b CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE'S SERVICE SCRUTINY SUB-COMMITTEE Date and Time: Thursday, 19 January 2012 7.00 pm Venue: Room 8, Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, SW2 1RW Contact for enquiries: Website: Jacqueline Davy www.lambeth.gov.uk/committee Democratic Services Officer Tel/Voicemail: 020 7926 2167 Lambeth Council – Democracy Live Fax: 020 7926 2361 on Facebook Email:
[email protected] http://www.facebook.com/ Governance and Democracy @LBLdemocracy on Twitter Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, http://twitter.com/LBLdemocracy London, SW2 1RW To tweet about Council agendas, minutes or meetings use #Lambeth Despatched: Wednesday, 11 January 2012 COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Councillors BEST (Vice-Chair), COSGRAVE, HARRISON (Chair), MORGAN and MORRIS CO-OPTED MEMBERS : Voting education representatives [4] Paulette Roberts, Paul Ebanks, Ms Barbara Lane and Vacancy 1 SUBSTITUTE MEMBERS: Councillors CAMERON, GIESS, MEMERY, OGDEN, J.WHELAN and Vacancy2 AGENDA PLEASE NOTE THAT THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA MAY BE CHANGED AT THE MEETING Page Nos. 1. Declarations of Interest 2. Minutes (06.09.11) 1 - 10 To approve the minutes of the meeting of 6 September 2011 as a correct record of the proceedings. 3. Scrutiny of the draft revenue and capital budgets 2012/13 - 11 - 224 2014/15 for the Children and Young People's Service (All Wards) (Report No. 255/11-12) Contact: Jason Preece, Head of Strategic Planning and Performance, CYPS, 020 7926 8157,
[email protected] Young people have been invited to the meeting to comment on the budget proposals. 4. 2011/2012 Budget Reductions Monitoring and Reporting 225 - 240 (All Wards) (Report No.