WWW 2011 – Session: E-commerce March 28–April 1, 2011, Hyderabad, India Towards a Theory Model for Product Search∗ Beibei Li Anindya Ghose Panagiotis G. Ipeirotis
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Department of Information, Operations, and Management Sciences Leonard N. Stern School of Business, New York University New York, New York 10012, USA ABSTRACT aproductis different from the process of finding a relevant With the growing pervasiveness of the Internet, online search document or object. Customers do not simply seek to find for products and services is constantly increasing. Most product something relevant to their search, but also try to identify the search engines are based on adaptations of theoretical models “best” deal that satisfies their specific desired criteria. Of course, devised for information retrieval. However, the decision mecha- it is difficult to quantify the notion of “best” product without nism that underlies the process of buying a product is different trying to understand what the users are optimizing. than the process of locating relevant documents or objects. Today’s product search engines provide only rudimentary We propose a theory model for product search based on ranking facilities for search results, typically using a single rank- expected utility theory from economics. Specifically, we propose ing criterion such as name, price, best selling (volume of sales), a ranking technique in which we rank highest the products that or more recently, using customer review ratings. This approach generate the highest surplus, after the purchase. In a sense, the has quite a few shortcomings. First, it ignores the multidimen- top ranked products are the “best value for money”foraspecific sional preferences of consumers.