Mr c ~a than H. FraDke

John 14. Kelley. Jr. 61...'L-11--

. APPLICATION FOR TRAVEL AI·VANCE. 146-)8=5l:w'~"'allack )/146-7-5l-l?OS-Gillars 4tO The writer haa been aesigned to try the can ot Vnlteo StalAl' v. .~ lullack, ~. (146-38-:>1-558) at Brooklyn, N•• York. It 18 expected that this aS3ignnlent ",Ul consume two weeKa' absence tram Wasbington. At the conclusion of the h.ullack cas•• it ..ill be necessary for _ to go to Boaton in oreer to interrogate oertain witne8ses now associated witt the Dest case. The r-urFOE8 ot the interview8 being to cevelop evidence in relation to the case of Mildred E. G1l4rs. Immediately thereafter, and TJrior to returrling to "Babington, I stall be obliged to remain in llew York City tor the purpose ot interviewing r~o5J:Gctive witneS.,e8 in the G1llar:s case for an approximate perice of tive day••

Accordingly, I request • travel ad'Yance cO'Yering the period ot thirty days, totaling the flum ot ~.l8O.

I am oblie;ed to leave tor Ne. York on the evening ot Monday April S. It w11l be greatly appreciated it the procel81n& ot the instant request tor advance can be expedited to the fullest extent P088ible.

27 Direotor, Federal Bureau ot lD"e.t1aat1oa AprU 9, 1948

t. Vincent Quinn, Aa.1at.&nt. At. tomq u.nen.l Cri.inal Div1sion rYQIWU'IMMoI. Mildred &lizaboth G1llar. 146-7-51-1708 Treal99

'a y~u know, it i. contemplated that within the near futur., iUldred i.l1zabeth. Q1l.1are, now 1n 'rwr QUBtod7 in Gera&n7. will be broucht to the United State. for purpo ... of presenting her caae to a pand JUlT. It 18 dedrec1 to bring ~e.e proc.edings in the District ol CoIUl1b1a I".lld it, therefore, b9COllOS ...terial to detenaine 1fb1cb air­ thlda in the WItot'!h1rtgton area are .1 thin tho t.erri torbl. bounds ot the Dhtrict of CoIU21bia. I a. 1ntOl'lled \hat probab17 BalUn, field 1. the onl7 urport that, .., U. ,nt,1ra17 w1t.hinth. Distriot ot Coluabia. I -.ould apprec1a\e l' theretor. it 70U would YeTi!, ttd. tact *lld &l,o obtain inforaat.ion lnd1.,.t1nc whether IUl7 portion or Boll1nlt Field ...,. 11e witJlout th. Distriot of ColUllbia., ~ tha' ore IIa1 be taken to p!"'eT.nt. any juri.diotional que.t.1on. ar1.lnl 1n regard to the point. ot entl7 'J/- of t.hl. defendant into the United Sate••

COl RecordsV' Chrono Mr. Foley

._a==-=------.-~ ill- "'L~ 1'£,:;j' C~f~,.i ... l-~ . ~t 10,19-"

Colonel lu '9'. D. Corput., Chler, SlgD&]. nan. a.n4 Operations D1'rl:l1oJl, Ort1ee of the CbJ.e! S~ 01't1c.r, Rooll , ! 263, Pentagon Bu1l41nc, Department ot the I..rtq, :tash1lletoD, D. C.

Dear Colcnel Corpnts

Rei I114Nd B. OUlare, 1rU "WI Sall.7,. !1ldrtd III_bUll 11M. Tr.NW· ., la· oomlectloa 1P1th the tol"thooldq cr1s1nal proeecmtiOft ot \ha abcrre nuec1 nb.,,,,, 1\ will bt ftKMIU'T to in~04I in fJY14... phonocrapM. reCOJ"dinga ot oerta1rl sbo~ ~d.. ta bellmed troa lerlli to thAI USA dttr1Ilc the wu. IA udv to pna_t thll eYidaoe to a pu4 JU17 and, au_~entl7, to. pet1\ Ju:r7, it w1ll ~ n...... hl'J to lutall 111 the 00Dl't rca oerta1n phonoarapbie _oh1n.17 an4 a eerioa ot earphone ommeot1oaa tbera1tb. For th1. ptll'pole the Deperl.actt o~ Justice will req-a1re the following equipment,

,0 .eta oL Bruah, C%78ta1 hea.saeta-l 289)2

)0 jan boxes-I 1C606

1 Prato cpl1t1u, l!odel S".. -I 6C9-2 1 Pnato tum-tabl.e, lodel 9-16C263-6.

Ir. FraU I. Green, 1tad1o FJsg1n ..r, 11 ~ent17 -plOTM lr.r thu Depu-taent tor the purpoe stalUng amd operat.1nc the eqatp- lIent referred to aboTe ~ftd it .. that rr. Green bae re0eU7 eonternd with 1011 IUId a rna ot ~~ .. tIyj te in respllOt to the ..... qtda1t1on of web equ1pMnt.'1'h1'JA~t~,~~~ re, being written ~ ~ the oral. under.t ~}ld 1i~.e~~ t1ce and i1r. an.. to the effect that ~pIlen .~~~ea~J.~,,",,' ~ llftUabl. to thia Deputaent, upon • 1 1"St~~: ot 60 d&y8. Jlr • John 11. Kelley, Jr. , -Rm. Z724 ~ --- 'lliJ& Ilr. Nathan Franke --b. 2213 Records V Chrono. Int. Securit,. 37 - 2-

In aooordaJl4e .,1 tn &rI'IIqeunta mad. b7 lfr. w1 th tr. CharI•• P;-. Bodd and id'. E. P. FI'oaer, o~ ,.our otriH. it is 1IZ2der8~ that under Tom' requisitiQn ,;. '9-~51-40-49 the uplll'1er aDd turn-taw.. are being shipped cirect1,. to tt.. :Jepartmeot of Juatioo (.&.ddreaeed to. John ;'. :-:el1e1, Jr., Special dsi&tant to the Attom.,. Ceo.rut Rooe ;nu, Department ot Juat1c.) ••00 tbat th~ taad".ta and Jack boxee will ~. to So repreafIDtat1vGI ot this DepartHnt at one ot yt1Q7' depotA located. L"l Ba1 t1atore, ilarylaDfl. It 1a requeat.d that at 70fJr ..r11 .. t conven1eno this D.~t b6 notified, tbrc:A1cn :'~r. Green or !.:r. :;-tllle.1, with r4llpect to the date and place that tt,e mat.r1ala 10- cated in Salt.1lIon .,. be obtatn.4.

Your ...utAnce and oooperat1on 1n tbJ.s .tter are appreo1,.. ..tad indeed.

\ \ .lLaAlDm I. C.UntBltt, \ !et1D« .Aniatanto At~rne~ General. :I

.\ I. :\ ;,1 I:.\.

I I i ~16, 1948

Ofn.. of the ~~ tlanhal. Genenl, D~~ ot the j,ftq Jil' tE P4llltapa Bu1l.diD,. w.. ~. D. e. "

AtteftUOlu ~aj01' Bou, Pro,"' D1T1a101l. Jiloea 4 C 66,. a.. IU4ncl L GUlar., ... -uu 8&11.7," 'U4n!4 PIMMIt 'Sltl 'DU-, Tour a'tatin 18 4UeoW to th "MDt. OOl'J ..p0G4 ...... the "torDq o.en1 .. the ...... taJ7 .f the Aft:T Sa nla- \1_ to t!ae rete. of Use ...... "'~"' ... w.. ~ .sa 1dlltuJ' a1rofttt. 1\ 1a utldpaWcS tM\ the ao.tM\ win \Ie 1...... at BollSIII Held u4 tDat .be w111 th...... -. taka Sate the .-u.t0d7 of athoft\l...

OIl A1ICWI' 12, 1948, the ~tt of state lntol'Md W. .tru. \la, 1\ bad ft1ftd 1uauoe of. ri.. 1a tU ... of t.H ... .1 en. thU~' bu 1lO1.1t1ed the IlIIdpaUoa ad. htval1.... 'loa M001'.tbC17 aM 1\ U, tha'etOft, uUotpaUd DO clUtSnl,\7 w1ll be apfti.... OD the pan ~ the IS.ll\ar7 ~ put 8tn104t 1a ~1q \he nbJto' ~ W Io11S"1 7iIU. 1\ 1. aeuRJ7 that th. -Y1aa\v of tM dnnft, .. ..u u th. n.bJen'. a1lltuT p&rda, be beld 1a Jub1qtGa tor tt&e ,.... ~ ot t ..utnnc be1'ore the P'fJld Jvz7 w tlI. JIOUt. bT wh1ft tiM nbJen na t'lowa into ~h. Va1'W Sta\ee &lid w ioM t .., ~, loll t", r1t14 .. t.he rS,rat pein ot 1aMI111 wltb1. the UdW ata.... It. 11 UDCS..wod tha, ,-cur ottlae will .... the nece.. &I')" uruc--U With the proper Anq an4 Lirtoroe JM1'8oaul &utlloriu._ to lMuN \h1a .ad. leepee\.tall:r, lor u.. .U"torM7 o.unl,

COl JIr.lellq-Rm.2724 1Ir. J'rank..... Ra.22]J ALaADII .. CA....}IW" Jleoorda v .lUutaA\ lttonq Geaenl. Chrono. Int. ,8eaur1t,. Extra Copy tor J.rBT. /

D3::?.ii::tTl.::ilJT 01" JTiS'~IC~ Interrogation ~enter tioechst, uermany

22 -1Ueust 1948

T:ronorable 'T'. vincent ~uinn ~·:ssist8.nt .~ttorney J.eneral crilllinal Division :Jepart:.lent of .Justice .. dcnington 25, .:J.G •

•;ttention: John ... ~. L~elley, Jr., =squire

He: 1;1i Idred :S. Gi llars

Dear ldr. -<-uinn:

TransLut ted herewith is the 201 File pe·rtaining to I:lildred E. IJi 118. rs , turned over to ue by nrmy authorities vJhen sally' boarded the plane on _~ugust 20, 1948 for ~'iashington. 'fhi.;; file pe!'tains to cOl'respondence relati va to the con- i'in~l: .. ent of Gillars und ...;ill be of li _tIe or no value to . you, but i.::J trdllS!lli tted to T·.'ashin~ton becBuse _:..r:ny officials see.r::.. to think the 201 .:;'ile :lU::;t acco!J.pany a detainee where- ever she .:;oes.

Respectfully y ~~v ~~ttorney ~ J..-el.)Qrt:-:lent of Justice~


/ 1(/

///1rJ. ~···I ael United state. of 1Mrl_ y. JlUdred E. stat, .11 •• 11'4rtd 11'''~ gtl1'E!' the ab....,.. 5l\Utl04 matter 1a pZ'u.U7 th. nbJea of ~ br the ~ 0ftD4 hz7 .. iJIpIHlecl w1th11a the Dle­ trlot ot Col_b1a. Iri.4eDoe in the ....baa been praated to ~ Qr.mcl JV7 em h1.4a7, .lJ:Icu8t 1.7, os lfoadq, AUcUt.·.30, and w1ll ooaUmle to be pt'u.ted ~ th. bItl.aDoe of tb1a".. aDd probabl¥ 011 !uNq aDd lIedDeadq ot Dat ....

In u ... or tb1a tut, 7O'Il AN heftbr Nqueated to COD­ timt. the prelWDU7 Ileu1Da in thta .t.ter tor Il pc10d ot tw ...a, that. 1a to h¥, ~ ~, Septa_ 13, 1948 • ... ~, ler the AttomeJ' GeDera1,

tu;r.111D1R s. CtlPBl:LL, It.toruj General.

~F i ~. ~j BY I.J 001 Ir. lelley, Rm. 2:724 :0" SEP 1 1948 R.cords V G J Chrono. Int. S ecilrity Septem her 1:", 1948

Ii,. dear Judge,

This letter is to &dviae you toot today an indictment was returned in the ca•• of United State. of !mer1ca v. ~ildred E. S1a, also known as Mildred

Elizabeth Gil1ars, against the subject, a copy of wr~ch

121 enclosed.

It ie therefore respectfully recommended, that in view of the return of the indictment by the

Jl'ederal Grand Jury, no further actio n be taken by Your

Honor with respeot to h"X!~gi which haTe been continued in ;your Court.

With kindest personal regards,


Honorable Cyril S. Lawrence United Stat•• Commissioner 729 - 15th Street, • abington , D. C. cel Chron ,/ Recorda G.Il.Fay John M. Kelley Dir.. tor, Federal Bureau ot InTeatiF.ation. August 9, 19~

Uaander M. CaJlpbe1l, Acting A•• 1atant AlIC.JlII.tu ~ttomq General, Cr1Jdna1 DiT1a1on. jILDRID E. GILLARS, ••• -AIIS SALLY," ¥lLDlUI! ELIZABETH SISKI musOI.

j{ MiiittoE InT9t1g&t~on in the abo"e etyled matter haTing been 'Ub- .tantlally concluded, the D.partmer:t of the ilrfIl7 u been requeated to efteet the ilnmediat. return ot the 8ubject to the OSA. A copy ot the letter. troa the Departaeat of JUitice to the D.partment of the Army. eabodyinR' sucb request 18 att.a.ched hereto. A. e:pp(?ars by said letter, it i __ de.ired that the subjeot b. firet landed in this country at Boll­ inf' Field in order th8 t juri.diction will lie in the District ot Columbia.

Captain R. Smith, Jr., otrlce or the Pro-ro.t ~~bal General, RoOli 4 C 66), Pentagon Building, Telephone - ao .... ulllent 131, !x.tenaion 5621, 1.8 preasnt17 in charge ot the inatant _tt.r and haa torwarded to Headquarter., European Command, • detailed ~ ..t ccmeern­ iug the return ot the subject to thi. country in mUitar;r ouat0d7 rla aUiter,r .1rpl.4ne.

Due to the dl.turbed coDditlona now obtalni~ in Ge1"l&e7 1000e d1!'tlculty may be experi.noed in .ecuring the nec.. aary aircraft aDd personnel required tor trauportatlon of' the .ubject and, conaequent17, the date ot her arriftl. at Boll1ng 11ald oannot be predicted with ~ dagne ot aoauraoy. It bu, n .....rthel. ... , b ..n requ.. ted that she be laM.E'!d at Bollinr Fi.ld on or betore Auguat 13, 1948, it poa.ibl.e.

,.ia waa reoently the cue in oonnection with the an.. t of XQ"tlll J .... }{.ont! in ~ .. York City, it 1. d ..1red that cust0d7 ot the IUbject be eurrendered by the aUitary to Speelal Agents ot the Bureau. Th1a w1l1 inTol.,. the execution and tUing ot • or11!1nal aoaplaint. b7 an Agent at the Bureau .nd the taau.anoe ot a warrant ot arrest thereon.

It is tmdertltood that the Idlitary authoriU", lacking auit­ able facU1tie. tor haUling a temal. priaoner, dNtre that the aubjeot be taken into cuatody by Agente ot the ~u at the earlle.t poad.ble mOllent following her e.rr1T1ll at Yield. Since jurisdiction 'rill not be aoquired untU the aubjeot baa actually been lar.ded wit.hin the District, the rUing ot the cOIlplaint will. baTe to be held up pending e.rrinl ot the plan.. It 18 de.eel, bow..,er, that the 00.­ plaint and ...rrant be drtltted in acbanc. eo that iII.uanoe or the war­ rant 11&1 be aceompliahed with a ainlawa ot delay following the .ubJeot'" Mr. J .JI.Kelley,Jr.-Rm.2724 Record. V Chrono. I1s. Haal.1n Internal S aour1ty -2-

arrlftl at Bolling 11el.d. It 1a alao oonaidereci ad'Y1.aable to aU pre­ lfaSNlJ7 arrancnenta With the state. CoIIIdJIs1oner ~ r.:tat.1oD to the coDduet ot a hearing tol101d.Jur the subjeotte Ilrl"Mt, part1cml&r17, einH it 111 pOll81ble that the plane .,. arrift during the night or OIl • S1mda7. !Jl thia C011Il_tion ~t 18 requeetec1 that the Speci&l Aceau who w1ll be deigned to th1a It&tter ~ in touch with Ill". John fl. Kell..,., Jr., ot 'lD.1 start, (Room~) to ::1Scrt:I88 the content. ot the eOllPlaint, etc.

Captain hu agrvecl to intOI'll the Bal"eau or the probable dat.e and hour ot subject'. urrl'f8.l u tar in advance u poea1ble aDd baa suggested in this connection a t/i·el1zrd.nar:r conterence betnetl himaelt and. the Special Agents who wUl be usigned to this IUlttar, to the 6..'1d that suitable arrangementa may be made i!'l s.d"f1llloe wtth the COl!!!lUndi..1'lg Officer at SoIling field and-in the cmmt that the 811bject should a.rr1Te at night or on a Stmday-rit;~ the Right qrl Sundq cuty {,~t!1C8!' attach'" to the otfice of the Pro'YO.Wt knhal Gu.ral..

It will be e81ent1al to establish jurild1otlo11 eta a 1I4ttO' ot reoord before the graDd jUJ7. It 14, thuetore, d.. 1red that !gerrk vi the am-eau ba on hand at the tiae that the a,1rorart tranaportbc tM aubject. lands at Bollln& Field tor the pvp~e ot 1nterrl.G1fiD« UII4 obtain­ in« a signed .tataent troa the nanga.tor ot the plane and f'roa the .n1tarT gua.rda in oharge ot the aubjeot dur1nc the night. It will be neceuary to ..tabluh through said w1 tn..... that the subj eot .. landed within the USA tor the tirst t1aa at 801111l1 Held. It 1. d ..irable that the naT1gator chart the course ot the night on & nttable sap, ebow1rsC the appl'o:n..te point on the United state. bord.. oyer which the plane entered this country and shoring the course ot Wgtt thereattcr up to the point of landing at Bollln, Field, and that ROb ap be pr.. ernd u aa Bb1b1t in the .... It 14 further du1red tha, the rsa-ncator aDd 1I1lltuJ' aarda be &cttUecl that their pnaenoe and teathoD7 Y1.ll be requ1red betore the cr&Dd Jur7 Oll a date approx1m&telT on•• eek to ten da7a subsequent to the aubJect •• arrinl at Bolllng n&1

!a in the cas. of Chandler, Beat and ~tl the GoTerr!MDt. w1ll urge and it 18 prdUMd that the lIubject herein be oouttted w1t.boa.t bdl. ~ of the "ttneaaea w~;o will be ea1led betore the (Trend !'UP1 are tormer Am.er1can soldiers who were priaoner by the Germs.ns dur1J1g the ~ In..... 1oD and who ..ere inteni...-ed by the .ubj~ct. 1D. trua1-ent C&JI~ in Trance, at which ti•• ahe pennw!ed aa1d prisoners to HOor4 lA.. saga. to HIIben ~ their taa1li_. ill ot 8UCh wttn..... ban bee heretofore Intel"\'1fJ'1fed ~ :...genta o~ the Dur~ and, nth tfJM aaepUona, haTe positively 1dtmtlt1ed photographa ot the aubject. T!".ue photographa, h01rft'e1", 'Yttre talcen "e'NrI!l "~r8 ~~. Sine. sald ..ith ..... Tined t!l4t aubjflrt, on but. one ooea.1on nnd ~1nc. it 18 understood ttat the .ubjeott • p~1eal ap,.aranc. has altered c0J18ider'i.b17 d~ the period or her in­ carceration. it 111 dHllled eel!ential. that each ot B&1d wi tY" ..~_ be atforded an OOI1;)1 tun1ty to new the DUbJeet. at ~aten!" ?hoe she ta.7 be cont1n~ in the District. It 1s ce4irabl. that said -:rltneaaea TiCll' t'-a aut'joot .. soon U r

::aid ..1tne .... realde in 1r1del;r ••p&reLted place.... a reeult at which aaen ~1'5 '!!ltert'C'gated aepant-ely by trent. of t'ne Bureau. '!'he1r en­ counter t.he e.ubjeet I'U r.riet and. ooC'tlZT'ed JlOre than ~011:r ,..are aeo. hionOTer. At tt. the th~ were approached b7 the aubJeot. t.b.., ore 1IDdarted and phyW1ca1ly exhausted fro!l ~he ordeal ot t..':!e1r captur. and the eDtoraed -.rehee which ensueci. In v1~. ot thee. tactors it 1s not surpridnc that the ~col1eet1on of aaid ,,1:tne88ea 1s spotty .and aa II. CDr:l.eqUenGe .eyer&! ot the report8 ot 1UYt>.tlraticm 5ublid:tte4 bT the Bureau tollow1nc 1Dterrocat1on ot theae rltne.s,. retleot r;any oa1aaicma and diaer_panole.. A. muaber or. these Tf~.tnea.e. were Ul!l1ble to rooall either the naIIe8 or fae.. ot their .rallo" pri.1oners who recorded IllEiaN.f-·" et the same t1ae, but o;pr... the beliet' tt-l.l.t recoolitlo!l would probabl7 OCO\lr U they oould ~.. t rae. to race. Cnce t~c3e ;rl t.n£ &re '?rorght together for COIDOJl discuaa10n tr.nd reai­ ni.eence it 1. accerdln~ly ar.tici~.ted that ~ or said a.~s.1ona and d1t­ e~~.1 .. will disappear.

A. t luch t1Jae a8 the eubJ eot. 18 landed wi thin the .Di.trin ot ColUllb1Al a date wtll be thee! ror the convening ot the potmd Jury. It 1& anUo1p&.ted that grand fm'7 ~roeeed1ng8 can begin a week or ten day. f'ollanng tbe a.rr1val. ot the subject. It 1" dedred ttat .·.:en Baid "1tny~aa (former p1"1aOZlen ot war) arrive in ~ash1r.r;'ton in raeponae to grand Jl:ll'.T t'lubpoeoa .uoli agent. ot the Bnreeu u eha.ll be a1'l1gned to the cue reinter'f'1eY 84\1!! w1tn..... in appropriete groups ~r1or to their appearance be1'ore the grand J1lr1' to the .. that d1ecrepanei_ may b. r ••olTed and the reoollection ot said wttaee... fvrt~er stirnnl~ted ES to detailo. In order to 8ucc •• etully re1~terT1.. aa1d rtt~e1JfJeaI it will be nee.~ ..l".J tor the -.genta to atudy tr.s Taricraa reports or inTe~t1r::at1on in detail. It is, accordIngly, deeired tha.t aa SOOll u Special Agent. t'r'JM the'atth1;'lr"t..(ln Field ott!ce si'.all be u -"!r,ned to this .tter they conter with :::r. l:ellQ'y and t'ul.l7 acqlld.nt t'beuelvea wIth tt.8 detan.. or th" ease in advance ot the arrlTal. 0-:" tb.8 wi tnea ••• to the end that tbe reinter-- Ti .... ~ be aor.duct.&n proliPtly tbua tacilitating the upe1it1oue preeentation ot the mdence to the gr:md Jury.

Attachment. 1l1rector, Federal Bureau ot InTe.t.1gat.!on. October a, 1948

Alexander M. Campbell, .aai.ltant Attornq AMCIJl.iXctu Oeneral, Cl1m'M] DiT1a1cm.. MILDRED ELIZJ.BETH GlLLARS, wa.a "AXIS SALLY," Q.. 146-7-5l".1?08 .MWlEP ELIZABEUt S1¥. 'l'RfASOJ. ~":"Jr{Ql aOLlitE ~. L

Fuller repn-ta tran the &reau in the above ent1Ued ;:J&tter ref'lect that the subjeot; \l8.B born on NOTember 29, 1900, a'G ~ort1and, ;_&1ne, 1'::nde!' the llGe ~aldred 3. S1:Jlc. 3abject' 8 mother, ) ri.ar7 Hmatson S:18k, divorced subject's father, Vincent 31sk, in 1907. at Portland, ; l-Ilthln a yee:r or two follcndng the divorce sub­ jeec's motiler mrried one Robert Iln1ce aillnr:s. The date and place of the Gll1ars· narriage are not known. ? her mother's re­ marriage~ subject made n.or home \.lith her ::1O'~er and step£ather aJJd thenceforth adopted the IU1T.le ot her step£ather being thereatter kDovn as Hildred ru zabeth Glliars.

, It haa bean lea.rned that subjeot.'. steptatber Rober't BrucMt GUlars dIed at :,ranet1eld, Ohio, in 1927.

The Bureeu 1. reque.ted to the records o£ the Pr0- bate Court at ;Anst1eld, Ohio, to det8Z'lld.D. whether (II: not there &l:'e 81fT record. ot the ~obate at Robert Bruce Gill.ra' utate. III the went 8Uch probate recatd.3 do exist,,y ~oul.d be fl.XZIIll1ned to deteI­ mine vhet.~er or not the mos contain aD7 "Proof at Hdrs- or s1 ..r Sl u doC\'ll!l8Dt or affidavit vhioh vould diacl.OtJ. the tact that the subJect (bam Hfl.dred E. Slsk) vae listed as, the stepdaughter of Robert B1"aee GilJAra. It ah.ould. e180 be asoaota:1Ded hom such reaori. the date and plan o£ the m~ batwen !1ary' UevitllOl1 (stllk) GU.l.ars and lIoben Bruce Gillan.

It baa eerlier been a.~ned. that the subject'. mobr, Hery' HevitllOil (Slsk) GUJara died on Mtrch 13, 1947 at Toronto, camda. It 1. underatood that her estate the nee Hr•• M. H. G1l.lara llU probated in Toronto, clUiada. It is, theretore, l!imlarly requeatecl that the probate reco2'd.I in Toronto, Canada, be examined in seeJ'Oh ~ int01't'.4 tion indica t1ng the dB. te ar.d place of the marriage betweD sub­ Jeot' s ~ther l'.nd her stepl'ttthcr G11.lan! and aUT "Proof' or. HeiR- or other a£f1davlt or official doo;nent I!Ihedd1l'l~ light on the connection between ~'l.(': subject's real. neme lIS1sk" end her acq:uired name ll{}1J.lars."

;.r. J;.JCelley,Jr.-l\.,n.2724 ~ecords~ V- ehrono. Int. Security 'SE:~T ~7 MIlSSENGER ~OMy::E~J2 ,\ 'T'T0"7S "'0. f OCT 8 1942 AJ s. It.. Andre tta, Administrative Assistant to October 18, 1948 the Attorney General Alexander M. Campbell, Aseiatant Attorney General AIICINHlafjw Criminal Division


The equipment aD loan to the Depart~ent from the 3ignal Corps of the Army l!as been returned from Br.,oklyn, New York. where it was used in connection with the Martin Jwnes l10nti grand jury. In playing back certain records to be used during the trial of ~i11dred SiBk Gillars, it will be necessary to set up this equipoent so chat it can be operated in John ii. Kelley's office, Room 2724. It is requested that a carpenter be senli to Mr. Kelley's office to what carpentry· viork will be required. It will be necessary to fasten certain woonen strips along the wall to accommodate the head.eta that are to be used' by the witnesses. It would be appreoiated it this request could be expedited.

Since it will be necessary to have· Mr. Frank Green, the radio enginf.ler, presellt in Mr. Kelley's office at the time the carpenter is there, it will be appreciated if you would advise Mr. Nathan H. hanke, Br. 358, when the carpenter will be available for this purpose.

CC:\RecordS Mr. Andretts. Mr. Franke Chrono (~. l '

Rc a . !~ Z. .Gillan, W8 II Ax1a sal.l.7,. J1.lAnd..tl1Qbeth §UJs;1 'l'rM'2Q, __

. 1D ~ v1th the tr1el or the abc:rre Ity'led cc..ta cana1A ..... d1tidbll.~ ~ ftCIt ~ tho Clatody' o:t The NAt.1e:el!l1vw v1ll be requ1red Q.G "!de~ rar ·th~ ~(:~t. 1Wer7 pneaut.1011 Yill be taken to p"serve theoo roeord1r.,'~B and the D~ will be roturned im'r.ediat.ely ~ tbe7 havo tJ£l"VtId ~(\ ~e aboye •• ~ torwh. A l1at. or the l'~., by aamber, 10 n. follova I

02239 00524 m,,, ~3 'Y1977 02198 OO~3 . 3m1 )3926 17942 02091 OOIJJ1 39522 JS899 3?S99 01364 00313 34J4S.3 .3S86l Y1I49 Oll.&) 'OO3J7 ')9274 3883l 5759 OlO" 0021e .3923S 3860' 5517 00860 001S1 mna 38259 '521 00825 00144 J9lh7 38161 su.7 006~:3 00003 ;9lO3. 3Sl.26 54Sl 00641 399,» .39J23 .30011 SJ03 4204

, ' It m.ll, aeoord1r.g~, be apprec1c.ted i.f J"O'J: v11l dellTer aa14 zoe- 00Z"d1ng1I to ::r. John H. 7..el.a7. Jr., o:l ny stat!', wo \1111 C!nCUM & reoe1pt, ror t!".a aer.e.

Mr. Kelley, Rm. 2724 Reoorda v/ Chrono. !LEIAJltlE!l 11. CA:{PaRL, Int. Security Aaa1atont. J.ttomq Cie&1eN1. Colonel. Rex V. D. Corput" Chid', S1~ Plans end ~t1OD8 Dlvia1on, 0t"tice of the Chiet Signal. Offloer, Room 3 E 26), PeDtagon Bolld1ng, Depe.rtment r4 the Artq; ll&sh1n.gton, D. C.

Dear Colonel Corput • . r:,. Rei U'ni ted states T. ~:1l.dred E. 31ak, . "1 ('IVV' Vildred WHbet:1 GillarD,

In o.~ 'With a cont&.1ne4 1n OUI' lette ~ Aucut 10, 1948, the DepAl"tment or t.he A1:fq made available to the Dep~~ at Juat1ce; upon a ~loaD baa1s th,t) t'oUow1ng equ!pa_tt

30 seta ot Bruaht OX7etal. hudMte-# 2B932 .30 jack boxes-4 00606

1 Presto 1Clpll!1or, Kodel g,t,....# (;()

.a.t the time the abcwe equ1paent,.. obtained, it as antio1pated that the cue \IOUld go to trial dur1na tIw GID'l"Utl lUQDth. lh. court reoat.l7 adjOUl"De the tr1al.t bowYer, to JUUU"T 10, 1949. W1thout the equ.1p1U.t in queetioa 1\ Wi: be hpoadble t~ the Gov'el'men' to preaent ,ita eY1denoe am requut 1. hue. me.~ therefor to extend the period of the loan t'or an add1 t1cmal at 90 daJa. YQI COOperatiOll 111 the premtae. vill be great.l7 apprecs1ated.


Ff'R' the At to:l"ne7 GeDeNl, , ). '

,~._r. ..8-, 11 eJ~ ..:-.;:1." .•" eCoras- J Chrono. Int. .:3ecuri ty Vi Dcnald 1I. l:cA'W'OY. F~. 110 Weet 4th •. ~ treet, f1a1ntleld, Nov J ereey •

fun Um ted Sta to. v. U.ldred E. ;)1uk, also 191W AA ~'\A4rni f"...1pbetl} 01J,lg.;:a.

The Deplrtment of Juat1ce hu been 1ni'01'Bed that ciu.ring Dece.mber 1946 at ~~1c:h time, in your ottic1al ty, as L':aer.t.0IID Vice Corurul at Frenkt~~n. Ck1'J:l8lV, yw. wre naited bT the wencSant in the above styled CUI. the data1la oE the j,nciden. tle­ ing Nt. forth in a ~ pnpued by you on JeJmArq 22. 1941, a o)w of ~loh 1s herew1th enclosed. .

It la conddered po8s1hlG that; the dtttendant may 8eelt to a def'en •• upon cla1m of exptltr1at1oa anct, in such net. 1fIOr teatimony eonaem1ng the incident au tJ.1nod in yoao meL'!arezsdma wa14 be dae1red on behel.t o£ the Oover.!Jrlfttl t.

It will be a~t.ed U"lW v1ll write to }-!2". loba H. Jr., ~ tq staff, Roan 2724, ~i f4 Justice, lIeaM",.. taD 25, D. e., etat1ng -whether o.r nat 70'1 baM an 1Ddepood4tDt. reaol.- 1eet1oa of the event in questioll, porl.1cu.la1'17, as respeeta M1H aSll.en- cla1m to Un1t.ed Statu citiMDah1p .. o~ De08l1ber 1946.

It u also requested tllat ;you 1urnish 1':1'. Kellq vith 7rMr exaot rea1dence address.

C111'::::);1:). ,r." , ~"'ALELUUlE!1 H. CAt!PBELL. /Assistnnt At~y General. / " Eneloaure No. 4l9S66 DeO«1ber 13, 1948

WilJ1nm T. ;'C~, Esquire, . United States Attorney, Doaton 9, .''.eaae.cilu3etta.

Atten t1.on s .1. ~irtlrur Gsrri t7, Jr., ::.-.aquire, "ps1stant Vw, tg:t. iJtgtes i.t\?rneX.

Rea United statea v. !:1ldred E. Siok, 191oyp PI t~ ruYWth aU'nm. _

'We ore sending by' sepere. te cover Volu:nbe8 5, 6 and 7 of the Stenogreph1.o Record of TeG ~llJ" in the cue ot U.nited .:Jta'... v. But, wbich you forwarded to tMtl otfice OIl Deoem.her 2, 1948, in order to permit copies thereor to be uda. It 1s understood t.":at Vol1.lmM 2, 11 and. 12 at the l'ranserip't vent returned to you sane t1me last week.

Respeot1'Ully ,

For the AttorneY' General,

?.eC'Jrcs V ; _r. ;- elle:l--::1r~. 2721.. Chrono. Int. 2eC1..'ri t~T --:::~u ·na 'Am }J'n.

AU'.NcI lIl. Modantll1. .Eequ1re; tfJd.·ted statea· At1iorDe7 t llOLt.TW ~ .ev IVlJlfq •.

~.~. ~·1Odarell11

Rei D1liteci States T. cl.1ldred !. S1ak. lmow II H31!3m1 5l~.btla Ql]]nD! In 1945· the 1'h1r4 Cbau1. dec1c1ed the eaee ot \lid. \eel , a... Y. ~ *1*18 ~ 1D ~,. (2d)~ It . appMft t!rcD t.ha "PQl" \hat Mr. nacent s. Iall, at Ievuk, lev J..." arped the an to!' tbe Gotenua.n. aDd that Hr. !ban.ted, Vrd.W Statu "'~ lIewfti, It.., J--r, .... the brief. OM upeott of Wa .1eIa .ta or pe.r1& aulal" b ....= .., \0 tho Criaj.l'Dl.ria1oo1Ja 00IIDMt.tca v1* the tortboc-1ac WJ.a1 ~ the cue trftUt.1e4 11l ~ eaptloa hnot, tbat bdIac the ctM1UOIl ... tor1lb •• PoiJa\ 10. 6 .. tbt efteot tbata

.1. !JwIHrlbe4 .DOt.ea ... lIT ...... 1i.:FPe open.tor trOD hIU1J:Ic the NC

~... .. : ~. ~ :~::-~;

, of .. m...... n..,...... -, tba\ U. lute of the ft.jMt1Oll.n1.H4 !Jl tM ...... ~ ~ taota ,..1I.,. ___ ... wbiob...,110\ d1...... _~J.... ,_. eptm.0Il ..,...... to d1ntsapie the ·taeta upcD vhS.oh ". 1'1'0- poee to ott.. "'-1]v mdeDce 1D __ G111 a ra _"-......

X' v1ll b8 "W7 aadl appncd.& ted, tbINtWe. u __ tne. f4 ywz- otttoe .,. be .NI'Cbed to 4.~ ..the ... un 7GU po..... a oopJ' ot ~ nOIII'Cl of ~ iMt.1m..,. 1Jl the 1obaM,...... III __ ..._ tha"t ,. haft .. need, l' ~ be.hU.ptal. it .. aSF' ..... a oow f4 .. Gillan. bnot ...... to ....tiJHIrr iJlo! .... te • i4_~ ... ott.. ja .~ et a..• ~ DO..- ... ..,. 1M .~tne ...... , o1tJ..u... ~ Sa .. ft,,, to .. .tid...... , fteb. DO_ aal ..,-1IImeh 00I1Ita'...... wd4 .... .a... the 1:IuU f4 .. .,.u. aa4. ta.. caan-. r ..... _ advdS", the I .. wul4 &lao be of au1.tanee U lwe& eoal4 ,...._ed...... •• ..". ., .. 1:ft.da...... \W .•. 1aoth. at_, .110. ill 1118 Dl.aW1e. ~ it ...... u ....U- wia ,*. .,1*1- tile· CinId.. c:.n• . ,U·,. ... ~ _looa_ *-~ 6tdn4t.w. lOll ~ ~orrvud tile ... ·M/olla M. 1ell.eT,.lr•• lpeoial Jutnta~ to the. A'....,. a.a.1,. "'1'724.,~ of • __, V~ as. D. c., &ad '\baTv11l be,....,~ ..~ W .,.. eatce. an.z. \lIq law MI •• tluW· pmpcH .....


.. ._, .., ' . , .... ,- .. " : . ~ '. '

'. ',". . ~ : . ' •.J; _...... ,:!\ .. Dlrectol", hderal ~ of Innetisat10n J8Z2:Ua17 10, 1949

~ H. OGIIpbell, Aaautant A~ QeDuoal, Crimi.' ll1vU1oa, tla1 ted states v. !1tl4re4 E. Siak, alo moyn PI1u.l.dnd 11',..* gUleR' Tnuon. llOLLIE The tr1nl at the abaft styled mat tel' 1.a scheduled to ecm­ mence on !<01ldq, .TaJIU817 24. 1949. n. jury lista drmm to sene during t.~e ell81l1Jlg term in the YB1"1owJ Div1a1OZlS ot the District eoun are nt tached hereto. 1'he 1natmlt. case vUl be tried by Judge D:blard H. CUrrant Wo 1a s1tt.1ng in Crf.tdrtftl Court ITo, 2. 1hwI, the jUl'j" list tor Cr1,,""hwl Coort No.2 v.1ll consti tnte the first panel to be called into the box in oonneot1on wi '111 t.his c:aae, It is und.e1- stood that once s:a1d li.t. o£ Juroro baa been ~ted that the bal­ ance o~ :'110 penel will be .f.'rcI!rl the vnrious jury lla1ia eo- cred1 ted to other D1viaiona o£ tho COurt and 1 t is jJnposs1ble to AT 1n uha t order such liata v1ll be aalled up.

Erldenoe to be introduced in the torthcam1ng trial v:Ul include ~ phonograpbio reoardiDga: or broadOtlSta made b7 the 4eteDd­ ant l.'h11e mployed br the Gmaml ClleneIfaTe BBd1o. In all ~ th... broadca.sU, the def'endarlt atreaaea the nnt:1-S«n1t1c aspect or- 0aIaa.n p;roptJgrulde.. In add1 tion theNto, b:tan time to tiu, the defendant gave voice to Y8.t'icwt atatemecta in hal'mon3' ld. tb tJte Nu1 ideoJ.ce!ea.

In the event that there ahouldbe called into the Jur.r beat stme individual vho .. tort:~ a 1*l1ber of the ~oan' llmd. cr a:rv simi] ar Faao1at organilation, tricl. OO1l1lSo1 vould be "ho-1]T un1n!'ormed unless 1 t oen be e.rranged that the am.e.u check the v1tb1Jl llate ot jurara age1 m' ita 1nd1ou of peracma \tho wre fomer17 ..... soc1atecl with :Faaoiut orgen1u.tioM, or lIWIpeote4 at 8lch OC)DtleotiGIUI. It 18 reallaed that the within llats include a large l2Umber ot pro... poct1ve jurors aDd, thus, t~le task o£ oheck1ng Pid llaw ~Mt tha Bureau'l indices U7 1woln a conaiderableamaunt of \lark.

Since moat at the proapect.1ve jurors mq be ~ to have resided in the Diltrlct ot Columbia £or a period or eneral ,, it 18 suggested that :tndicee maintained b.7 tho Waah:l.ngton Field be firat aeanned. W:ew1ee, the first list of jttr01"S to be o~ sboul4 be those llat.ed CIa the renel draw tor CrlciJlll Court. No.2. It v1ll be approeiated, therefore, it the au-eau.'Iill undortake the H&Nh. here1nbe£ore outlJ.ned aDd oomplete ~ same insotar U '!'JJq be poasible in v1ev or the llmite4 Ume avdlAb1e betveGll nov and the date ot trie1. j .. In add1t1c:m to' the learch hereinbefore reque.ted, it.1s CC: iteco:'us dea1red that a.a reapeota tho.. pI'OlIpeot1 ve Jurors l1sted on t.lw pael :·:r. '::~elley Chrono. Int. 3e c-cri ty draw tar Cr1m1nal Court 110. 2, the ouatanLu7 investigation oonoem­ in.1 the re!'U to. t.1on end in tegri t.y as reveal cd by" Cred1 t i3ureaua a.nd ' other rcedj 1y available sources 01' in.t'orma!iion kn "til': cond:i:;.ct t~te ';;ritU 0';" t~:t:; in3t~n:' Ctlse. FOR RELEASE TO p~ M. PAPERS WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1949

DEPARTl1ENT OF. JUSTICE . '~: -';;:::'::':..7;;'::, ':.,;,: ~... ~. ;),,".-,' .' .:.,. " .' .'. .'. ' ... ".",.,~.~.Tlle Just~-Departmentannounced t'oday that 'prosecution .of .Jun.erican -' •. -'.-'~ ,.;L!~U·:-·)~~ .!:.,t ....-:.:i .. i: -./.::.. ~;"..'f :.~::. ''::'.4 .. :,:.:.'. : _',: .' citu,ens for'ox-oadcast1ngactivities over the'!German short-wave radio ., ,:. 4'111 ;i!'l·~J ":.j~. 7:; : ~., : :' ~": : . _,.' _;. ..' .' .. -. . . during the war is continuing with .twotreason trials and one'.granc;ijyry. . ..' . ' .. 'C .~oqeeding .scheduled to, begin this month • •.. .!. ,-'.• I:: ~'·~~.'·.l ~.~;".:::;:..::::.~~.; .. ____ . ,.' ,.' ..' ; .

_.,,' . +:r.i~ of Mildred E. Sisk, alias Gillars, who-;l.denti.fied. hers;~lfin . . . : . .~" l..; :: . ,":- :: ': .:' ~ ... ' •~ ; ; . ',' . . h~ ~roadcasts. .. a~ Axis Sally; will begin in the l,Trlitad St<3:tes ,District . " '. .' . -," \:" .. : -," Court fo~the District of Columb1a'on Janu~,~' 1949. , i

. ~tin ,James Monti,. $0 is charge~fwith haViri~nOwn an;A;rmy Air ; . .. -,:, .' ". [ .... :.. !' ':~ '.;.:'. . . '.' '...... '. .'.! : . . . ,. It:orOf) plan.eam;:oBB the Gex-man lYles; ,jq+nirig. t~' $.,: and ~Qadcasting .. over • ..' '" .' .._ ';_ '-4. . .~ • ~ . " .•.. ,'.1. ____ -'<'-'. ' ·tlJ.~, oerman.:radi~,'· wul' ~~o~~t~'to ~1ai til the E~ter.n Dj;s.trict.of , _. • • - .•• ' •• ~.~ .:' ...:'. : •• ": : _. '...., • ." • , '. '.. " • .' _." : r.' -. ~ .' ". '. New YQrk at Brooklyn on January 17, although actual :p:'oceeclings. a,r~. exw.

, p~c:t;.~4 to ,be d~layed for approximately .two W.6:eka 'awaiting ,the·· arrival of ,'...., -'::--','.... ,.':. '.' . : ... : •••. . .••. . ' ~ .' ...... , _- . . • -~ ".4 . .-...... ," , .' . ~ .. . , .'" .. ,¥es.,·.from.Germany...... '...... ,~.." . .; ·.. ·l;··· . .: " 'f' : .. " • .IIJ. ~q~rdance ~iththa ~o~'stituti~nai reqU1r6!ll$t 'Of ,two witnesses • ~ • '.:'. I. .', ',.:: .. '~ '. :,~. .'., • • • '.~ " • - ... _.-. • to eaoh overt aot of justice Dsp~ent~is .fo~lovd,~K the , - ~.' ~ ...... - .,. . . , ,. " _ p:ocedure .established 1n the cases of Dbuglas ehan91er and..R.ober1#. Henry " ·.".~.~.~st'~, ,bot~ 'C()~~~~.~~:~/~;'~·a;~~·fortlieir ~OO~C~St8

••••• j •• - • '.: .,' ',:,.' :~.;'~:':"::";" '::11"'_"~'~~ .. ""~...J - - ~. • .' ,-~r , broadcasters who are essential witnesses 'the proceeding~ ..

Hans von Richter, a high official of the German radio, ",as broue;ht to

the United States t.o testify in the OaBelJ of Chandler and Best and will, be . ,_._----- a witness in the GUlara and Honti cases. ------~-- .. '1 - • t· ""~ i • t ":' ,~j ~ 1 := ~ J I ~Jv--- '. .: .


Prominent SS officials likewise are necessary witnesses to ·the

allegations in the Monti iridictment which char ge that Monti sought member ....

ship in Hitler's Elite Guard ana was actually issued the· uniform. and

equipnent o:f an SS :ofii~e;> 'Ir '

In this connectiqp G\1nt.ber DJAl.q,uen .and· Hermcln:Rockmann were brought , . ... ~'. . . -., ...... to the United States 1I; $eptember194S to' testify· bef01'e the: grand jury

, ' .. '- :" ".: -' , ,.., "... . which ~dicted Monti .~d w~ aeain' b~ l:Jioo\ight. to the . United States to testify at the time. of the triaL;':

The :c-ases·of ~everal other. Ain.ericans .ch9rged with broadcasting over '. ':. :- .~: .'. -', ,.' . . . . . the Nazi radi.~ have .been underliilvestigiltiou' b1th~·:JustiC'€f De~t ~d it is e~ot~d~h~~. ·~uring:.t~a· O~gye~···seve1:"aJ:·-iridictnlenta will '. . . ~ ; -... ,. , , ...... , be sought ......

. ' Gr.and juryproceeding& .are exPected ·to'· commence'L~ tlie near future . -: ,', ~ . ., . agains~ Herbert Jo~ ~gman, an. American· citizen,.. '. ~ho·has . been ~pprehanded :, '" .... ' . '...... , .'. in Germany: and is. e~eot~~ to b~· bl-rught to the· United States -later this

month to. face. treason charges. . ' .. ': ...... :. . . The first of the treason cases against .broadcasters: over- the Japanese

ractl.o is the case 'ofIv:a ';L'oguri DfAqtiino who was' indi'cted' 'iIi·San Francisco . . . .' . . ~ '"" '. . . in- October' and who~e trial. is -eXpected. to c~oe"±h the near futUre.

. ...~,


. ~ , :. .. _.. ': :t ......


.. ' ,. . I:, ' ...' . - carl J. Yoo-, Jr.,

lSaj or, Sig:nal. Corps, -\~,. Director, stock Control Div1~ion, 981 timon S1gnal Depot, - = Uiddla River, BalUmore 20, Uaryland •

.Dear. f.Ja.1or Yahe:

Ret· lJDit.fld· State3 T. ;.;.1ldred E. ;]1", Rlso known .. I.i1ldred El1sab.rt.h Gillan. Your reterenee - 1.Db/ecU/2S0J Acct.:i1; CV-B-440),)1 3IG!S-1-a.

u reqwssted in 7OUJ' let.ter f4 Janua17 12, 1949,

there 18 enclosed OM oppy at ~ Shipplng Vocunent CV-B­

bhOJJ properly oxecuted b7 an officer ot thi. Department.


For the At.tomq om.r&l,

Aln.AJruER it. (""AUPDELL, Aaa1atant AttorDe)" Oeneral.

lmcloaure ltO. 37S415. cc: Records V Chrono. Tnt. Security Mr. Kelley Dept. Form UB ~tpartment of J ustld

...... ••••• m. District of .~~~~.~~.. m ... m .... mm .. mmm ••

• 8,~J).m~~... P.C .. ~... I.M~ .. ~..... l949...... (Place and date)

THE ATTORNEY GENERALJ Washington, D. C. --anLID Sm: Authority to incur the following-described expense is hereby respectfully requ~ In re: Ullm SUTES V, MILDRID E. GILLARB - Ireason - 146-7=51-1708

To J1I9' GJ:IO"JW. !'.LJ:C'rRIC SUPPLY OOBPORATION of 1)30 Hew York .Ave., N. W., waah1.n(ton.D

fori #19-2 Cond. maide Telephone Wire Brown - 500 - 24.10/_ $1..20 #lJ!-2 Cond PU8S*BOlll RipCord-BrolIn '00 1.'0/0 .75 12 luraon Staples )00 .17/C .n ,~ Reeepta 2 .18 .36 em 2381 Slritc he. 2 .38 .76 25"-00 120V LuIp. 1 .40 •.40 2,A/or 120 , tup. 1 .40 ,49 (Buppll•• UHd. in conneotion with the above tr1al) fotal. Estimated total expense, $ ..... A!.~ ...... Contract No. . . • ......

-.... --...... m.... m...... n·D~·(~tfOiit .. ······ji.·.ii;··.. ii" •• or" • • • •• ~ • Ch1.t, IIR.... ] s.oanv leot1on, Cri-1u-] Dt.rta1oa NOTE; Unless the instructions on the reverse hereof are fully complied with, this request wtll be returned without action. (Do not use this form for authority to incur expense of p , ,... L./--'- - 7- 0-/-/ ., \ , ,< I~ SoO DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE .- O~~~ ;n~.q::NT fir JUSTICE "II . -1., WASHINGTON. D. C. ;-_____-, etl'\l~' rch i¥~RJ.~~ i 949 '--~ ______.....II j'I} DIVISION uF RECORDS I_Approved: Sll . ' Admin. A!>-st. to T P • You are authorized to incur the above expense. ry: ~ _ I: . .r ~. DIV. Of ACCOUNTS / / 'ED! '~,T'T" R '., -11'.lE NAL SECCRITv. ··t

?,~OITJU5IT2~I Dept. Fonn 25 B J)tpartmtnt of 3fustiu

. 'l'aab1ngtm ___ District of __ .Colnmtda ______. ____ m ______• __•

---4anu&.rT-.~~~~)------. The ATTORNEY GENERAL, Washington, D. C. Sm: Authority to incur the following-described expense is hereby respectfully requested: Nature of expense: (Describe fully, explaining the necessity-if for personal services giving proposed rate of pay, probable duration of employment etc.)

tb1.ted State. v. ;1Udred E. D.J. lflle #14o.-'{-51-1'/08

Purchaae of one daily copy of' transcript o:f testimony in the trta.l. of the subjm .. CU4l.frazl Ernest 13rklnll.tar, Offi.C1al Court. RapoJ:"'ter, Tfiisb1ttgtan, D. C.. at 00; per page, such copy be:1ng ~·to pt'OpM' process. tIJ Q .... ",. '-'. -"-'~..I;I." D"OLLI . CIl tIJ . ~ " - -: ) ~} -! j [ (" .' .; " ::: ; I: ': :; '" . . , ~ . , ~. _."l . '1 ':-' )'~ ',: ... :' It ~ "'.' ,. Z o Est~te4~~9ta.le~pse:.~tl5Ct'.oo:- :::-:: .:;!''li ':::j .:; .. - ';~"ll :c~; •. 1: "'7') .. " '>;;~~r'1iJ;~~ ;}l:'l' CIl (a) Personal compensatioIL______$------:------..J(JB--ll.--mtIXl'~--JR..------

Z ';>'''' J .•.• .~ o (b). Persona 1 expenses ______" ')'.... "\', -v," -",,~~ '.'~l" - ....