September 2020 NVAC Meeting Minutes
September 2020 NVAC Meeting Minutes September 23–24, 2020, Virtual Meeting Minutes Committee Members in Attendance Resources and Services Administration Robert H. Hopkins Jr., M.D., MACP, (HRSA) FAAP; Chair Geetha Srinivas, D.V.M., M.S., U.S. Debra Blog, M.D. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Melody Anne Butler, B.S.N., RN, CIC Melinda Wharton, M.D., M.P.H. (for Nancy Timothy Cooke, Ph.D. Messonnier, M.D.), Centers for Disease John Dunn, M.D., M.P.H. Control and Prevention (CDC) Kristen R. Ehresmann, RN, M.P.H. David Fleming, M.D. NVAC Liaison Representatives Leonard Friedland, M.D. James S. Blumenstock, Association of State Daniel F. Hoft, M.D., Ph.D. and Territorial Health Officials Molly Howell, M.P.H. (ASTHO) Mary Anne Jackson, M.D., FAAP, FPIDS, Gina Charos, Public Health Agency of FIDSA Canada (PHAC) Melissa Martinez, M.D., FAAFP Rebecca Coyle, M.S.Ed., American Cody Meissner, M.D., FAAP Immunization Registry Association Robert Schecter, M.D. (AIRA) Geeta Swamy, M.D. John Douglas, M.D., National Association Robert Swanson, M.P.H. of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) NVAC Ex Officio Members Nathalie El Omeiri, Ph.D., Pan American David Hrncir, M.D. (for COL Tonya Rans, Health Organization (PAHO) M.D.), Department of Defense (DoD) Hana El Sahly, M.D., Vaccine and Related Troy Knighton, M.Ed., Ed.S., LPC, Biological Products Advisory Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Committee (VRBPAC) Linda Lambert, Ph.D., Biomedical Claire Hannan, Association of Immunization Advanced Research and Development Managers (AIM) Authority (BARDA) Jean-Venable “Kelly” Goode, Pharm.D., Anthony Marks, M.D., U.S.
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