Birds of Pine-Oak Woodland in Southern Arizona and Adjacent Mexico
. COOPER ORNITHOLOGICAL SOCIETY PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA NUMBER 32 Birds of Pine-Oak Woodland in Southern Arizona and Adjacent Mexico , BY JOE T. M-HALL, JR. BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY March 15,1957 COOPER ORNITHOLOGICAL SOCIETY PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA NUMBER 32 Birds of Pine-Oak Woodland in Southern Arizona and Adjacent Mexico BY JOE T. MARSHALL, JR. BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY March 15, 1957 SPOTTED SCREECH OWL 011:\‘ 7RIcllol‘ SI.$’ Edited by ALDEN H. MILLER and FRANK A. PITELKA at the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology University of California, Berkeley NOTE The publications of the Cooper Ornithological Society consist of two series--The Condor, a bimonthly journal, and the Pacific Coast Avifauna, for the accommodation of papers the length of which pro- hibits their appearance in The Condor. For information as to either series, addressC. V. Duff, Business Manager, 2911 Antelo View Drive, Los Angeles 24, California, or Thomas R. Howell, Assistant Business Manager, Department of Zoology, University of California, Los An- geles, California. The Society wishes to acknowledge the generous aid given in the publication of Avifauna Number 32 by the artist, Don R. Eckelberry, and by an anonymous donor who financed the color plate. CONTENTS PAGE Introduction . 5 Acknowledgments _...................................................,.................. 8 Flora ._.................................................................................................. 9 Description of camps_____ _..... _.._...._.._ .____ ._.._........._..,........................ 15 Northeastern group ____..___..__.__.. ..__.._.._. _._.__._...___..____............, 15 Southwestern group 2 2 Vegetation __~..~____.._.._...... .._................................................ 31 Spatial relations ___..___.____ ._.._ . .._......._.._..................................3 1 Classification of pine-oak woodland 35 Heterogeneity of pine-oak woodland ___________....._.__..____.._____.__...
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