Bibliographical Index
Bibliographical Index BIBLIOGRAPHICAL ACCESS TO THIS VOLUME Bacon, Roger. Opus Majus. 305, 322, 345 Basil, Saint. Homilies. 328 Three modes of access to bibliographical information are used Bede, the Venerable. De natura rerum. 137 in this volume: the footnotes; the bibliographies; and the Bib ---. De temporum ratione. 321 liographical Index. The footnotes provide the full form of a reference the first Cassiodorus. Institutiones divinarum et saecularium time it is cited in each chapter with short-title versions in litterarum. 172, 255, 259, 261 subsequent citations. In each of the short-title references, the Cato the Elder. Origines. 205 note number of the fully cited work is given in parentheses. Censorinus. De die natalie 255 The bibliographies following each chapter provide a selec Chaucer, Geoffrey. Prologue to the Canterbury Tales. 387 tive list of major books and articles relevant to its subject Cicero. Arataea (translation of Aratus's versification of matter. Eudoxus's Phaenomena). 143 The Bibliographical Index comprises a complete list, ar ---. Letters to Atticus. 255 ranged alphabetically by author's name, of all works cited in ---. De natura deorum. 160,168 the footnotes. Numbers in bold type indicate the pages on --. The Republic. 159, 160, 255 which references to these works can be found. This index is ---. Tusculan Disputations. 160 divided into two parts. The first part identifies the texts of Cleomedes. De motu circulari. 152, 154, 169 classical and medieval authors. The second part lists the mod Cosmas Indicopleustes. Christian Topography. 143, 144, ern literature. 261 Ctesias of Cnidus. Indica. 149 TEXTS OF CLASSICAL AND MEDIEVAL ---. Persica. 149 AUTHORS Dicuil.
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