2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2 Iress Limited ESG Report 2020 About this report

This report provides an overview of Iress Limited’s performance on material topics for the period 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020. The report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core Option standard of reporting. External assurance has not been undertaken specifically for this report. The GRI reporting principles for defining report content (Stakeholder Inclusiveness, Sustainability Context, Materiality and Completeness) have been applied as follows: • Stakeholder Inclusiveness is demonstrated through our multi-stakeholder materiality assessment and stakeholder engagement throughout the reporting period. • Sustainability Context is demonstrated by discussion of material environmental and social topics, beyond an internal company focus. • Our Materiality process is described in detail. • Completeness is addressed through qualitative and quantitative data for the reporting period, including an explanation where data is not available and our future actions to improve in these areas.


Message from the CEO 4 About Iress 6 Our purpose and strategy 8 Our approach to governance, ethics, risk and compliance 12 Our ESG progress 14 Our software 18 Our approach to information security 24 Our stakeholders 26 Our people 30 Our local communities: Iress Foundation 38 Our approach to the environment 40 Our approach to modern slavery, procurement and the supply chain 44 GRI content index 46 4 Iress Limited ESG Report 2020

Message from the CEO

I am pleased to present Iress’ Environmental, Social and Governance Report for 2020. This is our third report and marks two years of implementing our ESG strategy. In addition to our annual ESG reporting, in early 2021 we published an environmental policy and a sustainable procurement policy. In 2021 we will start implementing environment and sustainable procurement plans.

Being a responsible business is fundamental The past year has seen a dramatic global In addition to innovation within our existing to how we plan for—and operate—our business. increase in the use of technology. This too business to meet the technology needs of We want to ensure we do things the right was mirrored across financial services, with financial services, Iress continues to acquire way, always advocating for substance over clients heavily relying on technology to businesses where it helps us meet client and form. The past year has demonstrated that remain connected with their clients—no doubt user needs. In 2020, we acquired OneVue, our fundamentals as a company and an this trend will continue. The number of people BC Gateways and O&M Systems—I welcome employer are robust. using Iress’ Client Portal has increased the people and clients of these businesses sevenfold since the start of the pandemic. into Iress. The impact of COVID-19 saw a year filled In 2020, approximately 1,000 clients were with unexpected challenges. Early in the An important part of our overall strategy migrated to the cloud and Iress tools such pandemic, Iress’ Board and management is the management of Iress’ significant as Digital Signatures have been in much determined two key priorities: the wellbeing economic, environmental and social impacts higher demand. We have also noticed of our people and service continuity for our through good governance and continuous financial services businesses are seeking clients. I am proud of how we have responded improvement. Iress is committed to observing more efficient, automated and compliant and the strong position we are in to achieve internationally-recognised risks, such as ways of working—all of which can be provided our goals. climate change and modern slavery, and by Iress technology. acting on these as part of our ESG roadmap. In 2020, we revised and simplified how we Important to us is our continued engagement communicate what we do, why we do it with the communities in which we operate, (purpose), what are we