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Dainis Dravins , Lennart Lindegren , Don A. VandenBerg


Lund Observatory,Box 43, SE-22100 Lund, Sweden


DepartmentofPhysics and , Univ. of Victoria, P.O. Box 3055, Victoria, B.C., Canada V8W 3P6


The characteristics of Hyi are typical of the old

The secular evolution of solar-typ e atmospheres may

Galactic disk p opulation: e.g. a feeble chromospheric

be studied through comparisons of the current

activity and an eccentric Galactic orbit. As exp ected

with old solar-typ e of known age. Among the

for an old star, Hyi is slightly metal p o or, with

few such stars in the solar Galactic neighborhood,

log Fe/H determinations relative to the Sun around

Hydri G2 IV stands out as a normal single star

0:2. While the abundances of heavier metals are

with an advanced age. Previous age determinations

low, lithium is abundant a signature shared with

' 9:5 Gy were based on the old ground-based

other older , p ermitting analyses of stellar

of 153 mas. The new Hipparcos value of

internal evolution in the p ost-main-sequence stages.

133:78  0:51 mas implies an absolute

Various determinations set the e ective temp erature

M = 3:43  0:01, 0.3 mag brighter than previ-


to 5800  100 K, equal to the commonly accepted

ously b elieved. New evolutionary calculations pro-

value for the Sun of T = 5780  30 K. For a re-


duce b est- t mo dels with ages around 6.7 Gy. Al-

view of the basic stellar parameters, see Dravins et

though the Hipparcos data thus lead to a signi cant

al. 1993a.

reduction of its age, Hyi remains an old star.

Key words: space ; stars: evolution; stars:


individual; stars: late-typ e.

Hipparcos data ESA 1997 for Hyi give the par-

allax 133:78  0:51 mas. The prop er- mea-

surements indicate a steady stellar motion, with no

indications of duplicity or other irregularities. The


photometry gives Hp =2:9305  0:0003 mag, which

for V I =0:68 mag corresp onds to V =2:801 mag,

as transformed to the Johnson system. This is fully

How do solar-typ e atmospheres evolve along with the

consistent with the Hipparcos input catalogue value

? Will the Sun still have a magnetic

of V =2:82 mag. No photometric variability could

activity cycle billions of in the future, after it

b e detected by Hipparcos, with an upp er amplitude

has left the ? Answers to questions

limit of ' 0:004 mag.

such as these may be found by studying old solar-

typ e stars, taken to represent the future Sun. Such

stars must have reliable age determinations, and b e


bright enough for detailed sp ectroscopy. Among old

and single stars, accurate age determinations are p os-

sible for G subgiants that haveevolved slightly o the

4.1. The Previous Old Age

main sequence, yet are still suciently close to it to

avoid ambiguities in stellar evolutionary tracks.

The age of Hyi was previously determined bymod-

eling evolutionary tracks across its lo cation in the The closest and brightest m = 2:8 among such


Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, as inferred from its stars in the solar Galactic neighb orho o d is Hydri

parallax measured early in this century. The General HR 98; HD 2151; HIP 2021, of sp ectral typ e G2 IV.

Catalogue of Trigonometric Stel lar Paral laxes listed Detailed studies of its photospheric structure, chro-

the absolute parallax as 153  10 mas standard error, mospheric and transition zone emission, and of coro-

probable error 7 mas; Jenkins 1952. After incorp o- nal X-ray uxes have b een made, making Hyi one of

rating some additional observations, this value was the b est-studied individual stars other than the Sun

slightly mo di ed to 150:1  7:2 mas in the latest edi- Dravins et al. 1993a,b,c; Dorren et al. 1995; Gudel 

tion van Altena et al. 1995. et al. 1997. 398

3 β Hyi 1.05 M 7

1.11 M


4 V

3 M

1 Gy

Sun 5

3.80 3.75 3.70

log Teff [K]

Figure 1. Stel lar evolution, and the age of Beta Hydri. Post-main-sequence tracks are shown for two representative

models, passing through the post-Hipparcos position of Hyi in the M /log T plane black diamond. The position



based on the old ground-basedparal lax is also marked grey diamond. Atbottom, a track for a solar model evolved until

4.6 Gy demonstrates that the present solar and temperatureareaccurately reproduced for the adoptedmodel


of elements, and the same nuclear reaction rates as The most detailed previous age determination gave

in standard solar mo dels Bahcall & Pinsonneault values around 9.5 Gy Dravins et al. 1993a. Also ear-

1992; Guenther et al. 1992a, b. It incorp orates low- lier work had arrived at ages in the 8{10 Gy range:

temp erature opacities similar to those rep orted by Cayrel de Strob el 1981; Hearnshaw 1972, 1973; Per-

Alexander & Ferguson 1994, and an equation of rin et al. 1977. Such an age ts well with that esti-

state with Coulomb corrections and other non-ideal mated for the Galactic disk. The main observational

e ects; see VandenBerg et al. 1997 for a detailed uncertaintywas due to the parallax error, while er-

discussion of the adopted physics. These improve- rors in T play almost no role since Hyi is rapidly


ments lead to a solar helium abundance Y ' 0:27 evolving nearly horizontally in the HR diagram.

rather than ' 0:28, when the Coulomb interaction

is ignored. As b efore, the e ective temp erature was

adopted as 5800 K.

4.2. The New Old Age

A number of evolutionary tracks were computed, a

few of which are shown in Figure 1. As a mo del veri -

The availability of the new, and very much more ac-

cation, a track for a standard solar mo del shows that

curate, parallax from Hipparcos now p ermits a more

the present luminosity M = 4:72; M = 4:84

precise determination of the evolutionary status for

bol V

and temp erature of the Sun are accurately repro-

Hyi. The signi cance of such a new determination

duced for the adopted choices of Y and mixing-length

lies also in that the Hipparcos value rather signif-


icantly by two standard errors deviates from the

previous ground-based estimate. The Hipparcos par-

Mo dels were computed for the slightly di erent allax yields the M =3:430:01,


Z = 0:0100, 0.0125, and 0.0150, with some 0.3 mag brighter than previously b elieved.

the same Y as needed to t the Sun. Another mo del

for Z = 0:0125 had a helium abundance lower by New evolutionary calculations have b een made, us-

Y =0:01. The four mo dels assume masses that are ing a considerably improved version of the program

necessary, for the various choices of Z and Y ,tointer- co de used in previous calculations VandenBerg 1992;

sect the p osition of Hyi in the M = log T plane. Dravins et al. 1993a; and references in these pap ers.

V e

The choices of Z should encompass the true metallic- This new version uses recentOPAL opacities Rogers

ity corresp onding to the logarithmic values relative & Iglesias 1992 for the No els & Grevesse 1993 mix



Table 1. Interpolating in the tracks at the M ;T  value



of Hyi, one nds the ages [Gy].

Alexander, D.R., Ferguson, J.W. 1994, ApJ 437, 879

Bahcall, J.N., Pinsonneault, M.H. 1992, Rev. Mo d.

Z Y [Me/H] Mass Age

Phys. 64, 885

0.0100 0.2716 0:28 1.053 6.83

Cayrel de Strob el, G. 1981, Bull. Inform. CDS 20, 28

0.0125 0.2716 0:20 1.095 6.52

Dorren, J.D., Gudel,  M., Guinan, E.F. 1995 ApJ 448,

0.0150 0.2716 0:10 1.228 6.31


0.0125 0.2616 0:20 1.109 6.64

Dravins, D., Lindegren, L., Nordlund, A., Vanden-

Berg, D.A. 1993a, ApJ 403, 385

Dravins, D., Linde, P., Fredga, K., Gahm, G.F.

1993b, ApJ 403, 396

to [Me=H] '0:28, 0:20, and 0:10, re-

Dravins, D., Linde, P., Ayres, T.R., Linsky, J.L.,

sp ectively. Interp olating in the tracks for the age

Monsignori-Fossi, B.,Simon, T., Wallinder, F.

at the M ;T value of Hyi, one nds Figure 1

1993c, ApJ, 403, 412

V e

and Table 1 that b est- t mo dels have parameters

ESA, 1997, The Hipparcos and Tycho Catalogues,

around: mass = 1:1 M ; Y =0:27, Z =0:011 cor-

ESA SP{1200

resp onding to a log [Me=H] around 0:2;

Gudel, M., Guinan, E.F., Skinner, S.L. 1997, ApJ, in

T = 5800 K, and ages around 6.7 Gy.



In Figure 1, the sup erp osed symb ols mark every bil-

Guenther, D.B., Demarque, P., Kim, Y.C., Pinson-

lion of years, starting from the pre-main-sequence

neault, M.H. 1992a, ApJ 387, 372

zero age. The long-dashed curve is for a mo del with

Guenther, D.B., Demarque, P., Pinsonneault, M.H.,

mass = 1:053 M , the dotted one for 1:109 M ,

Kim, Y.C. 1992b, ApJ 392, 328

with metallicities log [Me=H] = 0:28, and 0:20,

Hearnshaw, J.B. 1972, Mem. Roy. Astr. So c. 77, 55

resp ectively. Interp olating these two tracks for the

Hyi p osition, one nds ages of 6.83 and 6.64 Gy.

Hearnshaw, J.B. 1973, in G. Cayrel de Strob el,

A.M. Delplace, eds., L'^age des etoiles, IAU

Coll. 17, p. XLI{1

Jenkins, L.F. 1952, General Catalogue of Trigono-


metric Stellar , Yale Univ. Obs.

No els, A., Grevesse, N. 1993, in W.W. Weiss,

A. Baglin, eds., Inside the Stars, IAU Coll. 137,

Although the stellar luminosity implied by the new

ASPC 40, p. 410

Hipparcos parallax leads to a signi cant reduction of

the age and a slight increase in mass, compared to

Perrin, M.N., Hejlesen, P.M., Cayrel de Strob el, G.,

previous estimates, Hyi do es remain an old star.

Cayrel, R. 1977, A&A 54, 779

Rogers, F.J., Iglesias, C.A. 1992, ApJS 79, 507

Since the evolutionary tracks near the p osition of

van Altena, W.F., Lee, J.T., Hoeit, E.D. 1995, The

Hyi in the M = log T diagram run nearly hor-

V e

General Catalogue of Trigonometric Stellar Par-

izontally, the exact value for its e ective temp era-

allaxes, Fourth Ed., Yale Univ. Obs., Vol. I

ture has almost no e ect on its inferred prop erties.

This is indeed why Hyi is such an attractive star to

VandenBerg, D.A. 1992, ApJ 391, 685

study: there is probably no other single star b esides

VandenBerg, D.A., Swenson, F.J., Rogers, F.J., Igle-

the Sun, for whichit is p ossible to determine such

sias, C.A., Alexander, D.R. 1997, in preparation

a precise mass and age and further improvements

will now require a more precise determination of its


As a nal caveat, we note that all the ab ove dis-

cussion is p erformed within the paradigm of stellar

evolutionary mo dels, as calibrated b efore Hipparcos.

In case Hipparcos data would systematically change,

e.g. the future calibration of stellar , that

might lead to revisions of stellar evolution mo deling,

and p erhaps also a ect age determinations.


The Swedish part of this pro ject was supp orted

by the Swedish National Space Board and by the

Swedish Natural Science Research Council. DAV is

grateful for the supp ort of a Killam ResearchFellow-

ship and an op erating grant from the Natural Sci-

ences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.