DOCUMENT RESUME ED 041 428 EC 006 107 TITLE Exceptional Children Media Reviews Reprint. INSTITUTION Council for Exceptional Children, Arlington, Va. PUB DATE 68 NOTE 59p. JOURNAL CIT Reprinted from Exceptional Children, September 1968 - April 1970 EDRS PRICE EDRS Price MF-$0.50 HC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS Annotated Bibliographies, Audiovisual Aids, Bibliographies, Educational Methods, *Exceptional Child Education, Films, *Handicapped Children, Instructional Materials, *Instructional Media, *Literature Reviews ABSTRACT Forty-nine books, films, and tapes are reviewed in various areas of special education. Authors' comments on the reviews are frequently included. (JD) .-es. Exceptional Children 2Media Reviews Reprint September 1968-Apri11970 Reprinted from EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN September 1968- April 1970 Media Reviews VOLUME 35 September 1968 The Modification of Stuttering. Eugene J. Brut- to the two process theory. Chapter IV, "A ten and Donald J. Shoemaker. Englewood Cliffs, Theory for the Modification of Stuttering," New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1967. 148 pp. $5.50. deals with extinction of classically conditioned responses and of instrumental responses. Chap- This book is intended to acquaint both the ter V, "Clinical Procedures for the Modifica- college student and the professional speech pathologist with the learning theories around tion of Stuttering," is 49 pages long or about which current thinking about stuttering has one-third of the book. One of the first pro- been structured, with the data important to cedures described is the obtaining of critical the fundamental predictions of these the- factors; which evoke negative emotion in the ories, and with a two-process theory of learn- patient. The techniques of therapy are in terms ing that seems promising for both the the- oretical integration of the data on stuttering of inhibition of negative emotional responses, and the therapeutic modification of it.
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