Portland Daily Press: March 15,1872
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PORTLAND DAILY PRESS ESIABLISHED JUKE 28, 1882. VOL. 11. PORTLAND. FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 15,1872. TERMS »8.«."w:r aNnIII IN A1IVANCE THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS MISCELLANEOUS EDUCATIONAL. published every MISCELLANEOUS. day (Sundays excepted) by th« _ HOTELS. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ~ | j PRESS. POKTLAND PI BUHH1NL [the CO., Twenty*fifth Annunl Mtateuient Westbrook Seminary HOTEL I >IREt At 100 JOHN TORY. Advertising Agents. Exchange St, Portland. W. FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 1S72. MUNGER, OF THK *Kmbraclng the leading Hotels In the State, at which. ATWELL X 174 1-9 middle Ml. Ad- 15, Terms : Eight DoHant a Year lu advauce. j CO., THU SPRING TERM the ! Dally Press may always be found. vrriiwnifutii inverted in paper* in Maine THE —OK— ALIKKD. nud MAI NEGATE PRESS throughout the country at the puh- [From the Em*tj>ort StmUnol.| FOURTEEN WEEKS, liaher*’ loweat rate*. Is published Tm uhday 50 a Fire Ins. every Morning at $2 Marine and Life People’s Co., County House, Edrnuud Wurrru, Proprie- Rev. Kellogg’s Apostle > ear; If paid in advance. at $2 00 a year. Fire, Insurance Will Open tor. Elijah ship Agency, for Machines. 1873. Agency Sewing the Indians. Rates «e in MONDAY, MARCH lltli, Amongst Quoddy Advertising: One Inch ot space, Worcester, mass. AlBIB.y. W. H. DtEH, No. US middle HI., over H. of column, constitutes a length “square.” For Catalogues, No.. apply to Elin Court. Ml. « S. A A. H. All $1 50 first week: cents * House, Tonus. Huy'*. bind, of machine, fo Lubec per s«|uare daily 75 per J. C. SNOW, Principal, Proprietors. Hr. Editor: Your correspondent week alter; three Insertions, or less, $1 00; continu- No. 1GG FORE ja3ttil Steven’s Plains, Me. t)M»C»|iii»l, ... 9400,000. .ale and to In. Repairing. other after 50 oonts. ST., PORTLAND, ME. in your last issue of February, speaking of ng every day first week, ACCJCSTA. Half squure, three insertions or less, 75 cents; one BOARD IN A FRENCH FAMILY Bakers. Rev. Elijah Kellogg, styles him the Great week, $1 00; 50 cents per week after. January 1st, 1H73. Augusta House, Stale St. Harrison Balt- SPECIAL one third additional. er, Proprietor. W.C.COBB, No. 19 Pearl Ml. of the Indians; but in what Notices, Fail place in perfectly reliable ainount of Fire | Apostle Quoddy Under head of “Amihmkmknts,” $2 00 square Fompaules any ASSETS. per Couy House, i.. A. A H. Cony* Proprie- he was the of the Indians, week; three insertions or loss $1 so. Marine and Life , Jules Ch. L. Loaned on tors. [ Apostle Quoddy per Insurance desired a current rates. Morazain, Boud and Mortgage, *361,288 00 Booksellers and Statiouers. Advertisements Inserted in the “MAINE STATE Real not means “to estate, unincumbered, 75,000 00 EOLili A | he does say. Apostle send,” Press" (which has a large circulation in every part FROM PARIS, BANUOK. HOVT, BBKKD,No.WA middle of the for $1 00 for first insertion, tw“S? Si0uk> 1W.076 00 Street. from the Greek word and it was State) per square Bank Stock, Harrimau J.K. Apostellein, und 50 ceutH for each inser- 28,860 00 House, Harrimau A Co., per square subsequent NARRAGANSETT Town Loans, 00 the twelve of our Divine tion. Insurance Co. Teacher of the Freuch Language. 12,000 Proprietors. applied to Disciples Loaued on Stock collaterals and on itersonal Book Binders. I Address all communications to ;Union Penobscot Kxcfanuge, A. Woodward, Pro- Redeemer sent by him to promulgate the SAN ,1. C. L. MORAZAIN ami wife having taken 109,«1 70 WM. A. Room PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. FRANCISCO. Interest and Rents prietor. QUINCY, tl, Printer’* | PROF.a convenient house in the are prepared to re- accrued, 18,328 74 Christian I am aware that in a city, Cash on hand and in No. Ill Ht. Religion. ceive as a few ladies desirous of ac- Bank, 40,589 36 Kxehange, Kxehange Fire& Marine Ins. boarders, young Lash In BATH. Co ----- hands of wider who tirst ASSETS $1,115,573,6? a theoretical and knowledge of the agents and In trausit, 5,079 11 SMALL & BRACK FORD, No. 35 Plum sense those preachers taught quiring practical twice Sagadahoc John S. Pro- HU SI NESS CARDS. French Furniture, safes and fixtures, 5,000 00 House, Mllliken, some- language. prietor. Hi reel. Christianity in heatheu countries are PKOV1DKNCK, K. 1. GUSTAVE TOUCHARD, Prcs't, References: Gen. J. M. Brown. J. W. Symonds, C. F. G. Thomas. 91 Bath C. M. times termed e. St. Denis the J>. Esq., Libby, Esq., Gen. H. *800,292 Hotel, Plummer, Proprietor Bonne' and Hat apostles, g., C. HAVEN, Sec'y. at if Bleachery. W. K. RIPLEY. M. Apply from one p. At. to three o’clock p. m., Apostle of the Gauls, St. Boniface the Apos- D., Apideton Block, Congress St., or in writing P. O. LIAUJ L1T1ES. BOSTON. H HAWVER X CO., Bleacher., No. 131 ('ash Capital & Surplus feblD $778,830.80 Box I860. oc4dly Outstanding Losses, 14,000 00 American Middle Btreet. tle of Germany, St. Augustin the Apostle of North American Fire Ins. Re-Insurance House, Hanover St. I,. Hire Eclectic ! Reserve, 374,418 32 Proprietor. England, St. Patrick the Apostle of Ireland, Physician U.rialu an Parker School St. H. D. & Risk. Taken Cargoes, Freight* and COMPA 3NTY. English Kindergarten. 9388 417 32 House, Parker Carpenters and Builders. St. Francis Xavier the Apostle of the Indi- PORTLAND, ME. \ esse Is i«r voyage. Hates named and CertlUcates Co., Proprietors. BOSTON. HENRY CHAPIN, AUG. N. CURRIER, WHITNEV A Peorl issued. Risk* on Hulls effected at current rates. MKI8 JT. 1>. Bevere Bowdoiu WEANS, Mired, op- ans, etc.; but Rev. was never sent to OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, PROCTER, President. Secretary. House, Square,Buiaoch, Kellogg HUNKY Bingham, Wrisley A Co.. posite Park. HARRIS, Pr*s't. Cash Capital & Surplus $646,129.29 inform her former and the Proprietors Christianize the Quoddy Indians. They were 1 NO CeaarvHN Pit., three doors north of the Park. patrons pub- St. James IRA A. ALBERT Pres’t. lic that she will a school for children on Hotel—J.P.NS. Stetso u, Prouri Office Hours, 10 to 12 a. in., and 2 to 5 p. m. FOSTER, Sec’y. BOWKER, WOULD oi>en DOW, COFFIN & etor. all of the Abnakies the LIBBY, Agents, Dye-House. Christians, (See History feblotf E. E. tern. plan of English Object teaching, in Room No. 9 _ PATR1DGE, Sec'y pro F. Brown’s second as Trcmont HVIHONDH, ludiu Hi. Velvet Cleaks Rev. E. and all to the Block, flight, known the reading No. 49 street. T^“?0.n* St. Biugham by Vetromile) belonged room of the and Union. Exchange Wrisley A Co. and fini*hed. Army Navy March Proprietors. dyed Catholic Church—that Church to which Rev. Martha E. EQUITABLE Pupils received for the Spring term, March 17tli, at l-ood3w Bucknell, M. D., NEWPORT 1 Fire and the School Room. mrlCdlw* BBYANT’S POND. Dentists. Kellogg's ancestors and all Lubec ancestors Marine Insnrance Co’y., Abstract ef the Aanaal Statement No. G FREE STREET. ■- Crockett, JOHIAH IIEALD,No. 103 middle Hired. belonged, till Henry VIII, King of England I. Fire & Marine Ins.Co ABBOTT Bpro,*rreior0"d PROUBEMCKjR. OK THE OB. W. B. JOHNHOQT, No 13 1-9 Free Hi. got the notion of divorcing Catharine of Ar- B. NEWPORT, I. BETHEL. PACKARD X HARDY, Plural B lock ragon, his legitimate wife, in order to marry Office hours from to ten A. and from two Cash Capital & Surplus eight M., $423,830.20 Cash & School for Chandler P. S. Chandler A cor. and Bt*. Anna one of the maids of toldur P. M. Capital Surplus $230,362.00 Family Boys! House, Co., Coagre** Kxehange Boleyn, Queen’s THOMAS 0. Proprietors. whom he fallen in a Sgp^Ladies from the country desiring Medical ad- TURNER, Pres't. J. H. DEWOLF, Pren't. honor, with had love, FRED W. At Little vice from a woman Physician, can {obtain rooms and AENOIJD, Sec'y. RESOLVED WATERMAN, Sec'y. febl0eod3m Blue, ATNA INS. imfwm w. n. nii|MUHu, Pro- Fnrnitnre—Wholesale and Be tail. crime that he could not accomplish In the board at No. G CO., prietor. Free st. fiebl4*2w WALTER COREV X CO., Arcade, No. Catholic Church. at®* "** a**®n**®“ *k® public is respectfully called to tbe above named FARMINGTON.MAINE. 1H Free Hired. Rev. was the tor Companies. OF BB1DGTON CENTER, Me. Kellogg paid by society CHAS. An J. W MINGER. HARTFORD, CONN., N. the of the to make the WARREN, Cumberland House, Marshall Racon,Prs TARBOX, Non. 158 and 160 Fore Mt. Propagation Gospel School will open its Summer Term of ten this ‘WaiTen & GEORGE A. No. 56 Ex- Quoddy Indians apostatize. With inten- (Formerly Gregg.) THISweeks, on On the 31st of prletor. WHITNEY, day December, 1871, made to the State and a handsome he went NEW ENGLAND of Maine. change St. Upholstering of *all kinds tion, salary amongst April 99, 1879. BRUNSWICK. ME. and took residence at Pleasant Point SHIP done to order. them, BROKER, Sc It has the advantage of an entirely new P. K. Dining Rooms, W. R. Field, for a short tune, Lubec being his regular resi- building, Capital Stock, all paid up, 93,000,000 OO the most delightful locality and surroundings, auu Proprietor. Furniture and House Furnishing Goods. dence. The etl'ort to procure the Apostasy Mutual the COMMISSION MERCHANT, Life Insurance Boston. tiuest corps of teachers of any similar scnool in of the Quoddv Indians had been attempted the ASSETS AS FOLLOWS! CAPE ELIZABETH. BENJ.