LOOE COMMUNITY NEWS February - March 2017 100th Edition Cover Photo by Peter King Published by Looe Development Trust for Looe and surrounding parishes crabb pot_Layout 1 21/05/2014 14:21 Page 1 AAnn,nn, MMicky,icky, && BBryonyryony wwelcomeelcome yyouou ttoo T Thehe C Crabbrabb P Potot f oforr i ninteriors,teriors, l ilighting,ghting, s softoft f ufurnishings,rnishings, ddiningining aandnd kkitchen,itchen, wwallall aartrt aandnd mmirrors,irrors, jejewellerywellery a andnd c craftsrafts f rfromom C Cornwallornwall a andnd t hthee S Southouth W West,est, wwoodenooden ttoys,oys, aandnd sstylishtylish sseasideeaside ggifts.ifts. CCards,ards, w wrappingrapping p paper,aper, a andnd g giftift t otokenskens a alsolso a available.vailable. TThehe CCrabbrabb PPot,ot, HHigherigher MMarketarket S Street,treet, E Eastast L Looe,ooe, P PL13L13 1 1BSBS t: 0150301503 598356598356 e:
[email protected]@gmail.com www.thecrabbpot.co.ukw: www.thecrabbpot.co . u k and an dfind find usus oonn FFacebookacebook 01503 263206 NEWS FROM THE EAST LOOE TOWN TRUST The Seafront Watchtower: Viability Study On Restoration The Trust has decided to begin a viability study to assess the work that would be required to restore the Watchtower on the East Looe seafront. The Old Lifeboat Shed and Watchtower is a Grade 2 listed building which has played an important role in Looe’s seafaring history since the first lifeboat was dedicated 150 years ago. Sadly, after years of trying to counter the effects of its challenging environment, the Trust was forced to separate the Watchtower from the adjoining Lifeboat Shed, which is operated as a retail shop.