PORTLAND PRESS. »■ ESTABLISHED TUNE S3. ISO?. VOL. PORTLAND, THURSDAY MORNING. MARCH 28, 1872. TERMS *s.00 PER ANSI,. ,N ADVANCE. THE PRESS TO LEI. PORTLAND DAILY miscellaneous I BONDS. _ cles of But publiBlied every day (Sundays excepted) by the BUSINESS DIRECTORY. delight! he came dead—drunk. House To THE PRESS. the of it he or three A New Let. THE joke was, had to go two PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., contains miles out of the he was built last season: 21 rooms, with a village, and every house Advertising Agents. went stable, a large garden, good Bolt water car- to he if there. At 109 Portland. ITTgood JOHN W. Chicago, Danville and THURSDAY inquired Miss-lived Exchange St, and situated a MUNGER, Vincennes ATWELL, A 174 MORNIHH, MARCH 28, '72. ried into the kitchen, within short dis- ; CO., 1-3 Riddle Mi. Ad- Being vary tight he would state the Terms: Dollar* a Year in advance. from the P. A O. Railroad at generally Eight tance Station, Lake vertisements inserted in papers in Raine object ot his visit to and would read her Sebago, Standish. These buildings are well situated RAILROAD, her, and tbe at tbe last lettter PRESS for ahotel or boarding house. Rent reasonable. tbraaghaut country pub- Cultivation of Wheat. and then pass on to the next THE MAINE STATE Ap- 18 A. lisher-’ ply to GEO. W. WARD, on the premises. mch20-lw FINISHED JaUNTfC, lowest rates. house. He made out to arrive at her house at 50 a Our farmers are not honest and intel- at Is every Thursday Morning $2 j only ten o’clock at The old folks were published Fire, Marine and Life Insurance Running through one of the richest of Illi- night. it' in at $2 00 a year. Room To Agency, portions year; paid advance, Let. Agency for Sewing Machines. ligent, but industrious and hard working, and absent, but two sisters were there. The board nois, ancr week; three insertions ! A. E. STEVENS & desired a current rates. ed, it is in the 0O., already earning, after all operating eipenses POliO ed that each person consumes one barrel of Advertisements Inserted janlgtf 146 Commercial street. HOYT, dr BREED, Na. 03 Riddle ing which he says : circulation *» eWTPMt Press" has a large are Street. flour a and the (which for first insertion, paid, year, reckoning flour at eight The New York of the State) for .31 00 per square , To Let. gas establishments all make for each subsequent Inser- dollars barrel—which a irom and 50 cents per square NARRAGANSETT Co. per is low estimate— gas bituminous coal in about the same j rF° gentleman and a second floor front room Union Insurance Book wife, Binders. manner, a.id for it A and bedroom, with at 38 STATE ST. MORE THAN THE we find that the cost of it amounts to two they charge about the 1,11 board, ENTIRE INTEREST WR. A. QL'INCY, Room Prtater’a same B01¥oSt£mS publishing CO. mchl7eodtf SAW FRANCISCO. 11, millions five hundred thousand dollars every price, $3 per thousand cubic feet. Exchange, Nn. Ill 8t. “What do Exchange year! Let it be borne in mind that we are they pay in Chicago?” Room to Let. Fire& Marine Ins. Co on all its bonds. While railroad bonds SHALL dr Mil AC K Nn. Plum ‘‘In ASSETS.$1,115,573,67 may be plenty, FORD, 33 speaking of fanners and no other class of con- Chicago the City Council pays the Peo- cards. Board, suitable for a gentleman and wife, Street. s Gas business or two those and sumers. ple Light Company $3 per thousand WITH gentlemen, at 36 Free street, GUSTAVE TOUCHARD, Pres’t. upon finished paying Hues and for so small mar PROVIDENCE, R. I. consumers 18-dlw Bonne' and Hat Now, how many of these seventy thousand private pay D. a sum to the are seldom In the oO. C. HAVEN, Sec’y. mile, market. Bleacherj. farmers raise their own wheat ? So far as our To toe 8 8AW1EB A “What do W. H. OHLER, Let C’O., Bl«aclu>n, IVo. 131 observation extends we can but a they pay in Cincinnati?” line numbered Cash We do not hesitate to recommend them as sately say, store, 22, west side of Ex- Capital & Surplus $773,830.80 middle Street. ‘They pay the Cincinnati Gas Com- THEchange st., Thomas Merchant's North American Fire Ins very few. We think the past will warrant Light Block, adjoining pany $2 50 Machine Reading Room. Store about 20 feet by 80 unusually safe. They are attended with none of the the assertion that farmers of Maine for per thousand, but this cheap price Repairer, wide, deep pay is Sewing with passage way in the from Fore and owing to the of rear, st.' The cel- Rarialu Risk. Taken on ami COMPANY. Carpenters Builders. flour every year more than two millions of cheapness bituminous coal, lar well floor, and Cargoes, Freights uncertainties of projected enterprises, and the prompt which comes lighted,cement Sebago water intro- \ easels per voyage, ltates named and Certificates WHITNEY dr dollars! What a severe drawback their down the Ohio from Pitts- 158 Middle SI., Portland, Me, duced. Enquire of A. R. BOSTON. REANS, Pearl Street, ns. upon ALDRICH, the present issued. Risks on Hulls effected at current rates. burg.” who soon removes to payment of the interest, and the final payment ot pnsite Park. is this annual tribute to occupant, Commercial st., to industry they pay “What do Elias Thomas Commercial or HENRY HARRIS, Pres't. Cash & other of they pay in San Francisco?” the conducted W. 2d, st., W. W. Thomas, Capital Surplus $645,129.29 States! Over two millions dollars 1 Having taken shop formerly by at Canal National Bank. Pres’t. the are as certain as future financial the San IRA A. FOSTER, ALBERT BOWKER, principal, any Dye-House. This is no small sum. It is to build “They pay Francisco Gas Compa- Also to let a Sec'y. P. 81 enough S. Dver, I am to all kinds of Sewing commodious office in the 2d storv of India ny $5 in per thousand. prepared Repair the above E. E. PATRIDGE, Sec’y pro tem. event. RONDS, St. Yelret Clanks quite a long railroad, or to carry out some gold store. mch26tf dyed and “In in Machines at short notice. mar23dlm daisbed. other enterprise which would be of great ad- Pittsburg, proximity to the bitumi- To Let! EQUITABLE The Bonds are for 11,000 each, have forty years to vantage to the State. nous coal-beds, consumers pay $1 80, while NEWPORT Dentists. the $25 for each street M. NICE convenient tenement in the Western But our farmers say: “We cannot raise city pays lamp. W. K. RIPLEY. D., Fire and Marine Insurance AOSIAH “St. Louis A part of the city, to a small genteel family who Co’y., HEALD, No. 103 Riddle Street wheat on our soil and in this climate.” Well pays $40 per street lamp, and will board the owner, (a lady.) DB. W. H. Nn consumers 50 one thousand R. I. Fire & Marine Ins. Co annum, payable on the first of April and October, JOHNSON, 13 1-9 —suppose they do say so; it is not true. Our private pay $4 per Enquire of A. MERRILL, Esq., No 80 Middle st. PROVIDENCE, Ere**,! cubic feet. ! March 26-eod2w* R. I. soil and climate are favorable to the cultiva- Eclectic NEWPORT, both and interest in in Physician Cash Capital & principal being payable gold f urniture--wholesale and Retail. tion of ivheat. The soil “Baltimore pays $3 per thousand. ME. Surplus $423,830.20 Cash & is good enough if PORTLAND, Capital Surplus $230,362.00 WALTER A »» vw w uiuu^auui Island to Let. • COBEY CO., N*. aouiugivii jit.1 THOMAS G. Pres’t. New York. .* Arcade, properly manipulated and prepared for this df ISLAND 13 miles from Portland and two TURNER, J. H. DEWOLF, Pres’t. “How much does each OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, A FRED W. IS Free Street. crop. There are some acres on man’s gas of these cities *•*-»'*, BUUUl HI ARNOLD, Sec’y. RESOLVED rebl0eod3m every ---1 wutaiiuug WATERMAN, Sec’y. We are selling them daily to the most careful In- GEORGE A. K*. H Ex- tarm bum V' 180 t'ouurr.H 8t., three doors north of the Park, icres, together with the buildings thereon, consisting ljrHITNEY, suitable for raising wheat. But be it re- annually 2 to 8 m. )f Hew SW'HL. ..._.1_... St. of oil membered “New York bums about cu- omre 10 to 12a. m., and p. and Fish — — change CphoUtering kind* that this a 1,200,000,000 Honrs, Dwelling House, Bani7~Srais, »■ CBIIfH IV IOI! BDtrf HBlDflU and have but a small amount less cereal is delicate louse, all in rmpccnuiiy CfilUpIlIllPH. vestors, remaining, anil grain bic feet of perfect repair. J. W IttVNGER. done to order. requires clean cultivation. Most soils gas per annum, Chicago 400,000,- feblBtf_.__ This is a location for either Farmer or Fish- good tftan one forth of the issue. P'owea 000, St. Louis 250,000,000, Cincinnati 400,- ;rman. The land is and '■Z-LY deep, and all thoroughly pul- excellent—sea-dressing Furniture and House Furnishing Goods. erued and 000,000, San Francisco nuck abundant. The harbor is good and in close kept clear from weeds. Tares Pittsburg 200,000,000, Wl. fcL DEMOTSOI, Full particulars furnished on application in peison and Baltimore iroximity to good fishing grounds which with several FIRE AND BENJ. ADAB8, cor. Exchange and Fed- °“Ty to wheat- Tlie soil ought 260,000,000, 400,000,000.” narkets near at hand make it a rare chance to MARINE INSURANCE. 0 as “How do make Successor to J. W. Deering, carry or to eral Street*. a h*“d m for they gas?” >n the by mail, w a garden market fishing and lobster business. Terms vegetablesteiSa at least, “First they put about two bushels ot bitu- 170 Commerdftl Head Merrill’s Wh’f, uoderate. HOOPER Sc EATON, Old Po«t Office, nearly so, and then the st., For grams will hnd good root and minous coal in a long air-tight iron retort. particulars apply to Messrs. Swan & Barrett, Bankers, Exchange Street. shoot ud vigor- Foot of Cross Street, Portland, Me., PORTLAND STAR MATCH ous blades, provided the soil is This retort is heated red hot, and, of course, CO., E. F. HOYT, No. 11 Preble Street. Up- property ma- West Commercial Sreet, Portland, Me. REMOVAL! PORTLAND, MAINE. nured. It is not a difficult matter to the coal is heated red hot, when the gas bursts Jan 12-d&wtf holstering done to order. raise Dealer in Coal and Wood, whetft. True, it requires a cleaner cultiva- out of it as you see it burst out of the lumps OB TO tion than potatoes. We know that in of soft coal when on the parlor fire. The ga» OF FIRST VITALITY ONLY, For Rent. Furniture and Upholstering. years the has troubled this passes off A ton of coal w ill TORE No. 157 Commercial corner W. B. DAVID W. No. S9 Federal St. past fly greatly crop, but through pipes. AT LOWE§T MARKET PRICE. st., of Union SHATTITCK A CO, Bankers DEANE, make O St.. occupied by M. Small. Suitable for L S. TWOMBLY they have ceased to work and the coast is 10,000 cubic teet of gas. The gas as it George All kind* oflTphol* ( ringnud Repairing riour and Grain, and Trade. GENERAL and now this is the time leaves the coal is in above business to heavy Grocery AGENTS, clear, spring for very impure.” Having sold my interest the Double room in 2d storv. For terms to order. “How of counting ap- 23 Nassau New York. farmers to in this and trust a do it ?” Win. E. Dennison, late of the Steamer City to Has Removed to tlie Corner ot Street, put crop good they purify Capt. for their >ly EDWARD FOX. janl6d&w3m is while is ran off Richmond, I beg leave to thank my friends mch27 Providence. But let them remember that ‘.‘First, hot, it into another for Hair Goods and Toilet Articles. then liberal patronage and recommend Capt. Dennison suitable soil must be selected and building, it is forced through long per- favors. properly their continued To EXCHANGE AND FORE J. F. SHERRY, N«. 9 Clapp’. Black' for Providence those who pendicular pipes, surrounded with cold water. books will remain at the office of Capt. Den- Let, STREETS, FIRST prepared, only helps My FLOOR, FOUND. Old Hall. 1 his cools the when a those indebted to me to set- CONVENIENT rent of five or six rooms iu the WANTS, LOST, Congre** Street, opposite City themselves. Some farmers it Is gas, good deal of tar ison, ami I will thank \ help say condenses to whom I am indebted c\. western of the Address “A. S. from it and runs to the bot- ne their accounts, and those part city. G.,” cheaper to raise oats and buy their flour. We down J* W. DEERING. ?o«t Office, Portland. mch27d3t And offers the best to those in tom of the tl send in their bills. Security seeking Insurance the following Jewelry and Fine Watches. don’t believe it. We know some farmers who perpendicular pipes. This tar is March 5th-dlw-t W ANTED! Street. the ordinary tar which you see in the eodtt_ first-class Companies: ARNER LOWELL, 301 Congre** have raised their own wheat for many years boiling First- lass Houses to Let. a streets for walks and for Howard Watch Company. and seldom had to roofs. NO T sold previous to Oct 1st, the two end bouses TWO Agent* very occasion purchase a CHAS. A. GOOD CANVASEERS “They now wash the gas. call it WARREN, IFin the new brick block of tour, on the corner ot barrel of flour. But they are very few and They *feal and Pine will be rented on Ins. . Assets in —ON THE— it. (Formerly Warren & Gregg.) scr, tavorabl* teyns. Imperial Co., Gold $8,000,000.00 Manufi»„.urers of Trunks, YaMses and live a great way apart. scrubbing rhete are first class housea in every respect, con- “This is done a which Now suppose each farmer in our State by filling large vessel, fining 13 rooms, having ail modern improvements, ELIAS HOWE Carpet-Bags. looks like a x ii emeus x SEWING MACHINE perpendicular steam boiler, half SHIP BROKER, ; ml Sebago water. Apply to JOHN T. 48 uitu xus. tu. i/Uiuuruia u ins. DIJRAN A 171 Middle and should determine to cultivate two acres of HULL, uuamsirarg tlty to., «. Y. JOHNSON, full of wood laid Then ten thous- Jnion Sr. seplfi PLCHMBR & WILDER, 116 Federal Street*. wheat this season and to them a clear crossways. give and streams of cold Croton water are ASSETS JAN. 1, 1872, $800,000.00. ASSETS JAN. mch27-6t 173 Middle Street. cultivation, and suppose these acres should spurted COMMISSION MERCHANT, To Let 1, 1872, $589,692.18. through this boiler. Through the mist and Masons and Builders. produce fifteen bushels each which is by no Iront room on second floor. Also J. D. and between the wet sticks of the 434 SOUTH DELAWARE AVENUE, STAPLES, Prest. CHAS. K. BOND, See. EDMUND Prest. JOHN Wanted. means an cultivation. will rain, wood, PLEASANTone room o?» third floor with board. 49 Frank- DRIGGS, H, MATT, See. N. E. REDLON, 933 1-9 C.ngreu St. extravagant They American who would like a gas passes; coming out washed and cleansed. I in st. oc28if girl good home, be quite sure of such a crop, if they PHILADELPHIA._Jan31 X., S. ANand can bring good at Biick properly The ammonia the T"WOMBLY, Agent. L. 8. TWOMBLY, Agent. recommendations, and Melodeon Manufacturers. manipulate and manure the soil and the condenses, joins water, House, Thomas st. None other ne d apply. Organ give and falls to the bottom.” To Let, mch27-3t plant such food as it needs. What would this H. L. GREGG & SMALL A No. 134 • Co., to Ins. New York. KNIGHT, Exchange “What next ?” let, containing? rooms, Sebago Exchange Co., Amazon Ins. Co., Cincinnati. produce amount to? To more than two mil- waier. For Street. “Well next the is It is Successors to Warren & Gregg. TENEMENT particulars call at 31 LINCOLN Girl Wanted. lions of bushels! This would be worth gas purified. pass- IT. tt crop ■ ed through vats of time and of _aug23 ASSETS JAN. 1, 1872. $282,221.02 ASSETS Jan. 1, 1872, GOOD capable girl to do general house-work, in upon a fair estimate, three millions of dollars! oxyde iron, SHIP BROKERS, $758,098.75. A a small at No 9 st. Paper Hangings, Window Shades, and which takes out the carbonic acid, io set. family. Apply Deerlng Such a crop would be a addition to the sulphurat- AND .JAMES VAN NORDEN, Prest. mch27*lw great ed and A DESIRABLE House ot ten rooms. Enquire of J. B. BENNETT, Prest. B. D. Sec. Weather Strips. wealth of the State. hydrogen, ammonia.” Ol C O. 37 Wilmot Street. GEO. W. MONTGOMERY, Sec. WEST, MEBCHANTS ! BAKER, Fanners of “What next?” COMMISSION K. w LOCK R Found GEO. E. LOTHROP A CO., Na. 139 Ex- Maine! Seed time is close at Jyl3_ I>. S. TWOMBLY, Agent. X>. S. “The gas it now pure. It is T'WOMBX.Y, Agent. one of tha seats of the Portland & Rochester change Street. hand and you have the promise of a harvest. passed through lOS Walnut St., Philadelphia. To be the station metre, then the Let, ONCara, a sum of money. The owner can have the your as soon as the snow big through H. L. J. B. Hahki, .Ik. Prepare grounds mains and Grboo, whole or part ot the block ot Brick Stores ol same by proving property and paying charges. pipes, till it reaches the gas jet in jan23-ly Photographers. and frost have done their work and each of THEPortland Pier. H. N. GOWER, Saccarappa. your room. Then it burns while you all at the Corner & Fore Me. ! March mch25d3t A. S. DAVIS A No. SO Middle Street. sow at least two acres of wheat and sow PORTRAIT PAINTER. Apply Merchants National Bank. Exchange Sts., Portland, 22,1372. CO., you swear and scold because it don’t burn better.’ J. H. 139 Middle cor. Cron. it wisely and skillfully and you will be __ LAWSON, St., amply iylBti_ “What makes gas bum badly sometimes?” Boarders Wanted. rewarded for your toil. Don’t be Holders in the Loi-illnrd Fire Insurance discouraged “This is the reason: it is not dis- J. «. Furnished Boom to Let. ^“Policy Co., will please or transient boasders accommoda- and remember that to insure in the properly CLOUDMAN, Plumbers. victory tilled after or without Boarders ted with rooms and board. Two leaving the coal. They don’t con- board. Also Ladv call for their Return Premiums which are now ready. PERMANENTgood connected battles of life, your powder must be kept dry. 148 EXCHANGE 8T. wanted. corner rooms with furnished or JAMES N.. 91 Federal Street. dense it don't wash it and WITH Apply Center and Free st. No board, unfurnished, at 119 MILLER, Aobicola. enough, enough, Cumberland Street, corner of Franklin* reblTtf of Water Fixture* ar- don’t the lime __ Jun30tf Every often jan22tf _____ description change enough. Again, .._ ranged and set up in the heat manner. sometimes it is so impure that a good deal of EDGAR 8. BROWN1 TO L E Wanted. Jobbing promptly attended to. A Mormon Wife’s Trial. impurity condenses on the sides of the pipes American Boy to learn to Shoe Trotting Counsellor and Attorney at Caw ! as they leave the big mains and come into l FLUENT BLOCK, ATLANTIC ANHorses ;jone who has worked some at the busi- Mrs. Stenhouse, a cultivated, refined wo- No. 80 MIDDLE STREET. QFFICES ness preferred. For further information apply to Plasterer, Stucco Worker, &c. your house.” thus describes her on Either Single or in Suitn SAWYER’S stable, cor. Federal and Market sts. P. FEENY, Car. Camherlaad and Frank- man, feelings finding “Don’t the man come sometimes, when Particular attention paid to collecting. mch26*lw gy that her 15 of married your gas burns and a wire jan24-ly MUTUAL INSUEANCE husbaed, after years badly, poke long __ These offices are the most desirable in tbe city, be- COMPANY. JlaSu._ the and then alcohol in ? situated and lieated steam. life with without through pipe, pour ing pleasantly by Vessels Wanted. Real Estate her, had, previous warning This wire clears THOMAS H. Desk roem and desks furnished it (ORGANIZED IN 1843.) Agents. out the deposit, and the al- TALBOT, Also, desired. to taken a second wife. The of mar9dti JOHN C. PROCTER, Na. 93 Exchange her, anguish cohol dissolves and it runs off into sup- (Late Assistant Attorney General, U. S.) To Coal from New York and it, big freight Street. a whole lifetime was crowded into that one in the street. In cold weather the = 51 WALL STREET, Corner of William, New York. Philadelphia to Portland and other ply pipe --- points east. GEO. R. DAVIS Sc Co.. No. 301 1-0 Con- single moment. When it was done I felt that gas condenses more in the pipes than in and Counsellor IsTEW The In to the oftbc ROSS«& Attorney Trustees, Charter Company, submit the following Statement of its affairs STURDIVANT, gre mi Street. warm weather. This is because can’t Conformity mar26thdtf I had laid the altar, and that they on the 31st day of December, 1871. 179 Commercial st. everything upon list it nerfectlv cold at the eras works. And A.T LAW ! Premiums on Marine from there was no more to sacrifice. I had received Risks, 1st January, 1871. to 31st December, 1871, $5,412 777 51 SUver Smith and Gold and Silver Plater. given when it runs out through the frosty pipes, it Premiums on Policies not marked off 1st Boarders Wanted. No. 18 Pemberton Sqr., Boston, Mass. railoring Establishment! January, 1871, 2,033,675 18 husband. What more could the condenses more.” Rooms; board reasonable. M. PEARSON, No. 99 Temple St., near away my febfitfNo 11 “Where do their coal from ? Refers to Hon. E. R. Hoar ; Hon. Nathan Clifford, Total nmount of Marine Premiums, $7,446,452 69 GOOD MYRTLE ST, Congre**. All kind* of Silver and Plated Lord require of me that I could not do? they get gas Judge of the Court, U. Hon. F. “It comes from West ria Balti- Supreme S.; George Ware I was and beside Virginia Court. Hon. D. No Policies nor Repaired. Nothing. bewildered my- Shepiey, Judge of the Circuit U. S.; have been issued upon Life Risks; upon Fnc Risks disconnected with Wanted. more through the Canal, and W. and Hon. Twichell. Marine Risks. Cook at No. 74 State Street. Chesapeake Gooch, Ginery jn3-6m experienced self, and y«t I had to hide my feelings; for to then the Delaw are and Raritan Ca- Premiums marked Off from 1st January, 1871, to 31st 24 AN dc30dtf Silver and Plated Ware. through ALLEN & CO. December, 1871, $5,375,793 she. M I turn for nal to New Losses paid during the same period $2,735,980 63 ABNER LOWELL, 301 C.agrem Street. whgm sympathy among Brunswick, when the canal boats Hill & Returns of Premiums and 84 are Co., Expenses, $973,211 those who v re around me ? husband towed to the gas works. <»as coal costs Richardson, The has the Wanted. My Company following Assets, viz: £1.1_1. about ton.” itarc opened a a reliable a kJVBWlOl $8 per -tSANKKKS, United States and State of New York Stock, City, Bank and o’' er Stocks. $8,143,240 0$ man. situation in a wholesale or was there, it is true; but he was now the Loans secured and BYretail store; references Address “What is coke?” by Stocks, otherwise, 3,379,050 00 gdW given. N., KNOLIHH and FRENCH »CHOAL,4.10 husband of another and a Real Estate and Bonds and Press Office. mchl5 *lm woman, newly- Mortgages, 217,500 00 Street. They keep the coal in the retort live hours, Mo. 3 Bears Building, Boston. NEW AND ATTRACTIVE STOCK and notes and claims CoBgrcu made bridegroom. I felt that I stood alone, Interest, sundry due the Company, estimated at 386,739 41 then pull it out. It comes out a live mass of Premium aua without as much as one to cheer HUNINEM8 PAPER and and Notes Bills Receivable 2,405,937 95 ray of light Bought sold, in Bank. WANTED, Stair Builder. burning cinders, but water is thrown on it, Cash 274,345 01 my dreary pathway. I had given away my Corporation Loans negotiated. rliHb highest cash prices paid for Ladies' aad and much of the oxygen is saved. This de- K. r. IT 1-9 Union husband, and he no to me. Total Amount of Assets, 37 J. Urn Ur men’s Cast Off Clothiug. LIBBV, Stnwt, up longer belonged bris is called and sells at the rate of *3 DEPOSITS received, subject to check at sight. FOREIGN & AMERICAN $14,806,812 The was madness. 1 did not think coke, ALSO FOR •fair*. thought interest on balances credited for 36 bushels. It is a clean fuel. daily monthly. Six cent interest on the certificates of will it. rsissihle that there ever could lie rtnv cn- cheap, per outstanding profits be paid to the holders thereof, or their CARPETS, REDDING, Ac.,at COE EEC TIONS of Notes, Drafts, Coupons and legal representatives, on and after Tuesday the Sixth of February next. Watches, Jewelry, Ac. partnership between that other wife and my- The outstanding certificates of the issue of will be redeemed and to the holders or their HENRY GREEN’S, A Brief Discourse Upon Hats. with on 1868, paid thereof, self. From that I to hide all Dividends made promptness all points. legal on and after the Sixth of from date all interest 29 Middle St. J. AMBROSE NERRILL, No. 139 Mid- day began my WOOLENS, representatives, Tuesday February next, which thereon ... Thomas J. Bowditch writes to the will cease. The certificates to be at the time of All orders promptly attended to. sorrows from my husaand, and it was Troy ADVANCES made on approved ollaterals. produced payment, and cancelled. Upon certificates which ill. Street. only were issued (in red lor such of interest and will be in tyRemember Gaik Paid. when I was as I to Times: scrip) gold premiums; payment redemption gold. 3. W. 3c 11. H. MCDUFTEK, Cor. Middle compelled, might say, give ORDERS for Bonds and all first-class securities Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, A dividend of Forty Per Cent, is declared on the net earned premiums of the Company, for the ______mcMdlm* vent to that I 31st for 3c Union Sta. my highly wrought feelings, There is considerable character in the man- executed on commission. year ending December, 1871, which certificates will be issued on and after Tuesday tne Seeond of next. ever uttered a word of discontent. Then, dec22 eodfirn etc., at April Wanted. ner in which a person wears a hat. You MAN to wood plows. Address when I spoke or expressed what I felt, it was sometimes meet a whose hat a By order of the Bcanl, J, II. CHAPMAN, Secretary. A ALLEN & BUNKER, in anger, but never In sorrow seeking sympa- person has J. D. mch25 dAw-3t GAGE & JONES, President. CHARLES DENNIS, Vice-President, South Windham Me the remainder of that how the least bit of DAVIS, No. 87 Middle W. H. “THE SINGER”^ thy. During day, knowing tip, just suggestive Street, H. MOORE, 2nd Vice-Pres’t. J. D. 3rd Vice-Pres’t. HAWLETT, I watched their looks noted their Fleur, Grain and Previtian IMPROVED and every the careless, cheerful disposition of the wear- Where we will make JOHN W. MUNGER, WANT ED! word. To me their tender tones were like Correspondent, er. It seems as if he has tipped it back so Commission Merchants, Office, 166 Fore SI., Portland, Me. daggers, piercing me to the heart. One mo- CUSTOM CLOTHING Feb. 7, 1872. dlm-eodllm&w6w Test and Pantaloon ment I Tor husband’s undivided that all the world may see his jolly, good-na- 38 SOUTH CANAL Coat, Makers ! SEWEYGMACHINE. yearned my STREET, the next moment I hated even the tured and understand he is AT SHORT NOTICE AT leve, very face, that at peace R. W. G AG I of and vowed that he never Chicago,(’hfeairo you wish to secure the best Sewing Machine in sight him, again with all the world. You meet another of a C.F. i work will An Undoubted Davis. fliipao’n All receive our personal attention, and Security, IFexistence for all kinds of work, do not fail to call should have a in heart. Then I •1. W. UNION ALLEN place my Tillron, 206Statest.,Boston. VlliCtlgvI. & CO’S, and examine THE SINGER, at different type. He pulls his hat low down ov- no2' would feel that there was no justice in heaven, Perfect Satisfaction Guaranteed. PAYING 60 PER CENT. er his and seems to be tak ST MIDDLE STREET, or this great sorrow would not have come brows, continually 331 CONGRESS STREET. the measure of boots. You feel at once Insurance me. did the Lord this his Company, MOKE INCOME mchTeodtf PORTLAND, ME. upon Why implant that is GEORGE D. JOST, love in is not the sort of man with whom you We strict the Where we shall constantly on hand, a full as- my nature? If it wrong, He should hope by attention to business to merit SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., keep can confidence. Here comes anoth- of the sortment of these Machiues iu the various styles of have created me without it. Or was it for exchange patronage public. THAN GOVERNMENT and this kind BONDS, finish. the of His that it er, always wear a “stove pipe,” FRESCO PAINTfeR ALLEN A CO., SKEELS, BOWERS & BOUGHTON, purpose torturing daughter and set it DOLLY VARDENS! Machine* sold an Instalment*. evenly upon the summit of the cra- middle Street. AND Monthly was done ? I could not but feel that the Lord MANAGERS. as if an inch to the or left STREET. mch!9dTT&S3w_8T B^*Machine Stitching and for Embroid- whom was for He allowed nium, right would RESIDENCE, 6 BRADFORD Stamping I served partial; their 114 New York, 9 1-2 Per Cent* on the Investment* ery and Braiding done to order. All Machines sold destroy equilibrium. Be careful of such Broadway, A choice lot of DOLLY VARDENS and His sons to indulge in their love, while His N. B. Order Slate at F. F. Hale’s, Corner of Free and work done, warranted to give entire satisfaction. men; put them in band-boxes; tie them up N. B. Manufacturers are invited to call who by man are considered the and Croes Streets. de20 tf D. W. C L A R K, Statement. (Gold basis) January 1st, 1872. especially daughters, tightly; label them “first class—to be in and ev&mine our “Medium Machine.” weaker vessels, were expected to be strong kept FIRST MORTGAGE SINKING FUND GOLD Foulard Silks lavender,” and them carefully enough to crush out from their natures all put away. Ac o Cash Capital, #750,000 BONDS THE Here is another hat which has seen better H. Peyret C DEALER IN OF Just received from New York. Also WHEELOCK & SARGENT, love and all weakness. I felt that that if ASSETS. day but is now at for Portland and days, its worst. Its glory has fel4 Sole Agents Vicinity. I eould not away in privacy, IMPORTERS OF Loans on Bond and Mortgage. $592,500 REAL FRENCH CHEVIOTS !! get by myself, since and from the worn and Logansport, Crawfordsville and and vent to I long departed, Beal Estate. 90,500 give my overcharged feelings, to AND A FEW shabby band the crown it of U. S. 1881’s 50,000 NOTICE. should mad. It was in the napless speaks Registered. South-Western Railway of In- certainly go only the which are the South Carolina State Bonds. 15,073 85 that I days gone. Perhaps wear- LINEN SUITS. ««riNHE Portland Dock and Ware-House Co.” dead of night, in my own chamber, FRENCH WINES, Loans on CollaterdU. 57,500 Dry er of that hat was the life and soul of our diana. have leased their Docks and other in to the terrible that was Cash on hand and in Bank.... X propery gave way anguish folks’ $65,551,71 Elizabeth to James E. for one young parties—the great catch—the Wholesale & Retail Cash with 51,262 88 116,814 59 J. Id. DYER & Cape Simpson year consuming me. God and my own soul can Agents. THEY BEAR 8 PER CENT. GOLD CO., from Jan. to Jan. and said model young man; but now he is worse fad- Premiums in course of Collection. 61,068 79 1, 1871, 1, 1872, during bear witness to that time of woe. That iiorTCm 848 CONIZBEBH STREET. time the will not be for alone ed Bills Receivable. 16,922 24 PAYABLE No* 6 Free Street Block Company responsible any and worn than his shapeless tile. Poor fel- INTEREST, QUAR- debts contracted in their name or on their was to me such that even the most God- ICE MARKET STREET Interest due and accrued 66 account, night low! did it.” You meet other HOUSE, 23,328 March 25th 1872. unless authorized or the President of “Whiskey All other Assets. 49 TERLY IN NEW YORK, FREE _mch25-dlw approved by forsaken might pray never to know; and W. 15,306 the A. hats as different in and as the L.KEILEB, company. CHAS. LAMBARD, dawned without for a shape quality AND OP GOVERNMENT AND President P. D. Dock and morning my having habits of the wearers. 62 TAX, Ware-house Co. Hats which have long $1,039.014 LADIES’ FURNISHING his moment closed my eyes. It was all over now. Fresco LIABILITIES. ARE COUPON AND REGISTER- By Attorney, L. D. M. SWEAT, passed the season of their usefulness are gen- Painter, 1871 remained but for me to face the fear- No. 33 Street, Unpaid Losses, comprising all claims.... $179,238 52 Portland, January 28th, jn30tf Nothing looked at with Exchange ED, 345. STORE ! 345. ful alter and hour after hour. erally disgust. PORTLAND, MAINE. PORTLAND OFFICE, reality day day, Why do men gaze with doubt and ME. The issue is limited to in I do indeed believe that a man, if he could suspicion PORTLAND, $16,300 per mile, denomi- a hat? nations of and upon shabby Perhaps because it Offioe at Schumacher 5 Block $1,000, $500 $100. United States Hotel! have felt as I did would have sunk be- Bros, Deering then, seems to show that the owner is Customers with the best of No. 166 Fore This road, 92 miles long, affords the shortest exist- New going down A CARD—In former customers ami supplied quality Street, Store, neath the trial. Who but a woman c >uld thanking my j ing outlet to Chicago, Toledo, Detroit, Fort Wayne REDUCTION OF PRICES! the hill of adversity. If this is not so, why is friends for the patronage have bestowed upon and intermediate for the endure such and yet live ? they J. W. BENGES, Logansport, points celebrat- things is it for a man to pass a worn-out me »or the last n teen years, 1 have the pleasure In Pure Ice Agent. ed Block and Bituminous Coals of Parke impossible County, as, New Goods! The assumed the sole hat without it a recommending to them Mr. W. L. KEILERIor Crystal mchl4deod3w for the of undersigned having proprie- giving kick? I believe there also, large surplus products the rich agricul- torship of the United States Hotel, would announce a continuance of the same, feeling confident that he —AT THE— tural and mineral section of the State which it Boston Jubilee Notes. is a in the mind of human be- trav- We have with a fresh Stock of New to his friends and the public, that on and after tendency every is able to please all who tnav give him a call in his erses. opened to kick Goods, which we offer at the Lowest Cash Prices. ing an old hat out of his way whenev- line. CHAS. S. SCHUMACHER. For the we are these JANUARY 1st, 1B7J3. The Boston Commercial Bulletin says: BOSTON LEAD present ottering Bonds at 95 er he may encounter it on the sidewalk. I jy!3dtf LOWEST RATES ! CO., and accrued interest in or will in accordance with the spirit of the times, ‘‘Retrench- currency, exchange We shall have on hand “We are enabled to in advance of our have seen men them for Government or always ment and will reduce his rates to give, into the middle of the mch27tf I Bonds, other marketable se- Economy.” he go J. H. HOOP Ell, [Incorporated in 1829.] curities, at the rates of the day. contemporaries, some important features of street simply to kick one of these dilapidated Further and full with and Corsets, Skirts, Hosiery, Gloves, DOLLARS A DAY” A few we particulars, itamphlets “TWO now in course of objects. years ago noticed away furnished us on or written the great programme prepa' PROPOSALS maps, by personal appli- Edgings, Handkerchiefs, Cam- To the toansient with no reduction ahead a most down- UPHOL STE REE J. H. Chadwick & Co., Ag’ts, cation. travelling public, ration. This information is exclusively our shocking hat, lying top of and ward on the sidewalk. A brics, Lawns, Piques, Dress fare,[attendance hospitalities. its cor- tall, consequential, Ofllee 34 Ac 36 Oliver Street, No effort will be for the comfort and con- own, and if events do not confirm Not). 31 tf- 'Hi Tree —FOB— 33, si^rred was Street, Linings and Trimmings, venience of the guests of this favorite house. rectness it will be owing to the fact that the dignified-looking person walking slowly BOSTON. Jones & on before, and as he the MAKtJFACTUKBB OF Schuyler, Small Ac. dc2Gtf D. N. CUSHMAN. Committee of Arrangements don’t see it in approached dilapi- FORAGE AND STRAW. MANUFACTURERS OF Wares, Ac., dated tile he raised his FUEL, we right leg anil gave it a Paklob Suits, Lounobs, Spbirb If*. 19 Pi»8t„New Y«rk. the light that do, or, perhaps, because of Beds, We the Beat German kick, which to have sent it Mattkkbs Chief Quartermaster’s Office, ) have Corset, 91*00 our in discovering these details be- vigorous ought is, Maine Bank, enterprise across the Second Q. M. District, Dep*t of the East, } BOSTON FINANCIAL AGENTS OF THE COMPANY We have Haap Skirts from 42c ta 1.00 Savings fore themselves. The musical instruments street, and would have done so if ArDmugii 1‘ateut Bed L.n|n, Kb. Mass, March 27,1872. ) mchl!kl&w3m wl2 the hat Boston, We have Beal Kid Glave 2.25 far decided as admissible make a liaun't been filled with stones. nmelethv surrv.'r t.w.ati ttk DEPOSITSApril 3d, will draw interest from the first day of and LAWSON, 43,800 pounds of oats, We have J. Clark’s Spool Cotton 6a. With Bugle, Bagpipe, Banjo, Bones, bellowing 51,100 pounds of said month. NATH’L F. DEERING, bassoon; hay (Timothy). PIPE, TIN-LINED PIPE, IRON PIPE Mar. 1872. Treasurer. Clippings. 29,664 pounds of straw. Ladies are invited to call and examine our Stock, 18, (d&wtd) When Clarionet and shrill Cornet and Concertina FORT & FITTINGS, PUMPS, *CC., <*C. RANKERS. —“A to the Tribune: PREBLE, Portland, Maine. / wail, weak woman” writes Delivery to commence CASH AND ONE PRICE ONLY ! And distant Drum and Dulcimer in discord swell July 1, 1872, and to continue Our Tare White Lead, both dry and ground in oil, the I don’t want to vote; I am not anxious to get PHOTOGRAPHER, as may be required until June 30,1873. Boston. Forest we warrant to be strictly pare, and guarantee Q8 Slat3 Street, City Bowling Alley. gale; into one’s I don’t even covet a 152 middle Separate proposals must be made for each item of A. Atolian take up the Electric Cannons any pulpit: No Street. — Id. — Harps strain, above that for fineness, body and durability, it is not sur- DEALERS IN PEABODY, I do want a seat in a car supplies mentioned, guaranteed two re- to and boom, doctor’s degree; but by passed by any Lead in the market, either foreign or The subscriber has just opened public pri- sponsible persons and subject to the usual And Flute and Fife and and or when 1 have paid for |PORTLAHD, HIE. require- American. American and Foreign Specie and Coupons. Ladies’ te a new at Flageolet, furious Fiddle omnibus, especially ments, which, with any further information be Furnishing Store, parties Bowling Alley fume. may 0T*In order to protect we have one. and done to order otained to this or to ourselves, adopted AND NEV.L Copying enlarging by application office, the Post as our trade-mark an BUY 345 The Gongs and Guitars at Maine. eight-j>ointed red star, with Congress SL, Portland, squeak, Quartermaster’s Fort Preble, seal in the NO. 1G SILVER STREET. The and —A brilliant Fon du Lac a All the new styles, Berlins, Medallion, corporate centre. This is on every pack and United States Bonds. mch25 dlw Harps Hautboys blow. boy, seeing dog Re.ubrants, By order of the Chief De- City, State, County .nit; the or Quartermaster, age of our Pare Lead. None without it. gi-iiue uewHnarpa snricit, a muzzle on for the first Porcelain, Mezzotint card,and the retouched partment East. genuine GEO. B. GORDOS. with time, exclaim- of the * And the Kettle-drums card, bv which new process we get rid of freckles AGENTM FOR THE SALE OF TW play solo, ed: “Mamma, I bet five cents the J. G. CHANDLER, The Lute and mamma, moles, wrinkles, and all imiiertections of the stin Cedar Farids, and AIi.vnesota ASSESSORS’ A OTIC E Lyre sail in, Major and Quartermaster U. S. Army, W. F. &, Burlington, And the are going to wear there Call and fudge lor yourselves. Phillips Co., First viorigaoe R. It Bonds. 7 per cent in Gold. I musical Mandolin, dogs hoop skirts; Chief Quartermaster 2d Dis’t. Dep’t. of the East. Nakeb and Nakokus and the a with one on his nose now.” CT- Wolto-ttood werk al Moderate Pric- Northern Pacific R. R. Bonds, 7 3-10 in Geld, mHE Assessors of the City of Portland hereby give j Nehiloth swell din. goes dog m27-d6t AGENTS FOR THE The Oboe and the accord— rw. M im to 20 CO., and the U S. Funded Loan. X notice to all liable to taxation in said cl Organ and the Ophiclide Pleawe.may persons Ity, Silver Plate Polish! —A man has invented a which that they will be in session secular from [ Piano, Pibroch, Psaltry will pii»e or i»enta chord; process by FOR RALE every day, The WE are sellin (i i middle st. ALSO, the first to the fifteenth day of April next, inclusive, | Quintette Club will quaver strong, he proposes to improve the worst cases of 4&A48 First >1obt- subscriber has prepared and would Rebeck and Reed will lift a HUNT & European and Nor h American at their room in Hall,'from ten to twelve o’clock resipect- i song. bald head by upon them fresh JEWETT. at 90 anu in- in City THEfully otter to the Public a superior article for Spinet and Saxhorn will keep the strain along, simply planting THE oage It. k. Bonds, C per cent in Gold, the forenoon, and from three to five o’clock in the of hair heads of THE and j>olishing Gold, Silver and Plated Wldle and 1 rum- crops taken from the other Wholesale Dealers in terest. afternoon, for the purpose of lists of the cleaning Ware, Trombone, Tom-Tom, Tamborine, receiving which will excel of the kind ever on a polls and estates taxable in said city. anything brought pet swell the throng. persons, Now, why not graft new head We draw Exchange an Ran Frauciwa, Into the market. And as a of this state- SECRET MEDICAL And all such are notified to make guarantee ^ at once? We know scores of men who BALANCE OF OUR COUNSELLOR St. Jahn, and Halifax, and Buy persons hereby will refe*- to the Italian & American Moutreul, and to said true and lists of ment, following well known reliable V Wales, Fuego, Hawaii, and Sell on Coiamis«ion Stocks Mini B »nus in Bos- bring assessors, perfect | would be benefited by such a process. Marble, and 12 all real and held gentlemen of this city: X ! Kaftraria, vastly 150 pages illustrative A new ton ami New Yotk. mail their polls and estates personal by ,« OfH(e3liCONr.Rif>M engravings. Inquiries by promptly Uerrish & Pearson, Jewelers. Middle Win. back of Russia a STREET, medical work, written by Dr. F. who has them as guardian, executor, administrator, trustee st; Senter Y J And the provinces —A young lady in neighboring town, says Hallock, aptfwered. Jeweler, Sam’l iu here. had success in the treatment of diseases which or otherwise, as on tho first day of April 1872, and be Exchange st; Rolfe, Druggist, Con- Z I Come the has taken Yard 4.1 PREBEE greater Special attention to packages leoeived by expre'A Rand & dealers in Danbury News, up dentistry NTREET. WINTER are in this work than to make oath to the truth of the same. gress, st; Thornes, Con- & described perhaps ever fell to jan30 eod3m prepared Crockery, j for a All the STOCK, __ st; Abner Lowell, Jeweler, living. gentlemen the lot of mortal man. It treats on Lost Manhood, And when estates of persons deceased have been Congress st; J. A. patronize on hand a good assortment of Italian OF or have Sress[crrill & Co., Jewelers, Middle C. C. her. When she her arms around the keep Nervous and General Debility, Seminal Weakness, divided during the past year, changed hands st; Tolman, ail puts ami A meric an and will receive orders to Market Nutter Bros. Stove What Came of Answering Advertise- SHALL Marble, ; and all diseases of the Generative Organs in both from any cause, the executor, administrator, or other Sqr; Dealers, Market Sqr; neck of a patient and caresses his jaw for the cut to size all kinds of Monumental stock, at prices HOSIERY, is to J. F. Land, Dealer iu Ex- a GLOVES, sexes. Sent free on receipt of stamp. Address person interested, hereby warned give notice of Crockery, Glassware, &c., ment for Wife. offending member, the sensation is about as tb»r will not mil lobe satisfactory ro all marble work- MEDICAL Ground Land Plaster such aud in default of such notice will be change st. MOSES PEARSON. j AND OTHER HALLOCK INSTITUTE, 143 Court St„ change: nice as man has er*. ttsld & Silver re- they make ’em. One young _Mug22_ Boston, Mass. held under tne law to pay the tax assessed although Silversmith, Pinter, The Rondout Freeman says that a very is such estate has been distributed and Tempi© St., near St. become infatuated with her. Con- N. B.—Dr. Hallock, who the Chief Consulting wholly paid o, Conjfress of has had | hopelessly GENT’S FURNISHING over. For Sale by a29eod tf young lady Saugerties, in his GOODS, Physician of the Institute, can be consulted person- tbejrade generally, spectable I sequently he hasn’t a tooth head. She or mail. mch26d3m Portland Plaster Mills ! And who to with this as WITHOUT REGARD TO COST! ally by any person neglects comply her reason completely restored lately, the has every blessed one of them: and Ur. J. P. FESSEftUEN notice, will be doomed in a tax according to the laws pulled incident shows: She made him two new sets, and pulled them. art-prepared to supply dealers autl consumers of the State, and be barred of the right to make ap- following discovered in Has removed from Lewiston, and resumed the prac- on his Chas. Custis & WEwith fresh groune S.) Land Plaster. plication to the Commissioners for abate- She is now at work father’s saw. He tice of his profession in Portland. Co., (N. County any CUNDURANGO. some paper an advertisement purporting to Musical Merchandise, Shipped by R. R. or Vessel in Bulk or Bbls., as de- ment of his taxes, unless he shows that he was un- holds the saw. 293 CONGRESS STREET. able to offer such lists within the time have come from a OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, CONSISTING OF hereby ap- highly respectable (worthy feblOtf KNIGHT pointed. for —The New York Commercial & WHIDDEM SMALL supply of this Invaluable remedy and handsome, of course) Christian Adrertimr PIANOS of the best Jan. 5-d&w3m S. B. BECKETT, ) A Cancer, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Salt young advises its readers that; As a No. 43 Pine Brown Block. Manufacture, Assessors. general thing Street, HAVE YOU SEEN WM. C. HOW, [ Rheum, Ulcer* and all Blood Risen*©** just man, desiring some young to to editors BUEDETT & WOOD’S WM. O. full lady correspond attempting Hog is an unprofitable Office 9 to 10 A. and 2 to 3 P. M. FOX, ) received from Ecuador. Price of the bark, with hours; M., will he furnished* at the room with him, with a view directed to- I business. off snow or CELEBRATED 5SEP*Blank schedules $3 i>er sent to all parts. probably Shoveling driving a jan23 *eod3m of the A directions, iwund; Broad’s Patent Shawl WM. C. DOWNS, charcoal wagon for a the Straps. Address. DR. j ward matrimony. Now, as she was a plain j living pays .better in Portland, March 23 1672. mar2Sd3w jrfdtf No. 6 Place Providence B. 1. run. A The only Shawl Strap made with metallic top. REED ORGANS 1 Molasses. Exchange well-to- long hostile visitor to an editorial WILLIAM Cienfuegos country lass, although her iolks were sanctum A.EVAXS, Silver plated, with cross and end straps. Acknowl- (Old Instruments taken in exchange.) Notice. j usually finds that the best side of the EASTER FLOWERS! do she was no means one who all who have seen them to be the neatest of the Odd Fellows Mutual j people, by building for him to be on is the outside. We edged by CHOICE and large stock of Sheet Music, HII08. I CHOICE monthly meeting j 431 CIENFUEGOS Relief will be held at Odd Fellow’s should her sweetness on the desert have heard of themselves COUNSELLOR AT shawl strap ever invented. JuBt the thing for holi- A Books, Folios, Also a fine 48 I MOLASSES “Ella THE Association, ! “waste individuals equipping LAW. Wrappers. TIRBCES, per Brig March 10, at 74 o’clock. answer. In due manufacture Shawl of lot of Violins, Banjos, Drums, Guitars, at Central and for wale Hall, Tuesday evening, air”, so she concluded to and an editor for the purpose of fort day presents. We also Straps Marla,*' landing Wharf, by HAVE the finest Show of Roses ever seen, and inchlH*2t H. C. BARNES, Sec. approaching Fairfield. Cornets, Music Box- I and as time on the ! have j>i tr>■ Concertinas, Strings, I with other Flowers, can make any with time a reply came, passed ‘cleaning him out’ but they always gone all kinds. es, Piano Stools. All can be obtained at design Flowers that wanted for Easter or other For became more and more affectionate. that were bom Broad’s Market maybe any Gig Saw Sale. letters away with the conviction they Sole Manufacturers of Patents, 27* GEO. S. HUNT, occasion. Call and see them. & At last affairs came to a crisis, and the young for some less active pursuit. Thus discourag- Street, Opposite P. O. HAWES CRAGIN’S Mnsic Store, C. F. BRYANT, Woodford's Corner, GOOD Gate Saw, nearly new. Enquire or ad- | | 111 Commercial Rl. & was invited to come and see her. ed sue h intruders are diminishing in G. B. BROAD & CO, 17 MIDDLE STREET. Deering, Maine. A dress LITTLEFIELD WILSON, Cor. York gsUliant daily st. He did come. But alas for her fan- decl9-dtf 5gp*Mnsio sent by mail. dcl2eod-6m March 20-dtf Post Office address, Box 716, Portland. mch26-lw and Maple ja31tf j hope and | numbers.” Ort' Falmouth 9th inst, barque John E Chase, Davis I K«riew or roriiana morKew. potency of the committee Mr. Sumner founded j New Publications* SPECIAL NOTICES. SPECIAL NOTICES. , •om Mobile lor HuTre. MISCELLANEOUS. Week E>n>m; March 27,1872. Sid tm Messina Feb 29, brig Valencia, Small, for press. his on parliamentary grounds, and he Mark Twain.—Mark has [ THE opinion Roughing it, By Bad travelling and the harbor* in the Eastern part lew York. ( BANK Passed Ciibralter 1st inst, brig Dirigo, Collin, from says:— licre made a sort of auto-biography giving a de- with ice SPECIAL TO INVALIDS. OF DEPOSIT. of the State being locked up prevents any lessina for New York. rule in the Dunn & “The ap- tailed account of his life and experiences in his amount of for heavy | At Old Ja, 5th inst, soli Hattie Ellen, Du, Henry Son, MORYIHU, MARCH 28, *72. general parliamentary large business, especially goods, Mirons and I*nre Bicli Harbor, THURSDAY of a committee requires that Health, Beauty, F. A. HAWLEY & CO., 5 pointmcnt special first trip across the plains, his visit to Salt Lake and not much improvement can be expected until : Increaac of VTe.h and B eight , or Philadelphia days. so as to the 1 Blood, 5th Barter, mo they should be organized promote roads become Mkin Sc Beautiful Complex- At (iuantanamo mst, brig Keystone, saddle the committee City, his life in Nevada and San Francisco, the ice embargo is removed and our Clear arrived; aeh Nilsson, Keene, OF MAINE. business or inquiry for which ion weeured to all, rom Philadelphia, Jnst STATE to more and warmer weather prevails. In the BANKERS, -AND- was created. This requirement is according concluding with an account of his visit to the settled, j or New York, ready. merchandise markets there is much firmness No. 1 BomIou. Ar at Havana 2'.Ui inat, barque Arizona. Conanc, obvious reasons, and is sustained by parliamen- Sandwich Islands in much the general UK. HENDRICK’S Devounhirp, cor. Mtate Ml., given very style brlcs Don Quixote. Kay, and Five Brotli- authorities. In familiar language, the of prices, and our list shows very few changes. The larseilles; Harness tary of his lecture on that On this bio- Four eenl. iulerem allowed on ac- rs.Thurlow, Liverpool; 23d, barque Montana, Mud({- Manufacturers, is committed to its friends, and not subject. now is that will be done with the per deposit imposition of prospect nothing Elixir of Stillingio. & Iron ! it, do. In illustration of the rule, we are graphical thread he strings great numbers counts, subject to check, drawn as on any City Bank. tor North CORNER its enemies. tariff act, this session of Congress, unless perhaps it , At Zaza 1st inst, barque Envoy, Berry, MIDDLE AND MARKET STS., members who have directly and The American Blood com- Out-of-town will have their remittances told that spoken his delightfully extravagant stories quaint be the abolltiou of the duties on tea and coffee; and great Purifier, depositors if Hatteras, klg. of or what is called, ‘the body the bill,’ been of fitilliugia Queen's Frost and collections Ar at Ar. iho Feb 29, brig Jennie Morton, Damage, (UP STAIRS), against a considerable part of which have if this act passes it will not go into effect until after posed Root, promptly acknowledged. of course, the substance of the in- jokes, Ash Baltimore. meaning, been first of Weed, Prickly Berries, Yellow We do a General Banking and Commission Busi- on in letters him and have the July. Dock, Entrance 59 quiry, are not expected to serve the commit- put by long ago Middle Street, The market here is somewhat easier than it Pipsisscwa, Mandrake and Cardamon ness, Bonds, Stocks, Notes and other Secur- SPOKEN. but should they be so nominated, to decline. in newspaper in America. In money negotiate tee, printed every fiecds, Ac., combined ami Next above ou the committee is not unlike is in New York and Boston, and there is no with Iron in its pur- ities, make collections throughout United States Feb lat 20 16 Ion 33 30 barque Surprise, Emery, Waterhouse & Co., Their presence a of his difficulty 26, N, W, fact the book is compilation writings est form, in a trial a or discounted. U. S. Bonds fitilliugia as an alterative or As :roin Montevideo for Boston. participation by judge jury by in getting prime paper Europe. we our for with but little new matter and blood March 2, lat 49 07, loti 11, Devonshire, from Where invite all customers and the pul.lie to men interested in the result,” years, very both at home and purifier is far to barque maintain their high quotations superior Sarsapa- Liverpool for Philadelphia. examine one of the that in merely for ‘‘filling. His rilla or DEALERS IIN SECURITIES, Mr. Sumner again cites authorities to some evidently put abroad. Gold has been very steady during the whole any other medicine or combination March 16, lat 39, lou 71, brig Caroline Eddy, trom account of the wild life and manners of the when it of medicines known New York for Havana. Stock* of Harnett* in for his and reviews similar week at 109}@110, until Wednesday, slightly to the medical profes- we invite inquiries to investments, and give Largest length, position, relating March 18, lat 33 43, Ion 71 13, Ponvert, from times in Nevada is vastly entertaining.— the rates being 110@110i. sion. It is recommended for the brig thi* | eases in our own and other countries. He then early advanced, selling specially below the prices of a few of the most desirable Bonds: New York for Calbarien. State, It has a sort of flavor which is really APPLES—Prime, sound fruit is quick at $6 per following diseases: his to some of the members of savage ficrofula, fialt,Rheum, applies position are dull at our Cellar and Minnesota of the bbl. Dried apples very quotations. Ulcers and fiores Burlington, Rapids 7s.92£ A capital picture is given Neuralgia, Rheumatism, 7s.90 the Committee of and captivating. a demand for Indianapolis, Bloomington and Western Investigation, implies ASHES—There is little potash; pearl- Diseases of the All of Home Manufacture BY THE who “from Fort fikin, Boils, Pimples, In. Crawfordsville ami S. W.. 8s.95 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GOVERNOR. than desperado Slade Kearney, ash is rather dull. Logans port, that there is no need of better grounds ] Liver and Ohio 6s.94 was feared a deal more than the is a digestion, Complaint, Dizziness, Chesapeake the in the Globe. west, great BEANS-There steady demand for the arti- Connecticut 7s. 95 and Custom Made. A PROCLAMATION. speeches given Congressional hand-picked Eastern fiour fitomacli, Dropsy, fiick Headache, Valley Some of his descriptions of scenery cle, and prime, beaus bring our New York ami Oswego 7s.95 Notice of Foreclosure of Mortgage He concludes a of his reasons Almighty.” by summing up He quotations. Nervousness, Constipation, Darting Pains Our facilities in these rooms enable us to are that of Lake Takce. STATE OF Co. of Cumberland m: spacious fine, particularly BOX SHOOKS—Prices are For U. S. Bonds and other marketable Securities allow- MAINE, our harness to ad- Keverently recognizing our duties to Almighty in the following peroration: nominal at GOKfijc. A weak, puny children and females who manufacture an«l display great the of the water— small lot sold at 62c, To Abner P. KKillmnn, of Cape Kltapbeth, we to offer ourcuatomen Induce- commit- says—of transparency medical treatment, we ed full price in exchange. mch23sw eod3m I vantage,and propose God, and humbly acknowledging our dependence “As a Senator before this require challenge In »aiii nud to nil other of appearing was the water, that a County, pentoiiM 1 incuts that will pay them the trouble of one flight I to tile this iu the “So singularly clear st«ady mediate de- the world to its I do with the advice of the Ex- tee deem it my duty protest, mandBK,E, lor A,D>~T!17e hard is, though produce equal. whom it may eoneern. upon Him, hereby, was or feet deep the breads. Prices are DR. MORSE’S TONIC” Is stairs sincere that whatever be the result of where it only twenty thirty unchanged. UTERINEJ prepared harn.*s* ecutive • hope may that the boat PREPARED BY it known that, on the day of Please remember we manufacture every Council, appoint of bottom was so perfectly distinct BUTTER—Choice table butter is for the system, imparting twenty-ninth April. fur the present inquiry, the open violation par- it was very scarce THOS. Or. expressly strengthening BEA. D.t 1867, Abner P. Hillman, of said Cape we offer for sale, and hold ourselves responsible seemed floating in the air! Yes, where °f Common to LORING, Apothecary Thuraduy, the 18th day of April next, liamentary law in the formation and constitu- was fair, which5is selling tone and vitality to the various organs, removing Elizabeth, by his mortgage deed of that date, by him even feet every little pebble at'ao®28c!>lenty PORTLAND, ME. MANN Ml P tion of a committee will not be here- eighty deep, such weaknesses and as tend to under- duly signed, sealed and to GOOD MTOCK AND WORK permitted trout, every ha'id s complaints acknowledged, conveyed as a of Public and distinct, every speckled ,Ialry “d is firm me John A. Sfcrout, then of said now day Humiliation, Fasting Prayer. after. When law is sacrificed individuals may our factory cheese PRICE $1. Six Bottles $5. and cause a Cape Elizabeth, ! of sand. as we lay on faces, arC™??S^~.rrimeat our and is mine the constitution which great of in at a loss of a breadth After, quotations, there a fair demand for it. mchfl Keuncbunk, the Comity of York, certain real And 1 recommend the observance of the ! for a moment triumph, but it is a proper day a as as village church, amount of suffering if neglected. mhlUcod»n3m* estate situated in said ami bounded Pleasure for the of all.” granite boulder, large are unchanged. There is but little Cape Elizabeth, Harness, good and in X and described as by abstaining from our ordinary secular avocations; great safeguard would start out of the bottom apparently, the market, but are BONDS. follows, viz: the cargoes daily expected. to till • Beginning at the south corner of land of by assembling in our places of public worship; by seem climbing up rapidly surface, COFFEE—The market is MARRIED. westerly to touch our very weak, in anticipa- Jewett and sixteen rods on the road Business Letter. it threatened faces, and tion of a removal of the Aquila running Harness, rendering unto God, ourHeaveuly Father, the tribute Onr Washington presently duty. fitate of Maine. G’s leading from Stroudwater to Long Creek .Mills, to the we could not resist the impulse to seize an oar of contrite and and and other COOPERAGE—The demand is and north corner of land ot Levi thence land grateful hearts; by confessing The Virtuous Trumbull—Steamship and nvart the danger. But the boat would float. light the mar- In March Rev. Skillen; by ket is dull. No Portland... G’s Ferry Village, Cape Elixabeth, 26, by of said Skillen south rods to our and Him J exceedingly change in prices. D. and Miss easterly seventy-live Express Harness, forsaking sins, by devoutly supplicating c,, c >. ii. .—unli Oil anil the boulder descend and then we B. Freeman, Capt. Albert Boyd Kossie Convention—President again, CORDAGE—Market Rocky Point; thence following the course of Long when we had unchanged; demand light;• * D. both of C. E. and could see that been exactly above Bath. G’s Littlejohn, Creek River at low water, to the south cor- I little yame—Butler supply good. In Gorham, March 3, by Rev. »J. Collins, J. Clinton westerly tender and us wisdom and Makiny—Bowles' it must have been or feet be- ner of land of thence said Jewett's Harness. mercies, grant strength it, twenty thirty DRUGS AND DYES—A of Standish.and Miss Maria L. Bradeen, Aquila Jewett; by Heavy Wilson Fraternize. low the surface. Down the fair business. Alcohol fit. Louis. G’s Shaw, Esq., landj north to first mentioned bounds. Said that we may, attain to a more perfect through transpar- is lower bi-carb soda has of westerly individually, of ; advanced. Other articles Limington. deed recorded in Cumberland ss. of D. March 2(3, 1S72. ency these great depths, the water was not are In March Marshall S. Litchfield and Mar- being Registry life, and, our country to a higher Christian civiliza- Washington, C., unchanged. West Wisconsin R. R.. Gold. 9’s Bath, 17, Deeds, Book 350, 457, to which reference is here- merely transparent but tha A. Farrar. Page Carryall Harness, VIRTUOUS TRUMBULL. dazzlingly, brilliantly DUCK—There is a made. Said been made as afore- tion. THE so. All seen steady demand for Portland In Rath. March 25. Josctth F. Webster ami Marv by Mortgage having Sena- objects through it had a bright, which have a said to secure the of certain notes therein Given at the Council Chamber, in Augusta, this the in favorof manufactures, high reputation at home F. iiayment Notwithstanding rejiorts strong vividness, not only of outline, but ot and abroad. Colby. described, and as the conditions of said Double Harness, twentieth of March, in the year of our Lord for taking a Gold... 7’« mortgage Light day tor Trumbull’s defense of himself every minute detail, which would not have DRY have been broken, i hereby claim a foreclosure of the one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, they GOODS—There is some activity in the mar- there were had when seen the same of and Northern same and give this notice for that and of the Independence of the United States oi fee of in the McArdle case, simply through depth ket, prices have advanced on some qualities and Pacific R. It., Gold.7 30’* DIICD. purpose according $10,000 to the Statutes in such cases made ami provided. Double America the ninety-sixth. that have an atmosphere. So empty anil airy did all space grades of cotton and woolen goods. The standard Heavy Harness, some features of the transaction Dated this twenty-fifth of 1872. SIDNEY PERHAM. seem below and so was cotton goods in first hands is FOR 8.VI.K BY .lay March, us, strong the sense of very light, and prices i FOH T11E HE- for the Senator in his are firm at our In this March el- mcn28dlaw3w JOHN A. STKOUT. ilAOE IKPREMlt By the Governor: unpleasant appearance floating high aloft in that wt very quotations. Our jobbers have city, 26, suddenly, Harry Hooker, mid-notliingness, stocked tor the dest son of Jos D. and Maria 0. 2 TAIL COPWTATTL1 ON George G. Stacy, Secretary of State. of reformer, xt is true called these boat excursions “balloon up spring trade and are now readv to WM. E. WOOD. Agent, Dexter, aged years* TKADR, character representative voyages?” fill ali orders at as low if not and 9 months. lower rates than can be mch238ntf 07 St. Farm ior Sale iu Standish. HAND. there is nothing in the law which prevents Sen- The well-worn stories and jokes seem like bad in Boston. ExchaBge In Cajie Elizabeth, March 27, Alice W. Pickett, 20 9 months. The subscriber otters for sale his Court in behalf of the is no aged years Our Rooms are next below the Post ators in gov- old friends in their new setting, the whole h FISH-There change in the market. Stocks Farm of 50 acres, situated in Stan- Office, Connecticut. appearing are J. B. BROWN & SON S, [Funeral services on afternoon, at 3 o'clock, light, but will be replenished as soon as Friday two miles from ernment or any of the and it is true with that oi largely at the residence of B. W. Pickett, dish, the Village, Governors Jewell and people, thoroughly permeated dry drollery our Eastern harbors arc The demand BANKERS, Ferry Village. to In Connecticut, where open. from \ In March 26. Miss Ruth of convenient Church and School. ENTRANCE Johnson did not Mr. Trum- which Clemens is master on the W est continues. Augusta. W., daughter that Andy employ and, the whole __ Said farm is known as the McCorri- since MAINE. Charles and Sophie G. Collins, aged 29 years. English have been regularly alternating ]j\IA)UR—The PORTLAND, son Farm, and is divided into bull to secure his favor on the impeachment we pronounce the book one of the best of thi market is dull and inactive, es- [Funeral services Friday afternoon at 3 o’clock, suitably mowing, pas- takes for the common ture and with a good and cuts twelve 1868, the annual State election place pecially grades. The superior family THIS HOUSE is established for the transaction of at the Methodist Church, Ferry Village, Cape Eliza- tillage, Orchard, 59 Middle trial; and it is true that other Senators have season. are tons ot with suitable and convenient as grades very firm with a steady demand for home beth. hay, buildings, Street., next Tammany will not be there a General Business. of House and L two Monday. taken fees as counsel for But Published the American Com consumption. Prices are unchanged from last week. Banking lu Buxton. March 21, Mrs. Priscilla Blunt, consisting storks high, with government. by Publishing aged woodshed all water is mrl2-d3m XJI» STAIRS. the antici- DEPOSITS received subject to check at sight. In- 92 years. combined; pumped Into the usual, and Republicans accordingly Mr. Trumbull as a FRUIT—Messina orauges are at has put himself forward pany. Sold only by subscription. John Bus selling $5@5’25 Iu sink in the kitchen, from a never (ailing well. Also over their fier box. Valencias a choice fruit, terest at the rate of Four per cent. j>er annum allow- Paris, March 25, Capt. Peter Hardy, aged 73 yrs; a easy victory imported here, Mrs. a large Barn 40x00 teet, with cellraj under the whole. pate comparatively an on the of ele- 48 street. are at $11 case. have 24th, Hammond, age*’ 60 years. THE purist, examplar, high (horse sell, Agent, Exchange selling per Lemons advanced ed on all Daily Balances. Accounts rendered and in- Sahi are all in will when the cus- to $4 for Dried fruits buildings good repair. enemies, who lack^courage vated and vehem 1 denounces his 50@5 prime repacked. are The above farm will be sold tor honor, tly quiet. erest credited monthly. $1,400, For par- York re-enforcements do not ar- Controller Hulburd’s Case.—The inves PA8NENGER8. ticulars of J. F. SPEAK on the or tomary New brother Senators as corrup for recommending CERTIFICATES 'TF DEPOSIT issued bearing in- enquire premises, GENTLEMEN into the official H. GRAIN—Corn is active and the demand large. J. H. BEND, 45 Green st., Portland. wl3-lm various fortunes of tigation conduct of B. Hul terest rive. The strangely po- men to office. Now if the appointment of a Several cargoes have arrived since our last report, as by agreemo and available at maturity in controller of the made thi but have been of the In the Prussian, from Liverpool—Mr Culllmen, Me since 1865 are ex- friend of a Senator is how burd, currency, by they quickly disposed by deal- Portland, Boston or New York. litical conflict strikingly to office improper, ers. Arthur, Thos Robertson, Lt Terans. Me Dissolution. Arc respect Invited to the ex]>o«Utioii oi' House and We quote it at 83@84c for mixed and 85@86 Halliduy. tally Banking Currency Committee, ha; COLLECTIONS of Notes, Drafts, and Fen- of hibited in the following table, which gives on- can a fee of $10,000 for a few not for yellow. Oats are firm at 57@60c. Fine feed is Coupons, Lachlan, Droyft’, Thomson, Harrison, Bucknal], mjlE firm GKEEN, FOGG & CO., of Portland, days service, is ended in the adoption by the committee of : selling at $36, and shorts at $33@35 per ton. Dividends made in all parts of the United States and lay, Leslie, McCullough, Sharpe, Ayer, Snowball. JL this day dissolved by limitation and consent the vote for Governor: with Senatorial be Mrs alia two ly interfering duties, entirely Canada. Davy, Bridges children. Misses Sparrow aud the business hereafter in Portland, is to be con- resolution requesting his removal. The inves HAY—The market is not so firm. Dealers are Mr Aside from is a aud Gifford, Cream, Robertson, Blackburn, May- tinued Green & Fogg, Hiram Bm rill retired Rep. Dem. proper? this them positive paying $30@32 ton for Loose in by having NEW STYLE GOODS Majority. has been in for si: per~ prime qualities. DEALERS Government and other Investment lian, Sampson, Saunders, Beleran, Dunn and wife, from the firm. GKEEN & FOGG, 1865 42,374 31,339 11,035 R. law tigation progress nearly is on the stand at ton. Baled against the payment of two compensations selling $3(Xg35 per Securities and in Gold and Coin. Capt Leckie, Capt Miles, Capt Williams, Mars- HIKAM BUKKILL. 1866 43,974 43,433 511 K. weeks and been with the trans straw is at ton for Silver Capt chiefly occupied selling $18@20 per prime. ters, Capt Henry, Mr Parks, Bellliouse, Elliott, Con- March mcli27d3t 1807 897 D. to “any officer or any other perso t” whose pay STERLING BILLS drawn on Scotland 22, 1872, Eor the 46,578 47,565 actions out of the failure of the Ten IRON—The market is firm. Our quotations Englnnd, nelly, Freeman, Dickson, Capt J Har- Mpriug and Mummer of INPi. 1868,. 48,777 D. growing very Stanly, Kenny, 50,540 1,765 is fixed by law. Mr. Trumbull thought this for sheet iron are advanced. The still is and Ireland. Sight bafts on Paris, Berlin and other son, Miss and 395 1869 411 It. nessee National Bank of it 1 tendency Doran, Morgan, Robertson, Doraii, Notice. 45,493 45,082 Memphis. During upward. in the steerage. Co-Partnership 1870 R43 D. had been repealed, but did not sho w when or European cities, M< ntreal, St. John and Halifax. 43,285 44,128 last a heretofore existing between critical days and after damaging repor LARD—The market is and Gold and copartnership This stock surpasses all efforts, uud 1871,. 47,473 47,373 100 R. and even if as a of mor- very dull, prices favor Currency Drafts on Boston and New York. GREEN & of Portland, in the niy previous how-; repealed question purchasers. THE FOGG, County comprises the latest of by the examiner, Bull Hulburd accepted a pres APPROVED Commercial Bills DEPARTURE OF OCEAN STEAMERS of and HIKAM BUKKILL. Is this very styles his conduct was still The purchased. Cumberland, day The from 1865 to 1866 is ality unjustifiable. LEATHER—There is no in NAME FROM FOR DATE great change prob- ent of a from its ani change prices but the FACILITIES afforded for the transaction of tire dissolved by mutual consent and by limitation, and carriage Butter, president, market is firm due to the law is still in force against everybody, very for all kind9. Moro Castle.New York. .Havana.Mch 28 it is agreed by. and between the parties that Jill debts ably the distaste felt by people ot however, as well as the subsequently, on Butter’s demand, gave hin LIME—The Special General Business of correspon- Thuringia.New York. .Hamburg.Mch 28 contracted at Portland & shall and is applied in all cases except to members recent advance to $1 40 for Rockland by Green, Fogg Co., COATINGS Connecticut for the negro tenden- to the transaction. The l is sustained and the dents. City of Limerick... New York. .Liverjmol —Mch 28 and are to be Green & and all debts sutt'rage $100 square prineipa fully market is strong. pal by Fogg, of of Congress as lawyers. The question perhaps Agents for the sale of the Scandinavian.Portland... .LiverjKiol... .Mch 30 contracted at by the firm Green German, English and French manufacture, in cies of the the State witness Huibnrd was whosi LUMBER—The recent rise in price of deals in the Skowliegan ofBurrill, Republican party, having against Butter, Samaria.Boston.Liverpool-Mch :iO & Co., arc to be paid Hirain Burrill & Co. Straights, Diagonals. Kerseys, Hair-Lines, etc. is only interesting as the old adage English market is to have consideaable effect by traversing not one 1 likely Bonds of the Portland & tt R Iowa.New York. .... Meh 30 Witness: GREEN & given a majority of 6272 against that reform character is of the best, but wh< on the demand for Ogdensburg .Glasgow FOGG, use between spruce lumber here for the Atlantic.New York. All the desirable shades of Meltons for concerning,the proper of language coming sn .Liverpool —Mch 30 HIKAM BUKKILL. in swears to liberal use of the offi season. Proposals have been received from jn3 1865—the same year that it gave the Re- money among already Oity of London.New Y’ork..Liverpool.Mch 30 March mch27d3t the pot and the kettle in the matter of complex- Liverpool by parties here for the manufacture and Skowhegan, 22,1872. cials sent from to examine ani Idaho.New York.. Liverpool.Apl 3 publican ticket a majority of over eleven Washington shipment of of deals for ion. But Trumbull has the advantage in one large quantities spruce BONDS! Algeria.New York.. LlverjKiol.Apl 3 SPRING OVERCOATS, thousand. In 1868 Connecticut Grant conduct his bank, and who said that they wen early delivery. Crescent Y'ork.. 4 Dissolution of Copartnership. gave for he has the money and City.New Havana.Apl respect, pocketed to with Hulburd. BMOLASSES—A of has arrived of Baltimore.. .New Y'ork.. 4 heretofore under the A great of voles and obliged divide Other abuses cargo Cienfuegos City LiverjKiol.Aj>l copartnership existing variety 50,641 Seymour only 47,600; a ma- there is qp way to it back. which is selling at 3S@40c for grocers’ A G THEfirm name of LUFKIN & FOBKS, expired get as to grades. Portland Prussian.Portland-Liverpool.Aj»l by such charging money for charters nation of Cardenas was sold to York for IPs Y'ork. 6 limitation March and is this of over three thousand for the former. THE cargo New boiling Baltic.New .Liverpool. Apl 1st, 1872, day dissolved jority SUBSIDY BILL. at P»AJNTT al banks, favoritism and connection with con 33Several cargoes are on the way to this i>ort. Chicago 7’a Parthia.Boston.LiverjKiol.Apl 6 by mutnal consent. GOODS, In the the bill to a present Legislature Republicans The raise the steamship subsidy half NAILS—Nails are The business will be continued Mr. Lufkin, seu- are On thi steady at the recent advance Toledo, Ohio, 7-30’m by From the plaiu patterns to the ones. gressional subordinates, alleged. to 25 cask ior partner, under the firm name of LUFKIN “high-toned” have 26 on ballot. million per annum went the board. Had it $5 per for assorted sizes, which include Leeds & K. K. 6’» miniature Almanac.March £8. CO., majority joint by Farmington who will be to see all the old of other hand Controller Hulburd’s friends com from lOd to 60d. For sizes smaller than lOd an happy the The on Sun rises.5.49 I Moon rises.10.35 PM patrons attention of manufacturers has l»een directed The prospect tor is stood alone its own merits perhaps its fate advance from 25 to 75c is Portland & Rochester R. R. 7’n late firm and as many new ones as will favor them Monday decidedly good, of the manner in which the House ha , charged. to the immense run season on plain Central Sun sets.6.22 | High water. 1.45 PM with a call. S. B. A every two candidates are in the might have been ditferent, but beliind it stood NAVAL STORES—Business Railroad, Iowa, Cold, 7’» LUFKIN, though independent censured and that the evidence shouli transactions are light. GEORGE C. FOBKS. a him, say has further shaded about Northern 7-30’s field who will draw oft’ about 1300 votes from legion of schemes pushing like waters against Turpentine 10c. Pacific, Cold, Portland, March 27th, 1872. iuch28tl2w be taken with some allowance. The OILS—Portland EASTERN 7’m a dam and a prineipa kerosene is in steady demand at RAILROAD ALA SCOTCH Gov. the candidate. The only wanting little break, to rush NEWS. SUITS, Jewell, Republican charge against him was that six years ago hi 27*@32Jc. Linseed is quiet at 86@91c. Sperm and Wsin ted through and sweep all before them. The fish oils are dull and FOR SALE BY Immediately, and the result is a new style of mixtures and weav- “Labor who vote for Mr. Harri- a of a from a banl unchanged. Reformers,” accepted present carriage OF PORTLAND. GIRL to .lo general Housework at No 79 Brack- ing, making the goods look richer and ueaier than schemers all their interests and PAINTS—The market Is but are very POJRT put together, quiet, prices * ett st. Also a to learn tlie heretofore. All lovers of see son, and the temperance men, who vote for president, the bank at the time being in an un firm for ali leads. H. M. PAYSON, A Boy Baker’s Trade, Scotcn goods should irrespective of moral character or community Wednesday, march £?• at Brooks’ Bakery, No. 79 Brackett st. these patterns. Francis will their votes to sovnd condition. It must be considered doubt PLASTER—Wo continue our to for mclLSdlw Gillette, really give of like at a crowded inn quotations $3 39 EXCHANCE ST., GEO. W. H. BROOKS. principle, guests they lull'd null St a for art ft Thorn in nn ..ln.i, ARRIVED. Mr. whom the have ful that he was influenced by this gift, for si: A complete assortment of Hubbard, Democracy concentrate around the dining-room door, and the market. _mcli7sntf_PORTLAND- Steamship Prussian, (Br) Dutton, Liverpool 14th made their leader this instead of James months afterwards he ordered the bank inti 1 inst—passengers and mdse to H & A Allan. Wanted. year make for the good things beyond with irresisti- PRODUCE—The approach of Easter creates a de- Steamer Franconia, New and a mand for SPRING OF 1873. Bragg, Y'ork,—passengers first class Coat Makers. to VEST E. liquidation appointed receiver. eggs and they are higher this week, and mdse to t Fox. Apply PATTERNS English. But the temperance and “La- hlo tmlnr unrl TMip lititl lipln flip in selling lenry FOURmch28dlw FRED 109 Middle st. large lota at 25c and at 30o. Cut meats Sell PROCTOR, retailing Powlma, Webber, Lubec,—herring to J B of bor Reform” vote is estimated at about are is tirm. Potatoes are the latest styles, and “nobbier” than only good, aud the good are so very good that they At the town in Brunswick last Mon unchanged. Poultry plenty Kuight. very any- meeting at 50@S0c. Onions are at 75 for Waiited. thing I before had. two thousand in the and it is return the the selling $2 50@2 Sen Challenge, Thompson, St George, to load for aggregate, prob- usually compliment by aiding the officers were elected: prime silver-skins. day following New York. FEW’ good.canvassers for a few months in all able that the of these factions which bad—which is called or as PROVISIONS—The part gratitude, doing you Clerk, Leonard Towusend; Selectmen, etc. market is very quiet both for Sch Winslow’, Bums, Rockland,—lime to C A B A parts of the country, whom we will pay front $80 beef and pork and are ROLLINS & BOND, Morse & Co. to 'Will comes from the will not re- would he done by. Henry Carville, Lyman E. John Craw prices unchanged. 3100 per month, give Inexperienced agents a Republican party Smith, Sch Emma D St NB fail- trial. Nature of the business W. H. Daniel T. Treasur- RICE-Thc market is quiet, with a moderate de- Fiuney, Falkingliam, John, explained and full KOHLING, duce its THE CINCINNATI ELEPHANT. ford; Collector, Purington; i«h majority below five hundred. mand. Prices are runuueijiuiu. particulars given when you call on. or address with er, Barton B. Jordan; C. unchanged. MERCHANT mi. n___i The situation is with- Agent,C. Humphreys TAILORS, Sch Kedron, Johnson, St Andrews, NB for Boston. references H. A. McKKNNE Y & CO., 99 EXCHANGE STREET. VWUUVVMVUW V/IVVVtVU »o J 111 UU11 politically interesting SALT—There is a J Auditors, Ira P. Booker, Albert G. Poland "good supply in the market. Sch Delia Hinds, Wells, Calais for Boston. mch28tf Portland. Me. out Mr. Sumner was Prices are firm. on this account: its result will enable the being exciting. repre- Judge of Municipal Court, C. C. Humphreys Sch Myra Lewis,* Chapman, Belfast for Boston. _nichl9tf Have this day receivtxl from sented ns to over the Cin- S. S. Committee for three years, Bev. W. B SUGARS—There is a steady demand for Forest Schs Geo W Baldwin, Morton; Trader. Lord; Lucy to form a somewhat consenting preside Merchants’ Exchange. country accurate esti- French. Voted the following appropriations City granulated and coffee crushed sugars and the Jane, Rhoades, and Livonia, Rhoades. Rockland for cinnati Convention, but he denied it. I think demand will be as soon as the Boston. annual of the mate of what the For support of poor. $1500; for suDDort o: enlarged harbors East meeting Merchants’Exchange Democracy can do when are and BOSTON & NEW YORK MARKETS, for the choice of directors for the it safe to that could his consent make sure opened travelling gets to be better. We Sch James Henry, Trueworthy, Rockland for New THE ensuing year, say schools, $5500; for of tire and the they go the furthest towards support department quote them at 12&@12£c for granulated and ll@llfc York. transaction of other legal business, will be ALLANJ.INE! possible profess- the defeat of and make certain the nom- for for held at the Grant, $1200; contingencies, $1000; temporary for codec crushed. Eagle Refinery C’s are selling at Sch Gem, Thomas, Rockland for New York. Merchants’Exchange Room, Muturilnv, to the of the for for A Stock of March ut 11.30 A. m. Montreal Oceau Co. ing accept consequences war, ination of the most loan, $1000; abatements, $1000; smkinj 10@l0Jc. Raw sugars are very quiet. Forest City splendid Schs Solon, Tolman; S W Brown, Maddocks: Ar- 30th, Steamship distinguished Republican are in at and mar28td E. L. and toward the humane and fund, $2000; for interest on debt, $2750; to; syrups good demand 40@60c per gallon. kansas, Smith, Charlotte Ann, Farr, Rockland RING, Supt. carbvi.no the adopting pro- of New England it might with due persuasion for for Boston. night watch, $800: engine house for No. SPICES—There has been a good demand for all tenets of their adversaries. Canadian riiiI l uilrd Stale. Kalla. gressive political be obtained, but ah! there’s the rub, and in- engine, $1000; roads and bridges, cash, $2000 kinds of spices. Prices are tirm. CLOTHS in Spring Styles, OUTSIDE—A deep brig, bound in. For Bent. roads and Voted The Democratic platform is a transcript of deed it is a all round. A convention is bridges, labor, $3000. tlia TEAS—The market is quiet with no CLEARED. HE Stoic 92 Middle stieet, now occupied l’aneengera Booked to London- puzzle in quotable by Hoyt, school agents be allowed to hire their owi change prices. The Is conse- Buenos & S E Fogg and Breed. Apply to that framed by the “Liberal Republican” a verv good thing if the projectors know tendency downward, FOB GENT*’ WEAK, Barque Dirigo, Staples, Ayres—A 11 derryauu Liverpool. teachers instead of their being hired by the S quent upon an anticipated removal of the duties. Spring. .HAllUtKS « l'UA, Return Tickets Convention of who issued the what to do with but when don’t it is Sch M St NB—John mar28(lif 88 Middle street. at Missourians, it, they S. Committee; also to exempt from taxatioi TINS—Our quotations are advanced on both xu« P, (Br) Sullivan, John, Port- granted Reduced Bate*. To eous. The and this one is for ten years any \vh< and plate tins, and tbs tendency is still upward. which we invite your attention. Argus copy. Steamehip call tor the gathering ot malcontents at Cin- troublesome, troublesome—very. manufacturing company Sch Fred Gray, LaKemail, & will invest not less than in mauufac WOOL—The market has been Philadelphia—flames Some think if the Democrats would come $10,000 dull for the past Williams. Hallualiur, cinnati on the first of It accepts only but it is more on IP OI* HtlU‘ ( ! NCANDANAVIAN, Ca.t. day May. tures in Brunswick; also voted to give auy com week, account of the scarcity of -AT- Sch Porto Rico, Wentworth, New York—J Nicker- in it would succeed, but then it is not known the article than else. Prices are firm all the constitutional amendments, and de- pany wlio will invest at least $30,000 in money anything very son. will leave this port for on with an upward We advance our Llveri»ool that they will. They don’t know themselves. or buildings upon the ground, the free use of tin tendency. rate9 Sch Leccadia, Deland, Boston—flames & Wil- GOOD Horse, Harness, Wagon and Sled, clares the distinctive Democratic and the probabilities are that will higher nearly against rear half of the town lot for ten A com they go yet 2^o. 90 MIDDLE STREET, liams. A new. Alto home work Horse. 9 years old, kind Saturday, Tlurrh rlOtb. They know they are hard up, but whether years. as there is but very little all the that the national debt to be they coming forward, inch 19 tf and sound; would make a horse. A rare proposition ought mittee was raised to inquire as ito the cost oi choice fleeces been taken. The ad- 8ii good family after the are so hard as to make it an to to having latest Launched—At Bath 26th inst, from the ot chauce for any one to in the Immediately arrival of the Train of (be up object try a soldier’s and to a vices from abroad are yard wishing engage Jobbing it in paper cur- erecting monument, report hot very encouraging for a Alliert Hat borne, a sclir of 100 intended Business. For of J. E. previous day from Montreal. partially repudiated by paying the of Sum- lower of clipper tons, particulars enquire HATCH, take shelter under wings Charles the next annual meeting, plans and es range prices. G u’n S. for the or instead of coin. the De- giving GUNS, fruiting fishing business,—for sale. at J. Howe & Go’s.. 130 Commercial St. mcb28*lw Passage to Londonderry and Liverpool. Cabfci (ac- rency Accordingly, Horace and other old sin stricken tiinates, best loeatiou, etc. At the meetin; FREIGHTS—There are a few to Mr Hat home lias-laid the keel for a sclir ot 500 tons to ner, Greeley cargoes go for- breech and muzzle loading cording accommodations).*70 of Connecticut ex- of the Cobb Manufactur ward to Cuba, but no here. The for Portland parties, and has on the stocks one of 620 ” in Odd or Its mocracy may reasonably radicals who are wedded to and Benj. Greene, Agent tonnage engage- Payable equivalent. negropliilism stated that that wouli ments the week are bark Emma C. tons, nearly and has the contract to build For or Cabin ing Company, company during Litchfield, completed, D . Freight Passage, apply to pect to reap the utmost benefit from hence to at Double and Barreled Guns. another of the same EE H. possible other abominations of that sort, they' simply or more in manufactories ii Cardeuas, 28c for shooks aud heads; pchr Single size. & A. ALLAN, No. 1 India St. expend $50,000 Laura 4 3“S a concession ot all that Brunswick the It is hinted that Bridgman, out to N. side Cuba and back N. For Steerage Passage inward and outward, and tor pretended their polit- don’t know, and there is no one to tell them, during year. of Hatteras, on p. t; sebr Wm. McArthur out to N. Ammunition, Sporting Goods, etc. MEMORANDA. 1/W1A Bags prime Western Timothy; 300 bags Sight Drafts on England for small amounts apply to ical project is on foot to establish a boot and shoi side of opponents have ever demanded. They whose word they can trust. Chase thinks it Cuba and back N. of Hatteras at $4 75 for Sch Amelia of XvfUU Ciovtr; 100 Red Top, Just received and •TAMES L. FA KM and wil Also a assortment Cobb, Rockland, with lime, struck Elf, manufactory here, that the company molasses. There ia some in the views of tr good of Machinists’ Tools, 1 for sale by No. a India St-teet. have what is a would he all if would nominate him, discrepancy wholesale and heavily on Pumpkin Island Ledge, Portsmouth, 26th, adopted substantially Republi- right they avail themselves of the free use of the rear o shippers and owners of the former not be- retail. I)ac. 5-tf tonnage, causing her to leak badly and setting tire to the cargo. Portland, can such suc- and Trumbull the same if would but nom- the town lot as the vote of thi ; ing willing to pay quite so rates out as asked G. Ia. 48 St. platform. If, by tactics, they they granted by high BAILEV, Exchange Sails, rigging, &c, saved, but the vessel ami cargo Hammond the latter. Coastwise some Shaw, & inate and knows it would be town. by there is demand for of the “Golden Rifle.” no24eodtf 8JJ will be No insurance. Carney. ceed in it is not that him, Greeley right lumber Sign destroyed. nicb28 2w Connecticut, impossible vessels to Now York and Boston, and Proteus Hall, from Matanzas for should the honor fall but the doubts the rates have A Brig Philadelphia, they may, tho same means, succeed in the upon him, slightly improved. vessel was which put into Bermuda loth inst, in had Municipal Bonds. by News Items by Mail. taken for at for distress, are all and while all Philadelphia, 3Jc per pair heading, BUTTER AND CHEESE. been up to Delaware Breakwater, wheu she encoun- Presidential election. on the other frightful round, they hope with a return of coal at If, hand, Senator Hamlin made the motion freight $3. tered such heavy gales, that she was driven off and of Counties and Cities iu Missouri and something will come of the “darned" thing, Tuesday the of Connecticut their con- shifted cargo, sprung aleak in top works, &c. BONDSoccasionally School Bonds of Missouri and Kan- people show by to amend the tariff bill tlie coa 200 BOXES CHEESE. they, like Sumner, prefer to view it at telescop- by abolishing Brig H B Emery, Small, at New York from Zaza, sas, with semi-annual Coupons, drawing 10 per cent, duct at the that a esti- had NE amt NW Mammoth interest, at which net polls place proper and salt but it was defeated. — the entire was from they ic the duty, SPECIAL ALSO — strong gales passage ; Painting selling prices range for present. NOTICES. 15 on days North of Ilattcras ; started the cargo between mate the death-bed repentance of the Con- The Oakland (Cal.) News says that Judgi Ten to Twelve “hark from the'tombs.” SELECTIONS OF CHOICE deck* —OF— PerCent* Interest. servative and that the Davis is well-known in the State. He it wa BUTTER, Sell T I) ashore on Berlin party, they appreciate A. Wise lias been and his What Spring brings with It. Wilder, Point, Maryland, Having an extensive acqnintance in the West, as Henry here, gave will be a total wreck. saved. The vessel motives lead to who delivered the Court decision ii 1 —AT— Cargo was well as a business acquaintance of twenty years at that the pretended radical “views" in Lincoln but were not Supreme Regarded from a medical standpoint, spring is not at Bristol in Hall, they built 1865 and was owned at Philadel- “Crawford home in Portland, I am making a specialty of these* of the “Suscol Ranche which two-huu the delectable season described vernal A. JR. Notch!” change opinion, it may be concluded at much sought aud no case,under by poets. On ! ALDRICH ,Sc CO., phia. securities, visiting the localities where they are issued, for, produced particular Sell White ashore at has dred settlers were am [ the contrary, its yield of intermittent bilious Swan, recently Cape Poge, | 1» now on exhibition investigating them very carefully and buying and \ once that “the with the sensation. seemed to remember that unhoused, dispossessed fevers, mrll-sni'weod' been on the at New passive policy pas- Nobody 22 Exchange St. hauled railway Bedford and is | offering for sale only those that I consider among the driven off their under circumstances o attacks, rheumatic pains, disorders of the stomach, found to have knocked off broke stern sive attachment” will a failure Wise was a here—one of the claims, keel, j»oHt and safest for investment. They are issued in $100, $500 prove signal formerly magnate and started several • unprecedented hardship.” nervous complaints, and pulmonary diseases, is al- SKIN rudder, planks. AT HALE'8. aad<$ 1000 aises, running ten or tweuty years from the The of Mr. fellows that did and shaped the DISEASES. A Nickels, which into in and are throughout country. election huge things, most as as its crop of and Barque Lucy put Fayal date, being taken by onr shrew*lest and most The St. Albans butter market was active oi large violets, snowdropR has been condemned ami the course of aud in the old PERRY’S IMPROVED COMEDONE ami distress, cargo will be cavefirl investors. They are daily hacoming more Hubbard and the choice of a Legislature that sovreiguties empires, cherry blossoms. The invisible seeds of innumera- PIMPLE to London In another vessel. This picture wliicli l>a» been will for .lx thousand Tuesday. There was no fall butter for sale.- REMEDY.—The Skin Medicine of the Is war- shipped Is of ]*opular, receiving more attention from capteaUftt* southern fashion with a flourish aud a ble rise Age. dollar., wonderful merit, besides an in- will send a Democrat to the United States rampant maladies with the morning mists, and are ranted to cure Flesh l*ing seeking both safety and profitable returns for their Winter dairies from 17 to 28 am Worms/Pimples, Eruptions tcroating study of a familiar )mlnt. it on the a cat-o’-nine-tails and a halter. All ranged cents, seattered and DOMESTIC PORTS. being investments. Particulars furnlahed on Senate in of Mr. would make it whoop, broadcast by the vapors of night. Who Blotched disfigurations of the face. Sohl t»y all route oftlic Ogdensburg K. R. application. place Ferry, 28 to 32. SAN FRANCISCO—Ar 26tli, ship Sunrise, Clark, projected Government Bonds converted on the most favorable that has and Wise’s celebrated can resist their mephitic influence? not Druggists. Depot 49 Bond st., New York. The prlctiof admission 14 fixed at the low rate oj the gone liy, long Cortainly New York; barque Una, Weaver, do. terms. necessary for Republicans throughout the A Western announces that “Mi the weak Fifiecu Cents. for the purpose of paying the expense the no more than a fallen journal by nature, or those whose nervmis ener- NEW ORLEANS—Cld 21st, ship Norwester, CHABLKH M. HAWHKN, finger points way For ITloth Patches, Freckle**, Sedg- of the exhibition only. mariiodlw to forth a effort to Jim abductor of Minnesota have ley. Livcrj>ool; barque Esther, Loring. country put vigorous pre- Clementon, equine gies been overtasked by mental or physical la- and use Hamburg. guide board whose ends were reversed by the TAN, PERRY’S MOTH AND FRECKLE PENSACOLA—Ar 21st, C Whit- mch22 dtf $$ Kvchnuge at., PsrtlaaA. vent a national unless tone biig Mary Haskell, defeat. But the election of was the victim of “neck-tie sociable." bor, they and invigorate their LOTION. The well known reliable and harmless more, Mobile. wind when it was blown down. lately systems, Small Cottage for Sale, thus for Brown Discolorations of the face. Pre- Cld Gov. Jewell and the choice of a Charles Dickens’s are said to be so fa r and enable them to cope with the remedy 10th, sch Minetta, Crocker, Havana. Republican A DOLEFUL SOUND. family unhealthy Dr. B. C. influences pared only by Perry, Dermatologist, 49 Sid 21st, barque Sarah Hobart, White, Montevideo. In llic will relieve from satisfied with Forster’s version of his lif by which they are surrounded, Bond St., New York. Sold Western part of tlie City, Legislature much of the anxiety Bowles of the Republican—inde- by Druggist everwhere. DARIEN—Ar 21st, sch William Flint, Post, for Springfield The only medicinal agent by which this object mchl6 MW&S sn &w-6m wl2 Savannah. ICE! ICE! that is felt by patriotic men concerning the been here. The that a new account will shortly be given by hi French Eoof Cottage No 16 Bramhall Street, pendent—has independence can be rapidly and safely is the BRUNSWICK, GA—Ar 19th, Elliott the san in All Year Round. accomplished, brig Kossack, THE residence of F. G. Patterson, is*ofteret 1 for Presidential election. consists in what his own does the Batchelor's Hair New York. condemning party great vegetable renovant and invigorant, Hostet- Dye. sale at a bargain. It contains seven rooms, bathing This superb Hair is the best in the Ar 21st, brigs Nimwaukee, Perkins, fm New York; and the of its One ter’s Stomach Bitters. The of this Dye world—per- room, marble mantle in parlor, parlor and hall fres- praising policy opponents. operation cel- reliable and Frank Clark, Morton, Fall River. SEASON 1872. to fectly harmless, instantaneous; no dis- coed. good cellar, brick cistern, \c. Lot ;»0xtJ2. A Cruelty Animals. of his notions has that STATE NEWS. ebrated specific is four-fold. It the no Sid 22d, sch Emma F Portland. leading been, Congress- strengthens appointment; ridiculous tints or disagreeable odor. Hart, Hart, I»ortiaii of the purchase money can remain on mort- The Wm, A. Batchelor’s SAVANNAH—Cld 25th, schs Fred Tur- One of our kind-hearted and men should make and let the digestive organs, regulates the secretions, im- genuine Hair Dve produc- Spoffonl, gage for a term of years. If not disused of at pri- public spirited laws, people es ner, Baltimore; ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY. the condition of the IMMEDIATELY a splendid Black or Natural Maggie Mulvey, Allen, Philadelphia. vate sale, will be sold at public auction. make he was down here to proves blood, superinduces Ar 25tli. sch Lillian, Griffin, New York. ladies, always active in every word and presidents. Well, Brown, leaves the hair clean; sof,tbeautiful; does not Inquire on the premises or of good The Lewiston a habit of and such NORFOLK—Sid sch M A Journal says a young lady hai [ regular body, thereby imparts contain a of lead or any injurious 22d, McCann, Cavanaugh mr9eod3w n GEO. Burnliam & addresses a note to us attention find out how many Congressmen could be in- particle compound. R. DAVIS & CO. Leavitt, Co., work, calling the end of her finger cut off by some machine vigor and elasticity to the whole physical struc- Sold by all Druggists. into the Cincinnati mill for a at 16 BALTIMORE—Ar 25th, sch from secured their stock of to the matter of the formation of a for veigled making ry A. Cushman’s shoe factory, Tuesday ture, as to render it of the action of Factory, BOND STREET, N. Y Sunbeam, Gilley, Having society capable resisting SN Calais. and wrote home a dubious account of Last week three similar cases of the loss of th< J.vU HAMBURGH. the Prevention of to Animals. president, the poisonous miasma, with which the spring atmos- _D&W_IT Sid Alice M for San HAMBURGH, Cruelty The ends of a thumb and 25th, ship Minot, Fravcisco; situation. It from his statement fiugers occurred in othe for P the appears phere is always to some extent impregnated. SAVE brig Mary .A Chase, Portland. and U R E ICR! suggestion is good and timely. Our statutes Auburn factories—the losers sole leathe Here, THE CHILDREN. PHILADELPHIA—Cld Edgings Insertions. mill would if Con- being is a and certain of 23d, brig Scotland, Cook, that that grind beautifully cutters. then, ready means escaping the Matanzas. Are to furnish to and MULTITUDES of thorn and bo- prei»ared give ample power remedy every wrong disorders at suffer, linger, die, this day, more than 1000 yards in a great gressmen would only turn the crank, which The Mechanic prevalent this season, or (if they have al- cause of Ar 25th, sch Eagle, Seavey, Savannah. abuse in this Falls depot master and expres Pin-lVorms: The only known OPENEDvariety of styles. Prices 1-Jc to 75c per direction, and only the efficient fastened the for remedy Cld 25th, sch via Dela- yard; Hotel*, Store* and tliev won’t. Thev would, he thinks, ifthev did agent, Mr. Fred Parsons, ready upon system) of conquering them these most troublesome and dangerous of ail Abby Wasson, Lord, Bangor the cheapest lot ever offered in this city. Families, Ves- narrowly escapei worms in ware Breakwater. action of a suitable is needed.— his life one and The flavor of a children or adults is DR, GOULD’S PIN- sels organization not wish to he re-elected, and here is where it losing day last week. Having bus speedily thoroughly. medicine NEW YORK—Ar any quantity wanted WORM SYRUP. Purely sure death to 24th, barque Jas Welsh, Ham- Most of our cities have societies iness in the express car he entered and as ii is not of much it does its vegetable; A. B. BUTLER. large vigorous comes How that the it, consequence, provided all worms; a valuable cathartic, and heualicial to mond, Martinique 32 days. again. singular independ- was behind it started Ar DAILY' OR FOR TUG REAHO.T. time, before he had con work properly, but of Hostetter’s Bitters it be Warranted. Price reduced to 50 baniue Josie Mildred, Ginn, Cardenas 1! for this purpose, and in our own Ban- ent has not educated the to the may health, etc. tier 25tli; Mar Wtf 154 Middle St. State, press people up eluded his from car 1 bottle. H B Zaza 25 schs object. Jumping the whei said that effect a cure without GEO. C. GOODWIN & CO., Boston. days: brig Emery, Small, days; we several other fairly they outraging ORDERS SOLICITED. gor and, believe, cities have Cincinnati ideal, and how strange that Bowles under considerable speed, he struck an icy placi : jnti31d&w w5-4m SN Sparkling Sea, Bulger, Plymouth, NC; Percy, Col- the patient’s sense of taste. well, New Titus, Rockland; Com suarpiy luciiixeu xuwiiius Lilt- tracK anu SiTLlnlII Haven; Bengal, ALL WOOL similar organizations. Our correspondent should he urging Congressmen into president Perry, Rockland; Commerce, Torrey, ami led with all his to from uu A Book for Alan Bengal. No. might keep slipping BURNETT’S Every Titus, do; Charley F Mayo, F A Office, 14 Cross speaks of the cruel abuse of horses on our making, to the danger of being defeated by the der the wheels of the train. Providence; Pikf, Street, rushing His pant; The “SCIENCE OF LIFE, or SELF-PRESERVA- Gove, New Haven; Pacific, Ginn, New Bedford. The dilemma of Mr. Bowles is but and boots were streets by beating and overloading. Such people. scratched by them in his uarrov STANDARD TION,’’ a Medical Treatise on the Cause and Cure of Cld 25th, schs Henry Nickerson, Whittemore, Bal- PORTLAND, 9IAINK. FLAVORING EXTRACTS! Exhausted F OFFICE COATS. another indication of the of the peo- escape. Vitality, Premature Decline in Man, Ner- timore: C Young, Richardson, and W T Emerson, mrlMI-tf treatment of a noble animal infin- obstinacy vous and Portland. by brutes, Dr. S. F. Neale of Livermore Falls, died 01 I FOB FLAVORING Physical Debility.Hypochondrm, Imjotency, Dorr, in to Grant, and the Springfield or Seminal CM for itely lower than themselves, excites the natu- ple adhering Tuesday of acutr inflammation of the lungs af Spermatorrhea Weakness, and all other 26th, barque Carlton. Trecartin, Matanzas; Bine, and Fast Colors, are diseases from the errors of or the in- brigs Clara M Goodrich, Look, for Hiram HAVING CONCLUDED ral man learns to his disgust that the people ter a confinement to the house of threi Soda Syrups, Ice Cream., Pie., arising youth Cardenas; indignation of all humane persons, and only Cuttartl., discretions or excesses of mature years. This is in- Abiff, Tibbetts, Havana; sobs Dauntless, Coombs, for to do what he has all advis- days. TO we are really going along deed a book for every man. Thousands have been Barbadoes: Izetta, Smith, Jacksonville; Addle Ryer- AT $2.00 EACH. MOVE DOWN TOWN confident that a ready response would KENNEBEC COUNTY. Blanc HIange, JTellie., Sauce., ed and will make the next president in spite of taught by this work the true wav to health and hap- son, Pike, Boston. be made to an effort to piness. It is the and best medical work At Long Beach 19th, sch Ida S prevent it. It is only At the annual town meeting in China the cit Soup., etc. cheapest Burgess, Cottrell, About the Middle of the Gravies, ever and the on for Savannah, GEO. W. RICH & to politicians. izens were alarmed at the of published, only one this class of ills ldg. CO., April, necessary call the attention PERSONAL. report the select The of these Extracts their worth At head ot superiority consists in reading, lftoth edition, revised, much en- Long Island Sound 23d, PM, sch Ethan 173 [I shall sell men upon the indebtedness of the whicl bound East. Fore Street. to the matter in some town, larged, illustrated, bound in beautiful French cloth. Allen, March 97-tMxliH 4\v definite form to insure On dit that Gen. Butler has tendered the olive to be PERFECT PURITY AND GREAT STRENGTH they represented $3(5,000. Withou Price only SI. Sent mail on of NEW HAVEN—Ar 23th, sch fm success. We rising by post-paid receipt Starlight, Sliutc, promise all the to Senator so their little un- town a committee There is no which Address Island. assistance in our branch Wilson,and transacting any business, subject should more engross at- price. PEABODY MEDICAL INSTI- Long of No. 4 PROVIDENCE—Ar 26th. sells to effect so desirable a has been made went composed three Republicans and three Deni tention than the of the TUTE, Bultineh Street, Boston, Mass., or Dr. Romeo, Matthews, power result. pleasantness up. They purity preparations which W. H. and FURNITURE, was to the matter PARKER, Assistant Physician. N. B. The Altavela, Joy, Elizabethi>ort; Martha Sewall, Rubber ocrats, appointed investigate are used in the various Clothing. down the river on an excursion,and Wil- flavoring compounds author be consulted on the above as Portland. Crockery, and «la*s W together and the meeting was adjourned to last Monday prepared may well as all Lowe, are. At we have a for the human stomach. disease renutring skill and experience. NEWPORT-Ar 26th, brig Waltham. Haskell, fm length plausible conjecture as son caved iuon the nomination of Butler’s friend At the the fears of the citi We on adjourned meeting sn New York for schs Grace have hand a large st ock of -AT- These Extracts are uxtrranted mar25-dly Boston; Cushing. Bailey, to the time and place for holding the Demo- to the Boston after all he zeus were quieted by the report of the commit perfectly free from Portland for New York: Charter do tor Briggs Appraisership the Oak, Pooie, tee, which stated that the debt of the town wai poisonous oils and acids which enter into the WOULD Newark; Calais for New REDUCED cratic National Convention. Soon after the had said against it. The of Wilson ANNOUNCE TO THE SICK Morelight, Young, York, RUBBER PRICES FOR SI DAYS. biography about $24,000, only, the selectmen having count composition of many of the factitious (lost 20,000 laths off deek.) Flue CLOTHING fruit flavors “While of the Cincinnati Convention has just been Mrs. Elleuor II. the debt town orders to the amount o: There’s Life There’s Sailed 25th, H Providence 1.. P. II adjournment published by ed in now in the market. They are not true to their Hope.” brig Means, Staples, for l>YT, only New York; schs from do for Rockwood of Boston. It a which had been and taken n.'imps. hilt, fl.ro nronnrivl frnm Aw,u. _c .1 <_x _i Mansfield, Achorn, do; ALL FRESH GOODS. the National Democratic Executive Commit- is spicy, brief and $12,700, paid up W R Dnrlimr. Smith, anil A V. Wllnr.l c... and marked on the orders and recorded ai fair of paid and so We shall a mehlMZw tee will meet in and will pretty representation the man, written ity, highly concentrated that a small quantity DR. LEWIS do; Com Kearney, Philbrook. Mirren fordo: Whit- sell at Smaller Profit than the Washington, proba- taken up and paid on tli# records, but notcheck Wall. Fall in tl»e Wendell But Wendell only need be UBed. ney Long, River for do; Addle Murcliie, bly select St. 4th Phillips’ style. on the index or check book. THE TRUE Louis as the place and the ed Murcliie, New Bedford l'ordo; Pearl, Smith, Rock- People of this City hare been accus- H. will he confounded to learn that his model They have stood the test of eighteen time and for Fortress A. of P. F. I). of July as the time for their Conven- OXFORD COUNTY. years NATIVE INDIAN PHYSICIAN, port Monro© ; Darius Eddy, Hopkins, holding statesman is hand and competition, and are pronounced unrivalled the Providence for New York; Rio, Nutter, from do for tomed to pay heretofore. again glovc>ith the Sen- a by Can be consulted flee ANNUAL meeting. tion, “if there is to be one.” Capt. Peter Hardy, for many years leading of charge, at his oflice do; Silas McLoon, Sjiear, Rockland for New with labor reform in the most eminent connoisseurs, proprietors the leading York; annual ator, back ground once citizen of Stow, died at Paris, Mouday, at tin of IttO Congrrsa St., Cor. mouutfoi-t St., Paragon, Shute, Providence for do; Gertrude Plum- meeting of the Relief Association of hotels, and prominent dealers in the States GEO. W. THEthe Portland Fire will >>e held at more. of 73 United Where he will attend to the mer, Plummer, do for Darien; Ida S Burgess, Cot- RICH & Department, The age years. treatment and cure of all CO, tho office of the CVlcf on proposed admission of Queen Victoria and Canada. are five size trell, do for Orient, Sea Allen, tm Fall River Engineer, Wednesday seeu man Wa They neatly put up in diseases incident to the human body. All kinds of LI; Dog, I have nothing from Phillips on the Mr. Mason, said to be the oldest in for Jacksonville. Evening, April d, 1872, at orclock, to make choice and her heir to Boston —unpaneltd bottles, more than Humors disappear as if by magic, by the use of his 173 FORE of society during the mu- of old terford, died on the loth iust., and Mr. Arte- bolding paneled FALL RIVER—Ar 25th. sells Nellie ST. sixteen (lt>) Trustees, ami to transact am other nomination Judge Davis, but it seems to Belle, Keene, March 27-dialm business. sical mus Brown, on the next sizes appearing much larger. They are the best and J C Jacksonville. c. H, LEIGHTON, $ec'y. jubilee gives great importance to that the a aged eighty years, day. GREAT INDIAN SPECIFIC REMEDIES Libby, Libby, me he will find Judge pretty slow coach, and Fruit Extract VINEYARD inch26td event at courts. PENOBSCOT COUNTY. cheapest the market afi'ords HAVEN—Ar 25tb, sch Koret, Crock- foreign The theoretical rad- accustomed to the breakneck Corea all Female Difficulties. er, Weehawketi for Boston, not at all style of Their Standard quantity and will be strictly icalism of Senator The Bangor Whig says Bowen Holman, esq. quality febSsnlw* Ar 26th, schs Argus Eye, Wood, ftn Baltimore for Sumner, Wendell radical. maintained. Liberty Phillips the Massachusetts Helen. discovered the tracks oi a “bob-cat” in a Portland; Gen Grant, donuson, Baltimore for Bel- City, Mo., aud other leaders of swamp public opinion appears to near the Arsenal, a few since and set a E3?- It is necessary in some cases for persons de- BURNETT’S fast; East Wind, Nolan, do lor Camden; Potomac, 10 REMOVED! Barnum.—There is an days COCOAINE, for Pick- PER CENT. BONUS. be a A Juvenile embryo he went to look at the and ‘Burnett’s Superior Ex- Carver, Elizubethport Newburyport; Corvo, gradually having practical eli'cct in re- trap. Tuesday trap siring Flavoring and Rockland for New found one FOR PROMOTING THE ering, Fleetwing, Gregory, the sho sman out in Virginia City, Nevada, who the critter safely caught by fore-paw. tracts,- to insist upon tnem order t GROWTH OF AND laxing rigid exclusiveness of Athenian so- obtaining in York; Baltic, Parker, Portland for do; Charter Oak, mark in the world. He The vicious beast and snarled and endeav- do for Winslow has already made his spit avoid many of the factitious brands ottered, becaus BEAUTIFYING THE Poole, Newark; Morse, Oliver, do for Wi have Removed eur ciety. ored to jump upon Mr. H. as he approached, HAIR, Providence. is an of nine summers, who of their profits. interesting boy but that gentleman cut a still club and with a larger Returned, sells Braipliall, and P S Sumxeii s AND RENDERING IT DARK GLOSSY. Lindsey. Mit. Protest.—The written in the latest of few well JOSEPH BURNETT & AND NEW sch Alice CHARLES M. HARNESS MANUFACTORY pro- painted his little brother style directed blows laid him low. The an- CO., BEDFORD-Bid 20th, B, Alley, for HAWKES, , test of Senator Sumner, was of some the fierce and exhibited him as a cap- imal was three feet covered witli The Savannah. length and Sioux, nearly long, Sole Boston. COCOAINE holds, in a liquid From 172 Middleto the eorner ot a Proprietors, form, large BOSTON—Ar 26th, barques Caribou, Treat, Hartle- full ef references and tured son of Tail” at twenty-five coating of thick grey fur, and nadahead pre- of parliamentary deductions "Spotted For sale first-class Grocers and proportion deodorized pool, Seavey. Mobile; Etta M _J«Por,,""d cents a ticket. The was a suc- cisely like that of a domestic much by Druggists gen- Eng; Starlight, brig of The main ideas of exhibition great cat, only Cardenas; sch Hi*. New York for HIODI.K A IlBKtT MTKJT authority. the protest in erally, Tucker, Angeline, KT„ cess, and the Juvenile Barnum was drawing larger. dc3sNeod COCOA-NUT OIL, Lynn. In the room* reveolty oeeupisd Mart were as follows: Mr. Sumner ob- the at a when his mother Cld by personally quarters rapid rate, The Bangor Common Counoil laid on the ta- barque Emma C Litchfield,Crockett, Portland; STONE DAM. off- “B«y IHe «ud I’ll do you Goad.”—Dlt. PREPARED EXPRESSLY On and after Monday, .M„r< h w to no however of came to see the show and her ble an order from FOR THIS PURPOSE. brig Sami Lindsey. Small. sch Bun- Ilk, do-au jected examination, searching, recognized the Board of Aldermen that LANGLEY’S ROOT AND HERB BITTERS. No Havana; Sophie, tor sale, a * the red ochre and ker, Portland. "PROPOSALS will he* received by Westbrook Man pose very largo **,1 traent of W bis public in this aud other case. But spring through lampblack, the City Marshal and his assistants take all drugs, no poisons, nothing but NO "Wn life, any the deleterious, nothing OTHER COMPOUND Ar 27th, barques Surprise, Howes. Colonia : Alex- rr u“®tu,,Uid €o., for building a stone dam on the *,ai’,,'v’ whereupon circumstances over which young necessary and proper measures for a faithful roots and such as Wild lower falls busine».r all"5T3 he as a healthy herbs, Sarsaparilla, andria, Mitchell, fra L w at Me. appeared before the committee Senator, manager had no control an end to his Yellow Cienfuegos: brig Eaton Saccarappa, put great and vigorous execution of all Statutes of the Cherry, Doek, Prickly Ash, Thoroughwort posesses the which so Woods, sch Plans and and as peculiar properties exactly I Cienfuegos; Louler Newton, Williams’ si»eciticbtions may be seen at tlm office o such should do what to his enterprise for the entertainment of his fellow the sale Mandrake, Rhubarb, Dandelion, so the belonged State, regulating and use of intoxicat- comi>ounded suit the various conditions of the human hair. Compony In Saccarrai»i*a.‘ In citizens. as to reach the fountains of disease, and absolutely Hes Dunn At position. the first he considered the liquors. tMmh?«h Lucy Machlas. c .JAMES HASKELL, Agent4 ry Soib place ing cure all Humors, Liver and Billious Diseases, Jaun- For sale by all no29 sn \ committee Druggists. eodly Lee^mRh, Saccarappa, Feb 15. 1872. fel5 is tf incompetent. An examination of a A handsome The Bangor Whig says n note from a gentle- dice, Dyspepsia, CoBtlveness, Scrofula, and all diffi- young woman, an widow, a FOREIGN FORTH. Senator on alleged tlemau who was “snowed up” last week at one culties arising from disease*! stomach or impure matters outside the Senate is sus- Foj* Sale, At Calcutta 10th is Enoch-Ardening New York with success.— states that blood. Twenty years of unrivalled success has proved oil, ships Tabor, Otis, and Frank Board of Ti-ado. tained of the iip-rivcr towns, during the The Residence oi the late Phinehas Barnes, Esq., No N Eagle by precedent, but them to be the liest medicine in the world. GEO. C Thayer, Keazer, tor New York, Alice Buck been Sugar Kc' any examination with She a man to engage to marry her and set- last storm so much snow was blown G3 High St., consisting of a Two-Story House contain- for ldp; duck, meutUus of the Board of Trade having liuery. gets through GOODWIN & CO., Boston, and all Snow, Amsterdam. invited to regard to his public hole of the outside door of the house druggists. ing 13 finished rooms besides Halls and with THE visit the New Custom House at half conduct, and on her in advance so much then the key eodl6w closets, 10111 Ult' Li2“ic especially tle money, her SR fe27 an of and l,arque H- for past seven o’clock, Friday evening next, curds of tul- with to the matter where he was that it took two men abundance Well, Cistern Sebago water; lot NePw Y^k.0"" regard which he lias felt it in with a stopping, 50x100 Uiisaion will be furnished"each member, by on first husband rushes long beard and a out. And feet. For particulars enquire of calling his to two to shovel it that wasn’t th« For Sale. '7at' ***’ Mr. of the Merchant’s or duty lay before the Senate in the dis- days JOHN C. PROCTER. 93 St. 6h**> Competitor, Matthews, Ring, Supt. Exchange, on ofTtWJMSSRJSa the usual “'thTTLb”1- and that is the last Phillip Ray ever hardest storm of the month, any means. Exchange HmtgKona,^ler M. N. gravies his revolver, by A first-class Hack and Livery Stock; all in good Portland, February 10. mch22eod tf sn RIch, S<;c. ufthSr inarm? ann'™******** charge of public duties, is of a doubt- 5th ult, from March 1872.-is td very sees of the “widow and the settlement. condition, Location one of the bent in Portland. Rio bar,1ue Olive, Clark, 26, ful In his WASHINGTON COUNTY Jatndro'hb”rg propriety. public conduct a Senator The Stable can be purchased or leased ou very fa- I oeoruje 8. Jabez son of Jabcz II. Pike of vorable terms. For Box 1680 On in8t’ 9hil' St Montgom- .Miner, acts on his own under “The Pike, Lnbec, particulars address Marriage. ***t,h> ! responsibility, the sanc- The Pall Mall Gazette coolly remarks: ! Maine. cry*'fiSmSara0*17*h aged about eight years, while wrestling with Portland, marl2d2wsn Happy Relief for Young Men from the effects Ar at nth LIVE_BAIT tion of oath, and the Constitution Liverpool Inst, ship Columbia, Dolano, 1 declares that success which has marked the exportation of another boy about the same age, Saturday morn- of errors and abuses in early lire. Manhood restorer]. New Orleans. For winter fishing. A fresh supply Just in. Agent. for or debate he was on For Sale Nervous debility cured. Impediments to Ar at l»ndon any speech shall not be ques- small-pox from the to the ing, thrown back, striking his right marriage 9th, Eldorado, Thompson, Charleston Also a good assortment „f * ***""*+*+ TIIHE new two story French roof house just finished removed. New method oi treatment. New and re- Cld Marrh t«l StlMCt. tioned in any other arm, breaking it about half way between the 9th, Corsica, Cousins, Sap Francisco. 20-daw11,1 place. United States, free of duty, must have surpass- X on Cushman st.j house for and al markable remedies. Br*oks and Circulars in Off and wrist and elbow. It was aliout four weeks piped Sehago, free, Plymouth, E, 9th John Patten, Em- ! •'••Mu, Tackle Mr. ago the on Address lust^hip Np,nini Sumner quoted from authorities to sus- ed most of modern improvements. Enquire the premise sealed envelopes. HOWARD ASSOCIA- mons, Savannah for Havre. ) the sanguine hopes those interested that Mr. oldest son broke liis coast- Wholesale aud Hetutl. Pike’s leg or No 25 Emery st. ,f. A. TENNEY TION, No. 2 South Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Sid fm 8th Rmuaviti. r.« Waterford Inst, barque Keystone, Berry | **• moTiOVlsnltn Baltimore OTY, IS | Ku&asg, Si. 1> *^m 4 “£*1 of Phila- 1 Hotel Arrivals.— B. M Brinton XLIId CONGRESS—SECOND SESSION. I NEW YORK. METEOROLOGICAL. H. biddeford AND SACO. ho THE PRESS A. R. of New York, C. REPEATERS AT A TOWN ELECTION. SYNOPSIS OF WEATHER REPORTS FOR THE PAST 6 delphia, Wright a5?,*,® 7 00 > ,Llrd ENTS. qualityiua|j!yF6 4 75 wrarSSii®,*525; poorest XL ,7 ENTERTAINM Barnes of Boston and S. W. Lane of Augusta, New March 'SI.—At the town election TW ENTY-FOUR HOURS. bulls, &c 3 75 4 W 0Xe"’ Cali. Andrew J. has York, « Accepted—Mr. Kogers SENATE. in Patrick Tobin and War Dep’t, Office Chief From Maine 23 *»£n,*Xwefcl,t'•'gut. are at the St. J ulian. Yonkers, yesterday, Thus. Signal) Cattle, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 28, ’72, accepted the call extended him the Pavil- I>. > Hides Liv- to by March 27.—A resolution direct- Kelley were arrested while voting the third Officer, Washington, C., Brighton Hi* »c; Brighton T»lln«, k a*. Wm. W. Bolster of Bostou, A. Parks of ion Washington, Calf Skim. 16 to 2°o Congregation and is to in the of time. Several arrests for illegal were March 28 (1.00 A. M.)I f lb; FAIR & FESTIVAL James J. Essex church, Kiddeforil, payment 83000, expenses for the arms voting Sbeepsklm1^!^ H. Vooman of London, commence and one a I Probabilities—Clear and weather erpool, his labors on the was made in Morrisiana, Mooney, candi- pleasant of Cattle from —AT— second Sabbath in investigating committee, adopted. Droves Maine—Foss A r,._« ir are at the United States date for town from the will prevail Thursday from the lower lakes to Kcea 15’M of Newport, R. I., Mr. is a Mr. Howe called up the St. Croix and trustee,was ejected polls Holt 8. CITY AND VICINITY. April. Kogers graduate of Bay- the Eastern Gulf and eastw ard to Andover, field Iiailroad hill. After on account of drunkenness. the Atlantic. Oxen—With the of Hotel. and for the has discussion the House Working exception a few uair ALLEN MISSION past year preached The barometer will continue north and nice ones there were but a few CHAPEL, with great amendments were .'10. ARREST OF A HARD-HEATED SWINDLER. falling of pair» \n fLLl8 Charles K. and Moses Sargent of Bos- rejected, yeas Hi, nays and west very Pope at Mass. The of the Ohio vallev, with to ket this week. We pairs $260 o, acceptance Concord, above church Mr. Casserly offered an amendment providing easterly quote:—Extra 58 ^«£»£' LOCUST STREET, New Advertisement* Chas. trick of Toronto. Barney Koehler has been arrested for swind- southeaster and extend easter- ordinary $125 @ $185 p »air. To-Day. ton, Mr. and Mrs. Gilpa has been without a for the that settlers the road be entitled at their winds, gradually pastor past nine along the widow of detective Lambrecht of Store all the small Cattle that are at the ling $15, ly to the Middle States and southward to the Cattle—Nearly are E. J. Steele of Montreal, Preble either to receive back from the United market at this season of the months. option he representing that the Boston police had sent South Atlantic States. Increased cloudiness brought Into year arc MARCH i2G, :27 and >28, States moneys on or for their or re- to slaughter. There is not much AUCTION COLUMN. House. paid lands, $1000 to her by Adams’ Express, and that the with w'eather will bought up doing hi Unfounded Report.—Dr. Freeman ceive acres free in addition to the amount very probably threatening the Store Cattle trade usually until later in the sea- afternoons AND EVENINGS. John E. Biekford of Dover, E. Wilson of Hall, eighty $15 were needed to pay the express. from the Ohio southward and Furniture, &c—F. O. Bailey & Co. now held them. prevail valley son. formerly a resident at Biddeford, and who was by tlle various kiuds of useful Thomastou, Mr. and Mrs. Dunn of Glasgow, At the of the hour the THIRTY MILLION POUNDS OF TEA IN BOND. westward. A rising temperature is probable Milch Cows—Extra $55 @90: ordinary $23 @50; I an?i°,£.l*mUon? Fait, ENTERTAINMENT COLUMN. expiration morning and al»> can be currently reported to have been frozen to death hill went for the east of the Mountains Store Cows $15 to 35 head. Most of the Cows In sent tonil refreshment*, J. B. Snowball of New Brunswick, J. over. It is stated that over million of country Rocky 111 l^e oi Fenlay thirty pounds market are of a common grade. the Fair. afternoons and evenings Music Hall—H. G. Clark. near his home in two weeks tea during Illinois,some since, from the Committee on Military are in bonded warehouses the defi- Thursday. from the West was | of St. John, F. C. Mahon of Halifax, P. Culli- awaiting Sheep and Lambs—The supply W*11 ^ Attairs, the House nite action of cost entertainments each NEW ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN. has refuted the report by letter received by one reported without amendment Congress on the tariff. not so large as that of last week. Western Sheep evening. lnUrw,UnK nan of St. Stephens, E. C. Gates of R. tl"' Weather Repart, March *T, ltl P. M. Calais, llbltl"s enli»tment of minors in the from 7 tp 10c lb., or from $0 00 to $12 00 head; Refreshments for of his former friends. GRADUATES OF FEMALE MEDICAL COLLEGE. War Di- sale. Dissolution—Lukin & Fobes. G. Sharp of St. John, D. W. McLaughlin of the consent of their Department, Signal Service, lT. S. Army, mostly owned by butchers who employ agents at the M»*e Tickets in,7„,T’1<'*r"'itlloutor visions of of 18c; Season Bckki 40c. Wanted W. H. Brooks. parents guardians. Pliebe Ferris, of Connecticut, and seven oth- Telegrams and Reports for the benefit West to buv for them. mcltfStd Immediately—Geo. Yarmouth, Henry of St. John and Commerce. McCullough Boston and Maine Extension.—Opera- Mr-Pool, from the er young women of this State, received Swine—Store Pigs 5 @ Cc *> lb.; trade dull. Fat Foreclosure of A. Strout. Judiciary Committee re- degrees CO Mortgage—John Wm. R. Ward of are at the without at the Women’s Medical last 33 H 3 5i 52c lb. Putnam, Conn., tions have l>een resumed upon the Boston and ported amendment tlie bm College evening. cr K* ® Hogs @ p Farm for Sale in Standish—.1. F. Spear. reqSikng 20c; medium 18fr @ 19*c; MaNqnerade Ikaurr Falmouth. repre8entative9 *n AN IMPORTANT DEMONSTRATION. ® Poultry—Extra 19} @ Maine Railroad through these cities. Build- Congress to be S 3 £ 18 18k; lb. BV THK Wanted—Fred Proctor. '■* poor a} |> by ballot. Place ~ o It is believed that all the of this f ’*! Remarks—The trade this week for beet Cattle has Hammond & Carney. ings in its course, too large to l>e removed en- Mr. from the military city o 2 2 Seed—Shaw, Arrival of a Prus- Pratt, Committee on so as it was at last market. Steamship.—Steamship Claims and will at Gen. Anderson’s ° not been quite lively A. & C"». are the of reported bill suits in Brooklyn parade 01 03 < were Wanted—H. McKeuney tire, undergoing process disintegra- authorizing Court of Claims a Western Cattle cost and a few beeves Portland Mechanic sian, Capt Dutton, from Liverpool, March for funeral. His body will lie placed on caisson, higher, Blues L. recovery of money converted into the treas- •* sold as as 8 8ic lb live weight. Western Merchants' Exchange—E. Ring. tion. old landmarks are disappearing, the to witn the of Fort ® high @ p arrived at 2.20 with Many the coffin be covered flags observation. 5 5 it is that At 14th, yesterday afternoon, ury, being proceeds of northern credits de- a b ~ Cattle cost liigher at Albany, and reported Ariuory Store to Kent—Mattocks & Fox. and a marked in the business of the Sumter. Masonic and other civic so- Hall, Friday Ev’ng, jj„r. 2i». 57 cabin and 395 change part posited in the banks of New Orleans Several P* at the West still continue to keep up. With & Co. steerage passengers. Among by the cieties ? prices Dissolution—Greet, Fogg of Saco is The will also take part. | the of a few extra lots, which sold at our Tickets T5 cents, * the city already apparent masonry Confederate State authorities, and afterwards s : exception admitting Gent and Ladies to l» Notice—Hiram Burrill & Co. latter were 183 natives of Sweden and Nor- we do not think there is much Copartnership seized order of Gen. Butler. FIRE. Boston.30.04 33 highest quotations, of the road in this is lieing done in the N Clear There were a few most of whom are destined for the West. vicinity by 2 change from our last quotations. “ssF Horse for Sale—J. E. Hatch. way, Mr. Morrill of from the Finance P. near Wall Charleston.S.C.. 30.18 52 NE most substantial Vermont, M.—The Pierrepont House, Clear nice beef Cattle into market from Maine manner, the material used be- street Cheyenne.W. T.29.89 45 NW very brought NOTICES. One child was born on the passage. No deaths Committee, reported adversely on of being on street, Brooklyn, Clnndv Foss & which were as nice as any- MISCELLANEOUS petitions Montague 3» by Messrs. Reed, ing a fine free granite from the Biddeford of New York and to re- caught tire this noon now There Chicago..30.15 NE Fair If cost nor was case of sickness. quar- importers Boston, be and is burning. that ever came from that section. they Gaboon Block. occurred, there any was Cleveland. 30.15 40 NW thing Air Treatment—l>r. Mace, ries. funded certain duties on Bussia a number of in the hotel and Clear too and we think did, they will lind hard t Floral paid hemp. large people Corinne, Utah .29.97 45 S high, they Exhibition. The intended for the West left Clear was Dr. Hendrick's Elixir ot Stillinger and Iron. passeugcrs by Mr. Fenton gave notice that he and Mr. ***eve^ *° have without loss of work to realize nome prices for them. One pair Bay- escaped Indianapolis....30.08 43 S Clear i.,- A iSHv ,.t U’.mt Wnt^rvilln fiiul weighed the road at 5 Retail Dealers’ ?ifeaFe From MARCH to Fringes—Peabody’s, 345 Congress st. express train on the Grand Trunk Licenses.—The number ard dissented from the report and would submit Key West.30.04 09 N I 18, MARCH 29, inclusively Fal? .5300 two pair 4-year olds—l pair of them twins— have on at Paris 79 Middle st. of retail dealers their views. Later—A serious was Mt. Washington.29.91 15 W tbs’; Exhibition, my Green House, on Millinery—Mrs. Welch’s, o’clock. liquor in the cities of Biddeford conflagration prevented Clear were fatted W P Blake, of the foot of ('onerves at the New Orleans 59 very handsome, by St., o|,,«slte Dow St., a rare and 16 Market The Senate resumed the House bill to Pierrepont House, though the building ..30,15 NW Fair 4200 lbs one very SmdTlHiau* Carjxd Renovating—Mr. Bishop, Square. and Saco, licensed the is 92.— repeal and New York .....30.08 same town, home weight |> pair; pair ful collection of PLANTS and Washingtonianism.—Within a few weeks a by government, the on tea and coffee. furniture were in- 37 Calm Clear of Read- FLOWERS Skirts—Mrs. 79 Middle street. duty damaged $15,000; fully Norfolk.30.13 weighed 4500 lbs and was fed by Mr Morrll, Admission 25 cent.., which will Hoop Welch’s, the Police Courts are to- sured. tlie 41 N cw entitle the Holder of Notwithstanding this, Mr. Sherman gave notice that he would ask Anderson, proprietor, had a narrow fielil : and one pair fatted by Mr. Tiffany, of Sidney, each ticket to a grand Washingtonian Temperance .meeting from Omaha.29.83 49 SW Clear Premium, valued from 20 oeuls to 81 day vacant, not even a of drunk the Senate to sit until the bill was dis- escape suffocation. all of Maine. “chl5 A. will be held in City Hall. Large delegations of charge simple to-day Pittsburg.30.10 .38 Calm Clear JOS. DIRWANGER. to be answered to. posed of. A BARRICADE. Portland....30.02 30 NW CW the new Societies in and Gar- ftcrautou C’onl Male. Holy Week. Reform Augusta Mr. Sherman said that the of the San Francisco .29.90 54 N Fair adoption Residents of South near the foot sold at auction diner have to be This is a Resigned.—Tho Clerk of the Common Coun- amendments to the tea and coffee bill had Brooklyn, Savannah.30.16 50 SE Clear New York, March 27.—There was promised present. of Court street, have barricadee the wharf used The THE” committee. Washington.. .30.13 39 Calm Clear to-day 125,000 tons of Scranton coal. bidding EMERALDS' AT 9T. LUKE’S CATHEDRAL. rare held for labor in that direction. cil of Biddeford has chauged somewhat the plan of the for a stone SERVICES missionary resigned. scavengers' dumping ground with Wilmington .... 30.18 44 Calm char was spirited. The following were the prices received: He believed that if the Senate would now pass and into SECOND A. the celebration of the “Holy us that the radical reform iu the Ken- wall, threaten to throw any cartman Montreal.29.99 36 W Lump, $3 47$; steamboat, $3 55; grate, $3 60; egg, ANNUAL Thursday—10$ M., Let hope the bill with the amendment the House would the Sy Communion;’’ 7£ P. M., Evening Prayer and sermon. “Look out for the Crossing”—the new rail- bay who attempts to dump garbage there. Barometer corrected for $3 65; stove $4 05; chestnut, $3 55. nebec will over the State. and there would be an end to the tariff temperature and elevation. Good Friday—10$ A. M., Morning Prayer; 7$ P. spread road concur, There is much excitement over the action of the crossing near the depot and spare the Question this session. M.. Evening Prayer and sermon. Street Commissioner in selecting the spot for a Domestic Markets. Easter Even. A. Prayer; Matrimonial.—We take from a California tears of friends bereft. Bill which had been considered in committee Monday Ball, Saturday—Easter 10J M., Morning dumping ground, but the police will preserve BlTIIIlEgg NOTICE*. New York, March 27—Evening.—Cotton active 5 P. M., Prayer, baptism of adults. of the whole was to the and To be Evening paper the following account of a wedding at reported Senate, order and the barricaders will have to give way. ami $c higher; sales 15,113 bales; Middling uplands given by the the amendment that it into effect A new 23c. Flour in moderate sales 6760 bbls; San Francisco. Mr. the is a providing go dock, however, must eventually lie pro- i;ead men demand; Best, bridegroom, the 1st of concurred in. tell no tales; if State 6 20 @ 7 45; round hoop Ohio 6 95 ® 7 95; West- United Stale* Circuit Court. July cured. they did, sou of William T. Best of this anathemas the ern 6 20 ® 8 25; Southern 6 90 ® 9 50. Wheat dull Capt. city: Mr. Trumbull said that having failed yester- TAMMANY MATTERS. against depleting lancet, the BY ami tor and a shade firmer for Win- judge shepley. TELEGRAPH. decliniug Spring dee6re One of the most notable of the sea- day in getting salt on the free he would drastic and the terrible weddings put list, The enrollment ordered the purge, salivants of the ter; No 1 Spring 1 56 ® 1 58; No 2 do 1 50 ® 1 M in son tfiok nhicp ai. tha Firaf: Unitarian (Minrcli now move as ail amendment the in by Tammany Wc.nvvfiniv.—Warren Miller vs. AiidrOKOOirirfn provision Hall materia would arise store: Whiter Red Western at Whke general committee teeminated to-night.— medica, from every grave- 167® 170; ill this on the 13tli on which occa- WANniXOTOH. the first section of the bill as reported from the 1 73 1 80. Corn a shade sales Pulp Co. To-day Judge Shepley deli vert’d an elabor- city ingtontj Returns from all districts in the give a to- The motto of modern Michigan ® firmer; sion Kev. Horatio D. united in Committee on the on city yard. medical science is new Mixed Western Stehbins, D., Finance, reducing duty tal of names enrolled. 59,000 bush; 70®71e, closing ate opinion in this case, granting an injunction re- 18,429 “Preserve and at tlie holy bonds of wedlock, John T. Best, Chief salt one half. Regulate, not destroy,” and no with buyers at 7U$c. Oats dull; sales 16,000 bush the defendants from the A NEW DIRECTOR. 06$ 58c. Beef Pork mess 12 75 a straining using complain- Clerk and Confidential Secretary of Col. B. S. Mr. Blair moved to make salt duty free. He in our is so in ® quiet. lower; INVESTIGATION OF THE SALE OF remedy day entirely harmony 12 so. Lard lower at 9$c. Butter sternly at 11 (tv ant’s invention. The plaintiff is the assignee of what Williamson, of the U. S. Engineer Corps, and denounced the duty on salt as most unjustifia- Wm. W. has been elected a directorof 8$® Cryder with this philanthropic logic as Dr. Walker’s **?• Whiskey dull and lower at 88$c. Rice firm at is known as the Voelter for manufac- Katie, daughter of Capt. F. ARMS. ble and oppressive. the Erie vice J v® Henry pateut only Bead, Railway Drake, resigned. Vegetable 9$c. Sugar firm; Muscovado 8$ ® 9c; refining 8$ one of the Fioneer Warehousemen of San Fran- Mr. that the Vinegar Bitters. In this pow- turing wood pulp used in paper making. The inven- Buckingham argued protective WHAT SENATOR O’BRIEN SAYS. Y f.*1'' Cotfee dull; Rio 15} ® 20c in Gold. Molasses cisco. A large and fashionable audieuce wit- system was more beneficial to labor than to erful, yet harmless restorative, dyspepsia, bil- null; New Orleans 60 ® 70c. Naval Stores—Spirits tion of the plaint iff consists in the peculiar method Albany, March 27.—A debate took luroenthie nessed the ceremonies in the capital. spicy firm at 71c; Rosin heavy at 3 50 for in which the fibre of the wood is to the impressive church, SENATOR SUMNER TESTIMONY in the Senate ious complaints, and all diseases of the stom- strained presented were The amendment was place to-day upon the New York Petroleum ate crude refined 22$c. which rendered additionally interesting by rejected. dull at i-lv; 124c; surface and the of cells for re- charter. Senator O’Brien created a sensation bowels and encounter an ir- XaUpw K| @ g grinding arrangement the parents of the bride assistin', in the place Mr. Sumner moved to amend so as to make ach, liver, nerves, 15-ltic! by Green and Com- 21!'1 9t,'a,ly; i>uUcd 76 @ 83Jc. grindiug the pulp. of the usual first groomsman and bridesmaid.— books in ancient and foreign languages free. denouncing Comptroller resistable antidote. mar4-4w Freights to missioner Van as Liveriiool >|uU-1 and Mr. moved to amend so as to admit Nort tools of the ring, and unchaugeri. The defence set up was want of novelty in the in- Mr. Stebbins made a short and becoming ad- Interesting Colloquy. Bayard Chicao°, March free of and promised to leave the Senate and go home when So is the influence for and stim- 17—FlowIlfclMg. Wheat dull; vention, the defendants claiming that it was antici- dress at the close of the ceremonies. duty statuary painting imported by great toning N“'1 1 Corn the charter bill was YY 18,'- nominally unchanged. Oats the owner and for sale. Lost. passed. the nervous of Smolander’s —No 1 quiet and a shade pated by Christian Voelter iu . A glowing account is given of the dress of the ulating system, stronger at :i01c Kve unset-" MR. SUMNER TESTIFIES BEFORE THE FRENCH Without further action the Senate SENATOR WOOD. tled; No 2 at 68e. Barley Arm at Tho of the sustains the of and of re- adjourned. Buchu, that renewed energy and fresh vigor is S-'lffibr opinion .Court validity bride bridesmaids, the eleganco the Spring. Provisions lower. Pork 11 30 (a) ;w ARMS COMMITTEE. HOUSE. The Senators a caucus n *nl the and the and of the inven- Republican held this the whole nerve weak at 8 20. Bulk Meats patent novelty utility ception at the house of the bride’s father and and it is imparted throughout fabric, neglected ;3Je bki for March 27.—The Senate arms Mr. of from the Conference evening understood the vote on ex- shoulders and 4c sales clear rib tion. The demand wood in the Washington, Kelley Penn., and such maladies as affect the blad- asked; shies at 61 (g growing for. pulp the extent and value of the bridal A committee Senator Wood will fail on the kidneys, gifts. met at half-past 10 o’clock. Committee on the Senate bill to provide for re- pelling ground 6c; clear sides 6$ ® 6Jc. Live Hogs dull and a shade manufacture of pa|>er renders the pateut, if sustained, that the and as well as mental and large number of distinguished guests attended Senator Sumner appeared and protested and details, reported that the testimony does not warrant a vote on der glands, physical lower at 4 12$ @ 4 65, Whiskey dull and lower at 83c. of immense value and the case one of the most porting printing bbls impor- the summons serve! expulsion. Receipts—6,000 flour, 2,000 bush wheat, 30,000 the and “all went as a mar- against upon him,contend- Senate conferees had agreed to the amend- debility, diabetes, gravel, want of .vigor and fe- the Court reception merry bush corn, 17.000 bush oats, 1,000 bush rye, bush tant jjateut causes which has been before ing that it was to ments of the House with the mortification of TRIAL OF A MURDERESS. 4,000 bell.” contrary parliamentary pre- male complaints are promptly expelled by this barley, 6,lHMhnogs. for this district lor many years. riage cedent. It was merely to the for that the customary request provision advertising, directing Utica, Starch 27.—The trial of Mrs. Jose- valuable Shipments—4,000 bbls flour, 4,000 bush wheat, 21,000 the attendance of Senators. He did not think for the works vegetable medicine. mar2fl-eotllw Messrs. Causten Brown, of Boston, aud. A. A* A late number of the San Francisco Morn- advertisement for 43d, 44th and phine McCarthy for the murder of Henry H. bush corn, 8,000 bush oats, 1,000 bush rye, 6,000 bush emerald boat club, of this for the now any more than lie did yesterday, the com- 45th once a week for four weeks in barley. Strout, city, appeared complainant, ing Call contains the Congresses Hall has been put over to the 29th of April to following paragraph: mittee was to investigate the case as one in the cities of and Messrs. Chauncy Smith, of Boston, and W. H. competent newspaper Washington, enable the defence to secure the testimony of FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Cincinnati, March 27.—Pork quiet at 12 00. Bulk —AT— A party of some sixty young folks assembled a majority of the members had declared them- Boston, New York, St. Meats unchanged. Bacon shoulders sides Clifford, of Portland, appeared for the defendants. Philadelphia, Chicago, distant witnesses. dull; 5$c; at the residence of E. M. Fatten, on Hyde selves opposed to having the thing examined in- Louis, Louisville and San Francisco. Af- @ 7$e. Lard drooping; no sales. Live Hogs steady; vs. Same. This was also an Foreign Export*. FLUENT Same application to on to celebrate to. ter an receipts 1400. Whiskey at 85c. HALL, street, Thursday evening, the explanation by Mr. Kelley the report IOWA. BUENOS AYRES. Bark feet lum- steady defendants from the Taft on Mr. Sumner took with a Dirigo-447,292 restrain using patent, thirteenth birthday of his youngest daughter, the oath protest that was agreed to. Toledo, March 27.—Flour. Wheat and Corn dull —ON— REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION. ber, 92,000 shingles, 10,140 pickets. aud the that it was au of the Mar- Lizzie M. Fatten. With and the chairman was to act in that ca- The bill a in unchanged. Oats a shade better; No 1 at 42c; ground infringement music, dancing qualified designating depot Washington ST JOHN NB. Sch “M P”—800 bbls 100 do the hours Ho testified however under Desmoines. March 27.—The flour, No 2 at 38c; Michigan 38}c. zoni patent. The petition was denied. A. A. Strout plays, sped rapidly, all enjoyed them- pacity. protest. for the Baltimore & Potomac Kailroad came Republican oatmeal. 1872. selves to their heart’s content. He knew of this until the23d State Convention was one of the ever Charleston, March 27.—Cotton Monday Evening, April 1, aud Causten of for Win. H. Miss “Dolly” nothing question Filibustering against the bill was resum- largest Foreign Import*. quiet; Middling Brown, Boston, plaintiff'; or held iu at received many presents, including a 24th of December. A friend in the Senate, uy. the State. The following delegates at uplands 21$c. Clifford aud Chauncy Smith tor defendants. splendid LIVERPOOL. Steamship Prussian—2954 bars iron gold and enamelled and should be and not Mr. Schurz, firs' mentioned the fact to him. Tlie House the in large were chosen to the Philadelphia Conven- to A Savannah, March 27.—Cotton firm; Middling up- watch, spent day voting by yeas E Stevens & Co; 114 bdls steel to Portland Co; Committee of me at*. James R. et als. in vs. E. C. Allen is of He afterwards saw Mr. Schurz had some tion Gen. G. M. W. lands 21 Arrange Osgood equity, proud the numerous acquaintances she who and nays on mere formal motions, without Dodge, A. Clark, J. Card 12,000 pairs flsli plates to W J Jones; 6 pkgs mdse to 21}® Jc. a has made in of the Schurz at and W. H. a et al. Plaintitfs allege that the publication of ju- California. The table was ele- papers. Mr. Mr. Schenck’s any progress on the bill or approaching Sea vers; also full list of delegates. P E Wheeler; 193 do do to Canadian Express Co; 49 Mobile, March 27.—Cotton firm; Middling up- Edward Brady. Thos. F. Donahue. saw re- making Resolutions were cases to G T lands A. H. Larkin. dames Malone venile publication by defendants under a name simi- gantly spread, and all present enjoyed them- suggestions Chambruu, from whom he any solution of the difficulty. adopted endorsing the admin- oranges Agent Road; 200 tons pig iron to 21$ ® 22c. selves. ceived of letters from istration of Grant 133 boxes lemons to J McCormick «& 3 lar to that of “Our the copies the Secretary of The announced the of and instructing the delegates order; Co; New'Orleans, March 27.—Cotton strong at 22§c; Young Folks,” published by Speaker appointment bales mdse to & 90 boxes tin to or- War to the of State. He a cir- to vote for Grant and Jas. E. Wilson for Presi- Bailey Co; plates sales 5900 bales. lat- Secretary gave Mr. Archer of Md., on the Select Committee to plaintiffs, is a violation of the copy-right of the Mu. Bishop will commence work cleaning cumstantial account of the taken him- dent and Vice President. der ; 1 case mdse to Deeriug & Milliken; 7 do do to J FLOOR DIRECTOR: steps by investigate the affairs of the navy E Prlndie. and are claimed. made. department, European Market*. M. TI. ter; damages Arguments the carpets on the steamer New Brunswick self previous to the introduction of his resolu- instead of Mr. Voorhees who declined. CUNNINGHAM. Stone, Morse & Greeuough, of Boston, for plaintiffs; tion. Receipt* by Ruilroad* and Mtcnmbont*. London. March 27—11.30 P. M.—Consols 93$ foi Friday, instead of Wednesday as stated yester- Adjourned. NEW JERSEY. money and account. AIDS: A. A. Strout and Custcn Brown for defendants. In response to a he said ho received Grand Trunk Railway—250 cans milk, 2 cars M. H. Culliuan, Edw. H. His at question American securities—U. S. 5-20’s 18G2, 92$; do 186! Coleman. day. office is 16 Market square. numerous confidential communications on the BAD FOR AMBOY AND CAMDEN. 1 do 1 do 1 do 2 Thos. onto. potatoes, timber, 6pool wood, heads, old, 93}: do 1867, 93$; U. S. 10-40’s, 89$. O’Connell, Frank O'Connor, subject but declined to give names of the au- Trenton, March 27.—The Senate ordered to do laths, 1 do clapboards, 1 do oats, 1 do bay, 1 do Edward Brady, Edw. McShane. UlHiiicipal Court. FATAL ACCIDENT. 1 do 1 do 2 do 2 do Paris, March 27—11.30 A. M.—Rentes 56f. ■■> it Nothing ta Van, All ye that Pass By? thors. He handed them over to Mr. Schurz. a third reading the bill the shingles, butter. beef; corn, spirits, Geo. Cusick. Peter Creagan, previously passed by 3 do for Lower Provinces—4 cars 1 do March A. BEFORE JUDGE MORRIS. Mr. Sumner considered it his to move the Cleveland, March 27.—The horses attached sundries; flour, Liverpool, 27—11.00 A. M.—Cotton steady H. Larkin, P. C. Davis. To the Editor of the Press. duty House, authorizing the construction of a broad for Allan to a five men ran sundries; steamers—19 cars provisions. Middling uplands lid; do Orleans 11$ @ sale* No Wednesday.—Mary Doyle was before the Court investigatiou. carriage containing young gauge railroad from New York to llfd: pains will be spared to make this Bali, the I feel to ask of the favor of a little Philadelphia. Steamer Montreal from Boston—<3 hhds 10.000 bales. Breadstuff* quiet; Red Sluing Wheat impelled you Herman Tunke testified to to away at Becky Biver yesterday and one of the bams, most |»erfect one of the season. to a search and seizure process. She pleaded a mis- endeavoring the federal administration endorsed. do 10s 9d @ lls Id. a wheels of the struck the a 10 molasses, 16 pumps, 27 pieces pipe, 12 do Russia jy^Tickets $1. checked free. space to say few words with regard to a religious make a to arms for but carriage railing of Cft>thing nomer and was O’Donnell. bargain buy iron, 50 boxes cheese, 25 bbls 1 machine, 105 bdls Liverpool. March 27—1.30 P. to at o’clock. discharged. bridge, the down a In the House to-day resolutions approving the oil, M.—Cotton strong; Dancing begin 8$ mar23-td observance in other of our coun- that government refused to purchase. He throwing occupants steep salt 20 cases and 20 bales domestics. 13 cases which, parts a fish, Middling uplands 11 @ ll$d; do Orleans sales a bank upon pile of lumber. Jacob Walker of administration of President Grant and com- llfd; made bid, however, to the ordnance bureau, shoes, 36 bbls rosin, 11 flrkins butter, 2 head lights, 46 15.000 of which 5000 bales were for try has now become much more than was his and bides, export and general Toledo, instantly killed and Anson Dibble mending policy endorsing Congress bales 20 bars 10 60 coils cor- Brief Jottmun. aud got 50,000 Springfield rifle muskets which waddiug, iron, bags rice. speculation. Pork 51s. Lard 41s. M U S IC II A LL it is as yet here. I refer to the annual solemn he sold to and Graham. of this city seriously injured. The others es- were passed—32 to 21. 25 bags nuts, 30 bales oakum, 12 9 Schuyler, Hartley dage, wheels, bags London, March 27—5 P. M.—Consols closed at 93 A lias been laid in this that for with seed, 600 boxes salt, 56 bags oysters, 17 bbls crockery, | wager city commemoration of the crucifixion and death of During the examination of Mr. Sumner Mr. caped slight injuries. for money and account. 100 packages to order. For Canada and up not a issue of the Bos- Hamlin asked. Did have a conversation at BEPUBLICAN STATE country- American securities— U. S. 5-20 do the coming week, single our Lord Jesus Christ. Should not an event you CONVENTION. 100 bales oakum, 5 do rubber, 1 crank axle, 273 bides, 1862, 928; 1865, SATURDAY, MARCH 30. the Brevort House in Nov. in which you allud- FOREIGN. old, 93}; do 1867, 93g; U. S. 10-40’s, 89$. ton will without some ref- which to the minds of the vast of the Columbus, March 27.—The Bepublican State 10 bdls steel, 12 plates iron, 20 bbls phosphate lime, daily papers appear majority ed to the matter and said would' blow the Russian Tallow 72s. you Convention is very largely attended. Hon. 34 bales cotton, 72 bdls and 10 cases steel, 36 bales erence to Mr. Gilmore’s great members of this and Christian communi- Liverpool. March 27—5.00 P. M.—Cotton jew-bilee. every administration sky high? Alphose Hart is chairman and Gen. wool, 20 bbls whiting, 12 casks oil, 100 pkgs to order. closed THE temporary GREAT BRITAIN. strong; Middling uplands 11 @ do Orleans POSITIVELY LAST SIGHT ! The proposed “inspection” of the new Cus- ty is.the most momentous iu all and Sumner—No. I stopped at the Brevort John C. Lee chairman. Gen. Lee Steamer Franconia from New' York—760 half ll$d; llgd; history, permanent sales 15,000 bales, including 5,000 bales for speculation it must have been three or four be- on VARIOUS MATTERS. chests tea, 20 hhds tobacco, 6 casks 20 bbls Glorious and immense success of tom House has been to Monday most concerns the welfare of hu- House; days taking the chair made strong in fa- | paint, do, and exisirt. Corn 28s. Pork 50s. Rosin—common reception postponed deeply every not speeches 14 do 40 do 60 do dried soda fore the of Congress. I did then vor of Gen. Grant’s was cement, apples, do,55 kegs 8s 6d 9s. next—the time opening administration and London,Match 27.—The Republicans of Nor- ! ® originally designated being man being—should not such an event be es- know about the matter. I was not at 50 do paint, 360 bags seed, 30 do coflee, 20 do nuts, 11 anything warmly applauded. Capt. A, T. Wykoff was which have invitedOdger to contest the election March Rosin 9s Good House I do not recollect plates iron, 115 boxes clocks. 125 do tobacco. 80 do London, 27—Evening—Common ® Friday. pecially commemorated by all Christians? And the Brevort afterward; nominated for of State. in that for the vacant in Parlia- 9s 6d. Linseed Oil 10s Secretary borough seat drugs, 00 do soap, 2o do starch, 20 do hardware, 50 do £33 ® 33 15s. Spirits Turpen- Bishop’s Serenaders conversetion with gentlemen in which I tine 54s 6d. It is said that Harry Brown thinks seriously might it not be expected that on the day set any Besolutions were adopted in substance as fol- ment. glass, 150 do raisius, 25 do cheese, 3 bales furs, 19 do was to the administration. of his studio and from Port- going implicate lows: Mac Fame’s extensive ware house and ad- wool stock, 12 do burlaps, 8 do buffalo hides, 43 rolls AND closing removing apart for that purpose, secular engagements further Mr. Bottom Stock Ei«*t. During proceedings Carpenter The first recites the and record of the in weee burned last i leather, 10 do carpeting, 100 bdls paper hangings, 57 land. We if he takes this it will origin joining buildings Glasgow suppose step should be as far as possible laid aside, festivi- asked: Bepublican party. The second declares that night Loss $100,000. j do car springs, 3 do life preservers, 20 cases dry goods, no You said that on the 24th of December a ; 1 piano, 200 pkgs sundries. Union BRASS BAND ! be in obedience to tfie dictum of critics that ties postponed, and its quiet hours devoted to the good of the country demands that the Be- FRANCE. Pacific Rli Sixes. 90$ friend in the Senate called on who was j Eastern Railroad. 109 art-work can come from down east. you; publican party should continue to administer good the contemplation of the Cross of Christ, to the NEWSPAPER suppressf.d. New Y ork Mtock uud ^larket. Central Railroad he? the government. The third confi- MLoney Michigan 116$ Wheeler, Talbot, Sally, Bishop, Kowe, A man who had read about Uni- expresses Union Pacific Railroad. “converting recollection and confession of sins, and to Mr. Sumner—As a a member of the Senate I dence in General Grant’s administration and Paris, March 27.—Gen. Lamirault, Governor New York,March 27—Morning.—Gold 1104. Money 39 Sweet anil Hope, at 7 cent. 110*. [Sales at auctiou.] ted States says he longs to be a that the of the aton- must decline to answer? refers to its achievements at home and abroad. of Paris, has prohibited the publication of the i>er Sterling Exchange 109$ @ Stocks Five-twenties,” prayer saving power great Southern State Stocks dull. Bates Manufacturing Compauy. HO IN A NEW AN I) Mr. had conversa- A lourtn lavors Constitution strong. in that field. con- Carpenter—Have you any lie levying import duties witn a newspaper. Portland 1875. 975 missionary ing sacrifice may ewtend to all classes and The are the forenoon of South- City Sixes, tion with parties other than Senator Schurz and view to their burdens and benefits ROME. following quotations Eastern Railroad Sixes 1874. 98 The woman who discovered a broken rail on ditions of men? the fact which is equalizing ern securities: Surely great the other Senator to the introduction the so as to as far as Franklin Lewiston. 116 Original Challenge Programme ! previous among people promote A PIOU8 PEOPLE. Tennessee 6’s, new'. 67 Company, the New York Central has been presented with foundamental to the creeds of nine-tenths of of your resolution? the interest of and branch Androscoggin Mills. 128- possible, every person Virginia 6rs, new. 55 For full see Sir. Sumner—I decline to answer an Rome, March 27.—The Pope yesterday gave Portland, Saco and Portsmouth R R. 131! particulars Descriptive Programme. five thousand dollars, and the women of the all who bear the Christian name well claim improper of industry, that labor of every kind may have Missouri 6’s. 95 Prices as usual. Reserved seats can be secured at may a long audience to the Prince and Princess of question. constant employment and a reward. The Louisiana 6’s, old. 58 Music Hall Box O.tice. State are organizing themselves into exploring this common My appeal «< just Wales. He desired their to Portland Daily Pren Stack List public recognition. Mr. Carpenter—You say that you last night fifth further land to Royal Highness Louisiana 6’s, new’. 55 meh26dr»r CHAS. opposes grants corpora- to the of his thanks for MELVILLE, Ag’t. parties. to Christian men (it would of course be vain to received a confidential letter, naming persons tions and and demands that the convey Queen England Alabama 5*s. 60 F< I’M. Par Value. Offered. A*k*d Sumner—I decline to as cor- «u>w. .,,. 39$ Mr, answer, my affims that as there Vmi br- evoductwe indus- piety. Gold,.110_1101 wrote* that but for her he might have been memoration as I have besides orstaat caiMin a New York. March closed proposed, having respondent asked me not to tell. try without union .of capital and labor, there- 27.—Evening—Money Government 6’a, 1681,.115_1151 worth The Chronicle that Mrs. easier at 6@7 percent. Sterling firmer Government $50,000. says a manifest inherent would tend di- Mr. Carpenter—I understood you to say you we are in favor of such as will THE STEAMER VIBGINIUS—PROBABLE FIGHT Exchange 5-20’s, 1862,.111$_112 Tkf Iri.la Ilu.rirnB Ul li. f luail. propriety, fore, legislation at 109$. Gold strong with sales as as clos- had received several confidential letters. high 110$, Government 5-20’s, 1864,.112 .. .1121 Avery, while resident in that was seeming- all proper guarantees for the and WITH A SPANISH CRUISER. at city rectly and powerfully both to the conservation give safety ing 110$ @ 110$; loans at 4 per cent, to fiat. The Government 5-20's, 1865,.112 Mr. Carpenter—Will you give the name of of the one and reraumerative invest- clearances were The disburse- 112j Ml a modest little not at all ex- prosperity J $23,000,000. Treasury Government WILL ly patient, lady, of our common faith and to the fulfilment of anv onp thp writers? amaica, March 2(i, via Havana. The steam- 5-20’s, July, 1865,.110$_111 GIVE THEIli ment of the other. The seventh favors the re- ments were $152,000. Governments and er Elba, which left last has strong high- Government 5-20’s, July, 1867.112 112$ /WE the Saviour’s prayer,a prayer in whith Mr. Sumner—I decline to do so. nomination of President Grant and Wm. Den- Aspinwall Friday, er. State bonds firm and dull. The transactions in Government suffering arrived. She to 5-20’s, July, 1868,.112$_112J Don’t the festival and sale at Free Mr. of the let- reports things coming Erie to-day and yesterday both at London and New forget I trust we all even in the midst Carpenter—Will give any part nison as Vice President. a Government constantly unite, crisis between the blockade runner York have dealt a severe blow to the bull movement 10-40’s.107$_108 ter? John Welch of was nominated for Virginias State of Maine Bonds.101_loll Street Church to-night. of our divisions: That all be as Athens, and the Spanish war steamer Pizarro, and that in the stock. The price at 66 fell to NINTH they may one; I all oj>ened rapidly Portland Bonds, 97 .... 98 Mr. Sumner—I think have handed of Judge of the Court and Richard D. with City Municipal,. There is to be a musical concert and Supreme a naval engagement is imminent. When the 60, few sales between those figures, and touched Portland aid oi R. grand muni arner an m me, ana in nee, xnai utey them to Senator Schurz to use at his discre- Porter for City, R.,. 96_97 member of the Board of Public Elba left the harbor both steam 62$, 60$, 62$, 59$, 58, 59, at 59$. The general Bath vessels had up, closing City Bonds,. 90 .... 91 levee in the Street M. E. Church some also be one in us. tion. Works. list was Ohio Sc to Rock Congress may in and for a higher, Mississippi rising 5lf, Bangor 20 91_92 to guns position everything ready Island City Bonds, years,. time some our tal- Mr. Carpenter—Did I understand you say A motion to nominate a candidate for Cou- to 1174, North Western to 82$, Wabash to Calais ANNUAL BALL ! during next week of best It is well known to most of which their 78$, | City Bonds,. 92 .... 94 by probably your conflict, captains seemed resolved St Paul to Western that by parliamentary rule in constituting a was tabled. 63$, Union to 74, Lake Shore to Cumberland National ent. readers that the of the greeuian-at-large, upon. Quesada was the Bank,. 40. 58 60 anniversary crucifixion the members must be of that The instigating mischief, 94J, New York Central to 96 and Hartford Sc Erie to Canal National AT- committee, party following delegates-at-large to the Phila- and the Columbian was Bank.100.128 .129 At a Farm- government inactive.— 9$. The large holders of many of the above special meeting of the Leeds and has been so observed from the date of that the Convention were Lieute- leading First National Bank,.100. 128 .129 making charge? delphia appointed: The were The shares availed themselves of the to sell, Railroad held in this Mr. Sumner—I will not that Spaniards very indignant. Span- ; opi>ortunity Casco National Bank,.100.128. .129 ington Company, city event, all in all Christian hope you put nant-Governor Mueller of Cugahoga, Samuel ish man-of-war was and all Stocks were from to w eak through generations, Tornado entering the har- day passing strong Merchants’ National Bank,_ 75. 90 92 CITY H A L question. of H. Kissler of Ham- hands. Late in the this caused a reaction from L, Wednesday, it was voted to accept the Maine countries, and until a comparatively recent pe- Craighead Montgomery, bor as the Elba sailed. day National Traders’ Bank,.100.128 .129 Mr. Carpenter—I have. ilton, and J. M. Bell, (colored) of Lucas. the highest point, and the whole market closed weak Second ON Central loan act and to authorize the directors Christians of National Bank,.100.115_116 riod, by every name—and by the Mr. Sumner—Then I decline to answer it. EAST INDIES. at $ @ 1$ per cent, lower. The London prices of Erie Portland THE TOBACCO TAX. Company,.100. 60 .... 63 to unite with in not are 51 and 53 for and protected shares. the Maine Central token that Christmas and Easter are now to AD. member of this various matters. Portland Gas 50. 58 .... 60 THE 2CVS1CTICTG- OF Company Carpenter—Did every Rock unprotected Compauy,. committee vote for the Cincinnati, March 27.—The convention of Island declined 4 per cent, on semi-annual divi- Ocean Insurance a some extend who investigation? San Company,_100. 95 100 making mortgage. respected by many formerly tobacco cutters of all the western cities Francisco, March 27.—The dend. Atlantic & Mr. Sumner—The record will answer. principal steamship St. Lawrence K. R.,.50_ 55 EASTER *72 On of a from Boston those to the action of the Montana has arrived from Honolulu with dates The were the of Gov- A. & K. R. R. MONDAY, April 1st, authority despatch Dep- ignored great festivals; there seems be Air. not member now has endorsed House Commit- following closing quotations Bonds,. 87 ... 89 Carpenter—Did every from Melbourne to the 13th and Auckland ernment securities: Maine of and in of a tax the Central R. R. 32 .... 33 uty Decelle yesterday arrested Timothy Can- reason to that Good will ere on this committee avow himself favora- tee Ways Means favor of 24 Stock,....100. together with a expect Friday long sitting 24th inst. The Montana 1(H) United States Maine Central R. R. cents per on fine cut and and 16 brings passen- couiam 6’s, 1881.115$ Bonds, 7’s,.97_99 non, charged with a murderous assault on bis its those who have ble to a most searching investigation and vote pound plug United States 5-2U’s 1862.112 Leeds & R. R. regain proper recognition by cents on tobacco. gers. F’rm’gton Bonds,100. 87 90 for the resolution ? smoking United States 5-20’s Portland & Ken. R. brother, Daniel in on the 3d hitherto been indifferent to its observance. This The British steamer Rosario had visited Naz- 1864.112$ R. Bonds,. 100. 88 ... 90 OR AMD CONCERT I Cannon, Boston, Air. Sumner—The record shows that several United States 5-20’s 1865, old. Portland & ; aeu to the circumstances of the 112$ Ogdensburg R.R. Bonds, gold. 88_90 Inst., and delivered him to an officer who had is further the fact investigate Uuited States 5-20’s 1865, new.Ill Portland & Rochester R. R. expectation encouraged by members of this committee declared and TOISSOVRr. j Bonds, 7*s,... 93 .. .94 again murder of Bishop Patterson. The natives fired United States 5-20’s Portland & Rochester —BY THE— been sent for him. 1867.112$ ; R. R. 30 .... 35 that it trust I may established again against what parliamentary writers call the Stock,. is,(I say Jan usage, AN IMPORTANT BECI3ION RELATIVE TO RAIL- upon steamer’s boats, whereupon the ship United States 5-20’s 1868.112$ | Portland A Forest Av. R. R... .100 48 50 “the _ The Custom House officers seized a for ourchief our thing.” shelled the and the killed a num- United States ! quantity legislative body and chief village sailors 10-40*s., coupon.108$ __ Portland Brass Band judicial Air. Carpenter—Did I not say I was in favor ROADS OP THE STATE. of chains which were concealed in a ber of natives and burned their canoes. Currency 6’s.115$ | gold lap- tribunal to adjourn,and that in some of our of a most Concert will commence at o’clock. Chandler’s larg- searcliiug inquiry? St. Louis, March 27.—The Supreme Court were of j 7$ Another rich deposit of tin ore, yielding over The following the closing quotations Fall for robe, the property of a passenger by the Prus- est cities the business even of is Air. hut after made a has decided ail case rail- ENTERTAINMENTS. Quadrille Band will furnish Music dancing. corporations Sumner—Yes; you important affecting 70 per cent, of metal, had been found near Fin- Stocks: sian afternoon. there was no for so roads in this State. The case was that of the Union yesterday suspended on that day. Already also in some speech showing necessity it, terfield. Western Telegraph Co. 73 D. H. CHANDLER, Prompter. if there is any in the rule you are dis- North Missouri Railroad M. K. Jes- Pacific Mall. 63$ We understand that a band of members of local ties of various Protestant vitality Compauy, At Melbourne the hark Maggie Leslie is load- Tickets admitting Gent and Ladies to Ball and thejpastors congre- and to have declined to serve. vs. Constantine State and N. Y. Central and Hudson River consolidated_95| qualified ought sop Maguire, County the last of the season’s wool for I Concert $1 Ladles’ tickets 25c; Gents’ the Reform Clubs of Hallowell and ing shipment N. Y. Central and Hudson River consolidated sop 91 M T S C II A I, I.! 00; Gallery 50c, Gardiner, gations have effectively urged the religious ob- AD. Carpenter—I thank you for your advice; Collector of St. Louis county, ou an appeal from ; to be obtained at the door. N’o checks from the America. Erie. 59$ gal- Augusta propose to visit Portland soon, and es- servance of this do if the Senate thought to put me on the commit- the St. Cliaries Circuit Court. It involved the Manager.H. G. Clark Refreshments served m the Senate day uponHheir people,audJI The war steamer Basilisk had picked up a Erie preferred. 78 | lery. Chamber, tablish Clubs and tee would it not have been immodest in me to of an ordinance passed the Consti- by Webster. generally inaugurate a tem- not doubt that a like from their own validity by schooner and Harlem. 111$ suggestion decline? tutional Convention in water-logged (name defaced) Clothing checked free. I860, which provides found on and Harlem preferred.,.125 & perance movement. The time of their visit is would be welcomed here. board H dying Kanakas several Monday, Tuesday Wednesday Evening Floor Director, Maxi me Piquet, pastors by many AIr. Sumner—You should have searched your that there shall be levied and collected from the dead in the Reading. 114 not hold. The vessel is supposed to he APRIL Aids, Gold Star and Tassels, yet fixed. Meanwhile I venture to in own conscience. Pacific North Missouri and Iron Central.!15 let, ‘And, and 3rd, may say behalf of Railroads, the Peri which disapeared from the coast Michigan Members are requested to be punctual in alten- au tax Fiji Lake Shore & Southern. are the G. Air. Carpenter—Aly conscience is perfectly Mountain companies, annual of 10 per Michigan 94$ dance st as the Arrangements being perfected by the clergy and congregations whose churches two months ago with a party of the Warbutors Illinois Central.131 Immense Attraction ! 7J o’clock, arrangements necesltates A. R. for clear. cent, on the gross receipts from October 1, 1866, their appearance in the Grand March, iu full Kega- the best representation of the Drum- on murderers. Cleveland will be open the Good no controver- to and cent, &4*ittaburg... 92$ of the Great Artiste : Ha. Per Order approaching Friday Air. Sumner—I will enter into October 1, 1868, 15 per thereafter, A Sc North Engagement Managing Comm. mer ever in commission had been appointed in Chicago Western. 83$ Boy given Portland. New scenery, that the and I was at home under medical treatment to he the General to the Queens- mcb23td (to-morrow) presence participation sy. applied by Assembly land to into the best modo of construct- Chicago Sc Northwestern preferred. 94$ tableaux, &c., will add to the interest of the ilie the committee was appointed. If I of the principal and interest due and inquire & Rock Island. MRS. G. C. in the services of any of their|Cbristian breth- day payment ing railways and report on the policy of adopt- Chicago 116$ HOWARD, entertainment. had been in the Senate I should have felt it my to become due upon the bonds of the State is- Milwaukie Sc St. Paul. 63$ ren would be very to them. M. ing the American system. In her original character of gratifying duty to oppose the formation of the committee sued to said railroads. Milwaukie Sc St. Paul preferred. 81 AUCTION SALES. A couple of men from the near young region and hold it as a flagrant violation of law. The defence was that the ordinance was un- SANDWICH ISLANDS. Pittsburg & Fort Wayne. 97 monster” is what in up where and Erie and Leet and other “Putty-eyed appeared After further Sir. ob- it violates the Federal Con- The following were the for Pacific Rail- T O P 8 Y , Tammany questioning, Carpenter constitutional; that NO MAIL. quotations Sheriff's Sale. the of a Tennessee who wrote to Air. Sumner’s on the to the road securities In swindlers “shoved” some paper editor, jected protests going stitution, and js opposed provision which re- the popular American Drama of flourish, “queer” MaroR 1(|.—The government Central Pacific bonds.10H Cumberland ss: with The sous record as they assailed the committee. declares that up State shah pass laws to Honolpw, (counterfeit on our merchants respeot “pretty aged minister.” impair a subsidy, Webb's line refuse to take the Union pacific do. money) yester- Air. Hamlin them as in- the of a decision is fusing yl| on Writ and will be sold at public of the minister “interviewed” the editor next regarded absolutely obligations contract. The Hawaiian mails aud will in the future Union Pacific stock. Uncle Toni’s Cabin. day, but on being iuterviewed at their hotel ex- to the and then asked Alr. that the ordinance is and probably 38$ ATTACHEDauction, on sulting committee, constitutional, pro- run to Australia via instead Union Pacific land grants. morning with a shot gun. Navigator’s Island 84$ On which occasion Mr. G. C. HOWARD will enanged good money for the stuff. Sumner whether Chambura had furnished him vides for nothing more than the ex- Union Pacific income bonds. 84* appeal March legitimate of here. as ST. CLAIR. The beautiful child Thursday, £Mth, with the names of the witnesses, ercise of the power of taxation. The Missouri actress, We are requested to state that the organ at MEXICO. AIr. Sumner replied that lie had not; nor had Pacific and Iron Mountain roads arc equally in- Gloucester Fish Market. LITTLE MI AUNTIE At ten o’clock A. M, at the store lately occupied by Sit. Luke’s Cathedral will not be aftei MISCELLANEOUS NOTICES. THE REIGN OF ANARCHY. MADDEN, j played he furnished him sources of information, He terested in this decision. The present outstand- Fallon A Kicker, Morrill’s Corner, Deerlng, fu For the week anting Wednesday, March 27. AS EVA. this until Easter. la* had mentioned the name indebtedness of these roads is City of Mexico, March 21, via Havana, said county, the following personal proj>erty, viz:— morning thought, however, ing $10,291,000; small and stocks 50 per of Gen. their 1866 March George’s Codfish—Receipts Molasses anil At the ball to be the Irish American Dr. Mace invites all who are afflicted with Ingalls. gross earnings since have been $34,- 27.—Disorder and auarehy prevail cent, than usual at this when about one- Together with a carefully selected company of NE\N Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Syrup, Flour, given by and lighter date, AD. Seliurz asked: Would you consider it il- 611,181, which woqld front the Xroq Moun- throughout the Republic. Persons proper- half of the catch is we notice YORK ARTISTS. Shorts, Pork. Lard, Saleratus, Glass, (’rock- Relief Association on next rheumatism or other yield Georges usually in; Spices, Monday evening the consumption; catarrh, to on of tain aud Hard Toilet, and Goods, ligitimate Uerive information matters $755,293; tront UieRortlt Missouri ty are outraged wherever the government troops sales at $5 75 to 5 87$ i>or qtl. Box office open one in advance. Prices as us ery Ware, Fancy Dry iu $1,479,- day Patent Boots. Shoe* and Rubbers, Ex- members will appear in their new rega- acute diseases, to call at his office Gaboon business from of a 587; from the Missouri Pacific total are absent. Levies continue and the army in- Mackerel—The market ofters no feature worthy of ual. G. W. Medicines, elegant public any agent foreign $2,5=Afot ill the least; I should fail the future of $5,492,583, which would authorities in many localities. Agriculture and ly previous quotations. Advertiser copy. green plume and gold and green cord and tas- Treatment, and see testimonials from those liquidate Smoked Halibut—Market firm at 12c F lb. phate of Lime. in as a Senator if I did in- the State debt the heueiitof these industry are ruined. broad my duty not ohfgih oputractei] fig Fresh Halibut—In light receipt with sales on Mon- Term* cash. sels; with border ol who have been bennefitted its use. xmivuil ID Lo«l* preside. bank, successfully ('omnic N|., opp. inallv cost over $8000, and will Ik* Hold iu lots to suit. result was Th murder and and a reign of terror prise 4370 cases, 2250 cases for tbe same week and the financial satisfactory. ing robbery, met against Mar !2-4w mc22eod A splendid to obtain and summer Skirts at controller hulburd’s case. exists and Rio Grande last year. opi>ortuiiity spring will be continued this aftei I Hoop 45c, Mrs. Welch’s, 79 Middle st. between t;he jfueces Several of tho Oaxaca Legislature i Fair and Festival in the Tne nieinhgrs Business in the Shoe market continues with goods. --- interest Treasury Rivers. is steady, 1 Considerably prevails penalty pt detftU pfopopnoed and the Supreme Court, implicated in the rev- all M. P. FRANK, noon and let all to the goo manufacturers of seasonable goods working up to LITTLE AND OFTEN evening. go help circles as to tlie ultimate result of the investi- against informers, so that no names of fitness- have been to Assignee of O’Neil W. Robinson. Mr. Bishop is with olution, condemned five years’ their ordinary The buyers here are mostly meeting great success, into tlie official condition of the es are made capacity. F. O. BULKY A CO., Auctioneer.. work. gation Comp- public. imprisonment and loss of citizenship. representatives of the heavy retail trado or the small- LITTLE AND OFTEN renovating carpets without them troller of tlie markets are for the sale Mar 2tJ-dtd Mr. Griffeths is the artist who made the stai removing Currency. Secretary lioutwell The Mexican open Guerro Rodrigues, a revolutionary leader, is er jobbers from towus remote from tbe great distrib- from the floor. had an interview with the President and of stolen cattle ftud a tax is levied by uting points. This class (if trade increases each year, of a o to-day pegtylitfly impressing nten into the service. Men desert- LITTLE AND OFTEN uette of Jonathan Morgan, spoken day a tlie the authorities. refers to the their are Portland 16 Market presented written statement of Comp- The presentment ing froin the revolutionists ou being recaptured and, although purchase's comparatively as was Oflice, Square. troller. officer on the JUUttll, the is aud is fully appreciated Furniture, Carpets, &c., two ago, and not Mr. Sheridan, printer This statement will he fully consider- appointment of Cortina as the have their cars cut off. aggregate large bv the manufacturers. The extremely severe weather LITTLE AND OFTEN ed before official action is taken, line who on the United States, murdered D«. ! Hendrick’s Elixir of and levied Extraordinary attention Wes shown Mr. Bry- of this mouth is to an unusual demand for was afforded ves Stillinger the mails. leading AUCTION ! Considerable amusement SUFFRAGE IN LOUISIANA. her citizens and soldjers and robbed ant at lie was received the thick the and will reduce LITTLE AT Iron as a blood and of liu- tho capital, by boott* at West, materially AND OFTEN purifier repairer the Juarez has been to reinpyp hljp, but that retailers to forward to the sale at auction of a lc t Tlie Committee on petitioned President anil visited of the Cabi- the stock exited carry terday by by Bailey, Elections and Privileges on by members man has more wonderful His command is always mounted net. The next season; prices remaiu without any siiedal lO o’clock A machine, performed to a bill refused, Mexicans were soon disabused of the On Wednraday, April 3,at n, of what is technically termed “O. H. freight, to-day agreed report extend ng over that since the but the market is firm. LITTLE AND OFTEN stolen horses. Evidence shows idea that Mr. on a change, yery cures than any other medicine sold in this city. Louisiana, the second section of tlie act of Feb- Bryant came to Mexico po- which had been for a in th close of the civil war an of 5000 cattle shall sell the Furniture in house No. 58 Win- collecting year for the of average litical mission. Tb« W»ol Market. ruary 28, 1871, protection the right of at LITTLE AND OFTEN ter street, of solid Eastern office, and uncalle 1 Grand Pianos for made & has been stolen monthly, valued $0,300,000, WE consisting Carpets, Mahog- Express unpaid sale, by Chickering suffrage. Its precedent laws for the Dispatch by International Parlor Parlor French Plate provides not including the of the Kicka- (Social Line.) any Furniture, Stoves, for. There was a crowd of hum and in condition will be appointment of two election to depredations H|INQK TEL^GlIAMl, OFTEN Mirrors, Card and Painted Cham- quite bargain Sons, nearly new good supervisors pf are Mexican citizens. Boston. March 27.—[Repot tetl Jhr the Press.] The LITTLE AND Tables, Mahogany attend to in poos, \yjip is a list of this afternoon: ber Furniture, extra Feather Beds. Mattresses and ers and the bidding was sharp, espo< sold at a For see registration, etc., towns pf 20,000 Disorder is anticipated at the approaching following prices quoted present great bargain. particulars, on Revenue InsLpctois Dupont, Hammond, Room Furniture, French China. inhabitants a written application of two cit- Mexi- elections for the Domestjo-Ohio aud Pennsylvania pick-lock 87 @ LITTLE AND OFTEN Betiding, Dining when that looked i mrlti-tf G. 156 St. were killed by Spanish Cortes, and Glass Cook Stove, with ially anything suspiciousl \V. Twombly, Exchange izens. The object of ail is Phelps apd McLaughlin 80 \ do choice XX 82 @ 85c; do fine X 80 @ 82c; me- Crockery Ware, together amendatory law and and detained The “Tichborne claimant” the entire Kitchen Furniture. valuable was offered. Fred made the inflexihl B obvious. can bandits, others assaulted publishes a card dium 85 @ 90c; coarse 75 @ 80c; Michigan extra and OFTEN j The LITTLE AND mr28td F. O. BAILEY & CO., Auctioneers. Cure ip positions o{ presentment contributions to aid him in making his XX 80 @ 85c; fine 78 ® 80o; medium 85 @ com- rule in the that'none of the B that Couok or Colp! Adamson’s gpept peril. asking 90c; beginning package states that the inhabitants for have bujt- defence. mon 75 a} 78c: other Western fine and X 78 @ USE Balsam will cure it time. Price 35 cts. CALIFORNIA. years, 80c; IS THE WAY TO should be o]>ened iu the store, so that if an; every ered all the horrors of war without the security Steamship Nestorinn sailed from Liverpool medium 82c, common 75(g) 77c; pulled extra WHEELER & BRADLEY mchl5-T T S & A MEXICAN REBEL. an efficient 75 (jg 95c; superfine 75 @ 1 00; No 1, 60 (a) comb- HOYT, did swindled it shouldn’t be done o „ wly. of its usages, and suggests cavalry for Baltimore Tuesday. She took out 130 coR 80c; body get ing fleece 92 @ 96c: California 35 a; Texas San Francisco, Diaz ar- force as tne Morral and onists for Nebraska. 55c; 35 was March 27..—Purfnio only remedy. Judge @ •'Wc; Canada 80 do DR. KENNEDY’S auctioneers, ills premises. There about.as much chanr rived here overland indorse the statements (3j90c; combing l 00(5)1 lo; Smyr- Heart Disease. with the jntentjqu of em- General M°Gook fully A (ire in Gawth's Metallic works iu Montreal na washed 40 (g>55o; do unwashed 30 Buenos as there is in a with tt e for It @ 45c; N(. T« FKDKRAL HTBBKT, BOUTON. for luck pin-lottery, barking Mazatlan. is expected, Uowey- of the presentment- The fprpiej b‘w ^dressed a loss of Ayres as @ 50c; Cape Good 45 Austral- Feeble and Irregular Ac- Wednesday, caused §20,000, Hope @ 52c; taken out beforehand. One nice litt e Palpitation, er, that the steamer due April 1st will bring the Texas tpe facts, asking ia* 165 @ 72c; Donskoi 48 ^ Mestiza 80c prizes Sepatprs reitprating ship establishment of Wilcox 50c; pulled @ HAIR TEA! WUl commence the Auction business in Boston, an d tion of the Heart Cured by Fellows’ news of the of and will and Has to his official The chandlery excited the envy of half a dozen an j recapture Mazattan, he relieft the latter reported of was wl3 cow package not leave. Bros., Toledo, Ohio, hurued yesterday. Hemarka—There is more to -ly__ Compound of Hypophosphites.— disposition purchase hold Sales of for what he threw awa Svrup superior. laws $1*1,000, W ooj since the action of the Regular the buyer paid high y A JUDGE IN TROUBLE. Senate in placiug tea and Dioby I .Tames after oottlx! on tbe free as BONDS! five minutes a f. Freeport, County, if. g,, February 10, Bound, obtaining supper at list, it is not likely now that Wool mill, with an of disgust Jas. Bushton has of 1 or woolens Farrlianad DaaolicOrr ttomU, expression I860.—James Judge been convicted MASSACHUSETTS. Hein's Hotel, near New Brunswick, N. J., shot will be touched at this season. Transac- aim I. Fellows, Esq.,—Dear Sir: the tions «3oo«l», Hosiery, Old nutmeg graters, medical murder of Manuel and sentenced to to lend have been light, but we look for more aery, Faaey (Horn, ter. clo’, Hughes LAV REPRESENTATION. ; Henry Soldering for refusing him activity Gratitude to you, and for the afflict- be at OI> before the close of the week. Our stocks are small aid wen miserable. sympathy hanged Monterey the 17tli of May. money, then on the horse of another OF Hals Capa, naos and such “truck” made Con- jumped but a number of fleece (STATE MAINE. «’ induces me to send a written statement- Worcester, March 27.—The Methodist quite desirable lots of both ed, you GREEDY OFFIOR-HOLDSU, traveller and escaped. and Tuesday ami Friday during the year. tias voted to receive the delegates pulled are still left; prices are also lower here every of case and Ex-Governor Gibbs of ference lay PORTI.ATD. A* The Exec i- my cure effected hy using your Coni- Portland, Oregon, the dele- The coal miners of and thau at any other point, a fact which manufacturers Cumberland County Fair, been on Friday at ll,; tive Committee of the Cumberland refuses to surrender the office of At- an advance of New continues to to the New England Trade, including a In was prosecuting are in this intention to strike for twenty York, March 97,—The market adapted large in this ci v April, 1868,1 attacked with palpitation of the Fourth District Court to C.B.Bel- body. York rieultural Society were in se-sion torney cents on a ton after April 1. present a quiet aai*>et. There is very little inquiry NORTHERN assortment of New City .Unde ftaad., heart. I sent for VARIOUS MATTERS. the stock PACIFIC R. R. r-3< to tl ie of the the and said the he (Gibbs from either dealers or manufacturers, but of dealers Is «n to decide in relation Doctor, }ie linger, appointed by Governor, Three a car from The attention called to the above the 26th inst., a1 passengers in sleeping Hew all desirable is and prices j that could be done for me and claiming the to hold both the Federal autl March 27.—Caleb Alden, of grades very light previous EUROPEAN & N. AM. •’ to hold tl ie nothing that I right Springfield, York were robbed while en route to for for- R. R Gold sales, which will be peremptory for cash. annual Show and Fair, and decided State and have beer well known citizen and woolen Bittslmvg, consequently are maintained. The demand j was liable to die appointments proceedings manufacturer, are not > very suddenly; being very weak Pa., Tuesday, The thieves obtained oyer a eign has been rather moderate, but holders Boston, March 1st, 1872. mr2eodlui same this fall either at Portland or Bridgto commenced to remove liini. this afternoon, aged do. | CHICAGO, DANVII.I.E A-VICEN- | and unable to I became discoura- djed suddenly dollars worth of watches, jewelry and auxious to realise. j. lg»ye my bed, In the Court Hpnfy thousand »’ R. K. the preference beiug in favor of Bridgton, pr bupramp af Greenfleljl money. Maach 27.—The trade hereabouts NES R. R. Gold. HUNT, PENNSYLVANIA. [ Wright was sentenced id two years’ imprison- Philadelphia, vided the citizens sufficient intere st Sed- The British iron clad Albert consorts.' has been characterized by great dullness since our j manifested THE ment for in the Ku-Klux riot at Royal B- «••«! Commission After gave me up, I was in- CONTESTED SENATORSI1II*. the and last. Tbe demand has been remarkably light lor all CENTRAI. IOWA R. Merchant and Auctioneer in the to to loca my Physician participating bv steamers Eclipse Derby, passed by matter induce the committee I Charlemont, iu April of last year. but as the stocks arc small and 316 will sell to use of Harrisburg, March 27.—In the Senate thii Fort Monroe eu route to Auuapolis, descriptions, very A H. F. Gold T’ Congress St., every evening a largo in that town. duced your Compound Syrup Hypo- yesterday show no disposition to press sales previous ATCHISON, TOPEKA assortment of Stable and evening a report In favpr of McClure was madt holder* NO Fancy Goods. and the effect was wonderful. It Spits are to be commenced against twelvt are well Goods will be sold the in the Election Committee. The prices supported._ HALE BY during day lots to suit phosphites, by Senate pass SQUTIf CAHQI-IW for to FOR 1I North Yarmouth after tak Hew York physicians failing report case, purchasers at wholesale prices. Cash advauced on Election.—Moderate r> two days I felt the benefit of it, and ed the resolution giving the seat McClure wilt Watertown and Medford Cattle 11 POLITrCIASS. of small pox to the Board uf Health. Brighton, I description of goods. Consignments not limited. Silas Dr. William 8 9- thf was sworn in. TRQUBpESOMK Market*. Skillin; Clerk, Osgood; half a bottle I was entirely free from SWAN & 11, 1868. dtf ing March 27.—A number of dele- \Vm. Cullen Bryant arrived in Havana yes BARRETT, | February lectmen and A. P. Alhe rt not been tronb centennial. Charleston, (Special Dispatch by International Line.) Assessors, Lufkin, and to this day have to on his return froin his visit to Mexico, complaint, , the Convention are ahogt terday Bankers and Brokers. Charles 8. Ez ra Philadelphia, March 27.—The cxecutivi gates Philadelphia Boston, March 27.—At market this week:—2514 Sweetsir, Sweetsir; Treasurer, led with a return of the Heart Disease. ! ti) to to the removal of The libel rnilOSE In want of Plain or Job committee of the Centennial Commission, ha go Washington demand spit brought by Gen, Trochu against Cattle, 7474 Sheep and Lambs, 11,000 Swine, 360 Veals ; Fancy Printing of Ezra A " lOO MIDDLE STREET. A will lind ItAo their to call on Toby; Supervisor Schools, Toby. KaHaII i.PNT cltctcii its ! seyergl government officials inelmling (he Col- ! the paper Figaro was commenced in Paris yes last week—2032 Oattlej 8729 Sheen and Lambs. 8600 | advantage W.w 31 Yours, very truly, Hon, Daniel Morrell, peripanen at the Press Job ieans except Moderator. lector and Post Master of Charleston. terday, causing much interest, Swine, 210 Veals, uirSsN mwf Marks, Daily hinting ottice, F.x Bepubl mar23 d&wlw chairman | change Street, Portland. g^g—— _■■■ MISCELLANEOUS. REAL ESTATE. THElPEESS.j EDUCATIONAL. MEDICAL. RAILROADS. STEAMERS. STEAMERS. Wholesale Prices Carrem. THE POPULAR Portland LOAN. Geo. II. is & < o. s DR. J. B. HUGHES MAINE CENTRAL RAILROAD. Corrected for the Pkess to March 27. Dm FAMILY (TXA III) SCHOOL CAN BE FOUND AT 1118 IJNE FOR BOSTON. I, end. _^.Arrangement of Trains. lApplen. BULLETIN. ^ el1 HAII. MTKAIIIEKM Cooking,. 4 00 @ 4 50 ! iheet & Piixj, Dig 10 Feb. 1 5 50 ft 6 00 fig. ?m » i FOR Private Medical The superior sea goiug steamers Eating,. GIRLS, Rooms, SAILING FOR LIVERPOOL. CITY Dried, western Oft 11 leather. to Loan 111 MONTREAL and FORES! eastern 10 13 S’ew York, $20,000 No. Train* Prom Portland. iug commodious Cabin and do ft AT THE 172 Cumberland Street, at Cork Har. Askew. 28 29 WILLOWS, ... Calling Queenstown, e Room accommodations, will Light,. @ %Ve are lo loan Mid. 29 prepared money in numii he can be consulted privately, and with Portland f..r Bangor, No. __H*run leaving Atlantl* Pearl, p tt>, lift 111 Weight (g 30 MAINE. all «‘S’i8ertrains!eave alternately, from lo amount FARMINGTON, the utmost confidence the afflicted, at aAuBusta’lat 12:30 a. in. Brun- Steamers appointed to sail 7 o'- Pot. 0 ft 10 Heavy,. 28 g 29 $100 any deitired, on tirwi WHERE by Jwiek v ■« I,reSSV Wharf, Po-tland, dally, (Sundays executed) at hours and from 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. .. Waterville 6:00. Arrives Bean*. 38 40 elawM mortgagew in daily, DIRECT It H Oil It clock p.ui. Returning leave India Wharf, Boston Slaughter,.. (eg Portland, C'ape Eliza- guttering underuie .ir«.V;25,A“«usb,4:«0.1 “>• ONTO \ 25 ft 3 50 Am. 1 00 1 20 Dr. H. addresses those who are I‘=u.r Connecting with E. .V N. A. same davs at 5 p. m. Poa.3 Call,. g Went brook, or ParticM de- whether a>isi''g irom ,r" " f0r TRIPOLI, Sat, Mar. lfi. PALM 2 75 3 ©0 beth, Deering. affliction of private diseases, ’V Hm,lton’ Calais, St. John and Hal- VRA. Sat., At 113. Fare Blue Pod. ft ■.line. and or #150. ttirouH of facilities strictly first- connection or the terrible vice sen-abuse. ifax BATAVIA, Sat. Mar. 23, Tues. 23. Yellow 3 50 ft 3 75 Rockland c’sk 1 40 buildiug can etno be accomm- class. impute OLYMPUS, Apt Freight takeu qt low rates. Eyes., g ACCOMMODATIONSSuperior advantages in Modern Languages his entire time to that particular branch of SAMARIA. Sat., Mar. 30. SIBERIA, 30 Box Mhooks. odated with Devoting No. 10. Leaves a. in. 'lues., April incli26tf L. Lumber. lonuM, and Music. he feels warranted in Guar- Portland at 7:00 Arrives i PARTHIA. BILLINGS, Agent. 00 65 the medical profession, at Lewiston via Sat., April«. SAMARIA. Tues. May 7. Pine,. ft Clear Pine, Spring Term commences 1872. all Cases, Danville 8:65, Brunswick 8:30, Bath CEO. R. DAVIS A CO., April 2d, anteeing a Cure in whether of long embark tbe Bread. Noe. 1 A 2, 65 00 @ 60 00 For Circulars address the contracted, .|;00, (there coimecting with Knox & Lincoln Rail- Eff"Passengers at ('unnrd Wharf, East FIKMT TRIP OF THK MKANON Real EnIuK A Brokers. Principal. standing or recently entirely removing road for Boston. Pilot Sup.... 0 No. 3,. 42 00 (g 48 00 North’ll Pacific Bonds ITftorlguge MISS L. G. BELCHER. from the Damariscotta, Rockland, &c.) Arrives at 00ft ,, i the of disease system, and 7 oo bc p 2-1 ti dregs making a 10:30 Pilot ex.1001b ft No. 4,. 30 00 (g 36 00 March 21-eod & w4w* and permanent cure. Augnsta a. m. Cabin, Gold. —TO— 5 50 6 50 19 00 22 00 perfect $80 Steerage, $.30 Currency Ship,. ft Shipping,.. (g He would call the attention of the No. tj. Leave Portland at 1:00 p. m,, Lewiston CrackeraAMOO 35 40 00 afflicted to the ft Spruce,. 16 00 (g 17 fact of his an. m., witli train on E. «£ N. A. JAVA, April of N. II. The connecting Railway, Sperm. 35 ft 371 Shingles, iUBG!Mnu(l prosperous city Dover, ,lki"e l*™*™ must know for Oldtown and hotel is in well de- Terma, $1.00 per week. that Mattawamkcag. Cement. Cedar ex,... 4 25 @ 4 75 good repair; furnished; remediea^andid“* use Passage fare from Boston to N v n Som'ral should have Money/including York, Blight fully located, with tine shade trees and be at- rhclr cfflcm .i. J °?ifor No. 4. Leaves Portland at 5:15 p. m. Arrives at t Spring lri:iiu.'entine,gl ig 95 that antiquated and danger- No. r. Night Express (from St. leaves For Peaks’ Island. vant, street, Hh’d THEwith it. Located at Morrill’s Corner, Deering, Fr“nc!togaar|“Cal ous weanon. tlw MVwi,™ John), Headings, Oakuiu. 7 m.. miles from near R. R. station, and term- itefeiencesi'Oen. J. M. Brown. J. W. Bangor p. Watervile 9:23, Augusta Bruns- i’YBlH Soft Pine, 23 @ 111 2£ Portland, Symonds. wick 10:15, NTIRDIVATT, American,.... 91@ Horse R. *104., vicu. u. vj. 11:45, Bath 6 p. m., at inus of Portland and Forest Avenue R; one » 2 Auoinas. (remaining Brunswick Peuk’s ■•land •steamboat General Hard Pine, 26 ft 27 Oil. from one P. m. Have Confidence. until Arrives at Company n Agent. of the best locations in the place. The lot contains Apply to three o’clock p. M.f at 2 11:45). Portland at 1 a. m. Portland, Mar. 25, 1872. Hoops, (14ft), 26 00 ft 28 CKJ Kerosene. @ 32£ $1,500,000 All who have a MTEA .lll. lt raar25td the are a two story house 23 24 Appleton Block, or in P. committed an excess of from R.OakStaves 40 00 Port.Ref. Petr 27 1$ acres; buildings by Congress St., writing O. any kind, Passengers Portland for Dover and Foxcroft n < ft (g £ A small Green Box 1865. whether it be the vice of are feet, with L 12 20 feet. House and oc4dly febl9 solitary youth, or the ticketed through. Fare $5.00. A rand 11m* nf / -s. -\ WiS -V" • > ■ m w * L, Copper. 2 00 g by rebuke ting- a! l Sj>erm,. Office. bouse and land will be sold ling of misplaced confidence of connect 38 The with or maturcr years. .-.luges at uexter witli the 7.15 n. ni. train, Maine Cop.Bolts. ft Whale,.100 @110 ! the the Co Y. M. without Nursery stooks,or dwelling house and SEEK FOR SOME ANTIDOTE IN SEASON. arrivingat Dover anil Foxcruft at or about 9.00 n. m. Steamship Sheathing28 ft Bank,. 50 g 58 alone. CAPT. A. ». suitable lot of land Inquire mail on the Leave Dover anil Foxcroft at or about OLIVER. Bronze do. 28 ft Shore,. 45 (g 55 by Eaton The Pains and Aches, and Lassitude and 6 30 a m j or of E P- School Nervous at premises, BRIGGS, Esq., Morrill’s Corner Connecting Dexter with the 8.15 a. in. Will leave the Wettsideot Y. M. Bolts,.. 28 ft Porgie,. 50 (g 60 Family Prostration that may follow train for Portland Pier, daily tot febl3dtf Impure Coition, Portland and Peaks’ NEW 86 88 month arc the Barometer to Boston. Fare to Portland $3.90; to lalnud al X.45 A M. and 3.15 p M. AKKANCiE.YIENT. Cordage. Linseed,. (g Sold in the United States duringjtbe oj the whole system. Boston Boiled 91 FOR $6.50. l « leave Peak.’ n American,4?tb,151@ 161 do.,... (g 93 BOYS! Do not wait for the consummation that is sure to fol- e'“rntnj! I.ln.ul 13 A VI, 16 17 00 January. WM. H. : and 3.4o PM, 8EMI-WEEKLY LINE Russia,. ft Lard,.1 (g 1 10 low do not wait for unsightly Ulcers, for Stages for Guilford, Abbott, Mouson and Mooschead JEltltls, parife? can be Manila,. 20jft 21J Olive,.1 25 (g 1 75 NOBRIDGEWOCK, ME. Disabled Limbs, for Loss of Lake, leave Dexter at 11.00 a. ju. Connecting w ith CS^-Priyate accommodated by up. Manila 60 1 90 Beauty the P y«»tf to the Captain on board. B’ltr’p 23jft Castor,.1 (g The Term will and Complexion. Night Express from Portland. Steamers and aud 1 1 Real Estate and Spring commence Fare down and t»actc '• Dirigo Franeoni * Drugs Dyes. Neatsfoot,.... 25 (g 50 Loan How Thou Through Tickets are sold in Portland for cents, rbiliUen half nr^ e. will, until further Agent Many Maud* Can Teatify to This Houlton, Portlandsune 1871. nuticc. run .u. Alcohol, pgal, 1 85 ft 2 00 Elaine,. 58 (g 60 Calais and St.John, for S8.00; and to Halifax for 23, je23 ton,. @ 3 25 MORTGAGE “upon the railroad franchises, nd OF good order. Con" rejoice perfect Leave N. Conway, 8.45 1.00 are requested to send their venient for one or two freight to the Steamers ,« 13 ft 20 Hard. (g 3 00 families. The 7.40 A. M. from im Saltpetre,- all the lands and property, and rights of property, Portland and 1.00 P. M. from and early I P, M.,on the ilays they leave Portland vnuuim.in uik suu Apply to WM. H. No. will Long successfully used in its native as a Sulphur,. 41ft 51 igauu JEKRIS, School for Middle-Aged Men, Conway be freight trains with ear country, ror r reight or to real and now in the Northern mai'22dlw* Family Boys! 1 passenger® Powerful Ionic, and Potent Purifier ol the Passage apply 12 ft Calcined, brls 2 75 @ 3 CO I personal, possession by Real Estate Agent. There are men of the of who arc attached. Bl'ood it Vitrol,. 121 many age thirty is found even to exceed the Wharf. Portland Duck. Produce. Pacific Railroad Company, or which the said Compa- troubled with too frequent evacuations from the blad- anticipations founded on AMKS- No. 48 Beef 10 12 At Little often 8TAGF8. 1. @ Side, ptb @ j ny may hereafter The For Sale or To Let. Blue, der, accompanied by a slight smarting or burn- 44 12 acquire.” Land Grant of the VIA 7.40 A. M. Mayh-.UfK No. 3,. ft Veal,. 10 (aj ing sensation, and the In a man- Northern Pacific Railroad will subscriber about to remove to offers weakening system j T0NTC No. 10,. &> 30 Mutton. 6 @ 11 average over 23,000 Portland, FARMINGTON, MAINE. ner the patient cannot account for. On At East Baldwin for Sebago and dailv. pr0pertie' k,,uw“ Iu for sale or to be let in the of a few examining Bridgton, R Chickens. 20 (g 22 acres to each mile of This THE city Auburn, the a Ma^ImkduT'1' ivens, road. land is capable of minutes walk urinary deposits ropy sediment will often be VIA* 3.15 P. M. Kcr 8 26 20 @ 22 from depot, churches and schools Ids and j Scotu oz.,. Turkeys,. in abundance all found, sometimes small particles of semen or al- ; aalitas,_Nova 26 producing the Fruits, Vegetables spacious and convenient dwelling stable and School will open its Summer Term of ten ! At South Windham for North 10 oz. 321 Eggs, 4> doz., @ house, bumeu will appear, or the color will be of a thin, milk- Windham, Casco. Dr. Wells’ Extract of WEEKLY 50 GO and cereals of the Eastern or States. outbuildings, and them of about THIS on Raymond and Jurubeba LINK Dye woods. Potatoes,4Gbu @ Middle grounds surrounding weeks, ish hue, again to a dark and turbid j Naples, daily. 2 two acres of land of a changing appear-, At Baldwin for Bar wood,.... 3 ft Gnious. 50 @ 2 75 ( consisting lawn, shrubbery April 22, 1872. ance. There are men who die Cornish, Kezar Falls and Porter is a THE VALUE OF LAND GRANTS. aud many of this dltticul- | perfect reineily for all diseases of the BLOOD Wood,. 5 @ 7 Provisious. vegetable garden, current and gooseberry bushes, of the daily. favorite CAR It has the of an new ! ty, ignorant cause, which is the ORGANIC WEAKNESS, GLANDULOUS TU /Jft® Steamship 6 ft 7 Hess Boef,.. 10 00 @ 12 00 The average'price at which twenty-sixlaud apple, pear, plum and cherry trees In full advantage entirely building. At Brownfield for Denmark and Bridgton. dailv LOTTA will leave Galt's Whorl Camwood,.... grant bearing. the most and ana ! SECOND STAGE OF SEMINAL 3 Ex 13 00 14 50 Also adjoining the above are thirteen acres nr delightful locality surroundings, WEAKNESS. At Fryeburg for lx>vell, SATURDAY Fustic,. 2fft Mess,.. @ railroads have thus far sold their lands is $7.04 high- the finest of of similar in daily. every per cultivated corps teachers any school ! 1 •at 4 Plate,. 13 00 15 00 ly mowing, arable and pasture land, on I can warrant a perfect cure in such and a The 8.45 A. M. train from SKlTKISdS;!;". P. M. for Halifax direct Logwood, @ acre—the of the cases, No. Conway, arrives In Cam 21 Ex 16 50 highest average any grant being $13.98, which is a young orchard of trees. The whole country. full and restoration of the in maki®S cluxe connections peachy, 11® Plate,.. @ 17 00 thrifty Send healthy urinary organs. Portland season for early afternoon train for v a .Scotia for St. Domingo, 2ift Pork, lowest $3.07. With few exceptions the av- conveniently premises are Persons personally consult the Dr. can I ton and passengers the 1 P. M. from It is Railway, Windsor, Truro New ALDEN J. BLETHEN. by North Con- strengthening and Like nntri- i and Pietou. Peach Wood, 5Aft 18 00 18 50 pleasantly situated on high ground the do so by writing, in a a of ! cau take the nourishing. Glasgow Backs. @ erage selling price has increased from year to year. overlooking March ll-d2m plain manner, description way Portland steamers arriving in Bos- into the it Ked Wood— 31ft 4 17 25 city of Auburn and Lewiston. Tlio with their diseases, and the remedies will be ton the stomach, amim Hates and Clear. @ 17 75 buildings appropriate ! early next morning. J**0” e The lands of the Northern are admitted lawn — Ur°Ugh Fish. PacificRoad and would be for a — forwarded drCQ,«lun. vigor Mess,.15 50 @ garden exchanged house in immediately. Tickets for sale at the ticket office M. C. R. It. aild giving Portlaud or vicinity All health? Cabtu with State Cod, perqtl., none by all who have seen them, to be better and more j correspondence strictly confidential and will be «*• It passage Room. *7 no Prime. @ | __ HAMILTON, regulates tile 5 50 F. BRADFORD. returned if desired. Superintendent. bowels, quiets the nerves, acts di- to L’ge Shore, 5125 ft Hams,. 11 @ 12 saleable than those of most other grants; but. sold at Portland, November 8, 1871. no9tf rectly on the secretive *-BILLUH» 1 .’cro 11'inV a Ml t*w\ A TK Round Auburn, March 2, 1872. dtf Address: DR. J. B. organs, and, by its powerful AHautk Wharf,"(itrmiUl0n llogs 64 @ 7 the of HUGHES, Ionic and restoring Small,.3 50 @ 4 00 Bice. general average $7,04 i>er acre, they will yield W. P. 172 Cumberland St.. Portland. effects, produces healthy and MiplStf JOHN HASTINGS, PORTLAND & ROCHESTER RAILROAD. vigorous action to the whole system. PORTEOU8, Agent. Pollock,.3 50 @ 4 50 4> lb... 10 more than $161,000 per mile of road—more than three FOR SALE tyociMl a Stamp for Circular. JOHN tUce, 74® ON STATE STREET. Q. KELLOGG, 18 Platt New York. Haddock,.... none Nu Irra uh. ORGANS Street, times the possible cost of construction and equip- Winter Arrangement. for the United Hake,. 2 00 @2 25 7 rww, Th ii S£le 4gent States. Saleratus, 4>lb, @ 94 at the lowest of Eclectic Medical Price One Dollar .per Bottle. Send for INTERNATIONAL STEAMSHIP ment; average any grant (3.07)’ —ANU— Infirmary. Circular. CO. Herring, Half. 0n after mch2o f 4w Sliore.^bbl 3 00 @ 4 50 Turk’s Is. they will produce more than $70,000 per mile, which TO THE LADIES. Ir.nriinnnnrn.w7l Monday, December, 18, 41 Houses, No. 99 State street, and the one in M1i passenger trains leave Portlaud 9--- Kaatport, Calais and 81. John, Scaled,' Agents St., every Monday at 6.00 p. m xx,... 7 75 @8 50 diem. Olive,. 10 & Rochester R. R. directions, ,\Vant£i°Ve<450,it ,or and for Thursday, 1 @ Depot, and formerly occu- by addressing DR. Maine, and at 8.30 A. M. via Eastern Railroads. ^e,n< outfit, secure territory at Eastjxirt and St John. Mich.Winter, 8 50 @ 9 00 irane’s,. 13 pay a dividend of more than 9J per cent, on its total C. L. HUGHES, Circulars free. UNION ® pied by Patridge, consisting of a nll865d&w No. 172 Leave Portland for Saco River at w PUBLISHING Returning will leave St. John and xx 8 75 @ 9 25 ! m good War- Cumberland Street, Portland, j 5.30 P. M. t?' CO., Eastport* on the ioda,. @ 13 cost. With its great and unquestioned in House, Barn, Wood-house and all in Leave Saco River for Portland Philadclidda, Chicago or Cincinnati. meb25t4w same days. Illinois x,- 7 75 @ 8 25 advantages Out-buildings, at 5.30 A. M Hpices. good repair, with a good of soft and hard wa- connect as at xx,- 9 00 iC 10 00 distance, grades, climate and tributary fertile coun- supply Stages follows: Connecting Eastport with steamer QUEEN for lassia, pure,. 47 @ 50 I water, and about four acres of choice land At St. Andrews and 9 containing Gorham for West and Wanted. Calais, and with N. B A C Rail- St. Louis x,.. 50 @ 10 00 doves,. 21 @ 25 try, the Northern Pacific is assured of a vast and with about 80 choice Price lists sent by mail. Gorham, Standish, No j grafted and bearing apple trees. Pectoral Limington, daily. to way for Woodstock and Houlton. xx, 10 50 @ 11 50 < linger,. 20 Also Ayer’sCherry get Into business, send for @ profitable business from the outset, with a large in- Pear, Cherry and small fruit, such as grains, At Buxton Centre for West the CANY St' witl* the Fruit. 65 1 70 I For Di»ease8 of the Throat and Buxton, Bonnv Eagle A!;L ASSING AGENTS’ MANUAL. I’ub- ;'olm Steamer EM dace.1 @ crease for the currents, goosberries, &c. Lungs, ; and PRESSrnSSf'^i for and Almonds—Jordan future. paid for in Install- Limington, daily. uaned monthly, containing the address nt business Digby Annatiolis, thence bv rail to ^ lb, s'utmegs,.... 1 20 @ 1 25 1 Also another house and lot on said \\ iudsor and These facts street; lot 125x125 Kfiuch as At Centre Waterboro’ for firms tlte Halifax and with the E. & N. A Rail- Soft Shell,.. 20 @ 22 ; 28 30 I regarding Pacific Railroad with some ments. Coughs, Colds,Whooping Cough, Limerick, Newfield. Par- throughout country, wanting agents, with ’epper,. @ earnings, feet, bearing apples trees, small fruits. &c. sonsfielil and a way for Shediac anil 40 55 Astbmn and Ossipee, Tuesdays, and Sat- descilptiou of their business. Sent mail on intermediate stations. Shelled,.... @ Htareli. lud the market value of Railroad as Both of which will be sold Bronchitifi, Consumption. Thursdays by re- Lands, shown cheap if applied for urdays, returning alternate ceipt of 25 cents. EPFreight received on of Pea-Nuts,.... 2 25 @ 3 25 Jearl. 9 soon. Terms false have the Agency for this State for the days. days sailing• until 4 @ 114 t>y actual sales to settlers, show the easy. For further information inquire THE FEW At Centre Waterboro’ for o oloek, p. m. Citron,. 47 @ 50 Sugar. unquestioned of JOHN CELEBRATED Compositions Limerick, Parsonsfield, ft.M.YVmTK&CO., Publishers, 194 Broadway, of _ CLOUDMAN. which have won the conti- daily. New York A. R. Currants,. 10 @ Granulated,.. 124@ 124 security Northern Pacific Railroad Bonds. meh26dlw&w4w-wl3 | City. Also, parties having business STUBBS, Agent Sacearappa, Me. dence of mankind and ILLIAM H. chances, or is t 25th then os Dates, new,. 8}@ 9} loffee A,. lis® ! TURNER, Superintendent. wanting agents, please send us your cir- _mchl3 ti 114 become household words i Portland, Dec. 15,1871. culars or address. Figs,. 14 @ 20 Extra C,. llj® 111 McPhail’s decl6-te mch2.'kl4wt 12 15 For Sale or To Lease. Pianos, among not only one but I Norfolk and Baltimore and Prunes. @ C,. 11 @ 111 A MONTH to sell our Universal Cement Washington, account of The instrument manufactured in the United i many nations, must have *&^i7 K Raisins, iyrups,. 40 @ 60 poor health, my house and store, leading EASTERN AND 4 tJ Combination Button D. C. heated States. virtues. Per- PORTLAND, SACO, & Tunnel, Hole Cut- Steamship Line. Bunch, $) box, none Eagle Sugar Refinery: ON throughout by steam with very little ex- extraordinary ter, and other articles. Saco haps no one ever secured so Novelty Co., Saco.* Me Layer,new,.2 75 @ 3 00 C.— 10 10 pense. Also, the stock which was bought ‘before the PORTSMOUTH R. R. mar25t4w @ J Remember 144 1-2 St. wide a or Steamships of this Line sail from Muscatel.. 3 40 @3 50 late rise. It is one of the best and most Exchange reputation main- B. (a) none CONSTRUCTION OF desirable tained end of Central 13 THE ROAD. chances for safe in dc20 eod&wtf it so long as Ayer’s Wharf, Boston, Val.newfc>lb. 12}@ Mus. Gro... !U® 10 , investment trade in Portland. w17_2m j WINTER and VUI.1WVI AfitlUKAL. At ARRAN GEMENT. Tuesdays Saturdays at 4i*. m Lemons,. 4 50 5 00 Hav. Brown For further call on the I @ particulars premises, No 32 lias BURNHAM’S ►for NORFOLK and 5 00 5 St. Lawrence OFFICE OF been known to the pub- Qj'—x BALTIMORE* Granges, pbox @ 25 Nos. 12 & 16 104@ 114 street, of j JVor'r New Eurbtur is in general lie about forty years, a ! Commencing Tloudiiy, 13th, 1871. —:-Steamships:— Grain. Hav. White, @ none J. J. GILBERT. by r_3 use throughout the U. S. A if tlliam Lawrence. P Blanchard long contiuned series ot Corn, Mixed,. 83 @ 84 Centrifugal, 10 @ 11 S—All who have demands against me will pre- I Maine State Boiler Co. h-t six inch, is used bvtheGnvern- Appotd." marvellous which have won trains leave Portland dai- “George White,. none ltetining,... s|@ 9 sent them for payment, and persons owing me will cures, for it a confidence pJ8*e"Ser r ment in the Patent office, William Kennedy.' 8G call in its never f°r Portsmouth and " Yellow,. 85 @ Demarara,. 111 a 124 i please and settle. mch!9tf virtues, equalled by any other medicine. Boston, (Sun- M Washington, 1). C. Its sim- “McClellan (’apt. The is It still makes the most -'W- ''■. n mays excepted) at *1.10 A. M. Rye.110 @ 115 Teas. road completed to the eastern boundary ot effectual cures of Coughs, t6.15 A. piicity of construction and the i that can be M., §9.10 A. 13.30 73.45 P. W«^W«8 75 85 ... Colds, Consumption, made M., P.M., *>* Barley,. @ louchong, 40 @ 55 Dakota, the Red River of the North, a distance oi by medical M 4** fiower it transmits renders it 57 ( 1 skill. Cherry StStliSyWofrte'e1S,kme.NOrf0lk Oats,. @ (ft lolong,. 55 70 Indeed,»the Pectoral has really the best water wheel ever in- lrom @ 255 miles. On the Pacific 65 miles are under 1V1 -LOEE.UL.AIN robbed these Leave Boston for Portland at A. Nor/ofk to and Fine Feed,.. 3G 00 @ < choice 75 1 00 coast, EU U S. dangerous diseases of their terrors, to a t7.30 M., 18.30 A. L venteil. free. J Petersburg lolong, @ | M., 112.15 P. 73.00 P. Pamfihiet N. Itichmond, by river or rail; and by tbe lb. * Ten:, Shorts,. 33 00 @ 35 00 65 construction, the greater part of which is great extent, and given a of from M., M., *8.00 P. M. K. iapan,. @ 85 completed feeling immunity BURNHAM, York, Pa. ._ a11 to their fatal which is o.w !IOintl, Tirginia, Tennessee, Ala- Gunpowder. iapan, choice 1 00 a the Northern effects, well founded, if the rein- ! si., returning ai bnmauml V0, including purchased lines, Pacific Com Notice. be 5 20PM— r nich4t4w Georg,a ; and over the Seaboard and Koa- 4 50 5 00 Copartnership edy taken in season. should have It ! «oie «. It. Blasting,. @ Tin. now Every family to all points in North and South 4 50 5 00 pany have nearly 600 miles of running road firm of FOGG & of in their closet for the and ! Portsmouth for Portland tlO.00 A. M.. tl0.40 A Carolina Shipping,- @ Ranca, cash, @ none GREEN, CO., Portland, ready prompt relief of its d Uh'U Ji K t0 Contracts are is this dissolved members. M., t2.38 P. M., t5.30 P. *10.10 P. M. and Hay. Straits, cash,. 44 @ 45 let for the construction of 635 miles THE day by limitation and consent, Sickness, suffering, and even life is saved M., WELLS’S ire!!.' Washington and the business hereafter in thi« ♦Pullman car train, CARBOLIC TABLETS, places* ton30 00 32 00 ■ Portland, is to be con- *>y timely protection. The should sleeping express Pressed, If)1 @ English,. 44 @ 45 more, to be finished before the close of 1872. prudent not Through rate* to South and 00 tinued Green & neglect it, and the wise will not. tAccommodation train. given West, Loose,.30 @ 35 00 lhar. I. C—14 00 @ by Fogg, Hlram'Burrillhavingrotired Keep it by you for F«r Collin and fine WE from tile firm. the it in § Mail train. Coughs, IlonrwuoNH. Passenger accommodations, Straw,.18 00 @ 20 00 'bar. I. X....16 50 n WOULD RECOMMEND THE GREEN & FOGG, protection affords sudden attacks, ami bv ts use. tExpresH. i Meals to Norfolk 812.50 Krou. kntimonv,... 23 @ 25 NORTHERN PACIFIC SEVEN-THIR- HIRAM BURRILL. timely TABLETS .Zfas nclU‘Un.g10 5e£,han<1 March present the Acid in combina- Bal,im“e ®15> 65 honrs Common,_ 4 4} Tobacco, 22, 1872, mch27d3t l3?"The Pullman Sleeping Car Express Train ar- tion with m 48 TY GOLD ROND AS ONE OF THE PREPARED BY THESE other efficient remedies, in a popular Norfolk, hours. To Baltimore, 65 hours. Refined,. 4}^ 5 fives and Tens, rives at and for the For further REST AND SAFEST DU. .J. C. AYER «& RMEEU. uacc departs from the Depot of the Maine term, Cure of all THROAT and LUNG Dis- Information apply to Swedish,. 6}@ 7 Best Brands 65 75 SECURITIES CQ.. V'Ciru ai ivtiiii uan. @ Oo-rarmersliip Notice. Practical anti Analytical Chemists, eases- HOARSENESS and ULCERATION of the E Norway,. 7}@ 8 Medium. 60 65 NOW OFFERED TO THE | « « sAMPSON, Agent. @ PURLIC. Ana soia N. L\ The I June2tf 33 Cast 19 21 copartnership heretofore existing between uy druggists all round the world. 6.15, S1.10 A. M., and 3.30,3.45 P. M. are constantly being sent Central Wharf. Boston Steel,— @ Common,... 55® 60 In this are trains Yor?lieEEJH, ^KENDALL’S inches. 11 increasing yearly WILL CONTINUE THE from the lower to ^Accommodation. MILLS, Light,.36 @14 the upper compartment. His established and rationalism BV RAADALli Sheetings.9-8. 16 nearly one third. We would tFast Express. divinity routed.*7 The AXDKIiWs, @18 especially call the attention of Railroad Lute of the APOTHECARY & DRUG W. Boston. most Gardiner Hotel,Ihe Maine Sheetings,.5-4. 18. @211 All marketable stocks and bonds will be received BUSINESS, men to the following facts, that while running this MERRITT, Superintendent. popular and rapidly selling religious work ever Hotel at Dam. PAYSON an.scoff;i, and Columbian Houge, Bath. Sheetings.10-4. 40 @65 at current At the old stand of C. W. boilerwith coal or wood the sparks are TUCKER, Agent, prices in exclxange for Northern Pacific Gilkey & Co., neutralized, 353 Commercial Street, Portland. Circulars address U, S. Pub. N. Y. Shirtings,.27 inches. 81a 91 and none have ever left the smoke-stack or uovll-dtf Issued.^For Co., ,8 with Seven-Thirties without to the investor. chimney, " Ho^A^IL,V^8t‘bl* the Shirtings,.30 inches. 9i@10i expense CONGRESS STREET, Corner of Preble which in itself is a most valuable advantage, neve* Cincinnati, ChicagcToTstTLouis?" "mr4t4w*‘"—* Shirtings,.34 11 For further this before realized. ou__mrMait* inches, @121 particulars concerning Bond, or A Standard Preparation, endorsed the most I BLUE DENIMS. Where they will be to serve the with ourselves to and. not by ye- purchase of the same, to the happy public Confining practice theory we liable and its i apply undersigned. pure medicines. invite all Physicians, astonishing curative powers $5.00 SAVED Heavy, (Indigo). 25 @30 parties in want of Steam Boilers to give us attested thousands who have Coal the SWAN Ac will be by used it. by ! Medium,. 16 @20 BARRETT, Physicians’ prescriptions made a 1 l ^$60^REWAU^^!^re^b^O Cargo specialty It is a sure, quick for all diseases of the y purchasing ticket* via the *‘ie Light. i II. M. of, as heretofore. The attention of the trade W. T. BROWN & remedy B nw proprietor of Dr. luge’s H 12*@ PAYSON, country CO., General Agents, in male or is invited and out-of-town Urinary Organs existing female, Irritation ■ l'atari'll Remedy for n case of WK Brown. 16 @!0 E. particularly physicians dcl8 Cor. Middle and Exchange Sts or Grand Trunk W&f fl W. WOOD, Inflammation of or Bladder, Gravel. Dia- am i "Cold in or iaup, CAMBUICS. can rely ui»on prompt attention to their orders, and Kidneys Railway fl Jleud," Catarrh fl RankrrM. Portlniiil. betes, Reddish Sediment in FOR- * Ozena,which be can uot cure, Common Colors. 81® 9 the high standard of the goods forwarded. Urine, Thick, Cloudy flu \ jfes fl StTEA.yiEK, ieD 27- J CC dtScEWYW CORNSYRTJP. Urine, Mucous anu Involuntary from fry Sold by at 60 eta. High. 9 @ 9} CHAS. W. GILKEY, Discharges fl j-4 Druggists broken, mcli7 Urethra, Retention or Incontinuence of Urine, Chron- COTTON FLANNELS. SARGENT P. COE. discovered an Having that inferior Syrup is being ic Catarrh of Bladder, and all Chronic Maladies of the CALIFORNIA, WOVE and Heavy,. 20 @25 sold the branded “Com Or other iu feb26t-4w CHESTNUT COAI.^”' throughout State, Syrup,’" (Jrino-Genltal Organs. any point the the Medium,."" 124'# 15 Dissolution of By cargo at the we beg to notify the trade generally that the For sale all and very lowest marfe- price.de- White all Copartnership. only by Druggists Dealers in Medicin I bveretl on bom. I %t Wool,.--.7-8.' 35 White’s article is branded as place ol mid will White all @42J Copartnership heretofore between genuine follows: everywhere. GREAT hiin the {shipment. pf,>. Wool,.4.4. 45 Specialty Charles existing WEST. uml ri-frv«UB( care Vcmtbt t* trniignoit the fame when @55 THE W. Gilkey and Waterhouse, un- no28 desired Shaker Cotton and Wool,. 30 (tr'M George eodly not be deceived “Old of vrenuiae Furiua KO** & der the firm name of C. W. GILKEY & is here- ^'/4i> and gawed to dimension*. Medium,. 10 @ ill CAUSED BY tlemon. Hold HARD STOMACH, CON- Dissolution of ^vSJSiSS^88 8treet> Portland, Me. by Druggists PINK PLANK, Cheap,.. 64# 84 Copartnership. SALT RHEUM, WM. FLOW ERS, Eastern Agent, sud Dealers In Snuff and PEBrcMEBY^\. HARD PINK FLOORING AND Pink, Purple,. 11 @ 12 TRACTION UPON UNDIGESTED copartnership heretofore between And other diseases of the Me. MTEP. existing CORN Skin, has consigned to us a j sept25dtf__ Bangor, BOA GINGHAMS. m for gale C. Osborne RDM, Woodbrhlge and Henry T. Carter, of his Compound and Ointment. The char- for our new IB page paper the by USUALLY under the firm name quantity Bates,... ® 15 FOOD, SOON AFTER of J. G. True & Co., is this day acter or the manufacturer, and the abundant evidence GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY OF WANTED.—AgentsContributor. Thirteen departments, religious Lancaster,... 73 dissolved mutual consent. CANADA. and secular. Rev. A. STETSON c£ ^ by Either party is author- furnished during the last twenty-five years, of the B. Earle writes for it, $1.00 a POPE. DELAINES. EATING. ized to use firm name in a Wharf and Hock, settlement. I safety and of the remedy, gives us confidence year; $2.00 premium to eacli subscriber. For first, corner of E stieet. efficacy ALTERATION OF Hamilton,. 20 (5) Woodbridge C. Osborne will contine the manufac- SYRTJpj in it for the of i TRAINS. Agents’ address James H. ottering rillef sufferers. terms, Earle, Boston, Pacific,. ACIDITY AND WIND CAUSED ture of N. E. mifiDeoilly Office. 10 States-.,Boston. 20 <# Rum, retaining the old firm name of A fresh supply just received and for sale Wholesale I mchlBHw All Wool, all colors,. 35 w. G. 1KL Cj & CO* Mass._ 371 BY FOOD and Retail in this city by H. H. Hay, W. F. I WINTER ELIAS ROB ROY PLAIDS. FERMENTING IN- W. C. W EMEEr 4 JT. W. -A-RRA.NG-KM.KNT. A for ,iie siile of HOWE All OSBORNE, FHBBISH, Phillip*. Perkin* and by II. Wood t "Briglit Style*,.3-4.... 42*@ 47* H, NRY T. CARTER. ^ 141 and aA-VTajLi A toNew York,” a Library of In- All STEAD OF J *i«le, Congress st., by respectable Druggists formation Styles,.6-4.... 85 a 95 DIGESTING. March 1872. °ct. pertaining to its Institutions and of Portland, 6, mr8d3wlaw everywhere. For cash by the dozen a very liberal dis- j l>M>.saii3.w.8li-r0“ un-}1,after Monday, 30, 1871, Objects PLAID LINSEY. will ran as follows: Interest. See that the count to the trade. Price with full directions. J?gf??fS?f§fj|TraiHs book you get is by Rev. J. F. Sewing Machines All Styles,. COSTIVENESS AND LOSS OF Jm $1, f-ww -w—•* train at 7.30 A. Richmond, 5 a 124(a) 274 For further particulars see the article. Passenger M. for years City Mlaslonery. A work worth WOOLENS. Dissolution of South and and not a Sensation mch6<12m ,, ,, ! Paris, intermediate stations. having book.' 200 Engravings ANDECTTEr.ICKS OWING TO UNNAT- Copartnership. WM. B. TRUFANT, Bath, Me. Mail tram Kentucky Jeans,. 75 ® 45 APPETITE, .stopping at ail stations) for Island Agents sell 40 a day. E. B. TREAT, Pub. 805 Broad- Union with mall Meltons,.. 50 Pond, connecting night train lor Quebee,v way, mcli4t4w URAL CONDITION OF FOOD AND Montreal and the N._Y._ aii wool Meiwiis,.57 @ 1 So Copartnership heretofore existing between the MALL’S West, at 1.10 P. M. Patterns of Accommodation for ACHENTM! ! ! The Physical Life Of (larments Printed Satinets,. 50 (# 624 THEsubscribers, under the Btvle of Coveil & This brand is protected bv Letters and the South Paris aud Intermediate WANT OF GASTRIC JUICE. Valpey, Patent, stations at 5.00 P. M. Fancy Cassimere,. 75 @ 1124 is dissolved by mutual consent this day. Syrnp is for sale by all the Wholesale Grocers in VEGETABLE SICILIAN trains will Iilack Cassimere,. 1 00 (# 1 25 PAIN IN THE H. A. COVELL, Portland. EMERY & FURBISH. Passenger arrive as follows: PL^MM-.b'* WILDEB; Black HEAD, From Soutn Paris and at WOMAN Doeskins.3-4.... 1 124@ 2 00 SIDES, C. A. VALPEY. Portland, March 25th, 1872. mclx27 Lewiston, 8.15 A. M. Still outsells From any book In tlie market. It is ....-w inMiuuH.il,. upturns. Black March HAIR Montreal, Gorham and thorough- _ Doeskins,.6-4.... 3 00 # 4 00 BREAST AND Portland, 25,1872. mch26dlw Quebec, Bangor, at established as the B ack EXTREMITIES, 2.45 P. M. ly only reputable work oir the del- Tricot.3-4.... 1.30 @ 1 75 icate subjects of which its treats, Portland & Kennebec R. R. Accommodation from So. Paris arrive at 8 45 P M MOUTH CLAMMY WITH BAD Co’y. Kkadt! a ,lew NOTICE. RENEWER. jy Sleeping Cars on all trains. hook from the pen of DIO 1 50 @ 1 75 night L America’s most FISHERIeIV! fwJ V&Vi.3-4.. aud ... aie popular lecturer writer ''' ‘ TASTE AND FURRED TONGUE. of Mr. C. Stockholders' uui responsiDie tor baggage to on health. Fancy Coatings’ .M' .». 55 S I purchased A. Valpey, his en- Meeting;. Is the best article ever known to tire interest in the firm any amount exceeding *50 in value (and that The HAVING of COVELL* & VAL- penton- world-wide reputation of the author, and the .■'' CONSUMPTIVE al) unless notice is and U n loll » « PEY, the business will l>e conducted as heretofore given, paid for at the rate oi large sale of all his Beavers,!!!! SYMPTOMS, RESTORE GRAY HAIR oue tor previous works, cannot fall to se- TWINES AND } at the old where all bills passenger every *500 additional value. cure an NETTING, Mo»cow Beaver» g stand, of the old firm can be Immense demand for his latest and best. oo COUGH AND PALPITATION OF settled. Director. MAXPEAPTRED H .3»|l TO ITS ORIGINAL IT i'.VfiYPQE8, Managing GEO. YOUTHFUL COLOR. ■ Publisher. « 1 PAMI* BLANKETING. inch27dlw t'AIi.l’.Y. Lora! MACLEAN, b. Cotton and W COVELL & CO. Superintendent. mchAtAw 3 School sr.tr. hood eh ,r- sons. ool,. 7ff m tsu on HEART OFTEN MISTAKEN FOR Portland, Oct. 26, 1871. oc26islw-ostf st-) All Wool,. .J2 It will prevent the Hair from out. Send lor price-list. 3< ^ 1 ?5 falling Unliiiuore, Hd. COLORED BLANKETS. CONSUMPTION WHILE IT IS ON- FOR SALE. wtfh Stencil and Kev iill Makes the Hair MONEY^ ?T?"lw?pyiy _.It? Union, per pair,. ^ “tin ^ M smooth and glossy, and does not .YY Check Outfits. Catalogues samnle All Wool, per LY A stain the skin as others. particulars free. S. pair..!!.".!!!! 4 ^ 6 » SYMPTOM OF DYSPEPSIA. M. Spencer, Brattlebo- WHITE f THE FIXTURES AND FOR ro’rn'V f' BLANKETS. STOCK, LEASE SALE! vt-_ _mchiettw SEEM, SEEM! iV'f... 2 25 @5 50 SLEEPLESSNESS, DIZZINESS, OUR TREATISE ON THE HAIR 3 50 @5 50 OF A BUSHELS jSew T'moihy £et«!; «Iso }*-f.. V_/ Clover ami Rttl 12-1. 5 50 @ 7 50 HEADACHE, GLOOM AND DE- SENT FREE BY MAIL. Top lor pale l»y COTTON BATTING. WICKES' H. TEBBETS 50 lb 1 lb 18 PRESSION OF ARE and Goods R-J*- &„cO. Nashua, N. Proprietors. KENDALL rfl WHITNEY. bales, rolls,. 13£@ SPIRITS, Millinery Fancy For sale by all druggists. HOUSE, Cotton 30 321 Portland «Vt ,jtp IR7J. Warp Yarn,. @ ALL febl8 eedx-eow d eow w wP SPRINGVALE. ‘eiJiltl is Cotton Twine. 30 ® 35 ALARMING SYMPTOMS IF STORE. 2m ECLECTI C Cotton Wieking,. 30 (jij 35 BUT WILL rBOOKINGS. NEGLECTED, WHICH ARE One of the Best locations iu the City. BE SOLD CHEAP! ,,T EASILY Ayer’s Hair As the owner OIL! REMOVED BY THE at 28 Green Mass. mar27-6t Vigor, wants to go West. 45 55 USE Apply street, Boston, Fitri ‘Si'to ",.7-8.... SAMUEL D. OF __J?JL32_ _ TEBBETS. FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR is intended lor use In Appointment of Assignee. ordinary kerosene lamps, Heavy Brown,.crash. TO ITS OLIVER wherever good light and perfect security from acci- Medium “White’s subscriber hereby public notice that lie NATURAL VITALITY AND COLOR. DITSON & CO.’S Brown.. Specialty for gives dent are Jj j Dyspepsia.” THEwas appointed Assignee of the estate of Luther required. It is prepared carefully at the Heavy,.DBIL^os. FOR 8A¥jE BY AIjIj J. Hill of Portland, in the County of Cumberland and ADVANCING STANDARD MUSICAL WORKS. 13 DRUGGISTS, State of on of years, AND WHOLESALE Maine, the twenty-fifth dav March, A. HUDSON RIVER OIL t BY D. sickness, eare, disap- CHE A P / / WORKS, .121fBLEACHED 1872, by assignment for tlie lament of creditors and UNEXCELLED!! DRILLINGS. PERKINS & under the pointment, heredi- laws of the State of Maine. tary And cannot be equalled for Dealers and CO., predisposition, all Beautiful Octavo purchasers of Fruit and Ornamental AND HENRY C. PEABODY, Assignee. turn the hair Edition of Oratorios & Cantatas. March 1872. mar27-d3w gray; Burity, Brilliancy, nnd Trees ami Plants will tad their Interest in 27, either of them Creation $ .50 Hymn of Praise.50 Economy. examining disuses Messiah mir increased and PHILLIPS & CO it to fall off premature- ...50 Night .75 largely unerpiallod stock, which Is in Walpurgis Furnished in rnns, cases, aud prime bbls. bv ME. New lYI ileli Cow for Sale. 1000 ly, and either effect is As the Hart pants superior in quality, with PORTLAND, dudas Egypt.50 many Novelties, selected In THOS. LAUGHLIN mch2 t MW&S w3m wlO unsightly and Maccaba?us.. .50 (42d Ps.). ,38 BARTLETT A ( & fine with calf unpleas- O., Kurope, by personal inspection, last fall. Send for a SON^ Durham—very animal, by to Samson.75 Come let us her si behold. Dr. sing GRADE e. ant 8t. Paul.75 98 India Catalogue. at office consummate (95th Ps.).38 Mtrret, Boston, Apply Portland Packing Co. mar27dlw* “Communists DYER’S 1.00 w. C. STRONG & general skill has produced Elijah. Ninety-eight Psalm. ,75 u CO., blacksmiths, an €«cn*l Ag’ln for New »'>'• *<> * antidote for those Athalia. 1,00 Woman of Samaria, l.ou England. Beacon St., Boston, • is HAVE BEEN de- mehll TO PHYSICIANS artments, with that the subscriber has RECEIVED Btabat J. S. CHE* * MWiftF 6w NOTICE hereby given, formities which has won Mater-,... .45 Hear my Prayer.38 EK 185 Board and for about to be and taken Ladies confined, ,Kipn duly appointed upon himself __ for Portland. COMMERCIAL ST.. Nursing, the♦A.!! trust of At “Oak anil are now gratitude for him from Oratorio Choruses separate, C cts. ea. GO cts, doz or who require for or administrator of the estate of Hall,” ready for the j>er reb2n 4w treatment, (except contagious public. multitudes of women Fool of Centre venereal diseases,) under the charge of their own phy- CHANDLER Beautiful Octavo Edition of Masses. Mrreet. RACK LEFF, late of I leering, Those who left ORDERS will find their and rneu. His HAIR sician, can be found by addressing Mrs. M. S. Ware, packages \ IGOR Beethoven’s Mass in Mozart’s 15th (Re- No. 4 Ferdinand and sometimes reproduces lost and always st.. Boston. All communications bonds ns’Vhas the f lawi°f Cumberland, deceased, given for rostores to hair; C. $ .50 quiem) Mass. .50 directs. All persons having de- ready delivery at the desk. faded and hair its natural with piSIHGS^ confidential. gray color, Bordese’s Mass in F .75 Mozart’s 2d. 7th, and its 11 v C8tat* “f are the and freshness of sTvmTm IRON References: Haij M. D. John Skinner. M. estate are famous suits Farmer’s Mass in 13 Mercadantc’s Moss 3 ,David ThaJ’er» ; D.; to who have not discovered the virtues of For Wharfs and all other M. S. L. M. calied^pen mau himself occupy at No 11 ness and jyi by I and Dealers the trusttruMt ofnf i L'.l|'lH:1"1'-'1 Preble st. agreeable expression. Masses, ea.... .75 Weber’s Mass in nggists In Fancy Go.«ls. MWJkRK Of WOKTHI.KWi MITkTIOXU is braHcb of the business in the Administrator of the estate of TIIKbuildlngrinch 19-2w As an E flat jr» Price a. cents s? mnntm/lolng.ever-v p, fer to receive a "money order” ior the it s imr ho'tle, names, lull ours HOYT. by mall rather than to elegant dressing beautifying Hair, Haydn 16th Mass. 1.00j Southard’s Mass in F 3s re-embling in siune1 amiamlenW color ofe has no superior. De Monti’s r, C, WELLS & CO., into ..led to deceive. wrapper artiirrJfi have Mass.75iSouthard’s Short 192 the sent Mozart’s __ Fulton York. s money by express, for which there is us- PREPARED BY 1st Mass... .601 Mass in D ^ Street, New ANNUAL twebu dealers* DR. J. Mozart’s 12th Mass. SS.TM,t».urr ^l°vp a C. AYER & CO., LOWELL, MASS., .45} ually charge. All orders will be filled In promptly Practical Complote Operas, Full Vocal CiKft Prtwff"? estate are called to make and Ch?mists, Score, CS#**TilK lUSINU upon payment to the Analytical Si \ J.i wnut Bpvi'ti THOMAS HANNA Seed order they are received, so that to secure assorts And sold all rouud the world. ChenpHntl L>un»Mf_^uiK*rcp,!. ^tarptnlr.* FORD, Adm’r Catalogue! dec* "E Ills Law March 1872. Fun., SIMM, si \ HI iu slurj.nrt-.-e. Notice. Capo Elizabeth, 5th, nirhy-3w deod&eowd-weow-ly Glovan_ jjrJJ'jVViiriort,rb1 u,,“- incuts of sizes will sataas, D°®„8g!M8’8£i»LTO and »- "-M »Wl«. W. nr our early application be necessary. bearing, nt'chlnm GODDARn mow have Just Wished Annual Seed Cata- e. I tuoupnon's poiiadk optima:, elm r. II,. a .1 V, 1,.. CHARLESsuited professionally, at the WElogue of FLOWER and VEGETABLE SEEDS used office ofJo^nhA’ A Home ^vM.^aofDirfehri!:^r7a:,^lo,,a’ dally will niako It so. It Is a t«*.,,^.Vij,V"rT“Tq*I.V“!l No- 71 and will furnish It VBEG on entirely Vegetable »«>••' Bl0<-k- application. Wood! Wood! 31,1,10 or BROS" Pr°P’f».. Canton, Mass. af : a girl from 10 to 12 of Can have “OAKHAM,,” Boston tpe ublishers. °,f,any i>e»ler*, Compound, exquisitely pertained,slid specially admit- Jg*S> fffe %.?Z$ years age. I the’pJbhtwJ® Sent post on of e.1 for the M|OR?fJau2Til&w-12w Ij'OUthe benefit of References and paid, receipt price nourishing llatr. Sold by Druggists and Wj Portland, March 4, 1872. eod schooling. given KENDALL & WHITNEY. ‘.0 and SOFT ~!>01> lor sale at 43 Oliver ttiteot. Ac l„ dtr required. Address Pr-ss No. Lin HD it. on A rv-alers Fancy Goods, Price » “F”, office. mar22dtf ortlan 32, 34, 36, 3§ Worth Street. wi'ln street. Also Boston. Co.,|€. €•. I ?„d ,HW wjm w- incbl5<14w HA Dry Edgings J Broadway* N. Y. i SkIp. WM. HUSK, F. C. mchl8d