Portland Daily Press: March 28,1872
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PORTLAND PRESS. »■ ESTABLISHED TUNE S3. ISO?. VOL. PORTLAND, THURSDAY MORNING. MARCH 28, 1872. TERMS *s.00 PER ANSI,. ,N ADVANCE. THE PRESS TO LEI. PORTLAND DAILY miscellaneous I BONDS. _ cles of But publiBlied every day (Sundays excepted) by the BUSINESS DIRECTORY. delight! he came dead—drunk. House To THE PRESS. the of it he or three A New Let. THE joke was, had to go two PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., contains miles out of the he was built last season: 21 rooms, with a village, and every house Advertising Agents. went stable, a large garden, good Bolt water car- to he if there. At 109 Portland. ITTgood JOHN W. Chicago, Danville and THURSDAY inquired Miss-lived Exchange St, and situated a MUNGER, Vincennes ATWELL, A 174 MORNIHH, MARCH 28, '72. ried into the kitchen, within short dis- ; CO., 1-3 Riddle Mi. Ad- Being vary tight he would state the Terms: Dollar* a Year in advance. from the P. A O. Railroad at generally Eight tance Station, Lake vertisements inserted in papers in Raine object ot his visit to and would read her Sebago, Standish. These buildings are well situated RAILROAD, her, and tbe at tbe last lettter PRESS for ahotel or boarding house. Rent reasonable. tbraaghaut country pub- Cultivation of Wheat. and then pass on to the next THE MAINE STATE Ap- 18 A. lisher-’ ply to GEO. W. WARD, on the premises. mch20-lw FINISHED JaUNTfC, lowest rates. house. He made out to arrive at her house at 50 a Our farmers are not honest and intel- at Is every Thursday Morning $2 j only ten o’clock at The old folks were published Fire, Marine and Life Insurance Running through one of the richest of Illi- night. it' in at $2 00 a year. Room To Agency, portions year; paid advance, Let. Agency for Sewing Machines. ligent, but industrious and hard working, and absent, but two sisters were there. The board nois, an<l W. 8. of in suitable for and or connecting Chicago by the shortest route No. 138 Riddle aver 11. meeting can better be than Rater »f Advertising : One inch space, gentleman wife, DYER, 8*., yet they don’t raise their own breadstuff's, imagined describ- WITHtwo gentlemen. Also a few ed of constitutes a “square. table boarders ac- with Bay’s. All kiuds of Racbiues fo ; suffice it to say that the length column, commodated, at 52 Free the celebrated Block Coal fields of but an correspondence ttrst ™ Street. jn4-tf Indiana, and sale pay enormous tribute to the farmers has 3150 per square daily week; and in let. Kepairiag. ceased. or $1 00, continu week after; three insertions, less, No. 166 FORE ST., ME. by way of Evansville and of other States! It is fair to assume that 50 cent*. To Let! PORTLAND, Nashville with the entire ng every other day after ttrst week, or 75 cents, one Bakers. each farm household of the thousand Half square, three insertions less, Store, No. 149 Commercial recently oc- South. Its debt seventy (las Statistics. alter. st., mortgage is$2,800,000,or about W. 31 00; 50 cents per week BRICKcupied by Messrs. & Butler: sulta- C. COBB, No. 13 Pearl 8|. in our State week, additional. Purington untwines five members, making Eli Perkins Special, Notices, one third Dle for wholesale Flour or Business. Gas Can place in reliable amount of Fire, 500 to the mile. the having seen enough of the «2 00 l*r square Grocery perfectly Companies any Although road is but Just open- -- in the Under head of "AMrsMKMKNTS, Water and all modem conveniences. Apply to aggregate 350,000 souls. It Is estimat- turns to or less 8150. marine and Idle Insurance Booksellers and Stationers. brokers, the subject of gas, concern* I>cr week; three insertions ! A. E. STEVENS & desired a current rates. ed, it is in the 0O., already earning, after all operating eipenses POliO ed that each person consumes one barrel of Advertisements Inserted janlgtf 146 Commercial street. HOYT, dr BREED, Na. 03 Riddle ing which he says : circulation *» eWTPMt Press" has a large are Street. flour a and the (which for first insertion, paid, year, reckoning flour at eight The New York of the State) for .31 00 per square , To Let. gas establishments all make for each subsequent Inser- dollars barrel—which a irom and 50 cents per square NARRAGANSETT Co. per is low estimate— gas bituminous coal in about the same j rF° gentleman and a second floor front room Union Insurance Book wife, Binders. manner, a.id for it A and bedroom, with at 38 STATE ST. MORE THAN THE we find that the cost of it amounts to two they charge about the 1,11 board, ENTIRE INTEREST WR. A. QL'INCY, Room Prtater’a same B01¥oSt£mS publishing CO. mchl7eodtf SAW FRANCISCO. 11, millions five hundred thousand dollars every price, $3 per thousand cubic feet. Exchange, Nn. Ill 8t. “What do Exchange year! Let it be borne in mind that we are they pay in Chicago?” Room to Let. Fire& Marine Ins. Co on all its bonds. While railroad bonds SHALL dr Mil AC K Nn. Plum ‘‘In ASSETS.$1,115,573,67 may be plenty, FORD, 33 speaking of fanners and no other class of con- Chicago the City Council pays the Peo- cards. Board, suitable for a gentleman and wife, Street. s Gas business or two those and sumers. ple Light Company $3 per thousand WITH gentlemen, at 36 Free street, GUSTAVE TOUCHARD, Pres’t. upon finished paying Hues and for so small mar PROVIDENCE, R. I. consumers 18-dlw Bonne' and Hat Now, how many of these seventy thousand private pay D. a sum to the are seldom In the oO. C. HAVEN, Sec’y. mile, market. Bleacherj. farmers raise their own wheat ? So far as our To toe 8 8AW1EB A “What do W. H. OHLER, Let C’O., Bl«aclu>n, IVo. 131 observation extends we can but a they pay in Cincinnati?” line numbered Cash We do not hesitate to recommend them as sately say, store, 22, west side of Ex- Capital & Surplus $773,830.80 middle Street. ‘They pay the Cincinnati Gas Com- THEchange st., Thomas Merchant's North American Fire Ins very few. We think the past will warrant Light Block, adjoining pany $2 50 Machine Reading Room. Store about 20 feet by 80 unusually safe. They are attended with none of the the assertion that farmers of Maine for per thousand, but this cheap price Repairer, wide, deep pay is Sewing with passage way in the from Fore and owing to the of rear, st.' The cel- Rarialu Risk. Taken on ami COMPANY. Carpenters Builders. flour every year more than two millions of cheapness bituminous coal, lar well floor, and Cargoes, Freights uncertainties of projected enterprises, and the prompt which comes lighted,cement Sebago water intro- \ easels per voyage, ltates named and Certificates WHITNEY dr dollars! What a severe drawback their down the Ohio from Pitts- 158 Middle SI., Portland, Me, duced. Enquire of A. R. BOSTON. REANS, Pearl Street, ns. upon ALDRICH, the present issued. Risks on Hulls effected at current rates. burg.” who soon removes to payment of the interest, and the final payment ot pnsite Park. is this annual tribute to occupant, Commercial st., to industry they pay “What do Elias Thomas Commercial or HENRY HARRIS, Pres't. Cash & other of they pay in San Francisco?” the conducted W. 2d, st., W. W. Thomas, Capital Surplus $645,129.29 States! Over two millions dollars 1 Having taken shop formerly by at Canal National Bank. Pres’t. the are as certain as future financial the San IRA A. FOSTER, ALBERT BOWKER, principal, any Dye-House. This is no small sum. It is to build “They pay Francisco Gas Compa- Also to let a Sec'y. P. 81 enough S. Dver, I am to all kinds of Sewing commodious office in the 2d storv of India ny $5 in per thousand. prepared Repair the above E. E. PATRIDGE, Sec’y pro tem. event. RONDS, St. Yelret Clanks quite a long railroad, or to carry out some gold store. mch26tf dyed and “In in Machines at short notice. mar23dlm daisbed. other enterprise which would be of great ad- Pittsburg, proximity to the bitumi- To Let! EQUITABLE The Bonds are for 11,000 each, have forty years to vantage to the State. nous coal-beds, consumers pay $1 80, while NEWPORT Dentists. the $25 for each street M. NICE convenient tenement in the Western But our farmers say: “We cannot raise city pays lamp. W. K. RIPLEY. D., Fire and Marine Insurance AOSIAH “St. Louis A part of the city, to a small genteel family who Co’y., HEALD, No. 103 Riddle Street wheat on our soil and in this climate.” Well pays $40 per street lamp, and will board the owner, (a lady.) DB. W. H. Nn consumers 50 one thousand R. I. Fire & Marine Ins. Co annum, payable on the first of April and October, JOHNSON, 13 1-9 —suppose they do say so; it is not true. Our private pay $4 per Enquire of A. MERRILL, Esq., No 80 Middle st. PROVIDENCE, Ere**,! cubic feet. ! March 26-eod2w* R. I. soil and climate are favorable to the cultiva- Eclectic NEWPORT, both and interest in in Physician Cash Capital & principal being payable gold f urniture--wholesale and Retail. tion of ivheat. The soil “Baltimore pays $3 per thousand. ME. Surplus $423,830.20 Cash & is good enough if PORTLAND, Capital Surplus $230,362.00 WALTER A »» vw w uiuu^auui Island to Let.