Oil Team Is Off to the Moon BULLETIN the Rocket and Spacecraft, Are to Detach the Fragile, Spi- You-Very Much

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Oil Team Is Off to the Moon BULLETIN the Rocket and Spacecraft, Are to Detach the Fragile, Spi- You-Very Much Change of Command Set at Ft. Monmouth SEE STORY BEL0F Hot and Humid Sunny, hot and humid "today. FINAL Clear, warm tonight. Sunny Red Bank, Freehold and humid tomorrow. 7 Long Branch EDITION (Sea Details, Page 31 ' Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 92 Years VOL. 93, NO. 13 RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 1969 24'PAGES 10 CENTS iiiiiiniiiiiiliiiliiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Oil Team Is Off to the Moon BULLETIN The rocket and spacecraft, are to detach the fragile, spi- you-very much. We know it- When the computer sensed CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. 363 feet tall on the launch der-like lunar module from will be a good flight." . all was right, it commanded (AP)—Reaching for a dream, pad, lifted off from a space- the command ship and ride Pushing Apollo 11 • toward four 40,000-pound steel re- the Apollo 11 astronauts port area jammed with hun- it to the moon's surface. Ear-.. earth'orbit, the 3,817-ton Sat-a straining arms to flip back rocketed from earth today to dreds of thousands of visitors ly the nekt day, they are to „ urn 5 roared to. life, punish- * to the pulsating giant. - . make man's first attempt to eager for a glimpse of the ad- walk on the moon, fulfilling ing its launch pedestal,-with With agonizing •<. slown.ess land on the moon. venture's blazing start. a centuries-old dream, of a dazzling sheet of flame. the Saturn 5 climbed on a For three .days, the- astro- mankind.' The rocket screamed on its wide pillar of fire, gradually ^ A. Armstrong, Air nauts will soar outward on a Paul' Donley, test con- pad for 8-9 seconds as a. picking, up speed as its hun- Force Col. Edwin 13: Aldrin quarter-million-mile voyage ductor, told the astronauts computer system made cer- gry powerplant gulped fuel Jr. and Air Force Lt. Col. Mi- through space and then fire tain' all five booster engines' at the rate of 15 tons a sec- just before launch, "Good chael Collins rode a Saturn 5 themselves into orbit 69 miles reached full thrust of 7.7 ond. rocket into space at 9:32 a.m. above the lunar surface. luck and Godspeed from the million pounds T more pow- After 12 seconds, the guid- EDT to start the epic jour- On Sunday afternoon, Arm- launch crew." • erful than 92,000 locomo- ance system tipped the rock- ney. ' • strong and "Buzz" Aldrin Armstrong replied! "Thank tives or 500,000 automobiles. (See APOLLO, Pg. 3, Col. 3) LBJ Among 500 VIPs AIMING FOR THE MOON — Three U. S. astronauts who started their historic flight to the moon today are shown in their space suits. They ara, from left, Edwin 'Like First Baby' Aldrin, Michaj>JL^ollrnjjand_jj<jLArmstr<)ng. ' (AP Wirephoto) -CAPE -KENNEDY-r—Ha,—flational-^Aeranautics and high spwuting on space ex- . (AP) - "It's kind of like Space Administration. ploration compared to anti- standing around the hospital Ngt all the VIPs had hous- poverty programs. room before your first baby ing in the immediate vicinity Paine promised Abernathy is bom," fprmer President of this Cape midway down 10 VIP passes and said if it es Buzz Lyndon B. Johnson said.as he • Florida's east coast. Dr. Lee would solve the problems of and 500 other special guests A. Dubridge,; President Nix- of the poor by withholding marked time.before the Apol- on's science adviser, stayed. the Apollo 11 shot no button lo 11 launching. overnight in Orlando, SO miles would be pushed, but it "You must be prepared to away. wasn't.that simple. ' accept the worst, but you Sixty-nine ambassadors of President Nixon wasn't hope for the best," Johnson foreign governments fly in here to join the 40 mayors, 19 explained. this morning, as do manyv governors and 275 U.S. busi- BRIELLE r- The father seen him in months." said ifo his son when he saw Vice President Spiro Ag- other visitors. ness leaders on the VIP list, ARTIST'S CONCEPTION OF ASTRONAUT ON MOON of .astronaut Edwin "Buzz" Col. Edwin E. Aldrin Sn, him for lunch at Cape Ken- new, like Johnson, arrived in Ten representatives of the but he telephoned best wishes — This drawing from Grumman Aerospace Corp. de- Aldrin Jr., scheduled to take 73, a retired Air Force pio- nedy, Fla., Sunday, were the jam-packed Cape Ken- "Poor Peoples Campaign" of to astronauts Neil Armstrong, part to the Apollo 11 moon neer, said he plans to watch "God bless you." He saiijie nedy area on the eve of the the Rev. Ralph' David Aber- Michael Collins and Edwin picts Apollo 11 astronaut Neil Armstrong taking his shot, Said yesterday the last the launch on television at does not plan to -talk to his flight to the moon and at- nathy were added to the VIP Aldrin Jr. first step on the moon after descending by ladder time he saw his son he was his home or at a friend's. son again until after the Apol- tended a private dinner party list after a .meeting with. Nixon originally was to from the lunar module. In the background is tbe "more relaxed than I have He Said the-last words he lo 11 flight. given by Dr., Thomas O. Paine. —Irave^ined-with-the Apolk>4i ~fartrn (AP Wirepihoto DrawingL The elder Aldrin told a Paine, administrator of the £hey protested the nation's (See VIP'S, Pg. 2, Col. 4 news conference that he wiH not be worried about most of the mission, only the descent NqtJhing Prepares to the moon's surface and the Latta and Lotz Swapping Commands return to the command mod- ule. , A Wife for This "From there it should be like taking a taxi .back By HARRY F. ROSENTHAL the space-made communities home," he said. SPACE CENTER, Houston of Nassau Bay and Seabrook Aldrin and astronaut Neil (AP) — Nothing ever pre- and Clear Lake and El Lago. .A. Armstrong are scheduled FT. MONMOUTH - Two of uation from the U.S. Military Lotz served in Vietnam as pared a wife for a time such And as an electronic clock to set foot on the moon while the Army's top communica- Academy, serving in that as- Assistant Chief of Staff for as this. 1,040 miles away at Cape astronaut Michael Collins re- tors will swap jobs in early signment from September, Communications - Electronics, Not Jan Armstrong, who Kennedy, Fla., strangely mains in the command mod- September, the Department 1938 to September, 1939. Gen. U.S. Military Assisfance Com- understood that "Neil wanted counts backward to zero, ule. of the Army announced yes- Lotz is a former deputy com- mand. tojflevaUfhis life Jo what he's there'suddenly are no kids on The elder Aldrin added.that terday. manding general of ECOM. He is the former deputy doing now." the street and no housewives afterHie Apollo 11 flight, U.S. Maj. Gen.-William B.iat- Gen_JLotz, .ene of _ the Ar- . commander of the Army Not Jean Aldrin, who going for the paper or a officials will have to decide ta, commanding generaLof. my's, highest educated com- pe^rc^cJ^ov|ng_Ground at whether, they want to "slide learned on the amateur stage street chat, and newsmen the Army Electronics Com- munications specialists, hold's Ft Huachuca, assuming his back and let someone else be to lose her own identity. wait outside three homes to mand and Ft. Monmouth, a master's degree in commu- duties there in 1959 following the .number one'space power nications engineering and a service in Korea and Hawaii, Not Pat Collins, when she hear what the wives have to in the world.'! ' will become the commanding say when the clock-Smarts go- doctorate in physics. He where he was the Signal Of- promised, like women the Aldrin, adding that there general of the Strategic Com- world over, "to have and to ing forward and everything munications Command earned his master's degree at ficer for the 8th U.S. Army was no "generation gap" be- the University of Illinois and and the U.S. Army Forces hold from this day forward is well. tween himself and his son, (STRATCOM) and Ft. Hua- the doctorate from the Uni- Pacific, respectively. • • • Jan and Jean and Pat all said he did not know if his chuca, Ariz., replacing Maj. versity of Virginia. They have lived with it for have gone through it before. son and Armstrong planned Gen. Walter E. Lotz Jr., who At Ft. Huachuca, he served ' years, this fantasy that one But nothing ever prepared a to say anything special upon will take command of ECOM A native of Pennsylvania, for three years as Chief of day man will go to the moon. • wife for a time, such as this. setting foot on the moon. and this fort. he had served as Chief of the the Electronic Warfare De- This was the day. The men "Gemini was the end of He said they may have Maj. Gen. Latta and Maj. Army's Communications- partment, director of the Sys- were their men. something," said Jean Al- planned to say something, Gen. Lotz were classmates in Electronics in the Pentagon. tems Development Director- Astronaut homes cluster drin, whose. "Buzz" was on but joked, "Well, I made the 1938 at the U.S. Military He has been the. commander ate and deputy commander. around the Lakeland area* the last flight of that series remark that he might say Aaademy. Both joined the of STRATCOM since Jan.
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