The Lions Tale May 2019 from The
The Lions Tale May 2019 T o n y M o t t S u s a n C a s h V a r i o u s From The Chair Race Reports Contributors A bit of rambling from our chair A detailed summary of race Contributions from a few Lions with a lowdown of what has reports from April. As always, as usual. Put the kettle on, happened so far this year. plenty of people in action all settle down and read on. around the UK. Feel free to contribute next month, any report welcome. 1 The Lions Tale May 2019 From the Chair Tony Mott Could someone let me know where April went please?! The London and Manchester marathons were the big news in April. Months of hard winter training came good for lots of Lions. Gerry, Andrew, Judith, Stephen, Maria, Lesley, Wendy, Simon, Will, Gail, Emma and Jamie tackled London. Two Gavs, Makinder, Suzanne, Amanda, Ranjit, Tim, Roy and Paul ran Manchester. There were first-time marathoners, club records, PBs and amazing performances all round. Thanks to the Lion support crews who are always at these events to cheer our runners on route and pick them up at the finish. Running a marathon is a massive achievement and you should feel very proud of yourself for crossing the finish line, regardless of whether you smashed your PB or dragged yourself over the line in a crumpled sweaty heap. Looking forwards we have Bluebell and the Calderdale Way Relay to get stuck into in May, as well as the usual flurry of races as the weather improves.
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