Fauna of the Mediterranean Hydrozoa 421 Fig. 139

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Fauna of the Mediterranean Hydrozoa 421 Fig. 139 sm68s2Hfig4 14/10/04 15:39 Página 421 FIG. 139. – Siphonophorae. Prayidae. A to C: Desmophyes villafranca: A: polygastric stage; B: nectophores (apical view); C: cormidia (api- cal view). D to F: Lilyopsis rosea: D: polygastric stage, E: nectophore (lateral view); F: male cormidia detached of the stolon (A to c after Carrè, C 1969a; D to F after Carrè Cand Carrè D, 1995). bz: budding zone; br: bract; pec: pedicular canal; blc: bracteal longitudinal canal; dc: dorsal canal; rhc: right hydroecial canal; lhc: left hydroecial canal; cm: cormidia; vc: ventral canal; ff: fishing filament; ga: gastrozooid; mg: male gonophore; mc: mantel canal; vc: ventral canal; hy: hydroecium; llo: left lobe; rlo: right lobe; n1 and n2:nectophores 1 and 2; pgl: pigmentary lamella; mte: marginal tentacle; s1: somatocyst of nectophore 1; s2:somatocyst of nectophore 2; pgs: pigmentary spot; sto: stolon. FAUNA OF THE MEDITERRANEAN HYDROZOA 421 sm68s2Hfig4 14/10/04 15:39 Página 422 FIG. 140. – Siphonophorae. Prayidae. A to D: Prayola tottoni: A: polygastric stage; B: cormidia from below; C: gonophore (ventral view); D: nectophore (ventral view). E and F: Rosacea cymbiformis: E: young polygastric stage; F: two definitive nectophores (A to D after Carrè C, 1969c; E and F after Trègouboff, 1957). blc: bracteal longitudinal canal; br: bract; bz: budding zone; ft: fishing tentacle; ga: gastrozooid; go: gonophore; hy: hydroecium; lhc: left hydroecial canal; mc: mantel canal; pec pedicular canal; rhc: right hydroecial canal; s: somatocyst; sto: stolon; vc: ventral canal. 422 J. BOUILLON et al. sm68s2Hfig4 14/10/04 15:39 Página 423 FIG. 141. – Siphonophorae. Prayidae. A to C: Rosacea: A: Rosacea cymbiformis: adult cormidia; B and C: Rosacea plicata: B: nectophore (lateral view); C: eudoxid bract (dorso-lateral view). Sphaeronectidae: D to G: Sphaeronectes: D and E: Sphaeronectes bougisi: nectophores; D: lateral view; E: ventral view. F and G: Sphaeronectes fragilis: nectophores: F: lateral view; G: apical view (A after Trègouboff, 1957; B and C after Kirkpatrick and Pugh, 1984; D and E after Carrè, 1968d; F and G after Carrè, 1968c). brc: bracteal canal; br: bract; fg: female gonophore; ga: gastrozooid; hy: hydroecium; llc: left lateral canal; pec: pedicular canal; rlc: right lateral canal; s: somatocyst; si: siphono- some; sto: stolon; te: tentacle; ten: tentillum. FAUNA OF THE MEDITERRANEAN HYDROZOA 423 sm68s2Hfig4 14/10/04 15:39 Página 424 FIG. 142. – Siphonophorae. Sphaeronectidae. A to G: Sphaeronectes: A to D: Sphaeronectes gamulini: A to C: nectophores: A: lateral view; B: apical view; C: ventral view. D: eudoxia. E and F: Sphaeronectes gracilis: E: polygastric stage; F: eudoxid stage. G: Sphaeronectes irreg- ularis: nectophore (A to D after Carrè, 1966, E after Pagès and Gili, 1992; F and G after Trègouboff, 1957). br: bract; ga: gastrozooid; go: gonophore; ol: oleocyte; sto: stolon. 424 J. BOUILLON et al. sm68s2Hfig4 14/10/04 15:39 Página 425 FIG. 143. – Actinulidae. Halammohydridae. A to D: Halammohydra: A: Halammohydra octopodides general view; B to D: Halammohy- dra schulzei: B: general view; C: structural organization; D: above young actinula, below halhydrula. Otohydridae. E and F: Otohydra vagans: E: general view; F: structural organization (A to E after Swedmark and Tesssier, 1966; F after Swedmark and Tessier, 1958c). ac: aboral cone; agt: tentacle of the aboral girdle; ao: adhesive organ; b: tentacular bulb; emb: embryo; gc: gastric cavity; ma: manubrium; mo: mouth; nr: nerve ring; sc: subumbrellar cavity; sgt: tentacle of the subaboral girdle; sta: statocyst. FAUNA OF THE MEDITERRANEAN HYDROZOA 425 sm68s2Hfig4 14/10/04 15:39 Página 426 FIG. 144. – Narcomedusae. Aeginidae. A: Aegina citrea mature medusa; B: Solmundella bitentaculata fully-grown medusa. Cuninidae. C: to E: Cunina: C and D: Cunina globosa: C: adult medusa , D: portion of umbrella; E: Cunina octonaria mature medusa (A after Mayer, 1910; B and C after Kramp, 1959a; D after Gili et al., 1998; E after Bouillon, 1987). 426 J. BOUILLON et al. sm68s2Hfig4 14/10/04 15:39 Página 427 FIG. 145. – Narcomedusae. Cuninidae. A to E: Cunina: A: Cunina octonaria mature medusa; B and C: Cunina proboscidea: B: whole medusa; C: radial section through a statocyst and an otoporpae. D and E: Cunina simplex: D: aboral view; E: oral view (A after Bouillon, 1987; B and C after Mayer, 1910; D and E after Gili et al., 1998). ex: exumbrella; otp: otoporpae; sco: solid core replacing the ring canal; sta: statocyst; su: subumbrella; v: velum. FAUNA OF THE MEDITERRANEAN HYDROZOA 427 sm68s2Hfig4 14/10/04 15:39 Página 428 FIG. 146. – Narcomedusae. Cuninidae. A to D: Solmissus. A and B: Solmissus albescens: A: fully-grown medusa; B: portion of umbrella margin; C and D: Solmissus incisa: C: whole medusa; D: portion of umbrella (A and B after Mayer, 1910; C after Russell, 1953; D after Broch, 1929) ex: exumbrella; map: manubrial pouches; mo: mouth; otp: otoporpae; sco: solid core replacing the ring canal; sta: statocyst; su: subumbrella; te: tentacle; v: velum. 428 J. BOUILLON et al. sm68s2Hfig4 14/10/04 15:39 Página 429 FIG. 147. – Narcomedusae. Solmarisidae. A to C: Pegantha: A and B: Pegantha rubiginosa: A: adult medusa with juveniles of first sexu- al embryonic generation inside manubrium, right above late stage of sexual development, below statocyst with otoporpae, B: portion of umbrella margin showing peronia and otoporpae; C: Pegantha triloba: adult medusa; D and E: Solmaris corona: D: oral view, E: lateral view of fully grown medusa (A and B after Mayer, 1910; D after Russell, 1953, E after Pagès et al., 1992). FAUNA OF THE MEDITERRANEAN HYDROZOA 429 sm68s2Hfig4 14/10/04 15:39 Página 430 FIG. 148. – Narcomedusae. Solmarisidae. A to E: Solmaris: A to C: Solmaris flavescens: A: whole medusa; B: diagrammatic section of a medusa; C: detail of exumbrella. D: Solmaris leucostyla: fully-grown medusa; E: Solmaris solmaris: adult medusa. Narcomedusae devel- opment. F: Solmundella bitentaculata parasitized by Cunina peregrina at different stages of reproduction; G: different stages of development of Pegantha triloba parasitizing an Anthomedusae Pseudotiara tropica (A to C after Mayer, 1910; D after Gili, 1986; E after Trègouboff, 1957; F and G after Bouillon, 1897). ex: exumbrella; fxt: tentacles of the primary larval stage serving for fixation; g: gonad; hm: manubrium of the host; mac: manubrium cavity; mb1, mb2 and mb3: successive stages of medusa buds formed by the primary larval parasitic stage; mcr: median crests of umbrellar lobes of Pegantha triloba medusae buds; mec: marginal endodermal core; nr: nerve ring; pls: primary larval stage; su: subumbrella; te: tentacle; v: velum. 430 J. BOUILLON et al. sm68s2Hfig4 14/10/04 15:39 Página 431 FIG. 149. – Narcomedusae development (continued). Development of Cunina octonaria parasitizing Turritopsis nutricula, Anthomedusae. A: Young embryo (Em), blastula, in his phorocyte developing in the gastro-vascular pouches of the Cunina mother, B: free planula stage; C: bitentaculate primary larvae issued from the planula, D: primary larvae with four tentacles and manubrial tube, ready to parasite its future host, E: primary larvae fixed by the tentacles on the subumbrellar ectoderm of the Turritopsis host, F: primary larvae budding of secondary larvae from their aboral end, G: young Cunina issued from a parasitic larvae, H: adult medusae from Cunina octonaria (copied from Bouillon, 1987). FAUNA OF THE MEDITERRANEAN HYDROZOA 431 sm68s2Hfig4 14/10/04 15:39 Página 432 FIG. 150. – Trachymedusae. Geryoniidae. A to C: Geryonia proboscidalis. A and B: general view, C: statocyst. D to I: Liriope tretraphyl- la: D: adult medusa parasitised by Cunina octonaria; E: general view of adult medusa; F: base of a solid interradial marginal tentacle with a centripetal canal and statocyst; G: lateral view of a solid marginal tentacle showing a statocysts and the marginal cnidocyst ring of the umbrel- la; H: terminal portion of a hollow perradial tentacle; I: portion of margin of mouth-lip (A after Hyman, 1940; B after Trègouboff, 1957; C after Hertwig O and R., 1878; D after Bouillon, 1987; E after Trègouboff, 1957; F, G, H and I after Russell, 1953). 432 J. BOUILLON et al. sm68s2Hfig4 14/10/04 15:39 Página 433 FIG. 151. – Trachymedusae. Halicreatidae. A to E: Haliscera: A and B: Haliscera bigelowi: A: fully-grown medusa, B: left: stiff distal end of marginal tentacle, middle: flexible proximal portion of marginal tentacle, right: statocyst; C: Haliscera conica mature medusa; D and E: Haliscera racovitzae: D: lateral view of mature medusa, E: oral view; F: Halitrephes maasi whole mature medusa. Petasidae. G: Petasus atavus fully-grown medusa (A, F and G after Kramp, 1959a; B after Russell, 1953; C, D and E after Mayer, 1910). FAUNA OF THE MEDITERRANEAN HYDROZOA 433 sm68s2Hfig4 14/10/04 15:39 Página 434 FIG. 152. – Trachymedusae. Ptychogastriidae. A to C: Ptychogastria asteroides: A: lateral view of an adult medusa, B: detail of marginal border, C: upper view of the umbrella of a juvenile specimen. Rhopalonematidae. D to F: Aglantha: D and E: Aglantha digitale: lateral views of adult medusae; F: Aglantha elata: fully-grown medusa; G: Aglaura hemistoma: mature medusa; H: Amphogona pusilla: adult medusa; I and J: Arctapodema ampla: fully grown medusae (A to C after Gili et al., 1999; D after Hyman, 1940; E after Broch, 1929; F to I after Kramp, 1959a; J after Mayer, 1910). 434 J. BOUILLON et al. sm68s2Hfig4 14/10/04 15:39 Página 435 FIG. 153. – Trachymedusae. Rhopalonematidae. A to C: Arctapodema australis: A: lateral view of a mature medusa, B and C: aboral views of manubrium and gonads; D to G: Homoeonema platygonon: D: lateral view of mature medusa, E: detail of umbrella margin, F: aboral view of a juvenile specimen, G: aboral view of a mature specimen; H to J : Pantachogon haeckeli: H and I: aspect of two fully grown medusae, J: portion of umbrella margin (A and C after Vanhoeffen, 1913; B after Kramp, 1959a; D to G after Gili et al., 1998; H and I after Mayer, 1910; J after Russell, 1953).
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