of Grand avenue, district of New Mexico, $80; lots 27, beginning point Co., $20 each; lots 11, 12, Lydla M, each; Jas. of Las Vegas, $161.60. at 54 feet south of the west of alley between Railroad and $20 lots 13, 14, D. Young, $20 each; lots 23, 24, Mrs. Rob $20 each; lots 8, 9, 10, fronting 75 ginning a point 28, Mrs. Betty G. Crockett, $20 each. McNair, each; a A piece of land fronting on south between Main ave- Grand avenues, being a of the rear $20 lota 15, 16, Saul lna J. Smith Pontlous. $20 each: lot feet on Grand avenue, J. K. Martin. alley Douglas and Block 27, lots 1, 2, 3, H. W. Kelly, part Boucher, each; side of Main street, beginning at east Mrs. B. subdi- of lots 32, 33, 34, Theresa Block, $20. $20 lots 17, 18, Wal 26, Mra. L. Kingsley, $20; lots 27, $60; lota 15, 16, 17, fronting 75 feet on nues, Giltner, $19.20; $20 each;' lots 4, 5, 6, 7, Mrs. J. M. Rosenthal, each; boundary of Douglaa avenue publ'c vision 1. 2. 3. 4. 30 A of land 25 feet on $20 lota 19, 20, 28, A. B. vVatoson $20 lots 29, Second W. of lots fronting Cunningham, $20 each; lots 8, 9, 10, piece fronting ter Hayward, each; eaoh; street, J. Hesser, $60. school and running taence east 45 on ave--i south side of avenue 30, Mrs. Natalia S. $20 feet the west aide of Grand 11. H. W. Kelly, $20 each; lots 12, Douglas begin Peter and Margaret Murphy, $20 each; Jones, each; Block 50; lot 3, Maximo Lopez, $20; feet, Mrs. F. Elston, $36. nue, at a 30 feet ning at alley between Grand and Rail- lota 21, 22, Jas. S. Duncan, $20 each; lots 31. 32, Wm. F. & M. B. Hetzler. beginning point 13, 14, heirs of C. H. Bradley, $20 lot 4, Juan Fresquez, $20; lots 5, 6, Q. A piece of land on aouth aouth from the between Douglas road avenues, Cromwell estate, $20. lota 23, 24, Charlotte Fugate, $20 $20 each. fronting alley each; subdivision of lots 15, 16, front- M. de Sllva, $20 each; lots 7, 8, 9, Eus- - aide of Main avenue, at a and Main avenues, Mra. Lena Teitie- - Block 9, lot designated as lot 1, each; lota 25, 26, Mate M. C. Hill, $20 Block 3; lot 3 E. L. Hammond. $20: beginning ing 150 feet on the north side of Na tacio Romero, $20 each; lota 10, 11, 12, point 45 feet east of west line of baum, $24. from fronting 65 feet on Sixth street, Lucy each; lota 27, 28, heirs, of Mrs. M. Cof-- lots 4, 5, 6, Lizzie V. Carpenteir, $20 tional avenue and running west Frank, Roy, $20 each; lota 28, 29, R. Mrs. F. Elston,'s property and run- Block 17; lota 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, W. R and Seventh V. Clements, $52; lot 2, Lydia J. Bun- fflet, $20 each. each; lot 7 and south half of lot (. the alley between Sixth Thos. R. Rogers, $20 each; lots 30, 31, James ning thence east for 50 Wm. Williams, $20 each; lots 7, 8," Mrs. M. 17, ker, $20; lot 3, Isabel Henry, $20; lots Block 37, lots 1, 2, 3. 4, 5.6, and 12 Lipsett. $30; north half of lot feet, J. streets, B. S. Harrison, $120; lots W. Hanson, $20 each ; lot 32, Mrs. Hul- J. Crowley, 20 each; lota 9, 10, 11. 12, S. $20 4, 5, Lydia J. Bunker, $20 each: lots feet of the north side of lot 7, Charles and all of lots 9, 10. O. E. Burch. Mills, $40. IS. Mrs. Harriet Van Petten, da Rosenthal, $20; lots 33, 34, 35, 36, Mrs. Helen C. Dresser $20 each; lots E. 6, 7, Las Vegas Lodge I. O. O. F. No. H. Stevenson, $130; the south twelve $50; lots 11, 12, W. J. Pochel, $20 A piece of land at a nolnt each; lots 19, 20, F. Sturges, 37, 38, Mrs. Josephine Hayward, $20 beginning 13, 14, James S. Duncan, $20 each; $20 4, $20 each; lot 8, F. E. Olney, $20; and. one half feet of lot 7, all of lot each; lota 13, 14, 15. 16. 17. 60 and 95 feet from east line of El- each; lots 21, 22, Isabel Henry, each; lots 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, Mrs. F. a of land of lots 15, lot designated as lot 9, fronting 65 8 and the north one half of lot 9, D. south half of lot 61. N. A. SunderHn. unknown, piece composed each; lots 23, 24, J. C. & Marvinia $20 each. ston, running thence east 50 feet. Mrs. 16, 17, 18, 150 feet on Doug- feet on south side of Douglas ave- W. Condon, $40; the south half of lot $130; north half of lot 51 and all of fronting Johnsen. $20 each; lots 25, 26, Mrs. Sec. 15. The lots F. Elston, $40. las James S. $120; nue, Adolph Coors, $52.00. 9, and all of lots 10, 11, W. E. Kaser, lot 52, H. C. Young. $30: lots 53. 54. and pieces of avenue, Duncan, Lucy A, Shank, $20 each; lots 27, 2S, land In J. A. and A. Baca Sec. 17. That said lota 24, Mrs. Helen C. Block 10; lot 1, Clark & Forsythe, $50: lots 12, 13, 14, Vincent Truder,$20 Ohas. Ilfeld, $20 each; lot 55, the addition the assessments 25, 26, Dresser, Mrs. Jennie Levy, $20 each. fronting are as follows: by this ordinance $20 A. $20; lot 2, Mrs. I Poole Wright, $20; lota A. B. C. D, subdivi- si.a reet, Uhaa. 56, 57, assessed made may be paid each; lot9 27, 28, Lilly O'Rourke Block 29. lots 1, 2, and the north each; being Ilfeld, $30; lots in ten annual $20 lot 29, Mrs. Hulda Rosen- lot 3, Theresa Block, $20; piece of sion of lots 15, 16 ,17, 18, 100 os, bu, fronting 140.9 feet. F. J Block 2, lots 1, 2. Mrs. A. B. de payments, the first each; 10 feet of lot 3. Upton Hays, $48; the fronting t, of such to be 31. F. C. $20 land fronting 40 feet on west side of feet on Columbia Lizzie V. Gehrlng, $112.72; lota 61, 62, 63, 18, Manzanares, $20 each; lota 3, 4, 17, 18, payments made at the thal, $20; lota 30, Bope, south 15 feet of lot 3 and all of lots avenue, time the taxes of 35, 36, Mutual Sixth street; beginning on north at lots E. F. sub- jruesx ij. urowne, sao lots 19. Miguel Baca, $20 each; lota 5, fi, 22, general the City of each; lots 32, 33, 34, 4. 5. 6, 7, R, F. Hayes, $92; lots 8, 9, Carpenter, $80; being each; laa are next ; of Theresa Block, Theresa m, 21. M. $20 23, J. A. $20 lota 7, 8, 20, Vegas due, the seconJ Building & Loan association, $20 each 10. S. $20 each; lots 11, property division of lota 15, 16,,17. 18, fronting Ti, Lydla McNair. aeh: Baca, each; Jas. Duncan, land 40 lots 23, B. 21. Aurelia M. $20 payment to be made one year thereaft- piece of land fronting 50 feet on north $20 sub- Brash, $32; piece of fronting 50 reet on uoiumDia avenue, v. J. 24, J. Floyd, $20 each; lots Baca, each; lots 12, Eliza J. McAllister, each; "on 9, R. er,- and the following payments to bo side of Douglaa avenue, being the 142 leet west side of Sixth street be Wesner, $40: lot 19 and so. one half 26, 26, E. Toomay, $20 each; lots 27, 10, Maria Eaca, $20 each; lots division of lots 13, 14, fronting 11, 12, 15, 16, Valerio $20 made annually thereafter; that Inter- west 50 feet of Bullard'a subdivision at ginning at corner of Sixth and Lincoln of lot 20, Dove Wilson and Esther Z8, Ltove Wilson. $20 each: lots 29. 30. Baca, each; est feet on National avenue beginning lots 13, 14, 19, Filadelfo $20 at the rate of six per centum ner of the Las Vegas Town Co's addition, corner of National ave- and running thence north 40 Robbing $30; north one half of lot 20 fronting 46.9 feet. Employees Savings Baca, annum be the northwest H. G. lot A, Filadelfo Baca and Mi and hereby Is charged uwin .Vogt & Lewis, $40; a piece of land Mrs. Hulda Ro feet, Coors, $32; piece of land and till of 21, L. G. Calhoun. $30: lots Building association, $37.52. each; eucb. nue and Fourth street, 42 Lin- Block lots B. C. 36, 37, 38, Mrs. deferred payments; j"id that the 50 feet on north side of 4 fronting feet on north side of 22. 23, 24, 25, Mrs. Mattle Green, 4, lots 1, 2. 3. Mrs. Julia S. guel Baca,$20; fronting senthal, $113.60; the east 63 feet property owner may, at bis or her op- east coln avenue at be E. Dillon, $20 each; lots 4, 5, Herbert W. F. G. de $20 lota 24, 25, Douglas avenue, beginning at the Inches of lots 15, 16, 17, on benning alley $20 each; lots 26, 27, 28, Fletcher Baca, each; tion, pay Installment or the fronting tween Sixth and Seventh and Brown, $20 lots 7, A. F. S. any whole end of land of Vogt & Lewis, Chas. the north side of National avenue be streets, England, $20 each; rear 25 feet of lots each; 6, A. Jones 26, 27, Oswalt, $20 each; lots of such assessment before the same thence east for 42 feet, H. G. 25 $20 each; lots 8, 9, F. O. Blood, $20 28, 29, 30, Investment & cor Gelse, $40; a piece of land fronting et the alley between Fourth running 1, 2, fronting feet on Washington Agency is due, and that Interest thereon shall ave- ginning Coors, $33.60: lot C. subdivision of each; lots 10, 11, E. L. Goff, $20 $20 lots 32, and .50 feet on north side of Douglaa and Fifth streets, R. J. Taupert, avenue, Charles H. Stevenson, $20. each; poration, each; 31, cease from the time of such lots 7, 8, 9. 10, 11, 50 feet lots 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. 21, south half of 33, E. O. payment nue, (beginning at the alley between 85 of lots 15, 16, tz, fronting 1, 2, 3, 4, Florence H. Thomas, $50; sec. $50.60: the. VSSt feet Block 38; lots 22, 23, G. is. unat the city clerk; of the J. Y. Lu-Ja- oil north side 6t Eincoln A. H. Trinidad de Baca, $20 each: lots 34, 35, and north half of 33, W. Railroad and Grand avenues, 17, 85 feet on the hortE side of avehu, Sterns $20 each; lots 5, 6, 7. 8, F. H. City of Las Vegas shall, within sixtv fronting $40; lot B, being subdivision lots 24. 25, E, G, MuTp&eyy, ?20 each; E. Robertson, $50; lota D, E, F, Maria 540. National Ave. from the corner of Na Harris, Crall, $20 each; lots 9, 10, 11, XL Mary days from the date this ordinance of lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, fronting 50 lots 26. 27, 28, 29, 30. 31, Trinidad G. and Aurelia M. Baca, $20 each . Block, 18, lots 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Mrs. tional avenue and Fifth street, Mar- - L Davis, $20 each; lots 13. 14, Georee goes into full force and effect, make h ' feet on north side of Lincoln avenue, de Baca, $20 each; lots 32, 33, Frank Sec. 16. The described M. A. Griswold, $20 each; lots f, 8, 9, Hume $68; lots Arnot, $20 each lots 16, 16, 17, F. S. following certified copy of this assessment and jorie Strickfadden, Optic Publishing Co., $40; lot A, be- Roy. $20 each; lots 34,. 35, 36, C. of land are assessed the deliver same 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, H. 18, 19. 20, 21. heirs of F. B. Brush, $20 each: lots 18, 19, 20, H. J. pieces the to the county as January ing subdivision of lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, $20 each; lots 37, 38, heirs amounts herein sessor of San G. Coors, $20 each. $20 lots 22, 23, Mrs Cora S. Mueller, $20 each.; lots 21, 22, 23. 24, designated: Miguel county, New each; 12, 50 feet on north side of of F. B. January, $20 each; lots 39, W. H. 20 lots 24, 25, 26, F. H. fronting J C. & Marvina $20 each; A piece of land in Block 2 of the Rey- Mexico. Block 19; lots 11, 12, 13, 14, Fenner, each; Lincoln avenue, Nathaniel Fetterman, Johnsen, 40, Mrs. J. A. Patterson, $20 each; $20 lots 27, 28, Chas. lots 25, 26, 27, 28, and 34 feet on rear nolds and Harrold addition and com- Sec. 19. That Shuitz, $20 each; lot 15, J. H. Smith, Pierce, each; $40; lota 13, 14, Chris Wiegand, $20 lota 41, 42, Ethel M. Bowen, $20 each. from and after the- W. each. of lota 27, 28, which faces Wash- - prising lots 7, 8, 9, 10. 11, 12, 13, 14. $20; lots 16, 17, 18. 19, H. Kelly, Rosenthal, $20 lot 15, Peter $20; lot 16, latter Block lot 1, Teitle- date of the entry of the certified copy each; Roth, Mrs. Evallne C. Ben- 6; Adolph 15, 16, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, $20 each; lots 20, 21, 22, 23, Kate Block 3o;'lots 1, 2, 3, Mrs. Olive M. lota 17, 18, lntgon avenue, of this assesment by the aforesaid J. Cunningham, $20; baum, $20; lot 2. Tranquilino Gonza- 32, and 300 feet on $20 lots 24, 25, Bertha $20 4, 5, 6, Laa Ve jamin, $107.20. , thereof fronting county assessor in the assessment Wright, each; Boucher, each; ljts A. O. $20 each; lots 19, 20, Sin-ltarlu- Wheeler, les 20; lots 3, 4, Carrie Belle Friedman avenue, St. Anthony's book Chambers, $20 each; lots 26, 27, Ben gas Savings Bank, $20 each; lots 7, Mrs. M. J. $43.20: lot 21, Block 39, lota 1. 2, 3, Frank Sprin- as provided by law, each Rellly, Vogt, $20 each; lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Mrs. $240. - Coles, $20 each. 8, 9, Mrs. Hulda $20 each; ger, $20 each; lots 4, 5, 6, Atchison, and every one of the said assess'- Rosenthal, heira of F. B. January, $18; lot 22, Trinidad G. de Baca, $20 each; lots 28, of 60 feet of lots 15, 16, 17, 18, 23 & Santa Fe Co., $20 A piece of land on the east side of ments shall be and become a lien on Sec 3. The lots and pieces the east Mrs. Pauline Graaf, $18) lot front Topeka railway 29, 30, Browne & Manzanares Co., $20 Co's ad- on National avenue, $48, each: lots 7, 8, Wm. P. Mills, $20 each; Railroad avenue and bounded on the the lota and pieces of land respective land in the San Miguel Town 19, fronting ing 25 feet, Chris Wiegand, $.20; lot lots 34, 35, 36,37, 38,39, 40, C. D. M. west 82 3 inch- lots 9, 10. Mrs. Laura F. Blood, $20 each; north by Main avenue and extending ly on which the said assessment has dition are assessed as follows: M. Sunclt; the feet 24, 40 feet on Sixth street, San-ne- r fronting Boucher, $20 each; lots 41, 42, Ed To-pak-e sub- es of lots 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, each; lots 11, 12, 13, 14, F. H. Pierce thence 150 feet south, Atchison, been made, and the full amount of Block 19; lota A, B, C, D, being fronting Chris Wiegand, $32. $20 eaoh; lot 5, Juan Sandoval, Chaf-fi- on Francis H. Olney, K. $20 each; lots D. E. F., fronting 75 & Santa Fe Railway Co., $120. each of such assessments shall be en division of lots 1, 2, 3, Mrs. S. A. National avenue, Block 11; lots 1, 2, J. Martin, $20. ave- lots 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, $20 3, 4, Jacob Kenestrick feet on Columbia avenue, Mrs. Otto A of land lying on the east forced and collected in the manner fronting 75 feet on Railroad $65.80; each; lots 12. piece Kenes-t.rlcl- A. Sec. The iots and of land now law for collection 27, 28, M. M. Sundt, $20 each; the fol $20 lot 5, Mrs. Rosana r, Grimm, $60; lots B. C, fronting pieces side of kailroad avenue and bounded provided by the nue, $60; lots E.F. being subdivision each; In & are as- Na- of is known 75 on Columbia Ed S. the Ilfeld Baca addition on south Lincoln avenue and of taxes' against real estate when such of lots 1, 2, 3, fronting 50 feet on lowing subdivisions what $20; lots 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, Thomas feet avenue, the by - Laura sessed aa follows: of taxes amount to more than twenty- - tional avenue, P.J5. McElroy, $40; lot as Phillips subdivision of lots 10, 11, Foster. $20 each: lots 7, 8, M. L. Coo- Lewis, $60; lots 19, 20, 21, 22, extending thence north a distance as O, D. C, C. $20 lots 23, 24, The Block 2, lota 1, 2, 3, 4, M. L. Cooley S25 & Santa five dollars. 4, Mrs. S. A. Chaffln, $20; lota 5, 6, 12.13.14; lot designated fronting w each: lots 13. 14, 15, 16, Witten, each; feet, Atchison, Topeka $20 5 ,6, 7, L. Davis, $20 lots 7, 8, 25 feet on National avenue, H. A. Winters, $20 each; lota 17, 18, M. L. Mutual Improvement Co., $20 each; each; lots Mary ipe Railway Co., $660. Sec. 20. That the Dlnwoody, each; I proceeds arising Henry as 1, front- - lot. 26, Mrs. Katherine Earickeon, $20 lots 8, 9, 10, William J. Mrs. L. H. Kerlee, $20 each; lots 9, Wise. $20; lot designated Cooley. $20 each: lot 19, Mrs. M. J. s25, each; A picce of and DOUnded on the from the assessments herein and here- 40 on corner of Grand and Na- - 20, 21, Investment $20 each; lots 27, 28, Mrs. Anna M. Mills, $20 each; lota 11, 12, E. W. Hart 10, Damacio Montano, $20 each; lots Ing feet McDonald, v20; lots nh by Maln avemle on.the east by by made, when collected, shall consti- J. $32: lot desig- - Shout, $20 eaoh. $20 each: lots 13, 14, 15, 16, L. E, on 28, 29, Southwestern Building & Loan tional, Mary Wise, & Agency corporation, $20 each; lot Grand avenue, and the west by tute a special fund for the payment 29 feet on Grand Trainer, $20 each; lots 17, 18, Mra. 75 on association, $20 each; lot 30, Thos. nated as 2, fronting 22, Sarah E. Atkins, $20; lot 23, heirs Block 40, lots 1, 2, Clarence Iden, Fifth street, fronting feet of the cost of constructing the said H. A. Wipe, $23.20: lots de of B. lot 24, $20 3, 4, Mrs. Nellie Hattle L. Thompson and R. J. Taupert B. Pi- for re- F. Clay $20; lota 31, 32, Chas. H. Clay, avenue, F. January, $20; the Agua each; lots 5, Grand avenue. Archbishop J. sewer, and the payment and as 3, 4, 75 feet on Co. of Las the south 20 7, O. $20 each; lots 19, 20, Daniel Stern, of sewer $20 each; lot 33, Nellie Parish, $20; signated fronting Pura Vegas, $20; Schaefer, each; lots 6, A, taval, $60. demption the certificates - 35 Mrs. Hulda Rosenthal, feet of lot 24, 50 feet 9, 10, A. A. $20 each. hereinbelow for. lot 34, Nellie- Parish $17.60; lot Grand, avenue, fifty fronting Wheeler, $20 each; lots 8, A piece of land on the northwest provided and the north 3 feet of lot 34, H. B. $C0. on Seventh street beginning at the Jones, $20 each; lot 11, Alice R. Long Block 3: rots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, B. F. For- corner of Main avenue and Eighth Sec. 21. That in accordance with P. J. between Lincoln and C. lots and Evallne C. $20 Sess-slo- n Martinez, $22.40; lot 36, Southwest- Block 31; lots 1, 2, 3, Murphy, alley Douglas $20; lot 12, H. Schlrmer, $20; sythe Benjamin, street and fronting 58.2 feet on norfi Section 2, of Chapter 96 of the $20; heirs F. B. $40. 13, 6, 7, Mrs. Emma F. Tamme, ern Building & Loan Association, $20; $20 each; lot 4, Marcos. Garduno, avenues, of January, 14, Alice R. Long, $20 each; the each; lots side of Main avenue, Mrs. Marie Hay- Laws of 1903, the City Council & & Cor Block 12, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Emma Ket-ne- r west 17, 18, 19. $20 lota 8, 9, 10, Simon Baehar- lots 37, 38 Southwestern Building lots 5, 6, Investment Agency one half of lots 15, 16, each; ward, $46,56. of the City of Las Vegas, in order to a of $20 lots' 7, 8, airs. and J. M. Tumbull, $20 each; lots 20, 75 feet on Columbia ave- ach, $20 eaoh: lots 11, 12. 13, 14, W. construction said Loan association, $20 each; piece poration, each; fronting A piece of land on the north side of pay for the of the side of S. $20 each; lots 9, 10, 5, 6, Bertie Q. Jameson, $20 each: nue, B. S. Gowan, $60; the east half R. Tipton, $20 each; lots 15, 16, 17, shall issue to la- land fronting 60 feet on south de Borrego, Main avenue beginning 58.2 feet from sewer, certificates v lot 11, lots 7, 8, Las Town Co., $20 of lots 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 18, Jessie E. $20 each; lots National avenue, being the rear sixty Damacio Gallegos, $20 each; Vegas 19, fronting Haydon, the N. W. corner of Main avenue and designated "sewer certificates' to art lots 12, 13, lota 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, L. C. 75 feet on Columbia 19, 20, Mae $20 each. feet of lota 37, 38, E. N. Wild, $48 Adolph Teitlebaum, $20; each; avenue, Sophie Henry, street and extending thence amount not exceeding the total of the $20 lot 15, $20 lota 15, 16, 17, 18, D. lots 21, 22, Sadie S. of Eighth Block 20, lots 1, 2, A. G. Zummach, Manuel F. Bustos, each; Ilfeld, each; Molse, $60f Sec. 13. The lots and pieces 86.2 feet west, Chas. F. Hummel, assessment hereby made, said certifi n E. Rosen- n-- T. Kline. $20: lots 16, 17, Las VeT9 Town Co., $20 "each: lot McClanahan, $20 lots 23, 24, In addition are assess- cates to run for a of not more $20 each; lots 3, 4, Mrs. Hulda each; land the Elston $68.96. period 50 feet on Railroad avenue, 19. Mrs. vnm s. ureen, jzu: lots zu, E. W. Layton, $20 each: lots 25 ,26, ed as follows: than eleven and to be pay- thal, $20 each; lots 5, 6, 7, $20 each; fronting A land on the north side years ave- lots 18, 19, front- - 21, Alfred Nolette, $20 each: lots 23, Norman and Jean G. Skinner, $20 piece of able in annual Install- lot 8, fronting 60 feet on Grand Mary Colvllle, $40; Lot 1, fronting 40.5 feet on Seventh of Main a equal Rft feet on National avenue ana a. . v. w. k. er su eacn. each; lots 27. 28. A. J. Wertz. $20 40.5 on avenue, beginning at point ments from and nue Lydla M. McNair and Constance in. a.z4. i., street, lot 38, fronting feet 144.4 feet from the N. W. corner of after the date Ly- 50 feet on Rail Sec. 5. The lots and nieces of land each. Co. . L. Parsons, $48; lots 9, 10, 11. 12, part thereof fronting Sixth street. Southwestern Realty Main avenue and street and of the issuance thereof Such in the tiinnchnrd f Co's addition are Block A. subdivision of Eighth con- M. McNair and Constance road avenue, Seneca .tviine, fu, 50; lots B. $64.80; lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7. 8. 9, 10, 11, 51.5 V. certificates shall be issued for dla 24. t 26. 27. 28, assessed as follows: extending thence west, Lizzie $20 each; lots 13, 14, 45, 16, lots 20. 21. 22. 23, 25, 17. 18, 19, 20, heirs of Mrs. S. C Gale, 12. 13. 14. 15, 16, 17, 18, 37, Southwest venient amounts, shall be negotiable the 5. 1, 2. Carpenter, $41.20. 100 feet on Main avenue, 29, Kate Wrieht, $20 each: rearj rciook lots 3, Marie Sellar $40; lots C. D. E., same subdivision, ern Realty Co., $20 each; north one in form, sh.ll bear Interest at the fronting' B, 6,Terri-Natlona- A of land on the north side B. Pitaval, $80; a piece 75 feet of lot 20 fronting 75 feet onjBullard. $20 each: lots 4, l Ambrosio Sandoval, $R0; lot F, same half of lot 25, Southwestern Rea'ty piece rate of six per centum per annum end Archbishop J. of Main avenue beginning at the inter- on the east side of Fifth avenue, Kate Wright. $60; .tory of New Mexico, $20 each; lot. 7, subdivision, unknown, $20; lots A. B. Co., $10; lots B. C. Mae Henry, shall be redeemable at the option of of land S20: section of Main and National avenues ip-tnniTu- r between lot 30, Mrs. M. Solt, $20: lots A. Jones, ?Z0: lot 8, unKnown, subdivision of lots 21, 22, Margaret A. 19, Mrs. Anna M. the City Council at any time before at the alley il, u,A $20 each; lota 751.4 33, Jno. and running thence east feet the-perso- National avenues and front Kate Wright. $20 each, lot lots 9. 10. First National Bank of Las Burns, $40; lot C, same subdivision, Shout, $20 each; lots D. E. F., George maturity. They shall be Issued to Main and Nation-jVeea- s, New Mexico Normal from saio. aney, J Robosser, ?20; lot 34. First $20 each; lots 11, 12, Monte Feiicita Townsley, $20; lot D, same A. Fleming, $20 each; lota 20, 21, Fred University, entitled to receive the same, ing 50 feet south lots 35, $601.12. $40; lots 17, 18, F. al bank of Las Vegas, $20; iore Congregation. $20 each; lots 13, subdivision, Mrs. B. Logan, $20; lot Westennan, $20 each; lots 22, 23, 24, shall state that they are issued In pay Hulda Rosenthal, each. 15. 16. R. $20 lots j. A land on west side of r, thca each: lota 19, 20, Alex 36 37 38, S. Colvin. $2Q, 14. B. Rioe, each; E, same subdivision, unknown, $20. 25, 26, 27, Mutual Improvement Co., piece of the ment for the construction of sal 23. Clin 32, lot 1, Adolph 'Teitlebaum, Atce h. Rice. $?0 each; lots Sec. 9. of land 29, F. H. Clark, Eighth street extending 50.4 feet sewer and that are from $20 each; lots 21. 22, Block is, The lots and pieces $20 each; lots 28, they payable Levy. - 2, 3, Mrs. G. M. Roberts, $20 20, 21, Wight, $20 each; in assess- 30, 31, 32, J. H. York, north from the alley between Nation money received from the assessments ton A. Browning, z" eau. $20- lots ,1s, Joseph the RIedlinger addition are $20 each; lota Teitlebaum, $16,25; tiots 22, 23, 24, C. W. Hill, Jr., $20 each, ed .34, 35, and south al and Grand avenues, N. Fontaine, above made and for. The-Cit- Block 21, south 120 feet of lots 1, l, each; lot 4, Adolph aa follows: $20 each; lots 33, provided $20 lot j fi. lots and of land M. $70. $40.32. Council Bhall 75 feet on Main avenue, lots 5, 6, Vidal Salazar, each; g,,. The pieces Lots 1, 2. 3. Mra Hulda Rosenthal half of lot 36, M. Padgett, decide upon the 3 fronting Aiex- - are 40 feet, of lots 1. 2. S, 6. Kate Wright, S20: lots t, s, in rtie i.ucero addition assessed $20 each: lota 4. 5, 6. 7. 8. J. C. Sec. 14. The lots and pieces of A piece of land on Jttie west side form of such certificates. $60; the north lots 10, 11, Sec. 22. This ordinance . ah tart on Fifth street. Mrs. ander McElroy, $20 each; w follows: Schlott, $20. each; lots 9, 10.11.12,13. land in the Buena Vista addition are of Eiehth street beginning at a point shall be in J-- eacn; ior. $32; lots 4, o, 12. Victorino Abeytia, 0 Wock lot Thos P Ciay, $20; 15, 18, W. E. $20 assessed aa follows: 50.4 feet from the alley between Na- full force and effect from and after Hulda Rosenthal, w ji4, n, Crltes, RIeMer. $23 each: 13, Genoveva vaiaez, 2. 3. C. v. HedgcocR, ?2U eacn: lota 19, 20. 21. E. Block 43, lots 6, 7, Dove Wilson and tional and Grand avenues and Its according to law. Mrs. Jeanette C. .u ''ilots each; Anna Mayer, publicatijn O. B. Williams, $20 16, 17. 18, 19, J. V. unsworn, L....lot 4 Emnia E. Kaywood. frontins 30 $20 each; lots 22. Chas. $20: Esther Robblns, $20 eaoh; lots 8, 9, thence north 60.8 feet J. Enacted this 14 day of July, A. TX lots 6, 7. 8, Mrs. Mayer, . Mrs 0. fe. Wil- p.Wlr 33.; lots 1, 2, Rokeby Realty f t .. ,ots 5 fran tin 37 feet. 9 1. r .. C. & Marvina $20 M. Bentley. $40.32. 9. 10. 11, 12. i v J. Johnsen, each; 1911. each; lots 3. J. FranKiin ni Frances Jones. $.0 Co.. $20 each; lot H. CDag jifeld $29.60: lot designated $20 each; lots 25. 26 unknown. lots 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. A. H. Whlt A of land on the southwest liams and Mary 0 nvaell, piece Approved:' H. J. lots 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, Lyaia J. ou3-;- 60 feet on National ave-- $20 lots 15, 16. IT, P. R. w is .14. 15. IS, Ryan, $20; - frontinj? each. more, $20 each; corner of National avenue and Eighth K.' D. GOODAI T.. A. ?ft 5. 6, Teitle- Nation-- ! ton each: lots Adolph frnm the N. W.- corner of oa, m - on, nf1 intvl 18 hair 75 wn 17. 18. Hortense iwnj ' , ' aw n,, ivvijw unit 3 V Page. $20 each; lot and south street fronting feet on Eighth Attest:' 12, heirs or - M"or. lots 13, 20 Lydia M. baum, $20 each; lots 11, al ana Eighth, Bessie Cavanaugh, $48. in the Pablo Baca addition are assess- of lot 19. Mrs. Louisa R. Layton, $30; street. First Methodist Episcopal CHAS. lots 13, 14, TAMME, 21, 22, 23, Ransom, $20 each; Block 2. ots 7, 8, Jos. M. Sundt, ed as follows; north half of lot 19 and all of lot 20, $60. SraV;?20 each; lots 24,03 church, iy.U'- - Clerk. LAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC, THURSDAY, JULY 20, 191 1. 8 Vanilla Ice cream and cake at White Coronation of King George V. at Kitchen tonight. The clean place. Bridge street theater tonight only. LOCAL NEWS Do not miss It Special feature' with Wanted Woman for general house-- regular, program. - - t Good Value Party In Fresh wort No washing. Two in family. i. BWg! For Sale 160 acres with At Isn't that draft beer fine at tht Apply Suite 7, Crocket j improve- ments four miles from town. Will Opera Bar? Coronation of King George V. at sell at bargain, half cash balance on Bridge street theater ' tonight time. A. H. 612 Lincoln Ave. GREENBERGER'S Watermelons Alwaps get the heat at Nolette's only. Harris, Do not miss It. feature with barber ahop. Special regular program. Marriage licenses were granted at Cantaloupes to You're Invited. Positively ns camping, flaning or thie'court house yesterday Vera There will dance 18, and W. 23, Crab hunting allowed on our ranch. C be a fortnightly Jones, Dell Ballman, Apples tomorrow Schaffner and Marx, V W. and P. J. Wesner. night at the armory. It both of Trinidad; and Teodora Pritz, Hart. Table Apples promises to be even more enjoyable 17. and Leopoldo Gallegos, 21, both and Michael Vanilla ice cream and cake at White than the recent one, which was pro- of La Cuesta, Ederheimer Stein, nounced the ever. will Cooking Apples Kitchen tonight. The clean place. best Dancing furnish the Goods, We begin at 9 o'clock. Mrs. Irenea G. de . Segura, wife of Stern Manuel Peaches B. V. D. men's underwear, all sizes; Segura, died this morning at to A large was present her home on the West at the furnish the Entertainment 25s per garment at Hoffman & Grau- - congregation side, I last at the First church of 64 Is Apricots berth's. night Baptist age years.. She survived by of tc listen to Rev. C. A.. Stewart's ser numerous relatives. Mrs. Segura had the tune mon on "The Fast Man." To- lived in Las Plums New Dutch collars in lace or em Young Vegas many years and night his subject will be "The Devil's had friends here. The funeral broidery 25c each at Hoffman and many Discount Auction." Is invited to be be tomorrow. Raspberries Graubarth's. Everybody will held 33 i3 An other fruits thivt there is in present. Lorenzo clerk of the coun a dram of Old Taylor bourbon Delgado, On all Men's Suits. can be secured at Try has in his the market at the Bar. Served from bar Director E. T. Plowman of the ty court, offices samples Opera of the wheat and oats on You rels on the bar. baseball association said this morning growing his A $25 Suit . Costs Only $16.65. The Store of IKE DAVIS. that he desired all the fans of Las Ve- far,m at Agua Zarca. The wheat is 1 five feet In and the oats are Costs You The club will meet with gas and Albuquerque to know that height A $20 Sur Only $13.35, Harmony one Inch shorter. The Mrs. E. J. 717 Sixth street, to baseball relations between the Ma- just crops Scott, are raised without on. morrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, roons and the Grays were brought to being irrigation, And so The heads are well developed and a close last Sunday night. The ac- give indications of a large yield. You know Means Wanted Operator to copy Associat tion was taken by the Las Vegas what That ed Press report over The Optic's Bcseball association and holds good While Juan Rlmbert, who resides When WE Advertise It. leased wire daily except Sunday, 11:30' so long as Dan Padllla Is manager of near the old wool scouring mill was to 2:30. Call on city editor. the Grays. NEW MEXICO STATE FAIR making arrangments this morning for the funeral of his father, Sebastian GREEN BERGER. T. W. Smith has nearly completed A. called a George Fleming has Rlmbert, who died yesterday, his little the cement walk across Railroad ave- meeting of the general committee ap- daughter Irene, aged 3 months, was ALBUQUERQUE nue in front of the Castaneda hotel. some Com pointed time ago from the dying. When he returned to his The walk Is made flush with the street mercial club' and the Las Vegas club, home he found that death had visited level and will of great conven- 8 prove to be held tonight at o'clock in the his home twice within a few hours. ience during wet weather. October ,9, 10, 11, 12, 13, Commercial club rooms. Mr. Fleming C0H0 was the cause of the death of Have Your House has an Important matter to bring be- the and the The funeral of Miss Bertha Hveem grandfather grandchild. fore the attention of the committee. The funeral of the child was held to Wired 14,1911. was held yesterday afternon from the He is all especially deslrlous that day and the grandfather's funeral will chapel of J. C. Johnsen and Son. Rev. members of the committee be present. occur tomorrow. The Romero Mercan '" Excursion Rates on all Railroads. E. C. Anderson, pastor of the First Me- Then you can use any of of ser- tile company' undertaking department Write List and . . thodist church, had charge the lor Premium Program. The and steel rails has of both fun the modern appliances. vices and interment was in Odd Fel- hydraulic pump department charge for use In the construction of the erals. lows' cemetery. The pall bearers ISAAC BARTH, JOHN B. McMANUS, Camfield dam have arrived from Den- were W. G. Ogle, M. M. Sundt, F. E. Secretary-Manage- r. ver and are being unloaded near the RIGID INSPECTION ORDERED President. England, J. C. Schlott, R. S. Randall, Gall we will make Ice The Is 20; As a further up and and T. H. Moen. plant machinery being Washington, July hauled to the dam site. It will be set guard against the Importation of Asi- you the best proposition you up for use at once and real work will atic cholera every Italian immigrant After reading the story In last even- heard of on begin in a short time. Contractor and will be subjected to an individual ever wiring. ing's Optic concerning the Indian rain Trustee J . H. Pierce is superintending bacteriological examination. This gods made at Tesuque upon which an ' 1 7 O the unloading and hauling of the order, the most drastic the govern ESTABLISHED 8 Indian girl had placed the letters "C. S Co, pump and other materials. ment has made to protect this coun- Las Vegas Light Power 1 C. H. looked at his M.," Bally try against the plague, was sent to- of rain He found the let- stock gods. day to the public health officers at as t There will be baseball at ters there as plain day. Bally Sunday all ports of call of Immigrant ships. usually skeptical concerning the truth Amusement park, Manager Roney of The of stories he reads In The Optic. Ai the Railroaders having matched a least he always says so. He was con game with the La Junta shop team. 12 WORKMEN ARE Summer vinced last night. - The La Junta boysecently defeated First National Bank the Albuquerque" shippers by a good CRUSHED TO DEATH In the most exciting game that has sized score and are determined to du Furniture the OF been played in Raton this year plicate the feast with the Railroaders. Grays defeated Dawson Tuesday by a Needham, who formerly played ball WHEN BLOCK OF MARBLE FELL in- Utilities Las New Mexico score of 5 to 4. It required eleven with the Las Vegas Blues and other THEY WERE CAUGHT AND Vegas, to finish the Lanning fast will for INSTANTLY KILLED nings agony, teams, pitch the local Just Received First National Bank Building, was in the box for Dawson. He held railroad boys. As the Maroons will ITANB CIOJI0 Sixth Street Raton to seven hits. Kelly worked for be out of town and the fans are hun Pisa, Italy, July 20. A huge block Raton and the best the Dawson bat gry for baseball, a large crowd likely bf marble fell last night at the Or- - etc, Old Hick-or- y ters could do was to connect four will rara down a Porch Furniture, Swings, JEFFERSON RAYNOLDS, President witness the game. quarries, carrying large times with his slants". Kelly struck number of workmen with it. Twelve E. D. RAYNOLDS, - - - Cashier out twelve of the' Dawson sluggers. bodies have so far been recovered. Chairs and Rockers. HALLETT RAYNOLDS, As't Cashier The work continues In the that Coronation of King George V. at hope W. Curtis of the land de some of the buried men may be res The Finest Line of Hammocks in Las Vegas George Bridge street theater tonight only. A General Banking Business transacted. cued alive. partment of the Santa Fe railway Do not miss it. Special feature with Reasonable Prices... Interest on Time At paid Deposits. system Is in Las Vegas for a several regular program. Issues Domestic and Foreign Exchange. :;v'i days' stay. Mr. Curtis is district I manager of the North Side Improve J. C. JOHNSEN & SON. ment company, a railroad subsidiary Dainty Undergar- Furnishers of the Home." of Hamlin, Tex., and is here selling "Complete lots in this addition. He has an at ments tractive of special interest Nicely propositon is but of that? to railroad men and others seeking July hot; vhat Screened and Lump Raton CerrNios investment. Mr.. Curtis says that Put on a broad-brimme- d Laundered New Mexico and west Texas are light straw hat, faster and receiving more Cut out all meat and growing filthy Ladies' dainty lingerie is given O OA L J D WOOD publicity at present than any other ' food, especial attention at our plant part of the United States. For hot weather WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL they are and is laundered in a way that not good. Hot lunch every morning at 10 delights every particular woman. DAYS Anthracite Coal, all sizes Steam Coal Sawed Wood and Kindling o'clock at the Opera Bar. We wash your dainty muslins FQR30 Drink citrous drinks like and laces and we lemonade, carefully, foot oMmln PhonM"n 21 them a white J0 CORDON In midday rest beneath the give clear, bright BBSBBBt shade color. are starched to Just the Spend the cool hours of the They degree, in the right night in bed, , right just Eeat only ' "Cream Loaf places, and are Ironed by girls pur Pride Flour Hot Work who do this work so well that Flour" Bread. when finished the garments really look better than when $1.30 per Back new. Sack Guaranteed THE BEST PLACE OTJR CHARGES ARE SMALL Every TRY THE WORK. around a cook stove fussing J. H. STEARNS in any kind of weather. Let Us do for Steam in Las Vegas to buy your Baking You, GROCER. Las Vegas Laundry i .43 The Best "Home-made- '' Phone Main 81. Las Groceries and Meats Vegas Roller Mills Bread, 'Rolls, Cakes, Pies' Phone Main 131 and Cookies will be found

Fail to Read Ad. on 10-inc- to Don't Page 5. here. The "Home of A h Wire Hanging Basket nicely filled for $125 itary Bakery Goods." $2.00. THE GRAAF & HAYWARD CO. Or 14-inc- h to tt a one for $1.50 $2.50. M i . JULY AT HARVEY'S Tony Faust draught beer is on Baskets only 20c and 35c each. tap Cool and comfortable. at the Opera Bar. and Is one of the Moss for Baskets 10c each. Excellent borne table. finest draught beers served over any Boucher Saddle burros free. bar In the city. Excursions everywhere. Carriage but Wed. and Saturday. Finch's Golden (The Coffee Man.). Wedding Rya, aged Son Terms: ?2 $10 week. 0 per day; per to. the wood. Direct from PerryPhone Main . Rati oh Phone Main 276 distillery Tito Store 462 Leave orders at Murphey's. to At the SusHcjq foi Optic you. Lobby, of course.