Tacitus: Annals, Book I, a Vocabulary and Test Papers

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Tacitus: Annals, Book I, a Vocabulary and Test Papers LL ' / . u[y^ Tuscan . /[x/irH^ •^ be TUniversit? tutorial Sertea. ..-' f TACITUS: ANNALS, BOOK I A VOCABULARY AND TEST PAPERS. BY TUTOES OF UNIVEESITT COEEESPONDENCE COLLEaE. London: W. B. CLIYE, V""^*^^ 157 Drury Lane. W.O. ; THE UNIVERSIIT TUTORIAL SERIES. BDttlons ot Xatin anJ) ©reeft Classics. (iNTEODrCTION, TeIT, AND N0TE3.) These Volumes contain a complete alphabetical Lexicon. Aeschylus — Eumenides, 3/6 Juvenal— Satires, 1, 3, 4, 3/6, ; Prometheus, Satires, 8, 10, 13, 2/6 ; Satires, Persae, 3/6 ; 2/6 ; Septem contra Tliebas, 3/6. 11, 13, U, 3/6. Aristophanes—Eanae, 3/6. LiVT—Bks. 1, 6, 21, 22, (each) 2 6; Bks. 3, 6, 9, (each) 3/6; Caesae— Civil "War, Bk. 1, 1/6; Bk. 21, Ch. 1-30, 16. Gallic War, Bks. 1, 2, 3, 4, LuciAN — Charon and Piscator, 5, 6, 7, (each) 1 6; GaUic War, 3 6. Bk. 1, Ch. 1-29, 16: Gallic Ltsias—Eratosthenes and Ago- War, Bk. 7, Ch. 1-68, 16; ratus, 3,6. Invasion of Britain (IV. 20-V. Xepos—Hannibal, Gate, Atticus, 23), 1/6. 1/0. Cicero—Ad Atticum, Bk. 4, 3/6 ; Ovid— Fasti, Bks. 3, 4, 2/6 ; Bks. *De Amicitia, 1 6 ; De Finibus, 5,6,3/6; Heroides, 1,5,12, 1/6; Bk. 1, 2 6 ; De Finibus, Bk. 2, Metamorphoses, Bk. 1, 1-150, 3/6; De Officiis, Bk. 3, 3 6; 1/6; Bk. 3, 1-130, 1/6; Bk. 5, In Catilinam I. -IV., 2/6 ; 385-550,1/6; Bks. 11(410-748), Philippic II., 2/6 ; Pro Cluen- 13, 14, (each) 16; Tristia, tio, 3 6; Pro Lege Manilla, Bks. 1, 3, (each) 1/6. 2 6; Pro Milone, 3,6; Pro Plato— Crito, 2/6 ; Apology, Plancio, 3 6 ; *De Senectute, In Ion, Laches, Phaedo, (each) Catilinam I., III., Pro Archia, 3/6; Euthyphro and Menexe- Pro Balbo, Pro Marcello, (each) nu3, 4/6. 1/6. Sallust—Catiline, 1/6. Demosthenes—Androtion, 4/6. Sophocles—Ajax, 3/6 ; Anti- Euripides—Alcestis, 2 6; An- dromache, gone, 2/6 ; Electra, 3/6. 3/6; Bacchae, 3 6 ; '6 Tacitus—Agricola, 2 ; Annals, Hecuba, 3/6 ; Hippolytus, 3 6; Iphigenia in T., 3/6; Medea, Bk. 1,2 6 ; Bk. 2, 2/6 ; Histories, 3/6. Bk. 1, 3/6 ; Bk. 3, 3/6. Herodotus—Bk. 3, 4/6 ; Bk. 4, Terence—Adelphi, 3/6. Ch. 1-144, 4 6 ; Bk. 6, 2/6; Thuctdides—Bk. 7, 3/6. Bk. 8, 3/6. Vergil—A eneid. Books 1-12 Homer—Iliad, Bk. 24, 3/6 (*Books 1-7,9, 11), (each) 1/6; Odyssey, Bks. 9, 10, 2/6; Bks. 7-10, 3/6; Eclogues, 3/6; Odyssey, Bks. 11, 12, 2/6; Georgics, Bks. 1, 2, 3/6; 1, 4, Odvssey, Bks. 13, 2 '6 14, ; 3/6 ; 4, 1/6. Odyssey, Bk. 17, 1/6. Xenophon-Anabasis, Bk. 1,1/6; Horace—Epistles, 4 6 ; Epodes, Bk. 4, 1/6; Cyropaedeia, Bk. 1 6;*Odes,3 6;0des(eachBk.) 1, 1/6; Hellenica, Bk. 3, 1/6; 4),' (*Bks. 3, 1/6; Satires, 4/6. '6 Bk. 4, 1 ; Memorabilia, Bk. Isocrates—De Bigis, 2/6. 1, 3/6; Oeconomicus, 4/6. A detailed Catalogue of the above can he obtained on application. TEST papp:rs ON TACITUS, ANNALS I. FIEST 8ERIE8. TEST PAPER 1, (Ch. 1—9.) 1. Translate : — (a) Ch. 8, 11. 22-32, Eemisit Caesiir quieta foret. (*) Ch. 9, 11. 8-12, At apud artes. 2. Give the meaning of (a) admodnm, (h) quotas qnisque, (c) in cassum, (d) rernm potiri. (e) quandoque, if) excubiae, (g) ffloriu. What is there peculiar in Tacitus' use of gnarus and adeptus ? 3. Explain the words and phrases ; (a) lulianae partes, (b) pontifi^atus, (c) geminati consulatus, (d) imperatoriis nommibm auxit. (e) puerilis praetexta, (f; princeps iuvirUutis, (g) in verba Cne.mris inrare, (h) edictuin tribuniciae potestatis pracscriptione posiiit. 4. How does Tacitus depart fi'om strict sequence of tenses in depen- dent clauses ? "WTiat de\iation fi-om Ciceronian Latin do you notice in Germanicwn adaciri per adoptioiiem a Tiberic iussit, qnamqxrim esset in V domo Tiberii Jiliiis iuvenis f Tac. A. I. 9 — TACITUS, ANNALS T. TEST PAPER 2. (C'h. 10—22.) 1. Translate: — ,» C'h. 11, 11. 8-18, Plus iiissit. (/') Cli. 19, 11. 3-11. Blaosup darent. 2. What is the meaning of : (a) pro'mde, (b) lihellnm, (c) nequaquam, (d) civilis, (e) repiilsa, (f) ambitus, (g) (astra aestiva, (h) iustifium, {{) gregariiis vtiles, (j) sHpendium, (k) orator, (1) modestia ? 3. Explain the syntax of the words in italics in three of the following : (a) Tenipora reipublicae ohtentui sumpta. (b) Divisiones agrorum ne ipsi^ quidem qui fecere laudatas. (c) Blaesus multa dicendi arte. {d) Ne hostes quidem sepuJtura invident. 4. Turn extract (1 ^') into oratio recta from })rin per seditioriem to end. TEST PAPER 3. (Ch. 23—36.) 1. Translate:— (rt) Ch. 23, 11. 6-14, Ac ni poscebat. {b) Ch . 31,11. 13-23, Igitur audito fine . .imperatores. 2. Write short notes in explanation of the following terms: (a) vallum, (b) apud patres agere, (c) missio, (d) vigiliae, (e) stationes, (f) custodiae portarum, (g) emeritus, (h) tiro, (i) primi ordinis centiirio, exauctorari. (j) neptis, (k) vacationes, (1) tabernaculum, (m) 3. Why is the subjunctive used in {a) eo usque flagitatus est donee u [b) ad exitium dederetur ; tanta aequalitate et constantia ut regi erederes ; {c) feriret hortabantur ? 4. Retranslate : {a) Tiberius was especially prone to hush up all gloomy intelligence {b) When Drusus dix-w near, the legions came ; to meet him as a matter of duty [c) To those who estimated more ; profoundly the temper of soldiers it was a striking proof of the impor- tance of the movement. — TEST PAPERS. 3 TEST PAPER 4. (Ch. 37—52.) Translate -.—{a) 4'i, 11. Ch. I- 1, Xon mihi uxor. .uuctoritas "r {b) Ch. 50, 11. 1-5, Laeti munitus. 2. jrive the meaning- of; (a) vidticiim, (b) sacramentum, (c) snggestns, ,d) centiirionatum agere, (e) ferocia, (f) mvillor, (g) cr/^^sor, (h) signifer, (i) sincerns, (j) piaculum, (k) /i;>j^«, (1) concaedes. 3. Comment on the sj-ntax of: — («) Progrediuntur contaberniis. (b) Nondum cognito, qui fuisset exitus in Illyrico. (c) Obstantia silvarum. 4. Convert extract (I b) into oratio obliqiia after a verb of sayimj in a past tense. TEST PAPER 5. (Ch. 53—65, and Introd. ^ 1-3.) 1. Translate :—(rf) Ch. 11. 59, 6-22, Neque probris . sequerentur. 2. What is the meaning of (a) conscientia, (b) civitate donari, (c) novissimus, (d) patibidum, (e) angnratns, (f) feralia, (g) subsidiariae cohortes ? 3. Comment on the syntax of ; {a) Ut quondam Titus Tatius retinendis Sabiuorum sacris sodales Titios instituerat. {b) Quanto quis audacia promptas, tanto magis fidus. '- {g) Vincula ela^jsi. >- [d) Monitus pontes longos superare. 4. Write a life of Tacitus, mentioning the works written by him. TEST PAPER 6. (Ch. 66—81, and Introd. jj 4, 5.) 1. Translate:— (a) Ch. 11. 69, 9-17, Id Tiberii. , .quiverit. {b) Ch. 74, 11. 5-14, Nam egens credebantm-. 2, Write explanatory notes on (a) uomen patris patriae, (b) in acta Tiberii iurare, (c) lex maiestatis, (d) pecuniae repetundae, (e) reciperafores, (f) aerarii praetores, (g) libri SibglUni. — — — 4 TACITUS, AXXALS I. 3. Comment on the S}-ntax of the words in italics: (rt) Femina ingens animi, [b) Eubrio criinini dabatur. [c) Deorum iniurias dis curae. [d) Non crediderun ad ostentandam saevitiam concessam filiu materiem. 4. Into what classes were the provinces divided during the early Empire? By what officials were they governed, and what e\'idence docs Annals I. offer with regard to the preference shewn hy the provincials for the imperial or senatorial government ? SECOND SERIES. TEST PAPEE 7. Ch. 1—9.) : 1. Translate [a) Ch. 2, 11. 1-12, Pustquam. .periculosa mallent- {b) Ch. 8, 11. 7-11, Legata. .dedit. 2. Comment on the case-usages in the following : [a) remeare Aynieuia, {b) bellmn adversus Germanos superertit ahoUndae magis infamiae oh amissum cum Quintilio Varo exercitum quam cupidine proferendi imperium, (c; iuxta per'iculoso ficta seu vera promeret. 3. Miircellus, M. Agrippa, Drusus the elder, Gains Caesar, Lucius Caesar : —what were the relations of each to the succession question dui'ing the reign of Augustus r 4. Annotate historically : — (rt) Libertatem et consulatum L. Brutus instituit. {b) Xeque decemviralis potestas ultra biennium ueque tribuuorom militum consulare ins diu valuit. c) Yetere atque insita Claudiae familiue superbia. Id) Xumerus ccnsulatuum celebrabatm\ quo Yalerium Corvum et C. Marium simul aequaverat. — . — — TEST PAPERS. O TEST PAPER 8. (Ch. 10—22.) 1. Translate: {a) Ch. 13, 11. 1-9, Post quae. .ausurum. {b) Ch. 17, ll.S-UjNedimissisquidein. .aestimari. 2. Explain the syntax of the words in italics in the following : (rt) Addiderat consilium coercendi intra terminos imperii, mcertum metu an per invidiam. [b) Uligines paludnm, inculta montium. ^ (c) Cum Tiberii genua advolveretur. 3. Write short notes in explanation of three of the following necessitates et larg'itiones, expressions : (a) tributum, (h) vectigal, (c) (d) relatio consilium, (e) tribunicia potestas, (f) intercedo, (g) ara adoptionis, (h) consul desiynatus, (i) ambitus, fj) Augnstales ludi, (k) dux theatralium operarum 4. Explain the historical allusions in : («) Pompeium imagine pacis, Lepidum specie amicitiaedeceptos. [b) Antonium Tarentino Brundisinoque foedere et nuptiis sororis illectum. (c) Lollianas Varianasque clades. {d) Interfectos Romae Varrones, Egnatios, lulos. [c] Ducta in matrimonium Vipsania, M. Agrippae filia, quae quondam Tiberii uxor fuerat. TEST PAPER 9. (Ch. 23—36.) 1. Translate :—(«) Ch. 25, 11. 1-8, Postquam terrebantque. {b) Ch. 28, 11. 5-11, Igitur lamentiintur. — 2. Comment on the case usage of the words in italics : (rt) Eector iuveni.
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