Spaciousness and Strength

The Virtues:Grounded Strength and Steadiness, in complete balance with Spacious Sensitivity. The Focus:Standing poses and essential postures for whole body benefit. The Apex: and variations Sequence: , lift and lower arms with breath , extend and bow with breath Twist Down Dog Lunge Twist (other side) Uttanasana Tadasana Goddess Crescent (Crescent Lunge with , optional) Uttanasana shoulder stretch Surya Namaskar with Crescent > Vira III Vinyasa with Vira II to Goddess Warrior Vinyasa Parsvottanasana Parsvakonasana > > Ardha Chandrasana Parivrtta Parsvakonasana (bound optional) Vinyasa Trikonasana > Ardha Chandrasana > Ardha Chandra Chapasana (optional) > Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana (optional) > Vira I (with headstand optional) Vinyasa Uttanasana Vrksasana (Tree Pose) 128 Vinyasa Pigeon Thigh Stretch Pigeon Uttanasana Parsvottanasana > Parivrtta Trikonasana Uttanasana Janu Sirsasana Ardha Setu (Hamstring Hug) Parivrtta Supta Padangusthasana (or any finishing twist) Savasana

129 Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose) Spaciousness and Strength

Tadasana Uttanasana Lunge Twist on each side spread your wings pulse with your breath pause in Down Dog in between and breathe

Uttanasana to Goddess Uttanasana FLOW: Crescent Lunge > Vira III Tadasana Crescent shoulder stretch transition back to Crescent Lunge

Chaturanga Down Dog FLOW: Other side lower to belly Cobra pose enjoy your breath

< Vinyasa > < Vinyasa >

FLOW: Warrior II > Goddesss Warrior repeat FLOW on other side

Garudasana (Eagle Pose) Parsvottanasana Pause. Breathe. Feel. START FLOW: both sides both sides High Parsvakonasana > TRANSITION Parsvakonasana > Trikonasana > Ardha Chandrasana > Down Dog repeat FLOW on other side

< Vinyasa >

Prasarita Padottanasana FLOW: Trikonasana > Ardha Chandrasana > Chapasana > Parivrtta Optional: Headstand Ardha Chandrasana

Virabhadrasana I > Down Dog Parivrtta Parsvakonasana: any variations Down Dog repeat FLOW on other side repeat twice on each side to go deeper enjoy your breath

FLOW: Other side < Vinyasa > < Vinyasa >

Uttanasana Tree Pose: any variations

Pigeon Pigeon Forward Fold Pause. Breathe. Feel. Parsvottanasana > Parivrtta Thigh Stretch both sides Trikonasana both sides

START FLOW: High Parsvakonasana > Janu Sirsasana Ardha Setu Bandha Hamstring Hug and Twist Savasana both sides Matsyendrasana Sarvangasana