Geraint Thomas | 384 pages | 03 May 2016 | Quercus Publishing | 9781784296360 | English | London, The World of Cycling According to G by

We use cookies The World of Cycling According to G other tracking technologies to improve your browsing experience on our site, show personalized content and targeted ads, analyze site traffic, and understand where our audiences come from. To learn more or opt-out, read our Cookie Policy. In it the Welsh fan favourite talks very The World of Cycling According to G about himself and instead offers readers insights into life in the professional pelotonand inside Team Sky. The terrain is never more than rolling, and we'll stop for Welsh cakes and coffee at a little cafe in Llantwit Major. It's run by a guy who used to race bikes, so the welcome will be warm. He'll be showing highlights of the previous day's victory on the big screen. Bolstered by the caffeine and glorious slaying of New Zealand, we'll cruise back nice and steady, possibly breaking it up with a few spontaneous races to the next village or roundabout. Appetite awakened we'll pedal straight past mine and up to my mum's for Sunday lunch. What is a convenient excuse for others The World of Cycling According to G a soggy-bottomed opportunity for us. We can handle it where others cannot. I've heard him described as the best sports coach Britain has ever produced. Here's how I prefer to encapsulate him: you best mate's dad. What can mere wind do that mountains, freezing rain, flat-out sprints and blazing heat can't? So, when I shut my eyes, I see this: rows of dark, bent trees; narrow, wet roads; grey skies overhead with rain on the way or just passed through; barren ploughed fields; and cold-looking cows. Plus the occasional knocking shop. The World of Cycling According to G aware that my own fantasy list could The World of Cycling According to G be more British. I've never seen a Double Decker in a French grocer's. A lot of commentators use nicknames that the rider himself has never heard of. Like 'Eddie the Boss' or 'Mr Mainwairing'. I always introduce myself as Geraint. Although, after their third attempt at pronouncing it, I just say 'G'. But I wouldn't go up to and call him Freddie. Or Aaron Ramsey and call him Rambo. It fundamentally changes the way you race. Do you really believe, or do you just hope? It can be almost frightening to risk it all going for the win, knowing that if you fail you could end up tenth. It's easier to be caged and subconsciously be satisfied with a top five rather than The World of Cycling According to G death or glory. With too many of the recent rider-written cycling books you get to the last page and you're left wondering if the rider actually likes cycling. Without wanting to point fingers - but yes, I am looking at 's 'love letter' to the sport he's recently left behind - most pros leave you feeling like they hate riding a bike they talk so much about the bad times: the crashes and the winter training and the sacrifices they make all the time. With Thomas there can be no doubt about his passion for the sport. It's all-pervasive in The World of Cycling According to Gwith Thomas refusing to let anything get him down, and for this he is to be congratulated, he having been able to do something so many of his Team GB peers have abjectly failed to do. So on the plus side, Thomas's love for cycling is infectious and great to see. On the downside, however, read too much of it in a single sitting and Thomas's bonhomie will be about as appealing as Pollyanna dosed up on two litres of Coca Cola and far too much chocolate. When are you going to get serious? For sure, yes, a lot of the book is The Newbie's Guide to Cyclingeven down to the genre-standard diagrams for cornering and riding in the wind. And for sure, yes, a lot of the book is Thomas not talking about himself by talking about others with sections for standard sports book anecdotes about the likes of , , , , and . But even in the bitty formula chosen by ghost writer Tom Fordyce BBCwhere you're rarely more than seven or eight pages away from Thomas moving on to a new topic one minute he's talking cobbles the next he's going downhill fast and then he's telling you how to escapethere are bits of Thomas, of him and the Maindy Flyers and his progress along 's medal-making production line. Piecing it all together, though, does take an effort - which, after pages of banter, is asking maybe too much - and the most obvious takeaway from it all is that Thomas would prefer not to have to tell you his own story, is happier to just shoot the breeze and hide in the slipstream of stories about others. That, of course, is not The World of Cycling According to G to detract from the enjoyment Welsh sports fans, Sky fans, new cycling fans in general in the UK will get from The World of Cycling According to G. It is an entertaining read. But one best taken in small doses. Cookie banner We use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your browsing experience on our site, show personalized content and targeted ads, analyze site traffic, and understand where our audiences come from. By choosing I Acceptyou consent to our use of cookies and other tracking technologies. Filed under: Cafe Bookshelf. Reddit Pocket Flipboard Email. Here's just some of the Tao of Thomas. Doing It - Climbing Some fear it. I believe you have to love it. Places - Belgium Belgium, for the professional cyclist, means the end of winter and the slow start of spring. The Rules - You cannot use someone's nickname unless you personally know them well or have been introduced to them as such. Bossing It - Winning Confidence can be either a tailwind at your back or a mental slow-puncture. Loading comments Share this story Twitter Facebook. The World Of Cycling According To G, by Geraint Thomas - Podium Cafe

Sit back or saddle up as double Olympic gold medallist and multiple world champion Geraint Thomas gives you a warts and all insight into the life of a pro cyclist. Along the way he reveals cycling's clandestine codes and secret stories, tales from The World of Cycling According to G peloton, the key characters like Wiggins, Hoy and Cav, the pivotal races and essential etiquette. Geraint Thomas is treasured for treating his sport just as the rest of us see it: not a job but an escape and an adventure. He's been with Team Sky since its inception, and is one of our most successful and gifted track and road riders, but Geraint reminds us that getting on the bike still puts a smile on your face and fire in the legs like nothing else. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. The World of Cycling According to G editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling The World of Cycling According to G about the problem. Return to Book Page. Geraint Thomas is treasur Sit back or saddle up as double Olympic gold medallist and multiple world champion Geraint Thomas gives you a warts and all insight into the life of a pro cyclist. Funny, informative, diverting and droll, this is a joyful celebration of the world of cycling. Get A Copy. Kindle Editionpages. More Details Other Editions 7. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Oh gosh, how do I rate this, well as you can see I've given it 3 stars. Yes I did enjoy it, especially the last The World of Cycling According to G, but prior to that I found it too disjointed. I am a keen follower of The World of Cycling According to G, both track and grand tours, as well as a keen cyclist, and have read a few biographies of past and present heroes. I must admit I prefer the biographies that follow a timeline like Racing Through the Dark by David Millar rather than books that have "topic" focussed chapters. That said, it was still Oh gosh, how do I rate this, well as you can see I've given it 3 stars. That said, it was still very interesting and enjoyable Jan 01, Ruth rated it liked it Shelves: yet-another-cycling-bookbiography. You just sit and ramble about life as a professional cyclist. I record it and write it into some sort of structure. You're a boy, aren't you? What else would we expect? Just keep it to the peeing, training, sleeping and drinking. A The World of Cycling According to G disorganized ghosted collection of observations and anecdotes thrown together into random subject chapters. Also it's very bland, written while he was still a rising star of course at the top of the tree now since the TdFhe has not a single The World of Cycling According to G word about anyone or any governing body, drugs are not even mentioned once! However I still give it 3 stars because it does eventually after a slow start get into its stride and gives interesting and revealing insights into the dail A very disorganized ghosted collection of observations and anecdotes thrown together into random subject chapters. However I still give it 3 stars because it does eventually after a slow start get into its stride and gives interesting and revealing insights into the daily regime of a top pro-cyclist. There's also quite a bit about his and achievements and the phenomenal rise of Team GB and team Sky under Dave Brailsford. G's absolute determination to succeed shines through and you do get a good sense, without him 'banging on about it' about how tough a sport pro- cycling is Mar 01, pedro rated it really liked it. Funny, insightful down to earth. Did I mention it was funny? It is. A lot. Very well humored, besides telling his journey into the world of cycling, it does offer tips and advises to any aspiring pro-cyclist or weekend warrior. I've met Geraint Thomas last year, when he wore yelloow for the first time that season, on to win the Tour. He his indeed what you grasp The World of Cycling According to G the book he might be. Allez Gee! Sep 27, Colin Swinburn rated it really liked it Shelves: biographysport. Great read for a weekend cyclist. Particularly liked the sections of the dos and don'ts of cycling. Overall a nice book and Geraint Thomas comes across as a lovely guy who it would be fun to have a drink with. I loved his observations on topics of all sorts, and they so Great read for a weekend cyclist. I loved his observations on topics of all sorts, and they sort of felt very conversational. Have recommended it to my cycling mates. Sep 24, Ivor Kovic rated it it was amazing. Very funny and entertaining book from the latest winner. A cyclist with a vast experience across multiple disciplines. A very useful read for aspiring cyclists of any level, but also entertaining for anyone remotely interested in cycling and sports in general. I don't usually read biographies and definitely not from sports people, but I enjoyed reading this during the Tour de France. It gives an insight into the peloton and the world of the pro cyclist. Geraint is such a good team player. It feels like I've met him now. And inI saw him cycle in the . Superb and exciting! Oct 30, Daniel rated it it was amazing. I think my favourite cycling book. Aug The World of Cycling According to G, AndrewCurry rated it really liked it Shelves: cycling. I like Thomas for hi