
Micropuncture study of the effect of various on sodium reabsorption by the proximal tubules of the dog.

J H Dirks, … , W J Cirksena, R W Berliner

J Clin Invest. 1966;45(12):1875-1885. https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI105492.

Research Article

Find the latest version: https://jci.me/105492/pdf Journal of Clinical Investigation Vol. 45, No. 12, 1966

Micropuncture Study of the Effect of Various Diuretics on Sodium Reabsorption by the Proximal Tubules of the Dog * JOHN H. DIRKS,t WILLIAM J. CIRKSENAt AND ROBERT W. BERLINER § WITH THE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE OF NORDICA GREEN (From the Laboratory of Kidney and Electrolyte Metabolism, National Heart Institute, Bethesda, Md.)

The precise sites of action of various diuretics ulin ratios are compared for each tubule. Re- within the nephron have been the subject of nu- peated collections from the same tubules do not merous investigations and considerable debate for appreciably alter tubule fluid reabsorption during several decades. Inhibition of sodium transport in continued hydropenia or continued saline infusion. the has, at one time or another, Acute saline infusion, however, markedly de- been considered to play a major role in the ac- pressed sodium reabsorption by the proximal tu- tion of virtually every group of diuretics. How- bule, an effect that was independent of changes in ever, such actions on the proximal tubules have glomerular filtration rate and occurred in the pres- been inferred only from indirect evidence. The ence of high circulating levels of mineralocorticoid technique of micropuncture allows a more direct hormones and vasopressin. This effect of acute evaluation of the effects of pharmacologic agents salt loading on reabsorption in the proximal tu- on sodium reabsorption by the proximal tubules. bule is thought to be mediated by some unknown The exploration by micropuncture technique of humoral agent (5-7) and has also been shown to the effects of diuretics on various portions of the occur in the rat (8). The reabsorption of fluid nephron is as yet very limited. Carbonic anhy- undergoes a considerable redistribution from prox- drase inhibitors have been shown to impair acidi- imal to distal segments after saline infusion. This fication in the proximal convoluted tubules in the makes it difficult to assess the localization of the rat (1, 2). Recently Deetjen (3) and Malnic, action of a from the magnitude of the diu- Vieira, and Enokibara (4) have examined the resis produced, since the fraction of the filtered effect of the new diuretic sodium that is reabsorbed in the various nephron on fluid reabsorption in the proximal tubule. segments may vary so extensively. It furthermore For the detection of the effects of interventions makes necessary careful attention to the state of on reabsorption by the tubules, a considerable ad- hydration in evaluating any changes detected in vantage accrues from repeated collections from reabsorption in the proximal tubule, since differ- the same site in the tubules, a procedure used in ences in hydration can in themselves produce recently reported studies (5). Identical convolu- marked changes in reabsorption. tions of proximal tubules are sampled during each In the studies to be reported here we have used experimental phase, and changes in sodium reab- the technique of collections from the same tubule sorption as measured by tubule fluid to plasma in- segments in dogs before and after administration of diuretics. In most of the studies, the dogs were * Submitted for publication May 24, 1966; accepted hydropenic throughout, but a few were infused August 30, 1966. Presented in part at the Eastern Section of the Ameri- with saline before the control periods, and in can Federation for Clinical Research, New York, N. Y., others sufficient isotonic saline solution was ad- December 3, 1965. ministered to replace losses due to diuresis. Al- t Present address: Department of Medicine, Royal Vic- though the methods were sensitive enough to de- toria Hospital, Montreal 2, Canada. tect the effects of small doses of , none t Special Fellow, Office of the Surgeon General, De- partment of the Army, Washington, D. C. of the other diuretics was found to yield signifi- § Address requests for reprints to Dr. Robert W. Ber- cant depression of reabsorption in the proximal liner, National Heart Institute, Bethesda, Md. 20014. convoluted tubule. 1875 1876 J. H. DIRKS, W. J. CIRKSENA, AND R. W. BERLINER Methods The following experiments with diuretics were con- ducted. Studies were performed on mongrel dogs weighing Mannitol. Graded intravenous infusions of mannitol 10 to 30 kg. The anesthesia, inulin infusion, and surgi- were used to assess the sensitivity of the technique for cal preparation of the dogs for clearances and micropunc- the detection of depressed fluid reabsorption by the ture were identical to those previously reported (5, 9, proximal convoluted tubules. Mannitol was infused into 10). Collections from convolutions of proximal tubules a leg vein at various flow rates (2 to 10.7 ml per min- were first made during a control period, and the precise ute) and at varying concentrations (5, 10, and 20%) in site of micropuncture was carefully marked in each case eight hydropenic dogs. This resulted in the excretion of with nigrosine dye layered on adjacent tubules. A dose 2 to 46% of the volume of glomerular filtrate (V/GFR) of a diuretic agent sufficient to produce a maximal 1 during resampling of previously punctured tubules. In effect was then administered intravenously. This initial four hydropenic dogs the repeat collections were done dose was followed by an infusion delivering the same in periods when V/GFR fell in the range of 10 to 46%. amount of drug per hour. When the urine flow had in- In four hydropenic dogs, repeat collections were made creased to several times the control rate, samples were when urine flow was 2 to 9% of glomerular filtration obtained from the same proximal tubule convolutions. rate. Collections of fluid from convolutions of proximal tu- Ethacrynic acid. Initial collections were performed in bules were made as described previously (5). The mi- six hydropenic dogs. Ethacrynic acid2 was then ad- cropipette, filled to the tip with colored mineral oil, was ministered intravenously in doses of 1 to 5 mg per kg inserted into a tubule, and a small amount of oil was in- with an equal hourly infusion rate. In five dogs, initial jected into the lumen. The oil drop was permitted to flow collections were performed after initial saline loading as distally, and tubule fluid was allowed to flow spontane- described for the saline controls. Ethacrynic acid was ously into the pipette. After the administration of diu- then administered as above, and the fluid loss resulting retics, the intratubular pressure was increased; conse- from the diuresis was replaced with intravenous infusion quently, the samples were analyzed only if the oil drop of an equal volume of isotonic saline solution. A single remained stationary or moved distally while in view. experiment in which the initial collections were carried In this way, the possibility of retrograde collections was out in hydropenia but in which the fluid losses were re- averted. Inulin in plasma and urine was determined by placed with isotonic saline was combined with this the anthrone method of Fiuhr, Kaczmarczyk, and Kriitt- latter group. gen (12), and filtration rates were calculated for 15- Chlormerodrin. Three dogs were loaded with 10 g minute periods during the micropuncture procedure. ammonium chloride 18 hours before the experiment. Con- Inulin in tubule fluid was determined by a modification of trol collections were performed in hydropenia, and then the microanthrone method (13, 14) as previously de- chlormerodrin was administered intravenously as a prim- scribed in detail (5) ; the method yielded reproducibility ing dose of 2 mg Hg per kg with an equal hourly infu- with a standard deviation of 4.7%o. Tubule fluid to sion rate. Collections were repeated when diuresis had plasma (TF/P) inulin ratios were calculated with the increased the flow rate severalfold over control values. plasma inulin interpolated to the midpoint of the sample In three dogs initial collections were obtained during sa- collection when there were changes in plasma inulin line loading as described and then chlormerodrin was concentration. administered as above. The losses due to diuresis were Controls. The results of control re-collection during replaced by the intravenous infusion of roughly equal continued hydropenia (thirsted 18 hours) or continued volumes of isotonic saline solution. In one dog, the saline infusion have' been reported (5). Additional con- diuretic-induced fluid losses were similarly replaced af- trols obtained during continued saline infusions from ter initial collections were performed in hydropenia. seven dogs are included in this report. Dogs were again Furosemide. Furosemide 3 was studied in four hydro- infused with 0.4 ml isotonic saline per kg per minute for penic dogs. In two animals furosemide was administered 30 minutes and then 0.2 ml per kg per minute to the as an initial dose of 5 mg per kg followed by an infu- conclusion of the experiment. sion of the same dose each hour. The other two ani- Reduced filtration rate. The results of reduced filtra- mals received five times this dose. No attempt was tion rate on proximal TF/P inulin ratios during continued made in the furosemide experiments to preserve the ani- saline infusion have also been reported (5). Similarly, mal's sodium balance with isotonic saline infusion. filtration rate was reduced in seven hydropenic dogs by . In three dogs, initial collections clamping the left renal artery with a screw clamp. were performed in hydropenia. Hydrochlorothiazide was Urine flow was reduced and the previously punctured administered at a dose of 2 mg per kg initially, followed tubules were resampled. The kidney after clamping was by 2 mg per kg per hour. The fluid losses from diuresis smaller and softer. The tubules appeared narrowed, and were not replaced in these experiments. it took longer to collect a sufficient volume of tubule 22,3-Dichloro-4- (2 methylene-butyryl) -phenoxyacetic fluid. acid supplied by Merck, Sharp and Dohme Research 1 The case of furosemide is an exception. Greater re- Laboratories, West Point, Pa. sponses than those obtained in these studies have been 3 4-Chloro-N- (2 furylmethyl) -5 sulfonylanthranilic acid reported to occur with the administration of 100 mg per supplied by Dr. Raymond L. Moreland, Lloyd Brothers, kg (11). Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio. DIURETICS AND PROXIMAL TUBULE SODIUM REABSORPTION 1877 . Initial collections were performed in six hydropenic dogs. Acetazolamide was administered as an initial dose of 10 mg per kg and infused at a rate of 15 mg per kg per hour. Collections were repeated almost immediately after initial drug administration be- U cause of the brief diuresis that generally ensued. - Results z Corrected GFR f (J o <30 Control. Figure 1 illustrates 56 paired collec- z * 30-44 * 45 -59 tions from 13 dogs, previously reported in part * >60 (5), during continued saline infusion. Initial o Incompleft 6fR Dote TF/P ratios are plotted on the abscissa. The ra- tio of the TF/P of the second collection to that of the first is plotted on the ordinate. An ordinate INULIN TF/P(HYDROPENIA) value of 1.0 indicates no change in fractional reab- FIG. 2. EFFECT OF REDUCED FILTRATION RATE (RENAL of ARTERY CLAMPING) DURING HYDROPENIA ON PROXIMAL sorption glomerular filtrate between collections TF/P INULIN IN SEVEN DOGS. Corrected glomerular fil- tration rate (GFR) decrease is per cent decrease in ex- 1.5r_ perimental kidney inulin clearance compared to control kidney and corrected for any difference between experi- e mental and control kidneys during control periods. 0 Curves represent predicted value of the ratio if absolute

a.c 0% rate of reabsorption had remained constant when GFR *0 * *. was reduced by the indicated percentage. I- 0

LL Mannitol infusions. Graded infusion of 5 to .2 20% mannitol at varying rates resulted in urine a. flows ranging from 2 to 46% of the volume of glomerular filtrate. Figure 3 illustrates 29 paired IA.N- collections from four hydropenic dogs with 0.5 V/GFR ranging from 10 to 46% (mean 21%) -I*I I _ and grouped according to the symbols indicated. 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 TF/P (Control Collection) Reabsorption was depressed in all. The effect of FIG. 1. EFFECT OF RE-COLLECTION ON PROXIMAL TUBULE large amounts of mannitol on isotonic fluid reab- TO PLASMA RATIO (TF/P) OF INULIN DURING CONTINUED SALINE INFUSION IN 13 DOGS. 2.0 PERCENT OF FILTERED LOAD EXCRETED: * 10-20% and is indicated by the horizontal line. Values 0 21 -30 % 1.81 A 30-46 % greater and less than 1.0 represent, respectively, increased and decreased fractional reabsorption by 75 the proximal tubules up to the point of collection. 0 *2-c 1.6 I The ratios (TF/P)2/(TF/P)1 average 1.00 with 0 E a standard deviation of 0.09 and a standard error / * 0 of 0.012. Sixty-three pairs of collections previ- 0-1.4 / o o00 ously reported (5) from seven dogs during con- I- Ae A tinued hydropenia resulted in a mean value of 4 a A 0.97 (SE + 0.013). 1.21 a 0 0 Reduced filtration rate in hydropenia. Figure 2 0 0 illustrates the data from 43 paired collections dur- I n I ~~~I ing left renal artery clamping in seven hydropenic 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 dogs. Filtration rate reductions, indicated by the TF/p (hydropenia) symbols, averaged 50%. The mean value of FIG. 3. EFFECT OF MASSIVE MANNITOL INFUSIONS ON (TF/P)2/(TF/P) 1 was 1.00 (SE + 0.024). PROXIMAL TF/P INULIN IN FOUR DOGS. 1878 J. H. DIRKS, W. J. CIRKSENA, AND R. W. BERLINER

PERCENT OF FILTERED were increased after ethacrynic acid administra- LOAD EXCRETED: * 2-4% tion. In some instances, substantial increases in o 5-6 % A 7-9% reabsorption occurred. The mean ratio (TF/P)2/ 1.8 F 0 0 (TF/P)1 for 46 sample pairs was 1.37 (SE 0 + 0.086), a value significantly higher than that 3 1.6 -A in the hydropenic controls (p < 0.001). C 0 E Figure 6 illustrates results from six dogs in 1.4 0O0Ao which the initial collections were performed in saline diuresis in five (closed circles) and in hy- 1.2 0 dropenia in one (open circles), and in which the fluid losses resulting from the diuresis were re- 1.0 1.0 1.2 1 4 1 6 1 8 2.0 2.2 2.4 placed by intravenous infusions of isotonic saline TF/p (hydropenia) solution. Ethacrynic acid, with an initial dose and FIG. 4. EFFECT OF SMALL MANNITOL INFUSION ON PROXI- hourly infusion rate of 1 to 2 mg per kg, resulted MAL TF/P INULIN IN FOUR DOGS. in urine flows that were 7 to 24% (mean 19%) of the volume of glomerular filtrate. The ratios sorption by the proximal tubules was thus readily are now scattered about 1.0 with a mean value for detected. 35 pairs of 1.013 (SE + 0.017), a value not sig- Lesser amounts of mannitol were administered nificantly different from the saline controls. Thus, to four hydropenic dogs, resulting in values of no depression of proximal sodium reabsorption V/GFR of 2 to 9% (mean 5%). The results after ethacrynic acid was observed in hydropenia are shown in Figure 4, grouped according to the or saline infusion, and the increased reabsorption value of V/GFR. At the lowest rate of urine flow, 2 to 4% of GFR, indicated by the closed circles, no 2.8r EIGHT ADDITIONAL POINTS HAVE THE COORDINATES: depression was detectable except in those instances 1.52, 5.16 1.53, 4.42 with higher initial values of TF/P. The latter 2.6 _ 1.59,3.13 9 1.85, 3.93 presumably represent collections from more distal 1.88,5.22 0 . 1.91, 4.35 0 portions of the proximal tubule where, as a result 2.03, 3.10 of increasing mannitol concentration, more inter- 2.4 - 2.08, 5.55 0 ference with reabsorption might be expected. However, some caution is required in this inter- - - pretation since any error which tends to give too 0~~~~ 0 high a value in the first sample collected will also I)v 2.0 - * tend to give a low ratio of (TF/P)2/(TF/P)1. cs ._ 0* In the experiments with higher rates of urine flow, 0 .*/t * 0 TF/P inulin ratios are more clearly depressed. 0. 1.8 - g0 * The mean value of all 46 paired collections was + 0.922 (SE 0.012). The difference from the 0 I- 1.6 - results in continued hydropenia is highly signifi- 0~~~~ cant (p < 0.005). '0 Ethacrynic acid. Six dogs received ethacrynic 1.4 acid after the initial control period of hydropenia. The diuresis after ethacrynic acid administration began almost immediately and was nearly maximal 1.2- about 30 minutes later. Collections were made vc.0 30 to 90 minutes after the initial dose of ethacrynic 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 acid. Urine flow was increased by 3 to 16% TF/p (hydropenia) (mean 7%) of the GFR during the periods in FIG. 5. EFFECT OF ETHACRYNIC ACID (ECA) ON PROXI- which re-collections were made. Figure 5 il- MAL TF/P INULIN IN SIX HYDROPENIC DOGS. Solid dots, lustrates that the majority of the values of TF/P 1 mg per kg; open circles, 5 mg per kg. DIURETICS AND PROXIMAL TUBULE SODIUM REABSORPTION 1879 seen in hydropenia was absent when fluid losses I owing to the diuresis were replaced. 2.0 Chlormerodrin. Figure 7 illustrates the effects of chlormerodrin in seven dogs. The closed circles represent results from four ammonium chloride-loaded dogs with initial collections in hy- 0* dropenia and repeat collections after chlormerodrin 1.5 _ but with no replacement of the diuretic fluid 0.A losses. V/GFR was 3 to 12% (mean 7%) for the experimental kidney. Most of the values of 0 1.0 (TF/P) 2/(TF/P)1 are above unity, and the a. A mean value for 28 sample was 1.20 pairs (SE 1.0 A1 a ±+0.049), a highly significant increase compared 1-1.0 # to the hydropenic controls (p < 0.001). o0 F CONTOL EXPERIMENTAL * HydropeniaF Hg Alone 0 Hydropenia Hg # Rpceent -A Saline Hg + Replacement .5 I' X 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 .2. TF/P (Control) a. 1.8 0 * * FIG. 7. EFFECT OF CHLORMERODRIN (HG) ON PROXIMAL .o 0~~~~~~~0e TF/P INULIN IN SEVEN DOGS. 0~~~~~~ Q 1.6 _ * * tion observed in hydropenia was reduced when the fluid losses were replaced. cl 1.4_ o Furosemide. The results obtained in four hy- dropenic dogs given furosemide are shown in Figure 8. Diuresis was immediate in onset and nearly maximal 30 minutes after the initial dose. No replacement of the fluid losses was carried out. I __j The closed and open circles represent, respectively, 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 dosages of 5 and 25 mg per kg. V/GFR after TF/p (control ) furosemide ranged from 6 to 20%o (mean 11%o). FIG. 6. EFFECT OF ECA AND SALINE REPLACEMENT ON PROXIMAL TF/P INULIN IN SIX DOGS. Solid dots, control given saline; open circles, control hydropenic. 2.(

The open circles and triangles are the results 4; *00 of 23 pairs of collections from three dogs in which 0- 9 0 initial collections were performed in hydropenia I and saline infusion, respectively. The fluid losses 0 due to chlormerodrin were replaced with saline 5~~ ~ infusion in each case. Fractional excretion of glo- merular filtrate volume from 7 to In- ranged 157% . ~ ~~~~ 0 0 0 0 for the experimental kidney. Points indicate a 0.1. 00 - 0f distribution closer to the unity line, and the mean 0~~~~~ value was 1.06 (SE 0.028), a smaller though still increase < when com- significant (p 0.05) I i.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 22 2.4 2.6 2.8 pared to the results in saline controls. There is TF/P (Hydropenia) to suggest that nothing chlormerodrin depressed FIG. 8. EFFECT OF FUROSEMIDE ON PROXIMAL TF/P the reabsorption of sodium in the proximal tubule INULIN IN FOUR DOGS. Solid dots, 5 mg per kg; open in any of these animals. The increased reabsorp- circles, 25 mg per kg. 1880 J. H. DIRKS, W. J. CIRKSENA, AND R. W. BERLINER

2.2 - /

2.0 2.0

.0 ~~~~~~~~~0 i1.8 0

o 0 ~~~~~~~0 0 0 @ * "1.6 0. 0 / X 0.. ID0 ~~0 ,a ~ 0 Ad 1.4 -:5~~~00. * _0 ll0. o.6 1.2-

0 0 0 1-c 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 TF/p (hvdropenia) FIG. 10. EFFECT OF ACETAZOLAMIDE ON PROXIMAL TF/P INULIN IN SIX DOGS. 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 TF/P (hydropenia) penic dogs given hydrochlorothiazide. No re- FIG. 9. EFFECT OF HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE (HCTZ) ON placement of the fluid losses was attempted, and PROXIMAL TF/P INULIN IN THREE DOGS. the fractional excretion of glomerular filtrate volume increased to a modest 2 to 4% (mean Most values of (TF/P)2/(TF/P)1 are higher 2.2%). TF/P inulin ratios increased, and the than 1.0 with some substantial increases in reab- mean value of 1.13 (SE .046) was significantly sorption. The mean (TF/P)2/(TF/P)1 for 26 elevated compared to hydropenic controls (p < pairs was 1.20 (SE 0.061), a highly signifi- 0.001). cant increase compared to the hydropenic con- Acetazolamide. Administration of acetazola- trols (p < 0.001). mide to six hydropenic dogs resulted in urine Hydrochlorothiazide. Figure 9 illustrates the flows that were 1 to 6% (mean 4%) of GFR. results of 21 pairs of collections in three hydro- Figure 10 illustrates 43 sample pairs after aceta-

TABLE I Summary of inulin data

(TF/P)2 ±SE Mean changes Experiment Dogs N (TF/P)i* in GFRt Saline control 13 56 1.00 i 0.012 + 5 Hydropenia control 7 63 0.97 + 0.013 + 5 Hydropenia clamp vs. hydropenia 7 43 1.00 i 0.024 -50t Mannitol (V§/GFR>10%) vs. hydropenia 4 30 0.81 i 0.022 -26 Mannitol (V/GFR<10%) vs. hydropenia 4 48 0.92 i 0.012 -15 Ethacrynic acid vs. hydropenia 5 43 1.37 ± 0.086 -35 Ethacrynic acid+replacement vs. saline 7 43 1.01 + 0.017 -11 Chlormerodrin vs. hydropenia 4 28 1.20 i 0.04911 -14 Chlormerodrin+replacement vs. saline 3 23 1.06 ± 0.028¶ + 2 Furosemide vs. hydropenia 4 26 1.20 i 0.061 -24 Hydrochlorothiazide vs. hydropenia 3 21 1.13 ± 0.046 0 Diamox vs. hydropenia 6 44 0.95 i 0.017 -19 * TF/P = tubule fluid to plasma inulin ratio; second collection is divided by the first. t GFR = glomerular filtration rate; per cent change in experimental kidney inulin clearance during re-collection periods. I Per cent decrease in experimental kidney inulin clearance compared to control kidney and corrected for any differ- ence between experimental and control kidneys during control periods. § V = urine flow. II p < 0.01. ¶p < 0.05. DIURETICS AND PROXIMAL TUBULE SODIUM REABSORPTION 1881 zolamide. The mean value of (TF/P)2/(TF/P)1 is much greater. This can be explained as the (0.947 + 0.017) was significantly below 1.0 but elimination by the diuretic of salt transport ca- not significantly lower than that obtained in the pacity more fully utilized as a result of salt infu- control studies in hydropenic animals. sion. Thus, careful attention must be paid to the Table I summarizes the TF/P inulin values and aspects of fluid loading infusions in any study of mean per cent filtration rate changes for all the diuretics, and it is not safe to assume an action on studies in this report. Significant reductions in the proximal tubules because the increment of filtration rate occurred in almost all diuretic ex- excretion exceeds 20% of the filtered load. periments. Filtration rate changes such as may occur after diuretic administration do not of themselves alter Discussion fractional fluid reabsorption in the proximal tu- The recent observation that isotonic and hy- bules of the dog. A mean reduction in filtration pertonic saline infusions in the dog lead to de- rate of 45% during continued saline infusion re- pressed sodium reabsorption by the proximal tu- sulted in no significant change in fractional reab- bules regardless of filtration rate changes (5) sorption (5). A similar mean reduction in filtra- has important implications for any study of diu- tion rate during continued hydropenia, reported in retics and clarifies some previous observations. this paper, revealed an identical proportionality It was found that although depressed reabsorption between filtration rate and reabsorption in the resulting from the infusion of sodium chloride solu- proximal tubules. Such observations have also tions might permit as much as an additional 25%o been made in the hydropenic rat (16, 17). Thus, of the glomerular filtrate to escape reabsorption changes in proximal fractional sodium, reabsorp- in the proximal convoluted tubule, only about 7%o tion after the injection of diuretics cannot be ex- of the filtered sodium was excreted in the urine. plained by variations in glomerular filtration rate. Thus, depressed reabsorption in the proximal The technique of repeated collection from iden- nephron must be accompanied by increased reab- tical tubule convolutions during different experi- sorption at a more distal site to account for the mental phases of a micropuncture experiment is actual urinary sodium excretion. Relevant to characterized by variability which, to some extent, this is the observation of Goldberg, McCurdy, and sets a limit to changes in sodium reabsorption that Ramirez (15) that negative free water generation can be detected. This variability arises from the rises progressively with increased saline loading cumulative errors of the micropuncture collections, and does not reach a limiting value. From this, inulin determinations, and spontaneous changes one may infer that a diuretic whose sole site of in the physiologic state of the animal. Mannitol action was in the proximal convoluted tubule was used to assess the sensitivity of the technique would result in only a modest diuresis. A con- for the detection of inhibition of fluid reabsorption siderable proportion of the isosmotic fluid rejected in the proximal tubule. When large amounts of in the proximal tubules would be reabsorbed in mannitol were infused, depressed proximal fluid more distal parts of the nephron, as when proximal reabsorption was easily detected. With smaller reabsorption is depressed as a consequence of sa- amounts of mannitol, infused to ascertain the lower line infusion. limits of inhibition that could be detected, signifi- The effectiveness of a diuretic that inhibits so- cant changes in mean TF/P inulin could still be dium transport in the distal segment, on the other detected when urine flow was 2 to 9% of the glo- hand, would be expected to vary with the state of merular filtration rate, although in the lowest part hydration of the animal. It is common experience of this range (2 to 4% ) the results were equivo- that even highly active diuretics may yield only cal. In any case, relatively modest diuretic ef- a modest diuresis when administered to hydro- fects in the proximal tubule should be detected penic animals. If, however, the animal is given with the micropuncture method employed. an infusion of saline, the response is greatly en- No evidence for a proximal site of action was hanced, not particularly because the urine flow is found for any of the diuretics employed in this higher as a consequence of the saline infusion but study. Such an action on the proximal tubules because the increment resulting from the diuretic has been previously inferred for all the agents 1882 J. H. DIRKS, W. J. CIRKSENA, AND R. W. BERLINER tested. Convincing evidence for a major action The results of chlormerodrin administration in at a more distal site has been found for ethacrynic situations of maximal urinary concentration and acid, furosemide, and hydrochlorothiazide. Etha- dilution have not been consistent (27). Beyer, crynic acid virtually abolishes concentrating abil- Baer, Michaelson, and Russo (20) could super- ity and impairs the diluting capacity, indicating impose no further diuresis by administering chlor- inhibition of sodium transport in the loop of Henle merodrin to ammonium chloride-loaded dogs af- (18-20). Furosemide has effects on urinary con- ter ethacrynic acid infusion. Ethacrynic acid also centration and dilution that are very similar to blocked the increased secretion of potassium by those of ethacrynic acid in the dog (21, 22). Deet- chlormerodrin. These evidences suggested that jen (3) has reported a micropuncture study that the sites of action of these two drugs might be showed an effect of furosemide on the proximal identical. The micropuncture experiments of this convoluted tubule of the rat when filtration rate report indicated no depression of proximal sodium was reduced to some 50% of normal; no inhibi- reabsorption after chlormerodrin was given to hy- tion was detected when filtration rate remained dropenic dogs. It should be pointed out that the normal. In a similar micropuncture study with straight portion of the proximal tubule is not ex- furosemide, Malnic and associates (4) found little amined by such micropuncture techniques and re- change in proximal sodium reabsorption in the mains a possible site of action. rat, but high distal TF/P chloride ratios. Hydro- The stop flow technique of Malvin, Wilde, and has been shown to reduce free wa- Sullivan (28) has been extensively used to desig- ter formation considerably without influencing nate the site of action of diuretics, and such stud- concentration in the dog renal medulla, and its ies represent the major conflict with the present effects can readily be ascribed to the cortical di- findings on the effects of diuretics on proximal luting segment (23). sodium reabsorption. Orloff and Berliner (27) Acetazolamide has clearly been shown to raise have advocated cautious interpretation of stop bicarbonate concentration in proximal tubule fluid flow analysis with respect to events occurring in in the rat (1). Acetazolamide also leads to in- the proximal segments, especially when an effect creased free water clearance (24) suggesting an on a distal segment can be detected. Fluid origi- action on the proximal tubules with increased nally contained in the proximal segments must flow solute delivery to the distal segment. Acetazola- through the distal tubule before it is collected, and mide combined with ethacrynic acid results in a changes produced by a diuretic in proximal stop diuresis greater than the added responses of the flow samples may well be a reflection of a change two agents (25). The results reported in this in the extent to which they are modified as they study show a tendency to decreased reabsorption flow through the affected distal tubule. The high in the proximal tubules. This depression in mean sodium concentration of proximal samples after TF/P inulin did not, however, differ significantly diuretics may then reflect depressed reabsorption from the changes observed in the hydropenic con- in the proximal tubule or a failure of the concen- trols. Acetazolamide administration resulted in tration to be reduced during subsequent flow a modest diuretic response, and it is not unlikely through the distal tubule. If no effect of a diu- that any changes might be within the limits of retic is detected in the distal samples, one can sensitivity of this micropuncture technique. These conclude a proximal site of action, provided one data together with other micropuncture and in- does not overlook significant changes in distal tact animal studies suggest that acetazolamide does reabsorption reflected by a small change in distal inhibit sodium transport in the proximal convo- concentrations. In addition, distal fluid sodium luted tubule. concentration may be reduced nearly maximally The mercurial group of diuretics have generally in the presence of a markedly inhibited transport been considered to act in the proximal tubule. system during the time of stop flow. Virtually One basis of this view is the fact that in stop flow all diuretics tested have some distal effects by studies sodium concentration is increased and uri- stop flow analysis, and conclusions regarding nary/plasma (U/P) creatinine is decreased in proximal effects cannot be made with any con- "proximal tubule samples" by chlormerodrin (26). fidence. Thus, high proximal fluid sodium con- DIURETICS AND PROXIMAL TUBULE SODIUM REABSORPTION 1883 centration appeared after mercurial and reabsorption after ethacrynic acid was absent in administration, and an action in the proximal tu- experiments in which the fluid output resulting bule was inferred for these two agents (26, 29, from the diuresis was accurately replaced with 30) . Subsequently, were shown to pro- isotonic saline infusions, and the same was found duce inhibition in the distal tubule since they block in experiments with chlormerodrin. These re- free water clearance in water diuresis (23). sults suggest that acute salt depletion due to diu- More recent stop flow studies have revealed defi- retics leads to enhanced proximal sodium reab- nite inhibitory effects of thiazides and mercurials sorption. Generally, the enhancement of reabsorp- in the distal tubule (31-33). tion in the proximal tubule varied inversely with The most striking change observed in this the over-all effectiveness as a diuretic of the agent study was the significantly increased reabsorption employed; e.g., ethacrynic acid, the most potent in the proximal tubule after the administration agent in this study, raised proximal reabsorption of diuretics in hydropenia. This increase in reab- the most, and hydrochlorothiazide, which gave sorption was rather substantial for a number of the least diuresis, caused the smallest increase in re-collections. The mean increase in TF/P inu- proximal sodium reabsorption. It is common lin was 35%o for ethacrynic acid, 20% for furose- that the effects of diuretics rapidly diminish in mide, 20% for chlormerodrin, and 9% for hydro- hydropenic man or animals. Presumably, as the chlorothiazide. It should be pointed out again diuresis depletes extracellular fluid volume, frac- that equal but opposite changes in TF/P inulin tional reabsorption is enhanced proximally, and do not represent equal changes in sodium and wa- less fluid is delivered to distal segments where the ter reabsorption, since TF/P ratios are reciprocal diuretics play their inhibitory roles. functions. Large percentage increases in TF/P The increase in proximal reabsorption after represent much smaller increases in sodium reab- diuresis and the resulting acute salt depletion is sorption. For example, the 35 %O increase in the opposite response to that previously found TF/P after ethacrynic acid compared to hydro- with infusion of saline solutions. It appears that penia represents approximately 15 % increase in proximal tubule fractional reabsorption can vary sodium reabsorption. This increased proximal widely depending on the state of hydration. Con- sequently, the fluid volume delivered to more dis- 4The lower U/P creatinine ratios in "proximal" stop flow samples have also been interpreted as an indication tal portions of the nephron will vary considerably. of inhibited reabsorption in the proximal tubule. How- Obligatory reabsorption in the proximal tubule ever, during mannitol diuresis, the usual condition for may apply principally to the constant fractional stop flow studies, the U/P creatinine is very highly de- reabsorption in the proximal tubule observed with pendent upon the plasma mannitol concentration, since changing filtration rates in both the rat (16, 17) 1) mannitol is reabsorbed only very slightly, and 2) the urine under these conditions is always close to isotonic. and the dog. The setting of fractional reabsorp- The U/P creatinine and U/P mannitol must be very tion, on the other hand, may then be determined similar and highly dependent upon the plasma mannitol by salt excess or deficit resulting in opposite stim- concentration. To the extent that plasma mannitol con- uli to the postulated secretion of an unidentified centration is constant from one stop flow to the next humoral agent that regulates sodium reabsorption the U/P creatinine (and mannitol) can vary only in- versely with the concentration of other urinary solutes. by the proximal tubules. Since sodium chloride constitutes most of the latter, A number of recent studies indicate that the at constant plasma mannitol, variation in U/P creatinine reabsorptive activity of the proximal tubule cells is largely a reflection of varying sodium concentration and is not the sole determinant of the rate of reabsorp- does not provide information which is independent of of that provided by the sodium concentration. However, tion. Under any particular condition hydra- in most stop flow studies the plasma mahnitol concen- tion, for example, changes in glomerular filtra- trations have not been controlled or measured so that the tion rate are accompanied by proportional changes U/P creatinine is difficult to interpret. In any case, the in reabsorption. The exact mechanism underly- same caution is required in interpreting changes in proxi- ing the latter change in reabsorption is not fully mal samples as in the case of sodium concentration. These must flow through the distal tubule before they established, but it has been suggested that it may are collected, and effects can be assigned to the proximal be related to changes in the diameter of the tu- tubule only if distal effects can be positively excluded. bules (34, 35). It therefore remains possible 1884 J. H. DIRKS, W. J. CIRKSENA, AND R. W. BERLINER that depression of reabsorptive activity by a drug the diuresis produced in dogs by ethacrynic acid, might be counterbalanced by some dilation of the chlormerodrin, furosemide, and hydrochlorothia- tubules so that the reabsorption of fluid in the zide. The increased reabsorption observed ap- proximal tubule might remain unchanged, as sug- pears to be a consequence of acute depletion of ex- gested by Rector, Brunner, Sellman, and Seldin tracellular volume, a response opposite to that (36). Such a combination of effects might ex- produced by infusion of saline. plain and reconcile the apparent conflict between the results obtained with the Gertz split drop tech- References nique in animals given diuretics (36) with the 1. Clapp, J. R., J. F. Watson, and R. W. Berliner. Ef- results of collection in free flow as reported in this fect of carbonic anhydrase inhibition on proximal paper and by Rector and co-workers (36). It tubular bicarbonate reabsorption. Amer. J. Phys- might also offer an explanation for the excretion iol. 1963, 205, 693. larger 2. Rector, F. C., Jr., N. W. Carter, and D. W. Seldin. of fractions of the glomerular filtrate far The mechanism of bicarbonate reabsorption in than can be explained by distal effects alone in the proximal and distal tubules of the kidney. animals given large doses (100 mg per kg) of J. clin. Invest. 1965, 44, 278. furosemide (11). However, it seems worthy of 3. Deetjen, P. 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