Myth and Model. The Pattern of Migration, Settlement, and Reclamation of Land in Central Mexico and Oaxaca Viola König Ethnologisches Museum – Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin, Germany
[email protected] Abstract: A comparison of the documentation in the pre-Hispanic and early colonial pic- torials and written texts from Central Mexico, Oaxaca and in between, shows parallels and a specic model for the settlement and the legitimation of land ownership. Migration from a mythic place of origin is followed by choice of the new homeland, which is ocially conrmed by the act of inauguration, i.e. a New Fire ceremony. Population growth leads to either the abandonment of a village or exodus of smaller groups, thus starting a new migration. e same procedure begins. e Mixtecs started as early as in the Classic period to migrate to Teotihuacan and later to Mexico Tenochtitlan as immigrant workers. ey were the rst to leave their Mixtec home- land in the 1970ies traveling to the USA and Canada. Today, Mixtec communities can be found in Manhattan and all over California. Keywords: migration; settlement; land ownership; Mixtec codices; pre-Hispanic and early colonial periods. Resumen: Una comparación de la documentación en los textos pictóricos y escritos pre- hispánicos y coloniales tempranos del centro de México, Oaxaca y las regiones intermedias, muestra paralelos y revela un modelo especíco para los procesos de asentamiento y la legi- timación de la propiedad de la tierra. La migración desde un lugar de origen mítico es seguida por la elección de un nuevo lugar de asentamiento, conrmada por un acto de inauguración, es decir, la ceremonia del Fuego Nuevo.