Annual Report 2008-2009


2008 -2009

NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION PLANNING BOARD Ministry of Urban Development, Government of Core 4-B, Ist Floor, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110003 Website: http:\\

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Annual Report 2008-2009

Table of Contents Sl. No. Particulars Page No. Foreword I Rationale 1 II Constitution and Membership of the Board 1-2 III Functions 2 IV Powers 2-3 V Area of NCR 3-4 VI Counter Magnet Area 5-6 VII The Planning Committee 7 Functions of the Planning Committee 7-8 VIII The Regional Plan – 2021 for NCR 8-9 IX The Year in Retrospect- 2008-09 10 A) Implementation of Regional Plan-2021 for NCR 10 i) Preparation of sub –Regional Plans under region Plan for NCR 10 ii) Preparation of Functional Plans 11 iii) Master Plan Examination 11 iv) Connectivity in NCR 12 a) Rail Net work 12 1 . Extension of Metro Rail to CNCR 12 2. New Rail links in NCR 12 b) Road Network 12 1. Peripheral Expressway 12-13 2 Delhi Merrut Expressways 13 3.National highways 13 v) Studies 13 a) Studies on Counter- Magnet Areas to Delhi and the National Capital Region 13-14 b) Study on Integrated Transport plan for NCR 13-14 c) Study on water Supply and It Management in NCR 14 vi) Empowered committee 14-16 vii) Constitution of the State level steering Committee under the Chairmanship of 16-17 Chief Secretary viii) Signing of Common Reciprocal Transport Agreements/Bi- Lateral Agreements. 17 ix) Committee of Power/ Energy Principal Secretaries/ Financial commissioners/ 17 Secretaries Of NCR States. B) Project Financed by the Board 18-19 C) Infrastructure projects sanctioned during the year 19-21 D) Loan Disbursements during the Year 21-26 E) Financial Resources 26-27 F) Resource Mobilization 27-28 G) Audit & Accounts 28 H) Capacity Building Activities 28-29 I) Administration & Vigilance, RTI Implementation 29 1) Administration & Vigilance 29-30 2) Right to Information (RTI) Implementation 30 3) Organisation structure 31-32 Annexure-I 33-34 Annexure-II 35-38 Annexure-III 39-49 X Annual Accounts 2008-09 1-21

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Annual Report 2008-2009


The Regional Plan-2021 aims to promote economic growth and balanced development of the National Capital Region through providing efficient transportation and other urban infrastructure. Towards this direction, NCRPB has taken new initiatives, during the year, to identify infrastructure projects, develop them and arrange their financing in addition to expediting preparation of sub-regional plans by the states and preparation of Functional Plans in the area of water, transport, power and drainage. NCRPB has also taken steps to prepare Functional Plan on Tourism in the NCR and to prepare Integrated Mobility Plan for all the major cities and towns in the NCR to ensure planned development of urban transport facilities in these towns and cities.

Further, in order to develop shelf of projects that are in sync with the overall development of the region and prioritize project investments in consultation with stakeholders, action to prepare City Development Plan (CDP) for all the Metro and Regional Centres identified in Regional Plan-2021 has been initiated. In addition, emphasis has been laid on preparation of Sectoral Master Plans, as recommended in Regional Plan-2021 and to guide the constituent states in this matter, sample Master Plans for Water Supply, Sewerage system, Drainage, Solid Waste Management and Urban Traffic Improvement have been prepared through ADB Technical Assistance Program for a few selected towns. Due to active follow up and coordination by the Board with the constituent state governments, a historic Reciprocal Common Agreement on Contract Carriages has been signed and notified by all the four States in the NCR during the year. This agreement is expected to facilitate seamless flow of auto rickshaws, taxis and contract carriage buses within NCR for the convenience of passengers. NCRPB also pursued with the NCR states to finalise the bilateral agreements amongst them, which were not signed/renewed for the last many years. The bi-lateral Agreements between Rajasthan-Delhi, Rajasthan-U.P. and Rajasthan- have already been notified. The bi-lateral Agreements between Delhi-U.P., Delhi-Haryana and Haryana-U.P have reached the final stage. This is a major break through for ensuring free and smooth flow of traffic and goods in the entire region. NCRPB is also working out strategies to meet power requirements in the NCR and a committee of power secretaries of the constituent states has been constituted to consider and recommend various options. In fulfillment of its mandate of arranging for and overseeing financing of projects, NCRPB sanctioned loan assistance of Rs. 696 crore for 16 new Infrastructure Projects having total estimated outlay of Rs. 987.36 crore. The Board disbursed loan amounting to Rs. 723 crore for on-going and new projects during the year in sectors like water supply, roads, sewerage, power transmission and distribution. The disbursements during the year were higher than the previous years. NCR Planning Board continued to enjoy a rating of ‘AAA’ (Stable Outlook) from CRISIL. In addition, ICRA has also given “LAAA” rating to the Board. These are the highest investment grade ratings in the country and will enable NCRPB to raise resources at economical rates from the capital market as well as to help access of funds from multi-lateral and bi-lateral sources. This was made possible by healthy growth in NCRPB Funds, efficient recovery and continued govt support to the NCRPB. During the year, an amount of Rs. 265.10 crore was raised from the capital

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Annual Report 2008-2009 market by way of private placement of Taxable bonds at the rate of 9.15% p.a. NCRPB was able to raise money at very economical rates despite adverse market conditions prevailing in the economy making capital scarce and costly. This borrowing has helped NCRPB to meet its commitments for infrastructure funding and the Board was able to disburse amounts higher than previous year despite budgetary cuts imposed by the Government.

NCRPB’s loan proposal with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) has made progress as ADB has since launched a Project Preparatory Technical Assistance (PPTA) for processing loan of US $ 200-300 million to NCRPB, which is likely to be approved in March/April, 2010. This will enable NCRPB to meet much needed funding requirements in water supply, sanitation, SWM and Urban Transport sectors. As regards, other proposal of raising loan from the World Bank, the Department of Economic Affairs has forwarded the proposal to the World Bank duly recommended. In addition, a dialogue with German bi-lateral agency, KFW, has also been initiated to secure funding for environmentally critical sectors like water supply through ground water recharge, sewerage and solid waste management. These measures are aimed at mobilizing resources to implement various infrastructure milestones recommended in the Regional Plan-2021. The Technical Assistance Project sanctioned by the ADB for capacity building in NCRPB and its implementing agencies in the areas of financial management, project preparation and appraisal etc. has been made operational during the year and work of preparation of sectoral Master Plans for Water, Sewerage, Drainage, Solid Waste Management and Urban Transport, for the selected towns in NCR has been completed and the consultants are now in the process of preparing sample DPRs. The sample master plans and DPRs as well as tool kits for preparing them will be made available on NCRPB web-site for guidance of ULBs and other implementing agencies. Besides, various manuals and tool kits for enhancing capacity of NCRPB in the area of project appraisal, risk management, PPP, financial and treasury management are under preparation. These manuals once implemented will make the NCRPB procedures ADB/World Bank compliant and will enable NCRPB to play a