
Atascosa Mountains Elegant Census (Canyon Transect) Observer ______Territory ______Date ______Phone ______e-mail ______For use in areas where you are moving through a canyon or drainage the entire survey time Time Sex(es) and #of UTMs or Distance Notes – please note behavior, if nest found include Trogons from Starting Point tree etc. Describe interactions and call types and elevation

Total # of Trogons (seen/heard):______Pairs:______Males: ______Females: ______Name______Territory______Date______

Trogon Transect Checklist – please estimate numbers (your wildest guess is better than an X)

______Gambel’s Quail ______Black Phoebe ______Lucy’s Warbler ______Montezuma Quail ______Say’s Phoebe ______MacGillivray’s Warbler ______Vermilion Flycatcher ______Yellow Warbler ______Turkey Vulture ______Dusky-capped Flycatcher ______Black-throated Gray Warbler ______Black Vulture ______Ash-throated Flycatcher ______Townsend’s Warbler ______Brown-crested Flycatcher ______Hermit Warbler ______Cooper’s Hawk ______Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher ______Wilson’s Warbler ______Zone-tailed Hawk ______Cassin’s Kingbird ______Painted Redstart ______Gray Hawk ______Western Kingbird ______Red-tailed Hawk ______Thick-billed Kingbird ______Yellow-breasted Chat ______Golden Eagle ______Plumbeous Vireo ______Hepatic Tanager ______Peregrine Falcon ______Cassin’s Vireo ______Summer Tanager ______American Kestrel ______Hutton’s Vireo ______Western Tanager ______Warbling Vireo ______White-winged Dove ______Bell’s Vireo ______Spotted Towhee ______Mourning Dove ______Canyon Towhee ______Loggerhead Shrike ______Rufous-crowned Sparrow ______Greater Roadrunner ______Mexican Jay ______Chipping Sparrow ______Common Raven ______Lark Sparrow ______Western Screech- ______Rufous-winged Sparrow ______Whiskered Screech-Owl ______Violet-green Swallow ______Great Horned Owl ______Barn Swallow ______Northern Cardinal ______Northern Pygmy-Owl ______Pyrrhuloxia ______Elf Owl ______Bridled Titmouse ______Black-headed Grosbeak ______Blue Grosbeak ______Verdin ______Common Poorwill ______Lazuli Bunting ______Mexican Whip-Poor-Will ______Bushtit ______Varied Bunting ______Lesser Nighthawk ______White-breasted Nuthatch ______Bronzed Cowbird ______White-throated Swift ______Brown-headed Cowbird ______Rock Wren ______Hooded Oriole ______Broad-billed Hummingbird ______Canyon Wren ______Bullock’s Oriole ______Anna’s Hummingbird ______Bewick’s Wren ______Scott’s Oriole ______Black-chinned Hummingbird ______House Wren ______Costa’s Hummingbird ______Cactus Wren ______House Finch

______Ruby-crowned Kinglet ______Lesser Goldfinch ______Elegant Trogon ______Pine Siskin ______Blue-gray Gnatcatcher ______Acorn Woodpecker ______Black-tailed Gnatcatcher Additional Species:

______Ladder-backed Woodpecker ______Arizona Woodpecker ______Northern Mockingbird ______Northern Flicker ______Curve-billed Thrasher ______Gila Woodpecker ______Crissal Thrasher ______

______Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet ______Eastern Bluebird ______Western Wood-Pewee ______Swainson’s ______Hermit Thrush ______Greater Pewee ______Hammond’s Flycatcher ______Dusky Flycatcher _____Phainopepla ______

______Olive-sided Flycatcher ______“Western” Flycatcher (PSFL/COFL) ______Pacific-slope Flycatcher Total number of bird species detected:______