S 1969 Inappropriate for a Tax Bill, That Dodd's Juvenile De- 2295 Subcommittee Should First Hold That One of the Planes, an Aero
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I'M! m t w m fori 331 ford 331 Jtep 341 ffymdtft 354 Ti(rb!rd 343 DETROIT FREE PRESS Friday. Oct. 10. 69 I A BOB fCS CUSTO'EU 43 FORO 4 ' autn. VI, full owr,, Ail DM3'.ca.iv Reduced ,'69 PLYMOUTH HT,. Fury NORTHLAND FORD f 'S SATISFIED CUiTO V E R SELLERS FORD, S)-14- Free S"ow Pm installation. 7M, tit, auto, p.s. and b.. rtory air, :5. with Plow full JJ.W5. NORTHLAND CENTER i Vooth P'ircnav. price, THUNDEPBtRD FOODS New ind Chrys.-PLYM- ., FORD I La'ge Selection Used Jeeos end' 14101 W. I Miit. Finest selection in town 1966 thru BOB FORD, Scouts. Best in Serv-c- 1970. AIR CONDITIONED L pa'ts. J1MM. AND CWW, -- i Has a bettr Idea tower ericas.! POWER. '61 THUNDERBIRD Lan. 69 . Cruiso- - PLYMOUTH ? River Fire FORD evl We win not be S Sattaiite, dr., h.t. Flares Cult unoerxxd. DOC JEEPLAND dau, p. windows, o.s.. OB, AIR. BOB 45 Mich. LU M172 to rrwtic, PS., txtenoed warranty FOBD, 1305 S- Three choose frcm, $2995. Rouge Va.n. Royal 3a LARRY NELSON BUICK vai.acw. li.ws. '67 GALAX IE 500. 2 dr. mi. trit73 h.t., low 1947 WILLYS Jeeo, drive ;400 S. Me n, Royal Oak JO NORTHLAND FORD - HETTCHE $1,695. COOK FORD, TU FORD S295. KE 1966 PLYM. Fury, 6 Greenfield at 10 Mile LI 65 FORD stick 77. cvl., 1-- th rJ W. Grand Blvd. TV VI shift, 'M JEEP-Goo- d Cond. 12,300 LI. 3- - M50. Must sell, 75 r ana n, oniy jjvj. '69 T'BIRD Landau coupe, fully '6? TORINO GT, Conv. lot ot FLOYD RIC6 FORD tw. '68 PLYMOUTH Satellite, h.t.., equipped plus "eir" only $3,795. Near over tions, must sell 12,350, 14300 LIVERNOIS TO auto. V8, P5.. vinyl too, real sharp. FLOYD RICE FORD JEEP WAGONEERS 79. 14300 LIVERNOIS Bridge '6 FORD fast back, loaded, Open Saturday I a.m. 6 p.m. $2,945:542-6- TO Xl, a.m. 6 extra srerp, only $2,i5. '62 FORD Galax. 2 dr. $395. FACTORY OFFICIAL CARS '64 PLY., auto. 6. clean, qood con- - Open Saturday I p.m. Sharp, 9 BY TDI HOLLAND the Shell McDonald foam lines to FLOYD RICE FORD Dave Coogan, Custom Wagoneers, dition $360 . '62 T'BIRD, needs transmission work depot, designed keep F 14300 LiVERNOlS TO V- auto, power $375 drive, trans., '65 PLYM. or best offer, Press SUff Wrltsr oil from - '62 FORD, 352 ens., excellent rubber, Fury III, HT, Sparkling Frtt said. floating spreading, Ooen Saturday I a.m.- p.m. steering and brakes, Iu99age rack, fin. 383 V- chro-n- rims, best offer. air cond. Savt hundreds. to Burgandy auto., pwr. '69 T'BIRD Landau, coupe, fully Intense heat forced McDon- were called to the scene be- '65 FORD Custom Co . I cyl., fully I 100 pet. Call for payments. equipped plus "air" only. 13,795. of '69. '67 FORD Conv. Extra $1595. choose from. 341 The River eauiooed S.aro. buy sharp." FORD, 744CK FLOYD RICE'FORD Rouge caught Bet COOK FORD, TU ald to withdraw equipment fore the fire started. Full Price Wi. Bring Just $5 MOSS & SONS LARGE Selection Used Cars From 14300 Livernois TO fire 5TAHK H CKfcY WE5T Grand 4 I a.m.-- 6 Thursday morning at ap- him R v GALAXIE, dr. H.T., I, ?uto., Dir." $195. CAUSLEY Pontiac, Open Saturday p.m. fiom the bank, cutting River at W. 7 Miie. $1,595. COOK rOKD, TJ 2 7787. "Michigan's Largest Jeep 10:30, about 1,000 AFTER THE FIRE 13900 Livernois TE 69 ROADRUNNER, red. '56 completely proximately off from his water source, started, '66 FAIR. H.T. XL auto. GALAXIE 500 , $2,800. Phon Richard Buckets, '66 h'top. cwr, & KEN BROWN CHRYS.-PLY- Hunt, feet downriver from the $23 Guard We finance. SDOt BOB COOK FORD. MOSS SONS HAVE JEEPS said. The nearest Coast Commander delivery. $1,295. Til uuy a no anytime. McDonald FQRD. 14552 Mich.. LU uuanty sun save" million 5 bridg-e- of 500, H.T.,!13900 Livernois TE 3350 fc. JfcFPbRSON '67 Landau 2 dr. H.T. Full freeway is quarter-mil- e Warren Waggett, captain '69 FORD Galaxie. fire hydrant over a excel, cord, auto., o.s., p.b. TOUCH AND like new. Weekly special, of 6.000 miles. ' SEW Features do Cwr., low $1895. the port Detroit, halted all FLOYD RICE FORD blind hems, buttonsholes, de- price, Flames from the blaze, fed TO fancy HAROLD DIETRICH BUICK 'away. '6 FORD Gal. 500. H.T., 14300 LIVERNOIS UrtCOll 344 signs etc. included. Com- traffic on the river. a m.- - 33173 Michigan, Wayne PA by debris on the loaded, plus "air." only $2,195. Open saturoay p.m '67 LINCOLN Cont. Full pare new over $200. Before his men could blow- FLOYD RICE FORD pwr., factory string The wind, which was air, $2,695. FULL PRICE '65 T'BIRD Landau, H'too, full north bank of the river and 14300 LIVERNOIS TO COON BROS. RAMB. KE $42.01 power, $1,095. COOK FORD, hoses from the hydrant, the ing from south to north, car- Ooen Saturday 8 a m.-- p.m. Phone Midwest Aool. TU oil which had from a . X 339 Daily spilled fire boat Kendall arrived and ried oil across the river '68 FORD XL, 2 dr. V8, auto, MiiiTgng Pontiac area. Shell Oil Co. spilt black 348 storage depot the blaze un- buraundv with vinyl top. 67 MUSTANG. r&n. excellent cond.,!MtnCliry '69 PLY. Sport Fury, I auto., PS., Valiant 364 quickly brought toward the bank, Call Drayton Plains. $1295. p.b., red, S2495, bank terms. on the south bank, rose over burning WESTBORN. '68 der control, McDonald said. said. But the same '66 FORD conv., all pwr., $800. 774. ROGER PECK CHEVROLET 23300 Mich. VALIANT decor, 50 feet to De- Waggett 32715 GRAND RIVE R low miles. NORTH-LAN- high, according 8982. , '69 MERCURYS '65 PLY. h.t., 8, auto., clean. qrouo, $1,495. wind eliminated to CHRYSLER-PLYMOUT- iin(Tiiu:-o- j.t wo j.a $895 terms Westborn troit firemen. waste from danger 'it Many 14101 8 '69.'6R-'67.'66-'6- wtr.1 $1,695. W, Mile. Shell storage tanks. FORD 5 CLEARANCE SALE lines both river No were passing ships said con- CO Demos plus OFFICIAL CARS.j MUSTANGS injuries reported banks. Waggett his major LTD's. Galaxies. 5O0's. Hardtoos.i 30 to choose from '65 through '69! 12 DEMOS Barracuda 357 and damage was limited to cern was the and and Fairlane 500's. All colors, fullyi many with 100 pet. financing avail. bridge of our '69 BARRACUDA 8, the tr. P eouipoed, from $495. Example money saving 58 NEW CARS HT, o.s. auto., loss of oil. At about 10:15 a.m., min- railway bridge downstream. - YEAR WARRANTY prices. '65 Mustang convt., 8, auto.,i only 7.000 miles, hurry $2,295. JERRY BIELFIELD FORD pwr. Silver tin. $499. MCDONALD BEAT THE PRICE "Buy Quality and Still Save" Girl Mute utes before the fire started, a When the Cuyahoga River KEN BROWN CHRYS-PLYM- . SPARKS an 731 Michigan at Lonyo T FORD, from acetylyne in 71 3350 E. JEFFERSON on an oil broke, Cleveland burst into flames 8209 Michigan LU ext. '65 MUSTANG 22. Fastback 4 spd. INCREASE torch ignited dettris on the gasket pipe i'66 FORD Gal. 500. loaded trans. $995. BARR pwr. auto, $2,395. about on June 26, it burned down R GENE BELL north bank of hte ac- allowing 3,000 gallons plus "air," only $1,395. GORNO BROS. FORD DU ', CHEV. river, to two railroad and FLOYD RICE FORD 2275 W. Jefferson ORIeans BUY to Chief of furnace oil escape, Shell bridges 114300 NOW In cording Frank LIVERNOIS TO MUSTANG $'95. caused $50,000 '66 - H.T., Auto., McDonald of 7th officials said. The oil reached damage. Open Saturday 8 a.m. 6 p.m. DEXTER CHEV. BUDGET LOT. Poitfioe 358 Baby the Fire officials 3 two storm drains which car- Ohio theorized the E i'64 FORD Custom 500, factory AUDETTE FOR THE BEST Battalion. Flames spread up- air. Power, sharp. $1095. '65 MUSTANG "stick" r. I. MULLIGAN'S Choice New and Used Pontiacs stream the bank ried it into the river. Cuyahoga fire started when COOK FOR D TJ w w t $795. 1850 Maple, Troy Ml along for from a STARK HICKEY JO 21099 River KE 500 es- aparks passing train '61 FORD. Good $99. FQRD i Grand '65 BELVIDERE sedan 6 cyl. Desertion feet until were Shell officials - transportation, ut i i iviiic they However, COOK TU Un woouwaru J uiks. n. '65 Best offer. after 6 oil floating- in that FORD, "The last guy you want to see" MERC. Sdn., auto., fully equip, p.m. a he said. to ignited See this one at $595 '68 stopped by culvert, timated they were able LARGE Selection used cars From steer-in- ped. Sharp. CATALINA auto., p.s. S '67 MUSTANG, V8, power q river. $195. Brino lust $5, fact. war. $1,995. Bank into CAUSLEY Pontiac, brakes,21, stakk mickey pb., rates. BY MAT ANN WESTON As the pump half the spillage a and factory air, sharp, 0 flames spread up- McDonald said he had 10 '63 FORD ps., r. $1 COOK FORD, TU ,895. 3J0-0- I IP. Free Press Staff Writer waiting truck. $295. Bill Brown Ford. KE H.T. Beautiful '69 PONT. CATALINA COUPE stream in the direction of the pieces of equipment and 65 '67 MUSTANG 1962 MERCURY AAeteor, Good FACTORY AIR CONDITIONING blue fin., I cyl.