air SPARTAN DAILY Vol. 97, No. (>4 lor S,m law State University since 1934 Tuesday, December 3, 1991 Memo sparks harassment charge

By Tony Marek from uninvited "touching" of women, passed out at a Nov. 20 staff meeting, Los Angeles at the 1991 Big West oiniy staff wnter a "promise not to peek" when women was intended to "initiate continuing Conference media day on Nov. 13. 'I thought the attempt to climb up the corporate lad- discussion regarding a very important Marilyn Moniz-Kahoohanohano, A "male code of conduct" prank der, as well as a commitment not to subject." University of Hawaii assistant athletic memo itself memo distributed within the SJSU "bother" women with stories about But Brennan has come under fire director and senior women's adminis- athletic department by Athletic Monday night football. for distributing the memo which has trator, passed out photocopies of the was a form of Director Tom Brennan has led to A formal investigation into the alle- met with a strong reaction within the memo at the meeting. charges of sexual harassment in a gation is underway, according to Lidia athletic department and across cam- She said she purchased the item at sexual complaint filed by four women in the La Garda Rios, director of the Equal pus. It has also generated local media a card shop and felt it would shed a department. Employment Opponunity/Aflirmative attention including coverage by the humorous light on what she describes harassment.' The document, billed as an "agree- Action Office. La Garda Rios declined Mercury News, the San Francisco as the serious problem of sexual ment to refrain from sexual harass- to comment beyond confirmation that Chronicle, the Sacramento Bee and harassment. ment" and apparently intended as a the investigation is under way. local television news channels. "We found this humorous thing we Wiggsy Sivertsen humorous satire, outlines a 10-item list Brennan could not be reached tor Ironically, the memo was originally thought the guys would enjoy," she Faculty adviser for the Women's of rules of behavior for men in the comment on Monday but was quoted distributed by a woman. Brennan said. Resource Center work environment. in Thursday's edition of the San Jose obtained his copy of the memo at an The list includes pledges to refrain Mercury News as saying the memo, athletic directors' council meeting in See MEMO, Page 4 Torn Brennan UPD calls CHRISTMAS COMES TO DOWNTOWN PARK two fires on campus suspicious, accidental

By Robert Drueckhammer Daily staff writer

Two small fires that were started over the Thanksgiving weekend did no damage to SJSU buildings, but at least one is labelled as "suspicious" on University Police Department logs. The first fire, which was confined to a trash can, started at about 1:08 a.m. on Thanksgiving day. The fire, called "acciden- tal" by Dick Staley, UPD spokesman, was extinguished by the time officers arrived. Staley suspected that it was started by a cigarette or other burning object thrown in the can. The second fire, which bunted a small amount of brush on the west side of Dwight Bentel Hall, is labeled "suspicious" by UPD officers. This fire started at about 11:20 a.m. on Photographs by Nov. 30 and was extinguished by officer Bach rran. It was reported to UPD by James Walsh, Jeanette Glicksman dean of social sciences. Even though the fiecas listed as suspicious on logs, however, Staley said it is not looked at as arson. Avove left: Volunteer Martin Nick (left) sets the railroad track in place with day.with elves as passengers. Nick is the grandfather of the wife of Tont "If it were arson, it would Nay arson on the the assistance of parks department employee Dave Quimz for the annual 'Dalton who is the designer/builder of this year's park display. The park logs. I don't think anyone was trying to burn Christmas in the Park display in downtown's Plaza Park. The train will cir- will open to the public on Saturday and the decorations will remain until down Dwight Bentel Hall by starting some cumnavigate the park's colorful and festive displays 20 hours every January 2. The Christmas in the Park parade will be held on Sunday. bushes on fire," Staley said. He added, however, that he thinks it was "unlikely that it was spontaneous combustion." Seminar promotes global awareness Fire safety improvements By Traci Deguchi World," SJSU geography protessors and stu- X'Parnmallii worraPnY and enaronmen Daily oaf! writer dents will discuss topics from Southern Me \i,:o tal studies professor David Schwarz will he giv- underway at Duncan Hall rain forests to the vineyards of Hungary. ing a welcome at the presentation and is also Where was Kuwait before the war? Coordinator of SJSU's Geography participating in Geography Awareness Week in By Angela Hill Hall to be used for storage." What about the Baltic states? Awareness Week activities, graduate student another way. Daily staff wnter "It should make everyone in the t'uikiv For many people, pointing out some geo- Marcia Holstrom, has put together the first on - Schwarz said that he helps students study feel safer that some of the debris has been graphical locations on a map may not be just a campus Geography Awareness Week activity in geography in the academic decathlon at Lincoln Corrections of tire code violations have removed, but it's not a final solution until we stretch ot the memory, but an impossibility. the past three or four years. ligh School in San Jose. begun in Duncan Hall's mechanical rooms, get the doors rckeyed," he said. Parts of the world, through photos and "Usually the geography and environmental As far as public knowledge of geography but a final solution may still be in the future. The rekcying will not begin until January, hands-on exhibits, will be brought into studies departments do more with local the goes, Schwarz said "environmental concerns Once piled on and around motors and however. Guadalupe Room in the Student Union on schools," Holstrom said. have fostered interest." electrical switch boxes, paper debris, card- "Nothing happens fast around here, but it Wednesday as a celebration of National Holstrom has seen most of the slides which board boxes and custodial supplies have been does happen eventually," Hendrickson said. Holstrom added that "global awareness is Geography Awareness Week from Dec.I will be presented Wednesday and is impressed moved, according to Eugene Ludwico, SJSU He hopes to change locks in critical. We can't live in isolation." mechanical through the seventh. with the photography. building service engineer. rooms and electrical closets across campus. In a slide presentation and discussion panel 'The work the professors have done is beau- The presentation will begin at 2 p.m. in the "People from (Facilities Development and "We're working on rckeying 30 to 35 called "Images of a Planet --- Portraits of Our tiful," Holstrom said. Student I Inion Guadalupe Room. Operations) did remove the cardboard boxes, rooms now. We've had storage problems in but the custodial supplies are still in the sixth the Engineering Building, the Art Building floor room," Ludwico said. and Wahlquist Central as well," Hendrickson Although corrections have been made, the said. University recycling program INSIDE violations, which were logged by the In these buildings, workers have stored C'alifornia State Fire Marshal more than a ladders and equipment in the mechanical year ago, could recur unless locks are rooms, according to Hendrickson. seeks student contributions changed on the mechanical rooms' doors, The campus-wide rekcying of mechanical FEAT U RES according to Hank Hendrickson, director of rooms will not be completed soon. By Kim Carter on Eighth Street. operations and design at FD&O. "Eventually, which means within two 1)atly staff wnter The money that is collected will go back into the 1 !Aping Mother "People from the departments and custodi- years, I hope to have all the rooms and electri- H.O.P.E. committee to plan incentive and education Nature: SJSU students ans store things there," he said. "It's hard to cal closets so that only people from Facilities The university recycling problem is not as desper- al programs," Quinn said. restore land at Big Basin stop it. We've been given a room in Duncan can get in," Hendrickson said. ate in the student residence halls as elsewhere on Although the two-week-old II.O.P.E. program is campus. SJSU students are pitching in to support on a roll with lots of participation, SJSI I !acuity are State Park in Santa Cruz Help Our Planet Earth, HOPE., an aluminum and still knee-deep in paper. Mountains. glass recycling project. Students Affiliation for Environmental Respect, Page 8 Campus magazine hits the HOPE., a residential community recycling com- an independent organization that collects paper prod- stands mittee, has sponsored recent meetings intended to ucts on campus, is having a hard time collecting Dedc Reis Alkire said the issue will also otter some- educate students on recycling. recycled paper products from faculty offices due to Daily staff wnter thing for students who will be staying in the "A lot of students are into it," said Lisa Quinn, co- lack of student volunteers. area this winter break. An introduction to chair of HOPE. "Students are trying to participate On Nov. 18, S.A.F.E.R. hosted a final meeting to The award -winning Access magazine of trails and parks within minutes of downtown as much as they can." get support from the student body. SJM I will be coining out with its tall semester San Jose will lx' outlined Two bins aluminum and glass are located "If anybody is interested they better come out WORM NEWS Publication Wednesday. The magazine is inipiled by students in outside on the patio of each of the six residence now," said Mike Carr, co-chair of SAFER. "We Articles ranging from Freedom reigns: what it takes to be Journalism 155, the mag,vine editing and pro- halls. HOPE. also is responsible for the two bins don't have enough volunteers who want to partici- an opera singer in "Opera San Jose," to a duction class. American hostage located in the Spartan Village community room. pate in the program." story which follows two SJSU students to the While most of the writers are magazine "So far the bins are getting full really fast," said Eleven people were present at the meeting includ- Joseph Cicippio freed streets of Amsterdam in "The Outskirts of majors, the class is open to anyone with the Phil Kaffen, co-chair of HOPE. "'They are getting ing six new members. after five years of cap- Paradise," to a piece written about the politics completed prerequisites who wants to con- emptied everyday." "The new people are just starting out hut may not tivity in I,ebanon. ol the campus organization Queer Nation, will tribute. only drawback with having the bins located stick with a," Carr said. "It's the end of the semester appear upcoming The Page 9 in the issue, according to "It's a great opportunity for students to outside is that the doors close at 10 p.m. Students and it's hard to get people to stick to the program." Andy Alkirc, Access spokesman. know how a magazine operates and to learn won't be able to recycle after that time. With paper bins overflowing in faculty offices, Also in the issue will be stories for graduat- the different stages of a magazine," Allure James Young, an SJSU student and one of eight S.A.E.E.R. said they are getting no help from ing students looking for jobs tips on writing said. members of HOPE, retrieves the recycled nuiterial resumes, interviewing techniques, and what The magazine is in as fifth year of publica- daily from the full bins and dumps it into a dumpster See 11.0.P.E., Page .1 employers look for in possible employees. tion. 2 Dieuhiv, December .1, 1991 San lose State University NI SPARTAN DAILY FORUM OPINIONS EDITORIAL Conduct code questionable S. S.U:3 atcU TartACEMINENNAN tasteless and clearly degrading memo. Blatant sexism But then, Brennan has a reputation for making women's sports a second HEY wrs! v41.1. HOLD no joking matter priority at SJSU. THE LADPOZ crarLE5 rOiR Last year he dealt with a budget A WOMAN THEN. vil-IEN SHE deficit by eliminating nine positions in egA-6Itift to think some athletics. Two-thirds of them were held 15E6Itts To GO UP . by women. of us were 13A94-13Ccts1....WE DO CUR And He axed Mary Zimmerman at the ItUSIRESS. hoping that time, the very popular and effective senior women's administrator. Clarence Zimmerman had held women's sports Thomas was an together by fund raising specifically for exception to common decency. them with the Walk for Women of Sparta. Recent revelations, however, indicate The walkathon made up for the that SJSU's own athletic director, Tom department's money being concentrated Brennan, is as insensitive to women and in the more macho, and therefore perhaps even more lacking in judgment apparently more important, sports of and common sense than Thomas... and football and men's basketball. he's a lot closer to home. Brennan will probably attempt to Brennan chose last week to express make himself out to be a real progressive his own wacky sense of humor by guy in order to deflect criticism. But distributing a "male conduct code" to the evidence to the contrary makes that athletics staff making light of sexual almost laughable. harassment. Among its For instance, just before Brennan recommendations: refrain from passed out the memo, he postponed a offending "ladies who are much bigger discussion in the department about than myself and could inflict great issues of gender equity and sexual physical harm." harassment. In response, three women's coaches No matter how much benefit of the and a woman in Sports Information have doubt one can manage to grant Brennan, filed a well-warranted formal complaint his actions were juvenile, ignorant and of sexual harassment with the university. insensitive. Maybe he just didn't think S[1.111.111 ) At the very least, Brcnnan's stab at about how women would receive the Raul l)tronguct comedy was unoriginal the code was memo. Stupidity is not an acceptable borrowed from a presentation at the Big excuse. West Conference athletic directors' That this is only the latest in a series meeting. of cases of sexual harassment lately at CAMPUS VIEWPOINT Tim K. Fitzgerald It was intended as a joke at the SJSU cannot be forgotten. The conference, too. It wasn't funny there, harassment complaint filed by the four either. Brennan should have known that women cites "several male and not only refrained from relaying it, administrators" who have recently been but protested on the spot. "reprimanded for their questionable Politically correct speech censors thought But perhaps we hoped too soon and behavior toward women" in the athletics too hard that America was capable of department. First Amendment guarantee of and action. Far better that ignorance and fear Far better an ounce of consideration overnight enlightenment. Maybe Brennan thought he was being TheFreedom of Speech and be rooted out and allowed to surface than today than a pound of tyranny later. The It is truly astounding that after the harmlessly funny. But humor, or any Assembly and its companion swept under the rug to pollute the minds and breach of intellectual freedom as posited issue of sexual harassment has been action for that matter, with a price tag of guarantee of "Separation of souls of the society in every back alley and here concerning our First Amendment rights plastered all over the sacred television making women feel ridiculed and Church and State" are the on every corner neighborhood fence. in the case of "politically correct" speech is sets of the American public, Brennan unwelcome in their workspace isn't bedrock upon which all democracy, any- From the testimony of the life of Martin so grave a threat to our security and domes- never thought twice about distributing a worth it. where and everywhere, is founded. Luther King, Jr. to the actions of Mahatma tic tranquility as to necessitate and demand I must thereby dissent and challenge the Gandhi before him to Christ, himself, history non-violent direct action and even litigation growing movement for "politically correct" records show that unless underlying hatred in court, if need be. speech on college campuses here and and bigotry are allowed to surface and give As the prime author of the "Use of State across the state. expression, they will corrupt and fester in the College Buildings and Grounds" revisions At this juncture of a new decade, where body politic. Ultimately, the infection done 20 years ago under special circum- tradition is being questioned everywhere and becomes a mortal and fatal wound in the stances, and still in effect; as a former candi- WRITER'S the authority of a "New World Order" is democracy itself. date for San Jose City Council in the being established, it now behooves those in Much better a David Duke be allowed to Downtown District and a three-time alumnus the Academy (who are in search of the abso- speak out and demonstrate his true strength of SJSU. I implore every student to attend FORUM Nicholas D. Smith lute necessity that freedom of thought at the polls, than to burn crosses at midnight the meeting in the Student Union on "politi- brings) to proclaim the promigeof the First and strike fear throughout the South by cally correct" speech Wednesday. Amendment guarantees that -must remain hooded raiding parties. I would not suppon > inviolate and sacred even unquestioned "hate crime" or violence in any form, yet 1 the final guardians of the rights of all would never muzzle dissent to allow it to Tag you're dead' inquiring mankind. vent and form later in a moment of anger or Tim K. Fitzgerald is a graduate of the Politically correct speech censors thought pain. history department. in the fun, carefree days people we had drawn on the blackboard. Evenof the first and second grades, The pictures no doubt mimicked what Tom used to tell me about the we had been told by Tom. movies he saw. His lucky A crowd of us played war on the family went to see every top playground most recesses. It was by far movie. Tom would tell me about the the most popular game. Tag, "you're guns, the shattering glass and the dead," instead of "you're it." Nearly LETTERS TO THE EDITOR exploding bodies. It was wonderful and every boy on the playground participated very exciting. in the game. My family never went to a movie My parents never reprimanded my unless it was a cartoon or had a brother and I for playing war, but they War vets not jerks ROTC scholarships in order to be able to country that he would fight for it. The Daily Volkswagen starring. I knew violence never gave us any toys that resembled Editor, afford school. said, "We owe you the freedom to be a jerk only through Tom, who told me how guns either. While my friends got G.I. This letter is in response to the editorial It's amazing to sec that the one thing because you participated in the mass-slaugh- good guy Dirty Harry blew people away. Jocs, guns and army men for Christmas, printed on Nov. 21, "Ram allowed on cam- related to education that the government is ter of defenseless people." I was jealous of his cool parents. I got books, trucks and Lcgos. pus at the expense of decency." This poor willing to spend money on is to be phased My brother fought in that war. By calling My best friend from kindergarten, It made a difference in my life, and piece of argumentative journalism upset me out all of a sudden. ROTC has not been Maj. Doug Campbell a jerk, you are also Tom and I had no secrets right up until I I'm glad now of the decision my parents so much that I had to respond. abolished yet on SJSU because the universi- calling my brother a jerk. I don't think so. switched schools after the eighth grade. made to not condone violence. I have a First of all, the Daily makes a poor analo- ty knows that it's their job to educate stu- Would the person who wrote that editorial We haven't talked much since those deep aversion to guns and war as an gy comparing cross-burners to ROTC dents, even if they don't agree with the like to visit the family members of murdered innocent days, having gone separate adult, despite how fun both seemed as a cadets. Sorry, this is hardly the case. The Defense Department's policy. Kuwaitis by Iraqi troops? Or would that paths, but we used to have some great child. editorial also claims that " ROTC's The Daily didn't mention that ROTC is writer simply like to address every veteran of times. I don't know what happened to a lot gay policy blatantly contradicts the universi- getting phased out at Chico State simply a foreign war and call all of them jerks? I remember him telling me about The of those old war buddies of mine. I ty's nondiscrimination doctrine." Well, what because no one wants to join it. I also find it Big Red One, Apocalypse Now and assume most are still alive. about the fact that by phasing out ROTC, the quite offending to call Maj. Doug Campbell, Thomas J. Zizzo every Dirty Harry movie that came out Jeff apparently followed his dream of university will be destroying the academic from Chico State's ROTC, a jerk because he Freshman during our grade-school years. Dirty flying an X-wing fighter and joined the futures for many students who need their was brave enough and loyal enough to this Journalism Harry was definitely Tom's hero. Air Force. He flew jets in the Gulf, and I Tom was only one of several of us think he came back alive. No one will who craved excitement. ever know how many people he killed. Jeff was a Star Wars freak. He had not Tom went into police work. I didn't only seen the movie several times, but know he was a cop until his obituary also had every Star Wars action figure appeared. (the small ones and the big ones I was He died at home of a self-inflicted Forum page policies exceedingly jealous). Jeff had wallpaper gunshot wound. The article didn't say if with jet fighters on it, an R2D2 light it was intentional. His funeral was on the The Spartan Daily provides a daily Forum page. Contributions to Jose State University, San Jose, CA 95192-0149. Articles and switch, and an aching desire to be a Jedi same day as the one for my grandmother, the page are encouraged from students, staff, faculty, and others letters must contain the author's name, phone number, address, class knight. who lived a long, peaceful life. who are interested in the university at large. standing and major (if a student). In the second grade another friend Any letter or column for the Forum page must be turned in to the Contributions must be typed or submitted on 3.5" Macintosh- and I were complimented by our teacher Letters to the Editor box in the Spartan Daily newsroom, WLN 104, compatible disc (Microsoft Word). on the high quality of the pictures of Nicholas 1). Smith is a Daily staff during office hours. Submissions may also be mailed to the Forum Submissions become property of the Spartan Daily and will be tanks, airplanes, infantry and dead writer. Editor, the Spartan Daily, department of mass communications, San edited for grammar, libel, spelling and length.

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SPAR IAN 1)A II Y MI Sari /ow State University liceschay, December 3, 1991

SpanaGuide is a daily calendar available to SJSU students, faculty and staff organizations at no charge. Deadline for submission: 5 p.m. two days before publication. Forms are available PHONE: 924-3280 cetecome at the Spartan Daily, WIN 104. Limited space may forte reducing the number of insertions. FAX: 924-3282

California Western School of Law, 5 Auditorium. sail '421 2707 NPPA: Nat'l Press Photographers call 924-8715. p.m., S.U. Almaden Room, call 438- Assoc. meeting w/Pulitzer Prize winner TOW 7586. FANTASY/STRATEGY CLUB: David Hume Kennedy, 7:30 p.m., ART Meeting, 5:30 p.m., S.U. Almaden SJSU SKI CLUB: December 133, call 924-3245. meeung, 7 p.m., S.U. Costanoan Room, CHICANO LIBRARY A/fp/yawl Room, call 924-7097. call 778-9250. RESOURCE CENTER: Brown hag CAREER PLANNING k ASPB: AS. Program Board's LAMBDA SIGMA Fight seminar/presentation by Lou Holscher, PLACEMENT: lob searLh kickoff, 1 GAMMA/LATINA ALLIANCE: ART DEPT.: "Design Out of administration of justice. noon, Wednesday Nite Cinema: "Naked Gun pm. S.U. Umunhum Room; Interview Context," design faculty show through Chicano Library Resource Center @ 2 112." 6 & 9 p.m., S.U. Ballroom, call Posadas SJSU. 6 p.m.. front of preparation, I p.m.. S.U. Umunhum Morris Dailey Auditorium, call 924- Dec. 12. II a.m. (6 p.m. Tuesdays). WLN 306/307, call 924-2707 or 924- 924-6263 or 924,6261. Room; Seasonal and part-time rob ART ( btllery One, call 924-4328. 2815. 2707. apathy COLLEGE REPUBLICANS: hunting techniques. 2:30 p.m.. S.U. CAREER PLANNING k PHI CHI THETA: Last general Political correctness debate, 12:30 Costanoan Room; Organizing your job RE-ENTRY ADVISORY PROGRAM: Brown bag lunch/end of Let the PLACEMENT: Co-op orientation. meeting of semester. 5 p.m., S.U. gm.. S.U. Guadalupe Room, call 247- hunt. 3 p.m., S.U. Umunhum Room; campus know about your pram 12:30 p.m., S.U. Almaden Room, call Costanoan Room, call 365-8176. 642. Resume I: preparation, 5 p.m., S.U. semester social, noon, S.U. Montalvo S00,106010 son excelent way to afore 924-6033. Umunhum Room, call 924-6033. Room, call 924-5930. MARKETING CLUB: Officer's ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: your orylonizatmn's events And its free' CHEMISTRY DEPT.: Seminar by meeting, everyone welcome, 4 p.m.. Open meeting. 12:15 p.m., Campus SPARTAN TRACK CLUB: Last MIS (IRM) CLUB: Final Eric Williamsen, call for info, 4:30 S.U. Costanoan Room, call 266-1429. Ministry Center, call 266-9606. general meeting of semester, 7:30 p.m., meeting/officer election, 4:30 p.m., p.m., OH 250, call 924-5(8)0. S.U. Pacheco Room, call 629-4070. S.U. Pacheco Room, call 997-7307. lust pick up c form m the Spartan Doily CHICANO COMMENCEMENT METEOROLOGY DEPT.: newsroom, Waliqurst tinny North 104 PRE-LAW ASSOC.: Meeting/guest Ii CALMECA: Posadas at SJSU, 6 Seminar by William Heise, 4 p.m.. OH FMA: Financial Management Assoc.: speaker: Linda North, assistant dean at p.m., front of Morris Dailey 615, call 924-5200. "Careers in Corp. Finance" by Clorox Co.. 4:45 p.m., S.U. Costanoan Room, H.O.P.E. From Front Page for it because they think it's an admin- Associated Students or campus istration duty," Carr said. administration. The S.A.F.E.R, program was suc- SAFER. went to Dean Batt, dean cessful two years ago. The Earth Day of Student Services, to get support for festivities were going on and a lot of the failing recycling program. students were enthusiastic, according "The administration was very sup- to Carr. portive but it's a bad year for it due to SAFER. is running three to four budget cuts," Carr said. weeks behind in picking up paper S.A.F.E.R. recently went to the products from faculty offices, generat- A.S. with a proposal for $15,000 from ing many complaints. the special allocations committee. "They expect a certain amount of "They were interested in helping services, but we can't offer them," SAFER., but they don't want to pay Carr said. Doo Dah Parade spoofs Right the common Rose

PASADENA, Calif. (AP) Memorial 20-Man Invisible Marching Cloggers wielding plumber's helpers DOH Team as well as send-ups of danced on tortilla-strewn pavement people in the news and celebrations of and ordinary people worshiped at the had taste. Church of the Ornamental Lawn "Clogging is not a plumbing prob- Decorations during the annual Doo lem,"declared the Concjo Valley Dab Parade. Cloggers, demonstrating the old Thousands lined the streets of Old American dance form and their point, Town to watch a disjointed stream of with the help of plungers. parade entries ranging from the A group called "COLD," the Bagpeople's Bagpipe Band to the Church of Ornamental Lawn Macintosh Supreme Court Justices In Training, Decorations, celebrated the pink who spent a lot of time lifting their flamingo, while roller-skating men in robes. police uniforms re-enacted the police The parade originated as an off- beating of Rodney King. the-cuff spoof of the annual New The first Doo Dais Parade was held Year's Day Tournament of Roses but Jan. 1, 1978, when the Rose Parade also has become a local institution. was switched to Jan. 2 to avoid being This year it drew the usual collec- held on a Sunday. tion of synchronized marchers That one drew only a few specta- hibachis, beach chairs, briefcases, the tors, but since then it has attracted PMS Brigade and the Claude Rains increasing crowds. Right price.

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9:00 - 4:00 from 9am-3pm Student Union, Main Floor

December 2 - 5 C 1,141 o.v,av I. 554 IN lipie he, Apti Mil IrilkIkb Aft rwerrtilrbirlliAlt .1 %tort Ilk Iiana. tx neminvIl ThirnIN litynodc Nreir t croon IT% 4 Inestign; Vet ember.1, 1991 San lose State University SPAR IAN DAILY

Agreement to Refrain From Sexual Harassment I (PUT YOUR NAME HERE), a human being of the male gender, being of sound mind and of a normally good humored disposition (after the first morning cup of coffee, that is), in the interest of improving the confused and strained state of affairs that seems to exist in the current relation "LEND A HELPING HAND" ship between men and women, do hereby subscribe to and endorse the following: The Male Code of Conduct Come support the homeless families in our community I MI never make COtTIMent, If lf lonfl(k)1, Ur yes 1 will not use sneaky tactics or devious lures that could be considered offensive or insulting tricks to try and initiate un-invited physical and make sure that others have a happy holiday. to anyone of the feminine gender, especially to co contact and will keep my hands to myself at %vorkers or those ladies who are much bigger than all times. This includes such old-fashioned -copy r ,,Plf and could inflict great physical harm to my and tiresome ploys as the 'photo A community event sponsored by the Spartan Daily lv machine stumble: the 'wandering elevator- elbow and 'my, is that a speck of dirt on the "I will eliminate words from my speech front of your blouse?' brush off. Vendor Information Booths that are thought to be offensive and will "I will never be a party to hinclero . Speakers (from 12pm-2pm) never address a woman as sweetie’or 'babe: the just advancement of any woman .c,, L climb the corporate ladder In fact. I will iluid Ux Free raffles (club discounts, dinners, and "I promise not to make animal noises, or hissing. der in place and \A III tI I IN' ' clucking or whistling sounds that could be interpret- promise to peek more). annroi it ii mc if ed as showing carnal or anatomical 1 will not bother women with boring Bring any second-hand clothes, toys, or the female physique monologues of Monday night football replays, slam dunk techniques, or the merits canned food that you can donate. "I will not use my physical strength nor of modern day boxing. (To some women, this take advantage of any superior job position is the WORST form of sexual harassment!) Free Food . to intimidate, coerce, or take advantage of L .111. any female EXCEPT in the event that we are I will read all magazines kx , Thursday, December 5 plc turn's both racing for the last spot in the parking ary content only and not look at any 10 am - 4pm tot. In that situation, as in love and war, any- "I will not touch, think about touching, or mum! maw li=251M thing goes! even THINK about thinking about touching Ballroom F!'r any women unless there is a specific and WIN OM= M Student Union Si MN =1 'I will not discuss, describe, or attempt to re-enact clear invitation to do so. Any such invitation MEM ,ity movie that is not Grated while there is a lady pre must be Notarized, delivered by Registered onmep--7, sent I will never rent a video to show to mixed conpa Mail, and filed with with the County ny that stars any actor with names such as Johnny-be- Recorders Office prior to any invitation being For more information contact Ralene Matthias - ;cxxxxl. Tina Twin Peaks, or Hunk Hogan acted upon." Spartan Daily Ad. Staff 924-3270 This is an excerpt of the memo that Torn Brennan distributed to his stall. Die menu, received a torrent of media attention. or stop by WLN 135

Parody on sexual harassment not funny Proud Sponsors of MEMO "LEND A HELPING HAND" SECOND HARVEST FOOD BANK DISCOUNT PHOTO From Front Page "I think (the memo) was inappro- SALVATION ARMY DELTA ZETA Moniz-Kahoohanohano, who is a priate, that's why we filed the com- Hawaii BLACK MOUNTAIN WATER KAPPA SIGMA member of a University of Hawaii plaint," Walker said. SPARTAN DAILY SIGMA NU committee on the status of women, Strahan confirmed the complaint AD CLUB DELTA UPSILON said the memo was never intended for specifically addresses sexual harass- distribution to campus personnel. ment in connection with the memo, SPECTRUM CYCLES HILTON AUTO SERVICE "I think this has been taken out of but declined to comment on whether $125* l'ALMER CHIROPRACTIC SCHOOL PETE'S STOP TIRE CENTER context and blown out of proportion," the allegations involve any other ALTRANS KEN'S HUBB she said. "I wouldn't have given it to actions within the department. SPARTAN BIKES / IMPACT DALEEPS women on campus where it might University Executive Order 345 Los Angeles $ 29' Denver 2129' have been viewed in a negative light." defines sexual harassment, in part, as STREET LIGHTS PARADISE BEACH Neve York $170 KINKOS SAFE PLACE STORAGE Diane Milutinovich, a senior "conduct (that) has the purpose or Frankfurt $225 women's administrator at Fresno State effect of interfering with an employ- 2225' PIZZA AGO GO HEARTTHROB University, was one of the original ee's work performance, or creating an Tokyo 21169* CACTUS CLUB RONKIN EDUCATIONAL GROUP recipients of the memo. intimidating, hostile, offensive or oth- faresseeischwayfroMSanfrawlscobersed on a rourpitrip purchase. Some testyctons IANTAZ CINEBAR "I feel very sensitive to the issue so erwise adverse working environment." alp* Tars not vickided Call for other I didn't think it was very funny," she "I thought the memo itself was a destmatwo, POOR SCOTTY'S FIX THE CLUB said. Milutinovich said there was little form of sexual harassment," said ALPHA OMEGA LONGS DRUGS CALA CENTER initial reaction to the memo and it was Wiggsy Sivertsen, a faculty Council Travel adviser for 312 Sutter Si, Suite 407 CHILLS- MILPITAS BENNIGANS generally understood it had been the Womcn's Resource Center and San Franc isea, CA 94108 FRIDAY'S intended as a joke. counselor for SJSU student counseling 415-421-3473 THANK YOU! "I thought it was inappropriate," services. Oct 1 9' urai passes at 91 prices. she said. "It's hard to make fun of "It trivialized women's concerns," call for details something when it's such a serious she said. "I thought it demeaned many issue." of the men in the department as well." Assistant athletic information Jenny Cook, a junior in environ- director Karen Rosenzweig, softball mental studies and volunteer at the coach Kathy Strahan, woman's bas- Women's Resource Center, agreed ketball coach Tina Krah, and women's that to make light of an issue like sex- gymnastics coach Jackie Walker filed ual harassment is equivalent to con- the complaint with university officials. doning it. Because the complaint is now under investigation as a personnel matter, Rosenzweig said they have Daily staff writer Christa Ilardie been instructed not to comment. contributed to this report.

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1011111er FEATURES SPARTAN DAILY San lose State University NI Tuesday, December 3, 1991 EMF short of 'Unbelievable' at SJSU inenitxrs put the same effort in music that they did The three other good songs in the set were "Lies," By Jason Rothman in their stage performance, concert would have "LSD" and "EMF." The band's self-titled song wiy daft swat., the been better. explains what the name stands tor. The members ended the show with the song, and they were joined A crowd that would lit better in a large club. Instead of singing, Atkins just yelled into the SJSU Event Center by about 15 of their friends. As the band advocated 1,195 people partially tilled the microphone. Although it works well in some songs, to see EMI', and those who came to the one -hour the use ol ecstasy (a designer drug, and what the E and heavy metal bands like AC/DC and Del stands for) the stage became so crowded, it looked show wasted their money. the Leopard have made careers by yelling with more like a stage at a dance club rather than a con- Out of the 14 song set, only five songs were songs, a harsh voice doesn't mix well with dance cert. According to the song, the MF part of the bands worth listening to. The rest sounded the same. music. name suggests that the members advocate sex with The band opened with "I Believe," and it was one Musically the hand is pretty good. They are defi- mothers. of the five good songs in the set. With his black nitely in sync with each other, and the drummer dreadlocks following him, lead singer James Atkins, leads the band well. But, the music EMF plays is not The Event Center is a good place to see a show jumped around the stage. l'he rest of the band played too complex. because the stage is not overly large and the arena is and a keyboard that small enough to give the crowd a feeling of intima( a loud mix of distorted guitar The sparse crowd was energetic in the beginning was supported by samplers and the MIDI button that is usually only possible in clubs. (ii the show, but it calmed down a bit. Then, hallway (musical instrument digital interface button that through the concert when EMF played to pre-record music and then play it with Also, the sound at the Event Center is better than allows one "Unbelievable" the audience woke up and started one touch). most indoor venues. Most indoor shows are in places jumping around, almost as much as Atkins and that were never built for concerts. But the Event Along with Atkins, Derry Bronson was full of Bronson. During the chorus the band stopped play- Center was built for concert sound in mind. energy on stage. He defied the normal etiquette for ing, and the crowd kept singing. than staying in place, he keyboardists. Rather A small mosh pit broke out (an area where people EMF would have faired beuer if they toured in jumped off risers, thrashed about the stage and occa- Publicity photo run around in a circle, and in the process they slam clubs rather than try to pack a larger venue. It will be sionally lugged his keyboard and stand with him. people "unbelievable" if EMF evcr makes it back to the SLI From left, Ean Dench (guitar), James Atkins (singer), Zac Foley into and push off each other), and about 40 So. EMF bounces all over the stage, but if the jumped around the circle until the end of the song. illS it achieved during that -.4 mg. (bass), Derry Bronson (keyboards), Mark Decloedt (drums) G M AT ISN'T IT TIME AUDITIONS Kings Productions, the world's #1 producer of entertainment, is holding M CAT auditions for the 1992 season at GREAT AMERICA, Santa Clara, California A variety of positions are available and a travel fee will be paid to employees who must travel more than 250 miles to the park CONCORD, CA Friday, December 6 LSAT a Citiaris Center, 1975 Diamond Blvd 5-7 p.m Singers, Specialty Acts 5-8 p m Technicians 7-8 p m Dancers, Instrumentalists R E SAN JOSE, CA Saturday. December 7 San Jose Civic Light Opera Rehearsal Hall 171 7 Technology Dr TOTAL TEST PREPARATION 10 a m -12 p m Singers, Specialty Acts AND ADMISSIONS COUNSELING YOU TRIED lam -2 p m Technicians 12-1 p m Dancers, Instrumentalists Call us today to schedule your AlTrans? SAN FRANCISCO, CA Sunday, December 8 San Francisco Airport Conference Center FREE DIAGNOSTI0C and EVALUATION With over 15 bus lines stopping within a 5 minute walk to 1240 Bayshore THriall. Highway, Burlingame campus, there is a good chance that you could get to school 12-2 p.m Singers, Specialty Acts without the hassles of driving. We can show you the Way. 12-4 p.m Technicians 2-3 p m Dancers, Instrumentalists Why not give it a try? or additional miamohon con To get started call 924-5467, or visit us in WSQ 115. Great America Audition Hotline 408/9813 1776 Kings Productiont 800/544 5461 You'll be glad you did. KINGS ISLAND II 1,4GS DOMIN4 CAROWINI .41.41.soim. EDUCATIONAL GROUP King, Product., Altrans SAN JOSE/CUPERTINO Your alternative transportation solution 1072 Saratoga-Sunnyv: I ( Road, Suite A-103 (408)25..- -coo united by Az SiSU Office of Traffic aud Parkmg

LI) L.P_Pc_Pc_13 crOP c_P 5 Associated Students of SJSU 5 BE HEARD ON CAMPUS



lhe following Initiative, having mei the criteria The Presidential Selection Advisory for a special election, Is being brought before the Committee will be holding an open forum students of San Jose State University for an advisory on Wednesday, December 4, 1991 to vote. solicit the input of students and faculty "Shall the Associated Students of San Jose State concerning the Job Description being University submit a vote of 'no confidence' in Dr. developed for SJSU's new President. Barry Munitz as Chancellor of the California State University to the Board of Trustees of the California State University"

WHEN: Wed. December 4, 1991 5 WEDNESDAY AND 'THURSDAY December 4 & 5 TIME: 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m STUDENTS 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. ASSOCIA'TED Path located at Student 1 Inane, (lark [Avery. and Span. Crimple a WHERE: Engineering Auditorium 1139 SPECIAL ELECTION

initiative, having met the criteria for a special THERE'S MORE TO COLLEGE ary OF SAN JOSE NEEDS The following brought before the students of San Jose State THAN JUST TIIE COMMUTE TO HEAR THE STUDENTS OF SJSU election, is being University for an advisory vote.

Get involved in the over 40 committees and PUBLIC HEARING "Shall the Associated Students of San Jose State which allow students an positions on campus CONCERNING TRE TEMPORARY CLOSURE University submit a vote of 'no confidence' in Dr.

active role in shaping SJSU. OF E. SAN CARLOS STREET THROUGH Barry Munitz as Chancellor of the California State CAMPUS University to the Board of Trustees of the California State University'?"

WHO: TIIE ASSOCIATED STUDEN I S the students and faculty of SJSU need to make WII AT: STUDENT GOVERNMENT the City of San Jose realize that we are 30,000 WIIEN: IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR people who inhabit this University each day. We -Director of Students' Rights and must support this closure and voice this support Wednesday and Thursday Responsibilities during the Public Hearing. Please Come! -Homecoming Chairperson December 4 & 5 -Election Board WIIEN: Wednesday Dec. 12, 1991 -Academic Senate Committees 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. -All other committee positions TIME: 7:00 p.m. WIIERE: Stop by the Associated Students office, Third Floor Student Union, oi WHERE: Engineering Auditorium 189 call Tasha Souza at 924-6240 if you have questions call 277-5341 Polls located at the EACH TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY THE ASSOCIATED STUDENTS WILL BRING YOU Student Union, Clark Library, THIS SECTION WITH INFORMATION AND ADVERTISEMENTS YOU SHOULD KNOW. and Spartan Complex Breezewax ELIEPtPr_PLIMPLIEPLIMPEMEREMPLIP-PLIOPLP r-OPPr.JP.PcJEPLEPLIP-fafefeEWIMPLPrZlenc.P tORIGNMINKMEI 6 Inestlay lktember 3, 1991 San Ime State University IN SPAK IAN DAILY S OV ER U eG4 ejLJn D tO Lo%

AlCCPHILLYTIMTI Li D 1E1 LapEIJHD 1 0%STUDENT DISCOUNT at PETE'S STOP TIRE CENTER C; I'VE 1r1-1E GIFT' C7I, MUSIC' Buy Sell Trade OFF Foreign & Domestic Auto Repair Each CD Sales items excluded Wheel Alignment CompleteBrake Service Front End Rebuilding Wheel Balancing CHEAP Llsed & New Tires -Shock Absorbers ABCD EXCHANGE 109 E Santa 1ra St. 299 Keyes St San Jose 294-3240 READING Between 3rd 4th 294-034 Cash for your Books Open 7 days EXPIRES 1-1-92


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New & Used Books Tune Up Special $25.00 I 10% off parts & accessories with this coup9f, labor excluded. Recycle re969 Mon-Thur 10om-9pm \ " &MU DAY 64 NIGHT BookStore Fri & Sot 10am-lOpm Sun 12pm-8pm See Fernando St Choose from hundreds of unique holiday Hours: 1/4, .7. 286-6275 138 E. Santa Clara MWF 11-7 SPARTAN BICYCLES a gifts at the Pavilion. But save your receipts w because when you turn in receipts of $50* TTH 11-8 18-8 S. 8TH (near Santa Clara st) SAT 10-6 293-7925 F or more, you'll receive one of six handpainted EXPIRES 12-20-91 SNIA ClARA TI rocking horse ornaments. Collect all six! asI renan

Extended Holiday Hours Monday through Saturday 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. Alternative Wear Sunday 12 noon - 6 p.m. For Men & Women

*I,imit one ornament per receipt. Hurry! Supplies limited. at DALEEPS 5.00 *ft mom Dr. Martens Sal WI this Ad Wh( $99.99 Hoc Bike Jackets SAN JOSE 40h boxi PAVILION Ear & Nose Piercing CAPITAL OF SILICON VALLEY mill SHOPS Air Brushing evei



4 NIGHT & DAY 1ST FAIRMONT 1 s l'ixpericuee iii ineredihie mixture of [(mid. PAVILION 1 2ND 2 1 ii%c 11111131C. ;41111f serCell TVs, dancing TERM PAPERS WITH CLASS 0 and games at .Sfui.A.Ni. Live! I ,ocatcd upstairs at 0 You spend hours preparing your term papers c§ ..g i the I'm Hint]. spend our eeitings :it am ni and reports. Show them off with quality copies ;.. 3RD s and professional binding at Kinko's. 113 ntir ne clubs nr restaurants including: 3L # g N \ incricit's ( )riginal Sports 4 711 6 i 4 p. I ! 1 I l'ilzfles And tip( iris ( ( i 1 :\o" >Pen! IITH Get to both sides oft& \oit em 2, 3. rais,-(5-1nrinnrial-nETZ5-rders-1 7TH 4. One coupon per customeT. ';.1!31J ...... 51 Not valid with an other offer and only at this location. Expires 12-12-91 STH ll 6. 1 r) 8. I 9TH 1 kinkois 3 .....99' 04 r: irl the copy center 1 1.1 10TH \OE. WE'VE IVICDVIEID 93 E. San Carlos (Across from McDonald's) *et Ole Pavilion 295-4336 11m CALIFORNIA 1117(141H WALDEN BOOKS THE TWO V1114111111 SPARTAN DAILY San lose State University MI Thesday, December 3, 1991 7 WN TOWNi .4)E9ED _JPr1I3 f= EIL -1

=MI FOR ALL YOUR 25(t Off EyPry Wash CHRISTMAS Mon - Fn. Only r SHOPPING Fitness wash america I Fanatics! NEEDS! the clean laundry Now open...a store where 330E Santa Clara St all your cycle 8r fitness Between 7th & 8th Sts 1Block North f Engineering Bldg needs will be fulfilled I 998-2219 Expires12-13-911 NMI IMO MA ...right next door _ African Cuisin,. I San Jose's Best Specializing in Ethiopian Food IMPA-C1, Kept Secret... ' -’..’;;,;’’’’’, ".7’ 15% off for /" ALI, 101 CAN EAT SJSU Students Dinner Only BUFFET with this ad 11-3 MON.-FRI. Prime Rib Lobster U Lamb, Beef, Vegetarian Steaks Chicken fltnosswear Loos] m Worm& DU 4 Seafood Pasta at IQ El Paso de Ammo Combination, Chicken I oar Mongoose Recants 4 volleyball WOOF OPEN DAILY 1 AN1 - M DNI( ;1 28i-0822 o kn n an a Ftglo1 s.; ri-Ay- .(_)1{ S. . (_.I-tI it, elf( 4c c eca..? I*Winne skates 195 E. Tayl_Or St. San Jose Students: bring in this ad and iC 17 E. Santa Clara St. Corner of N. 5th & E. Taylor get 10% off any purchase Between 1st & 2nd blc yclos 4089716820 Wont not apply to bicycles) (Formerly Ilouse of Teriyaki) Open 5 Days Mon. 11:30-6; Thes.-Fri. 11:30-11 Laccessorlits MEI MIMI MEM ONNI

Downtown Trivia

San Jose Community Arena When completed in 1993, the $143 million San Jose Community Arena will be home to the National team in thirteen years - the San Jose Sharks. In addition to the Sharks Downtown Events Hockey Leagues first expansion 40 home games, the arena will be host to an addtional 100 events each year such as concerts, shows, boxing and other entertainment. Annual attendance at the arena for all events is estimated at 1.5 Dec. 6 Fairmont Hotel Tree Lighting million. The arena will seat approximately 18,000 for hockey games, and over 20,000 for center stage 4 - 5 p.m. events and will provide for over 75 luxury suites. Call 777-4744 for more information. "A Salute to Freedom"

For the first time, the Soviet Olympic Boxing Team will join the U.S. Olympic Boxing Team in lighting a Christmas Tree in the United States at Ip.m. inside the Fairmont Hotel. For information, call 998-1900. Dec. 6 Mayor's Tree Lighting Ceremony 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.

Mayor Susan Hammer will open Christmas In The Park in a gala celebration televised on KNTV Channel II at 6 p.m. Come early and listen to the I lertiage Singers from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m I iv uIO 1 2 ix