Our chronoscope looks Number 18: back to the fabulous Autumn 2010 fifties..... RELAPSE “I am so happy to have this fine fanzine to read and treasure. The pictures alone are wonderful.” - David Hartwell, e-mail comment. 'Maybe all this awful science fiction will liven things up around here!' SF hits the libraries — see editorial. With the usual apologies to ‘Giles ’ SIDE: 'Tales from the White Horse’ by Frank Arnold; ‘Extracts from Bill Temple’s Diaries’ by Joe Patrizio; ? e:er Phillips - Lost Memories’ by Mike Ashley; ‘The Hardback Explosion' by Phil Harbottle; AND MORE. RIIXPSI -ocussing firmly on the fifties (and tty saying that after a few drinks) our chronoscope this time looks back : a brief period when science fiction in Britain seemed to have come of age. Once again I’ve unearthed tales and images c7* 2 time gone by, to which I hope you'll respond by writing to me, Peter Weston, at 53 Wyvern Road. Sutton Coldfield, B74 2?S or by e-mail to
[email protected]. On request I’ll send the pdf of Relapse when published, with a printed edition ::7 the favoured few who contribute or express interest. It will also go onto the eFanzines website after four weeks (where pre. :ous issues can be found) and with your help we will continue to document the rich history of British SF fandom. “Another bleary-eyed late night courtesy of The Never-Ending Symposium. (Next morning, tr. daughter looked at me and actually inquired, were my eyes all right? r - David Redd. LoC I'd better explain the cover, something which came about through a visit I made earlier this year to that ■ e i-kr.own dealer in books and magazines Bob Wardzinski, who turned out to be living less than ten miles from my Boumem: _w ?olt-hole.