\V' Arwickshire. Sutton Coldfii!:Ld

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\V' Arwickshire. Sutton Coldfii!:Ld ... DI. ECTORY. J \V' ARWICKSHIRE. SUTTON COLDFII!:LD. 275 ley. The town is lighted by electricity from works Bishop of Birmingham, and held since 1907 by t'he· Rev-. belonging to the Corp()l'llltion, &nd w!ith gas from the Francis Barry La.ngford Blagrave Drew B.A. of Pem­ "'orks of tlhe Birmingham Corporation: it is .supplied broke College, Cambridge. with water by the South Stafford>Shire Wa·t~r W<rrlul Oo., and an efficient :system of drainage has also been carried W.AJLMLEY, 2§ miles south-east, ia an ecclesiastical ~ut. The parish is divided int.o five ecclesiastical dis­ pariSh, formed in 1846. The church .of St. John the trict•&, viz., lSutton Cold<fi.eld, Ma.ney, Wabnley, Hill and Evangelist, exacted in 1845, is an edifice ()f blue brick~ Boldmere. wi<th stone faoings, in ~the N(}rman Btyle, and consists of The ,parish dhurch of t·he Holy Triruity is an ancient chancel, nave, and a tu.r·ret containing 'One bell: the building of &tone, in the Early English and Late Per­ stained east windows form a memorial to the .w ebstel'l pendicular styles, consisting of chancel with north and family, .and ·th61l'e are memorial windows to Mrs. Willis, south C'hapels, nave, aisles, south porrch, and an em­ Mr. C. Ooope~ and! W. W. Bagot e.sq. late of Pype,. battled westel'ln tower containing ·8 bells: the aisles date Ha yes: a. new 'heating appa.rllltua was provided in 1895, from 1533 ; the nave, being decayed, wa!l taken down and a oonsider81ble addition to itJhe chu.rchyard made, at and rebuilt in I'j60: in the II.Orth c'hancel chapel is the a cost of £3oo: tiliere are 344 sihtings, 190 being free. tomb of John Voysey or· Vesey, also called Harma.n, The II'egister dates from the year 1845· The living is a Bishop of Exeter from 1519 to 14 .Aug. 1551, when he vicarage, net yearly value £365. with residence, in the resigned, and was :succeeded 'by the famous :Miles Cover­ gift of the present viear and 'Mlother, and held since dale, but on the deprivation .of t·he latter by Queen 1902 .by the Rev. John Francis Forge B . .A.. of University Mary, Vesey was reinstated, and 'held the see until 'his College, iDurham. death, 23 Oct. 1554, ~t his manor of More Hall, in this The Catholic church, dedicated to .the iHoly Trinity, parish, aged 103 ; the tomb, which bears a recumbent in High street, i!l a structure of brick, consisting of J,Uitred effigy of the Bishop, was restored in 1876: the nave only, and has 200 sittings: the Catholic chapel of interior of this church suffered severely from fire in St. Nicholas, st Boldmere, ·has sittings for so persons1 1760, •but was afterwards tho.roughly restored, and was and is s61l'Ted from Erdington. re-seated with open ·benches and the roof raised in There is a Baptist chapel Sit Little Sutton, seating 200 1874: in x·879 a new aisle was added, t.he tower arch persons, and one at Boldmere, !!eating 250 person>~~ ; a opened, and the chapels ~eparated from the chancel by Calvinistic chapel at Maney, with IOO sittings: th~ carved oak screens constructed from a pGrtion o{ the Congregational chapel, in Park road, eTected in 1883, choir fittings ·of Worcester Cathednl, removed during is a buildling of red brick with stone dres.sings, in the the ·resto,rations there in I'865 ; the cost of t'hese restora­ Gothic style, with a tower and spire, and will seat Sod tions amounted to £6,516 : the carved stone font, placed persons. .A. new porch was added in 19II. here in 1856, originally ·belonged to the Norman chapel ~he Oongregllitional chapel, 'Wit I J>E GREEN, -erected of Ove.r iWhitacre, and was subsequently used as a horse in 1905, is an edifice of red Qrick with stone dressings, block at an inn in Shustoke: the stained east window is in the Gothic .style, wit'h a tower and spire, and will a memorial to the Rev. W. R. iBedford, for 21 years seat soo persons. rector of this parish ( x8 22-43) : there Ill re also b rasses The Wesleyan chapel, on the Parade, was erected in to Barbara, daughter of Blalph Sim1onds, gent. and wife r888, and affords 500 sittings. of 'Roger Eliot, ll'ector of Sutton Coldfield (16o6), with A cemetery of 4 acres was formed in 1877, at a cost two children, and to J osias Bull, gent. ( 16o6), with five of about £3,200, and enlarged in 1905 by the addition ehild.ren, snd a mural tablet to HexLTy Pudsey, of Lang­ of 3 a.cres at a cost of £x,ooo, inclusive of laying out tey (x677), with busts of himself and wife: the church same; it has one mortuary chapel (unconsecratoo); it: afiiords sittings for Boo persons. '!'he register dates is under the control of the Town Council. from the year 1603, but is imperfect. The living is a The Sutton Coldfield Council House, a structure of rectory, net yearly value £6oo, with residence, in the red brick and stone, with grounds adjoining, was pur­ gift of the Bishop of Birmingham, and held since 1909 chased by the Corporation in 1902 at a cost of £IO,ooo, by the Rev. Charles William Barnard M.A. of Oriel and to this a new Town Hall and Fire Station have College, Oxford, rural dean of Sutton Coldfield, hon. been added, at a further cost of £12,000. canon of Birmingham and proctor in convocation. The Masonic Hall, formerly the Town Hall, erected BOLDMERE is an eccleSiiastical parislh, formed March in 1858 and r85g, at a cost of £6,ooo, on a declivity at 4th. 1858. St. Michael's church, erectied in 1857, is a the foot of Mill street, is a structure of !l'ed brick, building of limestone, in the Gobhic o;tyle, consisting of faced with stone, in the Gothic style; it was purchased bv the Sutton Coldfield Masonic Hall Oo. Limited in chancel, nave, aisles and a westeTD tower with <Jctagonal • broach spire, -containing 8 bells ; the .south aisle was 1903 : a portion of the building is now used for Masonic added .in 1895. The ·register dates from the year 1857. purposes, the assembly room and committee rooms The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £4oo, includ­ being let for public and private meetings and entertain­ ing acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of ments as before : the office block is occupied by the 55 Gas Department of the Birmingham Corporation and bY the Rev . .A.lbert Edward ·Riland Bedford M.A. and held Messrs. Marston and Marston, architects• and surveyo-rs.• since 1910 by the Rev. Owen Henry Wethered M.A. of The Sutton Coldfield Reading and News Room, also · Christ Church, Oxford. included in this building, has a library containing up· Emmanuel church, Wylde Green, is a chapel of ease wards of 3,500 volumes, to which strangers are admitted to St. Michael's, Boldmere; the church, erected in on payment of rd. xgog-ro, is a structure of red brick, consisting of A Police Station and Borough Magistrates' Court, in chancel, nave and transepts. which the Petty Sessions are held, was erected in 1888, HILL, x! miles north, is 1\11 eccles~astical parish, in Station street, at a cost of over £2,ooo, and waiting formed A.ugmlt :;th, 1853· St. .Tames' chureih, at Mere rocms were added in 1908. Green, erected in '1834-5. is a plain edifice of brick, The inhabitants are chiefly engaged in agriculture. consisting ·of na,.e, with apse, and an embattled tower, Fairs are held on Trinity Monday, March q, Sep­ with pinnacle!, on 't'he south side, cont-aining one bell: tember 19 and November 8. in the vestry is a memorial window, erected by Mr. The Provident Dispensary, in Coleshill street, was Joseph Dutton, to his wife and two sons. The church erected in 1888. was enlarged in 1909 by the addition of a chancel and The estate bequeathed by Bishop Vesey for the benefit one bay to the existing nave, with vestries and organ of the town now (1912) produces an annual revenue of chamber. There are 450 sittings, 260 being free. The about [2,560, which is for the most part applied in r~gister dates from the year 1836. The living is a charities (educational and otherwise), under the con­ trol of interim trustees, appointed by the Charity Com- VIcarage, net yearly value £214, including three acres • • Qf glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of missioners. Birmingham, and held since 1906 by the Rev. Robert There are ten almshouses in Mill street, four at Hill, Pemberton M.A. of University College, Oxford. six at Walmley, and two at Boldmere. In addition to a free house and fuel, the married inmates receive The church of .All Saints, in Aldridge road, FOUR 43s. 4d. and the single 32s. 6d. monthly. OAKS, was partly erected in 1908 at a cost of about At New Oscott is the Princess .Alice Orphanage, an £3,000; the building, which is of stone, at present institution in connection "l'l'ith the National Children's (rgr2) only consists of a nave with a temporary sanc· Home and Orphanage, London; it was built in 1884 at tuary at the east end : there are 250 sittings; the an initial cost of £13,ooo, and has since been consider­ services are conducted by the clergy of St.
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