Mysore State
JIandbook Series- MYSORE STATE WITH A FOREWORD BY J. Mohamed Imam. Esq .• B.A., B.L .• Minister for Education G. L. SWAMY Compiler. Handbooks & Manager, Tourist Bureau. Mysore a.. Two ,~_~...... ...... ,.....,_.,_,.~.-.-~.._.._. -- o-.)C Camp AIysore, Dated 26th Oct. 1942 FOREWORD Mr. G. l. Swamy's book on MYSORE contains useful information about the S tat e together with Statistics. welcome this useful handbook and wish the publisher every success. cf. !7ilohamecl Jmam Minister for ErIttention \,\ ~ ~ ) ~} .. ' t .:. ,_.J<.) •• 0 ... .1· ~----.. PREFACE With the kind permission of tho Government this Handbook for the Mysore State has been compiled and pllblishe<l especially for those who wish to know about this Model State. The se\-eml government Il,J hlicf\tions such as the Gazetteer, State and Departmental Administration Reports, Mysore Information Bulletin, have heen consulted in the compihtion of this hook. Mr. III. Shamanna, )LA., Auditor, Mysore State Hailway, Mysore has kindly spared his v .. lllable time in scrutinizing the manuscript. I offer him my sincere thanks. I am grateful to Mr. .J. Mohamed Ima.m, B.A., B.L., Minister for Education who has been pleased to favour me with a foreword for the publication. Mysore, G. L. SwalnY 27th October 1942 Compiler CONTENTS PART ONE General Description 1-21J Situation and Area, Boundaries, Physical Features, R i v e r Systems, Mountain Systems, Botany, Climate and Rainfall, Population, Communications, Post and Telegraphs. PART TWO Moral and Material Developments 29- 77 Agriculture, Education, Medical Aid, Co-operation, E 1 e c t ric Power, I n d u s t r i e sand Manufactures, Commerce and Trade, Exports and Imports, State Life Insurance.
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