Thursday, 4.2.15 ON THE WEB: ’toons NEWSROOM:
[email protected] PAGE 6 PRESS&DAKOTAN FAMILY CIRCUS | BILL KEANE BIZARRO | DAN PIRARO Loving Stepfather Teaches Wife How To Accept Gay Son DEAR ABBY: I am a 91-year-old reader feeling like I owe him something because he with a story to tell. In 1958, I married a man “overlooks” me being an alcoholic. How can every woman would have loved to have. I get him to see that these things are all ad- He was one of a kind. I had two boys from a dictions and hard to kick, and he should quit previous marriage, and this wonderful man looking down his nose at me? — HUMILIATED adopted them. IN TEXAS In 1963, before homosexuality was under- DEAR HUMILIATED: Your letter proves the stood or openly accepted, I discov- truth of the saying that alcoholism ered that my oldest son was gay. I is a “family disease.” The more your didn’t take it well because of the way husband draws attention to your al- I was raised. In fact, I came unglued. cohol problem, the less he is forced My husband took me in his arms and to confront his own addictions to said, “Honey, he is no different today food and tobacco, and it also serves than he was yesterday.” as a distraction. It’s comfortable The rest is a long story, but this for him, allows him to feel superior ZITS | JERRY SCOTT AND JIM BORGMAN wonderful man — a stepfather — and benefits him because it makes gave acceptance to his son and him an object of sympathy.