American Writings on

1. Horsfield, Thomas, "Table of the Quantity of Tin produced at present or to be expected from Banka," Ms., c. June 1813, in European Series Vol. E 106, pp. 285-292, India Office, London. Horsfield, Thomas, "Report on the Island of Banka," Journal of the Indian Archipelago, Vol. 2 (1848), pp. 299-336,373-397, 398-427, 705- 725, 796- 824. Horsfield, Thomas, to Lady Raffles, Dec. 31, 1829, in Sophia Raffles, Memoir of the Life and Public Services of Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles (1st ed., London: John Murray, 1830), pp. 602-632. Reports originally enclosed in Raffles to East India Company, June 30, 1813, Java Factory Records, Vol. 67, India Office, and Oct. 13, 1813, Java Factory Records, Vol. 22, India Office. 2. Horsfield, Thomas, Zoological Researches in Java and the Neighboring Islands (London: Kingsbury, Parbury and Allen, 1824) for animals. Horsfield, Thomas, Papers on the Flora of Java, Ms. in Botanical Library, Natural History Museum of the British Museum, pp. 72-91, lO8, for plants. Raffles' speeches to Society of Arts and Sciences, Batavia, April 24, 1813 and Sept. II, 1815, in Raffles Memoir (2d. ed., London: J. Dun• can, 1835), Vol. 2, pp. 393, 409-411. 3. Horsfield, Thomas, to Raffles, c. July, 16, 1818, in Raffles Memoir, 2d. ed., Vol. I, pp. 434-435. Horsfield, Thomas, to Lady Raffles, Dec. 31, 1829, in Raffles Memoir, 2d. ed., pp. 628-629. Horsfield, Thomas, Plantae]avanicae Rariores (London: G. H. Allen, 1837-1852), postscript, pp. xiv, ff. 4. Wilkes, Charles, despatch No. lO5 to Sec. of Navy, June 10, 1842, Wilkes Exploring Expedition, Vol. 2 (1840-1842), Ms. in Naval Record Group, National Archives, Washington: instructions of Aug. II, 1838 in Letters to Officers, Ships of War, Vol. 25 (1837-1838), pp. 404,407, in Navy, National Archives. Wilkes, Charles, Log, U.S.S. Vincennes (1841-2), Feb. 26-March 5, 1842, Ms. in Navy, National Archives. r62 AMERICANS IN SUMATRA

5. Ringgold, Cadwallader, despatch No. 10 to Sec. of Navy, March 27, 1854, Folio Jan.-April 1854, Box 2, Area 10 File, Navy, Nat. Archives. Ringgold, Cadwallader, despatch No. 15 to Sec. of Navy, June 5, 1854, Surveying Expedition Bering Straits, Ms. in Navy, Nat. Archives. Stevens, H. K., Journal, folio NO.2, May-Dec. 1854, May 3-10, 1854, Ms. in Area 10 File, Box NO.2, Navy, Nat. Archives. Habersham, A. W., My Last Cruise (Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1857), pp. 54,61, 74-1 II , by a lieutenant on the expedition. 6. Bickmore, Albert S., An Autobiography, typescript 1908, in library of Amer. Mus. of Nat. History, New York. Bickmore, A. S., Travels in the (London: John Murray, 1868). Bickmore, A. S., Travels in the East Indian Archipelago (New York: Appleton, 1869). Bickmore, A. S., Reisen im Ostindischen Archipel in den Jahren I86S und I868 (tr. by J. E. A. Martin, Jena: Herman Tostenoble, 1869). Bickmore, A. S., Reizen in den Oost-Indischen Archipel (tr. by J. J. de Hollander, 2 vols., Schiedam, 1872-1873). 7. Knox, Thomas W., The Boy Travellers in the Far East. Part Second. Adventures ot Two Youths in a Journey to Siam and Java with De• scriptions ot Cochin-China, Cambodia, Sumatra and the Malay Archi• pelago (New York: Harper, 1881), pp. 313-342. 8. American Consulate Batavia despatch No. 107 to Department of State, July 14, 1883, and II4, Sept. 8, 1883, in Batavia Despatches, Vol. 8, National Archives. 9. Batavia to Washington, Oct. 27, 1898, Commercial Relations I898, Vol. I, p. 1068; July 19,1899, Consular Reports I899, Vol. 61, pp. 433-434; June 30,1901, and Oct. 22, 1901; Comm. Relations I90I, Vol. I, pp. 820- 822, 828; Nov. 5, 1902, Comm. Relations I902, Vol. I, p. 934; Van Bemmelen, R. W., The Geology ot (2 vols., Neth. Govt. Printing Office, 1949), Vol. 2, p. 107, note 122. 10. Sigismund Neumann, an American of Hungarian birth, Batavia to Wash., No. 49, July 12, 1898, and No. 50, July 22, 1898, Batavia Despatches, Vol.