Ig LES RENCONTRES APR 132006 de la



For the attention of: Mr Kofi Annan

April 10th, 2006

Dear Sir,

We are the organisers of the "Rencontres de la Sorbonne".

This event was first held in 1989 at the Sorbonne. So far, we have had the pleasure of welcoming, among others, Giovanni Agnelli, Jean-Jacques Annaud, Ricardo Bofill, John Bond, Jacques Chirac, Costa-Gavras, Jacques Delors, Alexandre Dubcek, Umberto Eco, Milos Forman, El Hassan of Jordan, Cardinal Jean-Marie Lustiger, Federico Mayor, Yehudi Menuhin, Yves Montand, Jean-Marie Messier, Michel Pebereau, Shimon Peres, Romano Prodi, Jacqueline de Romilly, Mstislav Rostropovitch, Jacques Santer, Louis Schweitzer, Jorge Semprun, Ousmane Sow, Paul-Emile Victor, Abdoulaye Wade and Elie Wiesel.

The underlying principle of the "Rencontres de la Sorbonne" debates is to allow political leaders, industrialists, scientists and personalities from the arts world to dialogue with numerous students hailing from major European universities.

We have learnt that you will be in in June. This would be a great opportunity for us to invite you to talk during a hour and a half debate in front of 2000 young people in the Grand Amphitheatre of the Sorbonne.

«La Cite de la Reussite» 13, rue de Crenelle - 75007 Tel. : 33 (1) 45 44 51 75 - Fax : 33 (1) 45 48 81 38 We should define the date as well as the precise theme of your participation in collaboration with you.

We would be delighted and honoured if you agreed to attend this incredible debate, and sincerely hope to be able to welcome you.

Yours sincerely,

Cecile Borne Jacques Huybrechts Sylvain Kern CITE DE LA REUSSITE

The Annual International Forum of Economic, Political, Scientific and Cultural Debate

Grand Amphithedtre de la Sorbonne

La Sorbonne - Paris

October 20 - 22, 2006

Theme: Responsibility

Guest Country: the United States


Introduction Page 3

The principle of La Cite de la Reztssite Page 4

The Cite 2006 in figures Page 5

Theme: Responsibility Page 6

The audience Page 9

Schedule Page 11

A Cite debate Page 12

Guest Country Page 13

Communication Page 14

Contacts Page 15 INTRODUCTION

La Cite de la Reussite, Europe's major university forum was established in 1989 and has been held annually at the Sorbonne ever since. La Cite is a center of public debate for all citizens and an international think tank where leading figures from academia, industry, the arts, sciences, politics, social sciences and religion gather to exchange ideas and confront different points of view. La Cite is conceived as a strategic meeting place that provides a fertile environment for the stimulation of new thinking.

Since its inception, over 1000 international leaders have participated in over 500 debates.

The 15th edition of La Cite de la Reussite will take place in Paris from October 20-22, 2006 at the Sorbonne and the French Senate.


The University of Debate: a better understanding of the world through dialogue and debate.

La Cite combines the need to understand and the need to learn. It is an educational site that also provides the opportunity to express critical opinions in a public forum.

La Cite seeks to encourage reflection for personal and/or collective actions and favors initiative and responsibility in taking steps towards helping society and humanity. It has made it its mission to create the conditions for a constructive dialogue between generations. The forum is built around students, and La Cite has become one of Europe's largest student gatherings. The thousands of students from Europe's universities and grandes ecoles who attend each annual La Cite de la Re'ussite prove that it corresponds to the kind of event students are looking for today.

The dialogue between generations is effective because the speakers accept the fundamental rule of debate: an open exchange on all aspects of the subjects they have accepted. This exchange between those who are now in a position of power, influences the next generation of groundbreakers.

This can only come about through the opportunities to discuss and even to criticize issues vital to society. THE CITE 2006 IN FIGURES

• The event has been planned from October 20-22, 2006,

• 20,000 attendees are expected at the conferences,

• 40 debates will be organised,

• The events will be staged in 6 amphitheatres,

• 150 leaders from Europe and the United States as participants: heads of state, industrialists, scientists, philosophers, filmmakers, academics and so on. THEME: RESPONSIBILITY

"What one generation owes to the other"

"What one generation owes to the other" may well sum up the meaning of responsibility.

The challenges of globalization, the complexity of modern societies, the growth of consumerism, the decay of social ties, environmental uncertainty, massive technological and scientific changes: Every one of these realities compels us all to contribute towards shaping the future responsibly. Responsibility takes us back to the fundamental values of society: liberty, equality, solidarity, and fraternity.

Responsibility concerns us all individually and collectively as citizens of the world and resolutely challenges all those who are in a position of "responsibility," whether as economic or political leader, artist, philosopher or scholar. It is because responsibility is the essential theme of social discourse and action that we have placed it at the center of La Cite'?, debates. A Brief Outline of Proposed Debate Topics

Responsibility and the Individual:

• What does it mean to be responsible? • Uniformity or multiplicity: How to live together with our differences? • Difference in a world of indifference • Individual responsibilities and collective responsibilities • Do our "rights" give us a sense of duty? • Progress: between freedom and responsibility • To create another world: Is it possible? Is it desirable? • Education: Can one learn to be responsible?

Responsibility, the Economy, and Business:

• Sustainable development or other forms of economic development? • Consumption and consumerism • What is economic responsibility in a global economic market? • Delocalization: Stay or go? How do we choose? • Is capitalism moral? • Is there such a thing as responsible management? • Does "corporate citizenship" exist? • How to regulate the world economy? Responsibility, Science, and New Technologies:

• What kind of research for what kind of society? • Disease prevention and health • What kind of health policy? What type of community?

• Ethics and science: choices that will decide the future of humanity

• Can we innovate without putting humanity and society at risk?

• Ethics and training for researchers

Responsibility and Society:

• How to integrate without assimilating? • Architecture and the environment: going towards a new urban conscience • New risks, new fears • Is justice fair?

• Safely and freedom: Can we protect without force?

• What does it mean to govern in the 21st century?

• Progress and society: moving towards a new ethical conscience

• The family in all its conditions: from disorder to a new family order

• Politician and citizen responsibility: a new way for democracy?

• Responsibility and the media: Who creates opinions?

• Does school teach about life?

• The artist: witness or actor of his/her time?


20,000people are expected on 20,21 and 22 October 2006


Several delegations of students and professors from the universities listed below will be invited and introduced at the Cite : University of Athens University of Barcelona University of Berlin University of Brussels University ofCoimbra University of Copenhagen University of Edinburgh University of Geneva University of Heidelberg University of Helsinki University of Lausanne University of Lisbon University ofLeuven University of Madrid University of Milan University of Moscow University of Oxford University of Rome University of Rotterdam University of Stockholm University of Turin University of Warsaw University of Vienna 4 FRENCH STUDENTS - Nearly 5,000

• Prestigious French schools (50%): We will be welcoming students from all over France, from the most prestigious business and engineering schools: HEC, ESSEC, ESCAE, ESCP, EDHEC, IEP, POLYTECHNIQUE, MINES, CENTRALS, SUP AERO, ESCM, ESIM, ENST, ENS to name but a few,

• French universities (40%): All French universities will be represented thanks to our national network, • High schools (10%): Thanks to the very real backing we have had from the French Ministry for Education, high school students will be informed of and invited to the Cite de la Reussite.


Some 5,000 professionals will be present on 20,21 and 22 October 2006, as guests of the Cite's partners, including:

• CEOs of major French and European companies. • Initiators of major scientific and cultural projects. • Social and political decision-makers. • Young graduates and entrepreneurs. • Presidents of associations. • Journalists. • Professors or researchers.

* THE GENERAL PUBLIC - 5,000 people

Informed through the press, posters, radio and television, the general public will contact the organisation to enrol at the debates held at the Cite or will come straight to the Cite sites to take part in the debates.

This part of the audience is significant given both the high media profile of the Cite and the high-profile of the event in general.



Friday 20, Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 October 2006 11 am - 8 pm Debates held throughout the day in the various amphitheatres.


Saturday 21 October 2006 8.30 - 10.00 pm Debate-concert with American and French artists: Amphitheater at the Sorbonne

Sunday 22 October 2006 8.30 - 10.00 pm Closing ceremony in the Sorbonne Grand Amphitheatre.


A Cite debate lasts ninety minutes, starting with an introductory audiovisual presentation of the Cite and, in some cases, of the guests taking part in the debate.

The participants do not give introductory speeches.

A journalist leads each debate; a panel of students from different spheres prepares questions and members of the public may join in whenever they wish.

A Cite debate is a dialogue, a series of questions and answers, between the participants and the public.

12 GUEST COUNTRY : The United States of America

As part of its increasing international orientation, "La Cite de la Reussite will be inviting a different country each year to be its guest of honor. The first country to be invited is the United States of America.

"Another face of America" will be the theme of the American presence at La Cite in October 2006. America's foremost leaders will be invited to share their perspectives with homologues from France and other countries: an encounter meant to enhance mutual awareness and understanding.

On this occasion, we will organize the first L# Cite de la Re'usstte for American books. Its purpose is to showcase American works, both fiction and non-fiction, and allow a European public to discover their richness and diversity. American authors will be invited to present their works, and a prize for an American book will be awarded.


Media Plan

6 full pages of advertising in the newspaper Les Ethos plus reports. 2 full pages of advertising in the newspaper Enjeux Les Echos. 6 full pages of advertising in the newspaper plus reports. Special "Cite de la Reussite" issue of Le Figaro Magazine. 5 full pages of advertising in the newspaper International Herald Tribune. Reports in several dailies and weeklies (Le Nouvel Observateur, Liberation, , etc.). News reports in France 2 and France 3 newscasts. 3,000 4/3 billboards in the Paris region and major cities in France. 1,000 4/3 billboards in the Metrobus network. 150 cinemas will be involved over a three-week period. Campaign in Paris and the Paris region. International communication on the Internet.

Direct communication

150,000 invitations will be sent out to students, professionals and the general public. 40,000 posters will be put up on campuses.


La Cite de la Reussite 13, rue de Crenelle 75007 Paris

Tel: 33 (0)1 45 44 51 75 Fax : 33 (0)1 45 44 51 75

Email: mdebert@,chk.fr
