Open Source Used In Cisco NX-OS Release 7.3(0)N1(1)

Cisco Systems, Inc.

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Text Part Number: 78EE117C99-94343769

Open Source Used In Cisco NX-OS Release 7.3(0)N1(1) 1 This document contains licenses and notices for open source software used in this product. With respect to the free/open source software listed in this document, if you have any questions or wish to receive a copy of any source code to which you may be entitled under the applicable free/open source license(s) (such as the GNU Lesser/General Public License), please contact us at [email protected].

In your requests please include the following reference number 78EE117C99-94343769


1.1 alsa-lib 1.0.16 :3.fc9 1.1.1 Available under license 1.2 alsa-utils 1.0.16 :2.fc9 1.2.1 Available under license 1.3 Apache httpd 2.2.3 1.3.1 Available under license 1.4 apr-util 1.2.12 :1 1.4.1 Available under license 1.5 atk 1.22.0 :1.fc9 1.5.1 Available under license 1.6 bash 3.2 1.6.1 Available under license 1.7 beecrypt 3.1.0 : 1.7.1 Available under license 1.8 bind 9.5.0 :29.b2.fc9 1.8.1 Available under license 1.9 binutils 2.18 1.9.1 Available under license 1.10 boa 0.94.13 1.10.1 Available under license 1.11 BusyBox 1.11.1 1.11.1 Available under license 1.12 busybox 1.9.0 :0 1.12.1 Available under license 1.13 bzip2 1.0.5 1.13.1 Available under license

Open Source Used In Cisco NX-OS Release 7.3(0)N1(1) 2 1.14 cairo 1.4.14 :1.fc8 1.14.1 Available under license 1.15 chkconfig 1.3.34 :1 1.15.1 Available under license 1.16 cpio 2.5 : 1.16.1 Available under license 1.17 cracklib 2.8.9 :6 1.17.1 Available under license 1.18 cracklib-libs 2.7 : 1.18.1 Available under license 1.19 curl 7.40.0 1.19.1 Available under license 1.20 dash 0.5.1 : 1.20.1 Available under license 1.21 dhcp 3.0.1 1.21.1 Available under license 1.22 dhcp 3.0.1rc14 : 1.22.1 Available under license 1.23 directfb 1.0.0 :4.fc9 1.23.1 Available under license 1.24 dropbear 0.51 1.24.1 Available under license 1.25 e2fsprogs 1.35 : 1.25.1 Available under license 1.26 ed 0.5 :1 1.26.1 Available under license 1.27 eject 2.1.5 :5 1.27.1 Available under license 1.28 elfutils 0.96 : 1.28.1 Available under license 1.29 ethtool 1.8 :4.0501961 1.29.1 Available under license 1.30 expat 1.95.8 : 1.30.1 Available under license 1.31 fbset 2.1 :25.fc9 1.31.1 Available under license 1.32 file 4.12 : 1.32.1 Available under license 1.33 findutils 4.2.31

Open Source Used In Cisco NX-OS Release 7.3(0)N1(1) 3 1.33.1 Available under license 1.34 gawk 3.1.5 1.34.1 Available under license 1.35 GDB 6.6 1.35.1 Available under license 1.36 gdbm 1.8.3 : 1.36.1 Available under license 1.37 gettext 0.14.5 : 1.37.1 Available under license 1.38 glib 2.6.1 : 1.38.1 Available under license 1.39 glib2 2.16.3 :5.fc9 1.39.1 Available under license 1.40 glibc 2.5 :49 1.40.1 Available under license 1.41 glibc 2.8 1.41.1 Available under license 1.42 glibc-ports 2.5 1.42.1 Available under license 1.43 gtk-doc 1.9 :4.fc9 1.43.1 Available under license 1.44 gtk2 2.12.9 :5.fc9 1.44.1 Available under license 1.45 gzip 1.3.12 1.45.1 Available under license 1.46 hotplug 2004_09_23 1.46.1 Available under license 1.47 hwclock 2.32 1.47.1 Available under license 1.48 iptables 1.3.3 : 1.48.1 Available under license 1.49 kernel- 2.6.27 1.49.1 Available under license 1.50 less 394 1.50.1 Available under license 1.51 libcap 2.10 :2.fc10 1.51.1 Available under license 1.52 libgcrypt 1.5.3 1.52.1 Available under license

Open Source Used In Cisco NX-OS Release 7.3(0)N1(1) 4 1.53 libgcrypt 1.4.5 1.53.1 Available under license 1.54 libpcap 0.8.3 : 1.54.1 Available under license 1.55 libpcap 0.9.8 1.55