No. 172 June/July 2018

EDITORIAL MERIDIAN COMMITTEE Editor: April Martin Tel: 01954 200533 It is nearly here! What is? why Swavesey Festival of course, lots of events and activities for you and your children to get involved in, watch, and do not forget the village show have you entered Treasurer David Gedny Tel: 01954 231305 any of the classes? if not why not have a go? I have an apology to make to Mike Swain who took the photo of John Shepperson which was Production: Alan Morris Tel: 01954 202664 on the front of the last issue, he was not credited with it so sorry Mike! Advertising: David Gedny Tel: 01954 231305 /079 022 We love to have your news, articles, etc. but please will you send not only to me but also to 490061 [email protected] so myself and Alan can check with each other that we have received them? sometimes emails go astray and just disappear – I wonder where they go? Distribution Selwyn Richardson Tel 01954 202974

The deadline for the next issue which covers August and September is 20th June. Subscriptions Jan Waller Tel: 01954 230795 Editor Complaints Maureen Hadfield Tel: 01954 230414 Cover Image - Winning photographs from Swavesey Camera Club’s Annual Exhibition showing (clockwise from bottom left) Open Competition (Secondary School Category) Proofreading Alison Lucas Tel: 01954 232984 winner ‘Surprise’ by Daniel Stevens, Open Competition (Adult Category) winner ‘ Sparrow’ by Sarah Turner and most popular photo in show ‘Sunset over Ferry Meadows’ Website: Alan Morris Tel: 01954 202664 by Nev Tait. Emails: [email protected] Inside Front Cover - Cider Festival [email protected] Inside Back Cover - Alice Adventures Back Cover - Community Choir [email protected]

IN THIS ISSUE ... Major Events List Editorial page 1 Meridian Committee page 2 This list is intended to avoid major events clashing on the same day. It will only work if we are advised of all Major Events List page 2 such events, so please let us know as soon as you can confirm the details. Dates for your diary and forthcoming events page 3 A form is available at the back of this magazine. We will list them in this section of the Magazine and also on our website at Club Reports page 4-9 Village News page 10-19 17 June Swavesey Spartans "Swavesey Spartans football club 2018 Sporting Day. 11.00 – 17.30 Swavesey Pavilion and Green. Contact Neil Jordison Medical News page 20 01954 204390 School Information page 20-24 30 June Community Choir Songs from Musical Theatre through the ages - 7.30pm at St Parish and County news page 25-32 Andrews Church Churches page 32-38 07 July Swavesey Festival Gala Day on the Green Community Groups & Charities table page 39 15 July St Andrews Childrens Fun Day - Teddy Bear zip wire and lots of other fun Club Information page 40-42 Church Extra Magazines, Major Events & Birthday forms page 43-44 5 August St Andrews Theatre production of Alice in Wonderland - 3pm in St Andrews Church Useful Telephone Numbers page 45 14 December St Andrews A Medieval Evening with music by Hexachordia and a medieval Mystery Play. 1 2 CLUB REPORTS

June SWAVESEY W.I. Friday 1 Refuse Collection Black Bin Collection (Note Friday) Saturday 2 Swavesey & Over Summer Coffee Morning, bring & buy sale of plants, Dates for Diary Conservation Society produce & cakes 10.30am – 12.30pm at Swavesey Bethel Baptist Church June 11th "It's on the Cards". Talk on Edwardian Postcards by Vanessa Mann. Thursday 7 Refuse Collection Green & Blue Bins July 9th Crossing the Himalayas. Talk by Glynn Jones. Thursday 14 Parish Council Planning Meetings - 7.30pm, The Memorial Hall Thursday 14 Refuse Collection Black Bin Collection Swavesey W.I. will be serving Tea and delicious homemade cakes at the Festival Gala Day. We hope you will be able to join us during the afternoon. See you there!! Saturday 16 Swavesey & Over Visit to the Over flower meadows with Trevor Grange. Conservation Society Meet at Car Park next to Over Wi